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We discuss the dispersion relation of linearly-polarized waves, propagating along a strong background magnetic field embedded in an electron-positron plasma. The results are then applied to the study of the propagation conditions of coherent curvature radio radiation inside neutron stars magnetospheres, as produced by electric discharges following current pulsar models.  相似文献   

It is shown that the radius of curvature of magnetic field lines in the polar region of a rotating magnetized neutron star can be significantly less than the usual radius of curvature of the dipole magnetic field. The magnetic field in the polar cap is distorted by toroidal electric currents flowing in the neutron star crust. These currents close up the magnetospheric currents driven by the electron–positron plasma generation process in the pulsar magnetosphere. Owing to the decrease in the radius of curvature, electron–positron plasma generation becomes possible even for slowly rotating neutron stars, with   PB −2/312 < 10 s  , where P is the period of star rotation and   B 12= B /1012 G  is the magnitude of the magnetic field on the star surface.  相似文献   

We explore the role of complex multipolar magnetic fields in determining physical processes near the surface of rotation powered pulsars. We model the actual magnetic field as the sum of global dipolar and star-centred multipolar fields. In configurations involving axisymmetric and uniform multipolar fields, 'neutral points' and 'neutral lines' exist close to the stellar surface. Also, the curvature radii of magnetic field lines near the stellar surface can never be smaller than the stellar radius, even for very high-order multipoles. Consequently, such configurations are unable to provide an efficient pair-creation process above pulsar polar caps, necessary for plasma mechanisms of generation of pulsar radiation. In configurations involving axisymmetric and non-uniform multipoles, the periphery of the pulsar polar cap becomes fragmented into symmetrically distributed narrow subregions where curvature radii of complex magnetic field lines are less than the radius of the star. The pair-production process is only possible just above these 'favourable' subregions. As a result, the pair plasma flow is confined within narrow filaments regularly distributed around the margin of the open magnetic flux tube. Such a magnetic topology allows us to model the system of 20 isolated subbeams observed in PSR B0943+10 by Deshpande & Rankin. We suggest a physical mechanism for the generation of pulsar radio emission in the ensemble of finite subbeams, based on specific instabilities. We propose an explanation for the subpulse drift phenomenon observed in some long-period pulsars.  相似文献   

The pulsar radio emission originates from regions below 10% of the light cylinder radius. This requires a mechanism where coherent emission is excited in relativistic pair plasma with frequency \(\nu _{\mathrm{cr}}\) which is below the plasma frequency \(\nu _{\circ }\) i.e. \(\nu _{\mathrm{cr}} < \nu _{\circ }\). A possible model for the emission mechanism is charged bunches (charged solitons) moving relativistically along the curved open dipolar magnetic field lines capable of exciting coherent curvature radio emission. In this article, we review the results from high quality observations in conjunction with theoretical models to unravel the nature of coherent curvature radio emission in pulsars.  相似文献   

Quantum electrodynamics(QED) effects may be included in physical processes of magnetar and pulsar magnetospheres with strong magnetic fields. Involving the quantum corrections, Maxwell electrodynamics is modified to nonlinear electrodynamics. In this work, we study the force-free magnetosphere in nonlinear electrodynamics in a general framework. The pulsar equation describing a steady and axisymmetric magnetosphere is derived, which now admits solutions with corrections. We derive the first-order nonlinear corrections to the near-zone dipole magnetosphere in some popular nonlinear effective theories.The field lines of the corrected dipole tend to converge on the rotational axis so that the fields in the polar region are stronger compared to the pure dipole case.  相似文献   

We show that the pair production rate in a strong magnetic field is substantially altered when an electric field is also included. We illustrate and emphasize this significant alteration by considering a few special cases. In the vicinity of the polar cap of a rotating magnetized neutron star it is currently though thatboth steady electric and magnetic fields must be present. The results presented here then indicate that some considerable degree of caution must be exercised in applying pair production rates calculated under the assumption of zero electric field to the problems of pulsar emission and the generation and maintence of pulsar magnetospheres. In general such rates are very different from the rate computed allowing for the existence of an electric field.  相似文献   

We present a model for microstructure in pulsar radio emission. We propose that micropulses result from alteration of the radio wave generation region by nearly transverse drift waves propagating across the pulsar magnetic field and encircling the bundle of the open magnetic field lines. It is demonstrated that such waves can modify the curvature of the field lines significantly. This, in turn, affects strongly fulfilment of the resonance conditions necessary for the excitation of radio waves. The time-scale of micropulses is therefore determined by the wavelength of the drift waves. The main features of the microstructure are naturally explained within the framework of this model.  相似文献   

The theory of pulsar radio emission has been developed in a series of our papers since 1992. It was shown that pulsar radio emission is produced in the lower part of a channel of open magnetic field lines, in a region with a height h ≈ 1.1-107 μ 30 1/3 /P4/21 cm above a magnetic cap of the neutron star (P is the pulsar’s period and μ is the star’s magnetic moment). Here, owing to vigorously occurring processes (the production of photons of curvature radiation and their annihilation into e+e- pairs), two ultrarelativistic particle fluxes are formed: an electron flux moving upward and a positron flux falling onto the star’s magnetic cap. These main fluxes are accompanied by narrow strips of positron and electron fluxes of relatively low energy, the curvature emission from which is a strong coherent radio source. The present paper is a review of earlier papers, and important additions and refinements are also made. Equations are offered for the radio luminosity of a pulsar, the solid angle of the radio beam, and the magnetic moment and moment of inertia of the pulsar’s neutron star. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 147-169, January–March, 2000.  相似文献   

The electrostatic shocks and solitons are studied in weakly relativistic and collisional electron-positron-ion plasmas occurring in polar regions of pulsar. The plasma system is composed of relativistically streaming electrons, positrons while ions are taken to be stationary. Dissipative effects in the system are due to collision phenomena among the constituents of relativistic plasma. Nonlinear dynamics of the dissipation and dispersion dominated relativistic plasma systems are governed by Korteweg-de Vries Burger (KdVB) and Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equations respectively. Numerical results, exploring the effects of plasma parameters on the profile of nonlinear waves are expedited graphically for illustration. Positron to electron temperature ratio plays the role of a decisive parameter. It is noticed that compressive shocks and solitons evolve in the system if the positron to electron temperature ratio is less than a critical value. However, there exists a threshold value of positron to electron temperature ratio beyond which the system supports the rarefactive shocks and solitons. The results may have importance in the relativistic plasmas of pulsar magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Wave conversion mechanisms causing large-frequency shifts are considered for an electron-positron plasma in a strong magnetic field. In particular, we discuss the effects of the nonlinear erenkov as well as the cyclotron resonances in order to associate pulsar radio-emissions with our present model for nonlinear conversion of high-frequency radiation into the low-frequency region.  相似文献   

Nonlinear propagation of electrostatic modes in ultrarelativistic dense elelectron-positron gravito-plasma at the polar cap region of pulsar magnetosphere is considered. A nonlinear Schrödinger equation is obtained from the reductive perturbation method which predicts the existence of Langmuir dark solitons. Relevance of the propagating dark solitons to the pulsar radio emission is discussed.  相似文献   

It is assumed that pulsar radiation originates in a polar cap region and that the emission mechanism is curvature radiation. It is further assumed the radiation reaching an observer at any one time may represent contributions from several particle bunches moving relativistically along different magnetic field lines and radiating mutually incoherently. These assumptions are used to explanation of the minimum of linear polarization appearing near the profile centre of some pulsars.The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is operated by the Associated Universities Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

We test a new emission mechanism in pulsar magnetospheres, eventually responsible in part for the high level of observed radio radiation. This is carried out by comparing the efficiency of the two-stream instability of Langmuir waves in a pulsar emission region, where the stationary and non-stationary characters of pair plasma outflows produced in the gap region are characterized by two different time-scales. On the shorter time-scale, the Ruderman &38; Sutherland 'sparking' phenomenon leads to the creation of pair plasma clouds, in motion along magnetic field lines, that contain particles with a large spectrum of momenta. The overlapping of particles with different energies produced in successive clouds results in an efficient 'two stream'-like instability. This effect is a consequence of the non-stationary character of the pair plasma produced in the gap region, just above the magnetic poles of the neutron star. On a long time-scale, resulting pair plasma outflows in pulsar magnetospheres can be treated as stationary. In this case, the instability which results from interaction between existing primary beam particles and the pair plasma is negligible, whereas the instability owing to interaction between electrons and positrons of the pair plasma itself, and more precisely to their relative drift motion along curved magnetic field lines, is effective. We derive characteristic features of the triggered instability, using specific distribution functions to describe either particles in the assembly of clouds or relative drifting of electrons and positrons in these same plasma clouds. Although linear and local, our treatment suggests that non-stationary effects may compete with, or even dominate over, drifting effects in parts of pulsar emission regions.  相似文献   

We investigate a stationary particle acceleration zone in the outer magnetosphere of an obliquely rotating neutron star. The charge depletion as a result of global current causes a large electric field along the magnetic field lines. Migratory electrons and/or positrons are accelerated by this field to radiate curvature gamma-rays, some of which collide with the X-rays to materialize as pairs in the gap. As a result of this pair-production cascade, the replenished charges partially screen the electric field, which is self-consistently solved together with the distribution of particles and gamma-rays. If no current is injected at either of the boundaries of the accelerator, the gap is located around the so-called null surface, where the local Goldreich–Julian charge density vanishes. However, we find that the gap position shifts outwards (or inwards) when particles are injected at the inner (or outer) boundary. We apply the theory to the seven pulsars whose X-ray fields are known from observations. We show that the gap should be located near to or outside of the null surface for the Vela pulsar and PSR B1951+32, so that their expected GeV spectrum may be consistent with observations. We then demonstrate that the intrinsically large TeV flux from the outer gap of PSR B0540–69 is absorbed by the magnetospheric infrared photons, causing it to be undetectable. We also point out that the electrodynamic structure and the resultant GeV emission properties of millisecond pulsars are similar to young pulsars.  相似文献   

The curvature -quanta emitted in the pulsar magnetospheres tangentially to the curved lines of force of the magnetic field are shown to be later canalized along the magnetic field—if it is strong enough,B0.1B cr =4×1012G—by gradually converting into a mutually bound electron-positron pair, i.e. a positronium atom. This happens before the photon reaches the threshold of free-pair creation. The positronium thus arising is stable against the ionizing action of the electric field near the pulsar unless it reaches a critical value about 4×107 CGSE forB1013G. This prevents the screening of the electric field up to the distances from the pulsar, where the magnetic field is already below the value of 0.1B cr and the free pair creation may become essential. This effect provides, at least within the Arons model, a higher theoretical estimate for the total luminosity of pulsars whose field at the surfaceB s exceeds 0.1B cr as compared with the conventional one.  相似文献   

The theory of pulsar radio emission is reviewed critically, emphasizing reasons why there is no single, widely-accepted emission mechanism. The uncertainties in our understanding of how the magnetosphere is populated with plasma preclude predicting the properties of the emission from first principles. Some important observational features are incorporated into virtually all the proposed emission mechanisms, and other observational features are either controversial or fail to provide criteria that clearly favor one mechanism over others. It is suggested that the criterion that the emission mechanism apply to millisecond, fast young, and slow pulsars implies that it is insensitive to the magnetic field strength. It is argued that coherent emission processes in all astrophysical and space plasmas consist of emission from many localized, transient subsources, that any theory requires both an emission mechanism and a statistical theory for the subsource, and, that this aspect of coherent emission has been largely ignored in treatments of pulsar radio emission. Several specific proposed emission mechanisms are discussed critically: coherent curvature emission by bunches, relativistic plasma emission, maser curvature emission, cyclotron instability and free electron maser emission. It is suggested that some form of relativistic plasma emission is the most plausible candidate although one form of maser curvature emission and free electron maser emission are not ruled out. Propagation effects are discussed, emphasizing the interpretation of jumps between orthogonal polarizations.  相似文献   

The famous neutron star Geminga was until quite lately the only pulsar undetected in the radio regime, though observed as a strong pulsating γ- and X-ray source. Three independent groups from the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory (Russia) reported recently the detection of pulsed radio emission from Geminga at 102.5 MHz, i.e., the first detection of the radio pulsar PSR J0633 + 1746 by Kuz'min &38; Losovskii, Malofeev &38; Malov and Shitov &38; Pugachev. This pulsar exhibits the weakest radio luminosity known. Its average pulse profile appears to be very wide, filling an entire 360° pulse window according to Kuz'min &38; Losovskii.   We present a model explaining the peculiarities of the Geminga radio pulsar, based on the assumption that it is an almost aligned rotator. The electromagnetic waves generated in the inner magnetosphere reach the region within the light cylinder with a weak magnetic field (at distances of a few light cylinder radii), where they are strongly damped due to the cyclotron resonance with particles of magnetospheric electron–positron plasma. The lowest frequencies that can escape are determined by the value of the magnetic field in the region where the line of sight passes through the light cylinder. The specific viewing geometry of an almost aligned rotator implies that the observer's line of sight probes the emission region near the bundle of the last open field lines. This explains the unusually weak emission from Geminga's low-frequency radio pulsar.  相似文献   

A nonlinear Schrödinger equation is obtained for linearly polarized electromagnetic waves propagating across the ambient magnetic field in an electron-positron plasma. The nonlinearities arising from wave intensity induced particle mass modulation, as well as harmonic generation are incorporated. Modulational instability and localization of pulsar radiation are investigated.  相似文献   

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