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埃达克岩与Cu-Au成矿作用:有待深入研究的岩浆成矿关系   总被引:48,自引:19,他引:29  
研究表明,环太平洋地区新生代斑岩铜矿和浅成热液金矿与同期的埃达克质岩浆活动存在密切的时空与成因联系。埃达克岩是许多世界级的斑岩铜矿的容矿岩,也是许多浅成热液矿化系统的成矿母岩浆。根据目前的研究,二者成因联系可能在于埃达克质岩浆的富流体、高氧逸度和基性源岩等固有属性,有利于Cu、Au等深源金属元素的萃取与富集成矿一因此,这可能是一种潜在的岩浆成矿专属性关系,但对产生这种关系的原因与机制仍然不十分清楚。这有待于今后深入开展成矿与无矿的埃达克岩、成矿的埃达克岩与非埃达克岩、无矿的埃达克岩与非埃达克岩等方面的对比研究,以揭示这种成矿专属性的本质。  相似文献   

西藏冈底斯地块中新生代中酸性侵入岩浆活动与构造演化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
冈底斯地块上的中新生代中酸性岩浆活动,是北部班公湖-怒江和南部雅鲁藏布两个特提斯演化及其后的陆内汇聚碰撞造山和后造山伸展等大地构造事件的完整记录.地块上的中酸性岩浆活动可划分为3个带,其中北部岩带岩浆岩形成于燕山期,其类型从早期的Ⅰ型到中期的过渡型演化为晚期的S型,分别形成于板块俯冲-缝合-碰撞等构造条件下,是北部班公湖-怒江特提斯演化的集中反映.中部和南部岩浆岩带则集中体现了雅鲁藏布特提斯时空演化的完整经历.其中,南部岩带岩体以燕山晚期为主,喜马拉雅早期次之,成因及形成环境与特提斯洋壳向北俯冲作用密切相关(燕山晚期),同时俯冲结束后的同碰撞条件下的岩浆活动在该岩带内也有明显的反映(喜马拉雅早期);中部岩带岩体以喜马拉雅早期为主,燕山晚期次之.岩体大部分为同碰撞环境下岩浆活动的产物,它表征了随着洋壳板块向北俯冲程度的加深和强度的加剧,岩浆活动中心在不断向北迁移,并最终缝合碰撞的过程.因此该岩带内岩浆岩主要形成于俯冲的晚阶段及缝合后的同碰撞条件下.喜马拉雅晚期的小斑岩体实际上广泛出露于整个冈底斯地块上,它反映的是该区在经历了碰撞造山后发生的陆内伸展的构造过程.  相似文献   

第三纪富金斑岩型铜矿床主要发育于板块汇聚边缘与俯冲作用相关的火山-岩浆弧以及陆缘弧中,而大多数较古老的富金斑岩型铜矿床则主要发育于向大陆边缘增生的岛弧环境中.含矿斑岩的岩性变化范围从低钾钙碱性闪长岩、石英闪长岩和英云闪长岩到高钾钙碱性石英二长岩到碱性的二长岩及正长岩,通常侵位于地壳浅部l~2km处,与同期的火山岩密切共生,并常见热液爆破角砾岩.其围岩蚀变从早到晚依次可分为Ca-Na硅酸盐蚀变、K硅酸盐蚀变、中级泥质蚀变、绢云母化、高级泥质蚀变,而浅部的高级泥质蚀变可以与早期K硅酸盐蚀变同期形成.Cu、Au矿化主要发育在K硅酸盐蚀变带中,矿化与A型脉密切相关,贫钼而富铂族元素.控制富金斑岩型铜矿床形成的几个关键过程包括:(1)源区有大量的Cu、Au等成矿元素;(2)能使Cu、Au等成矿物质有效进入岩浆熔体的机制;(3)合成矿元素的岩浆熔体在从地幔上升到地壳高侵位而形成斑岩体的过程中没有Cu、Au等成矿物质损失;(4)在岩浆上升演化过程中,岩浆挥发份能有效的逸出,并且逸出的时间越早,对成矿越有利;(5)Cu、Au等成矿元素能有效进入岩浆挥发份;(6)在成矿斑岩体上部发育有利的相对封闭机制,阻止岩浆挥发份的逃逸;(7)含Cu、Au成矿流体的有效沉淀机制;(8)具有一个地壳上部的岩浆房,能够不断提供成矿物质和驱动热液循环的热能.要形成大型矿床一般需要多期岩浆脉动侵位与多期矿化热液蚀变事件的叠加.现多倾向认为交代的地幔楔可能是其主要物质来源.而有利于富金斑岩型铜矿床形成的岩浆有钾质钙碱性岩浆、埃达克质岩浆、碱性弧岩浆.俯冲板片脱水形成的流体或者熔融产生熔体提供了上覆地幔楔熔融的高氧逸度条件,这种高氧逸度特征是地幔源区Cu、Au成矿元素能否进入岩浆熔体的重要条件之一.最近研究表明流体的冷却可能是Cu、Au沉淀成矿最主要的因素.本文扼要介绍了富金斑岩型铜矿的矿床地质特征、矿床成因等方面的研究进展,分析了存在的主要问题并对其发展趋势作了展望.  相似文献   

华南中新生代构造-岩浆活动驱动机制与铀成矿研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
华南地区大规模金属成矿作用主要发生在中生代,区内的铀成矿作用明显不同于其它金属的成矿作用,如成矿时代上从中生代延续到新生代、矿岩时差大、铀矿聚集分布、铀源及矿化剂具慢源性等。基于众多铀成矿理论,从构造一岩浆活动的驱动力与铀成矿的关系出发,系统总结华南中新生代构造一岩浆活动与铀成矿的关系,认为当前华南铀成矿的动力学观点有四个,即构造体制转换铀成矿观、热点(地慢柱)铀成矿观、幔汁活动铀成矿观、原地重熔铀成矿观。  相似文献   

石准立  张永利 《现代地质》1992,6(4):444-457
作者以野外工作为基础,通过对本区侵入体侵入顺序的确定,结合岩浆起源和演化的研究,将鄂东南—赣西北地区中生代中酸性侵入体划分为9个单元、4个超单元。主要根据岩浆岩与成矿的时间关系,将本区内生成矿作用划分为8个成矿阶段并查明了其与岩浆岩单元的时间、空间关系。依据控制成矿作用的岩浆物质同源性,建立了与超单元相对应的5个成矿亚系列。通过区域构造演化的研究,提出了本区导岩构造的演化控制了不同构造阶段岩浆岩单元的空间分布,从而总结和阐明了受本区岩浆侵入所控制的铁、铜矿床的空间分布规律。  相似文献   

赵家湾—欧阳山地区位于阳新岩体的西南缘,目前已发现两个矽卡岩型铜矿床,主要产于阳新岩体主接触带或围岩旁侧的大理岩捕掳体内,控矿地层主要为上石炭统黄龙组和下二叠统栖霞组碳酸盐岩地层。区内NW向断裂和褶皱构造分别控制着阳新岩体的边界和地层的展布,主接触带构造、捕掳体构造和大理岩层间破碎带进一步控制着矿体的具体产出部位和形态。文章在总结典型矿床地质特征的基础上,结合区域成矿作用,分析了阳新岩体深部岩浆岩演化和浅部侵入成矿过程,讨论了岩浆侵位与矿体组合类型之间的关系,提出了以“带”找“体”或以“体”找“带”的缺位找矿思路,并指出下一步的找矿方向。  相似文献   

刘俊来  季雷  倪金龙  陈小宇 《地质学报》2022,96(10):3360-3380
早白垩世时期华北克拉通的演化为探索大陆再造提供了典型案例,强烈地壳伸展、岩石圈减薄及克拉通破坏的机理及动力学长期以来一直是争议的焦点。早白垩世岩石圈伸展形成了包括辽南和五莲变质核杂岩在内的地壳伸展构造组合,同时伴随着巨量壳- 幔岩浆活动性,这些构造- 岩浆活动是克拉通岩石圈壳- 幔耦合拆离与解耦拆离作用的结果,可以用克拉通岩石圈壳- 幔拆离模型(parallel extension tectonics)解释。与此同时,具有相似特点(时间、几何学、运动学和动力学)的构造- 岩浆活动遍布包含东北亚、中国华北和华南及俄罗斯远东地区等在内的整个欧亚大陆东部地区,反映在统一构造环境中发展和演化的本质,而华北克拉通成为早白垩世欧亚大陆东部地区岩石圈伸展的典型案例。广布的早白垩世伸展构造东侧紧邻古太平洋板块俯冲作用形成的陆缘增生杂岩带,构成独特的古太平洋型活动大陆边缘。这种大陆边缘保留和记录了与现今西太平洋型和安第斯型活动大陆边缘全然不一致的构造特点,包含增生杂岩(海沟增生楔处)与面状伸展构造域两个构造要素,但缺乏典型的大规模岩浆弧的存在。地幔分层对流对于古太平洋- 欧亚大陆间洋陆相互作用、大陆岩石圈伸展、克拉通岩石圈减薄与破坏提供了重要动力来源,而板块边缘力起着重要的辅助作用。  相似文献   

埃达克岩与皖中沙溪斑岩铜矿的成矿作用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
埃达克岩是一组从安山质到长英质系列岩石,具有高硅(≥56%)、富钠(3.5%≥Na2O≥7.5%)及低的K2O/Na2O(~0.42),高Mg#(~0.51)和高Ni(20×10-6~40×10-6和Cr(30×10-6~50×10-6)的岩浆岩;其主要特点还有高锶(>400×10-6,最高可以达到3000×10-6,轻重稀土强烈分异((La/Yb)N>10)以及非常低的重稀土元素含量(Yb<1.8×10-6,Y≤18×10-6,具有明显Nb、Ta负异常的火山岩和侵入岩.埃达克岩构造环境仍存在很多争议.主要的观点:(1)年轻的俯冲洋壳(<25 Ma)在俯冲过程中脱水熔融;2)加厚下地壳环境下的镁铁质下地壳(如榴辉岩和石榴辉石岩)底垫岩浆作用或拆沉作用下熔融.与埃达克岩石有关的矿产资源主要为铁、铜、金、钼矿床.在对安徽省沙溪斑岩型铜金矿床岩石和同位素地球化学资料分析和处理基础上,笔者认为沙溪侵入岩属于埃达克岩,其成因是燕山晚期西太平洋板块俯冲至扬子地块深部所导致的洋壳板片熔融作用有关,洋壳俯冲过程的大量流体参与,所携带的幔源大离子亲石元素及铜金物质在地壳浅部形成adakite岩石,同时形成该区斑岩型铜金矿床.  相似文献   

Daheishan giant porphyry Mo deposit is located in the Lesser Xing’an–Zhangguangcai Ranges, Jilin Province, NE China. Mineralization is closely related to the Daheishan intrusive complex, which can be divided into Changganglin biotite granodiorite, Qiancuoluo biotite granodiorite, and Qiancuoluo granodioritic porphyry. Four stages of mineralization are distinguished, based on the cross-cutting relationships of mineralized veins. LA-ICPMS zircon U-Pb analysis yields 206Pb/238U ages of 177.9 ± 2.3 Ma for the Changganglin biotite granodiorite, 169.9 ± 2.3 Ma for the Qiancuoluo biotite granodiorite, and 166.6 ± 4.0 Ma for the Qiancuoluo granodioritic porphyry. Hydrothermal fluids responsible for mineralization evolved from different magmas. Six molybdenite samples yield Re-Os model ages of ~167 Ma. Muscovite from the last mineralization stage gives a 40Ar/39Ar plateau age of 163.6 ± 0.9 Ma. Geochronology data indicate that the entire magmatic system lasted for about 10 million years, and the total duration of hydrothermal activity was less than 4 million years. The εHf(t) values of zircons obtained from the Changganglin biotite granodiorite, Qiancuoluo biotite granodiorite, and Qiancuoluo granodioritic porphyry range from 4.5 to 9.1, 5.7 to 10.9, and 4.4 to 7.1, respectively, indicating that they were mainly derived from the depleted mantle, although contaminated by crustal materials to a greater or lesser extent. The formation of the Daheishan porphyry Mo deposit was temporally and spatially related to the amalgamation of Jiamusi Massif and Songliao terrane in the Palaeo-Pacific Ocean regime. Regional Hf isotopic compositions of zircon suggest an episode of crustal growth in the Phanerozoic in the Lesser Xing’an–Zhangguangcai Ranges. Regional Mo mineralization ages suggest a peak of porphyry Mo mineralization in the Jurassic in the Lesser Xing’an-Zhangguangcai Ranges.  相似文献   

银硐粱早古生代花岗闪长岩分布在北祁连造山带东段屈吴山地区,侵入于原阴沟群和前寒武纪变质岩系中.它与米家山、扁强沟、清凹山以及南华山花岗岩类共同构成长约220千米的构造-花岗岩带,沿NW-NWW向展布.地球化学研究结果表明,银硐粱花岗闪长岩具有典型的高镁埃达克岩的地球化学特征,它们具有富Na贫K,SiO2>56%,Al2O3>15%,Na2O>4.0%(4.51%~4.92%),K2O(1.96~2.77%),Na2O/K2 O=1.63~2.40,属钙碱性侵入岩;高Sr(599~691×10-6),低Y(6.3~8.1×10-6),Sr/Y>40(81~94),Y/Yb>10(Yb<1.9×10-6),La/Yb>20(22~45)以及相对于典型的埃达克岩,具有更高的Mg#(58~64,平均59)和相容元素Ni(31~38×10-6)和Cr(35~43×10-6)含量;富集轻稀土元素(LREE),亏损重稀土元素(HREE),(La/Yb)N>10(16~32),轻微负Eu异常(Eu/Eu·平均为0.94),∑REE(85~112)×10-6;微量元素蛛网图显示,岩石富集大离子亲石元素(Rb、Ba、Sr),Nb-Ta和Ti负异常,相对于Ce和Nd,Sr为正异常.由于银硐粱高镁埃达克岩是俯冲洋壳部分熔融的产物,因此,它的存在表明,老虎山弧后洋盆在早古生代早期发生了向北的俯冲作用.银硐粱Cu-Au成矿作用与高镁埃达克岩关系密切,表明在北祁连构造带东段寻找与埃达克岩有关的Cu-Au矿床是一个新的找矿思路.  相似文献   

西准噶尔地区广泛发育高镁质闪长质岩墙。对全岩样品的Ar-Ar测年获得了321Ma的坪年龄,显示其主要形成于石炭纪末。这些岩墙样品以富Si(SiO2 52.3%~56.9%)、Mg(Mg〉60)、Cr(134—204μg/g)、Ni(59,141μg/g)、Sr(468~724pg/g)、Ba(316~676μg/g)为特征且K/Na比值在0.38—0.63之间,类似于日本中新世Setouehi火山岩带中的赞岐岩。这些岩墙大多具有不同程度的Eu正异常并具有高的Ba/La比值(27~124),反映其主要来自消减带环境下受流体交代的地幔源区的部分熔融。赞岐岩和区内同时代埃达克质岩石的共生组合意味着该区在晚石炭世末曾受到热消减机制的影响。这种热的洋壳俯冲机制,不仅在石炭纪末期产生了大量的岩浆活动,而且也导致了铜金等成矿元素的富集。深入了解赞岐岩-埃达克岩共生组合与铜金矿化之间的密切关系将有助于正确评价区内成矿潜力。  相似文献   

Summary ?The NW–SE-trending Yulong porphyry Cu–Mo ore belt, situated in the Sanjiang0 area of eastern Tibet, is approximately 400 km long and 35 to 70 km wide. Complex tectonic and magmatic processes during the Himalayan epoch have given rise to favorable conditions for porphyry-type Cu–Mo mineralization. Porphyry masses of the Himalayan epoch in the Yulong ore belt are distributed in groups along regional NW–SE striking tectonic lineaments. They were emplaced mainly into Triassic and Lower Permian sedimentary-volcanic rocks. K–Ar und U–Pb isotopic datings give an intrusion age range of 57–26 Ma. The porphyries are mainly of biotite monzogranitic and biotite syenogranitic compositions. Geological and geochemical data indicate that the various porphyritic intrusions in the belt had a common or similar magma source, are metaluminous to peraluminous, Nb–Y–Ba-depleted, I-type granitoids, and belong to the high-K calc-alkaline series. Within the Yulong subvolcanic belt a number of porphyry stocks bear typical porphyry type Cu–Mo alteration and mineralization. The most prominent porphyry Co–Mo deposits include Yulong, Malasongduo, Duoxiasongduo, Mangzong and Zhanaga, of which Yulong is one of the largest porphyry Cu (Mo) deposits in China with approximately 8 × 106 tons of contained Cu metal. Hydrothermal alteration at Yulong developed around a biotite–monzogranitic porphyry stock that was emplaced within Upper Triassic limestone, siltstone and mudstone. The earliest alteration was due to the effects of contact metamorphism of the country rocks and alkali metasomatism (potassic alteration) within and around the porphyry body. The alteration of this stage was accompanied by a small amount of disseminated and veinlet Cu–Mo sulfide mineralization. Later alteration–mineralization zones form more or less concentric shells around the potassic zone, around which are distributed a phyllic or quartz–sericite–pyrite zone, a silicification and argillic zone, and a propylitic zone. Fluid inclusion data indicate that three types of fluids were involved in the alteration–mineralization processes: (1) early high temperature (660–420 °C) and high salinity (30–51 wt% NaCl equiv) fluids responsible for the potassic alteration and the earliest disseminated and/or veinlet Cu–Mo sulfide mineralization; (2) intermediate unmixed fluids corresponding to phyllic alteration and most Cu–Mo sulfide mineralization, with salinities of 30–50 wt% NaCl equiv and homogenization temperatures of 460–280 °C; and (3) late low to moderate temperature (300–160 °C) and low salinity (6–13 wt% NaCl equiv) fluids responsible for argillic and propylitic alteration. Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic studies show that the early hydrothermal fluids are of magmatic origin and were succeeded by increasing amounts of meteoric-derived convective waters. Sulfur isotopes also indicate a magmatic source for the sulfur in the early sulfide mineralization, with the increasing addition of sedimentary sulfur outward from the porphyry stock. Received August 29, 2001; revised version accepted May 1, 2002 Published online: November 29, 2002  相似文献   

The Duolong district in central Tibet hosts a number of porphyry as well as high sulfidation epithermal copper–gold deposits and prospects, associated with voluminous calc-alkaline volcanism and plutonism. In this study, we present new geochronological, geochemical, isotopic and mineralogical data for both economically mineralized and barren porphyritic intrusions from the Duobuza and Naruo porphyry Cu–Au deposits. Zircon U–Pb analyses suggest the emplacement of economically mineralized granodiorite porphyry and barren granodiorite porphyry at Naruo deposit took place at 119.8 ± 1.4 Ma and 117.2 ± 0.5 Ma, respectively. Four molybdenite samples from the Naruo deposit yield an isochron Re–Os age of 119.5 ± 3.2 Ma, indicating mineralization occurred synchronously with the emplacement of the early granodiorite porphyry. At Duobuza deposit, the barren quartz diorite porphyry intruded at 119.5 ± 0.7 Ma, and two economically mineralized intrusions intruded at 118.5 ± 1.2 Ma (granodiorite porphyry) and 117.5 ± 1.2 Ma (quartz diorite porphyry), respectively. Petrographic investigations and geochemical data indicate that all of the porphyritic intrusions were oxidized, water rich, and subduction-related calc-alkaline magmas. Zircons from the porphyritic intrusions have a wide range in the εHf (0–11.1) indicating that they were sourced from mixing of mantle-derived mafic, and crust-derived felsic melts. Moreover, the variation of trace element content of plagioclase phenocrysts indicates that the magma chambers were recharged by mafic magmas.Comparison of the composition of amphibole phenocrysts indicates the porphyry copper–gold mineralization at Duolong was generated in magma chambers at low crystallization temperatures and pressures (754° to 791 °C, 59 M to 73 MPa, n = 8), and under highly oxidizing conditions (ΔNNO 2.2 to 2.7, n = 8). In contrast, barren intrusions were sourced from the magma chambers with higher crystallization temperatures and pressures (816° to 892 °C, 111 to 232 MPa, n = 22) that were less oxidizing (ΔNNO 0.6 to 1.6, n = 22). The requirement for a thermal contrast is supported by the declining of Ti content in magnetite crystals in barren intrusions (12,550 to 34,200 ppm) versus those from economically mineralized intrusions (600 to 3400 ppm). Moreover, the V content in magnetite crystals from economically mineralized intrusions (990 to 2510 ppm) is lower than those recorded from barren intrusions (2610 to 3510 ppm), which might reflect the variation in oxidation state of the magma. The calculated water solubility of the magma forming the economically mineralized intrusions (3.2–3.7 wt%) is lower than that of magma forming the barren intrusions (4.6–6.4 wt%). Based on the chemical–physical characteristics of economically mineralized magma, our study suggests that the development of porphyry Cu–Au mineralization at Duolong was initiated by shallow-level emplacement of a magma that crystallized at lower temperatures and pressures. Experimental studies show that copper and water solubilities in silicate melts decrease with falling temperatures and pressures, indicating metals and ore-forming fluids are more likely to be released from a magma reservoir emplaced at shallow crustal levels. We propose the magnetite might be a convenient exploration tool in the search for porphyry copper mineralization because the variations in Ti and V content of mineral concentrates and rock samples are indicative of barren versus mineralized intrusions.  相似文献   

蒋少涌  徐耀明  朱志勇  周巍  孔凡斌  孙岩 《岩石学报》2013,29(12):4051-4068
九瑞地区是长江中下游成矿带中最重要的铜金多金属矿集区,成矿作用可分为海西期喷流沉积期及燕山期岩浆热液期,其中燕山期的构造-岩浆热事件对成矿至关重要。本文在详细的野外矿田构造-地层-岩浆岩调查与分析及室内成岩成矿机理研究基础上,对九瑞矿集区构造系统、岩浆系统和成矿系统进行了综合研究。梳理厘定出该区主要控岩成矿断裂构造为NEE(近EW)向脆韧性走向叠掩逆冲断裂带和SN(近SN)向张扭性横向破碎断裂带。两组断裂形成“井”字形的构造格架,制约着该区的岩浆岩分布并与成矿密切相关。区内岩浆岩种类繁多,与成矿有关的主要是花岗闪长斑岩和石英闪长玢岩。两类岩体侵位的时期都集中在燕山早中期(138~148Ma)。其产状一般为岩株、岩锥、岩枝和岩墙等。岩枝、岩墙多沿NEE向逆冲断层带,尤其是沿其特有的“Y”字形断裂分布。而与成矿关系最为密切的岩株、岩锥则都侵位于NEE向和SN向断裂的交汇处。本文特别强调前人关注不够的SN(近SN)向张裂带及其控岩成矿作用。在本区确定的4组SN向张扭性带中,其中第2组宋家湾-严家村一线同NEE断裂带的几处交汇处是值得进一步详查的预测区。九瑞矿集区矿床成因类型主要包括矽卡岩型、斑岩型(包括隐爆角砾岩型)、沉积-热液叠加改造型和热液脉型等。在不同矿区,各种不同成因类型的矿床可以叠加复合为不同的矿床式,如①武山式(沉积-热液叠加改造型+矽卡岩型矿化);②丰山洞式(矽卡岩型+隐爆角砾岩型矿化);③城门山式(斑岩型+矽卡岩型+沉积-热液叠加改造型矿化);④洋鸡山式(隐爆角砾岩型+斑岩型矿化)。  相似文献   

The Laojiagou Mo deposit is a newly discovered porphyry Mo deposit located in the Xilamulun Mo metallogenic belt, Northeast China. Mo mineralization mainly occurred within the monzogranite and monzogranite porphyry. Re–Os isochron dating of molybdenites indicate a mineralization age of 234.9 ± 3.1 Ma. Zircon LA–ICP–MS U–Pb analysis for monzogranite porphyry and monzogranite yield 206Pb/238U ages of 238.6 ± 1.8 and 241.3 ± 1.5 Ma, respectively, indicating that Laojiagou Mo mineralization is related to Middle Triassic magmatism. Hf isotopic compositions of zircons from both monzogranite porphyry and monzogranite are characterized by positive εHf(t) values [εHf(t) = 2.9–7.3 and 1.5–7.9, respectively] and young TDM2 model ages, which implies that the magma was derived from juvenile crust created during accretion of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). Identification of the Laojiagou Mo deposit adds another important example of Triassic Mo mineralization in the Xilamulun Mo metallogenic belt where most Triassic Mo deposits in northeast China cluster around the northern margin of North China Craton. Based on the regional geological setting and geochronological and Hf isotope characteristics, we propose that Triassic Mo deposits and related magmatic rocks in northeast China formed during the last stages of evolution of the CAOB. These deposits formed during post-collisional extension after the closure of the Palaeo-Asian Ocean and amalgamation of the North China–Mongolian Block with the Siberian Craton.  相似文献   

The ca. 730 Ma porphyry Cu-Au deposit at Jebel Ohier in the Red Sea Hills of northeastern Sudan represents a rare example of a preserved Neoproterozoic magmatic-hydrothermal system which bears many similarities to major mineral-hosting (‘productive’) Tertiary–Cenozoic porphyries in circum-Pacific metallogenic belts. Petrographic, lithogeochemical and Sm-Nd isotope systematics confirm that the deposit formed in a supra-subduction setting and during the constructional stage of an evolving intra-oceanic magmatic arc. The calc-alkaline melts were sourced predominantly from juvenile reservoirs and received comparatively little input from continental-character material. Comparison with igneous rocks from barren intrusions elsewhere in the region point to the absence of major crustal breaks but indicate that the ore-forming granodiorite-dacite porphyry complex at Jebel Ohier is the result of ‘abnormal’ and prolonged multi-phase arc plutonism. This process involved the formation of relatively hydrous and oxidized melts via the fractionation of magmas, which possibly had ponded at the bottom of the thickening lithosphere for a protracted period prior to their ascent. The tectonic trigger for the emplacement of the productive pluton into a pre-existing volcanic edifice at Jebel Ohier remains unconstrained. Preservation of what is considered the first documented porphyry Cu-Au deposit in the NE African portion of the Arabian Nubian Shield can probably be related to the accretion of the magmatic arc to a stable continental margin within a few million years of mineralization, thus enabling the deposit to escape excessive uplift, erosion and structural dismemberment.  相似文献   

This paper presents materials on the chemical and mineralogical composition of Fe-Mn mineralization in island arcs (Kurile, Nampo, Mariana, New Britain, New Hebrides, and Kermadec) in the western part of the Pacific Ocean. The mineralization was proved to be of hydrothermal and/or hydrogenic genesis. The former is produced by hydrothermal Fe and Mn oxi-hydroxides that cement volcanic-terrigenous material in sediments. Some Fe oxi-hydroxides can be derived via the halmyrolysis of volcaniclastic material. Crusts of this stage are characterized by fairly low concentrations of trace and rare elements, and their REE composition is inherited from the volcanic-terrigenous material. The minerals of the Mn oxi-hydroxides are todorokite and “Ca-birnessite.” The Mn/Fe ratio increases away from the discharge sites of the hydrothermal solutions. The hydrogenic Fe-Mn crusts are characterized by high concentrations of trace and minor elements of both the Mn group (Co, Ni, Tl, and Mo) and the Fe group (REE, Y, and Th). The hydrogenic crusts consist of Fe-vernadite and Mn-feroxyhyte. Some of the hydrothermal crusts originally had a hydrothermal genesis. The first data were obtained on crust B30-72-10 from the Macauley Seamount in the Kermadec island arc, which contained anomalously high concentrations of Co (2587 ppm) and other Mn-related trace elements in the absence of hydrogeneous Fe oxi-hydroxides.  相似文献   

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