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Storms from the Arabian Sea are the most significant meteorological feature in western India that brings extreme rainy days together with catastrophic flooding. The present study reports two such palaeo-storm horizons at 1.16 m and 3.2 m above the present day water level in the Narmada channel, 56 km inland based on sedimentology and foraminiferal records. Both the horizons show similar sediment facies and foraminiferal assemblage. The present findings instigate to look for such new sites and build palaeo-storm records for western India.  相似文献   

Pollen analysis of a 3.2-m deep sedimentary profile cored from the Dabaka Swamp, Nagaon District, Lower Brahmaputra flood plain, Assam has revealed persistent fluvial activity during 14,120–12,700 cal years BP which may be attributed to the paucity of pollen and spores with encounterance of fluvial marker taxa like Ludwigia octavalvis and Botryococcus. Later, fluvial activity was succeeded by the tropical tree savanna under cool and dry climate between 12,700 and 11,600 cal years BP corresponding to that of global Younger Dryas. Between 11,600 and 8310 cal years BP, relatively less cool and dry climate prevailed with inception of tropical mixed deciduous taxa like Shorea robusta and Lagerstroemia parviflora. This phase is further followed by a fluvial activity between 8310 and 7100 cal years BP as evidenced by trace values of pollen and spores. Fluvial activity was further succeeded by enrichment of tropical mixed deciduous forest under warm and humid climatic regime between 7100 and 1550 cal years BP which is well-matched with the peak period of the Holocene climatic optimum. However, during 1550–768 cal years BP, final settlement of tropical mixed deciduous forest occurred under increased warm and humid climate followed by deterioration in tropical mixed deciduous forest under warm and relatively dry climatic regime since 768 cal years BP onwards due to acceleration in human settlement as evidenced by Cerealia. Increase in Melastoma, Ziziphus and Areca catechu imply forest clearance at this phase. The occurrence of degraded pollen-spore along with adequate fungal elements especially, Xylaria, Nigrospora and Microthyriaceous fruiting body is suggestive of aerobic microbial digenesis of rich organic debris during sedimentation.  相似文献   

Haryana plain is the drainage divide between the Ganga plain in the east and the Indus plain in the west. Being a part of the Himalayan foreland, its geomorphology, sedimentation processes, and tectonism are broadly controlled by the Himalayan tectonics. Soil and geomorphological mapping in Haryana plain bring out geomorphic features such as paleochannels, various active drainage patterns, and landforms such as old fluvial plains, floodplains, piedmonts, pediments, terminal fans, and eolian plains. Based on the degree of soil development, and Optical stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages, the soil-geomorphic units were grouped into six members (QIMS-I to VI) (Quaternary Indus Morphostratigraphic Sequence) of a morphostratigraphic sequence: QIMS-VI 9.86–5.38 Ka, QIMS-V 5.38–4.45 Ka, QIMS-IV 4.45–3.60 Ka, QIMS-III 3.60–2.91 Ka, QIMS-II <?2.91–1.52 Ka, and QIMS-I <?1.52 Ka. OSL chronology of different geomorphic features suggests six episodes of tectono-geomorphic evolution in the region since 10 Ka. Neotectonic features such as nine faults, two lineaments, and five fault-bounded tectonic blocks have been identified. Independent tilting and sagging of the blocks in response to neotectonics have resulted in modification of landforms, depositional processes, and hydro-geomorphology of the region. Major rivers like the Yamuna, the Ghaggar, and the Sutlej show different episodes of shifting of their courses. Lineament controlled few extinct channels have been recorded between 20 and 25 m depth below the surface in the ground-penetrating radar (GPR) profiles. These buried channels are aligned along the paleo-course of the Lost Saraswati River interpreted from the existing literature and hence are considered as the course of the lost river. Seven terminal fans have been formed on the downthrown blocks of the associated faults. The Markanda Terminal Fan, the first of such features described, is indeed a splay terminal fan and was formed by a splay distributary system of the Markanda River. Association of three terminal fans of different ages with the Karnal fault indicates the segment-wise development of the fault from west to east. Also, comparison with other such studies in the Ganga plain to further east suggests that the terminal fans formed by streams with distributary drainage pattern occur only in semiarid regions as in the present area and thus are indicators of semiarid climate/paleoclimate. Though the whole region is tectonically active, the region between the Rohtak fault and Hisar fault is most active at present signified by the concentration of earthquake epicenters.  相似文献   

The present paper examines the coralline algal assemblage recovered from the Holocene sediments of Agatti Island, Lakshadweep, India. The assemblage comprises nine species of coralline algae which include Amphiroa fragilisma, Lithophyllum nitorum, Lithophyllum incrustans, Lithoporella melobesioids, Spongites sp., Porolithon craspedium, Aethesolithon problematicum, Clathromorphum parcum, Melobesoideae gen. et spec. indet. Clathromorphum parcumis an endophytic coralline alga reported for the first time from the Indian subcontinent. Out of these, seven species belong to the family Corallinaceae and the two represent the family Hapalidiaceae of the class Rhodophyceae. Coralline algal association of this area is dominated by Lithophylloideae, Melobesioideae and Mastophoroideae which include encrusting to fragmented growth forms. The associated branching corals are well developed and adapted to shallow, warm water, low turbid, protected lagoonal environment.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(2-4):319-342
A multi-proxy study of a Holocene sediment core (RF 93-30) from the western flank of the central Adriatic, in 77 m of water, reveals a sequence of changes in terrestrial vegetation, terrigenous sediment input and benthic fauna, as well as evidence for variations in sea surface temperature spanning most of the last 7000 yr. The chronology of sedimentation is based on several lines of evidence, including AMS 14C dates of foraminifera extracted from the core, palaeomagnetic secular variation, pollen indicators and dated tephra. The temporal resolution increases towards the surface and, for some of the properties measured, is sub-decadal for the last few centuries.The main changes recorded in vegetation, sedimentation and benthic foraminiferal assemblages appear to be directly related to human activity in the sediment source area, which includes the Po valley and the eastern flanks of the central and northern Appenines. The most striking episodes of deforestation and expanding human impact begin around 3600 BP (Late Bronze Age) and 700 BP (Medieval) and each leads to an acceleration in mass sedimentation and an increase in the proportion of terrigenous material, reflecting the response of surface processes to widespread forest clearance and cultivation. Although human impact appears to be the proximal cause of these changes, climatic effects may also have been important. During these periods, signs of stress are detectable in the benthic foram morphotype assemblages. Between these two periods of increased terrigeneous sedimentation there is smaller peak in sedimentation rate around 2400BP which is not associated with evidence for deforestation, shifts in the balance between terrigenous and authigenic sedimentation, or changes in benthic foraminifera.The mineral magnetic record provides a sensitive indicator of changing sediment sources: during forested periods of reduced terrigenous input it is dominated by authigenic bacterial magnetite, whereas during periods of increased erosion, anti-ferromagetic minerals (haematite and/or goethite) become more important, as well as both paramagnetic minerals and super-paramagnetic magnetite. Analysis of the alkenone, U37k′, record provides an indication of possible changes in sea surface temperature during the period, but it is premature to place too much reliance on these inferred changes until the indirect effects of past changes in the depth of the halocline and in circulation have been more fully evaluated.The combination of methods used and the results obtained illustrate the potential value of such high resolution near-shore marine sedimentary sequences for recording wide-scale human impact, documenting the effects of this on marine sedimentation and fauna and, potentially, disentangling evidence for human activities from that for past changes in climate.  相似文献   

Pollen preserved in a peat deposit from a large swamp, the Old Field in the Mississippi River Valley near Advance, Missouri, records radiocarbon-dated vegetation changes between 9000 and about 3000 years ago. The principal feature of both the percentage and influx pollen diagrams is the replacement of arboreal pollen, primarily Quercus, Fraxinus, and Cephalanthus, with Gramineae and NAP between 8700 and 5000 years BP. This vegetation shift is interpreted as reflecting a decrease in the extent of the Old Field swamp and its associated bottomland forest species along with the expansion of a grass-dominated herb community, as a result of a reduction in available ground water. The desiccation of the swamp during this period indicates a reduction in precipitation within the ground-water source area and a shift to a drier climate in the southern Midwest. The pollen suggests that the lowest water levels and driest climate in southeastern Missouri lasted from 8700 to 6500 years BP, at which time there is a partial reappearance of swamp species. Relatively dry conditions, however, continued until at least 5000 years BP. Although pollen influx data are lacking from the upper part of the profile, the relative pollen frequencies suggest an increase in trees after 5000 BP. The replacement of the arboreal vegetation by grasses and herbs between 8700 and 5000 years BP reflects the period of maximum expansion of the Prairie Peninsula in southeastern Missouri. The Old Field swamp provides the first pollen evidence that the vegetational changes along the southern border of the Prairie Peninsula were chronologically similar to those on the northern and northeastern margins.  相似文献   

The small recently infilled lake basin of Marcacocha (13°13′S, 72°12′W, 3355 m) in the Cuzco region of Peru has a morphology and location that renders it extremely sensitive to environmental change. A record of vegetation, human impact and climatic change during the past 4200 yr has been obtained from a highly organic core taken from the centre of the basin. Sustained arid episodes that affected the Peruvian Andes may be detectable using the proxy indicator of sedge (Cyperaceae) pollen abundances. As the lake‐level was lowered during sustained drier conditions, the local catchment was colonised by Cyperaceae, whereas during lake floods, they retreated or were submerged and pollen production was correspondingly reduced. Drier episodes during prehistoric times occurred around 900 bc , 500 bc , ad 100 and ad 550, with a longer dry episode occurring from ad 900 to 1800. Evidence from the independently derived Quelccaya ice‐core record and the archaeological chronology for the Cuzco region appears to support the climatic inferences derived from the sedge data. Many of these aridity episodes appear to correspond with important cultural changes in the Cuzco region and elsewhere in the Central Andes. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lithostratigraphy, mineralogy, major and trace element concentrations, carbon and sulphur contents are investigated from a shallow depth profile from Pachapadra paleo-lake, Thar Desert, north-western India, to understand the phases of paleo-hydrology and paleo-limnology. Based on the geochemical proxies (Na/Al, Si/Al, Zr/Al and Ca/Mg) and evaporite mineralogy, the depth profile is divided into three geochemical zones of variable sediment-water interaction, evaporation and aeolian activity. The sub-recent zone (I) enriched in halite (NaCl) indicates low chemical weathering and higher aeolian input. The intermediate relatively humid zone II is enriched in major elements, trace elements and calcite (CaCO3) and reflects higher chemical weathering in the catchments. Zone III is enriched in gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O) and characterised by lower chemical weathering, higher aeolian activity and evaporation.  相似文献   

Quantitative reconstruction of changes in mire surface wetness has been used to reconstruct proxy climate from an upland ombrotrophic blanket mire on the North York Moors in northeast England (May Moss). Testate amoebae, plant macrofossil and humification analyses were carried out for six peat profiles. Transfer functions are used to generate estimates of water table levels from the testate amoebae stratigraphy, which complement the semi‐quantitative indications of changing surface wetness provided by plant macrofossil and humification analysis. 14C dates provide the chronology for the stratigraphy. Differences were encountered between AMS 14C dates on pure Sphagnum remains and radiometric dates on bulk peat from the same horizon, which perhaps arise from the heterogeneity of peat. Replicate palaeoecological analysis of adjacent cores identifies consistency within testate amoebae and plant macrofossil stratigraphies, and reveals a strong agreement between the water table level proxies. The record of hydrological changes at sites across May Moss are in synchrony, and so climate change is the most likely cause of the moisture fluctuations. Changes to a wetter or cooler climate were identified cal. ad 260–540, ca. ad 550–650, cal. ad 670–980, ca. ad 1350–1450, cal. ad 1400–1620 and ca. ad 1700–1800. Periods with a drier or warmer climate precede all of these wet shifts, with particularly dry periods between cal. ad 650–860 and 690–980 and between cal. ad 1290–1410 and 1400–1620. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study is an attempt to estimate the rates of subsidence in the Holocene sediments of the Godavari delta along the east coast of India. Two boreholes dug at Panangipalli village in the delta revealed Early Historic culture material such as potsherds including Coarse Red ware, Red-Slipped ware, Coarse Grey ware, and Black and Red ware, between 3.5 m and 9.0 m below the surface level. This suggests that the location was a human settlement of Andhra Satavahana period which flourished in the region between 3rd century BC and 3rd century AD. The fossil shells of Anadara sp. recovered from the borehole further downward at 11.5 m below the surface are considered to represent the intertidal swampy/lagoonal environment. The age of the shells was determined through AMS 14C dating as 6400 cal a BP. The presence of about 2.5m thick intertidal swampy/lagoonal material between 9.0 m and 11.5 m depth, suggests post-depositional subsidence at an average rate of less than 1.0 mm·a−1. However, a higher rate of subsidence of about 2.0 mm to 4.0 mm·a−1 is estimated for the upper 9.0 m thick floodplain sediment unit which embeds the Early Historic culture remains. The increased rates of subsidence during the last two millennia when compared to the earlier period in this part of the Godavari delta could be due to anthropogenic activity of deforestation and agriculture leading to accelerated soil erosion in the catchment and increased sedimentation in the delta.  相似文献   

This communication reports the occurrence of an ash layer intercalated within the late Quaternary alluvial succession of the Madhumati River, a tributary of the lower Narmada River. Petrographic, morphological and chemical details of glass shards and pumice fragments have formed the basis of this study. The ash has been correlated with the Youngest Toba Tuff. The finding of ash layer interbedded in Quaternary alluvial sequences of western Indian continental margin is significant, as ash being datable material, a near precise time-controlled stratigraphy can be interpreted for the Quaternary sediments of western India. The distant volcanic source of this ash requires a fresh re-assessment of ash volume and palaeoclimatic interpretations.  相似文献   

With a view to obtain palaeoclimatic data from a climatically sensitive region we have studied core samples from Nal Sarovar, a large shallow lake lying within the palaeodesert margin of Thar in western India. A combination of C/N ratios and δ13C on a radiocarbon-dated core section have been used as climatic proxies. A high-resolution record extending back to ca. 6.6 ka BP has been reconstructed. The data indicate that, in the past, climate has varied from drier to wetter than present on time-scales of few hundreds to few thousands of years. There are, however, significant differences on the timing of these wet and dry periods, when compared with the available data from lakes farther north, in Rajasthan. Further, it looks unlikely that during the 6.6 ka the catchment areas of Nal Sarovar experienced such a significant increase in rainfall as has been suggested for the Rajasthan lakes. Interestingly, drier periods in Nal Sarovar data appear to correlate well with periods of glacier expansion in Eurasia indicating that the palaeoclimatic variations recorded in Nal Sarovar are a regional feature. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2014,346(1-2):20-27
Subfossil tree trunks deposits are common in large rivers, but their status as a source for dating alluvial sequences and palaeoenvironmental studies is still discussed. Particularly their origin and the process(es) of deposition as well as a possible remobilization were pointed as a limit to their use to document river alluvial changes. In this work we report the discovery of the largest subfossil trunks deposits in the Garonne valley. These new data are compared to the previous ones. A set of 17 tree trunks and more than 300 smaller wood fragments were collected. The xylologic study shows the prevalence of Quercus and a single occurrence of Ulmus. These two hardwood species are commonly associated with riparian forest. The 14C dating carried out on seven trunks and a single branch of Quercus on the outermost identified growth rings, indicates age ranging from 8400–8000 cal. BP for the oldest fragment (bough) to 4300–4000 cal. BP for the most recent tree trunk. Radiocarbon ages of the trunks are aggregated into two main periods: 5300–5600 cal. BP (four trunks) and 4300–4000 cal. BP (three trunks). The radiocarbon (charcoal) dating of the top of the alluvial sequence overlaying the trunks gives an age between 1965–1820 and 1570–1810 cal. BP, i.e. between the 2nd and the 5th c. AD. In addition, the discovery of two unpublished subfossil tree trunks deposits in Finhan are reported (six trunks). At the light of these results, we discuss previously proposed models for the Garonne floodplain building.  相似文献   

Aliki lagoon is a small lagoon located on the micro-tidal south coast of the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. The sediments of the lagoon recovered in three cores provide a record of late Holocene environmental change, including tectonic subsidence, tsunami layers, and change in local vegetation and sedimentation. Four periods of rapid environmental changes were identified over a 5000-yr-long record. These date from about 4700, 3000, 2500 and 2000 yr BP. Each change is linked to activity on the Egion fault, a deepening of the lagoonal bottom and a rise in relative sea level. Six tsunami events are recorded and have been caused by earthquakes on the Egion fault (three events ∼4700, ∼3000 and ∼2500 BP), Eliki fault (2350±40 yr BP) and two more distal fault ruptures. The vegetation history and pollen zones are similar to those recognised by Jahns (Vegetation Hist. Archaebot. 2 (1993) 187) on the Argive Plain, 100 km southeast of the lagoon. Five successive sedimentological configurations are established in relation to the time frame provided by the tectonic activity: (1) crevasse splay; (2) fresh to brackish water marsh; (3) and (4) brackish to hypersaline “blind” lagoon, and (5) brackish to hypersaline “blind” lagoon or brackish open lagoon.  相似文献   

Thermoluminescence age determinations were performed on four aeolian sand samples of late Holocene scenceagesediments from Stavanger airport, Sola, in southwest Norway. The locality is well suited for testing thermoluminescence dating because of a good agreement between radiocarbon ages and age information based on archaeological typology and sea level changes. The conclusion from a comparison of thermoluminescence and archaeologicaltypologyradiocarbon dates is that it is possible to date well bleached sediments as young as 1600 years with thermoluminescence (TL). The TL dates for the aeolian deposits are in accord with expected ages. Six formal, diachronous aeolian/non-aeolian phases are defined and grouped together as the Sola Episode. The first phase onousaeolian/non-aeolianof aeolian activity was short-lasting and took place in the middle Subboreal chronozone. A second and lianactivitywaslong-lasting period, dominated by aeolian activity, took place from the transition between the Subboreal and Subatlantic chronozones until the present. We conclude that human activities were the releasing factor for the aeolian activity recorded in sand sheets.  相似文献   

Hindson  R.  Andrade  C.  Parish  R. 《Geologie en Mijnbouw》1998,77(3-4):311-321
The foraminifera and ostracods observed in a late Holocene sedimentary sequence within a fluvial valley at Boca do Rio in the coastal zone of the western Algarve, Portugal, reveal a general, though not smooth transition from marine to fluvial conditions. The relative influence of these two environments appears to depend on the degree of permeability of the barrier system at the coast. Optically stimulated luminescence dates and palaeoecological information obtained from the sequence suggest that barrier formation may be related to changes in climate and/or patterns of ocean current circulation. An unusual deposit rich in sand and gravel found within the otherwise mud-dominated sequence has been dated at AD 1801 ± 76 years. This deposit contains foraminifera and ostracods which indicate marine conditions, and which contrast markedly with the brackish-water, estuarine assemblages found in the mud deposits. The rapid transition in the foraminifera and ostracod assemblages indicates a short-lived coastal flooding, which may represent the tsunami associated with the Lisbon earthquake of AD 1755. The variations in the foraminifera and ostracod assemblages also suggest subsidence during the earthquake, with uplift having occurred in the period since then.  相似文献   

The palynological analysis of the reliably dated core section of bottom sediments from Tavatui Lake revealed consistency between the chronology and succession of Late Pleistocene and Early Pliocene events (GI-a/b, CS-1, GH-11.2) in the Middle Urals and the North Atlantic region. It is established that the Holocene thermal maximum (5.3–8.0 cal. ka ago) in the Middle Urals was characterized by high temperatures and humidity. The initial stage of the Subboreal cooling was reffered to the interval of 4.5–5.3 cal. ka ago. The data obtained provided grounds for the conclusion that the palynological record in the Tavatui Lake section reflects in detail global and regional climate oscillations, which allows it to be used as a Holocene and late glacial reference section, as well as for predicting the behavior of the natural system of the Middle Urals in response to future climate change.  相似文献   

Soil erosion by water is ubiquitous, exhibits spatio-temporal variability, and is fundamental to determining sediment yield which is key to proper watershed management. In this study, we propose a relationship between the curve number and sediment yield index (SYI) using cubic splines. Using field data from four watersheds, the relation between observed and computed SYI is found to have a coefficient of determination (R2) value from 0.63 to 0.88 suggesting that such a relation can be used to determine SYI from the available CN value. It is found that cubic splines perform satisfactorily with Nash-Sutcliff efficiency ranging from 60.18 to 64.01%, absolute prediction error from 1.35 to 5.56%, integral square error from 1.21 to 5.82%, coefficient of correlation from 79.32 to 93.78%, and degree of agreement from 0.87 to 0.99%.  相似文献   

Human occupation and utilization of plant resources have affected vegetation in the lower Little Tennessee River Valley of East Tennessee for 10,000 yr. Changes in Indian cultures and land use are documented by radiocarbon chronologies, lithic artifacts, ceramics, settlement patterns, and ethnobotanical remains from 25 stratified archaeological sites within the Holocene alluvial terrace. The ethnobotanical record consists of 31,500 fragments (13.7 kg) of wood charcoal identified to species and 7.7 kg of carbonized fruits, seeds, nutshells, and cultigens from 956 features. Pollen and plant macrofossils from small ponds both in the uplands and on lower stream terraces record local vegetational changes through the last 1500 to 3000 yr. Human impact increased after cultigens, including squash and gourd, were introduced ca. 4000 yr B.P. during the Archaic cultural period. Forest clearance and cultivation disturbed vegetation on both the floodplain and lower terraces after 2800 yr B.P., during the Woodland period. Permanent Indian settlements and maize and bean agriculture extended to higher terraces 1.5 km from the floodplain by the Mississippian period (1000 to 300 yr B.P.). After 300 yr B.P., extensive land clearance and cultivation by Historic Overhill Cherokee and Euro-Americans spread into the uplands beyond the river valley.  相似文献   

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