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热水—日月山断裂带在遥感影像上具有明显的线性构造特征,通过解译认为该断裂带由6条不连续的断裂段右阶羽列组成,活动特征很明显,造成一系列水系断错,最大水平位错940 m,并沿断裂带形成一系列小拉分盆地,认为该断裂带具有较强的右旋走滑特征。其中牧场部—大崖根段北西西向沿湟水河河谷发育,除其本身具有发生强震的构造能力外,其延伸是否与西宁市区中的沿湟水河谷地附近的地表断层相连,对西宁盆地的构造活动形式及地震构造特征有十分重要的意义。历史地震表明曾在热水煤矿与大通山构造复合部位于1927年连续发生多次M4.5~5.5级中强地震。 相似文献
祁连山北缘佛洞庙-红崖子断裂古地震特征初步研究 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
佛洞庙-红崖子断裂位于祁连山北缘断裂带中部,是祁连山与河西走廊之间的一条重要边界断裂,断裂全长约110km,总体走向北西西,该断裂为一条全新世活动的逆-左旋走滑断裂,断裂活动形成了一系列陡坎、断层崖以及冲沟和阶地左旋等断错地貌.本文通过3个探槽剖面对发生在该断裂上的古地震事件进行了分析,可确定地震事件2次,事件Ⅰ为历史地震,发生在距今400年前,为1609年红崖堡71/4级地震;事件Ⅱ的年代为距今(6.3±0.6)ka B.P.和(7.4±0.4)ka B.P.之间.同时结合前人的一些研究资料,对古地震的复发模式和间隔进行了初步讨论. 相似文献
海原活动断裂带的古地震与强震复发规律 总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16
海原断裂是中国西部的一条重要活动走滑断裂带, 1920年沿该带发生的8.5级强震形成了230 km长的地表破裂带和10 m的左旋走滑位移. 为了揭示这条重要发震断裂的强震活动规律, 沿断裂带的3个段落开挖了17个探槽, 揭示了大量的古地震事件, 并结合前人的研究结果, 利用古地震分析的逐次限定方法研究了海原断裂带的强震复发规律. 研究发现, 海原断裂带的3个段落具有分段差异的古地震活动历史; 古地震破裂有3种尺度, 即单段破裂、双段破裂和全段破裂. 另外, 整个海原断裂带的古地震丛集现象也十分明显, 第1丛集期在距今4600~6300 a期间, 第2丛集期发生在距今1000~2800 a期间. 海原断裂带的古地震活动习性对于认识大陆走滑断裂的破裂特征和强震复发规律具有十分重要的意义. 相似文献
云南龙蟠—乔后断裂剑川段古地震初步研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过遥感影像解译和详细的野外考察,发现龙蟠—乔后断裂带剑川段晚第四纪以来长期活动,横跨断裂的水系左旋断错量可分为40m、140m、550m、1040m四个等级。经详细考察后选择后菁拉分盆地开挖探槽。探槽揭示了两次M6.5古地震事件:一次发生在10010±40a B.P.之前;另一次发生在6130±40aB.P.和6320±40aB.P.之间。结合前人研究,分析得出剑川盆地全新世以来发生了3次M6.5的地震,发生时间分别为1751年、6230±130aB.P.和10737±468aB.P.,其重复间隔约为5300a。由于1751年剑川6级地震相对于前两次地震释放的能量偏小,而且其离逝时间较前一次要明显长一些,故本段的地震危险性仍值得关注。 相似文献
昌马断裂位于祁连山西段,是祁连山系列次级断裂与阿尔金断裂东段的重要构造转换断层之一,于1932年发生7.6级地震。位于昌马断裂中东段的臭水柳沟古地震探槽揭示了2次地震事件:一次为1932年昌马地震事件,另一次为(902±44)a B.P.以来发生的事件,这弥补了昌马断裂全新世晚期古地震事件缺失的现状。结合前人的研究结果可确定昌马断裂全新世至少发生7次古地震事件,推测地震复发间隔为1ka左右,部分事件未能揭示。通过探槽揭示的低角度断层、地层变形和部分断裂的地貌特征可知,受阿尔金断裂NEE向挤出的影响,昌马断裂部分段落表现出低角度的逆冲推覆活动,形成其特有的低角度走滑现象,以吸收阿尔金断裂东段的左旋位移。这也说明昌马断裂在承担阿尔金断裂与祁连山西段系列断层的构造转换中起着重要作用。 相似文献
青藏高原北缘三危山断裂东北段的古地震事件 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
三危山断裂位于青藏高原北缘,为阿尔金断裂带的一条重要分支,研究其晚更新世以来的活动特征,可为全面地把握青藏高原北缘的地震活动规律提供基础资料。在对三危山断裂东北段(十工口子西-双塔)进行遥感资料解译、野外地质地貌调查和探槽开挖,并分析探槽内揭露的断层、地层和楔状堆积三者之间关系的基础上,结合相关堆积物的光释光断代研究,最终利用逐次限定法分析了古地震事件发生的年代。研究发现该断裂段上晚更新世以来发生了3次古地震事件:距今最远的一次事件E1发生在约5.3万年前,接近5.3万年;第二次事件E2发生于距今约4万年之前,5.3万年之后,更接近4万年;最近的一次事件E3发生于距今7.42—2.47ka。由于晚更新世以来探槽开挖地点地层沉积的不连续,或地层沉积之后发生的侵蚀作用,导致探槽内揭露出的古地震事件存在严重缺失。但可以确定的是,在晚更新世中晚期和全新世,三危山断裂东北段上确有破裂地表的古地震事件发生。 相似文献
兰州马衔山北缘断裂带为一条全新世活动断裂 ,大致由 4条次级断裂段组成 .沿断裂带发现了多期古地震事件 ,其活动具有时空不均匀性 .其中东段的马衔山段可以确定 2次古地震事件 ,距今 5850± 50 0aB .P .,2 0 60± 42 0aB .P .,复发间隔约 380 0a ;震级 7~ 7.5级左右 .中段的七道梁段发现 2次古地震事件 ,距今 1 682 0± 80aB .P .,1 0 80 0± 1 40aB .P ..西段的雾宿山咸水沟段可以确定一次古地震事件 ,其年代为 1 2 45± 560aB .P .,结合史料考证结果 ,认为就是 1 1 2 5年兰州 7级地震 .从古地震活动年代及复发间隔分析 ,马衔山北缘断裂带未来的强震危险段应为东段的马衔山段和西段的雾宿山咸水沟段 . 相似文献
通过遥感影像解译和详细的野外考察,发现龙蟠乔后断裂带剑川段晚第四纪以来长期活动,横跨断裂的水系左旋断错量可分为40 m、140m、550 m、1040m四个等级。经详细考察.后选择后菁拉分盆地开挖探槽。探槽揭示了两次M>6.5古地震事件:一次发生在10010±40aB.P.之前;另一次发生在6130±40a B. P.和6320±40a B.P. 之间。结合前人研究,分析得出剑川盆地全新世以来发生了3次M>6.5的地震,发生时间分别为1751 年、6230士130a B. P.和10737±468aB.P.,其重复间隔约为5300a。由于1751年剑川6¾级地震相对于前两次地震释放的能量偏小,而且其离逝时间较前一次要明显长一些,故本段的地震危险性仍值得关注。 相似文献
东昆仑断裂带东段玛曲断裂古地震初步研究 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
东昆仑活动断裂是青藏高原东北部一条重要的NWW向边界断裂。玛曲断裂位于东昆仑断裂带的最东段。本文通过3个古地震剖面揭示出东昆仑断裂东段玛曲断裂全新世共有4次古地震事件。最新一次古地震事件为距今(1730±50)~(1802±52)a,第二次古地震的时间为距今(3736±57)~(4641±60)a;第三次为距今(8590±70)a;第四次为距今(12200±1700)a。其中第一次和第二次古地震事件的时间较为可靠,两次古地震事件之间的复发间隔为2400a左右,由此认为东昆仑断裂带东段的古震事件之间的复发间隔为2400a左右,古地震的离逝时间为距今(1730±50)~(1802±52)a。 相似文献
The slip rate and strong earthquake recurrence interval on the Qianning-Kangding segment of the Xianshuihe fault zone 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
IntroductionLocated in the western part of Sichuan Province, China, the Xianshuihe fault zone is a notable strong earthquake zone in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. At its northwestern end, the Xianshuihe fault zone overlaps the Ganzi-Yushu fault in a left-stepping pattern. The fault zone extends southeastwards through Luhuo, Daofu, Kangding, and Moxi and disappears near Shimian, with a total length of 400 km. The fault trends N40(-50°W in the north, and N20(-30°W to the south of Kangdi… 相似文献
Average slip rate,earthquake rupturing segmentation and recurrence behavior on the Litang fault zone,western Sichuan Province,China 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
XU Xiwei WEN Xueze YU Guihua ZHENG Rongzhang LUO Haiyuan & ZHENG Bin . Institute of Geology China Earthquake Administration Beijing China . Earthquake Administration of Sichuan Province Chengdu China 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2005,48(8):1183-1196
The Litang fault zone (LFZ) is an important active fault within the northwestern Sichuan sub-block. To-gether with the Garzê-Yushu, Xianshuihe, and An-ninghe fault zones on its northern, eastern and south-eastern sides, the LFZ constitutes the lateral extrusion tectonic system in the southeastern part of the Qing-hai-Tibetan Plateau[1,2] (Fig. 1). According to instru-mental records, historical recordings and field investi- gation, an earthquake (Ms7.3) occurred on its middle to south se… 相似文献
Holocene slip rate and paleoearthquake records of the Salt Lake segment of the Northern Zhongtiaoshan Fault,Shanxi Province 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The Northern Zhongtiaoshan Fault is a major deep fault at the southern margin of the Yuncheng Basin. There have been few studies on the fault, and the historical earthquakes are few and weak. However, the intensity of activity on the fault should never be underestimated. Through interpretations of aerial images, topography measurements and excavation of trenches, this paper studied the fault distribution, the surface deformation and the activity of the normal fault south of Salt Lake near the city of Yuncheng. By tracing faults in the three trenches, it was found that there had been at least three large paleoseismic events, at 1–3.5, 3.6–4.4 and 7.4–8.8 ka BP. Employing 14 C dating, we determined the same gravel layers in the uplifted side and downthrown side. Making differential Global Positioning System measurements of the vertical difference and topographic profile, we obtained the mean slip rate of the Northern Zhongtiaoshan Fault since 24.7 ka BP(0.75±0.05 mm/a). Using the results of relevant studies, we calculated the possible vertical fault displacement of one earthquake(2.35 m) and obtained the recurrence interval of characteristic earthquakes as 2940–3360 a after dividing the displacement by the mean slip rate. 相似文献
Matthieu Ferry Mustapha Meghraoui Najib Abou Karaki Masdouq Al-Taj Hani Amoush Salman Al-Dhaisat Majdi Barjous 《Earth and Planetary Science Letters》2007,260(3-4):394-406
We investigate the late Quaternary active deformation along the Jordan Valley segment of the left-lateral Dead Sea Fault and provide new insights on the behaviour of major continental faults. The 110-km-long fault segment shows systematic offsets of drainage systems surveyed at three sites along its southern section. The isotopic dating of six paleoclimatic events yields a precise chronology for the onset of six generations of gully incisions at 47.5 ka BP, 37.5 ka BP, 13 ka BP, 9 ka BP, 7 ka BP, and 5 ka BP. Additionally, detailed mapping and reconstructions provide cumulative displacements for 20 dated incisions along the fault trace. The individual amounts of cumulative slip consistently fall into six distinct classes. This yields: i) an average constant slip rate of 4.7 to 5.1 mm/yr for the last 47.5 kyr and ii) a variable slip rate ranging from 3.5 mm/yr to 11 mm/yr over 2-kyr- to 24-kyr-long intervals. Taking into account that the last large earthquake occurred in AD 1033, we infer 3.5 to 5 m of present-day slip deficit which corresponds to a Mw 7.4 earthquake along the Jordan Valley fault segment. The timing of cumulative offsets reveals slip rate variations critical to our understanding of the slip deficit and seismic cycle along major continental faults. 相似文献
汶川MS8.0地震发生在青藏高原东缘著名的龙门山断裂带上,造成了从映秀、北川至南坝长约240km的同震地表破裂带.然而目前关于龙门山断裂带的大震复发特征研究较少.通过地震地质科学考察和断层断错地貌的差分GPS测量,发现第一级河流阶地、河床和河漫滩上的垂直断距大致相当,均代表汶川地震的位错,而第二级河流阶地上的累计位移大致是最新地震垂直位移的2倍.利用断错地貌、地震矩率和滑动速率3种方法,分别估算了龙门山断裂带大地震的复发间隔.结果表明:龙门山断裂带中北段可能发生与汶川大地震相当的地震,大震复发符合特征地震模型;大震复发间隔为3000——6000a.该结果可为龙门山断裂带的大震预测和地震危险性评价等研究提供重要的定量数据. 相似文献
Geomorphic study on Wjiahe segment of Serteng piedmont fault,Inner Mongolia is made.Throuth analysis of the available data in combination with the results of predecessors‘studies it can be obtained that average vertical displacement rate is 0.48-0.75mm/a along the Wujiahe segment since the late Pleistocene(14.450-22.340ka BP)and 0.56-0.88mm/s since the early-middle Holocene(5.570-8.830ka BP).Analyzing paleoseismic phenomena revealed in the excavated 5trenches in combination with the results of predecessors‘studies of paleoearthquakes on the fault,we determine five paleoseismic events on the Wujiahe segment of Serteng piedmont fault since 27.0ka BP and the recurrence interval to be about 4.300-4.400ka,A cluster of paleoearthquakes occurred probably during 8.000-9.000ka BP and two paleoeismic events in 10.000-20.000ka BP may be missed.A comparison between height of fault scarps and sum of displacement caused by paleoseismic events revealed in trenches,and recurrence interval of paleoseismic events obtained from average displacement rate along the fault and the disloca-tion by one event suggest that three paleoseismic events are absent in Alagaitu trench.Two paleoseismic events may be absent on the whole active fault segment. 相似文献
Faulting on the Anninghe fault zone, Southwest China in Late Quaternary and its movement model 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The Anninghe fault is one of the significant earthquake-generating fault zones in the Southwest China. Local his-torical record shows that a M≥7 strong earthquake occurred in the year of 1536. On the basis of the detailed air-photographic interpretation and field investigation, we have acquired the following knowledge: 1 The average sinistral strike-slip rate since the Late Pleistocene is about 3~7 mm/a; 2 There is important reverse faulting along the fault zone besides the main left-lateral strike-slip motion, and the shortening rate across the Anninghe fault zone due to the reverse faulting is about 1.7~4.0 mm/a. If the Xianshuihe fault zone is simply partitioned into the Anninghe and Daliangshan faults, we can also get a slip rate of 3~7 mm/a along the Daliangshan fault zone, which is the same as that on the Anninghe fault zone. Moreover, on the basis of our field investigation and the latest knowledge concerning the active tectonics of Tibetan crust, we create a dynamic model for the Anninghe fault zone. 相似文献
青海乌兰盆地东缘断裂带的新活动特征 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在青海乌兰盆地东缘山前冲洪积扇上新发现了一条长约 2 2km的逆冲断裂带 ,该断裂带是NNW向的鄂拉山右旋走滑断裂带北段西侧的次级挤压构造。其新活动受主断裂带的制约和影响 ,地貌上表现为明显的正向断层陡坎。晚更新世以来其垂直滑动速率为 0 11~ 0 17mm/a ,全新世晚期的垂直滑动速率为 0 35mm/a。综合探槽剖面及断层陡坎年代可以确定四次古地震事件 ,其年代分别为距今 2 4 6 5 0± 85 0a、 14 2 0 0± 70 0a、 5 2 0 0±5 2 0a和 2 2 5 0± 380a ,古地震活动具有不均匀性。 相似文献
2 Conclusion Fenghuangshan-Tianshui fault is a Holocene active fault. It laterally slips at the average rate of 1.1 mm/a during 6.4 ka
and vertically slips at the average rate of 0.37 mm/a and 0.16 mm/a since the time 16.6 ka and 6.4 ka before respectively.
Diaogoumeng-Dongjiawan segment has occurred an abrupt event in the period of 6.4 ka BP, which is assumed to be related to
the 734 Tianshui M=7 earthquake, but further work is still necessary.
Foundation item: Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation (198023). 相似文献