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In Postojna Cave, air temperature and pressure monitoring has been conducted since July 21, 2008. Air pressure in the cave at three monitoring sites fluctuates synchronically with outside air pressure. Temperature data for Postojna 1 and 3 show good correlation with outside climate conditions for the period 2009?C2010. The temperature at Postojna 1 was increasing constantly from March to May 2009, while at Postojna 2, it was decreasing. Postojna 1 has a seasonal trend in accordance with outer trend, while seasonal trend at Postojna 2 is just contrary to outside trend. Microclimate studies at Postojna 2 show local variability, especially in winter, and exhibit special microclimate conditions that may be due to ventilation of unknown passages in the back.  相似文献   

Test shallot plants Allium cepa L. var. ascalonicum were exposed to field conditions at six research plots in the most polluted areas in Slovenia in the vegetation seasons in 1999 and 2000. The intention of this research was to evaluate the influence of air pollution on mitotic activity and frequency of chromosomal aberrations in meristematic tissues of root tips of bioindication plants. Significant differences in the mitotic index and in frequency of chromosomal aberrations at different sampling plots in pot experiments were found and the correlation between the ozone concentration and the mitotic index was determined. The results showed the presence of cytotoxic substances at chosen sampling sites, which caused the decrease of mitotic cell division and the presence of genotoxic substances, which resulted in the increase of frequency of chromosomal aberrations.  相似文献   

采用2007-2010年河北省南部电网日用电负荷峰值数据和逐日气象观测资料,分析了河北省南部电网日用电负荷峰值的年分布特征和春灌期逐日变化特征。结果表明:河北南网日用电负荷峰值全年呈现出“三高峰,两低谷”的特征,高峰分别对应河北省春灌、夏季高温和冬季采暖前后,低谷出现在春节和国庆假期。冬小麦的返青水和棉花白地浇灌对用电负荷影响显著。区域性强风和降雨会造成用电负荷峰值明显下降。将春灌期日用电负荷峰值的变化幅度进行等级划分。运用相关分析法和多元回归方法,分析了春灌期日用电负荷峰值变化幅度与气象因子的相关关系,建立了基于气象条件的河北南网全区日用电负荷峰值变化幅度的预报模型,经检验,该模型在日常电力调度业务中具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

The relationship between the emission of ozone precursors and the chemical production of tropospheric ozone(O3) in the Pearl River Delta Region(PRD) was studied using numerical simulation.The aim of this study was to examine the volatile organic compound(VOC)-or nitrogen oxide(NOx =NO+NO2)limited conditions at present and when surface temperature is increasing due to global warming,thus to make recommendations for future ozone abatement policies for the PRD region.The model used for this application is the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency’s(EPA’s) third-generation air-quality modeling system;it consists of the mesoscale meteorological model MM5 and the chemical transport model named Community Multi-scale Air Quality(CMAQ).A series of sensitivity tests were conducted to assess the influence of VOC and NOx variations on ozone production.Tropical cyclone was shown to be one of the important synoptic weather patterns leading to ozone pollution.The simulations were based on a tropicalcyclone-related episode that occurred during 14-16 September 2004.The results show that,in the future,the control strategy for emissions should be tightened.To reduce the current level of ozone to meet the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department(EPD) air-quality objective(hourly average of 120 ppb),emphasis should be put on restricting the increase of NOx emissions.Furthermore,for a wide range of possible changes in precursor emissions,temperature increase will increase the ozone peak in the PRD region;the areas affected by photochemical smog are growing wider,but the locations of the ozone plume are rather invariant.  相似文献   

地形对登陆台风麦莎(2005)影响的数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
季亮  费建芳 《气象》2008,34(6):60-66
利用非静力平衡的中尺度模式MM5(V3)对2005年9号台风Matsa("麦莎")登陆后期的过程进行了48h模拟,应用低通滤波器分离模拟结果中的天气尺度和次天气尺度运动,并采用热带气旋动态坐标跟踪考察登陆过程中热带气旋的次天气尺度环流特征.通过研究地形对两种尺度间动能和涡度转换的影响,进一步证明了地形对热带气旋有着不可忽视的影响.结果表明,地形的存在有利于维持热带涡旋性强度,这种影响随气旋中心与地形间距离的缩小而逐渐增强,且强度的增强在对流层中高层表现得更为明显.去掉地形后对流层低层次天气尺度系统向热带气旋输送的动能减少,次天气尺度系统对热带气旋动能的消耗增大;当低层涡度转换项的垂直运动贡献为负时,去掉地形会加剧这种负贡献,即次天气尺度系统从热带气旋得到更多的正涡度;从整体上看,去掉地形后,热带气旋不仅没有从次天气尺度系统获得正涡度,反而将自身的正涡度向外输送.  相似文献   

Mean atmospheric circulation, moisture budget and net heat exchange were studied during a pre-monsoon period (18th March to 3rd May, 1988), making use of the data collected on board Akademik Korolev in the central equatorial and southern Arabian Sea region. The net heat exchange (R n ) is found to be about 20 W m–2 for a small area (0–4° N; 55–60° E), 50% less than the dimatological value. The mean value of net radiation (140 W m–2) is less than the climatological value, which was due to higher cloud amount. The higher SST enhanced both the latent and sensible heat fluxes.The mean atmospheric circulation obtained from the upper air data is quite convincing. The mean exchange coefficient (C e ) estimated from the moisture budget is about 1.0 × 10–3 for a wind speed of 4 m s–1. This value is slightly lower than that obtained by the usual methods.National Institute of Oceanography, RC, 52-Kirlampudi layout, Visakhapatnam — 530 023.India Meteorological Department, Gauhati.  相似文献   

运用中尺度数值模式WRF耦合城市冠层模式(urban canopy model,UCM),对2016年登陆深圳的热带气旋妮妲(1604)(以下简称妮妲)进行数值模拟。高分辨率数值模拟较好地再现了妮妲登陆前后的强度、路径和累积降水。利用城市化过程当中城市冠层对热带气旋降水的敏感性试验结果表明:城市冠层会减弱对流运动和水汽的输送,导致热带气旋登陆后珠江口城市群区域累积降水量略减少。应用最新的土地利用资料进行的城市下垫面敏感性试验结果表明:由于城市下垫面粗糙度增加,造成登陆地面风的减速,强度减弱,潜热通量与2 m高度比湿相应减小;城市下垫面粗糙度增加会加强该区域垂直对流运动以及不稳定能量增加,有利于降水增强,尤其在城市化下垫面处,热带气旋登陆后6 h累积降水增加量最大可超过20 mm。总体而言,对登陆热带气旋降水而言,耦合城市冠层使城市区域热带气旋降水减少,但在数值模拟中城市冠层影响作用不显著。城市化下垫面对登陆热带气旋暴雨的增幅作用明显,在登陆热带气旋降水预报中应重视。  相似文献   

采用谱逼近方法减小大尺度环境场模拟偏差,通过地形敏感性试验,研究吕宋岛山脉地形高度对台风Megi(2010)过岛阶段路径偏折的影响。模拟试验表明,谱逼近700 hPa高度层以上天气尺度风场分量的数值试验不仅能够反映大尺度环流对台风路径的引导作用,同时保留了中低层环流对地形影响的响应,较为准确地反映了Megi靠近和登陆吕宋岛过程中的持续南压过程,以及离开吕宋岛后的突然北折过程。在此模拟基础上,通过对地形高度敏感性试验结果诊断和影响区域空气质点进行后向轨迹分析,表明在台风向山脉靠近过程中,台风外围和内核环流均受地形影响,迎风坡存在明显气流辐合,有利于台风流场与南北向山脉之间出现北风急流和轨迹汇聚带,从而产生狭管效应,造成台风移动路径南折;而台风过山后,不仅受到地形次生低压涡旋的吸引,其东侧同样出现以南风急流和轨迹汇聚为特征的狭管效应,有利于台风路径向北偏折。  相似文献   

利用运城市9个气象站1960—2014年逐候降水资料,运用线性趋势、MannKendall曲线、相关系数和合成分析等方法探讨了运城市近55 a来年降水量、降水集中度(PCD)和集中期(PCP)的时空特征。结果表明:时间上,年降水量呈减少趋势,变化倾向率为-7.94 mm/10 a;PCD年际变化显著,在0.30~0.72,多年平均为0.53;PCP多年平均41.63候,最早与最晚相差13候。空间上,年降水量区域差异明显,由东南向西北递减;PCD从西南向东北递增,有2个大值和2个小值中心,PCP呈现"南早北晚"形势。PCD、PCP与年降水量、汛期降水量、月最大降水量、候最大降水量和日最大降水量之间都存在正相关,表明汛期降水量、月最大降水量、候最大降水量和日最大降水量越大的年份,PCD值就越大,降水就越集中,出现洪涝灾害的可能性就越大;降水集中期出现的越晚。  相似文献   

利用常规气象资料、NCEP 1°×1°再分析资料,采用天气学诊断分析方法,对超强台风“威马逊”(1409)和“达维”(0518) 登陆进入北部湾前后强度变化特征差异进行对比分析,结果表明:(1) 500 hPa 副高快速加强,850 hPa 季风急流和越赤道气流汇合卷入到台风环流中,台风移向的下游区域高低空(200—850 hPa)垂直风切变小,南海北部海温偏高等是“威马逊”和“达维”登陆海南岛前在近海突然加强的有利条件。(2) 从琼州海峡进入北部湾,摩擦消耗小,是“威马逊”进入北部湾后,强度下降小,仍维持超强台风级别的主要原因;而从海南岛中部西移进入北部湾,摩擦消耗大,是“达维”进入北部湾后,强度下降大,从超强台风降为台风级别的主要原因。(3) 动能收支诊断分析显示,地形摩擦对动能的耗散主要集中在边界层内(800 hPa 以下),“威马逊”在超强台风阶段耗散作用最大,进入北部湾之后摩擦耗散减小,而“达维”则因横穿海南岛进入北部湾动能的摩擦耗散较大。  相似文献   

地形对登陆热带气旋"黄蜂"(2002)强度影响的模拟研究   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:8  
以"目标登陆台风外场试验研究"(CLATEX)项目的目标热带气旋"黄蜂"为对象,在用高分辨数值模式模拟其近海加强和登陆减弱过程的基础上,通过5组对比数值试验,从定量和时间演化角度细致地分析了热带气旋周边海陆和地形分布对热带气旋强度的影响及其机理.分析表明,华南西部地理因子(地形、粗糙度、海陆分布等)对热带气旋强度变化具有重要影响.华南西部地形的存在,有利于低层弱冷空气向南侵袭,从而激发对流发展,使气旋迅速加强,是"黄蜂"近海加强的关键原因;登陆后冷空气切入造成的稳定层结抑制了对流发展,阻断了对流潜热能源,是"黄蜂"登陆后迅速减弱的重要原因;华南西部真实地形下的地表摩擦效应是"黄蜂"登陆后迅速减弱的重要原因之一;南海热带气旋区的地表热交换以潜热输送(蒸发)为主,其量值一般是感热输送的5~10倍;洋面热交换与气旋强度间存在正反馈关系,符合热带气旋发展的"WISHE"(风引起的表面热交换)机制观点,即"WISHE"可能是南海热带气旋发展的一种重要机制.  相似文献   

This paper reports the spatial pollution variability, obtained by using vegetal samples for biomonitoring atmospheric pollution around one of the most industrialized areas in the southwestern Spain (Huelva), through the study of the impact of industrial emissions on two Mediterranean species: Pinus pinea L. and Nerium oleander L.Samples were collected during spring of 2002, at different distances (0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 km) along two transects running to the dominant wind directions from the industrial complex and another against wind direction. Leaves and branches of the two species, together with soil samples were collected at each site. The concentration of Cu, Pb and Zn was determined by simultaneous inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP/MS). Two principal emission sources of pollution were identified, one from industrial focus that markedly affects the level of Cu and Zn in the vicinity (0.5–1 km) of the industrial complex, and another one from secondary anthropogenic activities that are responsible of the high level of Cu, Pb and Zn. P. pinea is a better biomonitor of Zn than N. oleander. Pine needles are better biomonitors of Zn pollution than bark because of their physicochemical characteristic.  相似文献   

在文献[1]的基础上,对澳大利亚大陆植被覆盖变化对北半球夏季越赤道气流和东亚季风环流季节变化的影响进行了研究。结果表明,植被覆盖变化对东亚季风建立前后南风越赤道气流建立时间、强弱和南半球主要环流系统都有显著的影响。绿化导致了索马里越赤道气流的建立提前,增强了不同时期南风越赤道气流的强度,但对90°E以东来自澳大利亚高压的几支越赤道气流影响不大。同时,绿化促使南半球澳大利亚高压和马斯克林高压提前建立,西太平洋副热带高压北进提前,且强度减弱,导致西南气流更容易深入东亚内陆和西太平洋。这些影响促使盛夏期西南亚季风的影响区域和强度都有所扩展,对东南季风则影响不大。沙漠化则使索马里气流略微减弱,西太平洋副热带高压在春夏季节则一直偏强,至7月中旬,才有明显东撤,阻碍了越赤道气流的北上,西南季风在此影响下强度和影响范围均有所缩减。  相似文献   

Some peak PM10 episodes, occurred during PM monitoring campaigns performed on October 2005 and February and June 2006 in Bari town, have been characterized. Moreover back trajectories of air masses and Principal Component Analyses were applied. Three of the peak PM10 episodes investigated were related to local emissions of primary pollutants during poor atmospheric dispersion conditions. The other two peak PM10 episodes considered are related with long range transport air masses toward Apulia region: in one case the chemical characterization and the back trajectories analysis indicate that high PM10 value detected is due to the Saharan dust advection in the Apulia region; in the other case air masses with different origin give rise to high PM10 value.Moreover PM10 daily mean concentrations, presented in this paper collected from January 2005 to August 2007 and obtained by automatic device in six stations of air quality monitoring networks in Bari territory, do not show a seasonal trend for PM10 concentrations, contrary to the PM10 trend shown in the towns of North Italy. This can be explained mostly considering that our region presents generally meteo-climatic conditions that favour pollutants dispersion.  相似文献   

《Atmospheric Research》2009,91(2-4):313-325
Some peak PM10 episodes, occurred during PM monitoring campaigns performed on October 2005 and February and June 2006 in Bari town, have been characterized. Moreover back trajectories of air masses and Principal Component Analyses were applied. Three of the peak PM10 episodes investigated were related to local emissions of primary pollutants during poor atmospheric dispersion conditions. The other two peak PM10 episodes considered are related with long range transport air masses toward Apulia region: in one case the chemical characterization and the back trajectories analysis indicate that high PM10 value detected is due to the Saharan dust advection in the Apulia region; in the other case air masses with different origin give rise to high PM10 value.Moreover PM10 daily mean concentrations, presented in this paper collected from January 2005 to August 2007 and obtained by automatic device in six stations of air quality monitoring networks in Bari territory, do not show a seasonal trend for PM10 concentrations, contrary to the PM10 trend shown in the towns of North Italy. This can be explained mostly considering that our region presents generally meteo-climatic conditions that favour pollutants dispersion.  相似文献   

校园是师生活动的主要场所,为研究不同下垫面对人体舒适度的影响,在广东海洋大学湖光校区选取三种不同性质的下垫面,开展夏季小气候观测与数值模拟。利用 Origin、SPSS 和 ENVI met 软件进行数据处理。研究结果表明:(1)在校园现有的绿化和建筑布局下,风对小气候的影响较大;夏季无降水时,通风条件差的少遮荫草地温度高、湿度低,舒适感较差。(2)合理密植高大的绿化林,可以有效降低夏季地面温度。(3)ENVI met 模型在热带稳定变化的天气条件下模拟效果较好,能在一定程度上反映校园内区域小气候特征,其模拟结果可为校园基础设施建设的优化和师生出行提供科学依据。  相似文献   

On the basis of analysis of the microclimate characteristics over a reservior in the Hexi Region, a new concept for the effect of the lake cold island is advanced. The physical mechanism and practical significance of the effect have also been analyzed.  相似文献   

红壤旱地棉田间作小气候效应初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为研究棉田间作对田间小气候的影响,共设置4个处理:棉花单作、棉花间作花生、棉花间作甘薯、棉花间作大豆,研究不同间作棉田群体对不同层次的光强、土壤温度以及棉花农艺性状及产量的影响。结果表明,与棉花单作系统相比,间作系统可通过改变受光结构、土壤温度、土壤含水量等促进棉花生长发育,利于棉花种植获得高产;棉花间作大豆模式是较适宜在红壤旱地推广的间作模式。  相似文献   

在GRAPES(Global and Regional Assimilation and Prediction Enhanced System, 全球/区域同化预报系统)三维变分同化系统的基础上, 用改进的郭晓岚对流参数化方案作为观测算子, 来同化TRMM(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission, 热带降水监测计划)卫星反演的降水率资料.单点试验表明该方案通过调整背景场的水汽辐合和辐散的垂直结构, 使得同化后观测算子计算的降水率更接近实况.对台风 "杜鹃" (0313)的同  相似文献   

秋季南极涛动异常对冬季中国南方降水的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钱卓蕾 《大气科学》2014,38(1):190-200
本文针对秋季南极涛动(AAO)和冬季中国南方降水的关系作了研究,发现两者之间存在显著的反向年际变化关系。AAO正(负)异常年,副热带西风急流显著增强(减弱),欧洲西部槽、乌拉尔山高压脊和东亚沿岸大槽均偏强(偏弱),阿留申低压、南支槽和西太平洋副高偏弱(偏强),西南急流上的扰动不活跃(活跃),我国大部分地区出现异常偏北风(偏南风)和OLR弱正距平,导致南方降水偏少(偏多)。两半球存在东亚—南半球高纬地区和纵贯太平洋南北的两个遥相关型,海洋性大陆对流活动可能是秋季AAO影响南方冬季降水的一个机制。因此,秋季南极涛动的异常很可能对预测我国南方冬季降水有显著指示意义。  相似文献   

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