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The unsaturated fractured volcanic deposits at Yucca Mountain in Nevada, USA, have been intensively investigated as a possible repository site for storing high-level radioactive waste. Field studies at the site have revealed that there exist large variabilities in hydrological parameters over the spatial domain of the mountain. Systematic analyses of hydrological parameters using a site-scale three-dimensional unsaturated zone (UZ) flow model have been undertaken. The main objective of the sensitivity analyses was to evaluate the effects of uncertainties in hydrologic parameters on modeled UZ flow and contaminant transport results. Sensitivity analyses were carried out relative to fracture and matrix permeability and capillary strength (van Genuchten α) through variation of these parameter values by one standard deviation from the base-case values. The parameter variation resulted in eight parameter sets. Modeling results for the eight UZ flow sensitivity cases have been compared with field observed data and simulation results from the base-case model. The effects of parameter uncertainties on the flow fields were evaluated through comparison of results for flow and transport. In general, this study shows that uncertainties in matrix parameters cause larger uncertainty in simulated moisture flux than corresponding uncertainties in fracture properties for unsaturated flow through heterogeneous fractured rock.  相似文献   

The effect of open and filled slip surfaces on the upscaled permeability of two fault zones with 6 and 14 m strike-slip in an eolian Aztec Sandstone, Nevada, USA is evaluated. Each fault zone is composed of several fault components: a fault core, bounded by filled through-going slip surfaces referred to as slip bands, and a surrounding damage zone that contains joints and deformation bands. Slip band geometry, composition, and petrophysical properties are characterized. Measurements and modeling show that slip band permeabilities can vary over 12 orders of magnitude depending on the degree of fill within the slip bands. The slip bands along with other fault zone components are represented in finite volume numerical calculations and the impact of various slip-band representations on upscaled fault zone permeability is tested. The results show 2 orders of magnitude variation in upscaled fault zone permeability in the fault-normal direction and a factor of 2 variation in the fault-parallel direction. The numerical results presented here are compared to the earlier numerical results in which structured Cartesian grids were used for the numerical simulations, and are in qualitative agreement with earlier calculations but use about a factor of 250–400 fewer numerical cells.  相似文献   

古元古代达肯大坂岩群为柴北缘构造带的变质结晶基底,是柴北缘造山带的重要组成部分。前人在德令哈以西的鱼卡河—锡铁山—沙柳河一带和大柴旦等地对达肯大坂岩群做了较深入的研究,但对于柴北缘东段的研究还相对薄弱,缺乏东西段的对比研究。通过对布赫特山一带达肯大坂岩群中片麻岩和斜长角闪片岩的岩石学、岩石地球化学、年代学研究和区域对比,认为研究区的岩性、矿物组合、变质程度与德令哈以西鱼卡河—锡铁山—沙柳河一带达肯大坂岩群具有较高的相似性。布赫特山一带达肯大坂岩群主要为一套碎屑岩夹火山岩的岩石组合,变形强烈,其形成环境为岛弧与活动性陆缘的过渡环境,且岩浆来源为壳幔混染。由采集的2件Sm-Nd同位素样品得到了2组等时线年龄分别为2085±14Ma和2027±19Ma。由此可知达肯大坂岩群为古元古代柴北缘地区的变质结晶基底,是柴北缘古元古代造山带的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

通过博格达山北麓白杨河剖面芦草沟组页岩的地球化学特征的综合研究,讨论了芦草沟组页岩的元素富集特征和沉积环境以及源区物源特征和构造背景。结果表明:1研究区页岩P元素极为富集,这受控于页岩中凝灰质火山灰夹层的广泛发育;2对比于世界页岩微量元素分布,白杨河页岩相对富集Li、B、Pr、Tb、Dy、Ho、Er、Tm和Lu元素,其他元素相对亏损;3白杨河剖面页岩地化参数揭示芦草沟组自下而上气候由温湿向干热转变,进而引起水体由淡水向咸水的转变和还原程度的进一步加强;4物源区遭受低级-中等风化程度,物源类型主要为长英质火成岩,其次为铁镁质火成岩;5物源区大地构造背景以大陆岛弧-活动大陆边缘构造背景为主。  相似文献   

郑丽波  戴雪荣  张欢 《江苏地质》2018,42(4):543-551
古夷平面研究在地貌演化和新构造运动研究中占有极其重要的地位,但由于遭受构造运动和剥蚀作用的影响,很多古夷平面遗迹已无从清晰辨识。浙江四明山顶古近纪夷平古风化壳面的发现,为研究浙江东部甚至华东地区的新生代地貌演化提供了重要地质信息,同时为始新世和中新世时的古气候、古环境研究提供了重要物质证据。通过详细的野外地质调查,系统采集了该区5个点位的20个古风化壳样品和7个点位的15个现代风化壳样品,开展黏土矿物分析和玄武岩K-Ar年龄测试。研究确认四明山地区发育有2期古夷平面遗迹,即古近纪(E)和新近纪(N)古夷平面遗迹:第一期夷平面发育时间为65. 0~32. 2 Ma,解体和古夷平面遗迹保存时间为32. 2~21. 7 Ma;第二期夷平面发育时间为21. 7~10. 5 Ma,解体和古夷平面遗迹保存时间为10. 5~3. 0 Ma。研究区2期火山活动喷发所形成的玄武岩盖层有效保护了该区的古风化壳,从而使四明山古夷平面遗迹具有空间展布完整、剖面信息清晰等特征,呈现出由古夷平面(古风化壳)与玄武岩堆积面(现代风化壳)组成的"双风化壳"现象,为观察古夷平面遗迹特征提供了最佳场所。  相似文献   

汪启年  李涛  朱将波 《地质通报》2012,31(11):1826-1837
为了解雪峰山西侧地区的深部构造特征,促进油气勘探战略选区,使用大地电磁(MT)测深技术,结合测区的地质和物性特征,通过定性分析和定量计算,对研究区的断裂、褶皱、地层展布进行地面-地覆对比分析。结果表明,雪峰山西侧地覆的构造单元划分与地面基本一致,MT剖面东段反映的雪峰山隆起区深部巨厚低阻层的属性可能为多次挤压形成的破碎层。西段显示秀山以西低阻标志层清晰,震旦系—寒武系地层发育厚度较大,构造变形相对较弱,侧向延伸稳定,是油气勘探的有利区,为研究区海相下组合油气勘探战略选区提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

中非刚果(金)加丹加铜钴矿带主要矿化类型及特征   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
文章在总结前人研究成果的基础上,结合野外勘查实践与认识,简要概括了加丹加铜钴矿带的区域地质背景、岩石地层划分、构造演化及沉积环境的变迁、铜钴矿床的空间分布及层控特征.在同生沉积成因理论的基础上,依据铜钴矿床在卢菲利弧内的空间分布规律、加丹加造山运动对矿床的改造程度,将加丹加铜钴矿带的层状铜钴矿床归纳为受D1变形作用改造的同生沉积铜钴矿床以及受D2-D3变形作用改造的同生沉积-热液改造铜钴矿床2种类型.前一类型矿床主要分布在外部褶皱推覆带的北侧,赋矿地层为罗安群的矿山亚群,褶皱构造控制着矿体的形态与空间展布,矿床受热液改造的程度低,氧化程度亦较低,氧化带深度一般为20~50 m,带内矿石矿物以孔雀石和辉铜矿为主,铜主要以结合氧化铜形式存在,矿床的钴含量相对较低,铜钴比值较大.后一类型矿床主要分布在外部褶皱推覆带的南侧,赋矿地层为罗安群的迪佩特亚群和木瓦夏亚群,线型构造如韧性剪切带控制着矿体的形态及空间展布,矿体呈层状、似层状,受热液改造程度高,矿床氧化程度较高,氧化带最深可达300 m,带内矿石矿物以孔雀石和水钴矿为主,钴含量高,铜钴比较值小,铜和钴主要以自由氧化铜及自由氧化钴形式存在.文章解剖了典型矿床的特征,并指出了进一步找矿的方向.  相似文献   

华北克拉通古元古代中期构造环境及演化至今尚存有争议,该时期相关岩浆作用的成因研究可为这些问题的解决提供重要证据。本文对华北克拉通中部山西吕梁地区古元古代中期形成的吕梁群近周营组基性火山岩开展综合研究,获得2 180±19 Ma 的形成年龄,岩石地球化学低TiO2、高Al2O3 和K2O,属钙碱性系列。微量元素富集Rb、Ba、Th、U、Sr 等大离子亲石元素,亏损Nb、Ta、Ti 和P等高场强元素,富集Pb,具轻稀土略富集、铕弱异常的右倾稀土模式,与典型消减带弧岩浆产物特征一致。同位素组成显示正εNd(t)= 1.0~2.6 和εHf(t)= 1.8~9.2, 指示它们来源于亏损地幔,低的Ti/Y(246~385)和Ce/Y 值(0.99~1.77)进一步揭示,地幔源区受到俯冲流体的交代和沉积物的参与,是楔尖晶石二辉橄榄岩与石榴石二辉橄榄岩过渡带略亏损地幔区发生部分熔融,并经历了橄榄石、单斜辉石等矿物分离结晶作用而形成。结合同期埃达克岩-高镁安山岩-富Nb玄武岩-安山岩组合以及弧花岗岩类的出现提出,2 200 Ma 华北中部带已演化至活动大陆边缘弧的构造环境。  相似文献   

Abstract: The Balfour Formation has a pronounced lithological variation that is characterized by alternating sandstone- and mudstone-dominated members. The sandstone-dominated Oudeberg and Barberskrans Members are composed of lithofacies that range from intraformational conglomerates to fine-grained sediments, whereas the mudstone-dominated members (Daggaboersnek, Elandsberg, and Palingkloof) are dominated by the facies Fm and Fl. Petrography, geochemistry, and a paleocurrent analysis indicated that the source rock of the Balfour Formation was to south east and the rocks had a transitional/dissected magmatic arc signature. The sandstones-rich members were deposited by seasonal and ephemeral high-energy, low-sinuous streams, and the fine-grained-rich members were formed by ephemeral meandering streams. The paleoclimates have been equated to present temperate climates; they were semiarid becoming arid towards the top of the Balfour Formation. This has been determined by reconstructing the paleolatitude of the Karoo Basin, geochemistry, paleontology, sedimentary structures, and other rock properties, like color.  相似文献   

The P–T evolution of amphibolite facies gneisses and associated supracrustal rocks exposed along the northern margin of the Paleo to MesoArchean Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa, has been reconstructed via detailed structural analysis combined with calculated K(Mn)FMASH pseudosections of aluminous felsic schists. The granitoid‐greenstone contact is characterized by a contact‐parallel high‐strain zone that separates the generally low‐grade, greenschist facies greenstone belt from mid‐crustal basement gneisses. The supracrustal rocks in the hangingwall of this contact are metamorphosed to upper greenschist facies conditions. Supracrustal rocks and granitoid gneisses in the footwall of this contact are metamorphosed to sillimanite grade conditions (600–700 °C and 5 ± 1 kbar), corresponding to elevated geothermal gradients of ~30–40 °C km?1. The most likely setting for these conditions was a mid‐ or lower crust that was invaded and advectively heated by syntectonic granitoids at c. 3230 Ma. Combined structural and petrological data indicate the burial of the rocks to mid‐crustal levels, followed by crustal exhumation related to the late‐ to post‐collisional extension of the granitoid‐greenstone terrane during one progressive deformation event. Exhumation and decompression commenced under amphibolite facies conditions, as indicated by the synkinematic growth of peak metamorphic minerals during extensional shearing. Derived P–T paths indicate near‐isothermal decompression to conditions of ~500–650 °C and 1–3 kbar, followed by near‐isobaric cooling to temperatures below ~500 °C. In metabasic rock types, this retrograde P–T evolution resulted in the formation of coronitic Ep‐Qtz and Act‐Qtz symplectites that are interpreted to have replaced peak metamorphic plagioclase and clinopyroxene. The last stages of exhumation are characterized by solid‐state doming of the footwall gneisses and strain localization in contact‐parallel greenschist‐facies mylonites that overprint the decompressed basement rocks.  相似文献   


燕辽地区长城群年代学工作一直是华北克拉通中元古代地质学研究的重点之一。由于团山子组与下伏串岭沟组界限年龄不明确, 且此前的年龄都是来自于其中的火山熔岩锆石的年龄, 亟待新的测年工作加以验证和完善。本文作者在北京市密云区、平谷区的团山子组下部发现了层凝灰岩, 并对其开展了系统的SHRIMP锆石U-Pb测年, 获得两个高精度年龄1634±9Ma和1637±8Ma, 进一步精确限定了该组的形成年代。结合前人研究, 燕辽地区团山子组的底界、也即下伏串岭沟组顶界年龄, 可进一步限定为1638Ma。由此可对燕辽地区长城群地层格架进行更准确的年代学厘定, 并进一步确认其整体处于持续拉张的裂谷-被动陆缘背景下的快速沉积特征、以及长城群团山子组-大红峪组与华北克拉通南缘汝阳群洛峪口组等相关沉积更为精确的对比关系。结合其他资料还可推断, 在团山子组-大红峪组及洛峪口组等形成时, 华北克拉通南北两侧都开始被碳酸盐岩浅海覆盖, 且最终还可能在其中部出现了南北联通的碳酸盐岩浅海通道。这显示出华北克拉通与早先所拼合克拉通之间已产生明显的拉张性疏离及新生海洋, 应标志着华北克拉通从哥伦比亚超大陆裂解的新阶段。


张魁武  邵济安 《岩石学报》1997,13(2):168-172
跃进山群出露位于佳木斯地块和那丹哈达地体之间,是完达山造山带的组成部分。它由大陆斜坡相沉积物、大洋中脊型玄武岩和洋岛型玄武岩组成,其中有镁铁-超镁铁质岩块体。它不是一个地层单位,而是与活动大陆边缘板块俯冲作用有关的蛇绿混杂岩  相似文献   

The O'okiep Copper District is underlain by voluminous 1035–1210Ma granite gneiss and granite with remnants of metamorphosedsupracrustal rocks. This assemblage was intruded by the 1030Ma copper-bearing Koperberg Suite that includes jotunite, anorthosite,biotite diorite and hypersthene-bearing rocks ranging from leuconoriteto hypersthenite. New sensitive high-resolution ion microprobeage data demonstrate the presence of 1700–2000 Ma zirconas xenocrysts in all of the intrusive rocks, and as detritalzircon in the metasediments of the Khurisberg Subgroup. Thesedata are consistent with published Sm–Nd model ages ofc. 1700 Ma (TCHUR) and c. 2000 Ma (TDM) of many of the intrusivesthat support a major crust-forming event in Eburnian (Hudsonian)times. In addition, U–Th–Pb analyses of zirconsfrom all major rock units define two tectono-magmatic episodesof the Namaquan Orogeny: (1) the O'okiepian Episode (1180–1210Ma), represented by regional granite plutonism, notably theNababeep and Modderfontein Granite Gneisses and the Concordiaand Kweekfontein Granites that accompanied and outlasted (e.g.Kweekfontein Granite) regional tectonism [F2(D2)] and granulite-faciesmetamorphism (M2); (2) the Klondikean Episode (1020–1040Ma), which includes the intrusion of the porphyritic RietbergGranite and of the Koperberg Suite that are devoid of regionalplanar or linear fabrics. Klondikean tectonism (D3) is reflectedby major east–west-trending open folds [F3(D3a)], andby localized east–west-trending near-vertical ductilefolds [‘steep structures’; F4(D3b)] whose formationwas broadly coeval with the intrusion of the Koperberg Suite.A regional, largely thermal, amphibolite- to granulite-faciesmetamorphism (M3) accompanied D3. This study demonstrates, interalia, that the complete spectrum of rock-types of the KoperbergSuite, together with the Rietberg Granite, was intruded in ashort time-interval (<10 Myr) at c. 1030 Ma, and that therewere lengthy periods of about 150 Myr of tectonic quiescencewithin the Namaquan Orogeny: (1) between the O'okiepian andKlondikean Episodes; (2) from the end of the latter to the formalend of Namaquan Orogenesis 800–850 Ma ago. KEY WORDS: U–Pb, zircon; O'okiep, Namaqualand; granite plutonism; granulite facies; Koperberg Suite; Namaquan (Grenville) Orogeny  相似文献   

内蒙古中部出露1条近EW向的含铜镍镁铁质-超镁铁质岩带,宽约30km,长约400km。该岩带横跨2个构造单元:宝音图岩浆弧和狼山—白云鄂博台缘坳陷。文章按构造单元将其划分为2个成矿亚带:额布图—特颇格日图矿带和克布—小南山矿带。额布图—特颇格日图矿带构造单元为宝音图岩浆弧,主要形成以富镍为主、伴生Co元素的镍矿床(点),包括额布图、达布逊和特颇格日图;克布—小南山矿带构造单元为狼山—白云鄂博台缘坳陷,形成以富铜、镍为主,伴生Pt,Pd等铂族元素的铜-镍(PGE)矿床,包括克布、黄花滩和小南山。赋矿岩体呈似层状、透镜状、扁豆状及串珠状产出,矿石矿物以金属硫化物为主,含少量氧化物。区内不同构造单元内岩体形成2种不同类型矿床,其原因可能是古亚洲洋板块向华北板块北缘俯冲,岩石圈地幔发生部分熔融形成岩浆,在不同构造单元底侵上升,经过不同的介质及围岩,形成2种明显差异的成矿亚带。  相似文献   

The Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) deep borehole, which reached a depth of 5158 m in the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane, provides a new window into the deep root of a continent-continent collision belt, and the tectonic processes by which supracrustal material is recycled into the mantle by subduction and then uplifted to the surface. Major research themes of the CCSD project were to: (1) determine the three-dimensional composition, structure and geophysical character of the deep root of this orogenic belt; (2) investigate the nature and timing of the UHP metamorphism; (3) investigate the processes of crust-mantle interaction involved in the formation and exhumation of the UHP rocks; (4) study the process of fluid circulation and mineralization during subduction and exhumation; (5) study the rheological properties of the various rocks during subduction and exhumation; (6) develop and refine dynamic models for deep subduction and exhumation of crustal rocks, and (7) establish a long-term, natural laboratory for the study of present-day crustal dynamics (e.g., stress, strain, fluid activity). The CCSD has developed precise oriented profiles of the main borehole in terms of lithology, geochemistry, oxygen isotopes, zircon SHRIMP U-Pb ages, 40Ar-39Ar ages, deformation, rheology, mineralization, physical properties of the rocks, petrophysical logs, seismic reflections and underground fluids. The present paper summarizes the integrated research results of this project, especially the new findings concerning the deep root of a continent-continent collision.  相似文献   

以2010年6月在东北某油田区野外调查获取的68个表层土壤样品和50个钻孔土壤样品总石油烃浓度测试结果为基础,运用相对累积概率分布曲线法确定该区土壤总石油烃背景值(或临界值),采用监测断面分析法、比拟法对所得结果进行验证,并以此为依据分析了研究区不同土地利用类型表层土壤和不同深度土壤中石油烃污染特征,进而对土壤石油烃污染程度进行评价。结果表明:运用相对累积概率分布曲线法所确定研究区土壤总石油烃背景值(或临界值)为10mg/kg。研究区芦苇湿地土中66.7%点位属中等及以上污染水平,稻田耕作土中73.1%点位属未污染或低污染水平;表层土壤总石油烃浓度空间变异性较大,表现出明显的点源污染特征。此外,表层土壤总石油烃浓度明显高于深层土壤,0~0.2m土层达到重度污染水平,以下深度总石油烃浓度逐渐降低,趋向背景值。这种情况与污染场地石油烃在垂向上的迁移过程主要以渗透作用为主有关。  相似文献   

运用LA—MC—ICPMS方法,对河南汝州阳坡村附近洛峪口组中部层凝灰岩夹层开展了锆石U-Pb同位素年代学研究,获得了1611±8Ma的高精度年龄。这一年龄第一次精确标定了该地区洛峪口组的形成时限,并显示该组顶界应接近1600Ma。由于洛峪口组位于华北克拉通南缘原划归“新元古界青白口系”洛峪群的最顶部,洛峪群又覆于“中元古界蓟县系”汝阳群之上,因此,这一新的年代学进展实际上同时也将洛峪群和汝阳群都下压到了中元古界长城系,并将洛峪群顶界限定为该地区长城系与蓟县系分界。结合区域资料,特别是熊耳群(下伏于汝阳群)火山岩近年来的年代学标定(多集中于1750~1780Ma),可初步将该地区汝阳群一洛峪群的形成年代限定为1750~1600Ma之间,对应于国际固结纪(Statherian。1800~1600Ma)即中国长城纪中晚期。华北南缘洛峪口组形成年龄的直接约束及相关地层划分的重新厘定,为中元古代华北克拉通南北缘的准确对比及其与哥伦比亚超大陆关系、早期生命演化等重大地学命题提供了新的重要的年代学证据。  相似文献   

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