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Beach based and in-situ observations of plunging and spilling breakers, with associated localised wind data, have isolated important characteristics regarding breaking waves in the surf zone. Offshore winds enhance the development of plunging breakers; onshore winds, the development of spilling breakers. Extremely strong offshore, or onshore winds, may re-introduce more spilling or plunging breaker-type characteristics, respectively.  相似文献   

The Lower Cretaceous succession in the Barents Sea is listed as a potential play model by the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate. Reservoirs may occur in deep to shallow marine clastic wedges located in proximity to palaeo-highs and along basin margins. In addition, shelf-prism-scale clinoforms with high amplitude anomalies in their top- and bottomsets have been reported from reflection seismic but they have never been drilled. In Svalbard, the exposed northwestern corner of the Barents Shelf, Lower Cretaceous strata of shelfal to paralic origin occur, and includes the Rurikfjellet (Valanginian–Hauterivian/lowermost Barremian), Helvetiafjellet (lower Barremian–lower Aptian) and Carolinefjellet formations (lower Aptian–middle Albian). By combining sedimentological outcrop studies and dinocyst analyses with offshore seismic and well ties, this study investigate the link between the onshore strata and the offshore clinoforms. Age-vise, only three (S1–S3) of the seismic sequences defined in the offshore areas correlate to the onshore strata; S1 correspond to the Rurikfjellet Formation, S2 to the Helvetiafjellet Formation and the lower Carolinefjellet Formation, and S3 to the upper Carolinefjellet Formation. Offshore, all three sequences contain generally southward prograding shelf-prism-scale clinoforms. A lower Barremian subaerial unconformity defines the base of the Helvetiafjellet Formation, and its extent indicates that most of the Svalbard platform was exposed and acted as a bypass zone in the early Barremian. Onshore palaeo-current directions is generally towards the SE, roughly consistent with the clinoform accretion-direction towards the S. The local occurrence of a 150 m thick succession of gravity flow deposits transitionally overlain by prodelta slope to delta front deposits in the Rurikfjellet Formation, may indicate that shelf-edges also developed in Svalbard. The late Hauterivian age of theses deposits potentially highlights the inferred offlapping nature of the Lower Cretaceous strata as they predate the lower Barremian unconformity, and thus record a hitherto unknown regression in Svalbard. The presence of the lower Barremian subaerial unconformity in Svalbard, the general southeastward palaeo-current directions, and the age-equivalent clinoform-packages south of Svalbard, suggests that the onshore and offshore strata is genetically linked and was part of the same palaeo-drainage system.  相似文献   

Canada's Arctic environment is rich in hydrocarbon resources. As international attention turns to the Arctic to meet global energy demands there is increased recognition of the need to advance upstream impact assessment and decision-making to plan for energy development. There have been several applications of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) over the past decade in the international offshore energy sector; however, SEA remains underdeveloped offshore in comparison to project-based environmental impact assessment and unchartered territory in Canada's Arctic. This paper examines stakeholder perceptions of the opportunities and risks of advancing SEA for offshore energy planning and development in Canada's Beaufort Sea. Results indicate a number of perceived opportunities for SEA, including improved regulatory efficiency, better regional baselines and planning practices, an opportunity to assess cumulative effects, more meaningful project-based assessment, and greater certainty for industry stakeholders. At the same time there are a number of perceived risks, including foregoing anticipated development opportunities, the loss of flexibility in decision making, adding another layer of bureaucracy, and the added uncertainties of a novel approach. The implications of these findings for advancing SEA in the offshore energy sector are discussed.  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》1987,11(2):145-147
In earlier issues of this journal two Canadian court decisions concerning continental shelf rights offshore Newfoundland were discussed.1 It will be recalled that both the Newfoundland Court of Appeal 2 and, thereafter, the Supreme Court of Canada 3 held that the right to explore for and exploit the resources of the continental shelf adjacent to the province, and to legislate with respect thereto, rested exclusively with the relevant federal authorities.  相似文献   


The South China Sea is located within the domain of a plate triple‐junction and can be divided into five major geotectonic blocks that control the formation and distribution of the mineral resources of the region: (1) the southern China faulted block, (2) the eastern Indochina faulted block, (3) the Nansha‐Borneo faulted block, (4) the Taiwan‐Luzon faulted block, and (5) the central ocean basin faulted block. Apart from oil and gas, the most intensively exploited mineral deposits in the South China Sea are near‐shore placer minerals of titaniferous magnetite, zircon, monazite, tin, gold, and chromite. Based on analyses of submarine morphology and sea level change during the past 15,000 years, the South China Sea continental shelves are considered to be highly prospective for additional placer occurrence associated with such submarine features as: submerged platforms and terraces, drowned rivers and sand bars, ancient beaches, and seafloors covered by relict sediments. Additionally, based on available data, polymetallic sulfides and manganese nodules and crusts are considered as speculative resources of the future in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

世界大洋底蕴藏着丰富的金属矿产资源,其所含的锰、钴、镍、稀土等矿产是陆地含量的数十倍乃至数百倍或更高,因此是未来矿产资源的接替区。本文介绍了世界大洋多金属结核、富钴结壳、多金属硫化物及深海稀土等资源现状、分布及潜力,分析总结了21世纪以来国际海底区金属矿产勘查合同现状,并介绍了俄罗斯、巴布亚新几内亚、日本、中国等国家在其专属经济区内进行多金属结核、多金属硫化物开采实验的情况。由于世界大洋金属矿产资源丰富,潜力巨大,其勘查开发日益受到世界各国的重视,国际海底勘探合同不断增加,商业开发提上日程,但国际海底区的金属矿产资源开发仍面临技术、规章、环境等方面的制约和挑战。  相似文献   

The fundamental principles governing the exploitation of deep sea mineral resources stipulate that these resources shall be developed as a common heritage for the benefit of mankind as a whole.1 The mineral resources that concern us at present are the metalliferous nodules containing nickel, copper, cobalt and manganese which are found over parts of the ocean floor. Included in the task set for the UNCLOS III was the responsibility to devise a legal and administrative framework which would give practical effect to these principles of exploitation and to enable the mining of the manganese nodules to become a reality.  相似文献   

海洋平台结构的最新研究进展 第9届ISOPE大会报告综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分9个专题对第9届ISOPE大会报告有关海洋平台结构的最新研究动态进行了评述和总结,并结合我国海洋石油工业的发展现状提出了一些建议,供我国产业部门和有关高校与研究机构参考。  相似文献   

浙江中南部外侧海区的虾类资源   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文根据1986年8月至1987年11月浙江中南部海域(27°00′~29°30′N,125°00′E) 拖虾调查资料,分析了虾类资源的种类、组成,拖虾渔获量及主要种类的分布,提出进一步开发凹管鞭虾,假长缝拟对虾等新的虾类资源的建议,并讨论了合理利用的途径。  相似文献   

The Neogene is the period in which the Betic Cordillera, the Rif, and the Alboran Sea acquired their present configuration. The Neogene sediments of the Betic Internal Zones (located directly to the North of the Alboran Sea) show the effects of important periods of deformation. Deposition was clearly controlled by tectonics. Therefore the generation, evolution, and total or partial destruction of basins and the formation of new, often superimposed, basins are common phenomena, according to the locations of the basins in the Betic Cordillera and to the different geodynamic situations.  相似文献   

海南岛周边浅海砂矿资源潜力浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海南岛拥有全国最为丰富的滨海锆钛砂矿资源,然而,随着长期大规模矿产的开发,陆域滨海砂矿资源已日渐枯竭。海南岛四面环海,海岸线漫长,多为砂质海岸,沙滩宽广,特别有利于海洋砂矿的形成。本文总结了近年来海南岛周边浅海砂矿资源勘查现状和勘查成果,分析了区内砂矿的地质特征,从物源、气候与水动力条件、海岸类型与地貌类型、第四纪沉积作用和海平面变化等5个方面综合分析砂矿的成矿条件,阐述了浅海砂矿的成矿控制因素。在此基础上,结合历史调查资料,从成矿的有利因素进行系统分析,认为万宁市东澳南后海至田头港一带、东方感城至乐东莺歌海一带、文昌铺前湾至景心角一带和临高马袅至东英一带等4个浅海区具有较好的砂矿资源潜力,它们可作为今后该区砂矿勘查的重要靶区。  相似文献   

围绕中国大洋矿产资源开发的发展计划,概括介绍了大洋海底矿产资源研究的动态、重大成果和发展趋势,希望在我国的大洋工作当中加强系统论指导下的海底成矿系统研究,重视深海探测技术的发展,争取今后在多种资源矿区申请工作中有的放矢、把握主动。  相似文献   

地质建模是油田开发的基础性工作,由于滩海油田特殊的地理位置条件,造成钻井少,各种资料获取、采集难度大,给处于开发初期的油田带来了较大挑战。以大港滩海关家堡开发区为例,提出在前期地质概念模型的指导下,多学科综合,应用随机模拟理论,采用储层约束反演与地质建模相结合,建立储层岩性模型,并在岩性模型的控制下实现储层参数建模,通过三维地质模型的建立,提取出沿设计井轨迹方向的预测曲线成果,指导复杂结构井的钻探,利用该建模思路与成果,大大降低了井间储层预测的不确定性与开发风险,现场实施效果显著,其建模方法对于类似滩海稀井网开发提供了很好的借鉴。  相似文献   

我国海洋矿产资源的现状浅析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
随着工业化进程的加速,人类 对矿产资源的需求也与日俱增,而陆地上的许多矿产资源正面临着枯竭的危险,且已很难满足人们的需求.人类为了自身的生存和发展,势必要把开发矿产资源的目光从陆地转向海洋.占地球表面积71%的蓝色海洋蕴藏着丰富的矿产资源,陆地上有的矿产在海洋里几乎都有.因此,把海洋作为人类探求新的矿产资源基地,已成为许多海洋国家的共识.  相似文献   

星载SAR已成为近岸海上风能资源研究的新技术手段之一。本文回顾了SAR近岸海上风能遥感研究进展,特别是国内外星载SAR近岸海上风能遥感探测技术研究、遥感应用研究以及SAR风机尾流遥感探测研究的发展。同时针对星载SAR近岸海上风能遥感研究目前存在的问题和今后有待研究的方向进行了探讨。  相似文献   

An accurate evaluation of the wind potential is needed to assess the economic reliability of an offshore wind project and to site wind farms, which need high-spatial-resolution wind fields with high repetitiveness. A measurement campaign is highly expensive, and the in situ data obtained are insufficient: the data time series are too short, and only defined at a single location. Moreover, the wind-flow models usually used, are unable to accurately extrapolate the data from the mast over the entire area of interest. Fortunately, wind fields at sea can be measured by active spaceborne sensors, such as synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and scatterometer sensors. This paper aims at evaluating the adequacy of wind data from space to the data requirements of the offshore wind industry. The different types of data available from space are described. The temporal sampling of the satellite data is evaluated compared to user needs. The adequacy of this set of information for Weibull-distribution estimation is demonstrated. A study area has been selected to illustrate the approach, namely the French Gulf of Lion area.  相似文献   

油藏数值模拟技术在我国运用已久,但其在油(气)田开发中的作用一直以来存在争议。相对于陆上油田开发,海洋油田的开发具有投资大、风险高、钻井少、资料数据相对有限的特点。通过多年利用包括油藏数值模拟方法在内的多种油藏工程方法进行海上油(气)田整体开发方案研究、开发方案调整研究、动态跟踪研究、剩余油(气)分布研究以及参与储量计算、储量评价、三维地质建模等工作,客观评价和归纳了油藏数值模拟技术在海上油(气)田开发中的作用以及多年来运用油藏数值模拟技术的几点体会。  相似文献   

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