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作为大洋典型地貌特征的海山,其邻近的海洋生境并不被人熟知。依据2014年冬季对热带西太平洋Y3海山及其邻近海域的综合调查,首次探讨了该海山区海水中营养盐的分布特征及其与生态环境的耦合关系。结果表明Y3海山区是典型的热带寡营养海域。在50~125 m的深度,温跃层和高盐区双重作用对底部高浓度营养盐向上输送的阻碍,是导致真光层上部营养盐浓度较低的重要原因;同时,浮游植物和异养细菌的消耗也加剧了该区域营养盐的缺乏。Y3海山突出的地形地貌对营养盐的分布产生重要的影响,海山对流经的海流产生阻碍,形成上升流,使底部高浓度的营养盐突破温跃层和高盐区的阻碍向上输送,从而使海山周围营养盐的平均浓度高于远离海山的海域。相关性分析显示,Y3海山区真光层中营养盐浓度与温度、盐度、叶绿素a浓度和异养细菌丰度分别呈负相关、正相关、负相关(除NO2-N外)和负相关关系。海山区特殊的营养盐分布及其与生态环境的耦合是其成为一种独特的大洋生态系统的重要因素。  相似文献   

夏季东亚和西北太平洋地区的气候变异及其机理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
夏季东亚气候异常和西北太平洋地区有着密切的联系,表现为不同纬度间强烈的相互作用。由于这一地区的不同纬度间相互作用对东亚夏季气候异常具有重要的影响,最近20年,对这种相互作用的表现形式、三维空间分布、形成机理,及其与欧亚大陆遥相关波列和热带海温的关系等都做了大量的研究。对这些研究进行综述,侧重点放在近10年以来的研究工作,并对还需进一步研究的问题进行一些探讨。  相似文献   

The sea surface temperature (SST) variations play a veryimportant role in the genesis and maintenance of meteorological and oceanographic processessuch as monsoon depressions and subsequent floods, large-scale sea level fluctuationsand genesis of tropical cyclones. Many low lying coastal regions of South Asia are adjacentto river deltas and have large population. The dense population, poor economy and severalother socio-economic factors make these areas most vulnerable to the impact of climate change.Variability of sea surface temperature (SST) is importantas the duration and intensity of SST provide the basis for studies related to climatic changescenario. In this study an attempt has been made to estimate the recent SST trends in the coastalwaters of some cities, which lie on the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. The annual andinterannual variability has also been studied. The SST variations have then been linkedwith the El Nino and La Nina events.The NOAA-NASA Pathfinder Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) SST fields from 1985-1998, created in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory(JPL), USA are used in this study. Here the quality of data is an important factor toobtain reliable estimates of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) trends and other related parameters.However, this is not possible with the conventional type data, due to low quality as wellas sparse data in the region. Though the satellite based SST climatologies have shorterobservation lengths, they can provide reliable estimates of recent SST variability overa large oceanic areas with sparse or no data.Increasing trend of SST is observed throughout all theseasons in the northern Arabian Sea extending from Oman to Karachi and Mumbai and furthersouth to Salalah and Colombo. However, in coastal islands stations further south ofIndia such as at Colombo the increment is not significant. Though the increasing trend in SSTduring winter is not significant, nevertheless it shows the increasing influence of coldspells on this Island. An interesting situation has been observed in the Bay of Bengal. On anaverage, increasing trends in the annual SST were observed in Visakhaputnam. But at thestations located in the northeastern part of Bay of Bengal, namely Hiron Point and Cox'sBazar reverse conditions are observed. In the Southern Bay of Bengal variations in SST isnot significant which reflects in the SST analysis of Chennai and Port Blair stations. Locationof these stations at lower latitudes (near by equator) probably is the reason for this insignificantchange. It has been found that the interannual mode of SST variations dominate the linear SSTtrends which is characterized by the El Nino Southern Oscillations (ENSO) scale cycle.  相似文献   

东海盆地石油地质研究在近二十年里主要取得五方面的进展 :证明了盆地是由一组大陆边缘新生界由西向东逐个变新的“盆地群体”组成 ,建立了陆架地区以组为单位的整个新生代地层单元 ,详细划分了西湖凹陷的内部地质结构 ,认定了煤和煤系沉积是东海陆架区的主力油气源岩 ,通过大量钻井验证了盆地中三类不同成因的圈闭。从环西太平洋盆地形成的地球动力学背景看 ,西太平洋是一个自北而南的沟—弧—盆 (陆缘海 )系统 ;大体以台湾海峡为界 ,东海盆地是一个由转换或被动边缘演化而来的聚敛边缘 ,而南海属于由活动或聚敛边缘转化而来的被动边缘。东海盆地与菲律宾海盆地具有相似的时空演化特征 ,由此论证了东海新生代盆地属于残余弧后向洋后退盆地  相似文献   

用瑞利面波研究东亚及西太平洋地壳上地幔三维结构   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用分布于欧亚大陆及西太平洋地区106个宽频带数字地震台站约20000多个长周期波形记录,挑选出沿10600条大圆路径传播的瑞利面波,采用频散分析及波形拟合反演方法,对东亚及西太平洋边缘海地区地壳上地幔进行高分辨率三维层析成像。高分辨率速度成像表明,从上地壳到70km深,在东亚东部及西太平洋边缘海地区均为高速分布,西部以青藏高原为中心呈极低速分布。从100km至250km深,在东亚东部及西太平洋边缘海,自北向南显示出一条宽约2500km~4000km,长约8000km的巨型低速异常带。深度为300km~400km的平面图上,速度差异幅度不大,塔里木至扬子地块仍然显示为高速分布。东、西两部份岩石圈与软流圈的结构有着巨大的差异。西部主要是印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞引起的岩石圈汇聚增厚区;东部则主要是由于软流圈上涌(地幔热物质上升)引起的岩石圈拉张减薄区。古新世印度板块与欧亚板块的碰撞,岩石圈板片以低角度下插到青藏高原之下,引起高原隆起和地壳增厚,西部地区成为岩石圈汇聚区。中生代中晚期东亚大陆东缘岩石圈解体,软流圈物质上涌,岩石圈减薄张裂,形成巨型低速带,并演化为东亚裂谷系。现今的西太平洋边缘海、沟弧盆体系,是新生代中晚期太平洋板块、澳大利亚板块与欧亚板块相互作用形成的。  相似文献   

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