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反循环钻探工艺清渣彻底,能保证桩基质量,无需二次清孔,从而缩短工期,提高效率。但在施工中,常常出现砂石泵不出水的现象,耽误时间,影响效率。必须找出症结所在,及时排除故障。结合实践有如下体会。青岛石老人度假区自助公寓位于黄海之滨,在强风化花岗岩上覆盖着...  相似文献   

四川省自贡市盐卤开发有近2 000年历史,大山铺曾是自贡市井矿盐生产基地之一,由于长期从事岩盐、天然气开采,留下了大量的废卤(气)井。分析表明:大山铺地下地质情况较为复杂,构造断裂、裂隙发育,且连通性较好,给卤(气)上窜提供了地质条件;卤(气)井未封井或套管腐蚀穿孔、破裂造成卤水及伴生天然气沿裂隙上窜,表现为对含水层、土地资源破坏及对空气的污染。  相似文献   

从设备安装,管路密封,泥浆性能,钻头结构,钻进参数,施工管理等方面,分析了用泵吸反循环钻进工艺施工钻孔灌注桩时循环流中的原因,提出了预防措施。  相似文献   

良好的密闭性能是盐穴储气库安全运营的基本前提,但地质赋存条件复杂、建库实践不足、理论体系不完备等均会导致盐腔遭遇各类泄漏风险。根据国内外的工程实践及事故统计,再结合盐穴储库特有的工程地质条件和运行工况,总结出三大泄漏因素(地质因素、工程因素、人为失误)和4种泄漏类型。地下盐穴储气库潜在的泄漏类型有夹层密闭性不足引起的气体近水平漏失、盖层被突破失效致使气体上窜、井筒完整性不足致使气体逃逸、夹层与断层连通致使气体流向断层。最终,依据各自的泄漏特征提出了相应的预防处置措施,以防止气体泄漏事故的发生和大范围的蔓延。由于我国盐穴储库的发展暂时处于上升期,研究结果对深部盐穴储气库的安全建设具有一定的借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   

张士军 《吉林地质》2011,30(2):131-133
钻探取心缺失原因可能是岩石破碎及操作方法不当,解决的方法是选择合适的取心工具及最佳取方法.  相似文献   

尹康华 《云南地质》2006,25(2):218-221
简要介绍在钻孔灌注桩施工中发生的断桩事故的原因和处理措施。  相似文献   

菏泽市在山东省是经济欠发达地区,尽快摆脱落后的局面是全市人民的迫切愿望。为此,菏泽市委、市政府提出以工业兴市的发展思路,大力加快工业化步伐,推进城镇化建设,依据当地优势重点发展"四大基地、一大产业"建设,对国土资源工作提出了更高的要求。针对节约集约用地、土地执法、矿产资源管理、基础测绘等方面存在的问题,提出了针对性建议。  相似文献   

混凝土膨胀剂具有补偿混凝土干燥收缩的效果,但在地下室防水混凝土工程中,使用效果不理想,存在掺加膨胀剂后地下室底板和外墙出现混凝土开裂渗漏的现象。本文从设计源头,力求全面地、准确有效地提出解决措施。  相似文献   

李海发 《探矿工程》2005,32(5):29-30
总结分析了旋挖钻机在施工中掉钻的各种原因,详述了其预防措施和处理方法。  相似文献   

The Pleistocene, and possibly also other, older glaciations, are believed to have resulted from a combination of terrestrial and astronomical factors. Preceding glaciation, orogenesis and uplift increased the Earth's albedo and decreased temperature. Lowering of temperature below a certain threshold value permitted the astronomical cause to become operative. While smaller glaciations may have been largely or entirely patterned by the astronomical cause or causes, terrestrial factors had an important effect in determining the course of the larger glaciations. Two time-delay factors are believed to have been responsible for the oscillatory pattern of glaciation: these are plastic iceflow, and crustal warping.Summer insolation variation in the high latitudes is believed to be a more likely astronomical cause than variation of solar radiation.  相似文献   

基于径向固结理论和等应变假设,考虑真空预压过程中真空泵故障、漏气等不利影响以及排水体井阻时空非线性影响,推导了以排水体中超静孔隙水压uw为函数的3阶拟线性偏微分方程,并将膜下真空度随时间的变化曲线作为边界条件,考虑吹填土的自重固结影响,分别给出了真空预压地基考虑漏气影响且排水体渗透系数随深度线性衰减及时间指数衰减时的固结解析解。最后通过与现有多个固结解的对比分析,认为它们一般为新解的特例,并通过算例计算比较分析,认为井阻随时间影响参数A_2对固结度的影响比随深度影响参数A_1更敏感。当参数A_2足够大时,则认为排水体很快就淤堵以至于不具备排水能力,参数A1则可等效反映真空度随深度的衰减影响,且真空预压过程中漏气对地基固结度具有直接影响,漏气越严重则固结排水越慢,需延长真空预压时间,以保证真空预压效果。  相似文献   

Ultraviolet photolysis and ultraviolet and hydrogen peroxide oxidation of fourteen commonly used pharmaceutical compounds and two personal care products in mixed solution using low pressure ultraviolet lamp was investigated in laboratory batch experiments. Removal of the compounds followed the first-order reaction kinetic. Three distinct impacts of hydrogen peroxide on ultraviolet and hydrogen peroxide oxidation of the compounds (positive, negative and no significant effect) were observed. Removal behavior of the several tested compounds in mixed solution varied significantly than their respective behavior in absence of coexisting compounds. Clofibric acid, diclofenac, fenoprofen, isopropylantipyrine, ketoprofen, phenytoin and triclosan were removed very efficiently (> 96 %) by ultraviolet photolysis alone. Residual hydrogen peroxide during ultraviolet and hydrogen peroxide oxidation was quantitated for the first time. Hydrogen peroxide addition to ultraviolet photolysis was not worthy for majority of the tested compounds as their removal did not increase significantly and very big fractions (> 85 %) of the added hydrogen peroxide (0.29 ~ 1.47 mM) remained unused presumably due to small fluence of the lamp, very small molar absorption for hydrogen peroxide at 254 nm (27.06 /M.cm) and acidic pH of reaction solution (< 5.7). Further exploration on ultraviolet and hydrogen peroxide oxidation with higher fluence lamp and alkaline solution pH will clarify usefulness of the method to treat pharmaceutical contaminated waters.  相似文献   

During the last 7 × 105 years the occurrence of abrupt climatic variations, of an intensity probably reaching 5°C/50 yr and with a duration of the order of several centuries can be demonstrated; their frequency is of the order 10?4 (sometimes even 10?3) per year. Most impressive examples are sudden coolings in earlier interglacials; in some periods the variability of past climates was obviously much greater than now. Due to the effective spatial coherence of the atmospheric and oceanic circulation their extension, not necessarily of similar intensity, is probably hemispheric or even global. They are modified by feedback mechanisms within the geophysical climatic system; orbital changes play a selective role leading either to suppression or to growth. Any physical interpretation of such abrupt paleoclimatic events remain as yet speculative. One of the most attractive models is the occurrence of clusters of major volcanic eruptions which is more frequent than expected in random series. This is similar to the clustering of severe earthquakes in recent years; both events are probably interrelated responses to the (apparently discontinuous) motions of tectonic plates.  相似文献   

Seepage through an earth dam body must be regulated as a well–planned process, if it is not properly managed, the abnormal seepage may cause dam failure. This study employed stable isotopic and statistical methods to identify the source and cause of an abnormal leakage on the zoned earth dam of the Xin–Shan reservoir located in northern Taiwan. Water samples from the dam area over a 2-a period were collected and analyzed for their stable O and H isotope compositions. In addition, a 4-a period of hydrological data, including rainfall, reservoir level, well level, seepage of filter drainage and leakage, were statistically analyzed with a stepwise multiple regression approach. Both the stable isotopic and hydrological results indicate that the abnormal leakage on the dam shell comes from the filter drainage in the dam. The reason for abnormal leakage is due to unexpected and significant precipitation–sourced water flowing into the dam’s body. The dam filter fails to drain out the incoming water sufficiently, thus generating the abnormal seepage. In addition, the defect in the dam filter may also cause the drainage filter to drain off reservoir seepage inadequately. Therefore, it is suggested that checking the filter function and preventing excessive precipitation–sourced water from flowing into the dam are the two top priorities for the follow-up remedial strategy of the dam.  相似文献   

A mixed finite element–boundary element solution for the analysis of two-dimensional flow in porous media composed of rock blocks and discrete fractures is described. The rock blocks are modelled implicitly by using boundary elements whereas finite elements are adopted to model the discrete fractures. The computational procedure has been implemented in a hybrid code which has been validated first by comparing the numerical results with the closed-form solution for flow in a porous aquifer intercepted by a vertical fracture only. Then, a more complex problem has been solved where a pervious, homogeneous and isotropic matrix containing a net of fractures is considered. The results obtained are shown to describe satisfactorily the main features of the flow problem under study. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

苏万鑫  谢康和 《岩土力学》2010,31(8):2661-2665
对采用混合可压缩流体方法分析非饱和土一维固结问题的固结方程进行了求解,在得到的解析解的基础上,对影响非饱和土一维固结的因素进行了分析。分析结果表明,在采用混合流体方法计算非饱和土一维固结的孔隙水压力时,所用公式与计算饱和土一维固结的太沙基理论公式基本相同,不同之处在于引入Bishop有效应力系数来体现孔隙气对孔隙水的影响。而在非饱和土孔隙气压的计算公式中除了体现孔隙水对孔隙气的影响参数以外,还有体现孔隙气体的可压缩性对固结影响的参数。在所有影响因素中,影响非饱和土一维固结最重要的因素是孔隙流体的渗流路径。  相似文献   

张戈  卢娜  刘洁  常亮  许轲 《地质通报》2015,34(11):2083-2086
柴达木盆地气候干旱,降水稀少,地下水补给来源主要为河流渗漏,如何计算河流渗漏量是地下水资源评价必须解决的首要问题。根据柴达木盆地河流渗漏特征,在河流渗漏量组成分析的基础上,建立了适用于自由渗漏型河流的渗漏率经验公式,并利用该公式对比计算了柴达木盆地格尔木河、塔塔棱河、鱼卡河的河流渗漏率,其结果与实测值相近,表明所建立的渗漏率公式具有一定的适用性和普遍性。同时,计算了柴达木盆地主要河流的渗漏率和渗漏量,结果表明,流量大于10m~3/s的河流,渗漏率为61.1%~78.3%;流量小于5m~3/s的河流,渗漏率为94.5%~99.9%,符合该地区河流渗漏的一般性规律。研究提出的渗漏率公式对水文地质条件相似区地下水资源评价具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Geologic carbon sequestration is the capture of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) and its storage in deep geologic formations. The processes of CO2 seepage into surface water after migration through water-saturated sediments are reviewed. Natural CO2 and CH4 fluxes are pervasive in surface-water environments and are good analogues to potential leakage and seepage of CO2. Buoyancy-driven bubble rise in surface water reaches a maximum velocity of approximately 30 cm s−1. CO2 rise in saturated porous media tends to occur as channel flow rather than bubble flow. A comparison of ebullition versus dispersive gas transport for CO2 and CH4 shows that bubble flow will dominate over dispersion in surface water. Gaseous CO2 solubility in variable-salinity waters decreases as pressure decreases leading to greater likelihood of ebullition and bubble flow in surface water as CO2 migrates upward.  相似文献   

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