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We investigate the effect of asymmetric supernova explosions on the orbital parameters of binary systems with a compact component. We relate such explosions to the origin of binary pulsars. The degree of asymmetry of the explosion is represented by the kick velocity gained by the exploding star due to the asymmetric mass ejection. The required kick velocity to produce the observed parameters of the binary pulsar PSR 1913+16 should be larger than 80 km s–1 if the mass of the exploding star is larger than 4M . We examine the mean survival probability of the binary system (<f>) for various degrees of asymmetry in the explosion. The rare occurrence of a binary pulsar does not necessarily imply that such a probability is low since not all pulsars have originated in a binary system. Assuming the birth rate of pulsars derived by Taylor and Manchester (1977), we derive that <f> would be as high as 0.25. Such values of <f> can be obtained if the mass of the exploding stars is, in general, not large (10M ).  相似文献   

Effects of the phase transitions of superdense matter on supernova explosions are investigated with the aid of an idealized equation of state on the assumptions of adiabatic collapse. It is found that in the case of strong phase transitions explosions become weaker, while in the case of weak phase transitions explosions become stronger. However, the increment of the ejected energy is not so large as suggested by Migdalet al. (1979).Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.  相似文献   

Between 1972 and 1975 an international collaborative search was carried out for prompt 10 GHz emission at the onset of supernovae. The motivations and techniques involved in this effort are described, and the results of the three years' work are summarized. No pulses from supernovae were detected, the best upper limit being 4×1043 ergs in a 40 MHz band at 10 GHz for a pulse time-scale 0.5 s. Methods for improving this limit are briefly described.  相似文献   

In the starburst-warmers scenario, we have used a supernova (SN) explosion model to construct theoretical light curves for active galactic nuclei (AGN). The ionizing flux, in this model, should show variability according to the SN rate in the galaxy.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   

We aim to understand the properties at the locations of supernova(SN) explosions in their host galaxies and compare with the global properties of these host galaxies. We use the integral field spectrograph(IFS) of Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory(MaNGA) to generate 2 D maps of the parameter properties for 11 SN host galaxies. The sample galaxies are analyzed one by one in detail in terms of their properties of velocity field, star formation rate, oxygen abundance, stellar mass, etc.This sample of SN host galaxies has redshifts around z~0.03, which is higher than those of previous related works. The higher redshift distribution allows us to obtain the properties of more distant SN host galaxies. Metallicity(gas-phase oxygen abundance) estimated from integrated spectra can represent the local metallicity at SN explosion sites with small bias. All the host galaxies in our sample are metal-rich galaxies(12+log(O/H) 8.5) except for NGC 6387, which means SNe may be more inclined to explode in metallicity-rich galaxies. There is a positive relation between global gas-phase oxygen abundance and the stellar mass of host galaxies. We also try to compare the differences of the host galaxies between SNe Ia and SNe II. In our sample, both SNe Ia and SNe II can explode in normal galaxies, but SNe II can also explode in an interacting or a merging system, in which star formation is occurring in the galaxy.  相似文献   

The effects of ion screening in stellar core collapses are investigated based on a new progenitor star model.Simulation results show that ion screening slightly affects the leptons and decreases explosion energy,which is a negative factor for energy transfer supernova explosions.We also investigate the effect on type Ⅱ-supernova explosions of neutrino-nucleus elastic scattering based on the new progenitor star model.It is shown that,compared with the previously calculated results,neutrinos-nucleus elastic scattering in stellar core collapses is more severe,leading to an obvious reduction of the neutrino leakage energy loss and an increase of supernova explosion energy.  相似文献   

We present stellar evolution calculations for Population III stars for both single- and binary-star evolutions. Our models include 10- and  16.5-M  single stars and a  10-M  model star that undergoes an episode of accretion resulting in a final mass of  16.1 M  . For comparison, we present the evolution of a solar heavy element abundance model. We use the structure from late-stage evolution models to calculate simulated supernova light curves. Light curve comparisons are made between accretion and non-accretion progenitor models, and models for single-star evolution of comparable masses. Where possible, we make comparisons to previous works. Similar investigations have been carried out, but primarily for solar or near-solar heavy metal abundance stars and not including both the evolution and the supernova explosions in one work.  相似文献   

We analyze the nonresonant generation of large-scale magnetic inhomogeneities near a shock front by accelerated particles. The MHD disturbances are generated by the electric current excited by relativistic particles in the preshock medium in the presence of weak large-scale density inhomogeneities. The MHD modes considered can be amplified by other resonant and nonresonant mechanisms related to the presence of relativistic particles. We estimate the magnetic fields and the energies to which charged particles can be accelerated in different phases of the interstellar medium by taking into account the random magnetic fields generated by the mechanism considered.  相似文献   

The possibility of cosmic-ray (CR) acceleration to energies above 109 GeV per nucleus in extended Galactic OB associations is analyzed. A two-stage acceleration mechanism is justified: at the first stage, the acceleration by separate shock fronts from spatially and temporally correlated supernovae explosions takes place, and, at the second stage, the Fermi acceleration by supersonic turbulence in an extended, strongly perturbed region near the OB association takes place. We calculate the CR energy spectrum, the change in CR chemical composition with energy, and the energy dependence of the mean logarithm of atomic mass, ?lnA?, for the accelerated particles. The calculated values are compared with those observed near the break in the energy spectrum. We estimate the turbulence parameters, which allow the observed features of the energy spectrum and the CR enrichment with heavy elements to be explained.  相似文献   

Based on RATAN-600 21-cm line observations with an angular resolution of 2.4′ over a wide range of radial velocities, we analyze the neutral-hydrogen distribution in the region of the SNR G78.2+2.1. In addition to an H I shell at low radial velocities immediately surrounding the radio remnant, we detected an extended expanding H I shell, ≈3° in diameter, at a radial velocity of ?25 km s?1, which closely coincides in coordinates and angular sizes with the outer X-ray shell discovered by Lozinskaya et al. (2000). The Hα emission studied by these authors in the SNR region also has a secondary peak at radial velocities from ?45 to ?20 km s?1. Since the radial velocities of these two objects differ significantly, their distances can be assumed to differ as well; i.e., a chance projection of two distinct objects is observed.  相似文献   

Theoretically expected natures of a supernova (SN) driven by a wind/jet are discussed. Approximate analytical formulations are derived to clarify basic physical processes involved in the wind/jet-driven explosions, and it is shown that the explosion properties are characterized by the energy injection rate     and the mass injection rate     . To explain observations of Supernova 1998bw associated with gamma-ray burst (GRB) 980425, the following conditions are required:     and     (if the wind Lorentz factor  Γw∼ 1  ) or     (if  Γw≫ 1  ). In Supernova 1998bw, 56Ni  (∼0.4 M)  is probably produced in the shocked stellar mantle, not in the wind. The expected natures of SNe, e.g. ejected 56Ni mass and ejecta mass, vary depending on     and     . The sequence of the SN properties from high     and     to low     and     is as follows: Supernova 1998bw-like – intermediate case – low mass ejecta  (≲1 M)  where 56Ni is from the wind – whole collapse. This diversity may explain the diversity of SNe associated with GRBs. Our result can be used to constrain natures of the wind/jet, which are linked to the central engine of GRBs, by studying properties of the associated SNe.  相似文献   

A.G.W. Cameron  J.W. Truran 《Icarus》1977,30(3):447-461
It is suggested that the explosion of a Type II supernova triggered the collapse of a nearby interstellar cloud and led to the formation of the solar system. Estimates of the abundances resulting from nuclear processing of the supernova ejecta are presented. It appears promising that nucleosynthesis in this single supernova event can account for most isotopic anomalies and traces of extinct radioactivities in solar system material.  相似文献   

A method is derived for determining the dependence of radar backscatter on incidence angle that is applicable to the region corresponding to a particular radar image. The method is based on enforcing mathematical consistency between the frequency distribution of the image's pixel signals (histogram of DN values with suitable normalizations) and a one-dimensional frequency distribution of slope component, as might be obtained from a radar or laser altimetry profile in or near the area imaged. In order to achieve a unique solution, the auxiliary assumption is made that the two-dimensional frequency distribution of slope is isotropic. The backscatter is not derived in absolute units. The method is developed in such a way as to separate the reflectance function from the pixel-signal transfer characteristic. However, these two sources of variation are distinguishable only on the basis of a weak dependence on the azimuthal component of slope; therefore such an approach can be expected to be ill-conditioned unless the revision of the transfer characteristic is limited to the determination of an additive instrumental background level. The altimetry profile does not have to be registered in the image, and the statistical nature of the approach minimizes pixel noise effects and the effects of a disparity between the resolutions of the image and the altimetry profile, except in the wings of the distribution where low-number statistics preclude accuracy anyway. The problem of dealing with unknown slope components perpendicular to the profiling traverse, which besets the one-to-one comparison between individual slope components and pixel-signal values, disappears in the present approach.In order to test the resulting algorithm, an artificial radar image was generated from the digitized topographic map of the Lake Champlain West quadrangle in the Adirondack Mountains, U.S.A., using an arbitrarily selected reflectance function. From the same map, a one-dimensional frequency distribution of slope component was extracted. The algorithm recaptured the original reflectance function to the degree that, for the central 90% of the data, the discrepancy translates to a RMS slope error of 0.1 . For the central 99% of the data, the maximum error translates to 1 ; at the absolute extremes of the data the error grows to 6 .  相似文献   

We have investigated a simple model for the effects of a central pulsar on the expansion of supernova shells. Some numerical results relevant to the Crab Nebula are also reported.  相似文献   

The Chinese first reported the Crab Nebula supernova on 1054 July 5. Ecclesiastical documents from the near east reported it in April and May of 1054. More than 33 petroglyphs made by Native Americans in the US and Mexico are consistent with sightings both before and after conjunction with the Sun on 1054 May 27. We found a petroglyph showing the new star close to Venus and the Moon, which occurred on 1054 April 12 and April 13, respectively. Collins et al., using the four historical dates, derived a light curve that is like that of a Type Ia supernova. The only remaining problem with this identification is that this supernova was near maximum light for 85 d, which is unlike the behavior of any known supernova.  相似文献   

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