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Observational evidence of the Yellow Sea warm current   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSWC) is one of the principal currents in the Yellow Sea in winter. Former examinations on current activity in the Yellow Sea have not observed a stable YSWC because of the positioning of current meters. To further understand the YSWC, a research cruise in the southern Yellow Sea was carried out in the winter of 2006/2007. Five moorings with bottom-mounted acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCP) were deployed on the western side of the central trough of the Yellow Sea. The existence and distributional features of the YSWC were studied by analyzing three ADCP moorings in the path of the YSWC in conjunction with conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) data over the observed area in the southern Yellow Sea. The results show the following. (1) The upper layer of the YSWC is strongly influenced by winter cold surge; its direction and speed often vary along a south-north axis when strong cold surges arrive from the north. (2) The YSWC near the bottom layer is a stable northwest flowing current with a speed of 4 to 10 cm/s. By combining the analyses of the CTD data, we speculate that the core of the YSWC may lie near the bottom. (3) On a monthly average timescale, the YSWC is stably oriented with northward flow from the sea surface to the sea floor.  相似文献   

To reconstruct the formation and evolution process of the warm current system within the East China Sea (ECS) and the Yellow Sea (YS) since the last deglaciation, the paleoceangraphic records in core DGKS9603, core CSH1 and core YSDP102, which were retrieved from the mainstream of the Kuroshio Current (KC), the edge of the modern Tsushima Warm Current (TWC) and muddy region under cold waters accreted with the Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSWC) respectively, were synthetically analyzed. The results indicate that the formation and evolution of the modern warm current system in the ECS and the YS has been accompanied by the development of the KC and impulse rising of the sea level since the last deglaciation. The influence of the KC on the Okinawa Trough had enhanced since 16 cal kyr BP, and synchronously the modern TWC began to develop with the rising of sea level and finally formed at about 8.5 cal kyr BP. The KC had experienced two weakening process during the Heinrich event 1 and the Younger Drays event from 16 to 8.5 cal kyr BP. The period of 7–6 cal kyr BP was the strongest stage of the KC and the TWC since the last deglaciation. The YSWC has appeared at about 6.4 cal kyr BP. Thus, the warm current system of the ECS and the YS has ultimately formed. The weakness of the KC, indicated by the occurrence of Pulleniatina minimum event (PME) during the period from 5.3 to 2.8 cal kyr BP, caused the main stream of the TWC to shift eastward to the Pacific Ocean around about 3 cal kyr BP. The process resulted in the intruding of continent shelf cold water mass with rich nutrients. Synchronously, the strength of the YSWC was relatively weak and the related cold water body was active at the early-mid stage of its appearance against the PME background, which resulted in the quick formation of muddy deposit system in the southeastern YS. The strength of the warm current system in the ECS and the YS has enhanced evidently, and approached to the modern condition gradually since 3 cal kyr BP. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 90411014 and 40506015), the National major Fundamental Research and Development Project (No. 2007CB815903) and the CAS Pilot Project of the National Knowledge Innovation Program (No. KZCFX3-SW-233)  相似文献   

A winter onshore warm tongue extending from the Yellow Sea Warm Current to the southern Jiangsu coast, and an of fshore cold tongue extending from the southern Jiangsu coast to the southwest of Jeju Island(South Korea), are newly identified based on the sea-surface temperature from satellite remote sensing, and further confirmed by the distribution of suspended sediments. In addition, there are two obvious thermal fronts associated with the onshore warm tongue and off shore cold tongue. The narrow gap between the two thermal fronts is supposed to be the pathway for the off shore transport of cold coastal water and suspended sediments. The concurrence of onshore warm and of fshore cold tongues suggests the concurrence of onshore and off shore currents in the western Yellow Sea in winter, which seems to be inconsistent with the previously accepted view that, in winter, the Yellow Sea Coastal Current flows from the Old Huanghe Delta to the southwest of Jeju Island. This distinctive phenomenon helps establish an updated view of the circulation in the western Yellow Sea in winter.  相似文献   

To reconstruct the formation and evolution process of the warm current system within the East China Sea (ECS) and the Yellow Sea (YS) since the last deglaciation, the paleoceangraphic records in core DGKS9603, core CSH1 and core YSDPI02, which were retrieved from the mainstream of the Kuroshio Current (KC), the edge of the modem Tsushima Warm Current (TWC) and muddy region under cold waters accreted with the Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSWC) respectively, were synthetically analyzed. The results indicate that the formation and evolution of the modem warm current system in the ECS and the YS has been accompanied by the development of the KC and impulse rising of the sea level since the last deglaciation. The influence of the KC on the Okinawa Trough had enhanced since 16 cal kyr BE and synchronously the modem TWC began to develop with the rising of sea level and finally formed at about 8.5 cal kyr BP. The KC had experienced two weakening process during the Heinrich event 1 and the Younger Drays event from 16 to 8.5 cal kyr BP. The period of 7-6 cal kyr BP was the strongest stage of the KC and the TWC since the last deglaciation. The YSWC has appeared at about 6.4 cal kyr BP. Thus,the warm current system of the ECS and the YS has ultimately formed. The weakness of the KC,indicated by the occurrence of Pulleniatina minimum event (PME) during the period from 5.3 to 2.8 cal kyr BE caused the main stream of the TWC to shift eastward to the Pacific Ocean around about 3 cal kyr BP. The process resulted in the intruding of continent shelf cold water mass with rich nutrients. Synchronously, the strength of the YSWC was relatively weak and the related cold water body was active at the early-mid stage of its appearance against the PME background, which resulted in the quick formation of muddy deposit system in the southeastern YS. The strength of the warm current system in the ECS and the YS has enhanced evidently, and approached to the modern condition gradually since 3 cal kyr BP.  相似文献   

Low frequency (LF) current (period>25 hour) variation at 5 stations in Jiaozhou Bay. Shijiousuo, and the central part of the Yellow Sea were studied by analyzing the observed long-period current data series in the study area.1) There are obvious periods of 3 and 5 days in the LF current spectra. The energy spectral value of LF current of a 5 day period is remarkably larger than that of a 3 day period. These periods reflect the correlations between the LF current variation and the LF water level variation.2) The feet that the 15-day period in the LF current spectra corresponds to the semi-monthly celestial tide period indicates that the tide-induced residual current is an important and most evident LF current component in the bay.3) The LF current spectral energy density in the northward direction is much larger than that in the eastward direction. This shows the frequency and strength of the wind field in the northward direction are evidently larger than that in the eastward direction.  相似文献   

A complete set of one-month Acoustic Doppler Profiler (ADP) current data at a station in the southern Yellow Sea (SYS) is analyzed using the rotary spectrum method. The results revealed different rotary properties between barotropic and baroclinic tidal currents. The barotropic and baroclinic tidal currents rotate elliptically counter-clockwise and clockwise, respectively. Meanwhile, baroclinic bottom tidal currents are almost along-isobath. The baroclinic cross-isobath velocities attenuate quickly at the bottom, implying important effects of bottom topography on the cross-isobath motions.  相似文献   

In this part, Levitus‘ climatological temperature and salinity are incorporated in the numerical model developed in Part I. Diagnostic and prognostic experiment on the thermohaline circulation were conducted. The smooth Levitus‘ data do not include any information on the South China Sea Warm Current (SCSWC), so it is not in the model-produced diagnostic thermohaline circulation. Although the SCSWC does not appear in the wind-driven circulation in the barotropic case, it appears in the prognostic wind-driven circulation in the baroclinic case. This implies that the differing circulation pat-terns between barotropic case and bareclinic case are due to the stratification. The prognostic thermohaline circulation with wind stress and inflow/outflow transports at open boundaries are also discussed. Coupling of density and dynamic forces makes the circulation pattern more complicated, Even though the stratification is not always a direct cause of the formation of the SCSWC, it is at least an indirect cause.  相似文献   

Direct current observations in the Yellow Sea interior are very scarce due to intense fishing and trawling activities. Most previous studies on tides in the area were based on coastal measurements or satellite altimeter sea levels and have not been rigorously compared with direct measurements. In this paper, tidal currents are studied with current profiles from three bottom-moored Sontek Acoustic Doppler Profilers (ADPs) deployed in the southern Yellow Sea in summer of 2001 and 2003. The measured current series were dominated by tidal currents. Maximum velocities are between 40-80 cm/s at the mooring stations. M2 current is the most dominant primary tidal constituent, while MS4 and M4 are the most significant shallow water tides with much smaller amplitudes than the primary tides.  相似文献   

A stratification parameter ,defined as theamount of mechanical energy required to bring about vertical mixing, has been calculated for theYellow Sea using available data over the past ten years.T he monthly distributions of Log are obtained to explain the features of the Yellow Sea stratification.Fronts of the shallow shelf sea are often inseparably related with its stratifications. The front of the Yellow Sea in the warm half-year is generated in May and disappears in November. The shelf front moves shoreward and becomes strong in the heating season, but becomes weak in the cooling season upon return.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that the Yellow Sea underwent significant environmental changes during the Holocene, but many questions remain concerning the timing of the establishment of the modern circulation system, which would have major implications for the Yellow Sea ecosystem and carbon cycle. In this study, marine and terrestrial biomarkers were analyzed in Core YE-2 from a muddy area in the southern Yellow Sea to reconstruct Holocene environmental and phytoplankton community change. The content of three individual marine phytoplankton biomarkers (alkenones, brassicasterol and dinosterol) all display a similar trend, and their total contents during the early Holocene (362 ng/g) were lower than those during the mid-late Holocene (991 ng/g). On the other hand, the contents of terrestrial biomarkers (C27+C29+C31n-alkanes) during the early Holocene (1 661 ng/g) were about three times higher than those during the mid-late Holocene (499 ng/g). Our biomarker results suggest that the modern circulation system of the Yellow Sea was established by 5-6 ka, and resulted in higher marine productivity and lower terrestrial organic matter inputs. Biomarker ratios were used to estimate shifts in phytoplankton community structure in response to mid-Holocene (5-6 ka) environmental changes in the Yellow Sea, revealing a transition from a dinoflagellate-diatom dominant community structure during the early Holocene to a coccolithophore-dominant community structure during the mid-late Holocene.  相似文献   

Wave-induced mixing in the Yellow Sea   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Vertical wave-induced mixing parameter Bv expressed in wave number spectrum was estimated in the Yellow Sea. The spatial distributions of By averaged over upper 20 m in 4 seasons were analyzed. It is the strongest in winter because of winter monsoon, and the weakest in spring. Since in summer it plays an important role for circulation of upper layers, its vertical structure was also discussed. Two simulations with and without wave-induced mixing in this season were performed to evaluate its effect on temperature distribution. Numerical results indicate that wave-induced mixing could increase the mixed layer thickness greatly.  相似文献   

Seasonal and annual with stress fields over the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea were computed from the wind rose data compiled in the Climatic Atlas of Chinese Offshore Areas and North-west Pacific and published by the Ocean Press in 1982. 684 wind roses in 2° latitude by 2° longitude boxes constructed from 278,815 wind reports are involved in the present study. The computations are principally intended as a data source for further research. Some oceanographic consequences are expounded on.  相似文献   

Seasonal variability of thermocline in the Yellow Sea   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Based on the MASNUM wave-tide-circulation coupled numerical model, seasonal variability of thermocline in the Yellow Sea was simulated and compared with in-situ observations. Both simulated mixed layer depth (MLD) and thermocline intensity have similar spatial patterns to the observations. The simulated maximum MLD are 8 m and 22 m, while the corresponding observed values are 13 m and 27 m in July and October, respectively. The simulated thermocline intensity are 1.2℃/m and 0.5℃/m in July and October, respectively, which are 0.6℃/m less than those of the observations. It may be the main reason why the simulated thermocline is weaker than the observations that the model vertical resolution is less precise than that of the CTD data which is 1 m. Contours of both simulated and observed thermocline intensity present a circle in general. The wave-induced mixing plays a key role in the formation of the upper mixed layer in spring and summer. Tidal mixing enhances the thermocline intensity. Buoyancy-driven m  相似文献   

Wang  Sijia  Sun  Qun  Li  Siyu  Shen  Jiawei  Liu  Qian  Zhao  Liang 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2022,40(2):551-562
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - The 22-year (1998–2019) surface seawater dimethylsulfide (DMS) concentrations in the Yellow Sea (YS) were hindcasted based on satellite sea surface...  相似文献   

Assemblages of benthic foraminifera in a sediment core (C02) near the western margin of the southern Yellow Sea Mud were studied to decipher the phase evolution of Holocene paleoenvironmental changes associated with the Holocene marine transgression. It appears that during the early Holocene (11.2–10.1 kyr BP), the faunal was dominated by low salinity and shallow water species Cribrononion subincertum, Buccella frigida and Ammonia beccarii, reflecting a near coast depositional environment. A rapid increase of the relative abundance of Ammonia compressiuscula between 10.1–9.3 kyr BP indicates that the sea level rose rapidly during that time period. From 9.3–7.7 kyr BP, the benthic foraminiferal assemblage was dominated by high percentage of A. compressiscula, suggesting that the sea level was relatively stable. An obvious transition of benthic foraminifera, from the A. compressiuscula-dominated assemblage to an Ammonia ketienziensis-dominated assemblage, occurred between 7.7–6.2 kyr BP, possibly corresponding to a second sea level rapid rise period in the Yellow Sea during the Holocene. This transition may correspond to the gradually strengthened Yellow Sea warm current (YSWC) and finally is established the modern-type circulation in the Yellow Sea. It may also mark the formation of the Yellow Sea cold bottom water (YSCBW) during that period. Since then, the benthic foraminiferal assemblage based on core C02 was dominated by typical YSCBW species, A. ketienziensis, Astrononion italicum and Hanzawaia nipponica, at 6.2–4 kyr BP. A non-deposition period occurred since ~4 kyr BP, which possibly related to the hydrology changes caused by the East Asia monsoon. The two obvious benthic foraminiferal transitions recorded in core C02 during the early and middle Holocene provide evidence that the Yellow Sea has undergone a two-phase rapid sea level rise during the Holocene marine transgression.  相似文献   

Seasonality and causes of the Yellow Sea Warm Current   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To study the seasonality and causes of the Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSWC) in detail, rotated empirical orthogonal function (REOF) and extended associate pattern analysis are adopted with daily sea surface salinity (SSS), sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface height (SSH) datasets covering 1126 days from American Navy Experimental Real-Time East Asian Seas Ocean Nowcast System in the present paper. Results show that in the Yellow and East China Seas, the YSWC is a mean barotropic flow as compensation of winter-monsoon-driven surface currents, which has been directly observed. When East Asia winter monsoon weakens, so do the meridional pressure gradient of the surface seawater and the YSWC, while the transversal pressure gradient changes rather slowly that results in the YSWC left turning. In addition, there is southward mean flow compensation of summer-monsoon-driven surface currents, which actually was also directly ob-served.  相似文献   

Cai  Laixing  Xiao  Guolin  Zeng  Zhigang  Zhang  Xunhua  Guo  Xingwei  Wang  Shuping 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2020,38(4):1169-1187
The South Yellow Sea Basin(SYSB) has multiple sets of proven source rocks and good hydrocarbon prospects,but no industrial oil and gas has been explored at present.To solve this puzzle for petroleum geologists,we systematically investigated the marine hydrocarbon geological conditions based on cores and testing data from borehole CSDP-2,the first exploration well with continuous coring in SYSB.The qualities of source rocks are evaluated in detail according to organic matter abundance,type,and maturity.The reservoir characterization mainly includes porosity,permeability,and reservoir space.Displacement pressure test and stratum thickness are the main foundations for defining the caprocks.Then,the oil-source rock correlation in the Permian and stratum model are analyzed to determine the favorable source-reservoir-caprock assemblages.The results show that three sets of effective source rocks(the Lower Triassic,Upper Permian,and Lower Permian),two sets of tight sandstone re servoirs(the Upper Permian and Lower Silurian-Upper Devonian),and two sets of caprocks(the Lower Triassic and Carboniferous) combine to constitute the hydrocarbon reservoir-forming as se mblages of "lower-ge neration and upper-accumlation" and "self-generation and self-accumlation",thus laying a solid foundation for promising petroleum prospects.The three sets of marine source rocks are characterized by successive generation and expulsion stages,which guarantees multistage hydrocarbon accumulation.Another three sets of continental source rocks distributed across the Middle Jurassic,Upper Cretaceous,and Paleogene depression areas,especially in the Northern Depression,may supplement some hydrocarbons for the Central Uplift through faults and the Indosinian unconformity.The favorable Permian exploration strata have been identified in the Central Uplift of SYSB.First,the Lower Permian and Upper Permian source rocks with high organic matter abundance and high thermal maturity supply sufficient hydrocarbons.Secondly,the interbedding relationship between the source rocks and sandstones in the Upper Permian strata ensures that hydrocarbons have been migrated into the nearby Upper Permian sandstones,reflecting near-source hydrocarbon accumulation.Finally,the good sealing property of the Lower Triassic Qinglong Formation caprocks plays an indispensable role in hydrocarbon preservation of the Permian reservoirs.This conclusion is supported by direct oil shows,gas logging anomalous layers,and hydrocarbon-bearing fluid inclusions.  相似文献   

There were different biogeographical tintinnids in the oceans. Knowledge of their distribution pattern and mixing was important to the understanding of ecosystem functions. Yellow Sea (YS) and Bohai Sea (BS) were semi-enclosed seas influenced by warm water intrusion and YS cold bottom water. The occurrence of tintinnids in YS and BS during two cruises (summer and winter) were investigated to find out: i) whether warm-water tintinnids appeared in YS and BS; ii) whether boreal tintinnids appeared in high summer; iii) the core area of neritic tintinnids and iv) how these different biogeographical tintinnids mixed. Our results showed that tintinnid community was dominated by neritic tintinnid. We confirmed the occurrence of warm-water tintinnids in summer and winter. In summer, they intruded into BS and mainly distributed in the upper 20 m where Yellow Sea Surface Warm Water (YSSWW) developed. In winter, they were limited in the surface water of central deep region (bottom depth >50 m) of YS where were affected by Yellow Sea Warm Water (YSWW). Boreal tintinnids occurred in YS in high summer (August) and in winter, while they were not observed in BS. In summer, the highest abundance of boreal tintinnids occurred in Yellow Sea Bottom Cold Water, indicating the presence of an oversummering stock. In winter, they were concentrated in the north of YSWW. Vertically, neritic tintinnids abundance was high in the bottom layers. Horizontally, high neritic tintinnids abundance in bottom layers occurred along the 50 m isobath coinciding with the position of front systems. Front systems were the core distribution area of neritic tintinnids. High abundance areas of warm-water and boreal tintinnids were clearly separated vertically in summer, and horizontally in winter. High abundance of neritic tintinnids rarely overlapped with that of warm-water or boreal tintinnids.  相似文献   

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