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Application of altimetry data assimilation on mesoscale eddies simulation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mesoscale eddy plays an important role in the ocean circulation. In order to improve the simulation accuracy of the mesoscale eddies, a three-dimensional variation (3DVAR) data assimilation system called Ocean Variational Analysis System (OVALS) is coupled with a POM model to simulate the mesoscale eddies in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. In this system, the sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) data by satellite altimeters are assimilated and translated into pseudo temperature and salinity (T-S) profile data. Then, these profile data are taken as observation data to be assimilated again and produce the three-dimensional analysis T-S field. According to the characteristics of mesoscale eddy, the most appropriate assimilation parameters are set up and testified in this system. A ten years mesoscale eddies simulation and comparison experiment is made, which includes two schemes: assimilation and non-assimilation. The results of comparison between two schemes and the observation show that the simulation accuracy of the assimilation scheme is much better than that of non-assimilation, which verified that the altimetry data assimilation method can improve the simulation accuracy of the mesoscale dramatically and indicates that it is possible to use this system on the forecast of mesoscale eddies in the future.  相似文献   

The role of data assimilation procedures on representing ocean mesoscale variability is assessed by applying eddy statistics to a state-of-the-art global ocean reanalysis (C-GLORS), a free global ocean simulation (performed with the NEMO system) and an observation-based dataset (ARMOR3D) used as an independent benchmark. Numerical results are computed on a 1/4 ° horizontal grid (ORCA025) and share the same resolution with ARMOR3D dataset. This “eddy-permitting” resolution is sufficient to allow ocean eddies to form. Further to assessing the eddy statistics from three different datasets, a global three-dimensional eddy detection system is implemented in order to bypass the need of regional-dependent definition of thresholds, typical of commonly adopted eddy detection algorithms. It thus provides full three-dimensional eddy statistics segmenting vertical profiles from local rotational velocities. This criterion is crucial for discerning real eddies from transient surface noise that inevitably affects any two-dimensional algorithm. Data assimilation enhances and corrects mesoscale variability on a wide range of features that cannot be well reproduced otherwise. The free simulation fairly reproduces eddies emerging from western boundary currents and deep baroclinic instabilities, while underestimates shallower vortexes that populate the full basin. The ocean reanalysis recovers most of the missing turbulence, shown by satellite products , that is not generated by the model itself and consistently projects surface variability deep into the water column. The comparison with the statistically reconstructed vertical profiles from ARMOR3D show that ocean data assimilation is able to embed variability into the model dynamics, constraining eddies with in situ and altimetry observation and generating them consistently with local environment.  相似文献   

The main oceanographic objective of the future SWOT mission is to better characterize the ocean mesoscale and sub-mesoscale circulation, by observing a finer range of ocean topography dynamics down to 20 km wavelength. Despite the very high spatial resolution of the future satellite, it will not capture the time evolution of the shorter mesoscale signals, such as the formation and evolution of small eddies. SWOT will have an exact repeat cycle of 21 days, with near repeats around 5–10 days, depending on the latitude. Here, we investigate a technique to reconstruct the missing 2D SSH signal in the time between two satellite revisits. We use the dynamical interpolation (DI) technique developed by Ubelmann et al. (2015). Based on potential vorticity (hereafter PV) conservation using a one and a half layer quasi-geostrophic model, it features an active advection of the SSH field. This model has been tested in energetic open ocean regions such as the Gulf Stream and the Californian Current, and has given promising results. Here, we test this model in the Western Mediterranean Sea, a lower energy region with complex small scale physics, and compare the SSH reconstruction with the high-resolution Symphonie model. We investigate an extension of the simple dynamical model including a separated mean circulation. We find that the DI gives a 16–18% improvement in the reconstruction of the surface height and eddy kinetic energy fields, compared with a simple linear interpolation, and a 37% improvement in the Northern Current subregion. Reconstruction errors are higher during winter and autumn but statistically, the improvement from the DI is also better for these seasons.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of mesoscale eddies in the western tropical Pacific(6°S–20°N, 120°E–150°E)is investigated using a high-resolution ocean model simulation. Eddy detection and eddy tracking algorithms are applied to simulated horizontal velocity vectors, and the anticyclonic and cyclonic eddies identified are composited to obtain their three-dimensional structures. The mean lifetime of all long-lived eddies is about 52 days, and their mean diameter is 147 km. Two typical characteristics of mesoscale eddies are revealed and possible dynamic explanations are analyzed. One typical characteristic is that surface eddies are generally separated from subthermocline eddies along the bifurcation latitude(~13°N) of the North Equatorial Current in the western tropical Pacific, which may be associated with different eddy energy sources and vertical eddy energy fluxes in subtropical and tropical gyres. Surface eddies have maximum swirl velocities of 8–9 cm s~(-1) and can extend to about 1500 m depth. Subthermocline eddies occur below 200 m, with their cores at about 400–600 m depth, and their maximum swirl velocities can reach 10 cm s~(-1). The other typical characteristic is that the meridional velocity component of the eddy is much larger than the zonal component. This characteristic might be due to more zonal eddy pairs(two eddies at the same latitude),which is also supported by the zonal wavelength(about 200 km) in the high-frequency meridional velocity component of the horizontal velocity.  相似文献   

The wind-driven circulation in the northwestern Pacific and the South China Sea (SCS) is simplified as a two-layer, quasi-geostrophic model in two rectangular basins connected by an idealized strait. This model is used to investigate the impact of the western boundary current (WBC) on the adjacent marginal sea. The variability of the circulation in the two basins is investigated with a high resolution and at low viscosity, which allows the numerical solution to resolve mesoscale eddy forcing. The model ocean is driven by the time-independent asymmetric wind stress acting on the idealized Pacific (large basin) only. Under the reference parameters used in this study, the WBC can intrude into the idealized SCS (small basin) in the form of a loop current, shedding eddies regularly. The rate of eddy shedding is nearly constant throughout the entire integration time of the model; however, the intensity of the eddy-shedding exhibits multiple timescale variability ranging from quasi-biennial to decadal timescale. A set of sensitivity experiments demonstrate that our results are robust against changes to model parameters and geometry. Multivariate spectral analysis is used to extract the spatiotemporal feature of the variability. Joint analysis for the two basins shows that the circulation in the idealized SCS is significantly impacted by the variability at decadal (15-year), interannual (5–7-year and quasi-biennial), and quasi-annual timescales. The spatial structures of the modes of variablility suggest that the variance in position of the WBC, combined with mesoscale activity, act to influence the low-frequency modes of the idealized SCS. The structural differences between the modes strongly impacting the idealized SCS and those having weak influence are also presented.  相似文献   


For the purpose of deriving an analytical parametrization, oceanic mesoscale eddies are represented as a horizontally propagating wave field in a non-uniform environment. The mathematical analysis rests upon the assumption of scale disparity between a short eddy scale and a long mean-flow scale. The novelty resides in the treatment of finite-amplitude eddies, which, moreover, form either a band-like or a cell-like pattern. A barotropic ocean is chosen as a first step to illustrate the mathematical analysis, but dissipation is included. The main result is an analytical derivation of a mesoscale-eddy parametrization: the mean-flow equation contains Reynolds-stress terms which are computed from parameters of the eddy field, which, in turn, are predicted by separate evolution equations. Due to restrictive assumptions (barotropy, orthogonal waves,…), the parametrization established here should be viewed only as a first step toward the design of a more practical parameterization for large-scale modelling.  相似文献   

Based on eddy-permitting ocean circulation model outputs, the mesoscale variability is studied in the Sea of Okhotsk. We confirmed that the simulated circulation reproduces the main features of the general circulation in the Sea of Okhotsk. In particular, it reproduced a complex structure of the East-Sakhalin current and the pronounced seasonal variability of this current. We established that the maximum of mean kinetic energy was associated with the East-Sakhalin Current. In order to uncover causes and mechanisms of the mesoscale variability, we studied the budget of eddy kinetic energy (EKE) in the Sea of Okhotsk. Spatial distribution of the EKE showed that intensive mesoscale variability occurs along the western boundary of the Sea of Okhotsk, where the East-Sakhalin Current extends. We revealed a pronounced seasonal variability of EKE with its maximum intensity in winter and its minimum intensity in summer. Analysis of EKE sources and rates of energy conversion revealed a leading role of time-varying (turbulent) wind stress in the generation of mesoscale variability along the western boundary of the Sea of Okhotsk in winter and spring. We established that a contribution of baroclinic instability predominates over that of barotropic instability in the generation of mesoscale variability along the western boundary of the Sea of Okhotsk. To demonstrate the mechanism of baroclinic instability, the simulated circulation was considered along the western boundary of the Sea of Okhotsk from January to April 2005. In April, the mesoscale anticyclonic eddies are observed along the western boundary of the Sea of Okhotsk. The role of the sea ice cover in the intensification of the mesoscale variability in the Sea of Okhotsk was discussed.  相似文献   

A complex and highly dynamical ocean region, the Agulhas Current System plays an important role in the transfer of energy, nutrients and organic material from the Indian to the Atlantic Ocean. Its dynamics are not only important locally, but affect the global ocean-atmosphere system. In working towards improved ocean reanalysis and forecasting capabilities, it is important that numerical models simulate mesoscale variability accurately—especially given the scarcity of coherent observational platforms in the region. Data assimilation makes use of scarce observations, a dynamical model and their respective error statistics to estimate a new, improved model state that minimises the distance to the observations whilst preserving dynamical consistency. Qualitatively, it is unclear whether this minimisation directly translates to an improved representation of mesoscale dynamics. In this study, the impact of assimilating along-track sea-level anomaly (SLA) data into a regional Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) is investigated with regard to the simulation of mesoscale eddy characteristics. We use an eddy-tracking algorithm and compare the derived eddy characteristics of an assimilated (ASSIM) and an unassimilated (FREE) simulation experiment in HYCOM with gridded satellite altimetry-derived SLA data. Using an eddy tracking algorithm, we are able to quantitatively evaluate whether assimilation updates the model state estimate such that simulated mesoscale eddy characteristics are improved. Additionally, the analysis revealed limitations in the dynamical model and the data assimilation scheme, as well as artefacts introduced from the eddy tracking scheme. With some exceptions, ASSIM yields improvements over FREE in eddy density distribution and dynamics. Notably, it was found that FREE significantly underestimates the number of eddies south of Madagascar compared to gridded altimetry, with only slight improvements introduced through assimilation, highlighting the models’ limitation in sustaining mesoscale activity in this region. Interestingly, it was found that the threshold for the maximum eddy propagation velocity in the eddy detection scheme is often exceeded when data assimilation relocates an eddy, causing the algorithm to interpret the discontinuity as eddy genesis, which directly influences the eddy count, lifetime and propagation velocity, and indirectly influences other metrics such as non-linearity. Finally, the analysis allowed us to separate eddy kinetic energy into contributions from detected mesoscale eddies and meandering currents, revealing that the assimilation of SLA has a greater impact on mesoscale eddies than on meandering currents.  相似文献   


亚中尺度过程连接了中尺度与小尺度过程, 在上层海洋物质垂向交换和能量传输方面起到重要的作用.在加利福尼亚湾及其邻近海域2002年采集的地震剖面上观测到了亚中尺度的涡丝, 锋面和涡旋结构.理论的涡丝垂向结构为一对偶极子次级环流, 由中间的高密度下沉流和两侧的低密度幅聚相向流构成, 密度结构呈人字形分布的多个相向倾斜密度锋.地震剖面上中尺度涡的亚中尺度涡丝由多组相对的叠瓦状倾斜反射体构成, 验证了涡丝内部密度锋的理论垂向结构.同时我们观察到亚中尺度涡旋的垂向结构及其涡丝结构, 其涡丝在地震剖面上呈现为近水平的括号状反射, 这种形态可能与旋涡星系的旋臂结构有一定相似性.随后计算了地震斜率谱和相对谱能量分布, 通过亚中尺度涡旋和其它区域在不同波数段的能量强度差异, 探讨了亚中尺度涡对能量耗散过程的影响.


Using Lagrangian methods, we analyze a 20-year-long estimate of water flux through the Kamchatka Strait in the northern North Pacific based on AVISO velocity field. It sheds new light on the flux pattern and its variability on annual and monthly time scales. Strong seasonality in surface outflow through the strait could be explained by temporal changes in the wind stress over the northern and western Bering Sea slopes. Interannual changes in a surface outflow through the Kamchatka Strait correlate significantly with the Near Strait inflow and Bering Strait outflow. Enhanced westward surface flow of the Alaskan Stream across the 174°E section in the northern North Pacific is accompanied by an increased inflow into the Bering Sea through the Near Strait. In summer, the surface flow pattern in the Kamchatka Strait is determined by the passage of anticyclonic and cyclonic mesoscale eddies. The wind stress over the Bering basin in winter–spring is responsible for eddy generation in the region.  相似文献   

In the framework of the eddy dynamic model developed in two previous papers (Dubovikov, M.S., Dynamical model of mesoscale eddies, Geophys. Astophys. Fluid Dyn., 2003, 97, 311–358; Canuto, V.M. and Dubovikov, M.S., Modeling mesoscale eddies, Ocean Modelling, 2004, 8, 1–30 referred as I–II), we compute the contribution of unresolved mesoscale eddies to the large-scale dynamic equations of the ocean. In isopycnal coordinates, in addition to the bolus velocity discussed in I–II, the mesoscale contribution to the large scale momentum equation is derived. Its form is quite different from the traditional down-gradient parameterization. The model solutions in isopycnal coordinates are transformed to level coordinates to parameterize the eddy contributions to the corresponding large scale density and momentum equations. In the former, the contributions due to the eddy induced velocity and to the residual density flux across mean isopycnals (so called Σ-term) are derived, both contributions being shown to be of the same order. As for the large scale momentum equation, as well as in isopycnal coordinates, the eddy contribution has a form which is quite different from the down-gradient expression.  相似文献   

Based on an eddy-permitting numerical model, the mesoscale variability in the East-Sakhalin Current is investigated during the winter-spring period. Analysis of necessary conditions for the development of baroclinic instability showed that the nearshore component of the East-Sakhalin Current is potentially baroclinic unstable in the first half-year. The simulated circulation uncovered a generation of anticyclonic eddies on the eastern Sakhalin shelf. It was established that a spatial scale of these eddies and the first baroclinic Rossby radius of deformation are values of the same order; a lifetime of these eddies varies from 4 to 6 weeks, given the Rossby number varies from 0.05 to 0.2. Analysis of the rate of eddy energy conversion on the eastern Sakhalin shelf showed that the generation of the revealed mesoscale eddies results from, mainly, baroclinic instability, whereas barotropic instability can be both favoring and preventing to the generation of these eddies.  相似文献   

This work introduces a new method for ocean eddy detection that applies concepts from stationary dynamical systems theory. The method is composed of three steps: first, the centers of eddies are obtained from fixed points and their linear stability analysis; second, the size of the eddies is estimated from the vorticity between the eddy center and its neighboring fixed points, and, third, a tracking algorithm connects the different time frames. The tracking algorithm has been designed to avoid mismatching connections between eddies at different frames. Eddies are detected for the period between 1992 and 2012 using geostrophic velocities derived from AVISO altimetry and a new database is provided for the global ocean.  相似文献   

An eddy-resolving Indo-Pacific ocean circulation model was applied to highlight the behavior of eddies throughout the Indonesian seas. The complexity of the topography and coastline at the entrance of the Makassar Strait induce an eddy-type throughflow, instead of a straightforward flow. A sill and a narrow passage in the Makassar strait creates a barrier and impedes the continuation of eddies from the Pacific ocean, but the existence of a steep deep basin (>500 m depth) between the Java and Flores seas indicates a possible area for eddies. Based on our numerical results, we described the presence of a unique eddy structure north of Lombok Island, which we designated the “Lombok Eddy” and verified it by performing a drifter release field experiment and reviewing monthly mean climatology data from the World Ocean Atlas 2001 and XBT PX2 track data. NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, satellite observation data, and mixed layer depth analysis were also used to confirm these processes. By analyzing numerical simulation results and available temperature datasets, two additional eddies were found. All eddies form primarily due to eastward local winds correlated with seasonal monsoon winds during the austral summer. These eddies vary synchronously at an interannual time scale. Together, they are referred to as the Lombok Eddy Train (LET), which affects the surface layer down to a depth of 60 m, and the intensity of the eddy system is strongly affected by mixed layer depth variability from December to February.  相似文献   

An eddy-resolving multidecadal ocean model hindcast simulation is analyzed to investigate time-varying signals of the two recirculation gyres present respectively to the north and south of the Kuroshio Extension (KE) jet. The northern recirculation gyre (NRG), which has been detected at middepth recently by profiling float and moored current meter observations, is a major focus of the present study. Low-frequency variations in the intensity of the recirculation gyres are overall highly correlated with decadal variations of the KE jet induced by the basin-wide wind change. Modulation of the simulated mesoscale eddies and its relationship with the time-varying recirculation gyres are also evaluated. The simulated eddy kinetic energy in the upstream KE region is inversely correlated with the intensity of the NRG, consistent with previous observational studies. Eddy influence on the low-frequency modulation of the NRG intensity at middepth is further examined by a composite analysis of turbulent Sverdrup balance, assuming a potential vorticity balance between the mean advection and the convergent eddy fluxes during the different states of the recirculation gyre. The change in the NRG intensity is adequately explained by that inferred by the turbulent Sverdrup balance, suggesting that the eddy feedback triggers the low-frequency modulation of the NRG intensity at middepth.  相似文献   

The impact of the choice of high-resolution atmospheric forcing on ocean summertime circulation in the Gulf of Lions (GoL; Mediterranean Sea) is evaluated using three different datasets: AROME (2.5 km, 1 h), ALADIN (9.5 km, 3 h), and MM5 (9 km, 3 h). A short-term ocean simulation covering a 3-month summer period was performed on a 400-m configuration of the GoL. The main regional features of both wind and oceanic dynamics were well-reproduced by all three atmospheric models. Yet, at smaller scales and for specific hydrodynamic processes, some differences became apparent. Inertial oscillations and mesoscale variability were accentuated when high-resolution forcing was used. Sensitivity tests suggest a predominant role for spatial rather than temporal resolution of wind. The determinant influence of wind stress curl was evidenced, both in the representation of a mesoscale eddy structure and in the generation of a specific upwelling cell in the north-western part of the gulf.  相似文献   

During mid-May to early June 2016, a cold eddy and a warm eddy were captured on the continental slope of the northern South China Sea by the in situ measurements. A salty lens-shaped water mass in the subsurface layer existed in these two detected eddies, which indicated they had a Kuroshio water origin. The trajectories of the observed eddies from satellite altimeter data show that the cold eddy was generated in the central part of the Luzon Strait, while the warm eddy was formed southwest of Taiwan. The genesis of the cold eddy is related to a weak Kuroshio loop current, while that of the warm eddy is associated with a strong Kuroshio loop current. The warm eddy east of the Luzon Strait may trigger the Kuroshio from a leaping path to a looping path. During the evolution of these detected eddies, they had interactions with the Kuroshio and Luzon Gyre. Energy analysis from ocean reanalysis data showed that the baroclinic conversion between the cold eddy and the Kuroshio was stronger than that between the cold eddy and Luzon Gyre. During the eddy shedding stage, the warm eddy mainly acquired energy from the Kuroshio loop current through the baroclinic conversion.  相似文献   

Tidal residual eddies and their effect on water exchange in Puget Sound   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tidal residual eddies are one of the important hydrodynamic features in tidally dominant estuaries and coastal bays, and they could have significant effects on water exchange in a tidal system. This paper presents a modeling study of tides and tidal residual eddies in Puget Sound, a tidally dominant fjord-like estuary in the Pacific Northwest coast, using a three-dimensional finite-volume coastal ocean model. Mechanisms of vorticity generation and asymmetric distribution patterns around an island/headland were analyzed using the dynamic vorticity transfer approach and numerical experiments. Model results of Puget Sound show that a number of large twin tidal residual eddies exist in the Admiralty Inlet because of the presence of major headlands in the inlet. Simulated residual vorticities near the major headlands indicate that the clockwise tidal residual eddy (negative vorticity) is generally stronger than the anticlockwise eddy (positive vorticity) because of the effect of Coriolis force. The effect of tidal residual eddies on water exchange in Puget Sound and its subbasins was evaluated by simulations of dye transport. It was found that the strong transverse variability of residual currents in the Admiralty Inlet results in a dominant seaward transport along the eastern shore and a dominant landward transport along the western shore of the inlet. A similar transport pattern in Hood Canal is caused by the presence of tidal residual eddies near the entrance of the canal. Model results show that tidal residual currents in Whidbey Basin are small in comparison to other subbasins. A large clockwise residual circulation is formed around Vashon Island near entrance of South Sound, which can potentially constrain the water exchange between the Central Basin and South Sound.  相似文献   

Jon Albretsen 《Ocean Dynamics》2007,57(4-5):287-304
We perform eddy-permitting to eddy-resolving simulations of the Skagerrak/northern North Sea with a terrain-following numerical ocean model. We demonstrate that realistic representations of freshwater input are not required when the focus is on modelling mesoscale structures such as meanders and eddies. To arrive at this conclusion, we analyze the results using a recently developed energy diagnostic scheme to study the sensitivity to realistic representations of the lateral freshwater flux provided to the area from the Baltic Sea and by the major rivers. The scheme is suitable for analysis of growth of instabilities, and it has four basic instability processes prominent. We recognize both horizontal and vertical shear instabilities. There are two processes where average potential energy is converted to eddy kinetic energy, and they are related to the mean gradient in surface elevation and the mean lateral density gradient, respectively. The latter process is known as frontal instability. We demonstrate that the change in the eddy kinetic energy field is small, despite the large variations in the hydrographic properties from experiment to experiment. Moreover, generation of eddy activity appears at the same locations and with approximately the same strength regardless of actual representations of freshwater input. Furthermore, we find that vertical shear instability dominates the energy conversion processes in the Norwegian Coastal Current. Finally, we find that the areas off the northwest coast of Denmark recognized with enhanced eddy kinetic energy level is not caused by instability processes but eddy–eddy interaction rooted in variations in the sea level.  相似文献   

Ocean Dynamics - The spatial distribution, and the monthly and seasonal variability of mesoscale eddy observations derived from the AVISO eddy atlas are assessed in the Caribbean Sea during...  相似文献   

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