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随着油气田开发程度越来越高,勘探难度越来越大,如东部的老油田已经进入开发的后期,如何识别薄层砂体是非常重要的工作之一,解决这些难题这势必需要更先进的技术.地震属性能够很好的反映砂体横向展布特征,但是单一属性无法定量预测砂体厚度,而多属性之间又存在多解性,因此有必要提炼地震属性之间的共同点,将地震属性进行信息融合,形成新的融合属性.针对这一问题,本文提出首先利用高频谐波提高地震数据的分辨率,在此基础上着重研究基于概率核的地震属性融合方法,融合了几种常见的地震属性,并结合波阻抗反演方法,预测了N873区块沙三6-3小层砂体厚度.结果显示该方法能够很好的反映砂体横向展布特征,避免了地震属性多解性问题,为提高砂体预测的精度,提供了新的思路和方法.  相似文献   

随着油气勘探开发的不断发展,利用地震属性进行储层预测的方法得到了广泛的应用,并且在生产中取得了较好的效果.本文采用的谱分解和地震多属性联合的方法进行储层厚度预测,克服了单一属性分析存在的多解性和多属性分析在断层处预测不准确的问题,以及仅利用谱分解方法时,由于其预测基础的限制,部分复杂地区对砂体厚度的预测效果存在一定误差这一问题,可以较为准确地预测出目的层的储层厚度,同时,在传统地震分析中非常难发现的地质信息,谱分解之后比较容易发现,有助于进一步解释.实际地震资料结合井信息和分层数据的标定,对储层厚度的预测进行了较为详细的研究.研究结果表明,此方法在原理和实际应用上都是可行的,提出了一种储层厚度预测的新方法.  相似文献   

在地震解释与储层预测中,地震属性扮演着重要角色.在砂砾岩储层研究过程中,常规属性效果并不理想,无法满足实际应用的需要.而过零点个数,虽是一种不被人经常使用的地震属性,但我们发现在砂砾岩体油藏预测中应用效果良好.为此,研究过零点个数地震属性的定义与计算方法,讨论子波主频、砂岩厚度、泥岩夹层和地层韵律性等与它的关系,通过模型测试与实际资料应用对其做较全面的诠释.研究表明:(1)对于单一界面地震记录,过零点个数不随子波主频和波长的变化而变化;(2)砂岩厚度与过零点个数呈正相关,厚砂岩的过零点个数要比薄砂岩大;(3)砂体间存在的泥岩夹层,厚度变化对过零点个数影响较小,但它会影响波组的形态;(4)不规则沉积与均匀沉积相比,过零点个数属性值要大,因此,此属性比较适合多期次发育的砂砾岩体或其他薄互层结构的储层预测.总的来说,过零点个数地震属性能够有效地识别砂砾岩体发育区,可为此类储层预测提供了一种新的优势属性.  相似文献   

地震属性分析技术综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来,地震属性分析技术在地层岩性解释、构造解释、储层评价、油藏特征描述以及油藏流体动态检测等方面得到了广泛应用,并且在油气勘探开发中起着越来越重要的作用.地震属性技术能提取隐藏在地震资料中的有用信息,提高对储层有利区预测的准确度.因此,对地震属性技术在储层预测中的应用的研究显得十分重要.本文就地震属性的发展历程、地震属性分类、地震属性提取和地震属性的优化及预测方法进行了归纳总结,并对地震属性技术在国内外的发展情况作了简要的介绍.  相似文献   

地震属性分析在彩16井区储层预测中的应用   总被引:22,自引:18,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了地震属性分类及地质含义,并以彩16井区为例优选出对储层含油气性敏感的地震属性参数,建立它们与含油气性的关系,利用单属性及多属性聚类分析评价了目的层的储层质量,并进行了有利储层预测,并指出下一步的有利勘探目标.  相似文献   

利用地震资料属性信息预测油气储层已越来越受到石油地球物理工作者的广泛重视。但如何优化地震属性,从而更加精确地预测薄砂岩储层特征,提高其描述精度,更是地质及地球物理勘探家们始终不懈的追求。本文在借鉴主成分分析思想的基础上,提出一种新的地震属性优化方法-约束主成分分析。经理论模型的计算及油田区的实际应用表明:该方法不仅能提高储层预测的精度,而且具有更好的适用性。  相似文献   

泥岩裂缝性储层地震勘探方法初探   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对胜利油田罗家地区以构造裂缝为主、与断层关系密切的特点,本文采用地震资料相干分析和方差分析技术,力求精细而准确地确定该区目的层的断裂系统;提出了地震吸收系数分析技术,期望为确定目的层段的裂缝发育分布提供重要的证据;利用全方位地震信息进行AVA、VVA方法的研究,可望定量地得到目的层段的裂缝方位和密度分布情况;针对AVA和VVA技术的不足,采用了不同方位角阻抗的变化来检测裂缝发育情况的IPVA方法.实例分析表明,该套泥岩裂缝储层勘探方法取得了良好的效果,在泥岩裂缝油气藏定量检测方面获得了重要进展.  相似文献   

地震属性技术的研究和应用   总被引:19,自引:34,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
地震属性的研究大致从上个世纪60年代开始,经历了几个阶段的发展后得到了广泛的应用.由于地震属性的解释可获得许多有关地层、断层、裂缝、岩性和相的变化的重要特征信息,我们结合地震属性特征参数的意义,从实际应用出发,把地震属性分为了振幅、频(能)谱、相位、复地震道、层序、相关六大类,并根据在地层、断裂、岩性等方面的实际应用进行了详细描述,讨论了属性分析技术原理中应注意的几个环节.最后通过对断裂、河道、火成岩、古潜山等几个实例的详细描述,证明了相干、阻抗、振幅等地震属性的应用效果,说明了地震属性在实际应用中的作用.  相似文献   




基于井位的地震属性融合技术研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在利用地震属性对储层预测的研究中,大部分理论方法主要存在利用单一属性预测储层这一缺陷,在实际应用中则存在单一属性不能正确预测储层的问题,这些问题应通过多元属性融合技术来解决,本文在已有井资料的基础上,对属性融合技术进行了研究,分析各属性对储层的影响因素,利用井位计算各地震属性融合比重,有机的结合了各属性的优点,提出了这一问题新的解决方法.实际资料的应用显示,该方法在储层预测中取得了良好的效果.  相似文献   

Usage of any single attribute would introduce unacceptable uncertainty due to limited reservoir thickness and distribution, and strong lateral variations in lithological traps. In this paper, a wide range of prestack and post-stack seismic attributes is utilized to identify a range of properties of turbidity channel sandstone reservoir in Block L118 of J Oilfield, China. In order to better characterize the turbidity channel and lower the uncertainty, we applied multi-attribute fusion to weight a variety of seismic attributes in terms of their relevance to the identification of turbidity channel reservoir. Turbidity channel boundary is clearly present in the new attribute and the reservoir thickness prediction is improved. Additionally, fluid potential of reservoir was predicted using this fused attribute with a high value anomaly indicating high fluid potential. The multi-attribute fusion is a valid approach for the fine prediction of lithologic reservoirs, reducing the risks typically associated with exploration.  相似文献   

基于流体替换技术的地震AVO属性气藏识别(英文)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
传统上,油藏地球物理工程师是基于测井数据进行流体替换,计算油藏饱和不同流体时的弹性参数,并通过地震正演模拟分析油藏饱和不同流体时的地震响应,从而进行油气藏识别研究。该研究方案为油藏研究提供了重要的弹性参数和地震响应信息,但这些信息仅限于井眼位置。对于实际油藏条件,地下储层参数都是随位置变化而变化的,如孔隙度、泥质含量和油藏厚度等,因此基于传统流体替换方案得到的流体变化地震响应信息对于油气藏识别具有很大的局限性。研究通过设定联系油藏弹性参数与孔隙度、矿物组分等参数的岩石物理模型,并基于三层地质模型,进行地震正演模拟与AVO属性计算。得到油藏孔隙度、泥质含量和储层厚度变化时地震AVO属性,并建立了饱和水储层和含气储层对应AVO属性(包括梯度与截距)之间的定量关系。建立的AVO属性之间的线性关系可以实现基于地震AVO属性直接进行流体替换。最后,应用建立的流体替换前后AVO属性之间线性方程,对模拟地震数据直接进行流体替换,并通过流体替换前后AVO属性交汇图分析实现了气藏识别。  相似文献   

砂岩储层AVO特征影响因素的不确定性研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
传统的地震AVO正演研究多采用参数固定的岩石物理模型,而实际地层属性参数在勘探范围内具有不确定性.本研究以目标地层岩芯样品的实验室测试数据为基础,通过样品孔隙度和干燥状态下纵、横波阻抗的高度线性关系对岩石物理模型进行了简化,并结合实验测量和测井解释建立了主要模型参数的概率密度函数.采用Monte-Carlo随机正演和Gassmann流体替换技术,对模型参数不确定性与地震AVO响应关系的研究表明,模型饱和不同流体时的AVO截距-斜率点束的分布形态和偏离饱水背景趋势线的程度受盖层泥岩速度的不确定性影响非常大,而储层砂岩孔隙度的不确定性也有明显影响.正确解释实际地震AVO异常的关键,是将岩石物理模型的参数合理地概率化,通过正演模拟来获得储层物性和流体信息的最大可能性.  相似文献   

张文  伍新明  漆杰 《地球物理学报》2023,66(8):3374-3390



The concept of fractals is used here for the identification of seismic reflectors with special emphasis on thin‐bed delineation, which is generally overlooked during standard data processing. A new fractal analysis scheme is applied to both synthetic and real field seismic data. The fractal dimensions of the three seismic attributes – amplitude, phase, and instantaneous frequency – have been analysed and evaluated. A change in fractal dimension is found to occur whenever there is a reflection. However, the resolution in the delineation of reflectors varies, depending on the attribute under consideration and the method of fractal dimension estimation used. Fractal analysis is performed on both noise‐free and noisy synthetic data to establish the noise tolerance limit for both the ‘divider method’ and the ‘Hurst method’. It is then tested with different peak frequencies of the source wavelet to establish the criteria for using the divider method and the Hurst method. The divider method is found to be suitable for high peak frequency source wavelets (> 25 Hz), while the Hurst method is best suited for low peak frequency source wavelets (< 25 Hz). Finally, when applied to the digitally processed and migrated field seismic data, it could even delineate reflectors which otherwise went undetected on the migrated time section.  相似文献   

This paper describes the measurements of the acoustic and petrophysical properties of two suites of low‐shale sandstone samples from North Sea hydrocarbon reservoirs, under simulated reservoir conditions. The acoustic velocities and quality factors of the samples, saturated with different pore fluids (brine, dead oil and kerosene), were measured at a frequency of about 0.8 MHz and over a range of pressures from 5 MPa to 40 MPa. The compressional‐wave velocity is strongly correlated with the shear‐wave velocity in this suite of rocks. The ratio VP/VS varies significantly with change of both pore‐fluid type and differential pressure, confirming the usefulness of this parameter for seismic monitoring of producing reservoirs. The results of quality factor measurements were compared with predictions from Biot‐flow and squirt‐flow loss mechanisms. The results suggested that the dominating loss in these samples is due to squirt‐flow of fluid between the pores of various geometries. The contribution of the Biot‐flow loss mechanism to the total loss is negligible. The compressional‐wave quality factor was shown to be inversely correlated with rock permeability, suggesting the possibility of using attenuation as a permeability indicator tool in low‐shale, high‐porosity sandstone reservoirs.  相似文献   

Three dimensional seismic operation of Gorgan Plain was studied around a well, which is situated in North of Iran following the hitting of a thin overpressure gas layer (thickness of 9.6 m), with the purpose of the accurate modeling of geological structures and determining the approximate gas storages. The geological structures of the reservoir were modeled using the seismic attributes (coherence, instantaneous amplitude and spectral decomposition (FFT)). The obtained results clearly demonstrated the shape and volume of the existing structural traps in the studied area. In order to estimate the thickness of gas layer in the 3D seismic volume and determining the gas storage, the thickness changes based on the seismic amplitudes were used because its thickness was less than the critical resolution thickness for this layer. However, due to its low thickness, the lack of indicator peak in seismic sections and strong faults of area, it was difficult to pursue this layer in the seismic volume and map its exact amplitude. Considering this issue, a new method with integrating of seismic attributes was recommended. First, the instantaneous amplitude attribute of the thin reservoir layer reflector in computed synthetic seismogram were fabricated and then the frequency regarding the highest amount (dominant frequency) was chosen by Fourier Transform. Finally, spectral decomposition (FFT) with the resulting frequency was gained over the cross-section of the layer's instantaneous amplitude attribute in the 3D seismic volume choosing a proper time window. In such a situation, an increase of its thickness was seen as its amplitude increase and the minimum gas storage of this reservoir was calculated using the area of the restricted part of high thickness (over 9.6 m).  相似文献   

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