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We propose improvements in the “non-local” parameterization scheme of the convective boundary layer. The countergradient terms for components of the momentum fluxes are introduced in a form analogous to those for other scalars. The scheme also includes explicit expressions for entrainment fluxes of momentum, temperature, and humidity. A simplified procedure for calculating the boundary-layer height is proposed, consisting of two steps: the evaluation of the convection level, followed by the assessment of the depth of the interfacial layer.  相似文献   

Numerical Simulation of Roll Vortices in the Convective Boundary Layer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Roll vortices,which often appear when cold air outbreaks over warm ocean surfaces,are an important system for energy and substance exchange between the land surface and atmosphere.Numerical simulations were carried out in the study to simulate roll vortices in the convective boundary layer(CBL).The results indicate,that with proper atmospheric conditions,such as thermal instability in the CBL,stable stratification in the overlying layer and suitable wind shear,and a temperature jump between the two layers in a two-layer atmosphere,convective bands appear after adding initial pulses in the atmosphere.The simulated flow and temperature fields presented convective bands in the horizontal and roll vortices in the crosswind section. The structure of the roll vortices were similar to those observed in the cloud streets,as well as those from analytical solutions.Simulations also showed the influence of depth and instability strength of the CBL, as well as the stratification above the top of the CBL,on the orientation spacing and strength of the roll vortices.The fluxes caused by the convective rolls were also investigated,and should perhaps be taken into account when explaining the surface energy closure gap in the CBL.  相似文献   

We present a scheme for parameterising scalar transfer in the urban boundary layer, which is divided into an inertial layer and a roughness layer. The latter is further divided into a shear layer and a canyon layer. In the inertial layer, scalar transfer is determined by turbulence related to canyon macroscopic features, while in the roughness layer, it is determined by shear-generated turbulence, canyon vortex and vortex-generated turbulence. We first describe a conceptual model for the canyon flow and the aerodynamic resistance network, and then estimate the resistances from the point of view of drag partition and vortex advection. The results are compared with the measurements from wind-tunnel experiments. It is found that for small canyon aspect ratio, σc, the transfer velocity increases with σc, reaching a maximum at around σc=0.5 and then decreases with σc. We also show that the scheme is not sensitive to adjustable parameters  相似文献   

For the presentation and analysis of atmospheric boundary-layer (ABL) data, scales are used to non-dimensionalise the observed quantities and independent variables. Usually, the ABL height, surface sensible heat flux and surface scalar flux are used. This works well, so long as the absolute values of the entrainment ratio for both the scalar and temperature are similar. The entrainment ratio for temperature naturally ranges from −0.4 to −0.1. However, the entrainment ratio for passive scalars can vary widely in magnitude and sign. Then the entrainment flux becomes relevant as well. The only customary scalar scale that takes into account both the surface flux and the entrainment flux is the bulk scalar scale, but this scale is not well-behaved for large negative entrainment ratios and for an entrainment ratio equal to −1. We derive a new scalar scale, using previously published large-eddy simulation results for the convective ABL. The scale is derived under the constraint that scaled scalar variance profiles are similar at those heights where the variance producing mechanisms are identical (i.e., either near the entrainment layer or near the surface). The new scale takes into account that scalar variance in the ABL is not only related to the surface flux of that scalar, but to the scalar entrainment flux as well. Furthermore, it takes into account that the production of variance by the entrainment flux is an order of magnitude larger than the production of variance by the surface flux (per unit flux). Other desirable features of the new scale are that it is always positive (which is relevant when scaling standard deviations) and that the scaled variances are always of order 1–10.  相似文献   

A laboratory study of scalar diffusion in the convective boundary layer has found results that are consistent with a 1999 large-eddy simulation (LES) study by Jonker, Duynkerke and Cuijpers. For bottom-up and top-down scalars (introduced as ‘infinite’ area sources of passive tracer at the surface and inversion, respectively) the dominant length scale was found to be much larger than the length scale for density fluctuations, the latter being equal to the boundary-layer depth h. The variance of the normalized passive scalar grew continuously with time and its magnitude was about 3–5 times larger for the top-down case than for the bottom-up case. The vertical profiles of the normalized passive scalar variance were found to be approximately constant through the convective boundary layer (CBL) with a value of about 3–8c*2 for bottom-up and 10–50c*2 for top-down diffusion. Finally, there was some evidence of a minimum in the variance and dominant length scale for scalar flux ratios (top-down to bottom-up flux) close to −0.5. All these convection tank results confirm the LES results and support the hypothesis that there is a distinct difference in behaviour between the dynamic and passive variables in the CBL.  相似文献   

A simple model of the convective (thermal) internalboundary layer has been developed for climatologicalstudies of air-sea-ice interaction, where in situobservations are scarce and first-order estimates ofsurface heat fluxes are required. It is amixed-layer slab model, based on a steady-statesolution of the conservation of potentialtemperature equation, assuming a balance betweenadvection and turbulent heat-flux convergence. Boththe potential temperature and the surface heat fluxare allowed to vary with fetch, so the subsequentboundary-layer modification alters the fluxconvergence and thus the boundary-layer growth rate.For simplicity, microphysical and radiativeprocesses are neglected.The model is validated using several case studies.For a clear-sky cold-air outbreak over a coastalpolynya the observed boundary-layer heights,mixed-layer potential temperatures and surface heatfluxes are all well reproduced. In other cases,where clouds are present, the model still capturesmost of the observed boundary-layer modification,although there are increasing discrepancies withfetch, due to the neglected microphysical andradiative processes. The application of the model toclimatological studies of air-sea interaction withincoastal polynyas is discussed.  相似文献   

Surface Heterogeneity and Vertical Structure of the Boundary Layer   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  

An extensive meteorological dataset obtained from the plumevalidation experiment conducted by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) atKincaid during 1980–1981 is analysed for studying the characteristic differences in thesurface-layer parameters in strong and weak wind stable conditions. The surface-layerparameters are computed using the similarity functions m and h proposed byBeljaars and Holtslag. The weak winds are characterized using the geostrophic wind speedas well as the wind speed at the 10-m level. The surface fluxes are found to be finitein weak wind conditions.Empirical formulations for the eddy diffusivities of momentum(KM) and heat (KH), and drag (CD) and heat exchange (CH) coefficients, as powerlaw functions of the bulk Richardson number (RiB), are proposed under both strong andweak wind conditions. Results are close to those based on observations taken from the IndianInstitute of Technology low wind diffusion experiment, the Land surface processes experiment,the Hanford diffusion experiment, the Cabauw field experiment and the Cooperative Atmospheric SurfaceExchange Study 1999 (CASES-99) experiment. In addition, the fluxes obtained fromthe proposed empirical relations are in good agreement with those based on similarity theory as wellas the turbulence measurements taken from the CASES-99 experiment.  相似文献   

Over the past 15 years atmospheric surface-layer experiments over heterogeneous canopies have shown that the vertical transfer of sensible heat and water vapour exhibit a strong dissimilarity. In particular, the sensible-heat-to-water-vapour transport efficiencies generally exceed unity. One of the main consequences is that evaporation (latent heat flux) computed by the flux-variance method is overestimated, as persistently demonstrated by comparisons with evaporation obtained with the eddy-correlation method. Various authors proposed to take into account the temperature–humidity dissimilarity to extend the applicability of the flux-variance method in order to compute evaporation from non-uniform surfaces. They attempted to connect the sensible-heat-to-water-vapour transport efficiency (λ) to the correlation coefficient between temperature and humidity turbulent fluctuations (R Tq ). This approach was found to be successful over ‘wet’ surfaces for which λ can be approximated by R Tq and ‘dry’ surfaces for which λ can be approximated by 1/R Tq . However, no solution has been proposed until now for intermediate hydrological conditions. We investigated this question using eddy-correlation measurements above and inside a pine forest canopy. For both levels, our data present a strong likeness with previously published results over heterogeneous surfaces. In particular, they confirm that λ is R Tq in wet conditions and 1/R Tq in dry conditions. Moreover, we defined the range of the Bowen ratio (Bo) values for which those two approximations are valid (below 0.1 and greater than 1, respectively) and established a relationship between λ, R Tq and Bo for the intermediate range of Bo. We are confident that this new parameterization will enlarge the applicability of the flux-variance method to all kinds of heterogeneous surfaces in various hydrological conditions  相似文献   

An important challenge in large-eddy simulationsof the atmospheric boundarylayer is the specification of the subgrid-scale(SGS) model coefficient(s)and, in particular, how to account for factorssuch as position in the flow,grid/filter scale and atmospheric stability.A dynamic SGS model (thatassumes scale invariance of the coefficients)is implemented in simulationsof a neutral boundary layer with a constantand uniform surface flux of apassive scalar. Results from our simulationsshow evidence that the lumpedcoefficient in the eddy-diffusion modelcomputed with the dynamic proceduredepends on scale. This scale dependence isstronger near the surface, and itis more important for the scalar than for thevelocity field (Smagorinskycoefficient) due to the stronger anisotropicbehaviour of scalars. Based onthese results, a new scale-dependent dynamicmodel is developed for theeddy-diffusion lumped coefficient. The newmodel, which is similar to theone proposed earlierfor the Smagorinsky coefficient,is fully dynamic, thus not requiring anyparameter specification or tuning.Simulations with the scale-dependent dynamicmodel yield the expected trendsof the coefficients as functions of positionand filter/grid scale.Furthermore, in the surface layer the newmodel gives improved predictionsof mean profiles and turbulence spectra ascompared with the traditionalscale-invariant dynamic model.  相似文献   

A theoretical approach suggests that the surface heterogeneity on a scale of tens of kilometres can generate mesoscale motions that are not in a quasi-stationary state. The starting point of the theoretical approach is the equations of horizontal velocity and potential temperature that are low-pass filtered with a mesoscale cut-off wavelength. The transition of the generated mesoscale motions from a quasi-stationary state to a non-stationary state occurs when horizontal advection is strong enough to level out the potential temperature gradient on the surface heterogeneity scale. Large-eddy simulations (LES) suggest that the convective boundary layer (CBL) changes to a non-stationary state when forced by a surface heat-flux variation of amplitude of 100W m−2 or higher and a wavelength of the order of 10 km. Spectral analysis of the LES reveals that when the mesoscale motions are in a quasi-stationary state, the energy provided by the surface heat-flux variation remains in organized mesoscale motions on the scale of the surface variation itself. However, in a non-stationary state, the energy cascades to smaller scales, with the cascade extending down into the turbulence scale when the wavelength of the surface heat-flux variation is on a scale smaller than 100 times the CBL height. The energy transfer from the generated mesoscale motions to the CBL turbulence results in the absence of a spectral gap between the two scales. The absence of an obvious spectral gap between the generated mesoscale motions and the turbulence raises questions about the applicability of mesoscale models for studies on the effect of high-amplitude surface heterogeneity on a scale of tens of kilometres. The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

We have developed a simple, steady-state, one-dimensional second-order closure model to obtain continuous profiles of turbulent fluxes and mean concentrations of non-conserved scalars in a convective boundary layer without shear. As a basic tool we first set up a model for conserved species with standard parameterizations. This leads to formulations for profiles of the turbulent diffusivity and the ratio of temperature-scalar covariance to the flux of the passive scalar. The model is then extended to solving, in terms of profiles of mean concentrations and fluxes, the NO x –O3 triad problem. The chemical reactions involve one first-order reaction, the destruction of NO2 with decay time τ, and one second-order reaction, the destruction of NO and O3 with the reaction constant k. Since the fluxes of the sum concentrations of NO x = NO + NO2 and O3 + NO2 turn out to be constant throughout the boundary layer, the problem reduces to solving two differential equations for the concentration and the flux of NO2. The boundary conditions are the three surface fluxes and the fluxes at the top of the boundary layer, the last obtained from the entrainment velocity, and the concentration differences between the free troposphere and the top of the boundary layer. The equations are solved in a dimensionless form by using 1/() as the concentration unit, the depth h of the boundary layer as the length unit, the convective velocity scale w * as the velocity unit, and the surface temperature flux divided by w * as the temperature unit. Special care has been devoted to the inclusion of the scalar–scalar covariance between the concentrations of O3 and NO. Sample calculations show that the fluxes of the reactive species deviate significantly from those of non-reactive species. Further, the diffusivities, defined by minus the flux divided by the concentration gradient may become negative for reactive species in contrast to those of non-reactive species, which in the present model are never negative.  相似文献   

Standard deviations for vertical velocity and scalar quantities, such as temperature, T, and specific humidity, q, were analyzed on the basis of Monin-Obukhov (M-O) similarity theory in the atmospheric surface layer. The correlation coefficient between scalar quantities T and q, RTq, was derived from the similarity functions and can be expressed as the ratio of BT/Bq (BT≤ Bq), where parameter B is the value of the normalized standard deviation of any scalar quantity at neutral conditions.  相似文献   

We perform large-eddy simulation (LES) of a moderately convective atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) using a prognostic subfilter-scale (SFS) model obtained by truncating the full conservation equations for the SFS stresses and fluxes. The truncated conservation equations contain production mechanisms that are absent in eddy-diffusivity closures and, thus, have the potential to better parametrize the SFS stresses and fluxes. To study the performance of the conservation-equation-based SFS closure, we compare LES results from the surface layer with observations from the Horizontal Array Turbulence Study (HATS) experiment. For comparison, we also show LES results obtained using an eddy-diffusivity closure. Following past studies, we plot various statistics versus the non-dimensional parameter, Λ w /Δ, where Λ w is the wavelength corresponding to the peak in the vertical velocity spectrum and Δ is the filter width. The LES runs are designed using different domain sizes, filter widths and surface fluxes, in order to replicate partly the conditions in the HATS experiment. Our results show that statistics from the different LES runs collapse reasonably and exhibit clear trends when plotted against Λ w /Δ. The trends exhibited by the production terms in the modelled SFS conservation equations are qualitatively similar to those seen in the HATS data with the exception of SFS buoyant production, which is underpredicted. The dominant production terms in the modelled SFS stress and flux budgets obtained from LES are found to approach asymptotically constant values at low Λ w /Δ. For the SFS stress budgets, we show that several of these asymptotes are in good agreement with their corresponding theoretical values in the limit Λ w /Δ → 0. The modelled SFS conservation equations yield trends in the mean values and fluctuations of the SFS stresses and fluxes that agree better with the HATS data than do those obtained using an eddy-diffusivity closure. They, however, underpredict considerably the level of SFS anisotropy near the wall when compared to observations, which could be a consequence of the shortcomings in the model used for the pressure destruction terms. Finally, we address the computational cost incurred due to the use of additional prognostic equations.  相似文献   

姜晓飞  刘奇俊  马占山 《气象》2015,41(8):921-931
在GRAPES全球模式云方案中加入浅对流卷出过程和边界层云对云水(冰)、云量的影响,改进模式低云预报,模拟比较改进前后预报结果,并与CERES(云和地球辐射能量系统)及YOTC(热带对流年科学计划)资料进行对比分析。结果表明:考虑浅对流卷出过程和边界层云后,主要增加了模式700 hPa以下低云量及低云中液态水凝物含量,改进后的结果与实际观测更接近。其中边界层层积云主要影响大气边界层顶附近较薄的一层云,影响厚度不超过200 hPa,浅对流卷出过程对云水和云量大小的影响与边界层云相当,而影响厚度则更广,对地面到700 hPa间的低云都会产生一定影响。进一步研究表明,由于低云预报的改进促进了地表和大气层顶云长短波辐射强迫的预报,云的辐射强迫得以增加。  相似文献   

We quantify the role of the convective buoyant structures and the remainder turbulence, here called background turbulence, in the convective atmospheric boundary layer in horizontally homogeneous, dry and barotropic conditions. Three filtering methods to separate the structures and the background turbulence are first evaluated. These are: short-time averaging, Fourier filtering and proper orthogonal decomposition. The Fourier method turns out to be the most appropriate for the present purpose. The decomposition is applied to two cases: one with no mean flow and another with moderate mean wind speed. It is shown that roughly 85 % of the vertical flux of the potential temperature and about 72 % of the kinetic energy is carried by the structures in the mixed layer in both cases. The corresponding percentage for the potential temperature variance is 81 % in the zero mean-wind case and 76 % in the moderate mean-wind case. The structures are responsible for as much as 94 % of the momentum flux in the mixed layer of the moderate mean-wind case. In the surface layer the background turbulence is generally more important than the structure contribution in both cases. The budget of the potential temperature flux is analyzed in detail and it is shown that its turbulent transport term is mostly built up by the structures but also the interaction between the structures and the background turbulence plays a significant role. The other important budget terms are shown to be dominated by the structures except for the pressure–temperature gradient covariance.  相似文献   

Analytical solutions of convective waves in the convective boundary layer (CBL) were obtained with two-layer linearized atmospheric equations including Rayleigh friction, which represents the turbulent viscosity in the lower CBL. The analytical model shows that the interaction between the convection in the lower layer and gravity waves in the upper layer is one of the causes for the formation of convective bands. The flow and temperature fields obtained by the analytical model present the main characteristics of convective bands found in field observations. We have also investigated the influences of atmospheric conditions on the characteristics of the bands. Results accord with previous knowledge about these phenomena.  相似文献   

The Louis scheme for calculating the vertical eddy fluxes within the atmospheric surface layer is improved by broadening the original assumptions. In our approach, the momentum and heat transfer roughness lengths (z0 and zT respectively) can be different, and z0 need not be negligibly small compared with the lowest height (z) in modelling. For these conditions, we choose more consistent wind and potential temperature profile forms, then derive new algorithms for calculating fluxes. Improvement is demonstrated for a wide range of z/L (L is the Obukhov length), z/z0 and z0 zT, by comparing these fluxes with those derived from a theoretical surface-layer model. The improved algorithms can be used in atmospheric modelling systems for more varied surfaces and a wide range of atmospheric stability.  相似文献   

A Lagrangian Decorrelation Time Scale in the Convective Boundary Layer   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A new method for deriving the Lagrangian decorrelation time scales for inhomogeneous turbulence is described. The expression for the time scales here derived for the convective boundary layer is compared to those estimated by Hanna during the Phoenix experiment. Then the values of C0, the Lagrangian velocity structure function constant, and of Bi, the Lagrangian velocity spectrum constant, were evaluated from the Eulerian velocity spectra and from the Lagrangian time scales derived, under unstable conditions, from Taylor's statistical diffusion theory. The numerical coefficient of the lateral and vertical Lagrangian spectra in the inertial subrange was found equal to 0.21, in good agreement with previous experimental estimates.  相似文献   

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