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联肢钢板剪力墙能通过连梁耗能实现多重抗侧体系,其优良的抗震性能被越来越多的学者研究论证。本文基于能量平衡原理和Chao和Goel提出的弹塑性层剪力分布模式,预设目标侧移及屈服机制等性能参数,归纳出完整的联肢钢板剪力墙结构塑性设计流程,并采用该方法基于8度(0.3g)抗震设防条件下设计了12个联肢钢板剪力墙结构算例。利用有限元分析软件ABAQUS对结构进行了Push-over分析,研究了刚度退化、构件屈服顺序和结构整体变形等方面的结果。结果表明:设计算例能够实现多重抗震机制,并满足预期性能目标。  相似文献   

带暗支撑双肢短肢剪力墙抗震性能试验研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
钢筋混凝土短肢剪力墙结构是一种新型的中高层住宅结构体系,已有较多的工程应用,但是短肢剪力墙的抗震性能较差,如何提高短肢剪力墙的抗震性能是目前工程界十分关注的问题。本文提出了带暗支撑短肢剪力墙,并以典型的双肢短肢剪力墙为例,选择了4个1/3缩尺的双肢短肢剪力墙试验模型,2个为普通双肢短肢剪力墙模型,2个为带暗支撑双肢剪力墙模型,进行了对比性的抗震性能试验研究,较系统地分析了带暗支撑双肢短肢剪力墙的承载力、刚度、延性、耗能能力及破坏特征,建立了承载力计算模型,计算结果与实测结果符合较好。试验表明,带暗支撑双肢短肢剪力墙的抗震能力比普通双肢短肢剪力墙显著提高。  相似文献   

高性能混凝土双连梁短肢剪力墙试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了高性能混凝土双连梁短肢剪力墙的新型结构形式,并对3片4层1/3缩尺联肢高性能混凝土短肢剪力墙进行了静力试验研究,得出了从加载到破坏整个过程的P-U全曲线,分析了不同连梁形式模型的承载力、刚度、延性、耗能能力以及破坏特征。证明了高性能混凝土双连梁短肢剪力墙的良好抗震性能。  相似文献   

建立了适合于带暗支撑短肢剪力墙非线性分析的宏观计算模型,分析推导了SAP程序中Link单元的刚度矩阵,明确了Link(单元中各弹簧的物理意义,给出了各单元等效刚度计算方法,选取了合适的单元力一位移关系。用由Link单元建立的宏观模型对3片普通短肢剪力墙和3片带暗支撑短肢剪力墙进行了静力弹塑性分析,试验和计算所得顶点力一位移骨架曲线符合良好,说明所建宏观模型合理,用由Link单元建立的宏观模型能较好的模拟带暗支撑短肢剪力墙的非线性行为。  相似文献   

进行了3个1∶4缩尺的四层双肢剪力墙模型抗震性能的对比试验,连梁跨高比为1.5。模型1为普通混凝土双肢剪力墙,模型2为全再生混凝土双肢剪力墙,模型3为底部两层普通混凝土、上部两层再生混凝土双肢剪力墙。分析了各双肢剪力墙的承载力、延性、刚度、滞回特性、耗能及破坏特征。结果表明:与普通混凝土双肢剪力墙相比,全再生混凝土双肢剪力墙的抗震性能略差,底部两层普通混凝土、上部两层再生混凝土的双肢剪力墙与普通混凝土双肢剪力墙抗震性能接近。建立了再生混凝土双肢剪力墙的承载力计算模型,计算结果与试验结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

不同连梁跨高比带暗支撑双肢剪力墙抗震性能试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨不同连梁跨高比带暗支撑双肢剪力墙的抗震性能,进行了2组连梁跨高比分别为1.0和1.5的4个4层双肢剪力墙1/4缩尺模型的抗震性能试验研究。较系统地分析了结构的刚度及其退化过程以及承载力、延性、耗能、破坏机制和破坏特征等。结果表明,连梁跨高比相对小的带暗支撑双肢剪力墙抗震性能较好。承载力计算结果与实测值符合较好。  相似文献   

在大连国际会议中心核心筒墙体抗震设计中,采用了一种钢管混凝土叠合边框墙肢内藏钢板、连梁内藏钢桁架的组合双肢剪力墙。为研究其抗震性能,进行了1个1/7缩尺的这种新型组合双肢剪力墙模型的低周反复荷载试验,分析了其承载力、延性、刚度及其退化、滞回特性、耗能能力和破坏特征,重点研究了钢管混凝土叠合边框、墙肢内藏钢板、连梁内藏钢桁架之间的共同工作性能。研究表明:内藏钢板-钢桁架可显著提高钢管混凝土叠合边框双肢剪力墙的承载力和延性性能;钢管混凝土叠合边框可充分发挥其承载力高、不易开裂、延性好的优势。文中提出了该新型组合双肢剪力墙的承载力计算模型,计算结果与实测结果符合较好。  相似文献   

型钢混凝土短肢剪力墙抗震性能的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
型钢混凝土短肢剪力墙是一种新型的剪力墙结构形式,它可以充分发挥钢和混凝土两种材料的优势,改善普通钢筋混凝土短肢剪力墙延性和耗能能力较差的缺点,其抗弯、抗剪承载力和抗震性能均好于后者.文中对3个1/2缩尺的型钢混凝土组合"一"字形短肢剪力墙进行了低周反复荷载下的抗震性能试验研究,墙肢截面宽厚比分别为5、5.5、6.在试验研究基础上,分析了各剪力墙承载力、延性、滞回特性及破坏特征,并提出了抗震设计建议.试验结果表明型钢暗柱的存在提高了混凝土短肢剪力墙的后期强度储备,改善混凝土短肢剪力墙的抗震性能.  相似文献   

影响钢筋混凝土剪力墙变形能力的主要因素包括高宽比r、轴压比n、边缘约束构件约束程度等.本文首先建立了钢筋混凝土剪力墙端部约束构件的配箍特征值λvw、轴压比n、高宽比r与剪力墙极限位移Δuw之间的关系,即λvw-n-r-Δuw关系,然后通过7个研究机构所进行的钢筋混凝土剪力墙试验对该关系进行了验证.在此关系的基础上,本文提出了钢筋混凝土剪力墙基于性能的抗震设计方法.根据本文方法,设计者可以在已知层间位移角需求θ及确定损伤指标Dw的情况下对剪力墙端部约束构件进行配箍.本文最后通过一算例详细介绍了该方法的设计过程.  相似文献   

基于性能的碳纤维抗震加固设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文探讨了基于性能的加固设计的基本思路和设计过程,并给出了一个基于性能的碳纤维加固设计的工程实例,采用pushover静力推覆分析的方法分析对比了结构加固前后的性能,表明原结构的抗震性能不足,经碳纤维加固后的结构抗震性能明显提高,满足8度抗震设防烈度要求。  相似文献   

基于性能的抗震设计方法在剪力墙结构中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文对基于性能的抗震设计方法中最具有代表性的直接基于位移的设计方法在剪力墙结构中的应用进行了研究。采用结构非线性分析程序探讨了墙厚、混凝土强度等级、纵筋配筋率、钢筋级别、轴压比、墙长等因素对单肢剪力墙屈服位移的影响,从而对现有的屈服曲率计算公式进行了改进。另外将按顶点荷载作用下的屈服位移计算公式求出的屈服位移与实际倒三角形荷载作用下的剪力墙屈服位移进行了比较,,从而推导出倒三角形荷载作用下的屈服位移计算公式。  相似文献   

本文将基于能力的设计原理引入转换层结构设计,提出了“强转换弱上部”思想,给出了转换构件的能力设计公式。考虑了转换结构刚度和质量变化以及抗震设防烈度和转换层设置高度的不同对转换结构所受罕遇地震作用的影响,从工程应用的角度给出适用各类转换形式的能力设计简化公式,给出转换层结构能力设计的具体步骤。通过工程算例,对运用能力设计方法、我国现行规范方法以及在工程界应用的水平地震作用增大系数法(G βE)进行对比,并对转换层结构的能力设计方法应用提出了建议。  相似文献   

Coupled steel plate shear wall (C‐SPSW) consists of two or more steel plate shear walls interconnected by coupling beams at the floor levels. In this study, a six‐story C‐SPSW prototype building was designed. A 40% scale C‐SPSW specimen, which is representative of the bottom two‐and‐half‐story substructure of the prototype, was cyclically tested using Multi‐Axial Testing System at the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering in 2009. In addition to a constant vertical force representing the gravity load effects, cyclic increasing displacements and the corresponding overturning moments transmitted from the upper stories were computed online and simultaneously applied on the substructural specimen. This paper firstly introduces the designs of the prototype C‐SPSW and the test specimen. Then, the test results and the numerical simulation are discussed in detail. Test results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed column capacity design method, which aims at limiting the plastic hinge formation within the bottom quarter height of the bottom column. Test and analytical results suggest that the coupling beam rotational demands can be estimated as the design story drifts when the formation of desirable plastic mechanism of the C‐SPSW is expected. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The coupled steel plate shear wall (C-SPSW) configuration has been investigated by researchers as a means of improving the overturning stiffness and architectural flexibility of SPSW structures. While C-SPSWs have been shown to exhibit excellent seismic performance, the fabrication cost associated with the high number of moment-resisting connections used in such systems is a potential detraction to their use as an economical solution. Past research has shown that the hysteresis response of SPSWs with simple frame connections is significantly pinched, and as such, most seismic codes prohibit their use in high seismic areas. However, when used in the C-SPSW configuration, a dual system is formed in which the coupling beams not only improve resistance to overturning but also provide substantial lateral strength and energy dissipation capacity. This paper presents an exploration of the potential to improve the economy of C-SPSWs by using the simple boundary frame connections. First, employing the principles of plastic analysis, an attempt is made to quantify the contribution of the coupling beams to the overall lateral load resistance of the system. Then, to evaluate the seismic performance of such C-SPSW systems and allow for the comparison with that of the C-SPSWs with rigid frames, several prototypes are designed and analyzed using a series of nonlinear response history and pushover analyses. The results indicated that the C-SPSWs with simple boundary frames exhibited satisfactory seismic performance comparable with that of the C-SPSWs with rigid frames under both the 10/50 and 2/50 hazard levels, while allowing for reduced fabrication costs.  相似文献   

This research investigates the seismic design method and the cyclic inelastic behavior of the bottom column, also called the vertical boundary element (VBE), in steel plate shear walls (SPSWs). This study consists of two parts. This Part 1 paper discusses the anticipated pushover responses for properly designed SPSWs and the possible inelastic responses of the bottom VBE at various levels of inter‐story drift. Considering both the tension field action of the infill panel and the sway action of the boundary frame, this study develops a simplified method to compute the flexural and shear demands in the bottom VBE. Based on the superposition method, this approach considers various plastic hinge forming locations at different levels of inter‐story drift. One of the key performance‐based design objectives is to ensure that the top ends of the bottom VBEs remain elastic when the SPSWs are subjected to the maximum considered earthquake. This paper presents the comprehensive design procedures for the bottom VBE. Furthermore, this study conducted cyclic performance evaluation tests of three full‐scale two‐story SPSWs at the Taiwan National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering in 2011 to validate the effectiveness of the proposed design methods. The experimental program, cyclic inelastic responses of the SPSWs and bottom VBEs, and numerical simulations are presented in Part 2. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is the second part of a two‐part paper presenting the cyclic tests of four two‐story narrow steel plate shear walls (SPSWs). The first paper introduces the analytical studies and the specimen designs. This paper describes the test results. Some design implications including the capacity design for the first story column and the width‐to‐thickness ratio check for the beam web are discussed based on key observations from the tests. Test results confirm that the simplified strip model can accurately predict the inelastic responses of the specimens. Test results also confirm that the proposed capacity design method is effective in ensuring the plastic hinge formation at the bottom end of the first story column for SPSW with or without restrainers. Test results also show that the horizontal restrainers are effective in reducing the member forces in the boundary beam and column elements. Comparing the test results of the typical SPSW with those of the restrained SPSW (R‐SPSW) specimens, it is found that the R‐SPSW possesses an improved cyclic performance and reduced material weight. Analytical results predict the compressed column moments at the onset of the column plastic hinge formation well. The analytical hysteretic energy distribution in the first story column agrees very well with the observed inelastic actions developed in the four specimens. The detailed frame response analyses and the test results confirm that the assumptions made in developing the proposed column capacity design method are reasonable. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes an experiment to investigate the seismic design and responses of the bottom column, also called the bottom vertical boundary element (VBE), in steel plate shear walls (SPSWs). The main objectives of this experiment include validating the effectiveness of the design method developed in the companion paper, investigating the experimental performance of VBEs under large interstory drifts, and calibrating analytical models for earthquake engineering of SPSWs. Three full‐scale two‐story SPSWs were cyclically tested at the Taiwan National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering in 2011. Test results and numerical simulations confirm that the proposed design procedures are effective in predicting the plastic zone forming elevation in the lower half of the bottom VBE and the occurrence of yielding at the VBE's top end. Test results show that the premature yielding occurring at the top end of a bottom VBE would result in a deformation concentration at the bottom of SPSWs. In addition, lateral torsional buckling could take place on the bottom VBE after significant plastic rotations have developed at the top end. Test results suggest that preventing the VBE's top end from yielding is the key issue in the seismic design of SPSWs, and the proposed method can be effectively adopted to achieve this objective. Furthermore, the inelastic responses of the SPSW specimens were satisfactorily simulated by using detailed finite shell elements or simplified frame response analysis models. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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