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利用高频GPS技术进行强震地面运动监测的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
回顾了高频(1 Hz) GPS在地学应用中的研究进展和主要的数据处理方法,全面比较了高频GPS与地震仪的工作原理与性能,认为高频GPS可为后者进行有效的补充;分析了高频GPS应用于监测短周期强震地面运动的技术优势,以及在处理方法和实际的地学应用中存在的不足;通过对高频GPS的应用领域与发展前景的研究,对我国开展高频GPS数据的处理方法与地学应用研究提出了自己的观点和看法.  相似文献   

选取161条速度脉冲型近断层地震动记录,采用最小二乘法拟合得到近断层地震动抗震设计Newmark三联谱,研究了震级、场地和断层类型对近断层设计谱的影响。结果表明:大震(级)相比小震(级)的影响较为显著,大震(级)下设计谱具有更宽的加速度敏感区段,中长周期段内的反应谱谱值更高;在3类断层类型中,大震(级)下逆斜断层的反应谱加速度敏感区段最宽,谱值最大。对于近断层区域的结构在大震(级)下应该考虑增大特征周期并提高设计谱谱值,还应充分考虑逆斜断层等断层类型的影响。  相似文献   

A great number of free-field ground motion records are obtained during the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake. Records from 130 near fault free-field stations within 55 km to the causative fault surface are used as database, and characteristics of earthquake peak ground acceleration, velocity, displacement and duration are analyzed. According to this study, near fault ground motions are strongly affected by distance to fault, fault rupture directivity, site condition, as well as thrust of hanging wall. Compared with empirical strong ground motion attenuation relations used in China, US and Japan, the PGAs and PGVs recorded in this earthquake are not as large as what we have expected for a large earthquake as magnitude 7.6. However, the largest PGV and PGD worldwide were recorded in this event, which are 292 cm/s and 867 cm, respectively. Caused by nonlinear site effects of soil, peaks and corresponding ratios on E-class site were markedly different from those on other sites. Just as observed in historic earthquakes, fault rupture directivity effects caused significant differences between peaks of ground motion of two horizontal components, but took very slight effects on the duration of ground motion. The significant velocity pulses associated with large PGVs and PGDs, as well as large permanent displacements, which may result from the large thrust of the hanging wall, became the outstanding character of this event. Based on this study, we point out that 3D waveform modeling is needed to understand and predict near fault ground motion of large earthquakes.  相似文献   

近断层地震动脉冲特性在2个水平分量上具有差异,采用平方和开方法分析了近断层脉冲地震动双向地震作用下基础隔震结构和组合隔震结构的隔震层位移,并与近断层脉冲单向地震作用进行了对比分析,结果表明:若仅地震动加速度峰值大的分量或2个方向分量均存在明显速度脉冲,则产生的隔震层位移大于单向地震动;若仅地震动加速度峰值小的分量存在明...  相似文献   

根据我国川滇地区的地质地貌特征、前人地质资料和2021年漾濞MS6.4地震的震源参数初步反演结果,建立三维速度结构模型,采用三维有限差分法对漾濞地震的长周期地震动进行研究.对实际地震烈度和模拟烈度进行对比,同时在区域附近布置了36个观测点,给出其中6个观测点的三分量速度时程,并给出所有观测点阻尼比为5%的速度反应谱,结果表明:(1)模拟的速度峰值已超过25 cm/s,与实际漾濞地区附近的烈度为8度吻合;(2)受断层滑动分布影响,速度水平分量在西北方向分布范围更广,衰减速度明显慢于东南方向,并且在极震区,东北—西南方向的地震动衰减也较慢.方向性效应对峰值大小及其分布范围的影响显著;(3)观测点速度反应谱的特征周期分布在1~3 s范围内,可能会因为共振效应对区域附近的大型建筑物产生较为严重的破坏.需要对漾濞地震进行进一步研究,以期对漾濞地震的长周期地震动有更为细致的认识.  相似文献   

基于ArcView CIS软件开发平台,建立了设计地震动参数和最不利设计地震动数据库,建成了基于性态设计和考虑最不利设计地震动因素的设计地震动查询系统,该系统主要为基于PC机工作的结构抗震设计人员提供相应的设计地震动参数和最不利设计地震动的设计地震动信息查询服务。  相似文献   

Representation of near-fault pulse-type ground motions   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
Near-fault ground motions with long-period pulses have been identified as critical in the design of structures. To aid in the representation of this special type of motion, eight simple pulses that characterize the effects of either the fling-step or forward-directivity are considered. Relationships between pulse amplitudes and velocity pulse period for different pulses are discussed. Representative ratios and peak acceleration amplification can exhibit distinctive features depending on variations in pulse duration, amplitude and the selected acceleration pulse shape. Additionally, response spectral characteristics for the equivalent pulses are identified and compared in terms of fixed PGA and PGV, respectively. Response spectra are strongly affected by the duration of pulses and the shape of the basic pulses. Finally, dynamic time history response features of a damped SDOF system subjected to pulse excitations are examined. These special aspects of pulse waveforms and their response spectra should be taken into account in the estimation of ground motions for a project site close to a fault.  相似文献   

A method for generating a suite of synthetic ground motion time‐histories for specified earthquake and site characteristics defining a design scenario is presented. The method employs a parameterized stochastic model that is based on a modulated, filtered white‐noise process. The model parameters characterize the evolving intensity, predominant frequency, and bandwidth of the acceleration time‐history, and can be identified by matching the statistics of the model to the statistics of a target‐recorded accelerogram. Sample ‘observations’ of the parameters are obtained by fitting the model to a subset of the NGA database for far‐field strong ground motion records on firm ground. Using this sample, predictive equations are developed for the model parameters in terms of the faulting mechanism, earthquake magnitude, source‐to‐site distance, and the site shear‐wave velocity. For any specified set of these earthquake and site characteristics, sets of the model parameters are generated, which are in turn used in the stochastic model to generate the ensemble of synthetic ground motions. The resulting synthetic acceleration as well as corresponding velocity and displacement time‐histories capture the main features of real earthquake ground motions, including the intensity, duration, spectral content, and peak values. Furthermore, the statistics of their resulting elastic response spectra closely agree with both the median and the variability of response spectra of recorded ground motions, as reflected in the existing prediction equations based on the NGA database. The proposed method can be used in seismic design and analysis in conjunction with or instead of recorded ground motions. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new way of selecting real input ground motions for seismic design and analysis of structures based on a comprehensive method for estimating the damage potential of ground motions, which takes into consideration of various ground motion parameters and structural seismic damage criteria in terms of strength, deformation, hysteretic energy and dual damage of Park & Ang damage index. The proposed comprehensive method fully involves the effects of the intensity, frequency content and duration of ground motions and the dynamic characteristics of structures. Then, the concept of the most unfavourable real seismic design ground motion is introduced. Based on the concept, the most unfavourable real seismic design ground motions for rock, stiff soil, medium soil and soft soil site conditions are selected in terms of three typical period ranges of structures. The selected real strong motion records are suitable for seismic analysis of important structures whose failure or collapse will be avoided at a higher level of confidence during the strong earthquake, as they can cause the greatest damage to structures and thereby result in the highest damage potential from an extended real ground motion database for a given site. In addition, this paper also presents the real input design ground motions with medium damage potential, which can be used for the seismic analysis of structures located at the area with low and moderate seismicity. The most unfavourable real seismic design ground motions are verified by analysing the seismic response of structures. It is concluded that the most unfavourable real seismic design ground motion approach can select the real ground motions that can result in the highest damage potential for a given structure and site condition, and the real ground motions can be mainly used for structures whose failure or collapse will be avoided at a higher level of confidence during the strong earthquake. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

近断层强地震动场预测   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
以1997年4月11日新疆伽师地震(Mw6.1)为例,详细介绍了近断层强地震动场的预测方法.首先,用有限断层震源建模方法建立了该次地震的震源模型;然后,基于动力学拐角频率的地震动随机模拟方法,模拟了该次地震仅有主震加速度记录、且位于巨厚土层上的三个台站的加速度时程,并用实际地震记录进行了验证.在此基础上,基于预测的近断层77个节点的加速度时程的峰值绘制了该次地震的加速度场.结果表明,上述方法模拟的加速度时程在0.5 Hz以上的高频段是可行的、实用的;预测的近断层加速度场具有非常明显的上盘效应.地表最大加速度的范围与断层面上最大凹凸体位置相对应,说明与断层面上凹凸体相对应的地面上的建(构)筑物将会遭受到较为严重的震害.  相似文献   

近年来的强震地震观测资料研究显示,近断层地面运动具有区别于远场地震动的显著特征。在收集世界范围内近断层观测记录的基础上,按场地和震级进行分类,采用统计分析的方法研究了近断层地震动的峰值、反应谱谱值和持时特征。研究结果表明,由于方向性效应的影响,两个水平分量的峰值存在显著差异,反应谱的谱值更显著,震级对地震动持时的影响比断层距的影响要大得多,在此基础上,建立了近断层地震动水平向和竖向分量持时的回归关系式,并与其他研究者进行对比,说明了其合理性,为进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

We study characteristics of long-period ground motions from the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake (Mj 8.0), a large interplate earthquake, based on spatial distribution maps and attenuation relationships for four kinds of peak ground velocity (PGV) value. The first kind (PGV(WB)) is obtained from a maximal value of vector sum of the three-component, wide-band velocity seismograms, and the other three kinds (PGV(BP10), PGV(BP20), and PGV(BP30)) are obtained from a maximal value of vector sum of the three-component, narrow band-pass filtered velocity seismograms (the central periods are 10, 20, and 30 s). The spatial distribution maps for all kinds of PGV value show azimuth dependence; the PGV values in Hokkaido, northern side of the epicenter are larger than those in Tohoku, southwestern side of the epicenter, when compared at a comparable distance. We find that the features result from the radiation pattern of long-period surface waves, that is, the source effect. The attenuation relationships show the following trends: The PGV(WB) values are larger than the sum of the PGV(BP10), PGV(BP20), and PGV(BP30) at distances (D) less than 200 km, while the PGV(WB) values are comparable to the sum of the PGV(BP20) and PGV(BP30) at D > 200 km. This indicates that the PGV(WB) values at D < 200 km are affected by ground motions with periods less than 10 s, while long-period surface waves mainly contribute to the PGV(WB) values at D > 200 km. The basin site effects generate a patchy pattern in the spatial distribution maps and a large scattering in the attenuation relationships for the PGV(WB) and PGV(BP10) values. Finally, we conclude that the PGV(WB) values from the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake are controlled by the radiation pattern of long-period S and surface waves and various basin site effects.  相似文献   

Linear and non-linear responses of a two-story structural model excited by near-source fault-normal pulse and fault-parallel displacement are investigated. For the considered linear system, the multi-component differential-motion effects amplify the first-story drifts 3.0–4.0 times relative to the excitation by synchronous horizontal ground motion only. The contribution of horizontal differential ground motion to the total drift is about two thirds, and the contribution of vertical and rocking differential ground motions is about one third. For the considered nonlinear system, the effects of vertical and rocking differential ground motions become more significant for the second-story drifts. The horizontal differential ground motion amplifies the first-story drifts, but the simultaneous action of horizontal, vertical, and rocking differential ground motions can amplify the first- and second-story drifts by more than 2.0 times relative to the drifts computed for uniform horizontal ground motion only.  相似文献   

This study aims to reveal the multi-scaling behavior and quantify the irregularity of near-fault earthquake ground motions from a new perspective of multifractal theory. Based on multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis, the multifractal characteristic parameters of acceleration time series for typical near-fault ground motions are calculated, and their correlations with two period parameters (i.e., mean period Tm and characteristic period Tc) and box-counting fractal dimensions are analyzed. Numerical results of strong nonlinear dependence of generalized Hurst exponents h(q) upon the fluctuation orders q indicate that near-fault ground motions present the multifractal properties and long-range correlation obviously. Furthermore, the scaling exponent h(2) of near-fault records has a strong correlation with their periods Tm and Tc, and strongly negative correlation with their box dimension. Moreover, h(2) can be regarded as a measure of frequency content and irregularity degree of strong earthquake ground motions. Finally, it is pointed out that the long-range correlation of small and large fluctuation is the major source of multifractality of near-fault ground motions.  相似文献   

孟令媛  周龙泉  刘杰 《地震学报》2013,35(5):632-641
2013年4月20日在我国四川省雅安市芦山县发生了MS7.0地震, 破坏最严重的宝兴、 芦山等极震区烈度达到Ⅷ—Ⅸ度. 该文针对芦山MS7.0地震震源参数的特征, 结合相关经验关系, 对本次地震的震源特征进行了初步分析. 结果表明, 芦山MS7.0地震为断层动态摩擦过程中的应力下调模式. 进一步应用Brune圆盘模型对芦山MS7.0地震近场强地面运动的理论值进行估算, 并基于加速度和速度的估算结果计算极震区的最大烈度, 约为Ⅷ—X度, 与实测的极震区最大烈度Ⅸ度较为接近. 选取宝兴和芦山为特征计算点, 构建动态复合震源模型, 对近断层区域内宝兴和芦山两个特征点进行了模拟计算. 模拟结果显示, 近断层区域强地面运动呈现持续时间短、 高频成分多等特征.   相似文献   

The Mw 7.1 earthquake of November 12, 1999 severely damageda 2.5 km long viaduct on a stretch under construction of theIstanbul-Ankara motorway, 18 km W of Bolu. The fault rupture crossedthe viaduct with an observed offset close to 1.5 m; the viaduct decksuffered large permanent displacements but did not collapse.Seismic hazard at the site appears to be governed by characteristicearthquakes occurring every few hundred years both on the Düzce faultand on the main stretch of North Anatolian fault (NAF). Smaller activefaults near the site also contribute to the hazard.We investigate how a reliable design response spectrum of displacement canbe constructed for the viaduct site using both probabilistic and deterministictools. After checking the applicability of known attenuation relations againstrecorded data, we illustrate a hazard analysis that incorporates acharacteristic earthquake model for the relevant faults, and accounts forstatistical directivity effects on the Düzce fault. Constant-risk responsespectra up to 3 s are thus obtained for different return periods. Syntheticmotions at the site are generated next, using a known source model, inorder to explore the features of the displacement response spectrum atvibration periods in the range between 1s and 6 s, in which the dominantresponse of the viaduct deck, uncoupled from the piers, occurs. Adiscussion of results follows.  相似文献   

In displacement-based seismic design, inelastic displacement ratio spectra (IDRS) are particularly useful for estimating the maximum lateral inelastic displacement demand of a nonlinear SDOF system from the maximum elastic displacement demand of its counterpart linear elastic SDOF system. In this study, the characteristics of IDRS for near-fault pulse-type ground motions are investigated based on a great number of earthquake ground motions. The in? uence of site conditions, ratio of peak ground velocity (PGV) to peak ground acceleration (PGA), the PGV, and the maximum incremental velocity (MIV) on IDRS are also evaluated. The results indicate that the effect of near-fault ground motions on IDRS are signifi cant only at periods between 0.2 s - 1.5 s, where the amplifi cation can approach 20%. The PGV/PGA ratio has the most signifi cant in? uence on IDRS among the parameters considered. It is also found that site conditions only slightly affect the IDRS.  相似文献   

The seismic response of any system that accumulates damage under cyclic loading is dependent not only on the maximum amplitude of the motion but also its duration. This is explicitly recognized in methods for estimating the liquefaction potential of soil deposits. Many researchers have proposed that the effective number of cycles of the ground motion is a more robust indicator of the destructive capacity of the shaking than the duration. However, as is the case with strong‐motion duration, there is no universally accepted approach to determining the effective number of cycles of motion, and the different methods that have been proposed can give widely varying results for a particular accelerogram. Definitions of the effective number of cycles of motion are reviewed, classified and compared. Measurements are found to differ particularly for accelerograms with broad‐banded frequency content, which contain a significant number of non‐zero crossing peaks. The key seismological parameters influencing the number of cycles of motion and associated equations for predicting this quantity for future earthquakes are identified. Correlations between cycle counts and different duration measures are explored and found to be rather poor in the absence of additional parameters. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake (M w 8.0) in northern Japan generated large-amplitude long-period (4–8 s) ground motions in the Yufutsu sedimentary basin, causing severe damage to seven large oil storage tanks with floating roof structures because of severe sloshing of oil. The 30,000–40,000-m3 tanks having suffered the severe damage such as fires and sinking of floating roofs experienced the sloshing with large amplitudes exceeding 3 m in which the fundamental mode was predominant. The second mode of sloshing was also excited in the 110,000-m3 tanks in which their floating roofs sank into oil, indicating that the higher modes of sloshing as well as the fundamental mode should be considered in damage prediction. The strong ground motion recordings demonstrated the earthquake dependency of predominant periods and the substantial spatial variation of the long-period shaking observed within the Yufutsu basin, meaning the necessity of source- and site-specific prediction of long-period strong ground motions. The two-dimensional numerical modeling suggested the importance of detailed structures of soft near-surface sediments as well as deep basin structure for accurate prediction of long-period strong ground motions in deep sedimentary basins.  相似文献   

汶川地震近场加速度基本参数的方向性特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
胡进军  谢礼立 《地球物理学报》2011,54(10):2581-2589
以2008年5月12日的MS8.0级汶川地震强震记录为基础,根据场地条件和断层距,选取198组三分量近场加速度记录,按照台站相对于破裂传播方向的位置将其划分为破裂前方和破裂后方两类场点.为了考虑破裂传播的方向性和地震辐射图对地震动不同分量的影响,将每组地震动的两个正交水平分量旋转成为垂直断层走向和平行断层走向的分量,然后分别对破裂前、后方向上的垂直断层、平行断层和竖向分量地震动的三个基本工程参数——峰值、反应谱和持时进行定量对比和分析.研究结果表明,汶川地震中地震动的峰值、反应谱和持时均显示出了明显的方向性特征:(1) 在峰值方面,破裂前方场点的峰值明显大于破裂后方的峰值,而且破裂前、后方的峰值差别随着断层距的增大而逐渐减小;(2) 在反应谱方面,在反应谱的各个自振周期段,破裂前方的平均反应谱明显高于破裂后方的平均反应谱,并且当周期大于2 s时,破裂前、后方反应谱谱比最高可以达4倍左右;(3) 在持时方面,破裂后方场点的持时明显大于破裂前方的持时,差别也可达数倍.因此,虽然汶川地震是一次以逆冲为主兼具右旋走滑的地震,但是由于此次地震以单侧破裂为主,破裂传播的方向性使得近场地震动的峰值、反应谱和持时三个基本参数中均体现出了明显的方向性特征.  相似文献   

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