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Metapelites and intercalated metapegmatites of the Saualpe crystalline basement, which forms part of the Austroalpine nappe complex in the Eastern Alps, display a polyphase tectonometamorphic history. Here, we focus on the evolution that these rocks underwent prior to Cretaceous (eo‐Alpine) high‐pressure metamorphism and related penetrative deformation. Geothermobarometry on coarse‐grained porphyroclastic parageneses (garnet–biotite–muscovite–plagioclase–sillimanite–quartz), which occur as relics in kyanite–garnet, two‐mica gneiss, yielded 600 °C/0.4 GPa. Results from a corundum‐bearing lithology suggest that higher temperatures may have been reached in very restricted areas. The matrix of these rocks displays intense recrystallization during a pressure‐dominated metamorphic overprint. Microstructures and mineral chemistry indicate that this low‐pressure metamorphism was the first significant metamorphic imprint in these rocks. Mineral relics in all metapelitic rock types reflect low‐pressure conditions for this interkinematic crystallization phase. The distribution, macroscopic and microscopic observations and the mineralogical composition of intercalated metapegmatites point to regionally elevated temperature conditions during their emplacement. Therefore, pegmatite formation is correlated with mineral formation in metapelites. Sm–Nd‐dating of magmatic garnet from the pegmatite gneiss yielded 249 ± 3 Ma, which is interpreted to represent the age of pegmatite‐emplacement and low‐pressure metamorphism in the metapelites. Since the pegmatites are overprinted by mylonitisation and high‐pressure metamorphism, this Permo–Triassic age also sets an upper age‐limit to the eclogite facies metamorphic event, which affected considerable parts of the Saualpe crystalline basement.  相似文献   

Sm–Nd, Lu–Hf, Rb–Sr and SIMS U–Pb data are presented for meta‐gabbroic eclogites from the eclogite type‐locality ( Haüy, 1822 ) Kupplerbrunn–Prickler Halt and other areas of the Saualpe (SE Austria) and Pohorje Mountains (Slovenia). Mg‐rich eclogites derived from early gabbroic cumulates are kyanite‐ and zoisite rich, whereas eclogites with lower Mg contents contain clinozoisite ± kyanite. Calculated PT conditions at the final stages of high‐pressure metamorphism are 2.2 ± 0.2 GPa at 630–740 °C. Kyanite‐rich eclogites did not yield geologically meaningful Sm–Nd ages due to incomplete Nd isotope equilibration, whereas Sm–Nd multifraction garnet–omphacite regression for a low‐Mg eclogite from Kupplerbrunn yields an age of 91.1 ± 1.3 Ma. The Sm–Nd age of 94.1 ± 0.8 Ma obtained from the Fe‐rich core fraction of this garnet dates the initial stages of garnet growth. Zircon that also crystallized at eclogite facies conditions gives a weighted mean U–Pb SIMS age of 88.4 ± 8.1 Ma. Lu–Hf isotope analysis of a kyanite–eclogite from Kupplerbrunn yields 88.4 ± 4.7 Ma for the garnet–omphacite pair. Two low‐Mg eclogites from the Gertrusk locality of the Saualpe yield a multimineral Sm–Nd age of 90.6 ± 1.0 Ma. A low‐Mg eclogite from the Pohorje Mountains (70 km to the SE) gives a garnet–whole‐rock Lu–Hf age of 93.3 ± 2.8 Ma. These new age data and published Sm–Nd ages of metasedimentary host rocks constrain the final stages of the eo‐Alpine high‐pressure event in the Saualpe–Pohorje part of the south‐easternmost Austroalpine nappe system suggesting that garnet growth in the high‐pressure assemblages started at c. 95–94 Ma and ceased at c. 90–88 Ma, probably at the final pressure peak. Zircon and amphibole crystallization was still possible during incipient isothermal decompression. Rapid exhumation of the high‐pressure rocks was induced by collision of the northern Apulian plate with parts of the Austroalpine microplate, following Jurassic closure of the Permo‐Triassic Meliata back‐arc basin.  相似文献   

Sm–Nd garnet‐whole rock geochronology, phase equilibria, and thermobarometry results from Garnet Ledge, south‐eastern Alaska, provide the first precisely constrained P–T–t path for garnet zone contact metamorphism. Garnet cores from two crystals and associated whole rocks yield a four point isochron age for initial garnet growth of 89.9 ± 3.6 Ma. Garnet rims and matrix minerals from the same samples yield a five point isochron age for final garnet growth of 89 ± 1 Ma. Six size fractions of zircon from the adjacent pluton yield a concordant U–Pb age of 91.6 ± 0.5 Ma. The garnet core and rim, and zircon ages are compatible with single‐stage garnet growth during and/or after pluton emplacement. All garnet core–whole rock and garnet rim‐matrix data from the two samples constrain garnet growth duration to ≤5.5 my. A garnet mid‐point and the associated matrix from one of the two garnet crystals yield an age of 90.0 ± 1.0 Ma. This mid‐point result is logically younger than the 90.7 ± 5.6 Ma core–whole rock age and older than the 88.4 ± 2.5 Ma rim‐matrix age for this sample. A MnNaCaKFMASH phase diagram (P–T pseudosection) and the garnet core composition are used to predict that cores of garnet crystals grew at 610 ± 20 °C and 5 ± 1 kbar. This exceeds the temperature of the garnet‐in reaction by c. 50 °C and is compatible with overstepping of the garnet growth reaction during contact metamorphism. Intersection of three reactions involving garnet‐biotite‐sillimanite‐plagioclase‐quartz calculated by THERMOCALC in average P–T mode, and exchange thermobarometry were used to estimate peak metamorphic conditions of 678 ± 58 °C at 6.1 ± 0.9 kbar and 685 ± 50 °C at 6.3 ± 1 kbar, respectively. Integration of pressure, temperature, and age estimates yields a pressure‐temperature‐time path compatible with near isobaric garnet growth over an interval of c. 70 °C and c. 2.3 my.  相似文献   

Southwest Japan is divided into Outer and Inner Zones by the Median Tectonic Line (MTL), a major transcurrent fault. The Outer Zone is composed of the Sambagawa (high-pressure intermediate or high P/T type metamorphism), Chichibu and Shimanto Belts. In the Inner Zone, the Ryoke Belt (andalusite– sillimanite or low P/T type metamorphism) was developed mainly within a Jurassic accretionary complex. This spatial relationship between high P/T type and low P/T type metamorphic belts led Miyashiro to the idea that metamorphic belts were developed as ‘paired’ systems. Textural relationships and petrogenetically significant mineral assemblages in pelites from the Ryoke Belt imply peak PT conditions of ≈5 kbar and up to 850 °C in migmatitic garnet–cordierite rocks from the highest-grade metamorphic zone. It is likely that the thermal anomaly responsible for metamorphism of the Ryoke Belt was related to a segment of the Farallon–Izanagi Ridge as it subducted under the eastern margin of the Asian continent during the Cretaceous. The sequence of mineral assemblages developed in pelites implies a metamorphic field gradient with shallow dP/dT slope, inferred to have been generated by a nested set of hairpin-like ‘clockwise’PT paths. These PT paths are characterized by limited prograde thickening, minor decompression at peak-T , and near-isobaric cooling, features that may be typical of PT paths in low P/T type metamorphic belts caused by ridge subduction. A ridge subduction model for the Ryoke Belt implies that juxtaposition of the high-P/T metamorphic rocks of the Sambagawa Belt against it was a result of terrane amalgamation. Belt-parallel ductile stretching, recorded as syn-metamorphic, predominantly constrictional strain in both Ryoke and Sambagawa Belt rocks, and substantial sinistral displacement on the MTL are consistent with left-lateral oblique convergence. Diachroneity in fast cooling of the Ryoke Belt is implied by extant thermochronological data, and is inferred to relate to progressive SW to NE docking of the Sambagawa Belt. Thus, an alternative interpretation of ‘paired’ metamorphic belts in Japan is that they represent laterally contemporaneous terranes, rather than outboard and inboard components of a trench/arc ‘paired’ system. Amalgamation of laterally contemporaneous terranes during large translations of forearcs along continental margins may explain other examples of ‘paired’ metamorphic belts in the geological record.  相似文献   

New single-grain and within-grain U-Pb zircon ages from the central Tauern Window help sorting out the time dimension among the various Variscan and pre-Variscan basement components that were strongly overprinted by Alpine orogeny. Single-grain isotope dilution (ID-TIMS) U-Pb zircon geochronology of three Basisamphibolit samples yield protolith formation ages of 351±2, 349±1 and 343±1 Ma. Laser ablation ICP-MS and ID-TIMS U-Pb detrital zircon dating of the Biotitporphyroblastenschiefer constrained the maximum time of sedimentation to between 362±6 Ma and 368±17 Ma. Paragneisses from the Zwölferzug yield maximum sedimentation ages from 345±5 Ma (ion microprobe data) to 358±10 Ma. Zircons from gabbroic clasts and detrital zircons from a meta-agglomerate from the Habach Phyllite give an upper intercept age of 536±8 Ma and a near-concordant age of 506±9 Ma, respectively. Hence, apart from the Habach Phyllite, the maximum sedimentation ages of the metasediments investigated range from Upper Devonian to Lower Carboniferous. Consequently, the Basisamphibolit, the Biotitporphyroblastenschiefer, and the paragneisses of the Zwölferzug form parts of the Variscan basement series. The Basisamphibolit (351-343 Ma) is distinct both in space and time of formation from the Zwölferzug garnet amphibolite (c. 486 Ma), which forms part of the pre-Variscan basement.  相似文献   

Raman microspectroscopy on carbonaceous material (RSCM) from the eastern Tauern Window indicates contrasting peak‐temperature patterns in three different fabric domains, each of which underwent a poly‐metamorphic orogenic evolution: Domain 1 in the northeastern Tauern Window preserves oceanic units (Glockner Nappe System, Matrei Zone) that attained peak temperatures (Tp) of 350–480 °C following Late Cretaceous to Palaeogene nappe stacking in an accretionary wedge. Domain 2 in the central Tauern Window experienced Tp of 500–535 °C that was attained either within an exhumed Palaeogene subduction channel or during Oligocene Barrovian‐type thermal overprinting within the Alpine collisional orogen. Domain 3 in the Eastern Tauern Subdome has a peak‐temperature pattern that resulted from Eo‐Oligocene nappe stacking of continental units derived from the distal European margin. This pattern acquired its presently concentric pattern in Miocene time due to post‐nappe doming and extensional shearing along the Katschberg Shear Zone System (KSZS). Tp values in the largest (Hochalm) dome range from 612 °C in its core to 440 °C at its rim. The maximum peak‐temperature gradient (≤70 °C km?1) occurs along the eastern margin of this dome where mylonitic shearing of the Katschberg Normal Fault (KNF) significantly thinned the Subpenninic‐ and Penninic nappe pile, including the pre‐existing peak‐temperature gradient.  相似文献   

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