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12月9日,全省国土资源依法行政暨法制宣传教育工作视频会议在济南召开。会议主要任务是以胡锦涛总书记"七一"重要讲话精神为指导,深入学习贯彻全国国土资源系统依法行政和法制宣传教育工作会议精神,总结山东省国土资源系统"四五"依法行政和"五五"普法工作,部署"五五"依法行政和  相似文献   

这次会议,是省厅组建以来召开的第一次专题研究部署依法行政工作的会议,主要任务是:以党的十六大和十六届三中、四中、五中全会精神为指导,全面总结交流近年来我省国土资源管理系统依法行政工作的经验,表彰先进,研究安排今后一个时期依法行政工作的总体思路和目标任务,动员全系  相似文献   

2002年,江苏省国土资源工作在全面推进国土资源的调查、规划、管理、保护和合理利用,在深化制度改革、推行依法行政、夯实基础业务、加强队伍建设等方面取得了新的成绩,圆满地完成了年初确定的各项目标任务。围绕加快经济发展,资源保障和服务工作成效明显;加强资源保护和集约利用,促进了全省经济社会可持续发展;进一步规范市场管理秩序,资源的市场化配置机制基本形成;全面推进依法行政,维护国土资源所有者和使用者合法权益;大力推进信息化建设,全面提升国土资源各项基础工作水平;加强干部队伍思想作风建设,国土资源系统队伍的整体素质得到提高。  相似文献   

正本刊讯全省国土资源依法行政工作会议1月22日在郑州召开。会议回顾总结了实施"六五"规划三年来我省国土资源依法行政工作,表彰了全省依法行政和"六五"普法中期工作先进单位和先进个人,安排部署了下一步依法行政工作。河南省国土资源厅党组成员、执法监察总队总队长石昆山代表厅党组作了工作报告。厅党组书记、厅长盛国民作总结讲话。石昆山在题为《开拓进取真抓实干努力实现我省法治国土建设新跨越》的工作报告中,认真总结了2011年以来我省全面推进国土资源依法行政工作,促进国土资源管理法治化建设取得的新成效,分析了当前工作中存在的问题,对下一步我省国土资源依法行政工作进行了安排部署,强调要认真落实省厅"两个  相似文献   

一.充分肯定全省国土资源系统依法行政工作取得的成绩 近年来,厅党组按照部、省关于全面推进依法行政的要求,以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,始终把依法行政放在整个国土资源管理工作的突出位置,从理论探讨到实践运川,从局部试点到全面推开,从初步建立到整体规范,依法行政工作取得了重大进展和明显成效,具有我省国土资源管理特色的依法行政体系正在形成。主要表现在。  相似文献   

第一条 为全面推进依法行政,提高国土资源管理制度建设质量,规范国土资源管理规范性文件的合法性审查工作,根据国务院《全面推进依法行政实施纲要》,结合国土资源管理工作实际,制定本办法。  相似文献   

以贯彻落实国土资源部《关于国土资源电子政务建设指导意见》,加快推进国土资源政务管理信息化步伐,促进国土资源工作的高效管理、科学决策、依法行政和政务公开为主题的全省国土资源信息化工作会议,2月24日在哈尔滨召开。  相似文献   

近日,全省国土资源系统新闻宣传工作座谈会成功召开。这是在国土资源工作地位空前提高、国土资源新闻宣传任务日益繁重的新形势下召开的一次重要会议,是一次深记得领会十六届四中全会精神的学习会,是一次国土资源新闻宣传工作实践经验的总结会,是一次安排当前和今后一个暑期新闻宣传工作的部署会,是一次以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,全面提升国土资源工作宣传水平的动员会。  相似文献   

正在今年1月22日召开的全省国土资源依法行政工作会议上,汝阳县国土资源局被省国土资源厅表彰为"六五"普法工作中期先进单位。2013年,该局还被授予"洛阳市第五批依法行政示范单位"荣誉称号,成为洛阳市国土资源系统唯一获此殊荣的单位。谈到汝阳县国土资源依法行政工作,该局局长袁建国介绍说,该局强化依法行政工作有"三招",就是通过抓培训提升队伍素质、抓规范提高工作效率和服务质量、抓监督提高依法行政水平,以此推进国土资源依法  相似文献   

这次会议的主要任务是,以科学发展观为统领,深人学习贯彻全国国土资源厅局长会议和全省经济工作会议精神,总结工作,交流经验,分析形势,研究部署2007年国土资源工作。  相似文献   

In the Songnen Plain, there are 330,000 ha of alkaline meadow, many sand sources such as fixed dunes, semi-fixed dunes and sand hills, and rich wind force resources as well. Sand has been stopped naturally and A neurolepidium chinense has grown on alkaline patch of the plain. If we make use of the natural law and set up manmade obstacles in alkaline patches, we can use accumulative sand to cover alkali, improve alkaline meadow, restore A neurolepidium chinense vegetation to develop animal husbandry.  相似文献   

本文利用2000年的TM数据,经过图像增强、合成、几何精纠正、镶嵌和分割,以1∶10万地形图分幅标准,在微机Windows的ARC/INFO软件平台上,人机交互解译,最终获得2000年全国各省的沙漠、沙地和沙漠化土地面积。土地覆盖类型采用二级分类系统,第一级分为6大类:耕地、林地、草地、水域、建设用地和未利用土地。TM解译结果表明,于2000年,新疆维吾尔自治区、内蒙古自治区、青海省和甘肃省的沙漠、沙地和沙漠化土地面积分别为:79361263hm2、58570586hm2、18917225hm2和12340694hm2。面对中国局部生态环境得到改善但整体上土地荒漠化面积每年都在扩大的现实,利用遥感手段快速准确地监测国土荒漠化面积,对政府决策整治防护有重要意义。  相似文献   

Biomass carbon sequestration by planted forests in China   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The planted forest area and carbon sequestration have increased significantly in China, because of large-scale reforestation and afforestation in the past decades. In this study, we developed an age-based volume-to-biomass method to estimate the carbon storage by planted forests in China in the period of 1973–2003 based on the data from 1209 field plots and national forest inventories. The results show that the total carbon storage of planted forests was 0.7743 Pg C in 1999–2003, increased by 3.08 times since the early 1970s. The carbon density of planted forests varied from 10.6594 Mg/ha to 23.9760 Mg/ha and increased by 13.3166 Mg/ha from 1973–1976 to 1999–2003. Since the early 1970s, the planted forests in China have been always a carbon sink, and the annual rate of carbon sequestration was 0.0217 Pg C/yr. The carbon storage and densities of planted forests varied greatly in space and time. The carbon storage of Middle South China was in the lead in all regions, which accounted for 23%–36% of national carbon storage. While higher C densities (from 17.79 Mg/ha to 26.05 Mg/ha) were usually found in Northeast China. The planted forests in China potentially have a high carbon sequestration since a large part of them are becoming mature and afforestation continues to grow.  相似文献   

苏梅 《国土资源》2002,(8):10-19
题记:土地是财富之母城区土地一朝被作为经营城市的资本,那么,多米诺骨牌效应将在这块土地上产生——  相似文献   

土层锚杆模型试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对土层锚杆应力分布的复杂性,进行室内模型试验,利用所得数据,绘制了拉力型锚杆和压力型锚杆杆体全长上的应变分布曲线、同列锚杆锚固段末端点以及坡面处的应变分布曲线.在所得曲线的基础上,对坡体中锚杆的应力分布特征以及变化规律进行了分析及讨论,从而对其工作性能和加固机理进行初步研究.介绍了锚杆上剪应力分布的理论解,并将试验结果与理论分析结果进行了对比,两者基本吻合,验证了本试验结果的合理性和可靠性.  相似文献   

1前言今年是邓小平同志诞辰100周年,对于这样一位开国元勋、拨乱反正的旗手,改革开放的领路人,他的丰功伟绩,对人类的贡献,对祖国的贡献,是我们每一个老百姓都感受到的,永远怀念,永远歌颂的。而作为一名老年的科技工作者,特别是当年曾经被号称为“臭老九”、“反动学术权威”、“孔老二徒子徒孙”的“弱势”群体,自然更是感慨万千,感激涕零的。小平同志也有过“三起三落”的经历,但是他有着解放全人类的魄力和智慧,力挽狂澜于既倒,妙手回春,领导全国人民走改革开放的道路;指引我们迎来科技的春天。  相似文献   

Tetraploid induction was carried out by inhibiting mitosis I in fertilized eggs ofChlamys farreri. Mitosis I was blocked with cold shock (5–7°C), Cytochalasin B (0.75 mg/L) and 6-dimethylaminopurine (6-DMAP) (60–75 mg/L) when 60% fertilized eggs released polar body II at 20°C. At 4-cells embryo stage, the ploidy was determined by counting chromosome number. In control groups, most embryos were diploids (72.22%) and aneuploids (24.78%). In Cytochalasin B, cold shock and 6-DMAP treated groups, tetraploids were respectively 10.51%, 4.08%, and 13.34%; aneuploids were 43.10%, 35.93% and 29.16%, and triploids were 7.84%, 8.52% and 18.33%. At D-larva stage, ploidy was determined by flow cytometry (FCM). The ploidy analysis of day 2 larvae showed diploids in control group and also in three treated groups. Juvenile scallops (0.2–0.3cm) which were harvested in two control groups and two CB treated groups were all diploids through checking ploidy individually by FCM. Contribution No. 3648 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Contribution No. 238 from the Experimental Marine Biology Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Project funded by grant (No. 819-01-07) from the Chinese Science and Technology Ministry and also by “Hundred Talents Plan” grant from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

A new mimic biological Semi-permeable Membrane Device (SPMD) introduced for sampling organic pollutants yielded satisfactory results when it was frrst used as a passive sampler to concentrate and determine 16 kinds of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by means of capillary GC on an HP 5890 GC-FID in coastal sediment perewater. The concentration of PAHs in sediment porewater for naphthalene(N), acenaphthlene(AL), acenaphthene (AE), fluorene (F), phenaphthene(P), anthracene(A), fluoranthene(FA), pyrene(Py), benzo[a]anthracene(B[a]A), chrysene(Chr), benzo[b] fluor- anthene(B[b]F), benzo[k]fluoranthene(B[k]F), benzo[a]pyrene(B[a]P),indeno[1,2,3,-cd]-Pyrene(I[123]P), dibenz[a,h]anthracene(D[ab]A) and benzo[g,h,i] perylene(B[ghi]P) were:50.36, under detection limits(UD), 18.19, 8.41, 8.40, 1.44, UD, 8.01, 524.15, 168.47, 50.13,123.66, 63.48, 27.40, 82.04 and 58,81 ng/L, respectively.  相似文献   

Precise structural identification of phospholipids in the microalga Nitzschia closterium has been established using ultra performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-quadrupole-time of flight-mass spectrometry (UPLC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS) for direct analysis of total lipid extracts. Mass spectrometry was performed in reflective time-of-flight using electron spraying ionization in negative mode. Phospholipid molecular species identification was based on the characteristic product ions and neutral loss yielded by different phospholipids under ESI-MS/MS mode. The molecular species were confirmed by the carboxylate anions produced by phospholipids in negative mode; the regiospecificity of the two acyl chains was determined from the ratio of sn-1 to sn-2 carboxylate anion abundances. As a result, 18 lipid molecular species were identified for the first time in this microalga, comprising seven phosphatidylcholines (PC), two phosphatidylethanolamines (PE), two phosphatidylinositols (PI), and seven phosphatidylglycerols (PG). Lipid standards of PC, PE, PI, and PG were added to the total lipids as internal standards for semiquantitative analysis, revealing concentrations of phospholipids in this species between 0.09 and 3.37 nmol/mg. This method can produce a full structural profile of intact phospholipid molecular species and can be used for study of the physiological and ecological functions of lipids by monitoring their individual changes over time.  相似文献   

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