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采用特异性引物对中华刺鳅基因组DNA进行扩增和测序,获得了江苏省5个湖泊的中华刺鳅种群线粒体cyt b基因767 bp的序列.分析表明,cyt b基因中A+T含量略高于G+C含量,144个中华刺鳅共获得cyt b基因单倍型28个,变异位点38个,其中单倍型Hap1分布最为广泛,可能为祖先型单倍型.平均单倍型多样性和平均核苷酸多样性指数分别为0.58751和0.00214,遗传多样性较低.群体间遗传分化系数为0.0356,绝大多数的遗传变异都来自群体内部,而群体间的遗传分化极小.构建的系统进化树未出现明显的以单个湖泊群体的聚簇,5个湖泊的种群间基因交流极其强烈.研究结果表明,当前5个湖泊的中华刺鳅遗传多样性水平比较低,亟待加强保护.  相似文献   

张壹萱  张玉超  周雯  张民  马荣华 《湖泊科学》2018,30(6):1681-1692
固有光学特性是水体光学特性的重要内容,掌握富营养化湖泊水体内典型水华蓝藻的固有光学特性,是开展不同水华蓝藻遥感识别的理论基础.利用AC-S吸收衰减仪、BB9后向散射仪,通过实验室纯藻培养,研究微囊藻(Microcystis)、鱼腥藻(Dolichospermum)和束丝藻(Aphanizomenon)3种典型水华蓝藻的固有光学特性,并探讨色素浓度、色素占比以及藻类等效粒径对不同水华蓝藻固有光学特性的影响.结果表明,3种典型水华蓝藻的吸收光谱曲线均具有440、620和675 nm吸收峰,微囊藻620和675 nm的比吸收系数最大,鱼腥藻440 nm处的比吸收系数最大;束丝藻单位色素浓度的散射和后向散射能力最高,鱼腥藻次之,微囊藻最低;固有光学特性影响因子分析表明,色素浓度和藻蓝素占比是影响3种水华蓝藻固有光学特性的主要因素.3种蓝藻的吸收系数、散射系数以及鱼腥藻、束丝藻的后向散射系数均随着色素浓度(叶绿素a或藻蓝素)的增加而增大;当蓝藻中藻蓝素占比增加时,3种蓝藻的单位色素浓度的后向散射系数逐渐下降;而藻细胞粒径与固有光学特性之间并未表现出很好的相关性.因此,3种水华蓝藻单位色素浓度的固有光学特性将为典型水华蓝藻的遥感识别提供重要的理论基础和数据支持.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton and zooplankton were monitored during 2 years in four eutrophic shallow lakes (two turbid and two clear water) from two wetland reserves in Belgium. In each wetland, phytoplankton biomass was significantly higher in the turbid lake than in the clear water lake. Although total macrozooplankton biomass and the contribution of daphnids to total zooplankton biomass was comparable in the clear water and the turbid lakes, the grazing pressure of macrozooplankton on phytoplankton as estimated from zooplankton to phytoplankton biomass ratios was higher in the clear water lakes. Estimated grazing by daphnids in the clear water lakes was always high in spring. In summer, however, daphnid biomass was low or daphnids were even absent during prolonged periods. During those periods phytoplankton was probably controlled by smaller macrozooplankton or by submerged macrophytes through nutrient competition, allelopathic effects or increased sedimentation rates in the macrophyte vegetation.  相似文献   

The present paper analyses predation patterns, of Percichthys trucha and salmonid fish upon Galaxias maculatus in five lakes of northern Patagonia with differing community and environmental characteristics. Tank experiments were performed to evaluate relative efficiency of native and exotic predators of G. maculatus under treatments with and without cover (aquatic vegetation). Important differences were found between predators with regards to distribution and consumption of G. maculatus. Salmonids are more efficient than P. trucha in consuming G. maculatus in deep environments with scarcely vegetation; in contrast to native species they frequently use the pelagic environment. Although pelagic habitat might have served in the past as a refuge from native predators in the past, G maculatus now experiences intense predation in the pelagic zone by exotic salmonids. It is suggested that the widespread distribution of G. maculatus in Patagonian lakes may have facilitated the success of salmonids throughout Patagonia.  相似文献   

肖茜  杨昆  洪亮 《湖泊科学》2018,30(4):1083-1096
以云贵高原湖泊近30 a来的TM、ETM~+和OLI遥感影像为数据源,采用归一化水体指数(NDWI)、改进归一化水体指数(MNDWI)、新型水体指数(NWI)、增强型水体指数(EWI)和自动水体提取指数5种水体指数提取了1985—2015年云贵高原10个湖泊表面水体面积,并对各种算法进行精度对比分析.针对湖泊各自特点采用不同的水体指数提取其表面水体面积,并进行水体面积变化时空分析.结果表明:云贵高原湖泊表面水体面积总体呈现先增加后缩减趋势,1985—1995年湖泊表面水体面积增加了30.86 km~2,1995—2015年湖泊水体表面面积减少了48.12 km~2,其中,面积变化最大的是杞麓湖与异龙湖.对云贵高原湖泊表面水体面积变化与该区域的年降水量、蒸发量、平均气温、流域植被覆盖面积和人类活动时空进行相关分析,结果表明:1)高原湖泊对区域气候变化的响应具有明显的空间差异性,云贵高原湖泊的表面水体面积与气候相关性较显著,气温升高引起蒸发加速,降水量下降,湖面不断缩小,与逐年上升的气温呈负相关,与逐年波动上升的蒸发量呈负相关,与逐年减少的降水量呈正相关;2)云贵高原湖泊各流域的植被覆盖面积与湖泊面积变化相关性较弱;3)人类活动是影响湖泊面积变化的重要因素,大肆围湖造田、围湖养殖以及旅游开发等人类活动直接导致云贵高原湖泊面积的锐减,并对湖泊生态环境产生重要影响.  相似文献   

The influence of parasites on the breeding biology of the European minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) was studied by examining 268 adult and 59 young-of-the-year minnows from an artificial Swiss Alpine lake for parasites during the breeding seasons in 1990 and 1991. Two trematode parasites;Diplostomum phoxini, in their brains, andMacrolecithus papilliger, in their guts, were found. The prevalence ofD. phoxini was 100% in both years. The mean abundance was 231 in 1990 and 448 in 1991; the difference was significant. Prevalence (and abundance) ofM. papilliger was 37.5% (1.04±0.39) in 1990 and 59.5% (2.68±0.55) in 1991; also significantly higher in 1991 than in 1990. No differences in prevalence or abundance between males and females were found. Numbers of both parasites were significantly correlated with fish length. There was seasonal variation in the abundance ofD. phoxini metacercariae, with a peak in June/July in both years. The prevalence ofM. papiller decreased after July in both years. Distribution of the two trematodes was overdispersed as indicated by the variance to mean (abundance) ratio. The observed seasonal variation inD. phoxini abundance also suggests that sublethal parasites could influence the population dynamics of their hosts.  相似文献   

Floristic surveys, vegetation mapping, and detailed transect analyses rendered a macrophyte flora of 14 native and five alien taxa of flowering plants in the River Erft, a contributory of the River Rhine in Northrhine-Westphalia. Water temperatures of this river do not fall below 10 °C all the year round, for reasons of geothermically heated water discharged from nearby opencast mining areas. Macrophyte stand structures, composed of the neophytes Azolla filiculoides and Lemna minuta (floating) and Myriophyllum aquaticum, Egeria densa, and Vallisneria spiralis (rooted in the muddy or sandy ground of the river) are described and the ecological requirements of these taxa are characterized. The alien species can be seen as elements that increase the α-diversity of the aquatic vegetation of the River Erft. They do not replace any of the native species, even if shifts in the competition dynamics occur. The colonization by neophytes of the abnormally warmed River Erft can be appreciated as paradigmatic for trends in the macrophyte vegetation of medium-sized rivers in Central Europe when climate-related or discharge-based heating of the waterbody occurs and propagules of alien plants imported by waterfowl or – more important – plants from aquarium waste will find suitable places of existence and spread.  相似文献   

We examined the distribution of submerged and emergent macrophyte species and the entire macrophyte community within and between five lake types (highland reservoirs, alkali lakes, large shallow lakes, small to medium sized shallow lakes, marshes) in the Pannon Ecoregion, Hungary. The lowest submerged, emergent and total species richness was found in alkali lakes. The highest submerged macrophyte richness was in small to medium sized lakes, while the highest emergent macrophyte species richness was in reservoirs, small to medium sized lakes, and marshes. The values of within-lake type beta diversity were generally lower than the values of alpha diversity, especially for submerged macrophytes, indicating between site homogeneity in species composition within the lake types. Emergent macrophyte communities contributed the most to within and between lake type diversity and total (gamma) diversity. Canonical correspondence analyses showed that the main environmental variables which influenced the distribution of submerged macrophytes were conductivity, Secchi transparency and water nitrogen contents. For emergent macrophytes conductivity, lake width, altitude and water depth proved to be the most influential variables. Our results contribute to the knowledge of large-scale distribution of macrophytes in the Pannon Ecoregion and to the identification of conservation value of lakes using macrophytes. The results support the importance of small lakes and artificial lakes in the conservation of macrophyte diversity compared to large and natural lakes in the Pannon Ecoregion.  相似文献   

高山湖泊远离人类活动直接影响,通常具有面积小、寡营养、食物网单一等特点,对气候变化和营养输入具有较高的敏感性。我国青藏高原东南缘地区氮沉降通量较高、增温幅度显著,已有研究显示该地区可能受湖泊类型、流域特征等影响存在差异性的湖泊响应模式。本研究选择该区域位于树线以下、具有不同水深的3个小型湖泊(盖公错纳、沃迪错、碧沽天池)开展沉积物调查和对比研究,通过钻孔样品测年、理化特征和藻类(硅藻群落、藻类色素)等多指标分析,结合区域气候定量重建和氮沉降等数据收集,评价了过去300年来藻类演替模式的异同特征及湖泊水深的调节作用。结果显示,3个湖泊中硅藻的优势物种与群落组成差异明显。深水型湖泊盖公错纳(最大水深39.4 m)的硅藻群落以浮游种为主(占比达82%),优势种为眼斑小环藻(Pantocsekiolla ocellata)、科曼小环藻(Pantocsekiella comensis);深水型湖泊沃迪错(最大水深20.7 m)的硅藻群落中浮游种和底栖种约各占50%,优势种为眼斑小环藻(Pantocsekiella ocellata)、连结脆杆藻(Saurosira construens);浅水湖...  相似文献   

Lake Albano, located 20 km to the SE of Rome, is hosted within the most recent crater of the quiescent Alban Hills volcanic complex that produced hydromagmatic eruptions in Holocene times. Stratigraphic, archaeological and historical evidence indicates that the lake level underwent important variations in the Bronze Age. Before the IV century B.C. several lahars were generated by water overflows from the lake and in the IV century B.C. Romans excavated a drainage tunnel. The lake is located above a buried carbonate horst that contains a pressurized medium-enthalpy geothermal reservoir from which fluids escape to the surface to produce many important gas manifestations of mostly CO2. Previous studies recognized the presence of gas emissions also from the crater bottom. In 1997 the possibility of a Nyos-type event triggered by a lake rollover was considered very low, because the CO2 water concentration at depth was found to be far from saturation. However, considering the high population density nearby, the Italian Civil Protection Department recommended that periodical monitoring be carried out. To this scope we initiated in 2001 a systematic geochemical study of the lake. Thirteen vertical profiles have been repeatedly carried out in 2001–2006, especially in the deepest part of the lake (167 m in 2006), measuring T, pH, dissolved O2 and electrical conductivity. Water samples were collected from various depths and chemically and isotopically analysed. Two similar profiles have been measured also in the nearby Nemi crater lake. Results indicate that in the 4.5 years of monitoring the pressure of gas dissolved in the Lake Albano deep waters remained much lower than the hydrostatic pressure. A CO2 soil survey carried out on the borders of the two lakes, indicates the presence of some zones of anomalous degassing of likely magmatic origin. A water overturn or a heavy mixing of deep and shallow waters likely occurred in winter 2003–2004, when cold rainfall cooled the surface water below 8.5 °C. Such overturns cause only a limited gas exsolution from the lake when the deep water is brought to a few meters depth but can explain the observed decrease with time of dissolved CO2 at depth and related water pH increase. A gas hazard could occur in the case of a sudden injection through the lake bottom of a huge quantity of CO2-rich fluids, which might be caused by earthquake induced fracturing of the rock pile beneath the lake. A limnic gas eruption might also occur should CO2 concentration build up within the lake for a long time.  相似文献   

—Extreme cooling rates (500 °C/m.y.) during the late stage, 22–18 Ma, orogenic evolution of the Alpine Betic-Rif belt are suggested to result from rapid exhumation caused by tectonic extrusion and concomitant extensional tectonics. The extrusional/extensional tectonic setting is controlled by the SW-NE trending break-off scar left in the lithosphere of the Alborán Sea and SE Spain after detachment of a lithospheric slab. The extruded material represents the collisional crustal nappe pile (together with fragments of underlying mantle, such as the Ronda peridotites) and the cause of the extrusion is the thermal softening within the crustal section during and after collision. The extrusion/extension took place under the influence of a NW-SE directed compressive regime, perpendicular to the collisional belt. At the same time the sub-lithospheric mantle still showed the E-W compressive regime of the collisional stage. The Alpine tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Betic-Rif belt in the W Mediterranean thus comprises two main stages: (1) continental collision with formation of primary nappes and high-pressure metamorphic parageneses, (2) tectonic extrusion with vertically directed tectonics (high pressure, very rapid decompression) and extensional tectonics with roughly horizontal, lateral transport and final emplacement of the extruded mélange in the form of a stack of detachment sheets (low pressure, very rapid cooling). This model for the Betic-Rif may offer important constraints to all rapidly exhumed convergent terranes.  相似文献   

阳振  史小丽  陈开宁  张民 《湖泊科学》2021,33(4):1043-1050
原位生长率是研究藻类生长、衰亡、种群演变、生产力估算,以及藻类对环境变化响应的重要指标,针对水华蓝藻原位生长率的测定,目前还缺乏成熟可靠的手段.本研究利用改进的原位培养法,根据培养前后藻蓝素浓度的变化,对巢湖东、中、西3个湖区水华蓝藻的原位生长率进行周年调查.结果 表明,巢湖水华蓝藻的原位生长率变化范围在-1.16~0...  相似文献   

The numerical and proportional distributions of benthic macroinvertebrates in Tunca (Tundja, Tundzha) River (Edirne/Turkey) were determined from July 2002 to June 2003 at monthly intervals at four different stations. It was found that the benthic macrofauna consisted of 63% Oligochaeta, 24% Chironomidae larvae, and 13% Varia by numbers. According to the Shannon‐Wiener index, Tunca River had a diversity of 1.36; station 2 and September were found to have the highest diversity while station 4 and December to have the poorest. According to Bray‐Curtis similarity index, stations 2 and 3 and April and May were found to be the most similar to each other while stations 1 and 4 and August and January were found to be the most different from each other for the dynamics of the benthic macrofauna. Also some physicochemical parameters of the water (water temperature, electrical conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, chloride, total hardness, NO3‐N, NO2‐N, sulfate, phosphate, biochemical and chemical oxygen demands) were analyzed. Pearson correlation index supported the relationships between the dynamics of organisms and physicochemical variables. The relation between the number of macroinvertebrates and pH (r = +0.57, P < 0.05) was direct proportional while the relation between the number of macroinvertebrates and NO3‐N (r = –0.99, P < 0.05) was inverse proportional. Furthermore, the Chironomidae larvae of Bryophaenocladius muscicola and Mesosmittia flexuella were new records for Turkish Thrace region. High pH and supersaturated oxygen levels, hard water quality, second quality levels of NO3‐N, BOD, COD and fourth quality levels of NO2‐N as well as the density of 490 individuals m–2 for 124 taxa and the diversity of 1.36 showed that similar studies should be repeated periodically in Tunca to determine the future of the river.  相似文献   

管乐  张民  赵兴青 《湖泊科学》2020,32(1):134-143
微囊藻和鱼腥藻是水华蓝藻的两个主要类群,两种藻均可调节自身形态及生理特性来维持快速生长,这也是两个类群蓝藻水华维持的基础.本研究分析了微囊藻(FACHB-905)和鱼腥藻(FACHB-82)生长、形态及叶绿素荧光参数对温度变化的响应,以及生长与特性间的权衡关系.结果显示:该微囊藻细胞直径随温度升高而降低,但是比增长速率维持稳定,表明在高温条件下,其可能通过减小细胞大小的方式维持比增长速率;该鱼腥藻在不同温度下,平均细胞直径和藻丝长度呈现显著变化,高温条件下,其维持较高的比增长速率,但是细胞直径增大,藻丝长度缩短,这可能是其调节自身形态以维持较高比增长速率的方式.该微囊藻和鱼腥藻分别在细胞较大和较小时,藻细胞潜在的光化学效率更高.本研究表明这两种蓝藻可以通过权衡藻细胞形态、生理特性两者与生长速率之间的关系来适应温度的变化以达到自身最佳的生长状态,微囊藻(FACHB-905)通过调节细胞大小和光合活性来维持生长优势,而鱼腥藻(FACHB-82)则通过细胞大小、藻丝长度和光合活性的调节来维持生长优势.本研究的结果有助于提升对于水华蓝藻生长维持机制的认识.  相似文献   

In the present study the initial succession of the aquatic macroinvertebrate communities of a newly created shallow lake in a wetland area was monitored during 15 months. Three different types of macroinvertebrate samples (multihabitat, associated to the Phragmites australis stands and associated to the sediment) were collected monthly from May 2004 to July 2005. Additional samples were collected in the reed stand in 2007, when the reed belt had become much taller and thicker. Colonization of the lake was fast, and the colonization sequence was mainly related to the dispersal abilities of the taxa. Habitat-specific changes in the assemblage's structure and composition were registered. The communities associated to the sediment showed a decrease in overall biomass, density and species richness along time. The density of the gastropod Physella acuta and the chironomid species Dicrotendipes pallidicornis, Polypedilum nubifer and Tanytarsus horni decreased significantly, after Chara stands declined; while the chironomid Chironomus riparius became dominant. The epiphytic macroinvertebrate communities associated with the reed stands followed a seasonal pattern, with a warm-period community dominated by the chironomid species Ablabesmyia monilis and Psectrocladius sordidellus-group, and a cold-period community dominated by the chironomid species Cricotopus ornatus and D. pallidicornis.  相似文献   

采用对比研究法,研究了近30年来滇西北洱海、茈碧湖、剑湖、拉市海和泸沽湖5个高原湖泊海菜花(Ottelia acuminata)群落的变化,结果表明:与1980年相比,天然海菜花群落仅在泸沽湖和剑湖有分布.现时海菜花群落物种数增加,泸沽湖海菜花群落物种数由1980年的7种增至2008年的10种,剑湖海菜花群落物种数由1980年的6种增至2011年的12种.群落生活型构成变得复杂,泸沽湖海菜花群落由沉水植物和漂浮植物构成向沉水植物、浮叶植物和漂浮植物构成变化;剑湖海菜花群落由单一沉水植物构成向沉水植物、浮叶植物、漂浮植物和湿生植物构成变化.两湖海菜花群落物种组成均发生更替,但泸沽湖海菜花群落物种组成与30年前相似度较高,群落保存相对较好;剑湖海菜花群落物种组成则与30年前相似度较低,群落变化大.  相似文献   

A new assessment system for macrophytes and phytobenthos in German lakes according to the Water Framework Directive of the European Community is described. Based on biological, chemical and hydromorphological data from about 100 lake sites covering the main ecoregions, hydromorphological lake types and degradation forms, biocoenotic types could be defined. For developing a classification system the quality element macrophytes and phytobenthos was divided into two components: macrophytes and benthic diatoms. For macrophytes 4 and for benthic diatoms 4 lake types were identified. The benthic vegetation at reference conditions is described and degradation is characterised as deviation in benthic vegetation species composition and abundance from the reference biocoenosis. For classification in five ecological status classes, several metrics were developed and used in combination with existing indices. For a few of the described lake types further investigations are necessary before a classification can be developed.  相似文献   

kif7 is a member of the kinesin superfamily members which are molecular motor proteins that move along microtubules in a highly regulated manner through ATP hydrolysis. In this paper, we report on the cloning of the Oryzias melastigma kif7 (omkif7) using primers designed according to the Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) database. The cloned omkif7 has an open reading frame of 3762bp and is deduced to encode a polypeptide of 1254 amino acids that possesses the putative ATP-binding and microtubule-binding motifs in its motor domain at the N-terminal region. We characterized the cloned omkif7 by comparison with the zebrafish kif7. Both omkif7 and zebrafish kif7 are shown to be expressed in all embryonic stages and adult tissues examined with higher expression level in the testis and ovary. Whole-mount in situ hybridization revealed that the expression of omkif7 is ubiquitous during the early stages of embryonic development, but became more restrictive and localized to the brain, fin bud and eye at later development. This study suggested that the brackish O.melastigma can serve as a good seawater model organism for developmental studies by utilizing the resources developed from its close relative of the Japanese medaka.  相似文献   

The periphyton of acid, dystrophic bogs was investigated. Glass-slides were exposed in four different bog lakes about 100 km north of Berlin, Germany, in order to examine the species composition and the annual cycle of the protist community. The annual cycles of the periphyton in bog lakes were comparable to those in other mesotrophic lakes: During the winter months small heterotrophic flagellates (HF) dominated the periphyton community. Besides that bacterivorous ciliates were present as typical pioneer species. At the end of the ice covering, almost exclusively unicellular green algae colonized the slides. In May high abundances of ciliates and choanoflagellates were observed. At the same time, a maximum of species was reached. From August to October peritrich ciliates significantly contributed to the periphyton. Their number decreased when early frosts occurred.

The four investigated bog lakes exhibit very similar species compositions, almost all of the species were present in each of the four lakes. Differences were only distinct concerning the dominance of some protistan groups. The largest deflections, however, occurred not between two lakes, but between two habitats within one lake: The upper 30 cm of the Sphagnum mat comprise two very different protistan communities, determined by a strong vertical zoning. Due to the different light and nutrient conditions, the slides of the upper region exhibited a denser colonization, mainly consisting of autotrophic cryptomonads and vagile ciliates. In contrast to this, the slides of the deeper region were mainly colonized by heterotrophic flagellates and sessile peritrich ciliates.  相似文献   

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