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刘宇迪 《中国科学D辑》2004,34(10):983-991
提出了一个新的水平跳点网格(LE网格), 这种网格将h放置在格点上, u, v同时放置在x方向和y方向格点中间. 采用一种推导频散关系的通用方法, 研究在该LE网格上与Arakawa A—E网格上描述惯性重力波产生误差的情况, 分为可分辨和不可分辨两种情况, 采用二阶中央差或四阶紧致差分格式从频率和群速两个方面进行了对比分析. 结果表明不论可分辨或不可分辨, 还是采用二阶中央差或四阶紧致差分格式, 在频率和群速两方面, LE网格描述惯性重力波产生的误差均较Arakawa A—E网格要小, 同时也表明只有LE网格和Arakawa C网格采用差分精度较高的紧致差分格式时, 模拟惯性重力波的精度才会提高, 而其他的4种网格(Arakawa A, B, D, E)当差分精度提高以后, 模拟惯性重力波的精度反而下降.  相似文献   

针对描述非线性Rossby波的正压准地转位涡方程,设计了一个隐式差分迭代格式,通过数值解与精确解对比的方法,验证了差分迭代格式的精度和稳定性.首先将正压准地转位涡方程简化为Couette流方程,对比了Couette流精确解和数值解,验证了差分格式对线性方程数值计算的精度和稳定性;然后通过构造精确解和修改原方程的方法,验证了差分格式对非线性方程的数值计算的精度和稳定性.结果表明,无论是线性方程还是非线性方程,利用本文设计的差分格式得到的数值解都是稳定可靠的,这为研究非线性Rossby波在真实基流的演变特征奠定了基础.  相似文献   

为了说明在物理空间中空间差分精度和空间分辨率对Arakawa A-D网格性能的影响程度,将线性浅水方程组采用二阶中央差和四阶中央差格距分别取100 km、10 km和1 km在Arakawa A-D网格上进行离散和120 min的模拟预报,模拟结果和解析解进行比较,结果表明:当网格距是1 km时,不论采用二阶中央差分方案还是四阶中央差分方案,重力惯性波在4种网格上模拟的结果相同,即变量配置的影响是可以忽略的;当网格距增加到10 km或100 km时,不同的变量配置模拟的结果是不同的.但是,不论对二阶中央差还是四阶中央差,当网格距相同的情况下,在C网格上模拟得到的结果均方根误差最小,在D网格上模拟得到的结果均方根误差最大.同时也表明:当差分精度从二阶增加到四阶后,模拟结果的误差并非一致减少,并和群速相对误差的变化一致,因此对于初值为混合波的多变量方程组而言,增加差分精度不能改进模拟的结果.并且缩小网格距比增加差分精度对减少在Arakawa A-D 网格上离散产生的误差更明显.  相似文献   

印兴耀  刘博  杨凤英 《地震学报》2015,37(2):278-288
在地震波场数值模拟中, 交错网格有限差分技术得到了广泛的应用, 但是在弹性模量变化较大时, 通常会因插值而导致模拟误差增大. 旋转交错网格可以很好地克服这个缺点, 因而适合于各向异性介质正演模拟. 但是对于同样大小的网格单元, 旋转交错网格需要的步长比常规交错网格要大, 这会使梯度和散度算子的误差增大因而更易产生空间数值频散. 针对这些问题, 本文提出了旋转交错网格与紧致有限差分相结合的方法, 并基于模拟退火算法进行全局优化, 压制数值频散, 拓宽波数范围. 数值模拟结果表明, 此方法可以有效地压制数值频散, 且具有较高的模拟精度.   相似文献   

利用交错网格有限差分和旋转交错网格有限差分进行各向异性介质弹性波场数值模拟时, 质点振动速度分量与应力张量的网格节点定义方式均不相同, 从而对各向异性波场分离效果产生不同的影响. 针对这一问题, 本文以具有垂直对称轴的横向各向同性(VTI)介质的波场分离为例, 首先分析了两种网格的参数定义方式以及VTI介质波场的分离过程; 其次, 详细研究和分析了这两种网格的参数定义方式对各向异性介质波场分离的影响, 并依据波前面连续性以及波场分离效果等方面, 通过数值模拟实验对该影响进行分析验证. 结果表明, 旋转交错网格的参数定义方式更有利于进行各向异性介质波场数值模拟和波场分离.   相似文献   

弹性波场数值模拟的隐式差分多重网格算法   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
为了得到稳定的弹 性波数值模拟,而不得不选择隐式差分方程;为了提高解的精度,又不得不增加节点数目, 但同时也降低了隐式迭代求解的收敛速度. 为此,本文使用隐式差分的多重网格算法进行弹 性波数值模拟,多重网格算法通过粗网格收敛较快的迭代过程求出近似解,以近似解为初值 使用细网格进行精确的迭代求解,从而加速了隐式迭代求解的过程,能够以较高计算速度、 精度、稳定性完成弹性波传播过程的数值模拟.  相似文献   

在数值模拟中,隐式有限差分具有较高的精度和稳定性.然而,传统隐式有限差分算法大多由于需要求解大型矩阵方程而存在计算效率偏低的局限性.本文针对一阶速度-应力弹性波方程,构建了一种优化隐式交错网格有限差分格式,然后将改进格式由时间-空间域转换为时间-波数域,利用二范数原理建立目标函数,再利用模拟退火法求取优化系数.通过对均匀模型以及复杂介质模型进行一阶速度-应力弹性波方程数值模拟所得单炮记录、波场快照分析表明:这种优化隐式交错网格差分算法与传统的几种显式和隐式交错网格有限差分算法相比不但降低了计算量,而且能有效的压制网格频散,使弹性波数值模拟的精度得到有效的提高.  相似文献   

断层和断裂带的有效识别是地震资料解释中的重要环节,断层在地震信号响应中以断面波的形式体现,因此断面波成像的质量关系到断层的精细识别与刻画.本文利用精度较高的交错网格有限差分正演模拟方法对断面波成像的影响因素进行了正演研究,主要正演分析的参数包括采集因素中的电缆长度和采集方向,地质因素中的断层倾角、断距、反射系数,以及处理因素中的偏移方法等几个方面.通过正演论证得出:采用合理的采集参数能够提高断面波的照明度;有效结合地质因素能够提高断面波的解释精度;利用合理的偏移方法能够使断层归位更加准确,断面波有效成像.基于以上结论,对于断面波的精确识别与刻画,应综合采集因素,处理因素及地质因素,只有这样才能提高断层的解释精度,有效减小解释误差.  相似文献   

李萌 《地球物理学进展》2009,24(3):1065-1068
本文对董良国、马在田等人发表在<地球物理学报>上的一阶弹性波方程交错网格高阶差分解法一文进行了差分格式的改进.发现原文对一阶空间导数采用2N阶差分精度,而对高阶导数却采用简单的中心差分,即对同一方程中的各阶导数的处理存在有的采用高阶格式、有的采用低阶格式的不一致性问题,本文的改进点正是消除了这种不一致性,建立了时间和空间均为四阶精度的差分格式.该方法具有编程简便、易于计算机实现和精度较高的特点.  相似文献   

应用多分量地震资料进行成像时通常需要先做波场分离,然后再对分离的波型进行成像。其中,波场分离可以在空间域或波数域实现。然而,由于用交错网格有限差分进行弹性波场数值模拟时,用来进行波数域波场分离的质点振动速度分量定义在不同网格节点上,本文提出了利用波数域插值方法来估算同一网格节点所需质点振动速度值;进而给出了先进行波数域插值后进行波场分离的波数域保幅波场分离方案。数值实验结果表明波数域插值方法具有较高的插值精度且保幅波场分离方法具有较好的保幅性,将本文方法进一步应用于弹性波逆时偏移可以获得保幅性较好的成像结果且对存在一定程度速度误差情况具有较好的适应性。  相似文献   

On variable configuration in the horizontal direction, Winninghoff[1] had some discussions in the 1960s. Subsequently, according to the thoughts of Winning- hoff, Liu Yudi[2―9] has widely and deeply studied al- most all the existing horizontal grids from the fre- quency and group velocity of inertia gravity and Rossby waves. Results show that although Arakawa C grid is the best one among all existing horizontal grids, it also has some shortcomings. For example, there is still an “average…  相似文献   

Introduction There are various factors affecting the propagation of earthquake waves. Usually these fac- tors include the earthquake source, the path and the site effects. Simulations of the earthquake wave propagation and the strong ground motion are an adequate way to exhibit these factors (Virieux, 1986; Levander, 1988; Frankel and Vidale, 1992; Frankel, 1993; Graves, 1993, 1996a; Olsen et al, 1995; Pitarka et al, 1996; Pitarka, 1999). The most popular numerical method in use is the gri…  相似文献   


An analytical spectral model of the barotropic divergent equations on a sphere is developed using the potential-stream function formulation and the normal modes as basic functions. Explicit expressions of the coefficients of nonlinear interaction are obtained in the asymptotic case of a slowly rotating sphere, i.e. when the normal modes can be expressed as single spherical harmonics.  相似文献   

研究了三维弱各向异性近似下,利用伪P波(伪纵波)模拟弹性波场P分量在倾斜对称轴的横向各向同性(TTI)介质中的传播过程,并对比了分别基于弹性Hooke定律、弹性波投影和运动学色散方程所建立的三种二阶差分伪P波方程的正演特点.目前这些伪P波方程数值计算主要采用规则网格差分,但是规则网格在TTI模拟中有低效率、低精度以及不稳定的缺点.为了提高计算的精度,本文构建出相应方程的交错网格有限差分格式.通过对比伪P波方程在三维TTI介质中不同的数值模拟的表达形式,本文认为基于色散方程所建立的伪P波方程在模拟弹性波中P波传播的过程中具有最小的噪声.本文分析不同的各向同性对称轴空间角度的频散特征,并引入适当的横波速度维持计算的稳定.二维模型算例表明,本文提出的交错网格正演算法可以得到稳定光滑的伪P波正演波场.使用本文交错网格算法对二维BP TTI模型的逆时偏移也具有较稳定的偏移结果.  相似文献   


页岩具有层理发育的特征, 这会引起强烈的声波各向异性, 导致直井与水平井声波测井数据之间差异明显, 因此在水平井储层参数计算中无法直接应用基于直井的岩石物理解释模型.为了解决这一问题, 本文以页岩波速各向异性实验数据为基础, 引入交错网格有限差分算法, 首先在直井井孔模型中(VTI介质)模拟了声波的发射和接收, 随后通过弹性系数矩阵的Bond变换, 模拟了在井斜角不为0的情况下(TTI介质)井孔中的声场传播, 以任意井斜角与井斜角为0情况下纵波慢度差值相对值为纵坐标, 以相对应的井斜角为横坐标, 建立起了纵波各向异性校正公式.模拟与应用结果表明: 井孔中波形曲线与实轴积分法(RAI)得到的波形曲线一致, 同时利用慢度相似相关算法(STC)得到的地层纵波慢度与给定的实验测量值吻合很好, 在28种地层弹性参数的情况下, 平均相对误差为2.3%;纵波慢度差值相对值与井斜角关系曲线显示, 在井斜角小于30°的条件下, 纵波慢度差值相对值变化较小, 随着井斜角大于30°后, 相对值变化增大, 当井斜角为90°也就是水平井模式下, 纵波慢度差值相对值达到最大.根据纵波各向异性校正公式, 对水平井纵波曲线进行了慢度校正.利用纵波校正前后计算的水平井有效孔隙度与导眼井岩心分析有效孔隙度相对误差分析表明, 纵波校正后计算的有效孔隙度计算精度有了明显的提高, 证明了该方法具有非常好的应用效果, 可用于页岩水平井纵波慢度校正.


A note on the general concept of wave breaking for Rossby and gravity waves   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A recently proposed general definition of wave breaking is further discussed, in order to deal with some points on which misunderstanding appears to have arisen. As with surface and internal gravity waves, the classification of Rossby waves into breaking and not breaking is a generic classification based on dynamical considerations, and not a statement about any unique signature or automatically recognizable shape. Nor is it a statement about passive tracers uncorrelated with potential vorticity on isentropic surfaces. A strong motivation for the definition is that proofs of the nonacceleration theorem of wave, mean-flow interaction theory rely, explicitly or implicitly, on a hypothesis that the waves do not break in the sense envisaged.The general definition refers to the qualitative behaviour of a certain set of material contours, namely those, and only those, which would undulate reversibly, with small slopes, under the influence of the waves' restoring mechanism, in those circumstances for which linearized, nondissipative wave theory is a self-consistent approximation to nonlinear reality. The waves' restoring mechanism depends upon the basic-state vertical potential density gradient in the case of gravity waves, and upon the basic-state isentropic gradient of potential vorticity in the case of Rossby waves. In the usual linearized theory of planetary scale Rossby waves on a zonal shear flow, the relevant material contours lie along latitude circles when undisturbed.  相似文献   

We propose new implicit staggered‐grid finite‐difference schemes with optimal coefficients based on the sampling approximation method to improve the numerical solution accuracy for seismic modelling. We first derive the optimized implicit staggered‐grid finite‐difference coefficients of arbitrary even‐order accuracy for the first‐order spatial derivatives using the plane‐wave theory and the direct sampling approximation method. Then, the implicit staggered‐grid finite‐difference coefficients based on sampling approximation, which can widen the range of wavenumber with great accuracy, are used to solve the first‐order spatial derivatives. By comparing the numerical dispersion of the implicit staggered‐grid finite‐difference schemes based on sampling approximation, Taylor series expansion, and least squares, we find that the optimal implicit staggered‐grid finite‐difference scheme based on sampling approximation achieves greater precision than that based on Taylor series expansion over a wider range of wavenumbers, although it has similar accuracy to that based on least squares. Finally, we apply the implicit staggered‐grid finite difference based on sampling approximation to numerical modelling. The modelling results demonstrate that the new optimal method can efficiently suppress numerical dispersion and lead to greater accuracy compared with the implicit staggered‐grid finite difference based on Taylor series expansion. In addition, the results also indicate the computational cost of the implicit staggered‐grid finite difference based on sampling approximation is almost the same as the implicit staggered‐grid finite difference based on Taylor series expansion.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to discuss the evolution of wave energy, enstrophy and action for atmospheric Rossby waves in a variable mean flow. The presentation is theoretical, but does not represent original research; rather, it is pedagogic in nature. The work of a number of people has been drawn together into a unified account, with much of the algebra implicit in previous work made explicit here. The central results are that wave energy is conserved only when there are no spatial variations in the mean flow, and wave action is conserved even in the presence of such variations as long as they are not in the longitudinal direction. Finally, wave enstrophy is conserved in the presence of arbitrary (slow) mean flow variations.  相似文献   

水平界面上P-SV转换波转换点的精确解   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
转换波共转换点的叠加和道集选取都需要准确地计算转换点的位置.Tessmer和Behle、Taylor分别给出了水平单层介质中P-SV转换波转换点坐标的解析解,由于其表达式的复杂性,在应用中几乎不被采用.在本文中,运用Snell定律重新建立了在水平反射界面上反射的P-SV转换波的转换点坐标的四次方程,并严格地推导出与纵波速度、横波速度、炮检距和反射深度有关的转换点坐标的解析解,确定了惟一的解析表达式.将这一结果应用于P-SV转换波的速度分析和叠加处理中.简化的公式有较好的应用价值.  相似文献   


It is demonstrated in laboratory experiments with rotating shallow water that large scale Rossby vortices, greater than the Rossby-Obukhov radius in size, have dispersive and non-linear properties that are fundamentally different for the two possible polarities. We call this “cyclonic-anticyclonic asymmetry”. This asymmetry manifests itself in the following way: first, anticylones, unlike cyclones, do not undergo the dispersive spreading inherent in a linear wave packet. and therefore, having a considerably longer natural lifetime, are obvious candidates for Rossby solitons; second, dipolar vortices are, because of the comparatively rapid decay of a cyclone, transformed into anticyclonic solitons; third, anticyclones are much more readily generated by zonal flows of the type existing in planetary atmospheres. The evident dominance of anticyclones amongst the long-lived vortices in the atmospheres of giant planets strongly suggests that the cyclonic-anticyclonic symmetry plays a decisive role in the atmospheric cyclogenesis of large planets.

According to our concept, the Rossby soliton is a “real” vortex; unlike a wave, it retains some fluid particles within it throughout its lifetime. Two similar solitons can merge by mutual collisions. This picture of a “vortical” soliton differs in an essential way from the earlier idea due to Maxworthy and Redekopp (1976) of purely “wave-like” Rossby solitons that can freely pass through one another.

Laboratory experiments were performed by us to simulate the new Rossby solition, with special reference to naturally-occurring vortices of the same general type as Jupiter's great red spot. The experimental data presented contradict the idea of “pure wave solitons” but confirm our concept of “vortical solutions”.  相似文献   

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