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We report major and trace element abundances for 147 samplesand Sr, Nd, Hf, and Pb isotope compositions for a 36 samplesubset of basaltic lava flows, sills, and dykes from the Karoocontinental flood basalt (CFB) province in Botswana, Zimbabwe,and northern South Africa. Both low- and high-Ti (TiO2 <2 wt % and > 2 wt %) rocks are included. MELTS modeling showsthat these magmas evolved at low pressure (1 kbar) through fractionalcrystallization of gabbroic assemblages. Whereas both groupsdisplay enrichment in light rare earth elements (LREE) relativeto heavy REE (HREE) and high field strength elements, and systematicnegative Nb anomalies, they differ in terms of contrasting middleREE (MREE) to HREE fractionation, which is greater for the high-Tibasalts. This reflects different depths of melting of slightlyenriched mantle sources: calculations suggest that the low-Tibasalts were generated by melting of a shallow spinel-bearing(2 % spinel) lherzolite, whereas the high-Ti magmas originatedfrom a deeper-seated garnet-bearing (2–7% garnet) lherzolite.In most isotope plots, the high-Ti lavas together with the picritesdefine a common trend from Bulk Silicate Earth (BSE) to compositionswith strongly negative Ndi and Hfi akin to those of some nephelinitesand lamproites. The low-Ti rocks are shifted from BSE-like tomore radiogenic Sr isotope ratios, indicative of upper crustalcontamination. Trace element and isotope characteristics ofthe Karoo magmas require a combination of enrichment processes(subduction induced?) and long-term isolation of the mantlesources. We propose two distinct scenarios to explain the originof the Karoo province. The first calls for polybaric meltingof spatially heterogeneous, partially veined, sub-continentallithospheric mantle (SCLM). Calculations show that mixing betweenSCLM (BSE) and a strongly Nd–Hf unradiogenic nephelinite-likecomponent (sediment input?) could account for the compositionalvariations of most of the high-Ti group lavas, whereas the mantlecomposition responsible for the low-Ti magmas is more likelyto be similar to a vein-free, metasomatically enriched SCLMcomponent. The second scenario involves mixing between two end-membersrepresented by the SCLM and its deep-seated alkalic veins anda sub-lithospheric (asthenospheric- or ocean island basalt-like?)mantle plume. In this case, the data are compatible with anincreasing mantle plume contribution as the plume rises andexpands through the lithosphere. Regardless of which of thetwo scenarios is invoked, the spatial distribution of the low-and high-Ti magmas matches the relative positioning of the cratonsand the Limpopo belt in such a way that strong control of thelithosphere on magma composition and distribution is a mandatoryrequirement of any petrogenetic model applied to the Karoo CFB. KEY WORDS: Karoo; large igneous province; flood basalts; dyke swarms; major and trace elements; Sr; Nd; Hf; and Pb isotopes  相似文献   

峨眉山大火成岩省中高Os苦橄岩的发现及地质意义   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本文对峨眉山大火成岩省中苦橄岩及其共生的玄武岩进行了铂族元素(PGE)分析,结果表明苦橄岩比玄武岩的PGE含量要高至少一个数量级,并且具有明显高的Os含量,不仅比熔融程度最高的科马提岩要高,而且比原始地幔还要高,另外,还显示出超球粒陨石的Os/Ir比值(2.84~3.88)。其高的Os/Ir比值可能与岩浆上升过程中混入黑色页岩有关。部分熔融计算表明,含有0.01%硫化物的原始地幔 0.5%的外核在7%的熔融程度下,然后又被约10%的黑色页岩混染可以模拟原始岩浆的PGE含量。其Os含量及其他地球化学特征与其同时代的西伯利亚暗色岩系的相似性可能暗示了这两个大火成岩省来自于同一个起源于核-幔边界的超级地幔柱。另外,还根据苦橄岩和玄武岩PGE的含量估算了该地区PGE的成矿潜力。  相似文献   

A suite of dolerite dykes from the Ahlmannryggen region of westernDronning Maud Land (Antarctica) forms part of the much moreextensive Karoo igneous province of southern Africa. The dykecompositions include both low- and high-Ti magma types, includingpicrites and ferropicrites. New 40Ar/39Ar age determinationsfor the Ahlmannryggen intrusions indicate two ages of emplacementat 178 and 190 Ma. Four geochemical groups of dykes have beenidentified in the Ahlmannryggen region based on analyses of60 dykes. The groups are defined on the basis of whole-rockTiO2 and Zr contents, and reinforced by rare earth element (REE),87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd isotope data. Group 1 were intrudedat 190 Ma and have low TiO2 and Zr contents and a significantArchaean crustal component, but also evidence of hydrothermalalteration. Group 2 dykes were intruded at 178 Ma; they havelow to moderate TiO2 and Zr contents and are interpreted tobe the result of mixing of melts derived from an isotopicallydepleted source with small melt fractions of an enriched lithosphericmantle source. Group 3 dyke were intruded at 190 Ma and formthe most distinct magma group; these are largely picritic withsuperficially mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB)-like chemistry (flatREE patterns, 87Sr/86Sri 0·7035, Ndi 9). However, theyhave very high TiO2 (4 wt %) and Zr (500 ppm) contents, whichis not consistent with melting of MORB-source mantle. The Group3 magmas are inferred to be derived by partial melting of astrongly depleted mantle source in the garnet stability field.This group includes several high Mg–Fe dykes (ferropicrites),which are interpreted as high-temperature melts. Some Group3 dykes also show evidence of contamination by continental crust.Group 4 dykes are low-K picrites intruded at 178 Ma; they havevery high TiO2–Zr contents and are the most enriched magmagroup of the Karoo–Antarctic province, with ocean-islandbasalt (OIB)-like chemistry. Dykes of Group 1 and Group 3 aresub-parallel (ENE–WSW) and both groups were emplaced at190 Ma in response to the same regional stress field, whichhad changed by 178 Ma, when Group 2 and Group 4 dykes were intrudedalong a dominantly NNE–SSW strike. KEY WORDS: flood basalt; depleted mantle; enriched mantle; Ahlmannryggen; Karoo dyke  相似文献   

对西南地区茅口灰岩生物地层对比和峨眉山玄武岩与茅口灰岩之间的界面特征的研究表明,上扬子西缘茅口灰岩在玄武岩喷发前存在差异剥蚀,自西到东可分为深度剥蚀带(内带)、部分剥蚀带(中带)、古风化壳或短暂沉积间断带(外带)和连续沉积带;整个剥蚀区的范围同峨眉山玄武岩分布区基本一致。差异剥蚀是中二叠世晚期上扬子西缘一次快速地壳抬升和穹状隆起的结果,这说明峨眉山大火成岩省的形成与地幔柱活动有关。根据上升地幔柱地表抬升模型对峨眉山大火成岩省空间展布进行了讨论,并推算出该大火成岩省的规模。  相似文献   

Overlap of Karoo and Ferrar Magma Types in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A suite of mafic dykes from the Underberg region of southernKwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) were intruded at 178 Ma, coincidentin age with the major Okavango Dyke Swarm of Botswana, and alsocoincident with minor Karoo-related intrusions of the northernand central Lebombo. The dykes are all low-Ti–Zr tholeiites,they trend NW–SE and are presumed to continue into theKaroo central area of the Lesotho Highlands. In many respects,the Underberg dykes are similar to the majority of the low-Ti–Zrvolcanic and subvolcanic intrusions of the Karoo; however, their87Sr/86Sr and Nd isotope ratios are either ‘Ferrar-like’(87Sr/86Sr 0·710; Nd < –3) or transitional betweenKaroo low-Ti–Zr and Ferrar low-Ti magmas. A potentialFerrar source for at least some of the Underberg dykes is supportedby anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility analyses of the dykesuite, which demonstrate absolute flow direction from the SEto the NW, consistent with Gondwana reconstructions. The roleof crustal contamination and combined fractional crystallizationis also demonstrated to have played a key role in the petrogenesisof the Underberg dykes, involving a local upper crust contaminant.However, the composition of the ‘Ferrar-like’ dykescannot be easily explained by AFC processes, but they do demonstratethat melting of a lithospheric mantle source enriched to a smalldegree by subduction-derived fluid was also important. KEY WORDS: dyke; basalt; crustal contamination; large igneous province  相似文献   

一种改进的简单的估算原始岩浆的方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用橄榄石和熔浆的Fe—Mg分配系数,制作了MgO—FeO演化图解。根据MgO—FeO体系中Fo橄榄石的Fo值:Fo=n(Mg)÷n(Mg)+n(Fen(Mg)/n(Mg)+n(Fe))等值线与Fe—Mg演化曲线交点确定原始岩浆成分。该图解优点在于可以更简单、直观地判别原始岩浆成分,适用于橄榄石分离结晶体系。同时介绍了该图解的使用方法,并以峨眉山大火成岩省丽江地区的大具与仕满两个剖面的苦橄岩为例,说明如何应用该图解来恢复原始岩浆以及解释岩石的成因。研究结果表明,仕满地区原始岩浆MgO、FeO含量分别为23.5%和12.8%,部分熔融程度较高,SM-14和SM-15是由仕满原始岩浆经过轻度橄榄石分离结晶形成的,基本可以代表原始岩浆成分。大具地区原始岩浆可分为两类,一类部分熔融程度较低,MgO、FeO含量分别为19.8%和11.3%;另一类部分熔融程度较高,MgO、FeO含量分别为23%和13.3%,与仕满原始岩浆成分类似。大具地区的岩石样品成分均不能代表该地区的原始岩浆成分,而是经历了明显的橄榄石分离结晶作用。另外,峨眉山大火成岩省中绝大多数的玄武岩中CaO含量不符合橄榄石分离结晶关系,并且MgO含量一般都低于8%,以及岩石中普遍出现单斜辉石和斜长石矿物等都表明这些玄武岩不可能由地幔部分熔融形成的原始岩浆直接通过橄榄石分离结晶作用形成。  相似文献   

Quaternary lavas from the NE Japan arc show geochemical evidenceof mixing between mantle-derived basalts and crustal melts atthe magmatic front, whereas significant crustal signals arenot detected in the rear-arc lavas. The along-arc chemical variationsin lavas from the magmatic front are attributable almost entirelyto geochemical variations in the crustal melts that were mixedwith a common mantle-derived basalt. The mantle-derived basaltshave slightly enriched Sr–Pb and depleted Nd isotopiccompositions relative to the rear-arc lavas, but the variationis less pronounced if crustal contributions are eliminated.Therefore, the source mantle compositions and slab-derived fluxesare relatively uniform, both across and along the arc. Despitethis, incompatible element concentrations are significantlyhigher in the rear-arc basalts. We examine an open-system, fluid-fluxedmelting model, assuming that depleted mid-ocean ridge basalt(MORB)-source mantle melted by the addition of fluids derivedfrom subducted oceanic crust (MORB) and sediment (SED) hybridsat mixing proportions of 7% and 3% SED in the frontal- and rear-arcsources, respectively. The results reproduce the chemical variationsfound across the NE Japan arc with the conditions: 0·2%fluid flux with degree of melting F = 3% at 2 GPa in the garnetperidotite field for the rear arc, and 0·7% fluid fluxwith F = 20% at 1 GPa in the spinel peridotite field beneaththe magmatic front. The chemical process operating in the mantlewedge requires: (1) various SED–MORB hybrid slab fluidsources; (2) variable amounts of fluid; (3) a common depletedmantle source; (4) different melting parameters to explain across-arcchemical variations. KEY WORDS: arc magma; crustal melt; depleted mantle; NE Japan; Quaternary; slab fluid  相似文献   

本文对云南富民地区晚二叠世中—基性岩体、峨眉山玄武岩进行了同位素年代学、岩石学和地球化学的研究。富民基性岩体为辉绿岩,中性岩墙为碱性二长岩。两者均富集LREE、LILE和HFSE,具有OIB的特征,以及相似的Sr-Nd同位素特征,基性岩体的(87Sr/86Sr)i为0.70565~0.70626,εNd(t)为-0.06~+0.49,中性岩墙的(87Sr/86Sr)i为0.70564~0.70567,εNd(t)为-0.32~+0.41。基性岩LA-ICPMS锆石U-Pb测年结果为257.6±2Ma,表明富民中—基性岩体形成于峨眉山大火成岩省大规模岩浆作用的末期。地球化学证据表明富民中—基性岩体是高Ti型玄武质岩浆经连续演化形成的。富民中—基性岩的原始岩浆是地幔柱在石榴子石稳定区经小程度部分熔融的产物。同位素比值与抗蚀变不相容元素比值(如Nb/U)的相关性表明,基性岩在岩浆形成过程中未遭遇地壳混染,而二长岩遭受了少量地壳混染。富民地区晚二叠世中—基性岩体,尤其是螃蟹箐二长岩的发现,证实了ELIP地区"双峰式"火山岩组合中普遍缺失的中性岩体的存在,为长英质岩体的分离结晶成因模型提供了关键证据。  相似文献   

The Late Permian Emeishan Large Igneous Province (ELIP) is commonly regarded as being located in the western part of the Yangtze craton, SW China, with an asymmetrical shape and a small area. This area, however, is just a maximum estimation because some parts of the ELIP were not recognized or dismembered and destroyed during the Triassic to Cenozoic tectonism. In this paper, the chemostratigraphical data of the Zongza block, the Garze-Litang belt and the Songpan-Garze block suggest that the Late Permian basalts in these areas have remarkable similarities to the ELIP basalts in petrography and geochemistry. Flood basalts in the Sanjiangkou area are composed of the lower part of the low-Ti (LT) tholeiite and the upper part of the high-Ti (HT) tholeiite, which is the same as the flood basalts on the western margin of the Yangtze craton. Flood basalts in the Zongza and Songpan-Garze areas, which are far from the Yangtze craton, consist of HT tholeiite only. This is the same as the flood basalts within the Y  相似文献   

The evolution of the late Archean Belingwe greenstone belt,Zimbabwe, is discussed in relation to the geochemistry of theultramafic to mafic volcanic rocks. Four volcanic types (komatiite,komatiitic basalt, D-basalt and E-basalt) are distinguishedin the 2·7 Ga Ngezi volcanic sequence using a combinationof petrography and geochemistry. The komatiites and D-basaltsare rocks in which isotopic systems and trace elements are depleted.Chemical variations in komatiites and D-basalts can be explainedby fractional crystallization from the parental komatiite. Incontrast, komatiitic basalts and E-basalts are siliceous anddisplay enriched isotopic and trace element compositions. Theirchemical trends are best explained by assimilation with fractionalcrystallization (AFC) from the primary komatiite. AFC calculationsindicate that the komatiitic basalts and E-basalts are derivedfrom komatiites contaminated with 20% and 30% crustal material,respectively. The volcanic stratigraphy of the Ngezi sequence,which is based on field relationships and the trace elementcompositions of relict clinopyroxenes, shows that the leastcontaminated komatiite lies between highly contaminated komatiiticbasalt flows, and has limited exposure near the base of thesuccession. Above these flows, D- and E-basalts alternate. Thekomatiite appears to have erupted on the surface only in theearly stages, when plume activity was high. As activity decreasedwith time, komatiite magmas may have stagnated to form magmachambers within the continental crust. Subsequent komatiiticmagmas underwent fractional crystallization and were contaminatedwith crust to form D-basalts or E-basalts. KEY WORDS: komatiite; crustal assimilation; Belingwe greenstone belt; continental flood basalt; plume magmatism  相似文献   

峨眉火成岩省内带岩浆硫化物含矿岩体橄榄石的成因意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
峨眉火成岩省内带出露数十个含Ni-Cu-铂族元素(PGE)硫化物矿床(或矿化)的镁铁质-超镁铁质侵入岩体.根据铂族元素(PGE)含量的不同,这些岩浆硫化物矿床可分为Ni-Cu型(如力马河和清水河)、Ni-Cu-PGE型(如清矿山和黄草坪)和PGE型(如金宝山和杨合武).不同类型含矿岩体的橄榄石电子探针分析表明,除了清矿山岩体少数几个橄榄石晶体属于镁橄榄石外(Fo90.1~Fo93.1),其余均为贵橄榄石(Fo76.8~Fo89.6).不同矿化类型的岩体的橄榄石成分差异明显.Ni-Cu型硫化物含矿岩体的橄榄石Fo为77~87,Ni含量变化范围为(976~2176)×10-6.Ni-Cu-PGE型硫化物含矿岩体的橄榄石Fo为80~86,Ni含量范围为(1024~2543)×10-6.PGE型硫化物含矿岩体的橄榄石Fo为78~84,Ni含量在(776~1755)×10-6之间变化.清矿山Ni-Cu-PGE型硫化物含矿岩体橄榄石具有高Fo(最高达93.1)和CaO含量(0.245%~1.14%)、以及非常低的Ni(266×10-6)的特征,可能是同化混染作用的结果.利用力马河岩体最高Fo含量的橄榄石成分计算表明,母岩...  相似文献   

The ascent history of the Horoman peridotite complex, Hokkaido,northern Japan, is revised on the basis of a detailed studyof large ortho- and clinopyroxene grains 1 cm in size (megacrysts)in the Upper Zone of the complex. The orthopyroxene megacrystsexhibit distinctive M-shaped Al zoning patterns, which werenot observed in porphyroclastic grains less than 5 mm in sizedescribed in previous studies. Moreover, the Al and Ca contentsof the cores of the orthopyroxene megacrysts are lower thanthose of the porphyroclasts. The Upper Zone is inferred to haveresided not only at a higher temperature than previously suggestedbut also at a higher pressure (1070°C, 2·3 GPa) thanthe Lower Zone (950°C, 1·9 GPa), in the garnet stabilityfield, before the ascent of the two zones. The Horoman complexprobably represents a 12 ± 5 km thick section of lithosphericmantle with an 10 ± 8°C/km vertical thermal gradient.The current thickness of the Horoman complex is 3 km, whichis a result of shortening of the lithospheric mantle by 0·25± 0·1 during its ascent. The Upper Zone appearsto have experienced a heating event during its ascent throughthe spinel stability field, with a peak temperature as highas 1200°C. The effect of heating decreases continuouslytowards the base of the complex, and the lowermost part of theLower Zone underwent very minor heating at a pressure higherthan 0·5 GPa. The uplift and associated deformation,as well as heating, was probably driven by the ascent of a hotasthenospheric upper-mantle diapir into the Horoman lithosphere. KEY WORDS: Horoman; PT trajectory; thermal history; Al diffusion in pyroxene; geothermobarometry  相似文献   

The 1.78 Ga Xiong'er Volcanic Province (XVP) and coeval North China giant mafic Dyke Swarm (NCDS) are the most important magmatic events occurring after the amalgamation of the North China craton (NCC). The XVP consists of 3–7 km of extrusive volcanics and some feeder dykes/sills located along the southern margin of the NCC and extending over an area > 0.06 M km2. Compositions vary from basalt to rhyolite, but are predominantly intermediate in terms of silica content. There are also minor sedimentary intercalations and pyroclastic units. The sedimentary interlayers indicate an environment changing from continental-facies to oceanic-facies up-section. The XVP is characterized by fractional crystallization from an EM I type mantle source, and both continental arc (Andean-type) and rift environments have been proposed. The NCDS is widespread in the central NCC with an outcrop area > 0.1 M km2, and are exposed at variable depths up to 20 km (deepest in the north). Dyke compositions vary from basalt to andesite and dacite, but are dominantly mafic, and comprise two series of magmatism. Previous studies revealed that the NCDS recorded assimilation and fractional crystallization of an EM I type magma source, with a minor DM contribution in the younger magmas. Both syn-collisional and intra-continental anorogenic environments have been proposed. Spatial and petrogenic correlations suggest a cogenetic relationship between the NCDS and XVP, and considered together, they define a Large Igneous Province (LIP) of > 0.1 M km2 in area and > 0.1 M km3 in volume, which is also notable for its continuous compositional range from mafic to felsic (with no gap at intermediate compositions). The petrology is explained by a common magma source that undergoes a silica-poor and iron-enriched fractionation trend at depth followed by a silica-rich and iron-poor fractionation trend in shallow-level magma conduits (dykes) and surface lavas. A mantle plume is favored as the cause of this  1.78 Ga North China LIP.  相似文献   

The emplacement of the Manaslu leucogranite body (Nepal, Himalaya)has been modelled as the accretion of successive sills. Theleucogranite is characterized by isotopic heterogeneities suggestinglimited magma convection, and by a thin (<100 m) upper thermalaureole. These characteristics were used to constrain the maximummagma emplacement rate. Models were tested with sills injectedregularly over the whole duration of emplacement and with twoemplacement sequences separated by a repose period. Additionally,the hypothesis of a tectonic top contact, with unroofing limitingheat transfer during magma emplacement, was evaluated. In thislatter case, the upper limit for the emplacement rate was estimatedat 3·4 mm/year (or 1·5 Myr for 5 km of granite).Geological and thermobarometric data, however, argue againsta major role of fault activity in magma cooling during the leucograniteemplacement. The best model in agreement with available geochronologicaldata suggests an emplacement rate of 1 mm/year for a relativelyshallow level of emplacement (granite top at 10 km), uninterruptedby a long repose period. The thermal aureole temperature andthickness, and the isotopic heterogeneities within the leucogranite,can be explained by the accretion of 20–60 m thick sillsintruded every 20 000–60 000 years over a period of 5Myr. Under such conditions, the thermal effects of granite intrusionon the underlying rocks appear limited and cannot be invokedas a cause for the formation of migmatites. KEY WORDS: granite emplacement; heat transfer modelling; High Himalayan Leucogranite; Manaslu; thermal aureole  相似文献   

A suite of continental flood basalts sampled over a vast exposure and stratigraphic thickness in the Emeishan large igneous province (LIP), SW China was investigated for laser microprobe 40Ar/39Ar dating. There are two 40Ar/39Ar age groups for these basalts, corresponding to 259-246 Ma and 177-137 Ma, respectively. A well-defined isochron gives an eruption age of huge quantities of mafic magmas at 258.9±3.4 Ma, which is identical to previous dating and paleontological data. Much younger 40Ar/39Ar ages for some basalts with low-greenschist metamorphic facies probably recorded a late thermo-tectonic event caused by collision between the Yangtze and Qiangtang continental blocks during the Mesozoic, which resulted in the reset of argon isotope system. The 40Ar/39Ar age data, we present here, combined with previous dating and paleontological data, suggest relatively short duration (about 3 Ma) of mafic volcanism, which have important implication on mantle plume genesis of the Emeishan continental flood basalts in the LIP.  相似文献   

Laser ablation microprobe data are presented for olivine, orthopyroxeneand clinopyroxene in spinel harzburgite and lherzolite xenolithsfrom La Palma, Hierro, and Lanzarote, and new whole-rock trace-elementdata for xenoliths from Hierro and Lanzarote. The xenolithsshow evidence of strong major, trace element and Sr isotopedepletion (87Sr/86Sr 0·7027 in clinopyroxene in themost refractory harzburgites) overprinted by metasomatism. Thelow Sr isotope ratios are not compatible with the former suggestionof a mantle plume in the area during opening of the AtlanticOcean. Estimates suggest that the composition of the originaloceanic lithospheric mantle beneath the Canary Islands correspondsto the residues after 25–30% fractional melting of primordialmantle material; it is thus significantly more refractory than‘normal’ mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) mantle. Thetrace element compositions and Sr isotopic ratios of the mineralsleast affected by metasomatization indicate that the upper mantlebeneath the Canary Islands originally formed as highly refractoryoceanic lithosphere during the opening of the Atlantic Oceanin the area. During the Canarian intraplate event the uppermantle was metasomatized; the metasomatic processes includecryptic metasomatism, resetting of the Sr–Nd isotopicratios to values within the range of Canary Islands basalts,formation of minor amounts of phlogopite, and melt–wall-rockreactions. The upper mantle beneath Tenerife and La Palma isstrongly metasomatized by carbonatitic or carbonaceous meltshighly enriched in light rare earth elements (REE) relativeto heavy REE, and depleted in Zr–Hf and Ti relative toREE. In the lithospheric mantle beneath Hierro and Lanzarote,metasomatism has been relatively weak, and appears to be causedby high-Si melts producing concave-upwards trace element patternsin clinopyroxene with weak negative Zr and Ti anomalies. Ti–Al–Fe-richharzburgites/lherzolites, dunites, wehrlites and clinopyroxenitesformed from mildly alkaline basaltic melts (similar to thosethat dominate the exposed parts of the islands), and appearto be mainly restricted to magma conduits; the alkali basaltmelts have caused only local metasomatism in the mantle wall-rocksof such conduits. The various metasomatic fluids formed as theresults of immiscible separations, melt–wall-rock reactionsand chromatographic fractionation either from a CO2-rich basalticprimary melt, or, alternatively, from a basaltic and a siliceouscarbonatite or carbonaceous silicate melt. KEY WORDS: mantle xenoliths; mantle minerals; trace elements; depletion; carbonatite metasomatism  相似文献   

The Lower Zone–Critical Zone boundary of the BushveldComplex is an intrusion-wide, major stratigraphic transitionfrom ultramafic harzburgite and pyroxenite in the Lower Zoneto increasingly plagioclase-rich pyroxenites and norites inthe Critical Zone. Quantitative textural and compositional datafor 29 samples through this transition show the following: LowerZone orthopyroxene grains are larger, have higher aspect ratios,are better foliated and have a lower trapped liquid componentthan those of the Critical Zone. The larger grain size of theLower Zone results in crystal size distribution plots that arerotated to lower slopes and intercepts relative to those inthe Critical Zone. Although all rocks show differing amountsof foliation, mineral lineations are weak to absent. These dataare consistent with significant compaction-driven recrystallizationin the study section. Numerical modeling of concurrent compactionand crystallization provides a quantitative model of how theLower Zone–Critical Zone transition may have formed: plagioclaseis rare in the Lower Zone because compaction removes interstitialliquid before it reaches plagioclase saturation. However, asthe crystal pile grows, plagioclase saturation is reached inthe interstitial liquid before compaction is complete in moreevolved pyroxenites, producing more abundant but still modestamounts of plagioclase characteristic of the Lower CriticalZone. It is concluded that both the textures and the modal mineralogyare largely controlled by compaction and compaction-driven recrystallization;primary magmatic textures are not preserved. KEY WORDS: Bushveld Complex; compaction; crystal size distributions; crystal aging; igneous textures  相似文献   

Major and trace element, Sr–Nd–Pb isotope and mineralchemical data are presented for newly discovered ultrapotassiclavas in the Tangra Yumco–Xuruco graben in southern Tibet.The ultrapotassic lavas are characterized by high MgO, K2O andTiO2, low Al2O3 and Na2O contents, and also have high molarK2O/Al2O3, molar (K2O + Na2O)/Al2O3 and K2O/Na2O ratios. Theirhigh abundances of incompatible trace elements such as largeion lithophile elements (LILE) and light rare earth elements(LREE) reach the extreme levels typical of lamproites. The lamproitesshow highly radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr (0· 7166–0·7363) and unradiogenic 143Nd/144Nd (0· 511796–0·511962), low 206Pb/204Pb (18· 459–18· 931),and elevated radiogenic 207Pb/204Pb (15· 6732–15·841) and 208Pb/204Pb (39· 557–40· 058) ratios.On the basis of their geochemical and isotopic systematics,the lamproites in south Tibet have a distinct magma source thatcan be differentiated from the sources of potassic lavas inthe east Lhasa and Qiangtang blocks. Their high Nb/Ta ratios(17· 10–19· 84), extremely high Th/U ratios(5· 70–13· 74) and distinctive isotope compositionsare compatible with a veined mantle source consisting of partialmelts of subducted Tethyan oceanic sediments and sub-continentallithospheric depleted mantle. Identification of the lamproitesand the delineation of their mantle source provide new evidencerelevant for models of the uplift and extension of the Tibetanplateau following the Indo-Asia collision. Metasomatism by partialmelts from isotopically evolved, old sediment subducted on theyoung Tethyan slab is an alternative explanation for PrecambrianNd and Pb model ages. In this model, differences in isotopiccomposition along-strike are attributed to differences in thetype of sediment being subducted, thus obviating the need formultiple metasomatic events over hundreds of million years.The distribution of lamproites, restricted within a north–south-trendinggraben, indicates that the initiation of east–west extensionin south Tibet started at 25 Ma. KEY WORDS: lamproites; subducted oceanic sediment; Tibetan active continental collision belt  相似文献   

The effect of radiogenic heat production within the crust onthermal processes such as crustal anatexis is generally disregardedas bulk geochemical models suggest that crustal heat generationrates are too low to effect significant heating. However, theMount Painter Province in northern South Australia is characterizedby a total crustal contribution to surface heat flow of morethan twice the global average. The province is composed dominantlyof Proterozoic granites and granite gneisses with an area averageheat production of 16·1 µW/m3; individual lithologieshave heat production >60 µW/m3. These Proterozoic rocksare intruded by the British Empire Granite, a younger intrusivewhose origin has remained enigmatic. Isotope geochemistry suggestscrustal sources for the melt and it has a crystallization ageof 440–450 Ma, which places the setting >750 km inboardof the nearest active plate boundary zone at this time. Phaseequilibria calculations suggest that temperatures of at least720–750°C are required to produce the granite butthe intensity of crustal thickening during Palaeozoic deformation(12%) cannot account for these conditions. Here we describea model for the generation of the British Empire Granite inwhich the primary thermal perturbation for mid-crustal anatexiswas provided by the burial of the high heat-producing MountPainter basement rocks beneath the known thickness of Neoproterozoiccover sediments. The high heat-producing rocks at Mount Painterimply that the natural range and variability of crustal heatproduction is much greater than previously believed, with importantconsequences for our understanding of temperature-dependentcrustal processes including the exploitation of geothermal energyresources. KEY WORDS: geothermal energy; low-pressure anatexis; thermal conductivity; thermal regime  相似文献   

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