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Timoshkova  E. I. 《Astrophysics》1989,30(3):401-406
Leningrad State University. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 643–653, May–June, 1989.  相似文献   

We consider the evolution of the structure of the velocity field formed by the loops of the trajectory in a generalized Hénon-Heiles model potential. Box-shaped orbits alternating with periodic trajectories are shown to dominate at low values of the energy integral. Signatures of shell-and tube-shaped structures appear as the energy increases. Tube-shaped orbits are associated with stable periodic trajectories with small resonance ratios. Zones of stochastic orbits appear at values of the energy integral close to its critical value, which corresponds to the opening of the zero-velocity contour.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a study of the velocity components of the local centroids in the galactic plane for a point-axial stellar system model in a non-stationary state and with an equatorial plane of symmetry. The main results obtained are:(1) A displacement and attenuation of the maximum of the velocity-distance curve for different values of the direction. (2) The existence of expansion and contraction zones in the galactic plane.It must be pointed out that, in general, these velocity-distance curves require corrections due to the inclination of the galaxy. In the same way, it would be necessary to integrate the light along the line of vision. In the cylindrical case this latter factor has been studied by Catala (1975). However, these corrections do not greatly affect the structural form of the rotation curve as far as the aspects dealt with in this paper are concerned.  相似文献   

We investigate the evolution of matter density perturbations and some properties of the peculiar velocity field for a special class of exponential potentials in a scalar field model for quintessence, for which a general exact solution is known. The data from the 2-degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS) suggest a value of the present-day pressureless matter density  ΩM0= 0.18 ± 0.05  .  相似文献   

A method is introduced for constructing two-color maps for the in-plane component of the magnetic field of our galaxy in (R, l) and (DM, l) coordinates. It is shown that, in agreement with the standard models of the galactic magnetic field, the magnetic field in neighboring spiral arms reverses direction. However, the magnetic field in the spiral arm of Sagittarius differs significantly from the standard magnetic field model, with the major difference being that the magnetic fields in the southern and northern hemispheres are oppositely directed in the spiral arm of Sagittarius. It is proposed that this distribution of the magnetic field can be explained best by assuming that the spiral arm of Sagittarius, or, at least, a magnetic spiral arm in that region, is not symmetric with respect to the galactic plane and lies mainly in the northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

An extensive concentration of neutral hydrogen has been observed in the fourth galactic quadrant, with a mean radial velocity of +44 km s?1 referred to the local standard of rest. At a distance ofR kpc from the Sun this structure would contain 2.5×104 R 2 solar masses of neutral hydrogen. Five possible interpretations of this extensive concentration are considered: (1) part of the shell of a nearby explosive event; (2) a distant spiral arm of the Galaxy; (3) an extragalactic object; (4) material falling into our Galaxy; (5) gas expelled from the galactic center. Arguments are offered against the first three possibilities.  相似文献   

We consider a cosmological model in which part of the Universe, Ωh~10?5, is in the form of primordial black holes with masses of ~ 105 M . These primordial black holes were the centers for growing protogalaxies, which experienced multiple mergers with ordinary galaxies and with each other. The galaxy formation is accompanied by the merging and growth of central black holes in the galactic nuclei. We show that the recently discovered correlations between central black hole masses and galactic bulge parameters naturally arise in this scenario.  相似文献   

A general solution of cylindrical symmetry in which distribution consists of an electrically neutral viscous fluid with an infinite electrical conductivity in presence of magnetic field, has been obtained. The behaviour of magnetic field on the model has been clearly interpreted. Various physical and geometrical properties have also been discussed.  相似文献   

The origin and behavior of cosmic rays in the Galaxy depends crucially upon whether the galactic magnetic field has a closed topology, as does the field of Earth, or whether a major fraction of the lines of force connect into extragalactic space. If the latter, then cosmic rays could be of extragalactic origin, or they could be of galactic origin, detained in the Galaxy by the scattering offered by hydromagnetic waves, etc. If, on the other hand, the field is largely closed, then cosmic rays cannot be of extragalactic origin (at least below 1016 eV). They must be of galactic origin and escape because their collective pressure inflates the galactic field and they push their way out.This paper examines the structure of a galactic field that opens initially into intergalactic space and, with the inclusion of turbulent diffusion, finds no possibility for maintaining a significant magnetic connection with an extragalactic field. Unless some mechanism can be found, we are forced to the conclusion that the field is closed, that cosmic rays are of galactic origin, and that cosmic rays escape from the Galaxy only by pushing their way out.  相似文献   

Data from catalogs of multiple open star clusters (OSCs) have been used to compile a list of double and triple OSCs. Seven pairs of young OSCs with similar ages of their components have been selected from them. The dynamical evolution of the selected pairs of clusters in the Galactic gravitational field has been simulated numerically. The individual cluster masses have been estimated and the time dependences of the separations between the clusters have been constructed. The separations between the clusters are shown to exceed the tidal cluster radii. Various hypotheses of the origin of double OSCs are discussed: chance formations of pairs, formation within the same star complex, etc.  相似文献   

The density distributions of the two main components in interstellar hydrogen are calculated using 21 cm line data from the Berkeley Survey and the Pulkovo Survey. The narrow, dense component (state I of neutral hydrogen) has a Gaussianz-distribution with a scale-height of 50 pc in the local zones (the galactic disk). For the wide, tenuous component (hydrogen in state II) we postulate a distribution valid in the zones where such a material predominates (70 pc?z? 350 pc the galactic stratum) i.e., $$n_H \left( z \right) = n_H \left( 0 \right)exp \left( { - \left( {z/300{\text{ }}pc} \right)^{3/2} } \right).$$ Similar components are found in the dust distribution and in the available stellar data reaching sufficiently highz-altitudes. The scale-heights depend on the stellar type: the stratum in M III stars is considerably wider than in A stars (500–700 pc against 300 pc). The gas to dust ratio is approximately the same in both components: 0.66 atom cm?3 mag?1 kpc in the galactic plane. A third state of the gas is postulated associating it the observed free electron stratum at a scale-height of 660 pc (hydrogen fully ionized at high temperatures). The ratio between the observed dispersions in neutral hydrogen (thermal width plus turbulence) and the total dispersions corresponding to the real inner energies in the medium is obtained by a comparison with the dispersion distribution σ(z) of the different stellar types associated with the disk and the stratum $$\sigma ^2 \left( {total} \right) = \sigma ^2 \left( {21{\text{ cm line}}} \right) \cdot {\text{ }}Q^2 ,$$ from which we graphically obtainedQ 2=2.9 ± 0.3, although that number could be lower in the densest parts of the spiral arms. Its dependence on magnetic field and cosmic rays is analysed, indicating equipartition of the different energy components in the interstellar medium and consistency with the observed values of the magnetic field: i.e., fluctuations with an average of ~ 3 μG (associated with the disk) in a homogeneous background of ~ 1 μG (associated with the stratum). A minimum and maximumK z-force are obtained assuming extreme conditions for the total density distribution (gas plus stars). TheK z-force obtained from the interstellar gas in its different states using approximations of the Boltzmann equation is a reasonable intermediate case between maximum and minimumK z. The mass density obtained in the galactic plane is 0.20±0.05M pc?3, and the results indicate that the galactic disk is somewhat narrower and denser than has usually been believed. The effects of wave-like distributions of matter in thez-coordinate are analysed in relation with theK z-force, and comparisons with theoretical results are performed. A qualitative model for the galactic field of force is postulated together with a classification of the different zones of the Galaxy according to their observed ranges in velocity dispersions and the behaviour of the potential well at differentz-altitudes. The disk containing at least two-thirds of the total mass atz<100 pc, the stratum containing one-third or less of the total mass atz≤600–800 pc, and the halo at higherz-altitudes with a small fraction of such a mass which is difficult to evaluate.  相似文献   

The autocorrelation function of Faraday rotation measures is discussed in terms of different types of galactic field configurations. The autocorrelation function evaluated from published data of 139 radio galaxies and quasars is found to resemble a form typical for a quasi-longitudinal field, whereas the autocorrelation function of 38 pulsars turns out to be of the form expected for a longitudinal field. These observations are interpreted with respect to the position of the solar system relative to the neutral sheet in a quasi-longitudinal field configuration.Rotation measures calculated theoretically using a mathematical formulation of the quasi-longitudinal field model are adapted to experimental data. The resulting polarity of the global field structure is discussed in connection with the original dipole-like configuration the magnetic momentum vector of which is found to have been antiparallel to the angular momentum vector of the Galaxy. The relation between the field strength and the density of electrons is found to be consistent with earlier results.  相似文献   

A serious difficulty with the standard alpha‐omega theory of the origin of galactic magnetic fields involves the question of flux expulsion. This is intimately related to flux freezing. The alpha‐omega theory is shown in the context of the giant superbubble explosions that have a large impact on the physics of the interstellar medium. It is shown that superbubbles alone can duplicate the processes of the alpha‐omega dynamo and produce exponential growth of the galactic magnetic field. The possibility of the blow‐out of pieces of the magnetic field is discussed and it is shown that they have the potential to solve the flux‐expulsion problem. However, such an explanation must lead to apparent ‘gaps’ in the field in the galactic disc. These gaps are probably unavoidable in any dynamo theory and should have important observable consequences, one of which is an explanation for the escape of cosmic rays from the disc (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The resonance of GEOS-II (1968-002A) with 13th-order terms of the geopotential is analyzed. The odd-degree geopotential coefficients (13, 13), (15, 13), and (17, 13) given by Yionoulis most accurately model the resonance effects on GEOS-II of any of the published sets of 13th-order coefficients. However, this set is not adequate for precision orbit determination; additional even-degree coefficients are required.Values ofC 14,13(=0.57×10–21) andS 14,13(=6.5×10–21) to be used with the odd-degree set of Yionoulis were obtained from an analysis of the observed along-track position variation of GEOS-II. These coefficients, when used with those of Yionoulis, yield greatly improved fits to the data and orbital prediction capability. However, further refinement is possible because the small effects of the remaining even-degree resonant terms were not modeled.The composite coefficientsC 13,13(=1.7×10–20) andS 13,13(=+2.7×10–20) were obtained under the assumption that the (13, 13) spherical harmonic of the geopotential is responsible for all of the observed along-track variation of GEOS-II due to resonance. The good agreement of these deliberately composite values with some published values ofC 13,13 andS 13,13 suggests that some of the published values may also be composite to some extent.These coefficients are hereinafter referred to as the APL coefficients.  相似文献   

An axisymmetric αω-dynamo model of the Galactic disc is investigated. The disc is thin and its width, 2h*, varies slowly with distance, ωT*, from the axis of symmetry. The strength of the α*, varies linearly with axialdistance, z*, while differential rotation, dΩ*/dωT*, remains constant. Otherwise α* and dΩ*/dωT* are arbitrary functions of ωT*. The results are applied to the special case of the oblate spheroid first investigated by STIX (1976) and later by WHITE (1977). In the limit of small aspect ratio the new results agree with those obtained by WHITE and confirm that the dynamo numbers computed by STIX are too small.  相似文献   

Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 531–540, November–December, 1988.  相似文献   

An object located approximately atl=8°,b=–4° with a mean radial velocity of –212.3 km s–1 has been observed in the 21 cm neutral hydrogen line. The mean weighted velocity dispersion is 11.2 km s–1 and the total mass is estimated to be 190R 2 (kpc) solar masses. We discuss possible interpretations of the origin and nature of this object. The most likely interpretation is that we observe an expanding object which has been ejected from the galactic nucleus.  相似文献   

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