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The Kitt Peak multi-channel magnetograph was used to make raster scans of the super-granulation. The region scanned was carefully selected to be quiet and was located at the center of the disk. Each point in the raster was observed twice (with a time interval of 150 sec) and averaged, thereby cancelling out effects of the 5 min oscillations. Subsequent raster scans were made over a period of 4 h and averaged, further reducing short-lived, nonperiodic modes and enhancing the long-lived super-granulation.The results clearly show vertical supergranular motions. These motions consist of relatively isolated patches of downward flowing material, or downdrafts, with a speed of approximately 0.1 km/sec. These downdrafts are highly correlated with patches of magnetic field, being not only cospatial with them but also approximately linearly proportional to the field strength. The magnetic field strength of these downdrafts is in the range from 50 to 100 G. These downdrafts are also regions of increased temperature (i.e., brighter than average) at all levels observed, from the Caii K line down to the level of the continuum.The observations show no contradiction with the hypothesis that the supergranulation is a convective phenomenon, but they do indicate that the convection would be far more complicated than previously supposed. In particular, the surprisingly large field strengths and the presence of a bright network at all levels suggest that the magnetic field plays a far more active role in the supergranulation.Visiting Astronomer, Kitt Peak National Observatory, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

A new technique for displaying magnetograph observations is presented and applied to the 12-channel magnetograph at Kitt Peak National Observatory. Using the data from a raster scan, a digital spectroheliogram is constructed on the face of a cathode ray tube and photographed. This enables one to recognize patterns in magnetograph data as easily as with conventional photographs. Comparisons with simultaneous spectroheliograms show no qualitative differences and indicate that the magnetograph is quite capable of studying morphology of individual solar features.Kitt Peak National Observatory Contribution No. 499.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Chae  Jongchul  Yun  Hong Sik  Sakurai  Takashi  Ichimoto  Kiyoshi 《Solar physics》1998,183(2):245-261
We have developed a method of stray-light correction which is applicable to filter-based magnetograph observations. Stray-light-corrected Stokes images are obtained by performing the deconvolution of observed Stokes images by the point spread function which is determined from the Stokes I image. For image deconvolution, the maximum entropy principle is used to guarantee that intensity should be positive and polarization degrees should be less than unity. We present an iterative algorithm for the maximum entropy method, which seeks the solution in Fourier space and thus accomplishes fast convergence. We find that our method is effective in correcting stray light which has a spread angle greater than the full width at half maximum of the point spread function. We also discuss the effect of stray light on magnetograph calibration.  相似文献   

Joint vector magnetograph observations were carried out at Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO), Huairou Solar Observing Station (Huairou), and Mees Solar Observatory (MSO) in late September 1989. Comparisons of vector magnetograms obtained at the three stations show a high degree of consistency in the morphology of both longitudinal and transverse fields. Quantitative comparisons show the presence of noise, cross-talk between longitudinal field and transverse field, Faraday rotation and signal saturation effects in the magnetograms. We have tried to establish how the scatter in measurements from different instruments is apportioned between these sources of error.  相似文献   

By comparison of photoelectric magnetograms with high resolution Hα pictures it is possible to formulate a set of rules by which the magnetic field may be derived directly from the filtergrams. This is possible because of the regularities of magnetic field configurations on the sun and because chromospheric morphology is determined by the magnetic field. Off-band pictures (preferably 0.5 Å red) show a well-defined enhanced chromospheric network, the boundaries of which coincide with the 5 G contour of longitudinal field on the Mt. Wilson magnetograms. The actual fields are presumably more concentrated along the dark structure of the network. Higher fields are marked by filled-in cells. Regions of predominantly transverse fields may be inferred from the absence of normal network structure and the presence of chromospheric fibrils. The quiet chromosphere is recognized by the presence of oscillatory motion and the absence of fibrils or strong network structure. Thus, the chromosphere may be divided into three types of regions: enhanced network, horizontal field, and quiet network. The polarity of the magnetic field may be recognized by plage-antiplage asymmetry; that is, the fact that only following magnetic fields show bright plage in the center of Hα.  相似文献   

We present high resolution detailed observations of the class 3N two-ribbon flare of 1973, July 29 (McMath 12461), which was associated with the disappearance of a large filament (disparition brusque). This flare occurred in a diffuse bipolar magnetic region completely devoid of sunspots, and was further associated with a type IV radio burst and a soft X-ray event. Extensive H filtergraph, spectrograph and magnetograph records during the main phase of the flare suggest that downfalling and streaming material is present on both ribbons for several hours during the H emission enhancement, but only at a small number of points located both on and off the ribbons. We find a poor spatial correspondence between bright emission knots in the H ribbons and the positions of the observed downward motion. We conclude that the model of infall-impact of Hyder (1967a, b) is not consistent with our filtergraph and spectrograph observations.Presently at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.  相似文献   

The NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center's solar vector magnetograph system is described; this sytem allows measurements of all components of the Sun's photospheric magnetic field over a 5 × 5 or 2.0 × 2.0 arc min square field-of-view with an optimum time resolution of 100 s and an optimum signal-to-noise of 1600. The basic system components are described, including the optics, detector, digital system and associated electronics. Automatic sequencing and control functions are outlined as well as manual selections of system parameters which afford unique system flexibility. Results of system calibration and performance are presented, including linearity, dynamic range, uniformity, spatial and spectral resolutions, signal-to-noise, electro-optical retardation and polarization calibration. Scientific investigations which utilize the unique characteristics of the instrument are described and typical results are presented.  相似文献   

Alterations to the Mount Wilson Observatory solar magnetograph were made during 1981. The present state of the instrument, including the spectrograph, is described. The magnetic and Doppler velocity signals and the setup procedure for the magnetogram observation are discussed. The advantages of the new system are described.  相似文献   

A new type of magnetograph   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A solar magnetograph without electronics or any moving parts has been designed. The principle is the use of a subtracting double-dispersion optical system. The exposure time is of the order of 1 sec.Preliminary results obtained at the Swedish Astrophysical Observatory at Anacapri indicate that this method could be convenient to use in space vehicles when aiming at high spatial resolution of solar magnetic fields.  相似文献   

A new magnetograph using a solid state monolithic linear silicon diode array has been constructed at Lockheed Solar Observatory. This magnetograph uses a digital image processor, and makes data available both in digital and analog form. The diode array detector is capable of a signal-to-noise ratio of 2000:1 or better when cooled to a temperature of -40 deg centigrade. Thus, intensity differences of the order of one part in a thousand may easily be detected without signal averaging. This instrument may be considered a prototype for an instrument using a two-dimensional array. The magnetograph is now fully operational, and is being used to produce data for statistical studies of solar magnetic field diffusion.  相似文献   

We describe an instrument we have built and installed at Mees Solar Observatory on Haleakala, Maui, to measure polarization in narrow-band solar images. Observations in Zeemansensitive photospheric lines have been made for nearly all solar active regions since the instrument began operations in 1992. The magnetograph includes a 28-cm aperture telescope, a polarization modulator, a tunable Fabry-Pérot filter, CCD cameras and control electronics. Stokes spectra of a photospheric line are obtained with 7 pm spectral resolution, 1 arc sec spatial resolution over a field 4.7 arc min square, and polarimetric precision of 0.1%. A complete vector magnetogram observation can be made every eight minutes. The flexibility of the instrument encourages diverse observations: besides active region magnetograms we have made, for example, composite vector magnetograms of the full solar disk, and H polarization movies of flaring regions.  相似文献   

The electro-optic deflector as an analyzer of circular polarization in the photoelectric magnetograph is described. The electro-optic deflector consists of an electro-optic crystal and a polarizing beamsplitter. The plane bifurcation of this beamsplitter coincides with the spectrograph dispersion direction. The beamsplitter bifurcates a spectral line in two components. The distance between them is 0. The photometer slit is situated between these components. Both components of Zeeman splitting fall on the photometer slit but the distance between them varies from 0 + 2 H to 0 – 2 H (where H is the Zeeman splitting) with the electric voltage frequency applied to the electro-optic crystal. The intensity variations at the photometer slit are proportional to 4 H .  相似文献   

We discuss the problems connected with the measurements and evaluation of line-of-sight velocities, obtained with a scanning photoelectric magnetograph using a line-shifter with enhanced sensitivity. We bring arguments for the validity of the results of our photoelectric Doppler velocity recordings. We have found a network of cellularly shaped patterns in the distribution of photo-electrically measured line-of-sight motions, upflowing in the magnetically quiet (blue-shifted) and downflowing in magnetically active (red-shifted) areas of the photosphere, if the mean velocity level is estimated for a sufficiently large measured area. The features of both directions are mutually complementary. We demonstrate the effect of the shift of the reference zero velocity level on the topology of the line-of-sight velocity maps, and the dependence of this level on the size of the area from which it is estimated.  相似文献   

Hagyard  M.J.  Adams  M.L.  Smith  J.E.  West  E.A. 《Solar physics》2000,191(2):309-324
In this paper we analyze the effects of Faraday rotation on the azimuth of a transverse magnetic field as determined from the linear polarization in the inverse Zeeman effect. Observations of a simple sunspot were obtained with the Marshall Space Flight Center's vector magnetograph over the wavelength interval of 170 mÅ redward of line center of the Fe i 5250.22 Å spectral line to 170 mÅ to the blue, in steps of 10 mÅ. These data were analyzed to produce the variation of the azimuth as a function of wavelength at each pixel over the field of view of the sunspot. At selected locations in the sunspot, curves of the observed variation of azimuth with wavelength were compared with model calculations for the azimuth at each wavelength as derived from the inverse Zeeman effect modified by Faraday rotation. From these comparisons we derived the maximum amount of rotation as functions of both the magnitude and inclination of the sunspot's field. These results show that Faraday rotation of the azimuth will be a significant problem in observations taken near the center of a spectral line for fields as low as 1200 G and inclinations of the field in the range 20–80 deg. Conversely, they show that measurements taken in the wing of a spectral line are relatively free of the effects of Faraday rotation.  相似文献   

In this paper, the presence of Faraday rotation in measurements of the orientation of a sunspot's transverse magnetic field is investigated. Using observations obtained with the Marshall Space Flight Center's (MSFC) vector magnetograph, the derived vector magnetic field of a simple, symmetric sunspot is used to calculate the degree of Faraday rotation in the azimuth of the transverse field as a function of wavelength from analytical expressions for the Stokes parameters. These results are then compared with the observed rotation of the field's azimuth which is derived from observations at different wavelengths within the Fei 5250 Å spectral line. From these comparisons, we find: the observed rotation of the azimuth is simulated to a reasonable degree by the theoretical formulations if the line-formation parameter η o is varied over the sunspot; these variations in η o are substantiated by the line-intensity data; for the MSFC system, Faraday rotation can be neglected for field strengths less than 1800 G and field inclinations greater than 45°; to minimize the effects of Faraday rotation in sunspot umbrae, MSFC magnetograph measurements must be made in the far wings of the Zeeman-sensitive spectral line.  相似文献   

Using a magnetograph, we examine four sunspots for evidence of a magnetic canopy at the penumbra/photosphere boundary. The penumbral edge is determined from the photometric intensity and is defined to correspond to the value of the average intensity minus twice the standard deviation from the average. From a comparison of the location of this boundary with the location of contours of the vertical and horizontal components of the magnetic field, we conclude that the data are best represented by canopy-type fields close to all four sunspots. There is some evidence that the magnetic inclination in the canopies is 5°–15° with respect to the horizontal and that the canopy base height lies in the middle/upper photosphere. The observations further suggest that the magnetic canopy of a sunspot begins at its outer penumbral boundary.  相似文献   

Several methods currently used to extrapolate the structure of the solar magnetic field from surface measurements are examined and compared. In particular, the differences between the methods of Schmidt for potential fields and of Nakagawa and Raadu for force-free fields are explained. Suggestions are made regarding the use of these theoretical procedures in making physical conclusions.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2007,12(3):215-223
We compare the results of two calibration methods for deriving a photospheric vector magnetogram, as applied to the Fei 5324.19 Å line. The first method ignores the dependence of its calibration coefficients on the inclination angle. The second method is a multi-iteration, nonlinear calibration technique developed by [M.J. Hagyard, J.I. Kineke, Solar Phys. 158 (1995) 11], which allows the polarization signals to depend on both field strength and inclination angle. We compare the relationship between the derived solar magnetic field and the Stokes parameters under both methods. We find that the circular polarization signal of the Fei 5324.19 Å line is linearly proportional to the longitudinal strength, BL, when the field strength ranges from 0 to 1000 Gauss. For BL > 1000 G and inclination angles ranging from 30° to 90°, deviation from linearity is significant. For the transverse field, BT, the assumption of linearity only holds for 0 < BT < 300 G. In contrast to the former method of calibration, the improved calibration method accounts for the nonlinear relationship between polarization signals and the magnetic field strength. Using [A. Skumanich, in: J.H. Thomas and N.O. Weiss (Eds.), Sunspots: Theory and Observations. Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1992, p. 121] dipole field model, we show that the Fei 5324.19 Å line has more linear property than the Fei 6302.5 Å line.  相似文献   

The Faraday rotation in the sunspot atmosphere is statistically detected by examining directions of the linear polarization obtained with the vector magnetograph of the Okayama Astrophysical Observatory. It is very effective near the spectral line center and the azimuth of the linear polarization deviates greatly from the magnetic field azimuth. In the case of the iron line, 5250 Å, the magnetic field azimuth will be obtained with an accuracy better than 15°, if observed in the line wing from 27 to 80 mÅ relative to the line center.  相似文献   

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