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Two organic maturity indices, the statistical thermal alteration index (stTAI) and vitrinite reflectance (RO), are used to gain insight into the geological histories of sequences of Tertiary and Upper Cretaceous sediments in northern Japan that contain an unconformity and which are affected by faulting and contact metamorphism. The stTAI is based on the brightness, or gray level, of fossil pollen of Pinus, Podocarpus, Abies, and Picea species. Pollen brightness is measured using a transmitted‐light microscope equipped with a computer‐driven digital image processor. The stTAI represents the mean value of the modes for the complete array of indigenous pollen in rock samples. The stTAI indicates the level of organic maturation for Neogene sedimentary rocks of Japan, from incipient diagenesis to early catagenesis (RO ≤1.0%). With the progressive diagenesis and catagenesis of sedimentary rocks, stTAI values generally show a progressive decrease, whereas RO values increase. The effects of an unconformity and faulting are more clearly recorded in stTAI trends than in RO trends. During early stages of organic maturation (RO ≤0.7%), stTAI shows a rapid decrease, while RO shows a rapid increase during the mature and post‐mature stages (RO ≥0.8%). The occurrence of a range in RO values for a given level of organic maturity makes it difficult to determine the influence of the unconformity on the increasing RO trend. RO values show a progressive increase toward an igneous dyke, but this trend is not apparent in stTAI values. Measurements of Tertiary and Upper Cretaceous rocks in Japan reveal that stTAI is more sensitive to heating duration than RO, although RO is more sensitive to heating temperature.  相似文献   

Mutsuki Aoya 《Island Arc》2002,11(2):91-110
Abstract   Eclogite-bearing units in the Sambagawa Metamorphic Belt have long been considered tectonic blocks that have disparate tectonic and metamorphic histories that are distinct from each other and from the major non-eclogitic Sambagawa schists. However, recent studies have shown that eclogite facies metamorphism of the Seba eclogite unit is related to the subduction event that caused the metamorphism of the non-eclogitic Sambagawa schist. New structural data further show that the Seba eclogite unit, which appears to be isolated from the other eclogite units, is in fact in structural continuity with them, occupying the highest structural levels in the Sambagawa Belt. This suggests that eclogitic metamorphism of the other eclogite units is also related to the Sambagawa subduction event. It is, therefore, possible that all eclogite units in the Sambagawa Belt constitute a single coherent unit, the eclogite nappe, members of which underwent the same eclogitic metamorphism related to the Sambagawa subduction event.  相似文献   

Yui  Kouketsu  Masaki  Enami 《Island Arc》2010,19(1):165-176
Aragonite and omphacite-bearing metapelite occurs in the albite–biotite zone of the Togu (Tohgu) area, Besshi region, Sambagawa metamorphic belt, central Shikoku, Japan. This metapelite consists of alternating graphite-rich and graphite-poor layers that contain garnet, phengite, chlorite, epidote, titanite, calcite, albite, and quartz. A graphite-poor layer contains a 1.5-cm ivory-colored lens that mainly consists of phengite, calcite, albite, and garnet. Aragonite, omphacite, and paragonite occur as inclusions in the garnet of the ivory lens. The aragonite has a composition that is close to the CaCO3 end-member: the FeCO3 and MnCO3 components are both less than 0.3 mol% and the SrCO3 component is about 1 mol%. The aragonite + omphacite + quartz assemblage in garnet indicates equilibrium conditions of P  > 1.1–1.3 GPa and T  = 430–550°C. Quartz grains sealed in garnet of the aragonite and omphacite-bearing sample and other metapelites in the Togu area preserve a high residual pressure that is equivalent to the Sambagawa eclogite samples. These facts suggest that: (i) the Togu area experienced eclogite facies metamorphism; and (ii) thus, eclogite facies metamorphism covered the Sambagawa belt more extensively than previously recognized.  相似文献   

Takamoto  Okudaira 《Island Arc》1996,5(4):373-385
Abstract The Ryoke metamorphic belt of southwestern Japan is composed of Cretaceous Ryoke granitoids and associated metamorphic rocks of low-pressure facies series. The Ryoke granitoids are divided into sheet-like bodies (e.g. Gamano granodiorite) and stock-like bodies. The Gamano granodiorite intruded concordantly into the high-grade metamorphic rocks without development of a contact metamorphic aureole, and the intrusion ages of the granodiorite are similar to the ages of thermal peak of the low pressure (low-P) metamorphism. It is suggested that the low-P Ryoke metamorphism resulted from the intrusion of the Gamano granodiorite. In this study, a simple 1-D numerical model of conductive heat transfer was used to evaluate the thermal effects of emplacement of the Gamano granodiorite. Calculated temperature-time ( T-t ) paths are characterized by a rapid increase of metamorphic temperature and a relatively short-lived period of high temperature. For example, the T-t path at the 15-km depth is characterized by a rapid average increase in temperature of 1.4 × 10-3°C/year and high temperatures for < ca 0.5 Ma. The calculated peak temperature for each depth is nearly equal to the petrologically estimated value for each correlated metamorphic zone. The results suggest that the magma-intrusion model is one possible thermal model for low-pressure facies series metamorphism.  相似文献   

Yasuo  Miyagi  Akira  Takasu 《Island Arc》2005,14(3):215-235
Abstract   Prograde eclogites occur in the Tonaru epidote amphibolite mass in the Sambagawa Metamorphic Belt of central Shikoku. The Tonaru mass is considered to be a metamorphosed layered gabbro, and occurs as a large tectonic block (approximately 6.5 km × 1 km) in a high-grade portion of the Sambagawa schists. The Tonaru mass experienced high- P /low- T prograde metamorphism from the epidote-blueschist facies to the eclogite facies prior to its emplacement into the Sambagawa schists. The estimated P – T conditions are T  = 300–450°C and P  = 0.7–1.1 GPa for the epidote-blueschist facies, and the peak P – T conditions for the eclogite facies are T  = 700–730°C and P  ≥ 1.5 GPa. Following the eclogite facies metamorphism, the Tonaru mass was retrograded to the epidote amphibolite facies. It subsequently underwent additional prograde Sambagawa metamorphism, together with the surrounding Sambagawa schists, until the conditions of the oligoclase–biotite zone were reached. The high- P /low- T prograde metamorphism of the eclogite facies in the Tonaru mass and other tectonic blocks show similar steep d P /d T geothermal gradients despite their diverse peak P – T conditions, suggesting that these tectonic blocks reached different depths in the subduction zone. The individual rocks in each metamorphic zone of the Sambagawa schists also recorded steep d P /d T geothermal gradients during the early stages of the Sambagawa prograde metamorphism, and these gradients are similar to those of the eclogite-bearing tectonic blocks. Therefore, the eclogite-bearing tectonic blocks reached greater depths in the subduction zone than the Sambagawa schists. All the tectonic blocks were ultimately emplaced into the hanging wall side of the later-subducted Sambagawa high-grade schists during their exhumation.  相似文献   

Initially amorphous carbonaceous material becomes more crystalline with heating. The structural change depends not only on the maximum attained temperature but also the time‐scale of heating. Raman spectroscopy of natural samples that have been heated for time‐scales of 105 years or greater show that the degree of crystallinity has reached steady‐state. In contrast, laboratory studies show very little change in crystallinity of carbonaceous material (CM) after heating at 1000°C for a time of 3.5 weeks. Better constraints on the time‐scale for crystallization require experiments on time‐scales of years to thousands of years; such long time‐scales can only be derived from natural examples of CM‐bearing rocks that have been heated for a known length of time. Thermal modeling of contact metamorphism developed around a 13 m dike within the Akasaka Limestone in Gifu Prefecture shows the time‐scale of heating is of the order of 1–100 years. Raman spectroscopy reveals a significant increase in the crystallinity of the CM in a region within 3 m from the dike. A comparison between the temperature predicted for the contact aureole and the degree of crystallinity of the carbonaceous material shows that even close to the dike the CM has not reached steady‐state. This change began at over 550°C (modeled temperature) for a time‐scale of heating of a few years. Attaining steady‐state in the crystallization of CM under natural geological condition requires heating on time‐scales greater than about one hundred years. This study shows the utility of using natural laboratory studies to determine the kinetics of CM crystallization in rocks.  相似文献   

Abstract To investigate the regional thermobaric structure of the diamondiferous Kokchetav ultrahigh‐pressure and high‐pressure (UHP–HP) massif and adjacent units, eclogite and other metabasites in the Kulet and Saldat–Kol regions, northern Kazakhstan, were examined. The UHP–HP massif is subdivided into four units, bounded by subhorizontal faults. Unit I is situated at the lowest level of the massif and consists of garnet–amphibolite and acidic gneiss with minor pelitic schist and orthogneiss. Unit II, which structurally overlies Unit I, is composed mainly of pelitic schist and gneiss, and whiteschist locally with abundant eclogite blocks. The primary minerals observed in Kulet and Saldat–Kol eclogites are omphacite, sodic augite, garnet, quartz, rutile and minor barroisite, hornblende, zoisite, clinozoisite and phengite. Rare kyanite occurs as inclusions in garnet. Coesite inclusions occur in garnet porphyroblasts in whiteschist from Kulet, which are closely associated with eclogite masses. Unit III consists of alternating orthogneiss and amphibolite with local eclogite masses. The structurally highest unit, Unit IV, is composed of quartzitic schist with minor pelitic, calcareous, and basic schist intercalations. Mineral assemblages and compositions, and occurrences of polymorphs of SiO2 (quartz or coesite) in metabasites and associated rocks in the Kulet and Saldat–Kol regions indicate that the metamorphic grades correspond to epidote–amphibolite, through high‐pressure amphibolite and quartz–eclogite, to coesite–eclogite facies conditions. Based on estimations by several geothermobarometers, eclogite from Unit II yielded the highest peak pressure and temperature conditions in the UHP–HP massif, with metamorphic pressure and temperature decreasing towards the upper and lower structural units. The observed thermobaric structure is subhorizontal. The UHP–HP massif is overlain by a weakly metamorphosed unit to the north and is underlain by the low‐pressure Daulet Suite to the south; boundaries are subhorizontal faults. There is a distinct pressure gap across these boundaries. These suggest that the highest grade unit, Unit II, has been selectively extruded from the greatest depths within the UHP–HP unit during the exhumation process, and that all of the UHP–HP unit has been tectonically intruded and juxtaposed into the adjacent lower grade units at shallower depths of about 10 km.  相似文献   

Abstract Deformation in the Sanbagawa Belt is characterized by ductile flow in an east-west direction sub-parallel to its length. The east-west flow (D1) caused large-scale recumbent folding of the metamorphic sequence in central Shikoku, which can explain the inverted thermal structure of this region. Chemical zoning of metamorphic minerals associated with D1 microstructures also suggest that the east-west flow developed under retrograde conditions. D1 is therefore related to exhumation rather than subduction processes. A variety of kinematic indicators show that during the east-west flow, deformation was partitioned into structurally continuous domains with opposed senses of shear. This suggests that bulk deformation was not simple shear but included a component of flattening.  相似文献   

Takeshi Ikeda 《Island Arc》2002,11(3):185-192
Abstract   The present paper is reporting on the regional occurrence of orthopyroxene-bearing basic rocks from the Ryoke Metamorphic Belt in the Yanai district, southwest Japan. Their localities are confined to the highest-grade zone of the area (i.e. the garnet–cordierite zone, where garnet coexists with cordierite, K-feldspar and biotite in pelitic rocks). Orthopyroxene coexists with quartz and hydrous minerals such as biotite, cummingtonite and hornblende, and in some cases with clinopyroxene, suggesting that the highest grade of the Ryoke metamorphism reached a low-temperature subfacies of the granulite facies, contrary to the upper amphibolite facies as previously asserted.  相似文献   

Zircon U–Pb dating of the Tonaru metagabbro body in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, southwest Japan, suggests that igneous events at ca 200–180 Ma were involved in the protolith formation. The trace element compositions of the Tonaru zircons are enriched in U (a fluid‐mobile element) and Sc (an amphibole‐buffered element), and depleted in Nb (a fluid‐immobile element), suggesting that the parental magmas related to the Tonaru metagabbros formed in an arc setting. Integration of our results with previous studies of the metasedimentary rocks in the Tonaru body clearly indicates that the protoliths of the Tonaru body were produced by oceanic‐arc magmatism. With the previous geochronological and geological studies, the tectono‐magmatic–metamorphic history of the Tonaru and other mafic bodies in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt may be summarized as follows: (i) the protolith formation by the oceanic‐arc magmatic event had occurred at 200–180 Ma; (ii) the protoliths were accreted in the trench at ca 130–120 Ma; and (iii) they were completely subducted into the depth of the eclogite‐facies condition after 120 Ma.  相似文献   

Zircon U-Pb ages are reported for three samples of intrusive rocks in Khondalite series in the Sanggan area, North China craton. The age of meta-granite is dated as 2005∓9 Ma, implying that the sedimentary sequences in Khondalites series formed before 2.0Ga. The age of 1921 ∓ 1Ma for the meta-diorite constrain the age of granulite facies metamorphism younger than this date. The age of 1892 ∓ 10 Ma for garnet granite is obtained, but the granite crystallization age seems a little younger than the date considering the morphology of zircons. On the basis of these dates and of a concise review of previous age data, it is inferred that the Khondalite series was subjected to granulite facies metamorphism at about 1.87Ga together with tonalitic granulites and HP basic granulites in the Sanggan area.  相似文献   

川东南焦石坝页岩气区现今地温场特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

四川盆地是我国重要的含油气区,关于盆地现今地温场的工作,前人已经做过一些研究.而对于近年来页岩气勘探取得突破性进展的川东南焦石坝地区,现今地温场的研究工作甚少.本文基于川东南高陡褶皱带焦石坝页岩气区新增的3口钻井的稳态测温数据和118块岩石样品热导率数据,计算了研究区的地温梯度和大地热流值.结合前人的研究成果,编制了研究区大地热流等值线图.结果表明,焦石坝页岩气区地温梯度介于24~34℃/km,大地热流值介于60~70 mW·m-2之间,与川中古隆起相似,属于地温高异常区.地温高异常缘于隆起区相对高的岩石热导率引起的浅部热流的重新分配.其次,与位于研究区东侧边界的齐岳山大断裂在燕山和喜山期的构造引起的热液活动有关.焦石坝页岩气区地温高异常对页岩气的解吸附速率具有促进作用,对提高采收率具有一定意义.


With the discovery and further studies of high- pressure (HP) to ultra-high-pressure (UHP) eclogites and UHP garnet lherzolite in the Altun Mountains[19], it becomes interesting if the country rocks of these HP-UHP metamorphic rocks also underwent HP-UHP metamorphism, which will be crucial for understand-ing the relationship of HP-UHP metamorphic rocks and their country rocks, the mechanism of their forma-tion and uplifting and the existence of continental deep subduction in the are…  相似文献   

U–Pb geochronological, trace-element and Lu–Hf isotopic studies have been made on zircons from ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) mafic eclogite from the Kumdy-Kol area, one of the diamond-facies domains of the Kokchetav Massif (northern Kazakhstan). The peak eclogitic assemblage equilibrated at > 900 °C, whereas the bulk sample composition displays light rare-earth element (LREE) and Th depletion evident of partial melting. Zircons from the eclogite are represented by exclusively newly formed metamorphic grains and have U–Pb age spread over 533–459 Ma, thus ranging from the time of peak subduction burial to that of the late post-orogenic collapse. The major zircon group with concordant age estimates have a concordia age of 508.1 ±4.4 Ma, which corresponds to exhumation of the eclogite-bearing UHP crustal slice to granulite- or amphibolite-facies depths. This may indicate potentially incoherent exhumation of different crustal blocks within a single Kumdy-Kol UHP domain. Model Hf isotopic characteristics of zircons (εHf(t) +1.5 to +7.8, Neoproterozoic model Hf ages of 1.02–0.79 Ga) closely resemble the whole-rock values of the Kumdy-Kol eclogites and likely reflect in situ derivation of HFSE source for newly formed grains. The ages coupled with geochemical systematics of zircons confirm that predominantly late zircon growth occurred in Th–LREE-depleted eclogitic assemblage, that experienced incipient melting and monazite dissolution in melt at granulite-facies depths, followed by amphibolite-facies rehydration during late-stage exhumation-related retrogression.  相似文献   

Abstract The Kokchetav Massif of Kazakhstan includes high to ultrahigh-pressure (HP–UHP) metamorphic rocks (some of which were recrystallized at depths in excess of 150 km), juxtaposed against much lower pressure metamorphic components. We investigated the relationship between the HP–UHP metamorphic unit and the low pressure (LP) unit (Daulet Suite) in the Sulu–Tjube area, where the metamorphic rocks have previously been interpreted as constituting a megamelange with subvertical structural attitudes. Analyses of fold structures suggest that the HP–UHP metamorphic unit overlies the LP unit across a west-dipping subhorizontal boundary. In addition, kinematic indicators display top-to-the-north senses of shear along the tectonic contact between the two units, indicating that the HP–UHP unit has been extruded northward onto the LP unit. Following the juxtaposition of the two units, upright folds developed in both units, and these are associated with the previously reported steeply dipping metamorphic foliations. These data have important implications for the mode of exhumation of the UHP rocks from upper mantle to shallow crustal depths.  相似文献   

Masahiko  Yagi 《Island Arc》1993,2(4):240-261
Abstract Alteration of reservoir rocks in the Yurihara Oil and Gas Field, hereafter referred to as the ‘Yurihara field’, have been examined by using samples from six wells. These rocks are basalts in the lowermost part of the basin-fills (‘green tuff’ Formation). These basalts were produced in many eruptions in a submarine environment during the early to middle Miocene, and they underwent continuous intensive alteration genetically associated with Miocene submarine volcanism. The alteration of the basalts is of two types: low grade metamorphism and hydrothermal. The former belongs to the type of ocean floor metamorphism and comprises two subgroups: zeolite (zone I) and prehnite-pumpellyite (zones IIa: vein and amygdule occurrence, and IIb: replacing plagioclase). The latter is characterized by potassic metasomatism accompanied by adularia, quartz and calcite veins (zones IIIa: center and IIIb: margin of the metasomatism). This overprints the low grade metamorphic alteration. The central zone of hydrothermal alteration coincides with a major estimated fault, so that fluids probably assent along the fault. The basalts erupted during 16.5-15.5 Ma, determined by planktonic foraminifera assemblages of inter-bedded shales, then underwent successive low grade metamorphism. In time, the hydrothermal alteration that overprints low grade metamorphism occurred. Adularia veins of the altered rocks located in the hydrothermal alteration zones (zone IIIa and IIIb) have been dated as 9 Ma determined by the K-Ar method. This fact indicates that the activity of low grade metamorphism had already crossed the peak before hydrothermal alteration occurred at 9 Ma. The shape of isotherms of fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures (Th) and that of isolines of apparent salinity (Tm) almost coincide with each other, and these also coincide with the distribution of hydrothermal alteration (zones IIIa and IIIb). This indicates that the fluid inclusions formed at the same time as ascending fluids produced the potassic metasomatism. The maximum Th of the fluid inclusions is 222°C and Tm indicates trapped fluids of up to 3.3 wt% equivalent NaCl (i.e. almost the same as seawater). A Th versus Tm plot indicates mixing occurred between hydrothermal fluids and formation water that has low salinity. Corrensite and chlorite form veins, and the temperatures of their formation, estimated by the extent of aluminium substitution into the tetrahedral site of chlorite, ranges between 165 and 245°C in the centre of the hydrothermal alteration zone (zone IIIa). This is consistent with the result of Th analyses. The deposition temperature of chlorite associated with prehnite in veins ranges between 190 and 215°C in zones IIa and IIb.  相似文献   

Garnet grains in Sanbagawa quartz eclogites from the Besshi region, central Shikoku commonly show a zoning pattern consisting of core and mantle/rim that formed during two prograde stages of eclogite and subsequent epidote–amphibolite facies metamorphism, respectively. Garnet grains in the quartz eclogites are grouped into four types (I, II, III, and IV) according to the compositional trends of their cores. Type I garnet is most common and sometimes coexists with other types of garnet in a thin section. Type I core formed with epidote and kyanite during the prograde eclogite facies stage. The inner cores of types II and III crystallized within different whole‐rock compositions of epidote‐free and kyanite‐bearing eclogite and epidote‐ and kyanite‐free eclogite at the earlier prograde stage, respectively. The inner core of type IV probably formed during the pre‐eclogite facies stage. The inner cores of types II, III, and IV, which formed under different P–T conditions of prograde metamorphism and/or whole‐rock compositions, were juxtaposed with the core of type I, probably due to tectonic mixing of rocks at various points during the prograde eclogite facies stage. After these processes, they have shared the following same growth history: (i) successive crystal growth during the later stage of prograde eclogite facies metamorphism that formed the margin of the type I core and the outer cores of types II, III, and IV; (ii) partial resorption of the core during exhumation and hydration stage; and (iii) subsequent formation of mantle zones during prograde metamorphism of the epidote–amphibolite facies. The prograde metamorphic reactions may not have progressed under an isochemical condition in some Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks, at least at the hand specimen scale. This interpretation suggests that, in some cases, material interaction promoted by mechanical mixing and fluid‐assisted diffusive mass transfer probably influences mineral reactions and paragenesis of high‐pressure metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   

Abstract The low grade metamorphic Jurassic accretionary complex in the western part of the Mino-Tanba Belt, Southwest Japan, is a chaotic sedimentary complex which consists of argillaceous matrices with allochthonous blocks of chert, greenstone, siliceous mudstone, terrigenous sandstone and mudstone. The complex is divided into three distinct geologic units, Units I, II and III, with a tectonic boundary (thrust) between them, forming a pile-nappe structure. They have different features for lithologies, fossil age, metamorphic condition and K-Ar age. Microfossil researches revealed that their timings of accretion were in the early Early Jurassic ( ca 195 Ma) for Unit III, in the early Middle Jurassic ( ca 175 Ma) for Unit II and in the latest Late Jurassic (ca 147 Ma) for Unit I. On the other hand, K-Ar age determinations of white mica separated from pelitic rocks of the three units clarified that the subsequent subduction-related metamorphism was 23 million years after the accretion of each unit. These results strongly suggest that the accretionary and metamorphic process had taken place episodically with an interval of 20 to 28 million years during Mesozoic time in the western part of the Mino-Tanba Belt, Southwest Japan.  相似文献   

Metamorphic rocks experience change in the mode of deformation from ductile flow to brittle failure during their exhumation. We investigated the spatial variation of phengite K–Ar ages of pelitic schist of the Sambagawa metamorphic rocks (sensu lato) from the Saruta River area, central Shikoku, to evaluate if those ages are disturbed by faults or not. As a result, we found that these ages change by ca 5 my across the two boundaries between the lower‐garnet and albite–biotite, and the albite–biotite and upper‐garnet zones. These spatial changes in phengite K–Ar ages were perhaps caused by truncation of the metamorphic layers by large‐scale normal faulting at D2 phase under the brittle‐ductile transition conditions (ca 300°C) during exhumation, because an actinolite rock was formed along a fault near the former boundary. Assuming that the horizontal metamorphic layers and a previously estimated exhumation rate of 1 km/my before the D2 phase, the change of 5 my in phengite K–Ar ages is converted to a displacement of about 10 km along the north‐dipping, low‐angle normal fault documented in the previous study. Phengite 40Ar–39Ar ages (ca 85 to 78 Ma) in the actinolite rock could be reasonably comparable to the phengite K–Ar ages of the surrounding non‐faulted pelitic schist, because the K–Ar ages of pelitic schist could have been also reset at temperatures close to the brittle–ductile transition conditions far below the closure temperature for thermal retention of argon in phengite (about 500–600°C).  相似文献   

The relationships between the intrusion of gneissose granitoids and the attainment of regional high‐T conditions recorded in metamorphic rocks from the Ryoke belt of the Mikawa area, central Japan, are explored. Seven gneissose granitoid samples (tonalite, granodiorite, granite) were collected from three distinct plutonic bodies that are mapped as the so‐called “Older Ryoke granitoids.” Based on bulk‐rock compositions and U–Pb zircon ages obtained by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, the analyzed granitoids can be separated into two groups. Gneissose granitoids from the northern part of the area give weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages of 99 ±1 Ma (two samples) and 95 ±1 Ma (one sample), whereas those from the southern part yield 81 ±1 Ma (two samples) and 78–77 ±1 Ma (two samples). Regional comparisons allow correlation of the northern granitoids (99–95 Ma) with the Kiyosaki granodiorite, and mostly with the Kamihara tonalite found to the east. The southern granitoids are tentatively renamed as “78–75 Ma (Hbl)?Bt granite” and “81–75 Ma Hbl?Bt tonalite” (Hbl, hornblende; Bt, biotite). and seem to be broadly coeval members of the same magmatic suite. With respect to available age data, no gneissose granitoid from the Mikawa area shows a U–Pb zircon age which matches that of high‐T metamorphism (ca 87 Ma). The southern gneissose granitoids (81–75 Ma), although they occur in the highest‐grade metamorphic zone, do not seem to represent the heat source which produced the metamorphic field gradient with a low dP/dT slope.  相似文献   

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