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Analysis of Coherent Structures Within the Atmospheric Boundary Layer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Large-eddy simulation has become an important tool for the study of the atmospheric boundary layer. However, since large-eddy simulation does not simulate small scales, which do interact to some degree with large scales, and does not explicitly resolve the viscous sublayer, it is reasonable to ask if these limitations affect significantly the ability of large-eddy simulation to simulate large-scale coherent structures. This issue is investigated here through the analysis of simulated coherent structures with the proper orthogonal decomposition technique. We compare large-eddy simulation of the atmospheric boundary layer with direct numerical simulation of channel flow. Despite the differences of the two flow types it is expected that the atmospheric boundary layer should exhibit similar structures as those in the channel flow, since these large-scale coherent structures arise from the same primary instability generated by the interaction of the mean flow with the wall surface in both flows. It is shown here that several important similarities are present in the two simulations: (i) coherent structures in the spanwise-vertical plane consist of a strong ejection between a pair of counter-rotating vortices; (ii) each vortex in the pair is inclined from the wall in the spanwise direction with a tilt angle of approximately 45°; (iii) the vortex pair curves up in the streamwise direction. Overall, this comparison adds further confidence in the ability of large-eddy simulation to produce large-scale structures even when wall models are used. Truncated reconstruction of instantaneous turbulent fields is carried out, testing the ability of the proper orthogonal decomposition technique to approximate the original turbulent field with only a few of the most important eigenmodes. It is observed that the proper orthogonal decomposition reconstructs the turbulent kinetic energy more efficiently than the vorticity.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of observations from a 213-m tall meteorological tower at Tsukuba, Japan, we have investigated the favourable conditions for the predominant existence of large-scale turbulence structures in the near-neutral atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). From the wavelet variance spectrum for the streamwise velocity component ( $u$ ) measured by a sonic anemometer-thermometer at the highest level (200 m), large-scale structures (time-scale range of 100–300 s) predominantly exist under slightly unstable and close to neutral conditions. The emergence of large-scale structures also can be related to the diurnal evolution of the ABL. The large-scale structures play an important role in the overall flow structure of the lower boundary layer. For example, $u$ velocity components at the 200-m and 50-m levels show relatively high correlation with the existence of large-scale structures. Under slightly unstable (near-neutral) conditions, a low-speed region in advance of the high-speed structure shows a positive deviation of temperature and appears as the plume structure that is forced by buoyancy in the heated lower layer. In spite of the difference in buoyancy effects between the near-neutral and unstable cases, large-scale structures are frequently observed in both cases and the same vertical correlation of $u$ components is indicated. However, the vertical wind shear is smaller in the unstable cases. On the other hand, in near-neutral cases, the transport efficiency of momentum at the higher level and the flux contribution of sweep motions are larger than those in the unstable cases.  相似文献   

Large-scale turbulence structures in the near-neutral atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) are investigated on the basis of observations made from the 213-m tall meteorological tower at Tsukuba, Japan. Vertical profiles of wind speed and turbulent fluxes in the ABL were obtained with sonic anemometer-thermometers at six levels of the tower. From the archived data, 31 near-neutral cases are selected for the analysis of turbulence structures. For the typical case, event detection by the integral wavelet transform with a large time scale (180 s) from the streamwise velocity component (u) at the highest level (200 m) reveals a descending high-speed structure with a time scale of approximately 100 s (a spatial scale of 1 km at the 200-m height). By applying the wavelet transform to the u velocity component at each level, the intermittent appearance of large-scale high-speed structures extending also in the vertical is detected. These structures usually make a large contribution to the downward momentum transfer and induce the enhancement of turbulent kinetic energy. This behaviour is like that of “active” turbulent motions. From the analysis of the two-point space–time correlation of wavelet coefficients for the u velocity component, the vertical extent and the downward influence of large-scale structures are examined. Large fluctuations in the large-scale range (wavelet variance at the selected time scale) at the 200-m level tend to induce the large correlation between the higher and lower levels.  相似文献   

Two empirical methods to detect coherent motions embedded in the flow field have been compared, namely the variable interval time average (VITA) method and a wavelet-based technique, both with artificial signals as well as velocity measurements from the atmospheric boundary layer over a forest canopy. It has been found that the wavelet method is slightly better than the VITA approach in coherent structure eduction, even if the results of both techniques are comparable. Also the application of the present approach to simultaneous conditionally sampled wind data has highlighted some important features of coherent structures and gust generation in canopy flows.  相似文献   

The simultaneous operation of a three-axis Doppler sodar system in the centralurban area of Rome and two similar systems in the suburban area, forming atriangle about 20 km on each side, provided evidence of solitary-type wavesin the urban boundary layer. Three events, each lasting from a few minutes toabout 30 min, and ranging in depth from the minimum range of the sodar (39 m) to over 500 m, are reported here. Two events were recognizable onall three sodar records while the third event could be observed at the urbanlocation only. Time-height acoustic echo intensity records showed no-echoregions within the wave indicating transport of trapped recirculating air.This is typical of large amplitude solitary waves. The time series plots ofsodar-derived vertical wind velocity revealed a maximum peak-to-peakvariation of about 5 m s-1 during periods of wave-associated disturbance.The vertical velocity is found to increase with height up to the top of the closedcirculation within the wave and decreases further above. The normalisedamplitude-wavelength relationship for the two events indicates that theobserved waves are close to a strongly nonlinear regime.  相似文献   

Large amplitude, isolated, wave-like phenomena have been observed in the lowest 40 m of the strongly stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer overlying a coastal Antarctic ice shelf. The waves only occur when prevailing wind speeds are low. They always propagate from over the land, with phase speeds exceeding the local mean wind speed. They have wavelengths of the order of 200 m. Several examples are described and a summary of the statistical properties of these waves events is presented.  相似文献   

大气边界层强风的阵性和相干结构   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9  
我国北方春季冷锋过境后,常骤发强风,甚至起沙扬尘,持续数小时甚至一二天,通过对边界层超声风温仪的资料分析,可知大风常叠加有周期为3~6 min的阵风,较有规律,且有明显的相干结构:阵风风速峰期有下沉运动,谷期有上升运动;阵风扰动以沿平均流的顺风方向分量为主,横向和垂直方向的分量都较小,其本质是低频次声波和重力波的混合;阵风沿顺风向且向下传播.周期小于1 min的脉动在水平面上基本是各向同性的不规则的湍涡.大风期间,无论是平均流、阵风和湍流脉动,至少在120 m高度以下,主要都有西风和北风动量下传,感热上传.平均流的动量下传强于由脉动下传的量,与一般天气情况不同,而且阵风与湍流的动量下传的量值差不多.平均流和阵风在动量传送上起相当大的作用.  相似文献   

In two preceding papers, coherent structures of theatmospheric boundary layer (ABL), such as rollvortices or cells, were investigated through radar andaircraft observations collected during the TRAC-93(Turbulence Radar Aircraft Cells) experiment held inFrance in June 1993. The analysis of this experimentaldata set provided information on the spatialcharacteristics of these organisations (length scale,orientation, type ... ), their temporal and verticalevolution, and their relation with the dynamic andthermodynamic conditions of the ABL. For the thirdpaper in this series, a large eddy simulation model is used to examine the impact of thecoherent structures on the ABL vertical fluxes. Theanalysis of the simulated horizontal fields is madewith two-dimensional auto and cross-correlationsapplied on different pertinent ABL variables. Theresults emphasise a directional anisotropy of theseorganised fields throughout the ABL, much morepronounced in the heat flux fields, not only at thelength scale of organisations but also at theturbulence scales. This finding has an importantconsequence for traditional ABL flux measurementsbased on the hypothesis of isotropic and homogeneousturbulence. It can explain part of the underestimationof the surface fluxes often mentioned in theliterature. This approach makes it possible tomodify the concept of diffusion time (in chemicalmodelling) and could also lead to revised ABLparameterisations in Range Scale models.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of the instantaneous values of absolute temperatureat seven heights within the lower 36 m of the atmospheric boundary layer underdifferent stability conditions were carried out, accompanied by measurements ofthe wind velocity components at two levels and of solar radiation flux at the surface.The data obtained allow one to investigate individual convective cells known ascoherent structures (CS). Outside the CS, i.e., during quiet periods, an instanttemperature profile is in close agreement with the dry-adiabatic lapse rate, butwithin CS the temperature changes much faster with height, and the shape ofthe profile varies significantly.A method was developed to transform temperature records from sensors atseveral heights into an other form, namely, into temporal variations of theheights of isothermal surfaces. Since coherent structures were found to advectwith the mean wind velocity, these temporal height variations may be transformedinto the spatial ones, i.e., into the xoz-plane section of the temperature field.In such a pictorial presentation coherent structures look like asymmetric columnsof heat, penetrating the whole atmospheric surface layer.Coherent structures also exist in the stable stratified surface layer, but they have aninverse asymmetry and occupy only the lower several metres. Wavelike activitydominates in the upper part of the stable surface layer.The characteristic time of surface-layer adjustment to the rapid changes of solarradiation (due to cloud shadows or cloud gaps) was found to be on the order ofone minute. Such a time interval is required for coherent structure to reach the topof surface layer.  相似文献   

The turbulence structure of a stable marine atmospheric boundary layer in the vicinity of a coastal headland is examined using aircraft observations and numerical simulations. Measurements are drawn from a flight by the NCAR C-130 around Cape Mendocino on the coast of northern California on June 7 1996 during the Coastal Waves 96 field program. Local similarity scaling of the velocity variances is found to apply successfully within the continuously turbulent layer; the empirical scaling function is similar to that found by several previous studies. Excellent agreement is found between the modelled and observed scaling results. No significant change in scaling behaviour is observed for the region within the expansion fan that forms downstream of the Cape, suggesting that the scaling can be applied to horizontally heterogeneous conditions; however, the precise form of the function relating scaled velocities and stability is observed to change close to the surface. This result, differences between the scaling functions found here and in other studies, and the departure of these functions from the constant value predicted by the original theory, leads us to question the nature of the similarity functions observed. We hypothesize that the form of the functions is controlled by non-local contributions to the velocity variance budgets, and that differences in the non-local terms between studies explain the differences in the observed scaling functions.  相似文献   

One-dimensional turbulence (ODT) is a single-column simulation in which vertical motions are represented by an unsteady advective process, rather than their customary representation by a diffusive process. No space or time averaging of mesh-resolved motions is invoked. Molecular-transport scales can be resolved in ODT simulations of laboratory-scale flows, but this resolution of these scales is prohibitively expensive in ODT simulations of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL), except possibly in small subregions of a non-uniform mesh.Here, two methods for ODT simulation of the ABL on uniform meshes are described and applied to the GABLS (GEWEX Atmospheric Boundary Layer Study; GEWEX is the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment) stable boundary-layer intercomparison case. One method involves resolution of the roughness scale using a fixed eddy viscosity to represent subgrid motions. The other method, which is implemented at lower spatial resolution, involves a variable eddy viscosity determined by the local mesh-resolved flow, as in multi-dimensional large-eddy simulation (LES). When run at typical LES resolution, it reproduces some of the key high-resolution results, but its fidelity is lower in some important respects. It is concluded that a more elaborate empirically based representation of the subgrid physics, closely analogous to closures currently employed in LES of the ABL, might improve its performance substantially, yielding a cost-effective ABL simulation tool. Prospects for further application of ODT to the ABL, including possible use of ODT as a near-surface subgrid closure framework for general circulation modeling, are assessed.  相似文献   

We quantify the role of the convective buoyant structures and the remainder turbulence, here called background turbulence, in the convective atmospheric boundary layer in horizontally homogeneous, dry and barotropic conditions. Three filtering methods to separate the structures and the background turbulence are first evaluated. These are: short-time averaging, Fourier filtering and proper orthogonal decomposition. The Fourier method turns out to be the most appropriate for the present purpose. The decomposition is applied to two cases: one with no mean flow and another with moderate mean wind speed. It is shown that roughly 85 % of the vertical flux of the potential temperature and about 72 % of the kinetic energy is carried by the structures in the mixed layer in both cases. The corresponding percentage for the potential temperature variance is 81 % in the zero mean-wind case and 76 % in the moderate mean-wind case. The structures are responsible for as much as 94 % of the momentum flux in the mixed layer of the moderate mean-wind case. In the surface layer the background turbulence is generally more important than the structure contribution in both cases. The budget of the potential temperature flux is analyzed in detail and it is shown that its turbulent transport term is mostly built up by the structures but also the interaction between the structures and the background turbulence plays a significant role. The other important budget terms are shown to be dominated by the structures except for the pressure–temperature gradient covariance.  相似文献   

While turbulent bursts are considered critical for blowing-snow transport and initiation, the interaction of the airflow with the snow surface is not fully understood. To better characterize the coupling of turbulent structures and blowing-snow transport, observations collected in natural environments at the necessary high-resolution time scales are needed. To address this, high-frequency measurements of turbulence, blowing-snow density and particle velocity were made in the Canadian Rockies. During blowing-snow storms, modified variable-interval time averaging enabled identification of periods of near-surface blowing-snow coupling with shear-stress-producing motions in the lowest 2 m of the atmospheric surface layer. The identification of those turbulent motions responsible for blowing snow yields a better understanding of the event-driven mechanics of initiation and sustained transport. The type of coherent structures generating the Reynolds stress are just as important as the magnitude of the Reynolds stress in initiating and sustaining near-surface blowing snow. Our results suggest that blowing-snow models driven by merely the time-averaged shear stress lack physical realism in the near-surface region. The next phase of the development of blowing-snow models should incorporate parametrizations of coherent turbulent structures.  相似文献   

We show the relationship between the intermittency of turbulence and the type of stratification for different atmospheric situations during the SABLES98 field campaign. With this objective, we first demonstrate the scaling behaviour of the velocity structure functions corresponding to these situations; next, we analyze the curvature of the scaling exponents of the velocity structure functions versus the order of these functions (ζ p vs. p), where ζ p are the exponents of the power relation for the velocity structure function with respect to the scale. It can be proved that this curve must be concave, under the assumption that the incompressible approximation does not break down at high Reynolds numbers. The physical significance of this kind of curvature is that the energy dissipation rate increases as the scale of the turbulent eddies diminishes (intermittency in the usual sense). However, the constraints imposed by stability, preventing full development of the turbulence, allow the function ζ p versus p to show any type of curvature. In this case, waves of high frequency trapped by the stability, or bursts of turbulence caused by the breaking up of internal waves, may produce a redistribution of energy throughout the scaling range. Due to this redistribution, the variation with the scale of the energy dissipation rate may be smaller (decreasing the intermittency) and, even in more stable situations, this rate may diminish (instead of increasing) as the scale diminishes (convex form of the curve ζ p vs. p).  相似文献   

Adequate high-quality data on three-dimensional velocities in the atmospheric surface layer (height \(\delta \)) were acquired in the field at the Qingtu Lake Observation Array. The measurement range occupies nearly the entire logarithmic layer from approximately \(0.006\delta \)\(0.2\delta \). The turbulence intensity and eddy structures of the velocity fluctuations in the logarithmic region were primarily analyzed, and their variations in the z (wall-normal) direction were revealed. The primary finding was that the turbulent intensity of wall-normal velocity fluctuations exhibits a sharp upswing in the logarithmic region, which differs from classic scaling law and laboratory results. The upswing of the wall-normal turbulence intensity in the logarithmic region is deemed to be linear based on an ensemble of 20 sets of data. In addition, the wall-normal extent of the correlated structures and wall-normal spectra were compared to low Reynolds number results in the laboratory.  相似文献   

大气边界层阵风相干结构的产生条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
壁湍流相干结构的发现是近代湍流研究的重大进展之一,从20世纪50年代开始,在大气边界层湍流中也发现了相干结构——对流云街,并进行了系统的研究。近些年来,人们发现在近地层湍流中也存在相干结构。利用北京325 m气象塔对城市下垫面中大风和小风天气的风速分析,发现较有规律的周期3~6 min的阵风,且有明显的相干结构,而对不同下垫面的阵风研究,均发现存在这种相干结构,这种阵风相干结构对通量输送有不可忽视的作用。本文利用2012年4月甘肃省民勤县巴丹吉林沙漠观测塔的超声风速和平均场风速、温度观测资料,对阵风相干结构的产生条件进行了分析。采用傅立叶变换,将三维超声风速按频率分成基流(周期10分钟以上)、阵风扰动(周期1到10分钟)、湍流脉动(周期小于1分钟)三部分,结合平均场的资料分析发现:阵风相干结构出现在静力中性、不稳定甚至略微稳定的条件下,或者说机械作用主导的大气边界层,阵风区就会出现相干结构,热力作用对其有抑制和干扰的作用。从而,阵风的相干结构和壁面相干结构都出现在中性条件下,是机械湍流的现象,都主导着动量能量的输运。阵风区的相干结构并不等同于对流云街,他们出现在不同的大气稳定度条件下且尺度不同。  相似文献   

A large-eddy simulation of the atmospheric boundary layer, large enough to contain both an urban surface layer and a convective mixed layer, was performed to investigate inner-layer and outer-layer scale motions. The objective was to determine the applicability of Monin–Obukhov similarity theory to inner-layer motions, to investigate the influence of outer-layer motions on surface-layer structure, as well as to assess the interaction of the two scales of motion. The urban surface roughness consisted of square-patterned cubic buildings of dimension H (40 m). A spatial filter was used to decompose the two scales in the inertial sublayer. The horizontal square filter of size 10H was effective in separating the inner-layer (surface-layer height ≈ 2 H) and outer-layer scales (boundary-layer height δ ≈ 30H), where the Reynolds stress contribution of the inner layer dominates in the logarithmic layer (depth 2H). Similarity coefficients for velocity fluctuations were successfully determined for inner-layer motions in the surface layer, proving the robustness of Monin–Obukhov similarity for surface-layer turbulence. The inner-layer structures exhibit streaky structures that have similar streamwise length but narrower spanwise width relative to the streamwise velocity fluctuation field, consistent with observations from an outdoor scale model. The outer-layer motions to some extent influence the location of ejections and sweeps through updraft and downdraft motions, respectively, thus, disturbing the homogeneity and similarity of inner-layer motions. Although the horizontal averages of the variances and covariance of motions reveal that the Reynolds stresses are dominated by inner-layer structures, the localized influence of the interaction of outer-layer horizontal and inner-layer vertical motions on the Reynolds stress is not insignificant.  相似文献   

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