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利用Argo剖面浮标观测资料,对2001-2004年11月期间西北太平洋热带气旋经过后海洋上层的响应作了分析研究.结果显示,热带气旋经过后,55.6%的观测剖面其混合层深度会加深,范围在0-60m,并且在气旋过后5d内更为明显;由于混合加剧,大约有77.8%的观测剖面其混合层温度会下降,最多达5℃;61.1%的混合层盐度会下降,平均降盐约0.12;表层流速增大的占54%,平均增大30cm·s,表层流速的变化与风速的大小呈正相关,相关系数仅为0.06;混合层内温度变化与热带气旋风速呈负相关,相关系数为-0.15;混合层温度下降有明显的右偏现象,在气旋路径右侧50-150km处,温度下降尤为明显,而混合层盐度在气旋路径两侧的变化基本呈对称状分布;混合层深度在气旋路径右侧加深更为明显,在右侧100 150km范围内达到最大;混合层深度的变化与气旋经过前混合层的初始深度呈明显的负相关,相关系数达-0.42.  相似文献   

棉兰老岛以东反气旋涡的Argo观测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了2003年1月至10月期间,由布放于西北太平洋中的Argo剖面浮标捕获的位于棉兰老岛以东海域的反气旋涡。该涡中心位于8.7°N、127.6°E附近,距大陆坡不远,沿等深线走向呈椭圆形分布。其长轴(NW-SE)约200km,短轴(NE-SW)长约120km。Argo浮标的漂移轨迹及其在表层及1 500db层的漂移速度场表明,该反气旋涡位于温跃层以下,中层海洋特征。在1 500db层上,涡的外围平均切向速度为11.9—14.0cm.s-1,旋转周期约为40d。温、盐度断面分布表明,该反气旋涡内的温盐结构非常复杂,可能与源自南、北半球的中层水团在涡旋内交汇并发生变性有关。  相似文献   

The seasonal variability of sonic layer depth (SLD) in the central Arabian Sea (CAS) (0 to 25°N and 62-66°E) was studied using the temperature and salinity (T/S) profiles from Argo floats for the years 2002–2006. The atmospheric forcing responsible for the observed changes was explored using the meteorological data from NCEP/NCAR and Quickscat winds. SLD was obtained from sound velocity profiles computed from T/S data. Net heat flux and wind forcing regulated SLD in the CAS. Up-welling and down-welling (Ekman dynamics) associated with the Findlater Jet controlled SLD during the summer monsoon. While in winter monsoon, cooling and convective mixing regulated SLD in the study region. Weak winds, high insolation and positive net heat flux lead to the formation of thin, warm and stratified sonic layer during pre and post summer monsoon periods, respectively.  相似文献   

基于2001年1月~2014年7月期间的Argo温盐剖面资料,利用循环平稳经验正交函数(CSEOF)分解、最大熵谱分析和相关分析等方法,研究了西太平洋暖池海域上层海洋热盐含量的空间分布、季节和年际变化特征,并探讨了其影响机制。结果表明,暖池海域近表层与次表层热含量逐年变化呈反位相变化模态,同样盐含量变化趋势也不尽相同。无论热含量还是盐含量,都存在着明显的季节和年际变化。CSEOF分析表明,暖池海域热含量第一模态空间场具有显著的东—西反相位年际振荡,盐含量第一模态则呈正-负-正的三极子模态,但时间序列显示,热含量在2007年以后经过3次位相调整,而盐含量2007年以后只经过一次位相调整,且这种年际变化都与ENSO事件有关,且热含量相比于盐含量受ENSO影响更大。El Niño期间,暖池海域西部热含量减少, 东部增加,La Niña期间则相反;研究海域南北部盐含量在El Niño期间增加,中部(暖池高温中心)减少,La Niña期间则相反;进一步分析表明,热含量变化主要受到局地风场以及纬向流的影响,而盐含量变化则受淡水通量和纬向流的影响。  相似文献   

The evolution of thermohaline structure at the upper ocean during three tropical cyclones(TCs) in the Northwest Pacific was studied in this study based on successive observation by two new-style underwater gliders during fall 2018. These remote-controllable gliders with CTD sensor enabled us to explore high frequency responses of temperature, salinity, mixed and barrier layers in the upper ocean to severe TCs in this area. Results showed that three significant cooling-to-warming and stratification destructing-to-reconstructing processes at the mixed layer occurred during the lives of three TCs. The maximal cooling of SST all reached ≥0.5℃ although TCs with different intensities had different minimal distances to the observed area. Under potential impacts of solar radiation, tide and inertial motions, the mixed layer depth possessed significant high-frequency fluctuations during TC periods.In addition, barrier layers appeared and vanished quickly during TCs, accompanied with varied temperature inversion processes.  相似文献   

热带西太平洋海域上层海洋热含量的CSEOF分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于月平均Argo温、盐度剖面、纬向风和Ni o3.4指数等资料,利用循环平稳经验正交函数(CSEOF)分解法、最大熵谱分析和相关分析等方法,研究了热带西太平洋海域上层(0—700m)海洋热含量的时空变化特征,并探讨了其年际变化的可能原因。结果表明,热带西太平洋海域上层海洋热含量距平场具有显著的东-西向反位相振荡,且这种振荡除了具有较明显的季节变化外,还存在着较强的准2a振荡。此外,热含量距平场还存在着负-正-负的三极式经向模态,该模态除了具有明显的季节变化外,还存在着显著的准4a振荡。进一步分析表明,热含量的准2a振荡与ENSO事件的发生有着非常密切的联系,并对赤道西太平洋纬向风异常有1—2月的滞后响应。  相似文献   

利用2003—2015年的重力恢复和气候实验(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, GRACE)卫星观测数据, 揭示了印度洋海底压强的变化特征, 并探讨了其变化机制。结果表明, 印度洋海底压强具有显著的季节变化特征, 北半球冬季在40°S以北(南), 海底压强呈负(正)异常, 夏季分布与冬季相反。印度洋区域的海底压强空间分布与Ekman输送空间分布有较好的对应关系。正压涡度方程诊断结果表明, 利用风场重构的海底压强能够较好地解释印度洋海底压强的季节和长期变化。此外, 海平面变化收支分析表明, 海底压强的变化在高纬度区域主导了海平面变化。  相似文献   

Better forecast of tropical cyclone(TC) can help to reduce risk and enhance management. The TC forecast depends on the scientific understanding of oceanic processes, air-sea interaction and finally, the atmospheric process. The TC Viyaru is taken as an example, which is formed at the end of 11 May 2013 and sustains up to 17 May 2013 during pre-monsoon season. Argo data are used to investigate ocean response processes by comparing pre-and post-conditions of the TC. Eight oceanic parameters including the sea surface temperature(SST), the sea surface salinity(SSS), and the barrier layer thickness(BLT), the 26°C isotherm depth in the ocean(D26), the isothermal layer depth(ILD), the mixed layer depth(MLD), the tropical cyclone heat potential(TCHP) and the effective oceanic layer for cyclogenesis(EOLC) are chosen to evaluate the pre-and post-conditions of the TC along the track of Viyaru. The values of the SST, D26, BLT, TCHP and EOLC in the pre-cyclonic condition are higher than the post-cyclonic condition, while the SSS, ILD and MLD in the post-cyclonic condition are higher than the pre-cyclonic condition of the ocean due to strong cyclonic winds and subsurface upwelling. It is interesting that the strong intensity of the TC reduces less SST and vice versa. The satisfied real time Argo data is not available in the northern Bay of Bengal especially in the coastal region. A weather research and forecasting model is employed to hindcast the track of Viyaru, and the satellite data from the National Center Environmental Prediction are used to assess the hindcast.  相似文献   

南海混合层深度的季节和年际变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1871-2008年SODA资料和月平均的Levitus资料计算了南海混合层深度(MLD)的季节及年际变化特征.资料分析表明:季风通过流场调整对南海MLD的时空分布特征有显著的影响.南海MLD的距平变化总体上呈上升趋势,南海南部MLD的距平变化趋势和北部的有显著差异,特别在1955年后北部整体呈下降趋势而南部呈上升趋势,二者的显著周期北部为2-3年,南部与整个区域平均的基本相似有2-6年的显著周期.SOI指数对滞后的南海各个区域有较好的相关性.EOF分析表明第一模态整体呈单极型最大变率分布在南海南部,由南往北逐渐减小显著周期2-3年变化为主;第二模态呈偶极子型,显著周期以2-5年变化为主.回归分析表明南海南部深水区域呈现增深的趋势,而吕宋海峡至南海北部陆架区呈变浅趋势,滑动t检验表明南海MLD有6个显著的突变年份.  相似文献   

The pattern and magnitude of the global ocean overturning circulation is believed to be strongly controlled by the distribution of diapycnal diffusivity below 1000 m depth. Although wind stress fluctuation is a candidate for the major energy sources of diapycnal mixing processes, the global distribution of wind-induced diapycnal diffusivity is still uncertain. It has been believed that internal waves generated by wind stress fluctuations at middle and high latitudes propagate equatorward until their frequency is twice the local inertial frequency and break down via parametric subharmonic instabilities, causing diapycnal mixing. In order to check the proposed scenario, we use a vertically two-dimensional primitive equation model to examine the spatial distribution of “mixing hotspots” caused by wind stress fluctuations. It is shown that most of the wind-induced energy fed into the ocean interior is dissipated within the top 1000 m depth in the wind-forced area and the energy dissipation rate at low latitudes is very small. Consequently, the energy supplied to diapycnal mixing processes below 1000 m depth falls short of the level required to sustain the global ocean overturning circulation.  相似文献   

基于2020年1—12月在赤道印度洋中部海域获取的沉积物捕获器时间序列样品,分析了沉降颗粒物与颗粒有机碳(particulate organic carbon, POC)通量的季节变化特征,并结合卫星遥感、数值模式及再分析数据探究上层物理过程对生物泵输出通量的调控作用。结果表明,2020年赤道印度洋中部海域的沉降颗粒物总通量与颗粒有机碳通量的变化范围分别为4.57~35.75 mg/(m2·d)\[(18.94±10.18) mg/(m2·d)\]和0.27~2.97 mg/(m2·d)\[(1.09±0.66) mg/(m2·d)\],两者均呈现显著的季节变化特征。总体上,1—3月、6月和9—11月呈现出3个显著的高通量事件。通过分析发现混合层深度变化与营养盐跃层波动的耦合作用可能是调控中深层通量变化的主要原因。与此同时,西南季风流(Southwest Monsoon Current, SMC)与赤道Wyrtki急流生消也可能通过改变温跃层或营养盐跃层深度对沉降颗粒物通量强度和季节变化起调控作用。  相似文献   

By using the upper layer data(downloaded from the web of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography ),the interannual variability of the heat storage of upper layer(from surface to 400 m depth) and the mixed layer depth in the tropical Pacific Ocean are investigated. The abnormal signal of the warm event comes from the central and west Pacific Ocean, whereas it is regarded that the abnormal signal of the warm event comes from the east Pacific Ocean in the popular viewpoint. From the viewpoint on the evolution of the interannual variability of the mixed layer depth and the heat storage of the whole upper layer, the difference between the two types of E1Nino is so small that it can be neglected. During these two E1Nino/La Nina events( 1972/1973 and 1997/1998), other than the case of the heat storage or for the mixed layer depth, the abnormal signal propagates from the central and west Pacific Ocean to the east usually by the path along the equator whereas the abnormal signal propagates from the east to the west by the path northern to the equator. For the interannual variability, the evolution of the mixed layer depth corresponds to that of the heat storage in the upper layer very well. This is quite different from the evolution of seasonality.  相似文献   

The heat balance of the surface layer in the vicinity of the former Ocean Weather Station “Tango” (OWS-T; 29°N, 135°E), where a large amount of heat is transported by the Kuroshio and transferred to the atmosphere, was studied by during Ocean Mixed Layer Experiment (OMLET) as an oceanographic component of the Japanese World Climate Research Program (1987–1991). Temperature and velocity in the upper ocean measured using a surface moored buoy system deployed by the Ocean Research Institute, the University of Tokyo, in total 668 days of four time series namely the periods of April 1988–November 1988 (OMELET-88), August 1989–February 1990 (OMLET-89), April 1990–September 1990 (OMLET-901) and September 1990–January 1991 (OMLET-902). We have analyzed the moored buoy data of the upper 100 m for the latter three time series (OMLET-89, -901 and -902) and here we discuss the heat balance of the upper 100 m, in combination with surface heat flux and oceanographic data provided by the Japan Meteorological Agency. A large fluctuation of oceanic heat convergence/divergence of 200–300 W/m2 in amplitude with predominant period of 20–30 days occurred in the first half of OMLET-89 period, which was just the early stage in the formation process of a large meander path of the Kuroshio. A large amount of heat convergence of 71 and 79 W/m2 on average was detected in observation period of OMLET-89 and -901, respectively. During OMLET-902, relatively small heat convergence of 13 W/m2 was obtained. It is suggested that these variations of oceanic heat convergence in this region were closely related to the fluctuation of the Kuroshio axis to the south of Japan. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In the northern Bay of Bengal, the existence of intense temperature inversion during winter is a widely accepted phenomenon. However, occurrences of temperature inversion during other seasons and the spatial distribution within and adjacent to the Bay of Bengal are not well understood. In this study, a higher resolution spatiotemporal variation of temperature inversion and its mechanisms are examined with mixed layer heat and salt budget analysis utilizing long-term Argo(2004 to 2020) and RAMA(2...  相似文献   

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