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进入21世纪中国化探发展路线图   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
笔者回顾了近年来中国化探的一些理论与方法技术上的重大新进展,立足于地球化学填图基础上的矿集区、多元素异常集结区与地球化学块体理论,利用地球化学资料进行矿产资源潜力评价与稀有分散元素独立成矿的可能性评价,利用地球化学资料进行成矿岩体演化与中国西南大地幔柱的初步研究,这些探索性的研究均取得了令人鼓舞的成就。化探方法技术的应用成果显著,如地球化学填图与矿产勘查一体化,多元素分析与分析质量监控方法不断完善外来物覆盖浅钻取样,深穿透地球化学方法,全国生态、农业、环境地球化学调查,全球地球化学填图方法研究等。在回顾近年化探成果的基础上,提出中国化探在21世纪的发展,整体思路是立足于地球化学填图及地球化学填图与矿产勘查一体化。需要有将研究、填图、调查、勘查、工程一体化的大科学计划。提出了涉及地球化学填图、矿产勘查与综合利用、能源勘查、生态环境调查、全球变化研究等的12个重点发展方向。  相似文献   

区域地下水演化的地球化学研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
由于区域地质特征、水文地质条件、气候影响和人类活动的差异性,导致区域地下水演化的地球化学过程复杂、影响因素众多.在总结近年来国内外区域地下水化学演化研究大量成果的基础上,综述了地下水演化的地球化学系统分析方法,地下水演化研究的水文地球化学方法、同位素地球化学和元素地球化学方法和技术以及地下水演化的地球化学模拟方法和技术及常用软件.指出在今后的一段时期内,区域地下水自然演化与人类活动的复合作用、地下水与地表水的相互作用、微生物-水-岩相互作用将是区域地下水地球化学研究的热点领域,其中物理、化学、生物的耦合作用将是区域地下水演化的地球化学研究的重点领域.  相似文献   

“十二五”期间(2011~2015年)勘查地球化学以全国区域化探与多目标区域地球化学调查为主导,实行高密度的大数据、大信息综合集成运作,在资源与环境各方面继续取得显著成果,产生广泛影响力和重要经济社会效益,成为地质工作最具活力的领域.已经逐步建立以调查为基础,以理论为指导,融合资源与环境为一体的现代勘查地球化学发展总体框架与科学体系.矿产资源领域以全国区域化探为基础,成矿地球化学理论为指导,建立调查体系、理论体系、评价体系与方法体系.生态环境领域以全国多目标区域地球化学调查为基础,生态地球化学理论为指导,建立调查体系、理论体系、评价体系、预警体系、修复体系及方法体系.这是学科发展成熟的标志.本文简要论述勘查地球化学框架体系的构成、内涵及相互关联等.与此相关,提出若干新思想与新概念,以供讨论.  相似文献   

巨型矿床与大型矿集区勘查地球化学   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
王学求 《矿床地质》2000,19(1):76-87
巨型矿床和大型矿集区有着巨量的成矿物质供应与聚集,表现为地壳上存在某些成矿元素含量高度聚集的地球化学块体.地球化学块体中只有一部分呈活动态易被各种流体携带的金属才能逐步浓集成矿,并在大矿、巨矿和矿集区周围留下一系列套合的地球化学模式谱系。文中阐述了发现和识别大矿、巨矿和矿集区四周套合地球化学模式的采样系统,研制了能觉察地下深部发出极微弱直接找矿信息的深穿透地球化学方法--金属活动太测量与地球气纳微  相似文献   

This paper presents a technique for evaluating the similarity of ore deposits utilizing several geological variables. Information on tungsten mines in North America, taken from published literature, was used for a cluster analysis to group samples according to their similarity based on a simple matching coefficient. It was possible to interpret and evaluate different ore environments that clustered according to age, mineralogy, and other variables. Cluster analysis may be important in mineral exploration where considerable amounts of data are available for analysis. Subtle relationships that might be overlooked because the data are too voluminous can be isolated using this technique. It also can be used to establish exploration priority in unknown areas on the basis of similarity to known metallogenetic provinces.  相似文献   

吉林江源小石人金矿综合勘查方法研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对小石人金矿区进行的实验性地质测量剖面显示, 土壤地球化学法、电阻率法、激发极化法和能谱测量法等能指示矿化蚀变分带。土壤地球化学测量中: Au、Ag、As、Cu、Pb、Zn、Co、Ni、Bi、 Hg和V等元素的地球化学浓集趋势有效指示出矿化集中区和蚀变带, Mn元素还可做为金矿化区的边界指示元素。地球物理测量结果显示两种信息模式: ① 高阻、高极化、相对低磁、低K和低总计数率在空间上对应硅化蚀变带地段; ②低阻、低极化、相对高磁、高K和高总计数率对应于石英斑岩侵入体地段。综合信息推断出硅化蚀变带出现在石英斑岩侵入体两侧, 经过工程控制在石英斑岩南北两侧发现两条矿带, 证实找矿模型正确, 并发现金矿脉两条, 计算储量为5.2 t。  相似文献   

A regionalized variable, thickness of the reservoir layer, from a gas field is decomposed by factorial kriging analysis. Maps of the obtained components may be associated with depositional environments that are favorable for petroleum exploration.  相似文献   

Summary In mining and geotechnical engineering, it is usually necessary to carry out field measurements in order to obtain information. Parameters are often measured indirectly and calculated based on certain relationships to the measured quantities. More often, the number of measurements taken is greater than the minimum required, in order to increase the reliability of results. However, some data points are less reliable than others for reasons such as measurement errors; a solution which best fits the measurement data is obtained accordingly. As a result, there is a residual or a difference between the individual quantities measured and those predicted from the best-fit solution. This brings about a question of how big a residual is acceptable for a solution to be reliable. It is also important to know whether the data point with the largest residual is the most erroneous, whether those data points with large residuals should be deleted and how many of them should be deleted. Standard deviation may provide a measure of the data divergence but it is questionable if this parameter can be used as a measure of the reliability of solution. In order to solve these problems, the author has done extensive study in this area, especially as part of geotechnical data analysis. In this paper, the statistical multiple regression method is introduced to analyse the measurement data. The method is applied to the analysis ofin situ stress measurement and can be easily adopted to analyse data from other field measurements and laboratory tests. An example is included which illustrates the analysis procedure and shows the advantages of the method.  相似文献   

地球化学勘查新技术应用研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
地球化学勘查是资源和环境领域一种十分重要的勘查评价方法技术.最近十年来地球化学勘查新方法新技术研究的重要进展主要表现在以下几个方面:①基本解决了森林沼泽区、干旱半干旱高寒山区、高寒湖沼丘陵区中普遍存在的有机质和/或风成沙对水系沉积物测量的严重干扰问题,确定采样粒级为:森林沼泽区和高寒湖沼丘陵区-10~+60目,干旱半干...  相似文献   

Four time lags are studied: (1) drilling activity behind seismic activity; (2) oil and gas reserves discovered behind drilling activity; (3) oil and gas production behind reserves discovered; and (4) oil and gas production behind drilling activity. A ridge regression method is used to estimate the distributions of these lags for 50 countries and regions active in petroleum exploration. A complete review of obtained results is given as well as an interpretation of estimated models and failed ridge regressions. Five types of distributions have been found: decreasing monotonically, unimodal, bimodal, uniform, and increasing monotonically. The distributions allow estimating the capital freezing in the exploration process and assessing the resulting policy made by all companies active in a country. For example, the actual exploration history in Poland is analyzed with the use of distributed time-lag approach and net present-value concept. An overinvestment in drilling in comparison with petroleum infrastructure has been stated on the basis of the excessive lagging of production behind drilling activity. A direction of further lag studies is also suggested.  相似文献   

陈志军  陈建国 《江苏地质》2013,37(3):456-464
勘查地球化学系列图是化探地质工作成果的主要载体之一,是探索资源与环境问题的重要资料。在分析勘查地球化学数据的特点、常用图型及批处理自动成图含义的基础上提出了"地图模板+变量"驱动的解决方案,地图模板图记录系列地图间的共性,图系变量库刻画了系列地图间的个性,两者有机结合保证了系列地图批处理自动成图的高效性。采用ArcGIS环境下ArcMap软件与ArcPy脚本开发相结合的方式,阐述了系列地图批处理自动成图的实施过程。  相似文献   

区域化探数据包含丰富的地质信息,从区域化探数据中挖掘出这些信息,对于区域地质研究具有重要意义.笔者提出了一种利用自组织特征映射网络和K-means聚类算法挖掘区域化探数据中地质信息的方法,将标准化之后的元素含量数据作为模型输入值,通过自组织神经网络进行聚类,再通过K-means算法进行二次聚类,从聚类结果中分析其中包含的地质信息.以英格兰西南部某区水系沉积物区域化探数据为例,进行实例研究以检验该方法的实际效果.实例结果表明:①利用该方法得出的聚类结果图很好地响应了地质体的空间分布,可用于推断地质体的分布特征;②地质信息隐藏在每个聚类类型的地球化学特征之中,通过对这些特征进行分析和解释,可以挖掘出其中所包含的信息;③基于SOM网络和K-means聚类的区域化探数据挖掘方法是一种有效的地质信息获取方法,对于传统区域地质研究可以起到补充和增强的作用.  相似文献   

本文基于冀北—晋北地区的航磁资料处理解释,结合部分重力资料,从航磁数据拼接与调平、位场转换处理和综合地质解释三方面对冀北—晋北地区开展油气远景评价;通过对研究区的区域地质背景、岩石物性、磁场特征、重力场特征、基底结构进行综合分析,优选出大同、商都、宣怀、多伦-蓝旗和围场5个重点含油气盆地,预测了9个油气勘探有利区,为下一步油气勘探工作提供了方向。  相似文献   

多元校正分析法应用于水环境地球化学研究,可对复杂的分析数据进行处理和解析,反映水质状况与污染之间的各种关系,建立水质评价和预测模型,从而科学地服务于治理水污染。评述了多元分析方法如主成分分析、偏最小二乘法、人工神经网络等在水环境地球化学研究中的应用、进展和前景。  相似文献   

甘肃地球化学景观特征及区域地球化学方法技术评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在总结甘肃省地质矿产局20年来区域地球化学工作方法的基础上,系统地分析了甘肃省的地质、地形、地貌及气候特征,将甘肃省划分为6个不同的景观地球化学分区。通过统计过去区域化探的工作方法,分析现有数据,总结近年来的找矿效果,认为在甘肃省的区域化探工作中,除甘肃东南部工作方法正确,找矿效果突出外,其他各景观区1:20万水系沉积物测量的工作方法技术不同程度地存在问题,有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

Aeolian soils in the Blayney district are characterised by having approximately 80% of their mass finer than 63 μm, Ti/Zr ratios of approximately 12, radioelement contents of 0.7% K, 2 ppm eU and 11 ppm eTh and a position high in the landscape. Their Ti/Zr ratio and abundant quartz content distinguishes them from soils derived from Tertiary basalts, which share some of the other characteristics. Many soils in the district have a partial aeolian contribution, which can be recognised by a Ti/Zr ratio that differs from that of the underlying rock. Abundance of an aeolian contribution suggests that airborne radiometric surveys should be very carefully interpreted. Ground studies suggest that high Th content in soils contrasted with low Th in adjacent rocks can be indicative of an aeolian contribution in soils. A substantial amount of fine material in a soil can also significantly dilute geochemical signatures if −63 μm (<80 mesh) samples are used for soil surveys during exploration.  相似文献   

三维地震资料的精细解释技术   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
提出了在普通微机上实现三维地震属性参数提取、提纯、降维、去噪和多种属性综合处理的思路和方法,并在三维地震实际探采对比资料中进行了应用。结果表明,该方法对于 5 m以下小断层的解释取得了突破,显示出了良好的地质效果,同时也对传统地震垂向分辨率的极限提出了质疑。  相似文献   

Stability analysis generally relies on the estimate of failure probability P. When information is scarce, incomplete, imprecise or vague, this estimate is imprecise. To represent epistemic uncertainty, possibility distributions have shown to be a more flexible tool than probability distributions. The joint propagation of possibilistic and probabilistic information can rely on more advanced techniques such as the classical random sampling of the cumulative probability distribution F and of the intervals from the possibility distributions π. The imprecise probability P is then associated with a random interval, which can be summarized by a pair of indicators bounding it. In the present paper, we propose a graphical tool to explore the sensitivity on these indicators. This is conducted by means of the contribution to sample probability of failure plot based on the ordering of the randomly generated levels of confidence associated with the quantiles of F and to the α-cuts of π. This presents several advantages: (1) the contribution of both types of uncertainty, aleatoric and epistemic, can be compared in a unique setting; (2) the analysis is conducted in a post-processing step, i.e. at no extra computational cost; (3) it allows highlighting the regions of the quantiles and of the nested intervals which contribute the most to the bounds of P. The method is applied on two case studies (a mine pillar and a steep slope stability analysis) to investigate the necessity for extra data acquisition on parameters whose imprecision can hardly be modelled by probabilities due to the scarcity of the available information (respectively the extraction ratio and the cliff geometry).  相似文献   

不规则测网土壤地球化学测量是一种非正规网度的土壤测量地球化学找矿方法,根据和安河区成矿地质条件和自然景观条件,认为该区适合于开土壤地球化学测量,应用实践表明,该方法在该区地质找矿中发挥了很好的指导作用,找矿成果显著.  相似文献   

煤储层的渗透性是控制煤层气开采的主要储层参数之一。本文以沁水盆地为例,在总结我国煤储层渗透性特征的基础上,依据煤储层渗透性的影响因素,用多元回归分析方法建立煤储层渗透性预测模型。沁水盆地煤储层渗透性的多元回归方程,具有较高的拟合度。预测结果显示,沁水盆地有利于煤层气开发的高渗区,主要集中在南部的潘庄-阳城、北部的阳泉-寿阳及太原西山煤田等地区。  相似文献   

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