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基于可持续生计框架,采用统计分析和深度访谈法,将研究区293户农户按生计活动类型划为牧户(牛户、羊户、牛羊户和马户)、种植户和非农户,并按农户生计资产总值进一步划为高、中、低3个等级类型,进而分析了不同类型和不同等级农户的生计资产与生计活动及方式的依存关系。研究发现:各类农户的生计资产均值差距明显,牧户最高,为0.37,种植户为0.25,非农户为0.21;牧户的劳动力、草场、牲畜、现金、贷款等资产均值最高,种植户的农机和耕地资产均值最高,非农户的社会资产均值最高。目前,半农半牧区的农户仍然以旱作种植业和草地畜牧业为主要生计,但农牧业生产均面临较大的资源环境压力;非农户只占15.3%,且面临非农就业机会不足、个人技能缺失、语言障碍和务农时间与用工季节的冲突。最后,提出了提高农户收入和改善农户生计的对策建议。  相似文献   

用SPSS13.0单因素方差分析和均值比较方法,对浙江省不同城市化地区的农户农地收入比重进行比较分析。认为城市化不同,农户农地收入比重不同,城市化程度高的地区农户农地利用经济收入比值的平均值低于城市化程度低的地区,但城市化程度高的地区农户农地收入比值标准差大于城市化低的地区,其中主要原因是城市化不同导致农户兼业时间不同。提出要创造条件促进资源集中型农户兼业化,使农户农地利用经济效率得到提高,缩小城乡收入差距。  相似文献   

Geografisk Tidsskrift, Danish Journal of Geography 107(2):29–44, 2007

The literature on livelihoods in rural Africa has for the past decade documented and discussed the growing importance of non-farm income for rural livelihoods and often linked this to an increasing divorce of rural livelihoods from farming and land. This paper challenges the view that the increasing importance of income earned on non-farm activities is a direct expression of processes of deagrari-anisation. Drawing on empirical evidence from recent research in the Ghanaian cocoa frontier, the paper shows that a growing importance of income from non-farm activities is evident, but that incomefrom cocoa is still the determining factor for most households' income and thereby for the demand for non-farm goods and investment in the non-farm sector. By identifying two overall factors explaining the level of income diversification, the paper questions how generally applicable processes of deagrarianisation are in the Ghanaian case. Firstly, the actual crop cultivated and its price and marketing possibilities are of great importance for a farmer's choice to engage and stay in the agricultural sector or to diversify into non-farm activities. Secondly, different dynamics are evident between settlements dominated by either migrant or indigenous households, mainly due to unequal access to land. The paper argues that what on a general scale may look like processes of deagrarianisation during the last decade to a large extent can be explained by migrants without access to land who engage full-time in the nonfarm sector and by cocoa farmers diversifying their incomes, but not leaving a deteriorated agriculture.  相似文献   

阎建忠  卓仁贵  谢德体  张镱锂 《地理学报》2010,65(11):1401-1410
采用分层随机抽样、参与式农村评估、地块调查等方法,研究了重庆市涪陵区珍溪镇3 个典型村样本农户的土地利用和土地投入的差异。共调查了227 户,2250 个地块。结果发现:① 除了6.17%的非农户土地撂荒、退耕或出租外,纯农户、一兼户、二兼户的土地利用类型均以集约为主。纯农户因年龄结构老龄化,劳动力供应不足,相对粗放的耕地面积为48.95%。一兼户相对集约利用的面积比例为71.08%。二兼户相对集约利用的面积比例为67.20%。② 土地投入有明显差异。纯农户每公顷农业劳动力投入少,劳动力老龄化;由于缺乏资金,农业机械及省工性投入少,多选择农家肥及磷肥、碳铵等价格较低的传统肥料。一兼户劳动力投入的数量与质量都最高,有长期投资农业的意愿与动力,农业机械投资量最大,保持了较高的农家肥施用量,且各种化肥配合施用,用量适中;二兼户每公顷农业劳动力投入大,以老人与妇女为主;由于收入高,农业机械及省工性投入比纯农户多,首选价格高、省劳力的化肥。非农户无土地投入。`  相似文献   

Studies have consistently shown that in the relatively unregulated environments of the global economic periphery contract farming has led to highly regressive socioeconomic outcomes. Contract farming is not inherently regressive for the small farm sector however. In the state of Sarawak, Malaysia, contract farming is used as part of an affirmative action programme that trains indigenous smallholders in commercial poultry production. The public sector quasi-market constructed by state purchasers and subsidiary suppliers is one that recognizes the smallholders' limited access to collateral and technical skills and their need to supplement rather than totally replace the incomes already derived from diverse agricultural and off-farm sources. The state-administered contract scheme is part of a broader national goal to eradicate poverty, raise rural incomes and ultimately, develop indigenous entrepreneurship. In the shorter and medium term, as the paper shows, the small-scale public contract scheme, which itself operates within the protected domestic poultry sector in Sarawak, is more likely to support disadvantaged 'bumiputra minorities' than produce a pool of competitive entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

基于生计视角的异质性农户转户退耕决策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对重庆市贫困与生态脆弱区的云阳县、石柱土家族自治县376 户农户调研基础上, 将农户划为纯农户、农业主导户、非农主导户和弃农农户, 基于生计视角对农户转户退耕决策进行了解释。结果表明:①重庆市农户兼业普遍, 兼业是农户重要的生计策略;从纯农户到弃农农户, 农户生计资产依次递增, 尤其是人力资产、金融资产和社会资产。②随着兼业程度提高, 农户生计策略逐渐多元化。纯农户生计高度依赖土地;农业主导户开始选择非农兼业;非农主导户生计多样化指数最高;弃农农户生计已经转移到非农产业。③生计是影响农户转户退耕决策的关键因素:纯农户生计资产匮乏, 决策受政策导向明显;作为理性经济人, 对土地经济收益的依赖使农业主导户转户退耕意愿不明显, 对政策响应平淡;非农主导户将权衡转户退耕的补偿与损失, 政策响应模糊;弃农农户资产丰富, 对转户退耕决策响应积极。基于户籍制度改革和可持续生计视角, 本文提出了理性政府行为的3 大对策, 即:建立转户退耕的社保及补偿、激励机制;基于农户生计视角, 实施各种工程措施及惠民政策, 促进农户生计策略多元化;针对不同区位的农户实施差别化的政策。  相似文献   

Development of Malaysia's rural sector, especially of the padi growing areas, has been a major strand in national policy for over 30 years. During this period substantial increases have been achieved in both production and productivity, thanks particularly to the expansion of double cropping and the widespread use of high yielding padi varieties and associated chemical inputs. Despite this achievement, the incomes of padi households have been declining relative to national income levels, a phenomenon generally believed to be due to the fact that the average farm is too small to support a household growing padi alone, even when yields are improved. Many padi farmers have abandoned their land so that about 20 per cent of Peninsular Malaysia's padi fields now lie idle. The Malaysian government, in seeking near self‐sufficiency in padi production, has few realistic ways out of this dilemma.  相似文献   

This paper examines the status of the floriculture industry in northwest Ohio, barriers facing firms in this transitioning sector, and strategies to promote industry competitiveness. Specifically, the paper focuses on the business practices of firms and efforts by local policymakers, academics, and business leaders to alter the regional dynamics of the industry vis-à-vis a grassroots “cluster” initiative. Using survey and focus group data, the paper demonstrates that culture, tradition, and shared values are key barriers to change and suggests that local cluster initiatives—like the Maumee Valley Growers—are an effective strategy for overcoming these barriers. From an applied perspective, the paper demonstrates the importance of contextualizing applied geographic research and the potential for geographers to chart, inform, and shape the internal geographies, practices, and trajectories of local actors and industry.  相似文献   

A landslide-hazard map is intended to show the location of future slope instability. Most spatial models of the hazard lack reliability tests of the procedures and predictions for estimating the probabilities of future landslides, thus precluding use of the maps for probabilistic risk analysis. To correct this deficiency we propose a systematic procedure comprising two analytical steps: “relative-hazard mapping” and “empirical probability estimation”. A mathematical model first generates a prediction map by dividing an area into “prediction” classes according to the relative likelihood of occurrence of future landslides, conditional by local geomorphic and topographic characteristics. The second stage estimates empirically the probability of landslide occurrence in each prediction class, by applying a cross-validation technique. Cross-validation, a “blind test” here using non-overlapping spatial or temporal subsets of mapped landslides, evaluates accuracy of the prediction and from the resulting statistics estimates occurrence probabilities of future landslides. This quantitative approach, exemplified by several experiments in an area near Lisbon, Portugal, can accommodate any subsequent analysis of landslide risk.  相似文献   

方方  何仁伟  李立娜 《地理研究》2019,38(3):699-712
探讨乡村非农就业与农民增收、农业农村发展之间的辩证关系,构建乡村振兴地域模式,对有序推进城镇化,实现农民生活富裕与乡村振兴具有重要意义。将京津冀地区划分为京津近郊区(I)、冀东北地区(II)、冀中平原区(III)、冀西太行山区(IV)、坝上地区(V)五类地域类型,采用2000—2016年京津冀县域面板数据,应用空间回归模型测算了京津冀地区乡村非农就业对农民增收的空间效应,提炼了京津冀地区乡村振兴地域模式。结果表明:① 京津冀地区及五类地域类型区乡村就业非农化率与农民收入持续增长,2000—2016年,京津冀地区农村居民人均纯收入由2486元增至11920元,乡村就业非农化率由38.9%增至57.5%,五类地域类型区乡村就业非农化率排序依次为:I>III>II>IV>V,农村居民人均纯收入排序依次为:I>II>III>IV>V;② 京津冀地区乡村就业非农化率每提高1个单位,农民收入增长9.215个单位,I、II、III、V区就业非农化对农民收入的弹性系数分别为29.986、-23.605、-10.388、9.951,IV区两者之间关系不显著;③ 依据不同地域类型乡村非农就业与农民增收的特征、机理与未来发展趋势,提炼了京津冀地区乡村振兴的四种地域模式,即就业平稳型+农工商主导、兼业型+现代农业主导、就业输出型+复合型特色农业主导、就业输出型+生态农旅主导。  相似文献   

The dominant livelihood types of farm households have become increasingly differentiated in recent years, which has attracted the attention of researchers. Identifying the characteristics and driving factors of household livelihood differentiation is of great significance for revealing man-land relationship and policy making. Based on the interview data of farm households in typical villages in key ecological function areas of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in China, we analyzed the pattern of the dominant diversified livelihood types and the livelihood characteristics among different farm households. Then we assessed the driving forces of livelihood diversification by optimal scaling regression. The results indicated that: (1) In the study area, the dominant livelihood types show two trends of agriculturally dominant livelihood (accounting for 53.07%) and non-agriculturally dominant livelihood (accounting for 46.93%). Moreover, farm households in the agro-pastoral areas are mainly agriculturally dominated (accounting for 75.68%), while farm households in the mountainous areas are mainly non-agriculturally dominated (accounting for 66.93%). (2) The labor allocation and income source of different types of farm households are consistent with their dominant livelihood types. The farm households with agriculturally dominant livelihoods have more natural resources than those with non-agriculturally dominant livelihoods. In terms of housing conditions, farm households with agriculturally dominant livelihoods are inferior to those with non-agriculturally dominant livelihoods. (3) The farm labor, dependency ratio, agricultural income, supplemental income and locational conditions have negative impacts on the non-agricultural trend of farm household livelihood decisions, while off-farm labor, non-farm income, education level and the per capita amount of compensation have significant positive impacts on it.  相似文献   

Spatially sampled suspended sediment data from extra-channel surfaces of different ages during rainfall events were used to infer the timescale of landscape adjustment to Little Ice Age (LIA) deglacierization at Small River Glacier, Canada. Surface ages were determined by aerial photograph interpretation. Turbidimeters were installed in three ephemeral channels on “young,” “mature” and “old” surfaces; and their response to rainfall events of different magnitudes recorded. Results showed “young” ice proximal surfaces exposed since 1977 were increasingly vulnerable to mobilization during rainfall events. A suspended sediment response from “old” surfaces exposed since 1910 was recorded for only three events with 5- and 30-year return periods. The intensity and duration of rainfall events therefore had to increase in magnitude to mobilize sediment on surfaces of increasing maturity. Hysteresis in the channel suspended sediment response further confirmed the dependence of surface response on rainfall event magnitude. The rapid temporal decline in surface response indicated that surface armoring or sediment exhaustion is stabilizing surfaces within decades of exposure from the LIA maximum (ca. 1910) at Small River Glacier. However, further perturbation, for example by glacial advance or extreme climatic events, would likely modify the pattern of suspended sediment yields by changing terrain surface mobilization thresholds and reconfiguring channel sediment stores. We therefore suggest that it is difficult to determine when “paraglacial sedimentation” ceases to influence suspended sediment yields, and therefore significantly limiting the usefulness of the term to describe the period of suspended sediment yield adjustment following deglacierization.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. China's agricultural sector requires reforms to assure farmers and consumers of fair prices while protecting the environment and permitting sustainable growth in the coming years. The affluent eastern province of Jiangsu is an appropriate site in which to explore the effects of agricultural reforms on rural households and, in turn, the effects of these households on the environment. We compare two surveys (1987 and 1996), of 100 households each, of farmers in Huaiyin and Huai'an Counties, Jiangsu Province. Indicated are chronically low economic returns on grain, moderate returns for livestock, and the highest returns for vegetables. Unfortunately, the production of livestock and vegetables requires more farm chemicals, inorganic fertilizers, and placement of field plastic‐all of which are associated with greater environmental problems.  相似文献   

周婧  杨庆媛  信桂新  冯应斌  戴佩淇 《地理研究》2010,29(10):1767-1779
贫困山区农户兼业现象普遍,对相关的土地利用活动影响深刻。采用重点与随机抽样、参与式农村评估和景观格局分析等方法,从微观尺度定量分析了云阳县568户农户兼业行为与居民点用地形态变化的相互关系,可为土地利用结构调整、居民点用地整理挖潜提供认识依据。结果表明:(1)云阳县农户兼业现象普遍,依据非农收入与农业收入差、非农劳动投入比重,将农户划分为纯农业型、农业主导型、农工兼具型、非农主导型、非农业型五种兼业类型;(2)老龄和女性人口少、且平均文化水平较高的农户兼业水平最高,人口数量多、分工多元化的农户兼业水平居中;(3)以农业生产为主要生计活动的纯农业型与农业主导型农户,居民点用地规模变化较小,约为180m2,土地利用粗放且多样化程度高,其中,纯农业户圈养与堆棚用地比重较高,农业主导型院坝用地比重较高;(4)农工兼具型农户的居民点用地规模扩大,约为190m2,土地利用集约度得到提高,且多样性下降,堆棚用地弱化,住房用地占主导;(5)逐渐退出农业生产的非农主导型与非农业型农户,居民点用地规模缩减,约为160~130m2,土地集约度较高,多样性下降,居民点中生产性用地比重下降、居住性用地比重上升。研究认为,农村居民点整理挖潜必须与农户的兼业需求相适应。  相似文献   

李翠珍  徐建春  孔祥斌 《地理研究》2012,31(6):1039-1049
以北京市大兴区为例,采用农户调查数据,设计不同资源群体农户分类评价指标体系,利用非系统聚类方法将农户划分为5类(①中等资源禀赋,中等非农收入;②高等资源禀赋,中等非农收入;③中等资源禀赋,低等非农收入;④纯农户;⑤非农户),进而分析了不同资源群体农户的生计多样化特点及对土地利用的影响。研究表明:(1)在大都市郊区,农户类型1~3、纯农户和非农户分别采取了农业和非农兼顾、留在农业和脱离农业的生计策略。(2)农户类型1~3和纯农户中,70%农户生计多样化指数分布在2~3之间,且依然呈现粮食作物播种面积较大,选择比例最高,其次是经济作物。(3)农户类型1~3和非农户中,以就地转移方式非农就业是农户家庭劳动力安排的主要选择,且非农就业劳动力年龄最轻和教育水平最高。(4)大都市郊区土地非农化的转型特点促使农户从类型1~4被动地向类型5转化,土地利用效益低下也持续推动了农户生计多样化,同时,农户生计多样化会引发粮食生产能力停滞不前、土地流转和产权调整大规模顺势而生、土壤养分富集等土地利用现象。  相似文献   

At the dawn of the third millennium the problems associated with large-scale irrigation lie largely unresolved. The outcomes of government policies rarely correspond with expectations, leading to conflict and misunderstanding between federal governments, local agencies and farmers. This paper examines the mis-match of expectations between policy implementors and policy recipients in the implementation of one government policy (tertlary intervention) in the Muda irrigation scheme, Malaysia. The findings illustrate that this policy is not achieving the productivity increase or water saving expectations for which it was designed. Instead, tertiary intervention has increased the capacity of the farmers to unofficially control the distribution and supply of the water resource and to engage in off-farm productive and non-productive activities. This results in: a significant over-supply of water; the inefficient use of this supply; and a reduction in yields without a reduction in incomes. Importantly, tertiary intervention has enabled the farmers to diversify their livelihood strategies whilst retaining access to the rice-farming culture. The findings presented in this paper serve to illustrate the significance of 'actor'expectations on policy outcomes and agrarian change.  相似文献   

Studies on denudation rates can provide insight into the influence of climate change, tectonics, and human activities on landscape evolution. Research performed in Central Italy has shown considerable spatial variability of denudation rates in the major river basins. These studies have focused mainly on the Tyrrhenian side of the Italian peninsula, where Plio-Pleistocene marine deposits filling NW–SE elongated sedimentary basins have been uplifted during the Quaternary up to several hundreds of meters above present sea level. Small sub-catchments developed on clays are affected by sharp- and/or rounded-edged badlands (i.e. calanchi and biancane), representing denudation “hot spots” in the present-day morphoclimatic framework.In this paper, we analyze the relationships between indirectly estimated denudation rates at the catchment scale and field monitoring data at the hillslope scale. We attempt to better understand and quantify all hillslope processes that contribute to seasonal variability of denudation, to help with predicting the net input from “hot spots” to the overall estimated sediment yield at the basin outlets. At the hillslope scale, we discuss, in particular, the variability of denudation rates at calanchi and biancane badlands as a function of their different morphoevolution.  相似文献   

丘陵山区梯田撂荒现象频发,成为政府农业部门和学术界关注的热点问题。然而,鲜有研究关注劳动力转移差异对农户梯田撂荒行为的影响。基于此,本文以湘闽赣三省梯田区为研究区域,结合实地调研的1438份农户数据,运用Probit和Tobit模型,从劳动力转移差异的视角,分析劳动力非农转移的数量、距离和质量差异对农户梯田撂荒决策和撂荒规模的影响。结果表明:(1)农户家庭劳动力非农就业的数量、就业距离和就业质量均对农户的梯田撂荒决策和撂荒规模具有显著的促进作用;(2)随着非农转移程度的加深,丘陵山区农户梯田撂荒的规模也会扩大;(3)劳动力转移距离和转移质量能够强化劳动力转移数量对农户撂荒决策的影响。为缓解因劳动力非农转移造成的梯田撂荒现象,要重视农业服务外包和机械化在山区的劳动替代作用,积极推进梯田宜机化改造,完善耕地流转市场,鼓励农户流转梯田。  相似文献   

High resolution topographic data along fault zones are important aids in the delineation of recently active breaks. A 15 km-long portion of the south-central San Andreas Fault (SAF) along the southern Cholame segment contains well preserved tectonic landforms such as benches, troughs, scarps, and aligned ridges that indicate recurring earthquake slip. Recently acquired LiDAR topographic data along the entire southern SAF (“B4” project) have shot densities of 3–4 m− 2. Computed from the LiDAR returns, Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) of 0.25 to 0.5 m resolution using local binning with inverse distance weighting and 0.8 m or larger search radii depict the tectonic landforms at paleoseismic sites well enough to assess them confidently. Mapping of recently active breaks using a LiDAR-only based approach compares well with aerial photographic and field based methods. The fault zone varies in width from meters to nearly 1 km and is comprised of numerous en echelon meter to kilometer-length overlapping sub parallel fault surfaces bounding differentially moving blocks that elongate parallel to the SAF. The semantic variations of what constitutes “active” and the importance of secondary traces influence the breadth and complexity of the resulting fault trace maps.  相似文献   

中国山区经济发展差异与非农产业的贡献   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
陈国阶  王青 《地理学报》2003,58(2):172-178
以地区 (市) 作为基本研究单元,选取大小兴安岭、燕山、太行山区、沂蒙山区、武陵山区、东南丘陵、喀斯特山区、横断山区、祁连山区等具有典型性的中国山区,定量分析2000年中国山区经济发展态势以及影响和制约山区经济发展的深层次因素,并与平原地区和经济发达地区进行宏观、中观层面上的多方位对比分析。结果显示: 中国山区人均GDP的区域变化特征与山区非农产业人均增加值发展态势呈正相关;各类山区农业产业人均增加值表现为一条无差异曲线,即山区居民家庭收入的差距,主要来自非农产业,农业产业收入退于次要地位,非农产业人均增加值决定中国山区的经济发展的空间分异。  相似文献   

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