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循环经济下的水资源管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
缓解能源和重要原材料供求矛盾,提高我国经济持续增长的资源保障能力,根本出路在节约利用资源,大力发展循环经济。我国面临着经济高速增长,人口、资源、环境的矛盾越来越突出,可持续发展的压力越来越大,发展循环经济具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

政策胡锦涛:要把节约能源资源放在更突出的战略位置胡锦涛在中共中央政治局第三十七次集体学习时强调,全党全社会都必须按照科学发展观的要求,充分认识建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的重要性和紧迫性,下最大决心、花最大气力抓好节约能源资源工作。“十一五”是我国全面建设小康社会、加快推进社会主义现代化的关键时期,也是加快建设资源节约型社会的重要时期。要坚持开发与节约并举、节约优先的方针,紧紧围绕实现经济增长方式的根本性转变,以提高能源资源利用效率为核心,以节能、节水、节地、节材、能源资源综合利用和发展循环经济为重点…  相似文献   

<正>发展循环经济,建设生态文明,是我们突破资源、环境瓶颈,实现可持续发展的必由之路,也是实现中国梦的必要条件和内在要求。一、推进循环经济是实现可持续发展的必备条件当前我国正处在十分重要的发展阶段,工业化、城市化进程加快,对资源能源的需求不断增加,这既是一个黄金发展时期,又是一个资源环境矛盾突出、瓶颈约束加剧的时期。我们为保持经济的较快增长付出了相当大的资源和环境代价。从资源消耗的  相似文献   

正发展循环经济,建设生态文明,是我们突破资源、环境瓶颈,实现可持续发展的必由之路,也是实现中国梦的必要条件和内在要求。一、推进循环经济是实现可持续发展的必备条件当前我国正处在十分重要的发展阶段,工业化、城市化进程加快,对资源能源的需求不断增加,这既是一个黄金发展时期,又是一个资源环境矛盾突出、瓶颈约束加剧的时期。我们为保持经济的较快增长付出了相当大的资源和环境代价。从资源消耗的  相似文献   

大力发展循环经济,建立资源节约型和环境友好型社会,是推动经济增长方式转变,从根本上缓解资源约束矛盾,减轻环境压力,统筹人与自然的和谐关系,实现我国经济社会可持续发展的必然选择。  相似文献   

大力发展循环经济广泛应用信息技术(序)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大力发展循环经济,建立资源节约型和环境友好型社会,是推动经济增长方式转变,从根本上缓解资源约束矛盾,减轻环境压力,统筹人与自然的和谐关系,实现我国经济社会可持续发展的必然选择。  相似文献   

全面落实科学发展观.进~步调整经济结构和转变经济增长方式,是实现经济社会全面协调可持续发展的根本途径。据专家测算,我国每创造1美元GDP所消耗的能源是美国的4.3倍.是日本的11.5倍。国家发展和改革委主任马凯曾给出这样的数字:改革开放以来,我们用能源消费翻一番支撑了GDP翻两番。专家测算表明.如果继续按照这种传统的发展模式实现工业化和现代化.中国的资源需求量将接近世界其他国家资源消费量的总和!这无疑是中国不能承受之重。去年,温家宝总理在政府工作报告中明确提出要”大力发展循环经济和清洁生产”。循环经济的核心是资源的循环利用和节约,最大限度地提高资源的使用效益。被河南省确定为发展循环经济试点的鹤壁市,充分利用资源优势和区域优势.延伸资源产业链,用高新技术改造传统产业,在这方面做了一些有益的尝试。  相似文献   

发展循环经济是贯彻落实科学发展观的重要内容,是转变经济增长方式的重要途径。温家宝总理在今年的政府工作报告中强调,要大力发展循环经济,从资源开采、生产消耗、废弃物利用和社会消费等环节,加快推进资源综合利用和循环利用。国土资源部肩负我国土地资源、矿产资源、海洋资源等自然资源的规划、管理、保护和合理利用的重要职责,在国土资源领域加快发展循环经济,对于贯彻落实科学发展观,提高资源对社会经济发展的保障能力,实现全面建设小康社会奋斗目标具有重要意义。  相似文献   

我国循环经济的发展基础与技术体系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
循环经济是贯彻和落实科学发展观,促进经济增长方式的转变,实现可持续发展战略目标的重要途径,本文分析了循环经济的产生和发展,分析了我国发展循环经济的紧迫性,提出循环经济的科学内涵和推动循环经济发展的若干关键。科学是第一生产力,本文特别提出加强循环经济的基础科学研究,建立循环经济技术体系,加快科技体制改革和加强循环经济科技示范区等意见。  相似文献   

矿业开发的循环经济之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“循环经济”是指在人、自然资源和科学技术的大系统内,在资源投入、企业生产、产品消费及其废弃的全过程中,把传统的依赖资源消耗的经济增长方式,转变为生态型资源循环的经济发展方式。循环经济的核心是要求在资源利用全过程中遵循“3R”原则:减量化(Reduce)原则,在生产的投入端尽可能少地输入资源;再使用(Reuse)原则,最大限度地减少废弃物排放,使废弃物资源化、无害化;再循环(Recycle)原则,实现资源产品再循环,尽可能提高资源产品的循环使用效率。  相似文献   

农业循环经济发展的热点领域与技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前,在我国农业实施循环经济已具备了切实的经济保障,但针对中国农业所面临的现状和主要技术性障碍,依然存在困难。本文在此背景之下,阐述了农业循环经济的内涵,并提出发展农业循环经济需要依靠的主要技术领域,同时指出环境保护、新能源开发、生物技术和节水农业等基础学科的发展对于实施农业循环经济的重要意义。  相似文献   

Urban comprehensive carrying capacity is an important guarantee and external representation of regional sustainable development. Based on urban comprehensive carrying capacity, this paper constructed a performance evaluation index system of urban comprehensive carrying capacity, and used entropy method, urban comprehensive carrying capacity measurement model and urban sustainable development model to measure spatial and temporal comprehensive carrying capacity of Harbin City in Heilongjiang Province from 2012 to 2017. The results show that: 1) index weight analysis suggested the regional development mode in Harbin still followed an epitaxial development mode, which pursued the expansion of scale and the growth of total amount of regional development, neglecting the effective utilization of resources and the improvement of structural benefits. 2) In the pressure system, the index of resource support has dropped sharply. The index of environmental capacity and social progress has risen circuitously, while the degree of agglomeration and the value of transportation facilities have risen steadily;in the pressure system, the index of population development and economic growth tended to fluctuate, while energy consumption and environmental pollution showed a more synchronous change in characteristics, and the livable demand remained at a high level. 3) The carrying capacity index of resources and environment in Harbin has been declining, and the acquired carrying capacity index fluctuated. The long-term regional development model has severely impaired the carrying capacity of resources and environment. 4) The comprehensive carrying capacity of Harbin has clear spatial differentiation characteristics. Finally, the paper proposes that location conditions, economic development level, government regulation, and science and technology are the main factors influencing the spatial differentiation of urban comprehensive carrying capacity.  相似文献   

Industrial transformation of Shenyang city   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Industrial transformation represents a unique economic phenomenon in China‘s regional economy,and old industrial city reconstruction has long been a key problem that affects state security. As a typical old indus-trial city in China, Shenyang established its heavy industrial city position in the First Five-year Plan period (1953-1957), and this industrial structure has been consolidated for a long time. After 1978, Shenyang began its long last-ing industrial reconstruction in an all-round way by 3 main initiatives including restructuring economic system, up-grading traditional industrial technology and developing high-tech industry. In the end of the 1990s, it could be i-dentified that remarkable structural changes took place in city economy at large as well as individual industrial sec-tor. According to the GDP proportion change, Shenyang is on the way to a high level industrial structure. The sec-ondary industry also engendered significant shifting as smelting and textile industry declined sharply but IT industry increased largely. Although the ratio of the heavy industry to the light industry changed periodically, the heavy in-dustrial output value most time kept a high proportion over 60% of the gross industrial output value in the past five decades. Shenyang has favorable conditions for developing equipment manufacturing industry, but it should carry out the program by establishing its leading role in urban economy plan, building “Theme Industrial Parks“, improv-ing Tiexi Industrial Zone, removing any kind of system barrier, enlarging private and other ownerships economy and improving technology, marketing and management by IT application. In response to economy globalization,Shenyang needs to expand the cooperation worldwide and improve the cohesion with surrounding cities.  相似文献   

 经济不均衡增长是区域发展的一种常态。分析区域经济增长时空差异及成因,对于认识和加快落后地区的经济发展具有重要的意义。本研究在GIS技术的支持下,对黄土高原地区近20年来以县市为单元的经济增长时空分异特征进行了系统的分析。主要结论有:改革开放以来,黄土高原地区的GDP水平呈现出持续的快速增长态势。近20年来,陕北和内蒙古鄂尔多斯地区增长最为迅速;人均GDP的空间分布整体上呈现出"两高一低"的带状分布格局,且这种格局明显地受到极化增长的扰动和重塑;经济增长表现出显著的极化增长特征,且经济增长极的极化作用与增长极之间地位的调整是同时进行的;与常态化的城市产业集聚推动型经济相比,机遇性的资源开发拉动型经济对人均GDP的拉动速度更快,但可持续性较差。未来,黄土高原地区应走以中心城市带动为主,以能矿产资源开发拉动为辅,两者相互促进,共同带动整个区域经济更快、更好、更可持续地发展的道路。  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization and growing size of cities will have an increasing impact on the global environment in the 21st century. As an engine of urban development to drive economic growth and technological innovations, industry has moved its focus from controlling environmental hazards to stimulating sustainable industrial development throughout the entire product lifecycle. These process- and technology-driven innovations for industrial production are prerequisites for enhancement of urban environment and sustainable development of cities. In this review, problems of environment and resources scarcity associated with rapid urbanization are demonstrated. And, on the basis of expatiations on the concepts and policies of the cleaner production (CP) and other similar initiatives with the goal of preventing pollution at the source and of managing the raw material more efficiently, two different ways to link the practice of cleaner production in industrial sector with performance of urban environment are discussed in detail. Then, the introduction, practice and legislation of CP strategies in China are outlined, and possibility for China to develop CPC (Cleaner Practices for Cities) approaches in the demonstration cities is discussed. Finally, some suggestions on implementation of CPC strategies are put forward.  相似文献   

A key target of the overall strategy implementation for regional development since the 18th Party Congress of China has involved taking measures to narrow regional disparities. This is because resource-based cities' economic development has fallen below general levels due to resource exhaustion and an unbalanced industrial structure, among other factors. Further, an economic gap has long existed between Northeast China's large number of resource-based cities and non-resource-based cities. This article comprehensively studies the economic convergence of Northeast China's resource-based cities and non-resource-based cities from 1996 to 2015 by using a dynamic panel to analyze not only the economic development of different industries and types of cities, but also the main factors that influence economic development. The empirical results demonstrate that economic convergence exists in both resource-based and non-resource-based cities, but the economic gap between them has clearly narrowed since the implementation of a strategy to revitalize the Northeast's old industrial base. Shrinking cities are the fastest to converge, as mature cities are slower and regenerating cities are the slowest; regarding industry structure, the secondary industry dominates the economy in mature and shrinking cities, and the tertiary industry in regenerating cities. The primary stimulus in resource-based cities' economic development involves upgrading the industrial structure and investing in human capital. As China faces a ‘new normal' economy, resource-based cities in Northeast China should restructure the economy and perfect their market system to avoid again widening the economic gap.  相似文献   

Based on the interprovincial panel data of 2000–2014, this paper carries out an empirical analysis on the relationship between energy abundance and economic growth to test the theoretical hypothesis of ‘resource curse' and explore its transmission mechanism for China and its three regions. The results show that, at the national level, positive correlation is present between energy abundance and economic growth, proving that the ‘resource curse' phenomenon does not exist in China as a whole. Moreover, material capital input, human capital input and the level of opening to the outside world could promote economic growth, while technology innovation input may hinder economic growth. As seen by region, a positive correlation also exists between the energy abundance and economic growth in the eastern and western regions, and there is no ‘resource curse' phenomenon either. In all three regions, the human capital input could promote economic growth. Material capital input could promote economic growth in the eastern but hinder economic growth in the western region; the level of opening to the outside world could promote economic growth in the eastern region. It is known through further survey and analysis on the transmission mechanism of resource curse that, at the national level, material capital input, human capital input, and the level of opening to the outside world present positive correlation with energy abundance, indicating that energy development becomes an important transmission factor by strengthening material capital input and human capital input and raising the level of opening to the outside world. However, technology innovation input presents negative correlation with energy development. As seen by region, both the material capital input and human capital input present positive correlation with energy development strength in the three regions. Similar as the eastern region, the level of opening to the outside world presents positive correlation with energy industry development in the middle and western regions; however, the energy development presents negative correlation with technology input level in the western region.  相似文献   


烟台市矿产资源开发利用历史悠久,历史遗留矿山数量众多,在为经济社会发展提供重要物质保障的同时,也累积了不少地质环境问题,制约了经济社会的高质量发展。该文根据最新调查成果,介绍了烟台市历史遗留矿山共有1 187座,地域上主要分布于海阳市、牟平区、栖霞市、莱州市等地,开采矿种主要为建筑或饰面用石料、金、长石等,开采方式主要为露天开采;对存在的主要矿山地质环境问题进行了阐述,主要有地形地貌景观破坏、土地资源占用破坏、矿山地质灾害等;总结分析了前期治理工作存在的治理率低、资金保障程度低、社会力量参与少、治理模式单一等主要问题;根据现状结合上级有关要求提出了责任分解落实到位、建立健全考核机制、建立联动部门协作机制、提高资金保障水平、分门别类实施治理等有关对策建议,以期烟台市能探索出一条推动矿山地质环境治理的新路径,尽快解决历史遗留矿山开发造成的地质环境问题,为生态烟台美丽烟台建设奠定良好基础。  相似文献   

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