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The Palaeoproterozoic Svecofennian crust in southern and central Fennoscandia was established about 1.8 Ga ago after a prolonged history of accretion and intrusion. During late stages of the Svecofennian orogeny, deformation was partitioned into several crustal-scale shear zones in present-day Finland, Sweden and Estonia. One such major ductile deformation zone, ‘the South Finland shear zone’ (SFSZ) extends for almost 200 km through the Åland archipelago in southwestern Finland, and further along the southern and southwestern coast of Finland. This more than a kilometer wide transpressional zone appears to have been repeatedly reactivated. The deformation started with a period of regional, ductile dextral shearing of igneous rocks, producing striped granodioritic and tonalitic gneisses. The ductile phases are locally overprinted and followed by ductile to semi-ductile deformation evidenced by mylonite zones of variable width. The last stage of tectonic activity along the shear zone is recorded by pseudotachylites. Within this study, we dated zircons (SIMS U–Pb) and titanites (ID-TIMS U–Pb) from eight rock samples, and two pseudotachylite whole-rock samples (40Ar/39Ar) in order to reconstruct the deformation and (re)activation history of the shear zone.The results suggest that the medium-grained gneisses underwent three distinct deformation phases separated by time intervals without regional deformation. The ductile deformation within the study area initiated at 1.85 Ga. A second, more intensive deformation phase existed around 1.83 Ga, by which the shear zone was already well developed. Finally, the last ductile event is recorded by 1.79 Ga metamorphic titanites in relatively granoblastic granitoid gneisses that nevertheless already display protomylonitic textures, suggesting the initiation of large-scale mylonitisation around or soon after this time. The age of a pseudotachylite sample and, hence, the brittle deformation is bracketed between 1.78 and 1.58 Ga based on the age of pegmatites cut by pseudotachylites as well as 40Ar/39Ar minimum ages for the pseudotachylite, respectively. The data imply that the rocks within the study area entered the ductile–brittle transition zone due to rapid cooling and exhumation of the crust after 1.79 Ga.  相似文献   

Multimineral Rb/Sr internal isochrons from eclogite facies rocks of the Eclogite Zone (Tauern Window, Eastern Alps) consistently yield an Early Oligocene age of 31.5±0.7 Ma. This age has been obtained both for late-prograde, dehydration-related eclogitic veins, and for rocks variably deformed and recrystallized under eclogite facies conditions (2.0–2.5 GPa, 600°C). Initial Sr-isotopic equilibria among all phases indicate absence of significant post-eclogitic isotope redistribution processes, therefore the ages date eclogite facies assemblage crystallization. Equilibria also prove that no prolonged pre-eclogite facies history is recorded in the rocks. Instead, subduction, prograde mineral reactions, and eclogitization proceeded rapidly. Fast exhumation immediately after eclogitization, with minimum rates >36 mm/a is inferred from a 31.5±0.5 Ma internal mineral isochron age of a post-eclogitic greenschist facies vein assemblage. Such rates equal typical subduction rates. Late Eocene to Early Oligocene subduction of the European continental margin, with subsequent rapid exhumation of high-pressure nappe complexes has previously been recognized only in the Western Alps. The new data signify synchronous continental collision all along the Alpine belt. Our results demonstrate the unique potential of Rb/Sr assemblage system analysis for precise dating of both eclogite facies and post-eclogitic events, thus for precisely constraining exhumation rates of deep-seated rocks, and for straightforward linkage of petrologic evidence with isotopic ages.  相似文献   

Regional cooling in the course of Neoproterozoic core complex exhumation in the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt is constraint by 40Ar/39Ar ages of hornblende and muscovite from Meatiq, Sibai and Hafafit domes. The data reveal highly diachronous cooling with hornblende ages clustering around 580 Ma in the Meatiq and the Hafafit, and 623 and 606 Ma in the Sibai. These 40Ar/39Ar ages are interpreted together with previously published structural and petrological data, radiometric ages obtained from Neoproterozoic plutons, and data on sediment dynamics from the intramontane Kareim molasse basin. Early-stage low velocity exhumation was triggered by magmatism initiated at 650 Ma in the Sibai and caused early deposition of molasses sediments within rim synforms. Rapid late stage exhumation was released by combined effect of strike-slip and normal faulting, exhumed Meatiq and Hafafit domes and continued until 580 Ma. We propose a new model that adopts core complex exhumation in oblique island arc collision-zones and includes transpression combined with lateral extrusion dynamics. In this model, continuous magma generation weakened the crust leading to facilitation of lateral extrusion tectonics. Since horizontal shortening is balanced by extension, no major crustal thickening and no increase of potential energy (gravitational collapse) is necessarily involved in the process of core complex formation. Core complexes were continuously but slowly exhumed without creating a significant mountain topography.  相似文献   

The western terranes exposed east of the Pan-African suture in western Hoggar (southwest Algeria), are reexamined in the light of new structural, petrologic and by the 40Ar/39Ar laser probe data on metamorphic micas and amphiboles. To the north, the Tassendjanet nappe includes the Paleoproterozoic basement, its Mesoproterozoic cover and mafic rocks representing the roots of a ca. 680 Ma arc overlain by Late Neoproterozoic andesites and volcanic greywackes. The nappe preserved at rather shallow crustal level in the east was emplaced southward (D1a) to southeastward (D2). In the south, two metamorphic suites are distinguished. The Tideridjaouine–Tileouine high-pressure metamorphic belt (T=550–600 °C, P=1.4–1.8 GPa) represents a slab of subducted continental material exposed along the western edge of the In Ouzzal granulite unit interpreted as a microcontinent. Differential exhumation of tectonic slices from the high-pressure belt occurred around 615–600 Ma through a system of west-directed recumbent folds (D1b). The Egatalis high grade belt in the west was intruded by syn-metamorphic gabbro–norite bodies. It includes unretrogressed low-pressure granulite facies rocks (T around 750–800 °C, P0.45 GPa) cooled at a rate of 15°/m.y. between 600 and 580 Ma, and followed by the emplacement of several late-kinematic granitic plutons. Final exhumation of the low-pressure, high-temperature metamorphic rocks, that are not found as pebbles in the molasse, took place in the Late Cambrian. The early and relatively fast cooling of the high-pressure and high-temperature metamorphic rocks of the southern part of the Tassendjanet terrane is at variance with the slow cooling of central Hoggar where repeated magmatic activity as young as Late Cambrian occurred [Lithos 45 (1998) 245].  相似文献   

The amphibolite facies grade North Qinling metamorphic unit forms the centre of the Qinling orogenic belt. Results of LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon, 40Ar/39Ar amphibole and biotite dating reveal its Palaeozoic tectonic history. U-Pb zircon dating of migmatitic orthogneiss and granite dykes constrains the age of two possible stages of migmatization at 517 ± 14 Ma and 445 ± 4.6 Ma. A subsequent granite intrusion occurred at 417 ± 1.6 Ma. The 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of amphibole ranging from 397 ± 33 Ma to 432 ± 3.4 Ma constrain the cooling of the Qinling complex below ca. 540 °C and biotite 40Ar/39Ar ages at about 330–368 Ma below ca. 300 °C. The ages are used to construct a cooling history with slow/non-exhumation during 517– 445 Ma, a time-integrated cooling at a rate < 2.5 °C/Ma during the period of 445–410 Ma, an acceleration of cooling at a rate of 8 °C/Ma from 397 Ma to 368 Ma, and subsequently slow/non-cooling from 368 to 330 Ma. The data show a significant delay in exhumation after peak metamorphic conditions and a long period of tectonic quiescence after the suturing of the North China and South China blocks along the Shangdan suture. These relationships exclude classical exhumation models of formation and exhumation of metamorphic cores in orogens, which all imply rapid cooling after peak conditions of metamorphism.  相似文献   

The Orlica-Snieznik and Jeseník Mountains correspond to three main domes from west to east: the Snieznik, Keprnfk and Desna domes. They are composed of a basement of autochthonous gneisses, a thick series of blastomylonites and a supposed para-autochthonous or allochthonous metamorphic pre-Devonian to Devonian cover. Their broad direction is NNE-SSW. 40Ar-39Ar radiometric measurements allow three main groups of ages to be defined. (1) 300–310 Ma, represented in the Keprník and Desná domes. This age is interpretated following the constraints on the age of the metamorphism, which is linked with the extensional process occurring during the Westphalian. (2) 320–340 Ma, represented mainly in the Snieznik Dome, but not in the Keprnfk Massif. The nappe structure of Orlik-Vysoká hole, in the northern area of the Desna Dome, also exhibits this age, which is interpretated as reflecting the period of the major Variscan Barrowian metamorphism, which accompanied the compressional process. It is only represented in the zones where the extensional process was not strong enough to result in a complete overprinting. (3) 340–440 Ma, corresponding to a very strictly defined area in the eastern rim of the Desná Dome occupied by ultramylonites and mylonites. These ages, obtained on muscovites, result from an incomplete resetting of the minerals developed during the cooling of a granitic protolith and mylonitized during the extensional process. A laser probe analysis confirms the extreme inhomogeneity of the ages of the muscovites and their different resetting from one grain to another. The Late Alpine overprinting is more discrete, but can be deciphered through the low extraction temperatures with ages between 80 and 120 Ma. These ages can be compared with Alpine ages in the close Western Carpathians.  相似文献   

Four K-feldspar samples from the Yidun Arc, eastern Tibetan Plateau, were analysed by the 40Ar/39Ar method with the aim of recovering information on their thermal history using multiple diffusion domain (MDD) theory. Arrhenius plots for each of the samples reveal low retentivity early in the heating experiments, a property that is attributed to their recrystallised nature. This low argon retentivity appears to violate the MDD assumption that volume diffusion is the only mechanism for argon transport within the crystals, thus the thermal histories derived from these analyses are considered suspect. Nevertheless, the age spectra themselves suggest that the majority of samples had cooled below 200 °C prior to the Eocene collision of India with Asia. Thermal history modelling from apatite fission track analyses from the same and nearby samples shows slow cooling through the apatite fission track partial annealing zone during the Cenozoic in samples from the high elevation, low relief areas of the Yidun Arc, while samples from the major Jinsha River valley show rapid cooling through the partial annealing zone beginning in the Miocene. These results suggest that significant Cenozoic denudation has been localised and that most parts of the Yidun Arc have experienced very little denudation during the Cenozoic.  相似文献   

The Malpica–Tui complex (NW Iberian Massif) consists of a Lower Continental Unit of variably deformed and recrystallized granitoids, metasediments and sparse metabasites, overridden by an upper unit with rocks of oceanic affinities. Metamorphic minerals dated by the 40Ar/39Ar method record a coherent temporal history of progressive deformation during Variscan metamorphism and exhumation. The earliest stages of deformation (D1) under high-pressure conditions are recorded in phengitic white micas from eclogite-facies rocks at 365–370 Ma. Following this eclogite-facies peak-metamorphism, the continental slab became attached to the overriding plate at deep-crustal levels at ca. 340–350 Ma (D2). Exhumation was accompanied by pervasive deformation (D3) within the continental slab at ca. 330 Ma and major deformation (D4) in the underlying para-autochthon at 315–325 Ma. Final tectonothermal evolution included late folding, localized shearing and granitic intrusions at 280–310 Ma.

Dating of high-pressure rocks by the 40Ar/39Ar method yields ages that are synchronous with published Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd ages obtained for both the Malpica–Tui complex and its correlative, the Champtoceaux complex in the French Armorican Massif. The results indicate that phengitic white mica retains its radiogenic argon despite been subjected to relatively high temperatures (500–600 °C) for a period of 20–30 My corresponding to the time-span from the static, eclogite-facies M1 peak-metamorphism through D1-M2 eclogite-facies deformation to amphibolite-facies D2-M3. Our study provides additional evidence that under certain geological conditions (i.e., strain partitioning, fluid deficiency) argon isotope mobility is limited at high temperatures, and that 40Ar/39Ar geochronology can be a reliable method for dating high pressure metamorphism.  相似文献   

黑龙江杂岩构造折返的岩石学与年代学证据   总被引:3,自引:9,他引:3  
赵亮亮  张兴洲 《岩石学报》2011,27(4):1227-1234
黑龙江杂岩主要出露在佳木斯地块西缘,沿牡丹江断裂分布,为佳木斯地块与松嫩地块拼合过程中形成的构造混杂岩。杂岩以强烈变形的糜棱岩为主体,其中含有大量规模不等、变形程度不同的变橄榄岩、变辉长岩、蓝闪石片岩(变玄武岩)及变硅质岩和大理岩等岩块或岩片。蓝闪石片岩岩块多经强烈的构造置换呈宽度和延伸有限的条带或岩片与长英质糜棱岩相间分布,发育以青铝闪石、冻蓝闪石、黑硬绿泥石、多硅白云母和钠长石等为代表的新生变质矿物组合,变形叶理呈北东向展布。但在局部地区仍保存有规模较大,且未受变形作用改造的蓝闪石片岩岩块,以不定向生长的蓝闪石、钠长石和绿帘石变质矿物组合为特征。块状蓝闪石片岩边部变形特征明显,变形叶理与周围糜棱岩叶理产状一致。岩块与变形岩石的组构关系表明,黑龙江杂岩至少经历了两期重要的变质事件,即以蓝闪石片岩岩块为代表的早期高压变质事件和以糜棱岩为代表的晚期变质-变形事件。在桦南地区长英质糜棱岩中获得的白云母40Ar/39Ar年龄分别为176.5±1.9Ma和184.5±2.1Ma,该年龄在黑龙江杂岩的变形岩石中普遍存在。鉴于蓝闪石片岩岩块被这一变质-变形事件所改造,以及变质矿物组合由高压向低压的转变关系,表明黑龙江杂岩在早-中侏罗世经历了一次快速的构造抬升事件。这一事件不但使佳木斯地块西缘以蓝片岩为代表的俯冲杂岩发生构造折返,而且对该区晚中生代盆地的形成与演化起着重要的控制作用。  相似文献   

The 5158-m-deep main borehole of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project (CCSD-MH) penetrated granitic gneisses, paragneisses, eclogites, retrograde eclogites, amphibolites and ultramafic rocks in the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane, eastern China. The CCSD-MH consists of four petro-structural units separated by three SE-dipping ductile shear zones DFa (835-1280 m), DFb (2010-2280 m) and DFc (2920-3225 m), which are correspondent with the regional shear zones in the northern Sulu UHP supracrustal zone. Using the electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) technique, we investigated the lattice-preferred orientations (LPOs) of omphacite, diopside and quartz in core samples from the CCSD-MH. Omphacite from eclogites and diopside from garnet pyroxenites display very strong LPOs, which are characterized by the maximum concentration of [001]-axes parallel to the lineation and (010)-poles normal to the foliation. Quartz in para- and granitic mylonites/gneisses from the shear zones DFa, DFb and DFc developed multiple slip systems. 40Ar/39Ar dating of biotite in para- and granitic gneisses from the CCSD-MH yields 223-202 Ma, which constrains the formation ages of the quartz high-temperature prism slip systems {m}<a> and {m}[c]. The asymmetric LPOs of omphacite, diopside, olivine and quartz with respect to the structural frame reveal three deformation phases in the Sulu terrane. In the Middle Triassic, the northward subduction of the Yangtze plate to depths > 100 km produced a top-to-the-south shear sense in LPOs of omphacite, diopside and olivine, and a nearly N-S-striking foliation and a subhorizontal N-S-trending lineation in eclogites and ultramafic rocks. In the Late Triassic, the UHP rocks were exhumed to the lower crust and quartz developed high-temperature slip systems with a top-to-the-NW shear sense, which is consistent with the regional SE-dipping foliation and SE-plunging lineation in the ductile shear zones. In the Cretaceous the UHP rocks were exhumed to the middle crust when the migmatization and granitic intrusion formed a NE-striking antiform structure. As a result, the activation of quartz low-temperature basal slip (0001)<a> is characterized by a top-to-the-SE shear sense in the south, but a top-to-the-NW shear sense in the north.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(5):267-282
The interaction of distinct geologic processes involved during late orogenic extensional exhumation history of the metamorphic units in the Eastern Rhodope is refined by new and reviewing 40Ar/39Ar geochronological and structural data. Minerals with different closure temperatures from metamorphic rocks investigated in this study are combined with those from magmatic and ore-forming hydrothermal rocks in two late stage metamorphic domes – the Kesebir-Kardamos and the Biala reka-Kehros domes. The 38-37 Ma muscovite and biotite cooling ages below 350°-300°C characterize basement metamorphic rocks that typified core of the Kesebir-Kardamos dome, constraining their exhumation at shallow crustal levels in the footwall of detachment. These ages are interpreted as reflecting last stage of ductile activity on shear zone below detachment, which continued to operate under low-temperature conditions within the semi-ductile to brittle field. They are close to and overlap with existing cooling ages in southern Bulgaria and northern Greece, indicating supportively that the basement rocks regionally cooled between 42-36 Ma below temperatures 350°-300°C. The spatial distribution of ages shows a southward gradual increase up structural section, suggesting an asymmetrical mode of extension, cooling and exhumation from south to the north at latitude of the Kesebir-Kardamos dome. The slightly younger 36.5-35 Ma crystallization ages of adularia in altered rocks from the ore deposits in the immediate hanging-wall of detachments are attributed to brittle deformation on high-angle normal faults, which further contributed to upper crustal extension, and thus constraining the time when alteration took place and deformation continued at brittle crustal levels. Silicic dykes yielded ages between 32-33 Ma, typically coinciding with the main phase of Palaeogene magmatic activity, which started in Eastern Rhodope region in Late Eocene (Priabonian) times. The 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages from the above distinct rock types span time interval lasting approximately ca. 6 Ma. Consequently, our geochronologic results consistently indicate that extensional tectonics and related exhumation and doming, epithermal mineralizations and volcanic activity are closely spaced in time. These new 40Ar/39Ar age results further contribute to temporal constraints on the timing of tectonic, relative to ore-forming and magmatic events, suggesting in addition that all above mentioned processes interfered during the late orogenic extensional collapse in the Eastern Rhodope region.  相似文献   

The basement of central Madagascar displays two contrasted structural patterns. The first one (D1) is characterized by north-striking foliations that are gently dipping to the west and carry W- to WSW-plunging lineations, whereas the second one (D2) is characterized by steeper foliations that are striking to the NNE and lineations that are either subhorizontal or gently plunging to the SSW. The younger pattern is related to late-Panafrican tectonics along the major Angavo shear zone that is about 1000 km in length and 40 km in width with apparently little offset. Deformation in the Angavo zone induced interference folding on both sides. The D2 event is characterized by low pressures (ca 400 MPa) and high temperatures (up to 790 °C) responsible for prograde granulite facies conditions, that resulted from heat transfer due to magma and fluid advection in the Angavo shear zone. The D2 event is pinned at 550 ± 11 Ma by a new monazite age from a reoriented Andringitrean granite near Ankaramena. A new suite of amphibole and biotite Ar–Ar geochronological data enables to retrace the thermochronogical evolution inside and outside the Angavo shear zone. Combined with new structural results from the western interference zone, these ages yield a better understanding of the late-Panafrican history of central Madagascar. No diachronism is observed along the strike of the Angavo shear zone. Conversely, amphibole and especially biotite ages decrease from West to East, i.e. towards the shear zone. These new ages range from 511 to 469 Ma. A 1-D conductive model constrains the thermal effect in relation with the Angavo shear zone to be restricted to a lateral distance of ca 60 km (in map view) for a maximum heating duration of 20 Myr. This is in agreement with the Ar–Ar data and with the width of the observed interference zone. Following this episode of deformation and heat transfer, the estimated cooling rates of the Angavo shear zone range from to 15 to 6 °C/Myr, respectively before and after 515 Ma. A post-collision intracontinental setting is suggested for the Angavo shear zone, which is regarded as a remote effect of the Kuunga Orogeny between India and Antarctica.  相似文献   

以喜马拉雅山系为典型实例,究竟是气候作用还是构造作用引起山体隆升的问题已经成为地球系统科学研究中的重要前沿问题。无论是气候因素还是构造因素引起山体隆升,二者都与一个共同的地表过程——剥蚀作用相关,剥蚀作用对山体中地质体的影响可以用岩石矿物经历的热史演化来描述,所以,在造山作用研究中,山体或山脉的热史演化是揭开地质体经历地质过程、山体隆升研究的重要途径。利用河砂组成矿物来研究流域的地质过程和构造演化已经成为现代地质科学的重要手段。本文采集了雅鲁藏布江下游墨脱县以南约50 km处地东河段内的现代河砂,对其中的角闪石、白云母、黑云母及钾长石等四种矿物进行了高精度单颗粒激光40Ar/39Ar年代学测试,并进行了概率统计。地东河段河砂中富钾矿物40Ar/39Ar年代学统计结果显示,大峡谷流域的热史演化可以确定有多个阶段,分别可以识别出70~69、61~60、43~42、35~34、26~25、25~23、22~20、20~18、17~14、12~11、8~6、5~4及<2Ma等13个热史演化阶段。通过将上述热史信息与印度大陆与欧亚大陆碰撞角度和碰撞速率变化曲线的对比,可以确定70~69、61~60、43~42、35~34、22~20和12~11Ma等6个阶段的年代学信息是两大陆碰撞角度和碰撞速率变化事件在东喜马拉雅构造结热史上的记录;通过与全球深海氧、碳同位素记录曲线的对比,可以认为26~25、25~23、17~14、8~6、5~4和<2Ma等6个阶段的年代学信息是气候变化在东喜马拉雅构造结热史上的记录。东喜马拉雅构造结地质体热史演化是构造与气候相互作用的结果。  相似文献   

40Ar/39Ar geochronology of muscovite and biotite grains genetically related to gold and Be–Ta–Li pegmatites from the Seridó Belt (Borborema province, NE Brazil) yield well-defined, reliable plateau ages. This information, combined with data about paragenetic and field relationships, reveals Cambro-Ordovician mineralization ages (520 and 500–506 Ma) for the orogenic gold deposits in the Seridó Belt. Biotite ages of 525±2 Ma, which represent the mean weighted results of the incremental heating analysis of six biotite single crystals, record the time of pegmatite emplacement and reactivation of Brasiliano/Pan-African strike-slip shear zones. These results, along with previous structural evolution studies, suggest that shear zones formed during the Brasiliano/Pan-African event were reactivated in the Upper Cambrian–Lower Ordovician. Mineralization occurs late in the history of the orogen.  相似文献   

王兴安  李世超 《岩石学报》2020,36(8):2447-2462
通过对中亚造山带东段南缘发育的解放营子韧性剪切带的构造学研究,揭示出该地区岩石圈减薄后发生了一期强烈的伸展变形事件。野外观测和岩相学分析显示该韧性剪切带呈北东-南西走向,变形带内发育有大量的A型褶皱,矿物和砾石拉伸线理以及同构造花岗质岩墙。S-C组构、σ型角闪石残斑、压力影构造、斜长石书斜构造以及云母鱼等显微构造,指示该韧性剪切带为右旋剪切。多晶石英的波状消光、晶粒边界迁移重结晶、多晶石英条带等显微变形组构表现出中温(300~500℃)的变形条件。动态重结晶颗粒的粒径统计分析和岩石有限应变分析显示该韧性剪切带形成于一个地壳中等层次的伸展变形环境。剪切带内同构造白云母40Ar/39Ar阶段加热同位素年代学分析以及同构造花岗岩的锆石U-Pb同位素年代学测试显示,该韧性剪切带的伸展变形时代为晚三叠世(219~227Ma)。该期伸展变形事件在华北板块北缘和中亚造山带形成了低硅型和高硅型两种花岗质岩浆的侵入。其中中亚造山带内发育的低硅型岩石的岩浆源区为亏损型地幔岩石圈,并进一步演化出高硅型岩石;而华北板块北缘发育的低硅型岩浆起源于富集型岩石圈地幔,同时混入了亏损的软流圈地幔组分。  相似文献   

The Melilla carbonate complex (NE Morocco) is the only area of the Paleo-Mediterranean Sea where volcanic activity was present throughout most of the Messinian. 40Ar/39Ar dating of volcanic tuffs interbedded within the upper Messinian sedimentary deposits, known as the Terminal Carbonate Complex (TCC), yields accurate ages of paleoenvironmental and sea-level changes related to the Messinian Salinity Crisis. The new chronologic data (1) provide an average of 5.95–5.99 Ma for the base of the TCC, thus being synchronous with the onset of the Messinian Salinity Crisis, (2) demonstrate for the first time that the basal unconformity of the TCC does not represent a hiatus of long duration, (3) define a precise time line at 5.87±0.02 Ma (2σ) corresponding to sedimentary rocks exhibiting a lateral transition between continental and marine deposits typical of the TCC and (4) yield evidence that emersion of the Melilla platform during deposition of the TCC is partly related to tectono-magmatic activity. An erosional surface, capping the TCC deposits in the Melilla basin, is related to the major Messinian Mediterranean drawdown. The duration of the hiatus, associated with this surface, is estimated to be at most 450 kyr, but is probably shorter.  相似文献   

吉风宝  戚学祥  常裕林  张超  赵宇浩  韦诚 《岩石学报》2015,31(12):3713-3724
澜沧江构造带是青藏高原东南缘保山-羌塘地块与兰坪-思茅地块之间的大型走滑剪切带。构造地质学、岩石学和40Ar-39Ar年代学研究结果表明构造带中段剪切带内部存在早期斜向挤出和晚期水平走滑的两期线理及早期指示右行韧性剪切变形、后期指示左行脆韧性剪切变形的构造指向。糜棱岩中石英晶格优选方位以中温(450~600℃)柱面a轴底面滑移系为主,叠加中低温(300~550℃)底面a轴滑移系;剪切带内云母片岩和花岗质糜棱岩中黑云母40Ar-39Ar坪年龄和等时线年龄都分布于15~17Ma,反映剪切带隆升过程中脆韧性左行剪切变形阶段的时代。结合前人成果进行分析认为新生代早期保山地块和兰坪-思茅地块向南南东挤出的同时沿澜沧江构造带中段发生大规模右行斜向走滑韧性剪切作用,后期保山地块南部沿北东向畹町和南汀河左行断裂带相对中北段向北东运动,致使隆升到中上构造层次的韧性剪切带发生左行脆韧性变形。  相似文献   

Mineral chemistry, major and trace elements, 40Ar/39Ar age and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic data are presented for the Late Cretaceous Hamsilos volcanic rocks in the Central Pontides, Turkey. The Hamsilos volcanic rocks mainly consist of basalt, andesite and associated pyroclastics (volcanic breccia, vitric tuff and crystal tuff). They display shoshonitic and high-K calc-alkaline affinities. The shoshonitic rocks contain plagioclase, clinopyroxene, alkali feldspar, phlogopite, analcime, sanidine, olivine, apatite and titanomagnetite, whereas the high-K calc-alkaline rocks contain plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, magnetite / titanomagnetite in microgranular porphyritic, hyalo-microlitic porphyritic and glomeroporphyritic matrix. Mineral chemistry data reveal that the pressure condition of the clinopyroxene crystallisation for the shoshonitic rocks are between 1.4 and 6.3 kbar corresponds to 6–18-km depth and the high-K calc-alkaline rocks are between 5 and 12 km. 40Ar/39Ar age data changing between 72 ± .5 Ma and 79.0 ± .3 Ma (Campanian) were determined for the Late Cretaceous Hamsilos volcanic rocks, contemporaneous with the subduction of the Neo-Tethyan Ocean beneath the Pontides. The studied volcanic rocks were enriched in the large-ion lithophile and light rare earth element contents, with pronounced depletion in the contents of high-field-strength elements. Chondrite-normalised rare earth element patterns (LaN/LuN = 6–17) show low to medium enrichment, indicating similar sources of the rock suite. Initial 87Sr/86Sr values vary between .70615 and .70796, whereas initial 143Nd/144Nd values change between .51228 and .51249. Initial 206Pb/204Pb values vary between 18.001 and 18.349, 207Pb/204Pb values between 15.611 and 15.629 and 208Pb/204Pb values between 37.839 and 38.427. The main solidification processes involved in the evolution of the volcanic rocks consist of fractional crystallisation, with minor amounts of crustal contamination ± magma mixing. According to geochemical evidence, the shoshonitic melts in the Hamsilos volcanic rocks were possibly derived from the low degree of partial melting of a subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM), while the high-K calc-alkaline melts were derived from relatively high degree of partial melting of SCLM that was enriched by fluids and/or sediments from a subduction of oceanic crust.  相似文献   

洒骁  季建清  周晶 《岩石学报》2013,29(8):2789-2795
新生代以来,雷琼地区多次、大量地喷发了一系列火山岩。前人主要基于K-Ar法对此划分了期次。本文采用激光40Ar/39Ar年代学方法,对琼北火山岩区进行了精细定年研究。低本底激光40Ar/39Ar法能够对低钾含量,极少量样品(毫克级)进行精细测定,非常适合极年轻火山岩的定年工作。结果显示的火山岩激光40Ar/39Ar法高质量数据表明琼北火山喷发活动时限跨越1.3~0.052Ma。在比较了表观年龄与等时线年龄差异之后,本文给出了年龄推荐值。正如测试数据所显示,本地区新生代火山岩普遍存在40Ar和36Ar过剩的问题,此时只有等时线年龄才代表喷发的真实年龄。  相似文献   

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