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Petrography and mineral chemistry of 24 ordinary chondrites from the Grove Mountains, Antarctica, have been studied in order to identify their chemical-petrographic types. These samples were selected from a total of 4448 Grove Mountains (GRV) meteorites collected during the 19th Chinese Antarctic Research Expedition so as to make an estimation of the large GRV meteorite collection. The chemical-petrographic types of these meteorites are presented below: 1 H3,2 H4, 4 H5, 2 H6, 1 L4, 7 L5, 5 L6, 1 LL4 and 1 LL6. The new data weaken the previous report that unequilibrated ordinary chondrites are unusually abundant in the Grove Mountains region. However, this work confirms significant differences in distribution patterns of chemical-petrographic types between the Grove Mountains and other  相似文献   

闫艺洪  胡森  张婷  计江龙 《地质学报》2021,95(9):2866-2877
NWA 11288 是一块2015 年发现的玄武岩质辉玻无球粒陨石,具有典型的次辉绿结构,主要由辉石(面积比68. 6%)和熔长石(面积比28. 1%)组成,含少量磷酸盐(面积比 1. 35%)、不透明矿物(面积比 1. 45%)和二氧化硅等副矿物.通过扫描电子显微镜、电子探针和拉曼光谱等实验分析方法,对NWA 112...  相似文献   

The howardite, eucrite and diogenite (HED) clan of meteorites are ultramafic and mafic igneous rocks and impact-engendered fragmental debris derived from a thoroughly differentiated asteroid. Earth-based telescopic observation and data returned from vestan orbit by the Dawn spacecraft make a compelling case that the asteroid (4) Vesta is the parent asteroid of HEDs, although this is not universally accepted. Diogenites are petrologically diverse and include dunitic, harzburgitic and noritic lithologic types in addition to the traditional orthopyroxenites. Diogenites form the lower crust of Vesta. Cumulate eucrites are gabbroic rocks formed by accumulation of pigeonite and plagioclase from a mafic magma at depth within the crust, while basaltic eucrites are melt compositions that likely represent shallow-level dikes and sills, and flows. Some basaltic eucrites are richer in incompatible trace elements compared to most eucrites, and these may represent mixed melts contaminated by partial melts of the mafic crust. Differentiation occurred within a few Myr of formation of the earliest solids in the Solar System. Evidence from oxygen isotope compositions and siderophile element contents favor a model of extensive melting of Vesta forming a global magma ocean that rapidly (period of a few Myr) segregated and crystallized to yield a metallic core, olivine-rich mantle, orthopyroxene-rich lower crust and basaltic upper crust. The igneous lithologies were subjected to post-crystallization thermal processing, and most eucrites show textural and mineral-compositional evidence for metamorphism. The cause of this common metamorphism is unclear, but may have resulted from rapid burial of early basalts by later flows caused by high effusion rates on Vesta. The observed surface of Vesta is covered by fragmental debris resulting from impacts, and most HEDs are brecciated. Many eucrites and diogenites are monomict breccias indicating a lack of mixing. However, many HEDs are polymict breccias. Howardites are the most thoroughly mixed polymict breccias, yet only some of them contain evidence for residence in the true regolith. Based on the numbers of meteorites, compositions of howardites, and models of magma ocean solidification, cumulate eucrites and their residual ferroan mafic melts are minor components of the vestan crust.  相似文献   

概述了变质作用热模拟的历史、现状、趋势及意义、总结提出了变质作用热模拟的一般模型(数学模型),并对各类边界条件、初始条件及以在数确定进行探讨、综述了当前国内外的模拟结果,强调构造作用过程、流体作用、岩浆作用在热模拟综合研究中的重要性。  相似文献   

撞击作用发生在太阳系形成和演化的所有阶段,是最基本的地质过程之一。陨石可以从微观尺度记录下这些重要的过程。在所有陨石族群中,L群普通球粒陨石保留了最完备的冲击变质记录,对撞击发生的时间、冲击过程中的物理条件提供了重要制约。矿物学证据表明,在太阳系形成100 Ma内,L群陨石母体可能发生一次撞击裂解事件,并在随后重组。4.48 Ga左右,原始小行星带经历大范围的撞击作用,这一事件也记录于L群普通球粒陨石中,可能是由月球大撞击事件溅射的大量碎屑进入到原始主小行星带引起。约800 Ma,包括L群陨石母体在内的内太阳系部分天体经历了同时期撞击事件,可能由这一时期裂解的大质量小行星产生的溅射物引发。L群陨石母体在~465 Ma发生撞击裂解,这一事件在L群陨石中保留了丰富的矿物学、年代学记录,并在地球全球奥陶纪地层发现相关信息。综合与该事件相关的所有L群陨石冲击变质特征,本文认为该裂解事件是由一颗大直径(18~22 km)石陨石质小行星,以较低速率(5~6 km/s)撞击导致。同位素年代学数据表明,L群普通球粒陨石母体很可能未受到晚期大撞击事件的影响,这难以用L群陨石母体过小予以解释。可能的原因有...  相似文献   

The Acadian thermal history of western Maine   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
ABSTRACT Following the Middle Devonian Acadian deformation an extensive belt of high grade metamorphism was formed in New England. In south-western Maine, at the northern end of this belt, there occurs a transition along the strike from regional low-pressure/high-temperature metamorphism to contact metamorphism in low-grade rocks. Petrological studies indicate that this transition occurs along a surface plunging to the north-east at about 3.5°, with respect to the Middle-to-Late Devonian erosion surface. In addition, detailed petrological mapping has defined a history of temporally separate, localized metamorphic events associated with plutonism and occurring at increasingly deeper levels to the south-west. Geochronological studies constrain ambient temperatures in the transition zone at the time of metamorphism to be less than 300° C in the north-east and between 350° C and 500° C in the south-west. They also establish a pattern of diachronous cooling due to differential uplift and erosion, with cooling occurring later and most rapidly to the south-west. Geophysical evidence suggests that along with this spatial variation in metamorphic style the shapes of the plutons in Maine undergo a transition from laterally extensive sheet-like bodies in the high grade terrane to more equant-shaped bodies in the low-grade terrane. Using the results of these petrological, geochronological and geophysical studies, as well as those of stratigraphical and structural studies we construct a thermal model for the transition zone. The model suggests that the Acadian metamorphism in south-western Maine is a result of deep-level contact metamorphism near laterally extensive granitic sills dipping to the north-east with respect to the present erosion surface. The plutons themselves are interpreted to be a result of lower crustal melting in response to crustal thickening in the presence of normal or slightly augmented mantle heat flux.  相似文献   

The Ordovician volcanic rocks in the Mayaxueshan area have been pervasively altered or metamorphosed and contain abundant secondary minerals such as albite, chlorite, epidote, prehnite, pumpellyite, actinolite, titanite, quartz, and/or calcite. They were denoted as spilites or spilitic rocks in terms of their petrographic features and mineral assemblages. The metamorphic grades of the volcanic rocks are equivalent to that of the intercalated metaclastic rocks. This indicates that both the spilitic volcanic rocks and metaclastic rocks in the Mayaxueshan area have formed as a result of Caledonian regional metamorphism. We suggest that the previously denoted spilitic rocks or altered volcanic rocks should be re-denoted as metabasalts or metabasaltic rocks. The metamorphic grade of the volcanic rocks increases with their age: prehnite-pumpellyite facies for the upper part of the Middle Ordovician volcanic rocks, prehnite-pumpeilyite to lower greenschist facies for the lower part of the Middle Ordovician vol  相似文献   

苏皖玄武岩土壤中风尘的识别及风化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
风尘传输与沉降影响生态系统和元素的生物地球化学循环,对其在成壤作用中的识别与贡献进行研究有重要意义。文章选择在非风尘沉降区的苏皖玄武岩台地典型的两个风化剖面(安徽明光梅花村和江苏盱眙宝塔村)和部分表土及水系沉积物样品,系统分析主要矿物、粘土矿物、常量元素、微量元素及Sr、Nd同位素组成。结果显示,玄武岩基岩基本由斜长石和辉石组成,而风化基岩则主要由蒙脱石构成,风化土壤则出现基岩和风化基岩中未出现的石英、伊利石等风尘特征矿物;基岩和风化基岩以高Mg,低Si、K,无Eu异常等特征,风化土壤则以高Si、K,低Mg,负Eu异常等特征;基岩和风化基岩的εNd偏正,86Sr/87Sr值较低,而风化土壤εNd偏负,86Sr/87Sr值较高;各种证据都显示风尘对风化土壤有重要贡献,通过Nd同位素混合模式计算,风尘对土壤的贡献达60%以上。玄武岩风化表现为完全的蒙脱石化,为显著的去Ca、Mg作用,在梅花村剖面,表层土壤出现Ce负异常,而在下部层位出现Ce正异常,研究还发现在风尘的加积作用,土壤的Si、K含量得以上升。受相对较大的玄武岩台地高程差影响,玄武岩风化产物和沉降的风尘易被降水侵蚀,造成风化剖面较薄,促使玄武岩风化处于“供应限制”模式。本次工作为玄武岩的风化机制,风尘在元素地球化学循环中的作用等提供了新的地质证据。  相似文献   

王世霞  朱祥坤 《地质学报》2013,87(9):1461-1468
本文对广东湛江湖光岩地区厚度分别为4 m和7 m的两个不同喷发时代玄武岩形成的风化壳样品进行Fe同位素分析,分析结果显示:厚度4m风化壳样品Fe同位素组成δ57Fe范围为0.17‰~0.57‰;厚度7 m风化壳样品Fe同位素组成δ57Fe范围为0.20‰~0.68‰,相对于标准物质IRMM-014,不同深度风化壳样品均显示Fe的重同位素富集.两风化壳剖面自下而上,随风化程度增大,风化壳样品中Fe同位素分馏程度也呈现逐渐增大的趋势,表明风化壳样品中Fe的重同位素富集趋势与风化壳的发育程度正相关,风化壳土壤中Fe同位素组成是反映土壤风化程度的指标.另一方面,风化过程可将地球外部圈层(岩石圈、水圈、生物圈)有机结合起来,风化壳土壤Fe同位素组成变化是表生植物和水淋滤共同作用的结果,对化学风化过程中Fe同位素研究,将会极大地补充表生过程中同位素地球化学的知识,同时Fe同位素可作为表生过程中物质的循环、环境的变化等过程中有力的示踪/指示技术手段加以应用.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1395-1412
The Neyriz ophiolite along the northeast flank of the Zagros fold-thrust belt in southern Iran is an excellent example of a Late Cretaceous supra-subduction zone (SSZ)-related ophiolite on the north side of the Neotethys. The ophiolite comprises a mantle sequence including lherzolite, harzburgite, diabasic dikes, and cumulate to mylonitic gabbro lenses, and a crustal sequence comprising a sheeted dike complex and pillow lavas associated with pelagic limestone and radiolarite. Mantle harzburgites contain less CaO and Al2O3, are depleted in rare earth elements, and contain spinels that are more Cr-rich than lherzolites. Mineral compositions of peridotites are similar to those of both abyssal and SSZ- peridotites. Neyriz gabbroic rocks show boninitic (SSZ-related) affinities, while crustal rocks are similar to early arc tholeiites. Mineral compositions of gabbroic rocks resemble those of SSZ-related cumulates such as high forsterite olivine, anorthite-rich plagioclase, and high-Mg# clinopyroxene. Initial εNd(t) values range from +7.9 to +9.3 for the Neyriz magmatic rocks. Samples with radiogenic Nd overlap with least radiogenic mid-ocean ridge basalts and with Semail and other Late Cretaceous Tethyan ophiolitic rocks. Initial 87Sr/86Sr ranges from 0.7033 to 0.7044, suggesting modification due to seafloor alteration. Most Neyriz magmatic rocks are characterized by less radiogenic 207Pb/204Pb (near the northern hemisphere reference line), suggesting less involvement of sediments in their mantle source. Our results for Neyriz ophiolite and the similarity to other Iranian Zagros ophiolites support a subduction initiation setting for its generation.  相似文献   

峨眉山大火成岩省(ELIP)出露于扬子板块西缘,其形成以后经历了多期构造运动的破坏,掩盖了峨眉山玄武岩的原始分布状况,导致对ELIP岩浆活动规模的低估。近来一些研究者基于天然地震层析成像反演的研究认为ELIP出露区地壳不显示高速特征,据此推断ELIP岩浆活动规模有限,是下地壳拆沉作用而非地幔柱活动的产物。本文根据横穿峨眉山大火成岩省的丽江-清镇地震剖面所获地壳P波波速,依据P波波速与密度的线性关系计算ELIP内带核心、外围区域和中带、外带的地壳密度结构。结果显示:内带核心区域与中带相比,上地壳密度高79kg/m~3、下地壳上部和下部的密度值分别高出68 kg/m~3和101 kg/m~3;与外带相比,内带核心区域上地壳密度高92kg/m~3、下地壳上部和下部分别高出99 kg/m~3和126 kg/m~3。峨眉山地幔柱活动形成的镁铁质-超镁铁质深成岩在ELIP内带核心区域的侵位和堆积,是ELIP各带之间地壳密度存在显著差异的原因。根据ELIP不同区域的地壳密度差估算得到内带核心区域地壳内的高密度镁铁质侵入岩和超镁铁质侵入岩总体积约为(45~120)×10~4km~3。此结果与峨眉山玄武岩体积[(25~60)×10~4km~3]之和,给出ELIP岩浆活动的规模为(0.7~1.8)×10~6km~3。这一结果支持ELIP的形成与地幔柱活动有关的认识。  相似文献   

地球化学研究结果表明,新疆北部富蕴县境内的晚古生代下泥盆统托让格库都克组的安山质岩石具有与埃达克岩非常相似的地球化学特征,它们具有较高的Al2O3,Na2O和Sr含量以及Sr/Y比值;明显亏损重稀土和Y,它们的MORB标准化微量元素蛛网图表现为明显的Nb,Ta负异常和Sr正异常,同时强烈亏损高场强元素。与埃达克岩共生的玄武岩的地球化学特征则与富铌玄武岩一致,表现为Si过饱和及富Na的特征,同时具有较高的Nb,TiO2和P2O5含量,并富集高场强元素。由于埃达克岩和富铌玄武岩的形成均与板块俯冲有关,因此,它们的存在表明,古亚洲洋在早-中泥盆世向南(哈萨克斯坦-准噶尔板块)发生了一次洋壳俯冲作用。  相似文献   

通过对西太平洋海山玄武岩和玄武质火山角砾岩的岩石学特征及其气孔充填物成分变化的研究,讨论了海山玄武岩与上覆富钴结壳的关系。富钴结壳的基岩火山岩主要为碱性玄武岩和玄武质火山角砾岩。碱性玄武岩中气孔充填物为S型和C型,S型和C型气孔充填物不共存在同一个气孔中。S型气孔充填物的物质成分富Si、Fe、K、Mg、Al,Co含量一般为0.17%~0.46%,其成分与碱性玄武岩的组成类似,其物质来源可能与碱性玄武岩有关。C型气孔充填物为O、Ca、C及少量Si、Al、Mg、Fe、K等元素,C型气孔充填物可能与海水中物质的沉积有关。由Si、Al、Fe、Mg、K等元素变化曲线反映出的S型气孔充填物沉积过程与富钴结壳早期的沉积过程具有相似的趋势,说明富钴结壳早期沉积物的物质来源可能与碱性玄武岩有关,富钴结壳物质来源可能是碱性玄武岩和海水共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

东疆哈尔里克变质带的U—Pb年龄及其地质意义   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
东疆哈尔里克变质带曾经历了两期变质作用,早期的区域性热变质作用的U-Pb年龄为305.9±2.9 Ma,属于早、中石炭世;晚期的断裂区域变质作用的U-Pb年龄为293.8±3.3 Ma~296.3±3.5 Ma,属于晚石炭世末期。早期的变质作用年龄可能是该区拉伸盆地形成的时间,而晚期的变质作用年龄则代表了A型俯冲形成的构造热事件年龄。  相似文献   

南京六合桂子山玄武岩石柱林成因初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐红 《地质论评》1999,45(7):703-706
南京六合桂子山发育规模巨大、柱体形状规则和排列有序的玄武岩石柱林。已有多种玄武岩柱状节理的成因假说,但均尚有不完备之处。玄武岩熔浆喷出地表未固结之前的双扩散对流和固结成岩阶段的冷却收缩作用,可能是形成桂子山玄武岩石柱林的主要原因。玄武岩柱状节理的形成机理十分复杂,远未达到完全解决的境地。  相似文献   

滇黔交界地区玄武岩中赋存的自然铜矿化与沥青密切相伴,玄武岩层间含碳沉积岩中的自然铜矿化发育大量碳质。本文采用有机质抽提、族组分定量及饱和烃色-质分析等方法对这两种产状的铜矿石中有机质的族组分含量和生物标志物进行了研究,并对其地质意义进行了探讨。通过研究取得如下认识:①含沥青铜矿石和含碳质铜矿石虽然产状明显不同,其有机质成因有明显差异,但其有机质族组分含量及生物标志物特征十分类似,反映它们经历了类似的地质作用;②有机质族组分及其生物标志物提供的来源信息较混乱,这可能是成矿流体循环改造导致的;③生物标志物特征表明,含沥青铜矿石及含碳质铜矿石中有机质经历了类似的较还原的高盐度环境,这可能是高盐度成矿流体及还原的成矿条件的指示;④生物标志物特征及氯仿沥青“A”低含量特征表明两类铜矿石中有机质成熟度高,这可能是成矿流体的热力对有机质改造的结果;⑤有机质生物标志物特征显示两类铜矿石中有机质生物降解作用不强,表明沥青的形成是原油受成矿热液热力影响发生热裂解的结果。  相似文献   

本文报道了华北克拉通南缘豫西鲁山下汤地区古元古代片麻状花岗岩和黑云角闪斜长片麻岩的全岩地球化学和锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄和Hf同位素组成。岩石呈包体形式存在于中元古代花岗岩中。片麻状花岗岩具深熔特征,岩浆锆石年龄为2.30Ga;岩石高SiO2和K2O,低ΣFeO、MgO和CaO,具稀土总量较高(ΣREE=165.8×10-6)、轻重稀土分离较强[(La/Yb)n=37.8]及弱负铕异常(Eu/Eu*=0.76)的稀土模式;εNd(t)(t=2.30Ga)=-0.75;tDM(Nd)=2.66Ga。黑云角闪斜长片麻岩变质原岩为辉长闪长岩,捕获锆石年龄为2.25Ga;岩石低SiO2和MgO,高Al2O3和P2O5,具稀土总量高(ΣREE=373.4×10-6)、轻重稀土分离不强[(La/Yb)n=9.4]及较强负铕异常(Eu/Eu*=0.44)的稀土模式;εNd(t)(t=2.25Ga)=-1.21;tDM(Nd)=2.75Ga。片麻状花岗岩和黑云角闪斜长片麻岩都记录了1.94Ga变质锆石年龄。片麻状花岗岩的岩浆锆石组成域的εHf(t)(t=2.30Ga)=-6.71~0.38,tDM1(Hf)=2627~2910Ma,tDM2(CC)(Hf)=2823~3255Ma。黑云角闪斜长片麻岩的捕获锆石组成域的εHf(t)(t=2.25Ga)=-19.58~-1.73,tDM1(Hf)=2664~3360Ma,tDM2(CC)(Hf)=2968~4011Ma。结合前人资料,得出如下结论:华北克拉通南缘豫陕晋结合部地区存在一规模较大的约2.3Ga地质体分布区;华北克拉通南缘很可能存在规模巨大的>2.7Ga基底;中部造山带与孔兹岩带具有类似的古元古代晚期构造热事件演化历史。  相似文献   

与柴北缘和北祁连相比,南祁连研究程度偏低,对其各个阶段的构造演化缺少精确时限。对分布于南祁连党河南山中段的科克巴斯陶玄武岩进行了岩石地球化学及锆石U-Pb年代学研究,定年结果显示,该玄武岩成岩年龄为713±4.6Ma,为新元古代震旦纪。岩石地球化学分析表明,科克巴斯陶玄武岩SiO2含量为45.08%~49.81%,MgO为4.37%~6.67%,Na2O为2.95%~3.71%,K2O为0.28%~1.92%,TiO2为1.40%~2.01%,与拉斑玄武岩平均值相似。Nb/Y-SiO2图解显示科克巴斯陶玄武岩属亚碱性系列拉斑玄武岩。其ΣREE为(75.47~124.00)×10^-6,LREE/HREE为4.2~6.19。(La/Yb)N为3.67~6.18,(La/Sm)N为1.83~2.64,球粒陨石标准化稀土元素配分曲线图呈轻稀土明显富集的右倾型。原始地幔标准化微量元素蛛网图上,岩石以富集Sr、K、Rb、Ba为特征。岩石地球化学特征显示科克巴斯陶玄武岩岩浆为具OIB性质的地幔源区,其形成于板内洋岛构造环境。结合区域地层对比及锆石测年成果,将原划定的志留系巴龙贡嘎尔组进行了重新解体,由南至北,分别为志留系巴龙贡嘎尔组变砂岩段、新元古界震旦系天峻组火山岩段和中新元古界拐杖山组片岩段。  相似文献   

鲁西泰山岩群柳杭岩组中,典型变质枕状玄武岩出露在济南章丘的团员沟村西一带。本文对变质枕状玄武岩的野外地质和岩相学特征,作了详细描述。电子探针分析表明,岩枕内部既有原生斜长石(An>30),又有绿片岩相变质形成的钠长石(An<10)。侵入柳杭岩组的片麻状奥长花岗岩中的岩浆锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄为2707±9Ma,它限制了泰山岩群形成时代不晚于2.71Ga。  相似文献   

The alkalic Scituate Granite was emplaced into crystalline sequences within the New England Esmond–Dedham terrane in the Late Devonian ( c. 370 Ma). Variably recrystallized amphibole (iron-rich, hastingsite–hastingsitic hornblende) from four variably deformed samples of the pluton record south-westerly younging 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages ranging between 276 and 263 Ma. These are interpreted to date diachronous cooling through temperatures appropriate for intracrystalline retention of argon following late Palaeozoic orogenic activity. Iron-rich biotite concentrates from the samples record only slightly younger ages, and therefore suggest relatively rapid post-metamorphic cooling. The 40Ar/39Ar ages indicate that the late Palaeozoic tectonothermal overprint was much more regionally pervasive than was previously considered. The apparent timing of this activity is similar to previous estimates for the chronology of high-grade metamorphism throughout the adjacent Hope Valley terrane and for phases of ductile movement on the intervening Lake Char–Honey Hill fault system.  相似文献   

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