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In the Leão-Butiá Coalfield, Rio Grande do Sul the coal seams occur in the Rio Bonito Formation, Guatá Group, Tubarão Supergroup of the Paraná Basin, Brazil and are of Permian (Artinskian–Kungurian) age.This study is the first detailed investigation on the coal petrographic characterization of the coal-bearing sequence in relation to the depositional settings of the precursor mires, both in terms of whole seam characterization and in-seam variations. The study is based on the analyses of nine coal seams (I2, CI, L4, L3, L2, L1, S3, S2, S1), which were selected from core of borehole D-193, Leão-Butiá and represent the entire coal-bearing sequence.The interpretation of coal facies and depositional environment is based on lithotype, maceral and microlithotype analyses using different facies-critical petrographic indices, which were displayed in coal facies diagrams. The seams are characterized by the predominance of dull lithotypes (dull, banded dull). The dullness of the coal is attributed to relatively high mineral matter, inertinite and liptinite contents. The petrographic composition is dominated by vitrinite (28–70 vol.% mmf) and inertinite (> 30 vol.% mmf) groups. Liptinite contents range from 7 to 30 vol.% (mmf) and mineral matter from 4–30 vol.%. Microlithotypes associations are dominated by vitrite, duroclarite, carbominerite and inertite. It is suggested that the observed vertical variations in petrographic characteristics (lithotypes, microlithotypes, macerals, vitrinite reflectance) were controlled by groundwater level fluctuations in the ancient mires due to different accommodation/peat accumulation rates.Correlation of the borehole strata with the general sequence-stratigraphical setting suggests that the alluvial fan system and the coal-bearing mudstone succession are linked to a late transgressive systems tract of sequence 2. Based on average compositional values obtained from coal facies diagrams, a deposition in a limno-telmatic to limnic coal facies is suggested.  相似文献   

The Obed-Marsh coal deposit is of Late Paleocene age, and contains over 200 million tons of subbituminous-B to high-volatile bituminous-C coal.Petrographic analysis of three sections from seams 1 and 2 reveals high amounts of huminite and relatively low amounts of liptinite and inertinite, with the exception of some intervals in both seems. The persistent high ratio of huminite to liptinite and inertinite indicates a relatively reducing environment, a feature also expressed by the relatively low inertinite content. Examination of the in-seam profiles also indicates undisturbed peat accumulation over long periods of time.The Obed coals, similar in rank and composition to the Hat Creek coals of British Columbia, formed in a freshwater environment and can be used as feedstock for combustion/gasification. Furthermore, the intervals rich in liptinite and petroleum-like substances may be utilized for liquefaction (hydrogenation).  相似文献   

The quantitative maceral study of the Queen seam from Mailaram coalfield of Godavari valley has displayed alternate coal bands rich in vitrinite/liptinite or inertinite. The random vitrinite reflectance (Ro max. %) of these coals, from top part ranges from 0.50 to 0.64%. However, the bottom part of the seam has indicated lower reflectance, between 0.49 and 0.52%. Thus, the Queen seam, in general, has attained high volatile bituminous C rank. The study indicates that the depositional site has been a slowly sinking basin that witnessed alternate dry (oxidizing) and wet (reducing) spells. This subsequently caused fluctuation in water table of the basin and the formation of oxic and anaoxic moor condition, where accumulated vegetal resource transformed into mixed and fusic coal types in due course of time. Being high in liptinite and vitrinite contents and low mineral matter, the Queen seam of Mailaram coalfield has high economic potential.  相似文献   

The Tertiary basins of Gujarat have always been a potential target for their hydrocarbon resources. The lignite resources of the region have also been an important field of research. The present paper presents the results of the petrological study carried out on the lignites of the Saurashtra basin. For this purpose samples were collected from lower and upper lignite seams from the Surkha lignite mine of Bhavnagar, Saurashtra. These samples were subjected to detailed petrographic analysis (both maceral and microlithotype). The study reveals that these lignites are dominantly composed of huminite group macerals while liptinite and inertinite group macerals occur in subordinate amounts. These lignites have attained a thermal maturity up to 0.28-0.30 percent vitrinite reflectance (VRr) which classifies them as ‘low rank C’ coals. Moreover, Bhavnagar lower lignite seam shows relatively less gelification as compared to the upper seam which suffered relatively more biochemical degradation. These lignites are characterized by high gelification index (GI) and low tissue preservation index (TPI).With the help of petrography based facies models an attempt has been made to reconstruct the environment of the paleomire of these lignites.  相似文献   

The petrology of 21 seam profiles of Upper Carboniferous age (Westphalian C and B) has been studied in order to determine their depositional environments and diagenetic history. The youngest profile was drilled at a depth of 790 m and is mainly overlain by Cretaceous sediments. The oldest seam was reached at a depth of 1470 m. The seam thicknesses vary from 0.4 to 2.5 m.The main petrographic compounds are vitrinite, intertinite, liptinite, and minerals. The last group occurs as clay bands with illite, kaolinite, minor chlorite, and minor quartz contents, or as crack- or pore-filling calcite, Fe-dolomite, siderite, pyrite, or marcasite, or as syngenetic siderite concretions and pyrite crystals. The percentages of the different macerals and minerals vary mainly because of different depositional environments. Diagenetic loss or genesis of compounds is a less important factor in their distribution.Three types of profiles are distinguished by their different petrologies. Type I is most abundant, and contains much vitrinite, many clay bands, and syngenetic iron sulfides, whereas type III is rich in inertinite and certain characteristic spores. Type II is intermediate but generally contains only low percentages of minerals. Generally, this type is vitrinite-rich in the lower, and inertinite-rich in the central and upper parts of the profiles. Spores and other liptinites are much better preserved in all the seams than in clay partings or in siltstones and sandstones above and below the seams.The seams are interpreted to be former autochthonous peats. Type I profiles are probably derived from swamps which were sometimes inundated and covered by overbank deposits. Type II and III seams represent former peats which were not inundated by rivers, and partly grew under the influence of more oxidizing conditions. Therefore, they contain more inertinite and less sulfide and clay bands. They can be interpreted as former raised bogs.Diagenetic changes are expressed as increases of vitrinite reflectances (from 0.65% to 1.0%), and of liptinite reflectances; a red shift of fluorescence of liptinites was found; increasing amounts of exudatinite (and micrinite) and decreasing amounts of fluorinite and resinite were found. Minerals seem to be less affected by diagenesis; illite crystallinity, for example, remains poor.  相似文献   

A detailed macro- and micro-petrological investigation of 8 coal seam profiles of Eocene age from the sub-Himalayan zone of Jammu was undertaken in order to characterize them petrographically and to focus on their evolution. The quantitative data suggest that these coals are vitrinite rich, with low concentrations of inertinite and rare occurrences of liptinite. According to microlithotype concentration these coals may be characterized as vitrinite rich, with minor amounts of clarite, vitrinertite and trimacerite. The dominant minerals are clays, siderite and pyrite (occurring mostly as disseminations, cavity filling and in framboidal state). These coals are vitric in type, low volatile bituminous in rank and ashy in grade.The petrographic character and the presence of teleutospores suggest that, similar to other Tertiary coal deposits in the world, the angiosperm flora contributed chiefly to the development of coal facies in the area. The maceral and microlithotype composition shows that these coals originated from the low forest and undisturbed (in situ) peat in foreland basins under limno-telmatic depositional conditions. The water was brackish with regular influxes of fresh water.  相似文献   

Coal petrology, palynology, paleobotany and mineralogy of the Hart coal indicate deposition under wet, warm-temperate to subtropical climatic conditions in low-lying backswamps with fluvial channels and locally ponded areas. The coal is dominated by mixed xylitic/attrital lithotypes and by huminite macerals with secondary inertinite macerals and minor liptinite macerals. Good correlation exists between lithotypes and maceral composition. Local and vertical variations in proportions of huminites and inertinites reflect frequent fluctuations in water levels, periodic flooding, desiccation and burning of the peat. Swamps were dominated by Glyptostrobus-Taxodium forest with Betula-Myrica-Alnus communities and, locally, Laevigatosporites, which are the dominant contributors to the xylite-rich lithotypes. Attrital lithotypes with abundant Pandanus, Typha and Azolla are consistent with wetter areas of a fluvial environment, including ponds and channels. Trace elements Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Si, Ti, U, Se, V, W, K and Th, typically associated with synergetic minerals kaolinite, calcite and quartz, may have a volcanic source. High concentrations of Na, Ba and Ca found in organic complexes are of secondary origin and probably originate in deep source brines rather than marine surface waters.  相似文献   

The Carboniferous succession in the Donets Basin hosts about 130 seams, each with a thickness over 0.45 m. Nine economically important seams from the (south)western Donets Basin are studied using organic petrographical, inorganic geochemical, and organic geochemical techniques. The main aim of the study is the reconstruction of peat facies of Serpukhovian (Mississippian) and Moscovian (Middle Pennsylvanian) coals.Formation of major coal seams commenced during Serpukhovian times. Early Serpukhovian coal accumulated in a relatively narrow shore-zone and is rich in inertinite and liptinite. Very low ash yields, low to moderate sulphur contents, and upward increasing inertinite contents suggest coal deposition in raised mires.Moscovian coal has a significantly wider lateral extension and is generally rich in vitrinite. Coal properties vary widely in response to different peat facies. Low-sulphur, low-ash k7 coal was formed in a raised mire or in a low-lying mire without detrital input. l1 and l3 seams containing several fluvial partings were formed in low-lying mires. Both seams are more than 2 m thick. Seams m2 and m3 contain high-sulphur coal, a consequence of deposition in a peat with marine influence. In contrast, syngenetic sulphur content is low in the m51 upper seam, which was formed in a lacustrine setting. The late Moscovian n1 seam, up to 2.4 m thick, accumulated in a swamp with a vegetation rich in bryophytes and pteridophytes. The properties of the n1 seam are transitional between those of Serpukhovian and other Moscovian seams. Differences in maceral composition between Serpukhovian and Moscovian coals probably reflect changes in climate and vegetation type.Tuff layers are observed in the l1, l3, and m3 seams. The l3 and m3 seams contain abundant authigenic quartz. Trace element contents are high in many seams. As contents are especially high in seams c102, k7, l3 and m3. Ash in the l3 seam contains up to 8000 ppm As. Co is enriched near the base of several seams. Maxima up to 2400 ppm occur in the ash of the k7 and l3 seams. Cd contents in ash are frequently as high as 30 or 40 ppm.  相似文献   

The Rio Maior Basin (Portugal) is a tectonic depression, filled by a Pliocene sequence that comprises, from floor to roof: (i) kaoliniferous fine sands, (ii) diatomites and lignites, (iii) recent deposits of sandstone and clay. The diatomites and lignites form a small dissimetric syncline with alternating seams. Ten lignite seams were identified and named from floor to roof as F, E, D, C.2, C.1, C, B, A, a and a′. Seams A, D, E and F are considered to be the main seams.The organic fraction consists mainly of macerals of the huminite group, with small percentages of inertinite and liptinite groups. However, the petrographic composition of each seam is distinct, particularly with regards to macerals of the huminite and liptinite groups.Calculation of petrographic indices permitted to plot the coals in facies and palaeoenvironment diagrams. Five facies have been defined: (i) aquatic, (ii) herbaceous swamp, (iii) mixed swamp with forest and herbaceous vegetation, (vi) forest swamp (wetter) and (v) forest swamp (drier).These lignites are humic coals formed from organic matter of terrestrial origin. The peat biomass at the origin of these coals formed from a very diverse vegetation comprising gymnosperms and angiosperms. In seams F, and occasionally in seams E and D, Botryococcus algae have also contributed to the biomass. Peat deposition corresponded to a rheotrophic hydrological regime: the water level always remained above the topographic surface of the basin. Nevertheless, during the deposition of seam A in the northern part of the basin, the water level was slightly below the topographic surface. The organic matter was preserved in anaeorobic conditions.  相似文献   

The South Sumatra basin is among the most important coal producing basins in Indonesia. Results of an organic petrography study on coals from Tanjung Enim, South Sumatra Basin are reported. The studied low rank coals have a mean random huminite reflectance between 0.35% and 0.46% and are dominated by huminite (34.6–94.6 vol.%). Less abundant are liptinite (4.0–61.4 vol.%) and inertinite (0.2–43.9 vol.%). Minerals are found only in small amounts (0–2 vol.%); mostly as iron sulfide.Based on maceral assemblages, the coals can be grouped into five classes: (1) humotelinite-rich group, (2) humodetrinite-rich group, (3) humocollinite-rich group, (4) inertinite-rich group and (5) humodetrinite–liptinite-rich group. Comparing the distribution of maceral assemblages to the maceral or pre-maceral assemblages in modern tropical domed peat in Indonesia reveals many similarities. The basal section of the studied coal seams is represented typically by the humodetrinite–liptinite-rich group. This section might be derived from sapric or fine hemic peat often occurring at the base of modern peats. The middle section of the seams is characterized by humotelinite-rich and humocollinite-rich groups. The precursors of these groups were hemic and fine hemic peats. The top section of the coal seams is typically represented by the humodetrinite-rich or inertinite-rich group. These groups are the counterparts of fibric peat at the top of the modern peats. The sequence of maceral assemblages thus represents the change of topogenous to ombrogenous peat and the development of a raised peat bog.A comparison between the result of detailed maceral assemblage analysis and the paleodepositional environment as established from coal maceral ratio calculation indicates that the use of coal maceral ratio diagrams developed for other coal deposits fails to deduce paleo-peat development for these young tropical coals. In particular, mineral distribution and composition should not be neglected in coal facies interpretations.  相似文献   

In the present investigation all the working lignite seams of Cambay basin of Gujarat have been studied to see the distribution and geochemistry of selected major/minor elements like Fe, Ca, Na, K, Mg, and Mn and trace elements like Cu, Co, Cr, Cd, Ni, Pb and Zn. The vertical variation of these elements along the seam profiles has been studied to see the pattern of distribution of these elements and also to know the horizons of their enrichment and the probable cause. Further, these elements have been correlated among themselves and also with organic and inorganic matter of lignite. The correlation study indicates that in Tadkeshwar upper seam Fe has its affinity with huminite while Mg and Na have their affinity with liptinite and in Tadkeshwar lower seam Na has an affinity with liptinite. In Vastan upper seam Mn and Cu are associated with inertinite and Na with huminite while in Vastan lower seam Cu relates to huminite and Cd to liptinite and huminite. In Rajpardi seam Ca and Co are associated with huminite. The study provides information on the mode of occurrence of elements of less studied lignites of western India.  相似文献   

The Liddell Seam occurs in the lower part of the Permian Foybrook Formation of the Sydney Basin, eastern Australia. The seam profile is dominated by banded lithotypes (clarain). Maceral and microlithotype analyses of lithotypes indicate a limited degree of uniformity in their composition. A comparison of whole-seam petrographic analyses with compositions calculated on the basis of the seam lithotype profile and lithotype petrography suggests that the latter method may provide for a rapid assessment of petrographic variation in operating mines.Petrographic analyses form the basis of an interpretation of Liddell peat-swamp facies. The seam contains few clastic layers which are associated with relatively dull coals whose petrography reflects elevated water levels during deposition in the limno-telmatic, reed-moor and open-moor facies. Between these zones the seam profile is dominated by relatively bright coals deposited between periods of inundation, in the telmatic forest-moor and reed-moor zones. The lithotype profile and the high vitrite and clarite content indicate the significant influence of arborescent vegetation, a feature typical of seams deposited in tectonically unstable areas.  相似文献   

Trace-element data are presented for the first time for any coal seam in India, across a full working section, based on systematically collected channel samples of coal, together with their maceral composition. The trace-element variation curves along the seam profile are presented together with group maceral compositions of Kargali Bottom, Kargali Top, Kargali, Kathara, Uchitdih, Jarangdih Bottom, Jarangdih, and Jarangdih Top seams, East Bokaro coalfield. The Kathara and Uchitdih seams have also been sampled at two other localities and lateral variation in data in their trace-element and maceral compositions is also evaluated.The East Bokaro coals have: Ba and Sr > 1000 ppm; Mn < 450 ppm; Zr < 400 ppm; Ni and V < 250 ppm; Cr < 185 ppm; La < 165 ppm; Cu, Nb, and B < 125 ppm; Pb, Co and Y < 75 ppm; Ga, Sn, Mo, In and Yb < 15 ppm; Ag 2 ppm; and Ge 7 ppm. Petrographically, the coals are dominant in vitrinite (33–97%), rare in exinite (<15%), and semifusinite (0.8–49%) is the dominant inertinite maceral, with variable mineral and shaly matter (11–30%), graphic representation of trace elements versus vitrinite, inertinite, and coal ash indicates the affinity of (a) vitrinite with Cu, Ni, Co, V, Ga and B; (b) inertinite with Nb and B; and (c) coal ash (mineral matter) with Pb, Cu, Ni, La, Mn and Y; Ba, Cr, Sr, Zr, Cu and Ni are of organic as well as inorganic origins.The trend of the variation patterns and average compositions of the different seams are shown to be distinct and different. The variation along the same profile is inferred to be different for different seams of the coalfield.Trace-element data for certain coals of seams from different coalfields in the Gondwana basins of India are presented. There is a wide difference for each of these basins with respect to certain elements. This is suggestive of the proportions of Cu, Ni, V, Y, Ba, Sr, Cr, B, Zr and Ag, characterizing the different Gondwana Basins.  相似文献   

The petrographic and palynologic compositions of coal seams of the acler formation (Upper Carboniferous, Westphalian A) from northwestern and southeastern part of the Lower Silesian Coal Basin (LSCB) were examined. Coals studied are highly volatile bituminous coal, where Ro ranges from 0.91% to 1.09%. Seam 430 from the northwestern part of the basin contains high vitrinite percentage with rather low inertinite and liptinite contents, while percentage of mineral matter is variable. This petrographic composition is associated either with a predominance of Lycospora in miospore assemblage, or with a miospore assemblage of mixed character. The abundance of Lycospora reflects vegetation composed of the arborescent lycopsids while the mixed miospore assemblage is connected with diverse palaeoplant communities, namely, arborescent lycopsids, calamites and ferns. Seams 409 and 412/413 from the southeastern part of the LSCB are rich in inertinite and liptinite, while the vitrinite content is moderate. Their characteristic feature is the occurrence of a diagnostic crassisporinite (densosporinite). Amount of the mineral components in these coals is very low. Densosporites and related crassicingulate genera are main components of these miospore assemblages and were produced by herbaceous and/or sub-arborescent lycopsids. These petrographic and palynologic features were the basis for distinguishing three maceral–miospore associations: an arborescent lycopsid and mixed associations, occurring in the seam 430 and a herbaceous and/or sub-arborescent lycopsid association which was recorded in seams 409 and 412/413. The first two assemblages are interpreted as having been deposited in a planar rheotrophic mire, whereas the herbaceous and/or sub-arborescent lycopsid association is thought to have developed in an ombrotrophic, domed mire.  相似文献   

A detailed study of maceral composition and vitrinite reflectance of the coal deposits from Marki-Jhari-Jamni area, situated in the northwestern extremity of Wardha valley coalfield, Yeotmal district, Maharashtra has been carried out with special reference to their depositional set up. These coals have two distinct types of maceral organization, one having significantly high distribution of the vitrinite group of macerals (35–41%) and the other containing the dominance of inertinite (26–49%). Liptinite maceral group is recorded between 14 and 24%, barring a few coal bands having liptinite maceral group as high as 33–37%. The vitrinite reflectivity ranges from 0.38–0.43%. Thus, they have attained sub-bituminous C rank. Mineral matter in these coals varies between 15 and 22%. The present study suggests that the basin primarily experienced cold climate having intermittent brackish water influx with alternating dry oxidizing spells.  相似文献   

The geology, petrography and chemical variation of the Pecket coal sequence, Magellan Region (52°57′S, 71°10′W), the only Chilean coal used for electricity generation on a large scale, has been studied in order to predict their combustion behaviour, especially in coal blends. The depositional environment of formation of the coal seams was a swamp rarely exposed to subaerial conditions and was associated with the development of the folded foreland of the Magellan basin during the Tertiary (Oligo–Miocene). The general tectonic regime of the collision of the Antarctic and South American plates is reflected by a system of joints with 40°N–50°W strike. The maceral composition of all six seams studied indicates high contents of vitrinite (>90%), minor content of liptinite (4.7%) and inertinite (<2%). Occurrence of tonstein horizons altered to kaolinite indicates a distal volcanism during peat accumulation. Coal rank varies between lignite and subbituminous (Ro=0.28–0.42%) with an average dry basis calorific value of 5450 kcal/kg, 17 wt.% moisture, 41 wt.% volatile matter, and sulphur content below 0.5 wt.%. The mineral matter (LTA) associated with the coal shows a dominance of kaolinite with quartz, smectite, and minor basanite. SiO2/Al2O3 and Fe2O3/CaO ratios of the ashes diminish towards the lower seams. With respect to the utilisation of Pecket coals in combustion, base/acid ratios (B/A) and silica ratios (SR) indicate potential fouling for seams 1, 2, 5, and 6i, with high fouling indexes (Rf) for seams 2 and 5. Pecket coal is excellent for blend combustion due to its low sulphur content.  相似文献   

A detailed study of maceral composition and vitrinite reflectance of the coal deposits from Marki-Jhari-Jamni area, situated in the northwestern extremity of Wardha valley coalfield, Yeotmal district, Maharashtra has been carried out with special reference to their depositional set up. These coals have two distinct types of maceral organization, one having significantly high distribution of the vitrinite group of macerals (35–41%) and the other containing the dominance of inertinite (26–49%). Liptinite maceral group is recorded between 14 and 24%, barring a few coal bands having liptinite maceral group as high as 33–37%. The vitrinite reflectivity ranges from 0.38–0.43%. Thus, they have attained sub-bituminous C rank. Mineral matter in these coals varies between 15 and 22%. The present study suggests that the basin primarily experienced cold climate having intermittent brackish water influx with alternating dry oxidizing spells.  相似文献   

In order to get detailed information about the facies and genesis of Upper Carboniferous coal seams of Northwest Germany, maceral analyses of complete seam profiles (Westphalian B-D, mainly Westphalian C) were carried out. Four main facies and twelve subfacies could be distinguished. The main facies are:
1. (1) The sapropelic-coal facies, consisting of fine-grained inertinite and liptinite, which forms from organic sediments deposited at the bottom of moor lakes.
2. (2) The densosporinite facies which is high in inertinite and liptinite and low in vitrinite. Syngenetic pyrites, clastic layers, thick vitrains and fusains do not occur. This facies originates from peats of ‘open mires’ with higher groundwater table and herbaceous vegetation. The ‘open mire’ was situated in the centre of extensive swamps. Consequently, clastic sedimentation did not affect this swamp type and nutrient supply and pH values were low.
3. (3) The vitrinite-fusinite facies, which is high in vitrinite. This is the result of abundant vitrains. Under the microscope, fusains were mostly identified as fusinite. The vitrinite-fusinite facies originates from a forest mire. More or less abundant seam splits and clastic layers show that rivers flowed in the neighbourhood of this area.
4. (4) The shaly-coal facies, which represents the most marginal part of the former swamp frequently affected by clastic sedimentation.
Within the Carboniferous of the Ruhr Region it seems unlikely that the thin coal seams of the Namurian C and Westphalian A1 contain a densosporinite facies. The swamps were situated in the lower delta plain where they were often affected by marine influences. Consequently, coals are high in minerals and sulfur and they are thin and discontinous. The best conditions for the formation of extensive swamps, with open mires (densosporinite facies) in their central parts, prevailed during Westphalian A2 and B1 times. Low contents of sulfur and minerals and high content of inertinite are typical for these coals. Sedimentation mainly took place in the transitional zone from the lower to the upper delta plain. During the Westphalian B2 and C fluvial sedimentation dominated. Within the coal seams minerals, sulfur and pseudovitrinite increase while inertinite decreases. This is the consequence of coal of the densosporinite facies occurring with increased rarity. The coal seams of the Westphalian C2 contain no densosporinite facies because peat formation was restricted by increasing fluvial sedimentation and by a better drainage. As a consequence, extensive swamps with ‘open mires’ in the centre were no longer formed after the formation of the “Odin” seams. Above the “Odin” seams coal of the vitrinite-fusinite facies contains thick-walled torisporinites. Variations and lowering of the groundwater table caused mild oxidative influences during peat formation. This is documented by an increase in pseudovitrinite, the occurrence of torisporinites and the absence of spheroidal sideritic concretions. Sulfur content increases in the absence of the low-ash and low-sulfur coal of the densosporinite facies.In Upper Carboniferous coal seams of the Ibbenbüren Region the inertinite and telocollinite contents are higher than in those of the Ruhr Region. Therefore, variations of the groundwater table have been more pronounced and resulting oxidative influences must have been more severe. Seldom occurring marine and brackish horizons and a higher fusinite (fusain) content indicate a slight elevation of this area. From Early Westphalian D times onward, peat formation was no longer possible because of the better drainage. This resulted in severe oxidative conditions which excluded peat formation.  相似文献   

The Tertiary North East Indian coals, classified as sub-bituminous rank, have found less industrial application owing to their physico-chemical attributes. These coals are characterized by low ash (<15%), high volatile matter (>35%) and high sulphur (2.9-4.46%). Majority of the sulphur occurs in organic form affixed to the coal matrix owing to marine influence, is difficult to remove. The coal maceral analysis shows the dominance of vitrinite (>75%) with lesser amounts of liptinite and inertinite. Reflectance measurements (Rmax) of these sub-bituminous coals fall in the range of 0.57 to 0.65. In this study, the petrographical (maceral), thermal and other physico-chemical analyses of some low rank Tertiary sub-bituminous coals from north-east India were carried out to assess their potential for combustion, liquefaction and coal bed methane formation. The petrofactor, conversion (%) and oil yield (%), combustion efficiency of the coal samples were determined. The respective linear correlations of conversion (%) of the coals with their vitrinite contents, petrofactor and oil yield values have been discussed. The relative combustion efficiency of the coals was measured from the thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA) of coals. The influence of maceral composition upon gas adsorption characteristics of these high volatile coals showed the increase in methane adsorption with vitrinite enrichment. Both the maceral and mineral matter contents were observed to have important influence on the gas adsorption characteristics.  相似文献   

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