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通过应用因子分析法对尼雅剖面中的多种地化元素和氧化物的分析,在R、Q型因子分析的基础上,提取出古气候信息。初步的研究表明:近4000a来,尼雅地区气候环境仍以干旱化为主,但此期间出现过多次不同程度的干湿变化,大致可分为5个气候期:4.0~3.0kaB P.相对暖干期;3.0~2.2kaB.P.相对冷湿期;2.2~1.6kaB.P.相对暖干期;1.6~1.0kaB.P.相对冷湿期;1.0kaB.P.左右之后的相对暖干期。  相似文献   

黄河中游的侵蚀环境与植被恢复前景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄土高原的土壤侵蚀和生态环境问题世界瞩目。在保证蓄水拦沙效益基础上,提高林、草保存率,使植被恢复得到最佳的生态效益,是黄土高原环境整治中亟待解决的关键问题。本文根据黄土高原不同空间地理位置的流域、重点县水文监测资料,研究了气候、地表覆被、土地利用方式的变化对流域侵蚀产沙的影响以及流域产沙与地理环境要素间的耦合关系,定量分析了黄土高原,特别是多沙粗沙区自然与人文要素对流域侵蚀产沙的综合影响和因子的权重分析,并利用天然降雨植被生态需水适宜性系数和林、草恢复度的概念,重点探讨了黄河中游主要产沙区、尤其是多沙粗沙区退耕还林等土地利用方式宏观格局变化与植被恢复前景。研究表明,在植被生长主要依赖天然降雨的黄土高原,生物措施(植被类型)要与自然带相适应,应根据植被恢复度和植被生态需水适应性系数来进行宏观植被的恢复与实施。这是目前在不断增长的人口压力下,进行水土保持,解决好经济发展与环境保护、减少垦殖率与保证老百姓的基本农田、造林种草与植被类型的自然适应性、以及控制泥沙作用中生物措施与工程措施合理布局等诸多矛盾的关键所在。  相似文献   

任美锷 《地理科学》2002,22(5):543-545
我国古籍所载黄河下游最早河道有禹贡河和山经河,它们在今郑州以北均沿太行山东麓北流。其原因可能与公元前4280年太行山大地震有关。  相似文献   

渭河流域3 100年前资源退化与人地关系演变   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:23  
黄春长 《地理科学》2001,21(1):30-35
渭河流域全新世古土壤S  相似文献   

对迄今为止所发现的小兴安岭东部全新世最早发育的沼泽剖面进行14 C测年、孢粉分析、粘土矿物分析、泥炭植物残体鉴定 ,根据获得的信息 ,综合分析 ,相互印证 ,研究了 9.0kaB .P .以来沼泽发育、植被演替、气候变化与古地理环境演变过程。结果表明 ,本区植被演替经历五个阶段 ,即针叶林 (90 0 0aB .P .~ 830 0aB .P .)→针阔混交林 (830 0aB .P .~ 6 80 0aB .P .)→以栎、榆、胡桃为主阔叶林 (6 80 0aB .P .~ 30 5 0aB .P .)→以桦为主阔叶林 (30 5 0aB .P .~ 2 35 0aB .P .)→以松为主的针阔混交林 (2 35 0aB .P .~ 0aB .P .)。与之相对应 ,气候变化序列为 :寒冷较湿→温和略湿→温暖湿润→温凉较湿→冷凉湿润 ;沼泽发育也相应地可划分为五个时期 :沼泽孕育期 ,富营养沼泽萌发期 ,富营养沼泽旺盛发育期和中营养沼泽孕育期 ,沼泽进一步扩大发育期和中营养沼泽形成期 ,沼泽继续扩大发育期和贫营养沼泽形成期。沼泽最早开始发育始于年代为 70 95± 90aB .P .。汤洪岭 12支线沼泽剖面可作为该区全新统的标准剖面  相似文献   

8.0 ka B.P.以来三江平原北部沼泽发育和古环境演变研究   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:6  
8.0 ka B.P.以来,三江平原北部气候变化序列划分为5个阶段,温暖湿润(8000~5590 a B.P.)→较温暖湿润(5590~1851 a B.P.)→温冷稍湿(1851~1110 a B.P.)→寒冷偏湿(1110~649 a B.P.)→冷凉略湿(649 a B.P.~至今)。气候的变化模式依次为:高温期→温暖适宜期→缓慢降温期→急剧降温期→低温渐暖期。在5590 a B.P.和1317 a B.P.,发生强烈降温事件。沼泽发育也依次划分为5个时期,沼泽化过程发展期→沼泽大发展期→沼泽发育缓慢期→沼泽发育波动期→沼泽发育萎缩期。植被演替相应为:温性阔叶林→针、阔叶混交林和草原→以落叶阔叶树稍多的针、阔叶混交林和草原→以桦为主的阔叶林→针阔混交林、以松占优势的针、阔叶混交林和草原。在1851~1317 a B.P.、649~309 a B.P.和309~0 a B.P.期间,受频繁的农业生产、砍伐森林、开垦沼泽为农田等人类活动的影响,沼泽发育呈现退化的趋势。  相似文献   

Invertebrate colonization of lakes following the uplift of land from the sea was studied in four lakes, currently situated between 39 and 24 m a.s.l., on the central Norwegian coast. The lakes were isolated from the sea between 9500 and 7700 years B.P. Animal and algal remains picked from core samples showed that the first colonizers preserved as fossils were usually members of the Chironomidae, Daphnidae/Chydoridae, Acarina, Porifera (Ephydatia mülleri and Spongilla lacustris), Bryozoa (Cristatella mucedo and Plumatella spp.) and Charophyta (Chara sp.). Of the chironomids, the genus Chironomus was present in the oldest lacustrine layers of all four lakes, but other genera recorded at the marine/lacustrine boundary were Dicrotendipes, Procladius (?), Einfeldia, Microtendipes, and Glyptotendipes. Remains of the caddis fly family Limnephilidae were also present in the earliest lacustrine sediments in Kvennavatnet and Kvernavatnet. The oldest invertebrate fauna is typical for mesotrophic lakes. However, chironomids and mites have been present in this area from at least about 10?500 years B.P. A diverse chironomid community was established between 300 and 800 years after isolation from the sea at Kvernavatnet on the island of Hitra, while only between 80 and 120 years passed before a comparably diverse community developed at Kvennavatnet on the mainland coast. A similar development of the invertebrate fauna occurred in Kvennavatnet, Kvernavatnet and Storkuvatnet. However, Litjvatnet deviates greatly from the ‘normal’ pattern because a tsunami disturbed the bottom sediments and fauna. The tsunami, a gigantic sea wave, was caused by a submarine slide from the Norwegian continental slope. It reached Litjvatnet, today located 24 m a.s.l., but was not traced in Storkuvatnet at 30 m a.s.l. This event happened about 7200 years B.P.  相似文献   

Dungeness Foreland is a large sand and gravel barrier located in the eastern English Channel that during the last 5000 years has demonstrated remarkable geomorphological resilience in accommodating changes in relative sea-level, storm magnitude and frequency, variations in sediment supply as well as significant changes in back-barrier sedimentation. In this paper we develop a new palaeogeographic model for this depositional complex using a large dataset of recently acquired litho-, bio- and chrono-stratigraphic data. Our analysis shows how, over the last 2000 years, three large tidal inlets have influenced the pattern of back-barrier inundation and sedimentation, and controlled the stability and evolution of the barrier by determining the location of cross-shore sediment and water exchange, thereby moderating sediment supply and its distribution. The sheer size of the foreland has contributed in part to its resilience, with an abundant supply of sediment always available for ready redistribution. A second reason for the landform's resilience is the repeated ability of the tidal inlets to narrow and then close, effectively healing successive breaches by back-barrier sedimentation and ebb- and/or flood-tidal delta development. Humans emerge as key agents of change, especially through the process of reclamation which from the Saxon period onwards has modified the back-barrier tidal prism and promoted repeated episodes of fine-grained sedimentation and channel/inlet infill and closure. Our palaeogeographic reconstructions show that large barriers such as Dungeness Foreland can survive repeated “catastrophic” breaches, especially where tidal inlets are able to assist the recovery process by raising the elevation of the back-barrier area by intertidal sedimentation. This research leads us to reflect on the concept of “coastal resilience” which, we conclude, means little without a clearly defined spatial and temporal framework. At a macro-scale, the structure as a whole entered a phase of recycling and rapid progradation in response to changing sediment budget and coastal dynamics about 2000 years ago. However, at smaller spatial and temporal scales, barrier inlet dynamics have been associated with the initiation, stabilisation and breakdown of individual beaches and complexes of beaches. We therefore envisage multiple scales of “resilience” operating simultaneously across the complex, responding to different forcing agents with particular magnitudes and frequencies.  相似文献   

为了进一步丰富青藏高原东北部地区植被护坡工程植物选择,推动区内植被护坡工程实用性和观赏性兼顾发展。该项研究以青藏高原东北部观赏地被植物马蔺为研究对象,以青海省大通县朔北藏族乡至东峡镇之间区域为研究区,在野外植物分布特征和生长特征调查的基础上,结合单根拉伸试验和重塑根-土复合体三轴压缩试验,定量评价了野生马蔺植株和根系生长特征、单根抗拉特性以及根系对土体抗剪强度的增强效应。试验结果表明:马蔺主要分布在研究区内洪积扇、坡积裙和河漫滩等地貌单元,立地条件包括上述地貌单元内的林下坡地、田间、道旁、湿地、荒地等;通过选取两处试验区开展调查可知,马蔺平均株高、冠幅和植株密度分别为75.22±11.40 cm、106.09±25.62 cm和1.51±0.55 株/m2;马蔺标准株根系分布深度可达50 cm,主要分布在0~30 cm深度范围内,根幅约40~50 cm;马蔺根径为0.20~0.70 mm,单根抗拉力、抗拉强度和延伸率平均值分别为7.94±2.91 N,46.30± 11.06 MPa和54.17%±17.08%,随着根径的增大,单根抗拉力和单根抗拉强度分别呈幂函数增大和幂函数降低关系,单根极限延伸率随着根径的增大呈逐渐增大变化趋势,但二者之间未表现出相对显著性的关系;马蔺根系对土体黏聚力和内摩擦角均有增强作用,可分别显著增强0~30 cm和0~10 cm深度范围内土体黏聚力和内摩擦角,且对土体黏聚力的增强作用较为显著。该项研究成果对于选用观赏地被植物马蔺进行研究区坡面水土流失、浅层滑坡等地质灾害现象的生态防护工作,具有理论研究价值和实际指导意义。  相似文献   

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