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Tectonic hypotheses for Archaean greenstone belts are tested against structural data from the Agnew belt, Western Australia. This belt shows the following critical features:
1. (1) A sialic infrastructure, formed by semi-concordant tonalitic intrusions, was present before tectonism began.
2. (2) An early deformation formed recumbent folds and a flat-lying schistosity; a second deformation formed major upright folds and steep ductile shear zones that outline the present tectonic belt. Neither deformation caused major disruptions in the stratigraphy. Both were accompanied by metamorph ism under upper greenschist to amphibolite facies conditions and low pressure.
3. (3) The belt is bounded on either side by tonalitic gneiss of unknown age, emplaced along steep shear zones.
Comparison with Phanerozoic orogenic belts representing a subduction complex, a collisional suture zone, and a collapsed marginal basin, indicates that the belt was not formed in any of these plate-tectonic environments.The second deformation in the belt resulted from regional crustal distortion, accomplished by right-lateral ductile wrenching along major N- to NNW-trending shear zones. Associated en-echelon buckle folding formed large granite-cored anticlines and tight synclines. The detailed structural pattern is not consistent with a diapiric origin for these folds. The ductile wrench faults may have been related to mantle flow patterns in a manner analogous to modern transform faults.  相似文献   

Archaean crustal thickness for the Dharwar craton is estimated using potash index and Rb?Sr crustal thickness grid. The volcanics of the Dharwar greenstone belts appear to have evolved in a less than 20 km thick crust. Whereas the tonalite-trondhjemite pebbles of the Dharwar conglomerates (3250±150 m.y.) were derived from gneisses that evolved in a crust less than 20 km thick, the bulk of the peninsular gneisses and associated granitoids were emplaced in a crust 25 to 35 km thick. The 2000 m.y. old Closepet granite suite was emplaced in a crust thicker than 30 km. It is deduced that the continental crust in the region thickened from 15 to 35 km during a span of about 1000 m.y. between 3250±150 to 2000 m.y. ago. Calculations show that Archaean gecthermal gradients in Dharwar craton were three to four times steeper when compared to the present 10.5°C/km. The thin crust and the steep geothermal gradients are reflected by the emplacement of high magnesia basalts, layered igneous complexes and the strong iron enrichment trend shown by Dharwar metavolcanics.  相似文献   

Variations in intensity of deformation have been examined in the Fort Victoria greenstone belt in southern Rhodesia and in the Tati belt in northeast Botswana, both of which are on the diffuse northern border of the Limpopo mobile belt. Much of the deformation is related to widespread Limpopo events, and not to diapiric granite intrusions previously considered of major importance in the development of the Early Precambrian crust.Variations in intensity of deformation are due to the form of the major structures and to localised major ductile shear zones which cut both granites and greenstone belts. The pattern of deformation within the belts depends partly on how the granites behaved. Whether the schist belts deformed homogeneously or were part rotated and cut by shear zones depended on whether the granites deformed homogenously with the schist belt matrix or whether they were deformed by block sliding.  相似文献   

An inescapable consequence of the metamorphism of greenstone belt sequences is the release of a large volume of metamorphic fluid of low salinity with chemical characteristics controlled by the mineral assemblages involved in the devolatilization reactions. For mafic and ultramafic sequences, the composition of fluids released at upper greenschist to lower amphibolite facies conditions for the necessary relatively hot geotherm corresponds to those inferred for greenstone gold deposits (XCO2= 0.2–0.3). This result follows from the calculation of mineral equilibria in the model system CaO–MgO–FeO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–CO2, using a new, expanded, internally consistent dataset. Greenstone metamorphism cannot have involved much crustal over-thickening, because very shallow levels of greenstone belts are preserved. Such orogeny can be accounted for if compressive deformation of the crust is accompanied by thinning of the mantle lithosphere. In this case, the observed metamorphism, which was contemporaneous with deformation, is of the low-P high-T type. For this type of metamorphism, the metamorphic peak should have occurred earlier at deeper levels in the crust; i.e. the piezothermal array should be of the ‘deeper-earlier’type. However, at shallow crustal levels, the piezothermal array is likely to have been of ‘deeper-later’type, as a consequence of erosion. Thus, while the lower crust reached maximum temperatures, and partially melted to produce the observed granites, mid-crustal levels were releasing fluids prograde into shallow crustal levels that were already retrograde. We propose that these fluids are responsible for the gold mineralization. Thus, the contemporaneity of igneous activity and gold mineralization is a natural consequence of the thermal evolution, and does not mean that the mineralization has to be a consequence of igneous processes. Upward migration of metamorphic fluid, via appropriate structurally controlled pathways, will bring the fluid into contact with mineral assemblages that have equilibrated with a fluid with significantly lower XCO2. These assemblages are therefore grossly out of equilibrium with the fluid. In the case of infiltrated metabasic rocks, intense carbonation and sulphidation is predicted. If, as seems reasonable, gold is mobilized by the fluid generated by devolatilization, then the combination of processes proposed, most of which are an inevitable consequence of the metamorphism, leads to the formation of greenstone gold deposits predominantly from metamorphic fluids.  相似文献   

Geochemical results representing 225 full major element analyses, mostly by XRF methods, are evaluated. This study is complementary to papers presented by the author and colleagues at the Archaean Symposium of the Geological Society of Australia in Perth in May 1971. Only certain new analyses are given in tabulation, but the variation diagrams presented are based on many additional analyses published in works referred to in the text. The emphasis of this study is a consideration of the relationship of the pre-metamorphic Archaean sills to the volcanics of the same greenstone belts: to consider the original nature of magmas differentiated after emplacement: and to more closely define the pre-metamorphic intrusives.A contrast is seen between magnesia-rich basic and ultrabasic eruptives, represented amongst both sills and volcanics, and the abyssal, K-poor tholeiite suites of the monotonous pillow lava sequences studied in detail by Hallberg (1970, 1972). A similar contrast is evident, though less emphatically, among the post-metamorphic dykes. Residually iron and alkali enriched suites are evident among the pre-metamorphic and post-metamorphic eruptives. The possibility of some degree of gradation between magnesia-rich and tholeiite suites cannot be discounted: they are intimately intermingled in space and time, and amongst intrusive and volcanic sequences. Alkali/silica plots after Macdonald and Katsura show that, whether or not the magnesia-rich rocks are regarded as tholeiitic or komatiitic (following Anhausser, Viljoen and Viljoen), no alkali igneous rocks are represented. Spilites are of no more than extremely rare occurrence. FMA plots indicate that among the pre-metamorphic volcanics and intrusives, there are eruptives, suites and differentiated bodies that resulted from accession of a number of contrasting differentiated melts or magmas from deep in the crust, possibly to suffer further differentiation in situ after emplacement. That is the parental stem to both differentiated and undifferentiated sills, and to volcanics, was a product, in many cases, of an earlier deep-seated differentiation process. A diagram based on solidification indices illustrates this, and shows that the same applies to postmetamorphic dyke intrusions.These results are discussed with reference to the komatiites of the Barberton Mountain Land, South Africa. The resemblance between komatiite analyses and olivine tholeiites of Nockolds is stressed, and it is suggested that the highly magnesian greenstone eruptive suites of South Africa and Western Australia might be regarded as an extension of the abyssal tholeiite association, rather than as a discrete compartment in petrology. The anti-uniformitarian, one-burst connotation afforded to these suites is discussed.  相似文献   

太古宙绿岩带岩石学和地球化学:实例与探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
  壮魏春景陈   《地质科学》2017,(4):1241-1262
绿岩带是太古宙大陆地壳重要的构造单元。 按照岩石组合特征, 绿岩带可划分为 3 个类型:1) 巴伯顿型, 主要由基性-超基性火山岩组成, 含少量酸性火山岩及沉积岩, 中性火山岩很不发育;2) 苏必利尔型, 主要由中性火山岩和中-基性火山岩组成, 含沉积岩; 3) 达尔瓦尔型, 以广泛发育的沉积岩为特征。 其中, 巴伯顿型绿岩带在世界范围内分布较广, 且组成较为复杂, 表现出一系列独特的岩石学和地球化学特征:1) 基性-超基性火山岩在绿岩带层序中占主导地位;2) 发育具有异常高的地幔潜能温度的科马提岩类;3) 存在太古宙亏损型和富集型玄武岩等。 华北克拉通清原地区的表壳岩虽然经历高级变质作用, 但仍 具有清晰的层序, 与巴伯顿型绿岩带岩石组合特征类似, 因此我们倾向于将其厘定为清原绿岩带。 清原绿岩带主体形成于 2.5 Ga, 与广泛分布的新太古代花岗质片麻岩形成时代一致, 并不存在大规模的中太古代地质体。 清原绿岩带的岩石学和地球化学研究表明新太古代晚期原始地幔柱模型可以较为合理的解释清原地区及华北克拉通东部陆块其它新太古代基底岩石的成因, 但太古宙原始地幔柱与显生宙地幔柱在某些方面有所不同。  相似文献   

Structural analysis of remotely sensed data provides a method of assessing the tectonic significance of regional metallogenic lineaments in the New England Orogen of southeastern Queensland. Photogeological analysis of Landsat imagery and small-scale aerial photography reveals a pattern of WNW—NNW-oriented structures, which were apparently generated in response to Mesozoic crustal extension and reactivated during Early Tertiary block faulting. These structures tend to overprint arcuate late Palaeozoic to early Mesozoic trends and batholith belts, and exert a control over Middle to Late Triassic rifting and epizonal plutonism. The distribution of epigenetic base and precious metal deposits in the Rockhampton—Maryborough area is locally but not regionally related to identifiable structural lineaments.  相似文献   

The earliest decipherable record of the Dharwar tectonic province is left in the 3.3 Ga old gneissic pebbles in some conglomerates of the Dharwar Group, in addition to the 3.3–3.4 Ga old gneisses in some areas. A sialic crust as the basement for Dharwar sedimentation is also indicated by the presence of quartz schists and quartzites throughout the Dharwar succession. Clean quartzites and orthoquartzite-carbonate association in the lower part of the Dharwar sequence point to relatively stable platform and shelf conditions. This is succeeded by sedimentation in a rapidly subsiding trough as indicated by the turbidite-volcanic rock association. Although conglomerates in some places point to an erosional surface at the contact between the gneisses and the Dharwar supracrustal rocks, extensive remobilization of the basement during the deformation of the cover rocks has largely blurred this interface. This has also resulted in accordant style and sequence of structures in the basement and cover rocks in a major part of the Dharwar tectonic province. Isoclinal folds with attendant axial planar schistosity, coaxial open folds, followed in turn by non-coaxial upright folds on axial planes striking nearly N-S, are decipherable both in the “basement” gneisses and the schistose cover rocks. The imprint of this sequence of superposed deformation is registered in some of the charnockitic terranes also, particularly in the Biligirirangan Hills, Shivasamudram and Arakalgud areas. The Closepet Granite, with alignment of feldspar megacrysts parallel to the axial planes of the latest folds in the adjacent schistose rocks, together with discrete veins of Closepet Granite affinity emplaced parallel to the axial planes of late folds in the Peninsular Gneiss enclaves, suggest that this granite is late-tectonic with reference to the last deformation in the Dharwar tectonic province. Enclaves of tonalite and migmatized amphibolite a few metres across, with a fabric athwart to and overprinted by the earliest structures traceable in the supracrustal rocks as well as in a major part of the Peninsular Gneiss, point to at least one deformation, an episode of migmatization and one metamorphic event preceding the first folding in the Dharwar sequence. This record of pre-Dharwar deformation and metamorphism is corroborated also by the pebbles of gneisses and schists in the conglomerates of the Dharwar Group. Volcanic rocks within the Dharwar succession as well as some of the components of the Peninsular Gneiss give ages of about 3.0 Ga. A still younger age of about 2.6 Ga is recorded in some volcanic rocks of the Dharwar sequence, a part of the Peninsular Gneiss, Closepet Granite and some charnockites. These, together with the 3.3 Ga old gneisses and 3.4 Ga old ages of zircons in some charnockites, furnish evidence for three major thermal events during the 700 million year history of the Archaean Dharwar tectonic province.  相似文献   

The Archaean cratonic nuclei of the continents are important as they contain the most significant evidences for the evolution of Earth e.g. the greenstone sequences. In the Indian Shield, one of the important cratons is the Singhbhum craton, where nearly 95% of the Indian chromite deposits and only PGE deposits are located which are hosted within Mesoarchaean ultramafic-mafic rock sequences. The ultramafic units occur as sill like intrusions within the Iron Ore Group (IOG) greenstone belts and often associated with gabbroic intrusions. In the Nuasahi and Sukinda mining districts of these occurrences, detailed petrological, geochemical and isotopic studies have been carried out in the last decades. Petrological and geochemical studies indicate a supra-subduction zone (SSZ) tectonic settings in Archaean for the origin of these ultramafic-mafic sequences. The Os isotopic and platinum group element (PGE) geochemical studies of chromites from the two mining districts indicate presence of a subchondritic source mantle domain beneath and within the Singhbhum craton similar to the Zimbabwean craton of southern African continent. The Os model age calculation indicates melt extraction from a subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) before 3.7 Ga which is similar to the other ancient cratons. As a whole the study supports the premise that India was part of the African continent in pre-Gondwana times and even in early Archaean and suggest possible amalgamation and building up of a supercontinent during late Archaean. However, in comparison with other occurrences, the Singhbhum craton of the Indian Shield and the Zimbabwean craton in southern Africa are characterized by the presence of subchondritic lithospheric mantle domains within the SCLM, which were developed prior to 3.7 Ga.  相似文献   

The Kostomuksha greenstone belt consists of two lithotectonic terranes, one mafic igneous and the other sedimentary, separated by a major shear zone. The former contains submarine 2.8 Gyr old komatiite-basalt lavas and volcaniclastic lithologies with trace element and isotopic compositions resembling those of recent oceanic flood basalts [?Nd(T) =+ 2,8, μ.1= 8.73 (Nb/Th)N= 1.5–2.1 (Nb/La)N= 1.0–1.5]. We suggest that the mafic terrane is a remnant of the upper crustal part of an Archaean oceanic plateau derived from partial melting of a mantle plume head. When the plateau reached the continental margin, it collided with the sedimentary terrane but was too buoyant to subduct. As a result, the volcanic section of the plateau was imbricated and obducted thus becoming a new piece of continental crust. The deeper zones were subducted and disappeared from the geological record.  相似文献   

Spherical aggregates of carbonaceous matter measuring 0.2 to 1.0 mm in diameter were recently discovered in conglomerates of the Achaean Pietersburg greenstone belt in the Northern Transvaal, South Africa. Identical carbonaceous material, the so-called flyspeck carbon, occurs abundantly in the approximately 2'600 m. y. old sediments of the Witwatersrand Basin and has been considered to represent vegetative diaspores of primitive columnar plants. If this interpretation is correct, the occurrence of fly-speck carbon outside the Witwatersrand Basin indicates that differentiated life-forms also existed in other suitable depository environments and probably appeared earlier than previously thought.
Zusammenfassung Im Nordtransvaal, Südafrika, wurde kürzlich kohlige Substanz in der Form rundlicher Aggregate entdeckt, die Durchmesser von 0,2 bis 1,0 mm besitzen und in Konglomeraten vorkommen, welche zum archaischen Pietersburg Greenstone Belt gehören. Ganz ähnlich ausgebildete kohlige Substanz, das sogenannte fly-speck carbon tritt in den rund 2600 Mio. Jahre alten goldführenden Konglomerathorizonten des Witwatersrand-Beckens verbreitet auf und wird dort als fossile Reste vegetativer Sporen von primitiven Pflanzen gedeutet. Trifft diese Interpretation der rundlichen Kohleaggregate zu, kann aus dem Auftreten von fly-speck carbon im Pietersburg Belt geschlossen werden, daß auch außerhalb des Witwatersrand-Beckens in geeigneten Ablagerungsräumen differenzierte Lebensformen existierten, möglicherweise schon vor der Ablagerung der Wirwatersrand-Sedimente, in denen solche Lebensformen bisher erstmals beschrieben wurden.

Résumé Des agrégats spheriques de matière carbonée mesurant de 0.2 à 1.0 mm de diamètre ont été récemment découverts dans des conglomérats du Pietersburg Greenstone Belt d'âge archéen dans le Transvaal septentrional en Afrique du Sud. Du matériel carboné identique, connu comme »carbone en tâche de mouche« (fly-speck carbon), est abondant dans les sédiments datés de 2'600 m. a. du Bassin du Witwatersrand, et a été interprété comme les restes de spores végétatives de plantes columnaires primitives. Si cette interprétation est correcte, il s'en suit que la présence de »carbone en tâche de mouche« en dehors du Bassin du Witwatersrand indiquerait que des formes végétales différentiées existaient aussi dans d'autres environments de dépôts favorables et qu'elles ont apparu probablement plus tôt qu'on ne l'avait supposé jusqu'à présent.

, , , 0,2 1 , , , , .. «fly-speck carbon», , 2600 , , . , «fly-speck carbon» , , , .

The Precambrian metamorphic complex in the southern portion of Wind River Canyon is interpreted as being a fragment of an Archaean greenstone belt. The sequence is composed of meta-sediments inferred to have been various types of pelites and psammites, including graywackes and shales, and a silicate facies banded-iron formation. Meta-volcanics are represented by massive amphibolites.The area has undergone three periods of roughly coaxial folding that represent a single tectonic pattern. A period of intrusion of leucogranite with associated pegmatites separates the first two periods of deformation. These rocks appear to have been derived anatectically from sialic material at greater depth, suggesting the possibility of a sialic basement on which the greenstone belt rocks accumulated. Boudinage of the country rocks can be correlated with either or both of the first two folding episodes, and boudinage of the intrusive rocks occurred with different styles in the axial surfaces of the second and third generation folds.One period of amphibolite-facies metamorphism corresponds to the first and second deformational phases. Minor retrograde effects, fracture fillings, and small-scale metasomatism occurred either in the waning stages of the metamorphism or during a minor subsequent thermal event.Numerous Archaean ages from the Wyoming Precambrian province place Wind River Canyon in a region where examples of such greenstone belts might be expected. As no young intrusive or tectonic events have been reported from the area, the youngest deformational features discussed are considered to be not much younger than reported radiometric dates and therefore not of regional significance.  相似文献   

A section through the Neoproterozoic Mozambique Belt of Tanzania exposes western foreland (Archaean Tanzania Craton and Palaeoproterozoic Usagaran Belt), marginal (Western Granulites) and eastern, internal (Eastern Granulites) portions of the orogen. The assembly of granulite nappes at ca. 620 Ma displays westward emplacement along an eastward deepening basal decollement and forward propagation of thrusts, climbing from the deep crust to the surface. This goes along with eastward increase of syntectonic temperatures, derived from prevalent deformation mechanisms, and eastward decrease of the kinematic vorticity number. Distinctly different pressure - temperature paths with a branch of isothermal decompression (ITD) in Western Granulites and isobaric cooling (IBC) in Eastern Granulites reflect residence times of rocks within lower crustal levels. Western Granulites, exhumed rapidly at the orogen margin, display ITD and non-coaxial fabrics. Eastern Granulites in the internal orogen portions escaped from rapid exhumation and show IBC and co-axial flow fabrics. The vertical variation of structural elements, i.e. basement — cover relations within the Eastern Granulites, shows decoupling between lower and middle crust with horizontal west — east stretching in the basement and horizontal west — east shortening in the cover.A model of hot fold nappes [Beaumont, C., Nguyen, M.H., Jamieson, R.A., Ellis, S., 2006. Crustal flow modes in large hot orogens. In: Law, R.D., Searle, M.P., Godin, L., (eds). Channel Flow, Ductile Extrusion and Exhumation in Continental Collision Zones. Geological Society, London, Special Publications. vol. 268, 91–145] is adopted to explain flow diversity in the deep crust. The lower crust represented by Eastern Granulite basement flowed coaxially outwards (westward) in response to thickened crust and elevated gravitational forces, supported by a melt-weakened, viscous channel at the crustal base. Horizontal flow with rates faster than thermal equilibration gave rise to isobaric cooling. Simultaneously the mid crust (Eastern Granulite cover) was shortened when hot fold nappes moved along upward climbing thrust planes. Western Granulites preserved isothermal decompression through exhumation by thrusting and coeval erosion at the orogen front.Two different styles define the Neoproterozoic East African Orogen between northern Egypt and southern Mozambique. The Arabian Nubian Shield in the north is classified as small and cold orogen in which thin — skinned thrusting was associated with lateral extrusion. The Central Mozambique Belt in Tanzania/Southern Kenya is classified as large and hot orogen characterized by thick-skinned thrusting and assembly of large granulite nappes.  相似文献   

Gold deposits occur in greenstone belts world wide, and contribute to anomalously high gold production from Archaean terranes. As in other cratons, Archaean gold mineralization of Western Australia represents a complex array of deposit styles. Despite this, most deposits are clearly epigenetic, and large deposits have a number of features in common, including their strong structural controls, distinctive wallrock alteration (Fe-sulphide, K-mica±albite, Ca---Mg---Fe carbonates), consistent metal associations (Au---Ag---As---Sb---W---B; low base metals), commonly Fe-rich host rocks, great depth extension and lack of appreciable vertical zonation. These shared characteristics, combined with their ubiquitous occurrence, indicate that Archaean gold deposits had a common origin related to the tectonic evolution of greenstone belts.Auriferous hydrothermal systems were broadly synchronous with regional metamorphism and emplacement of synkinematic granitoids and felsic (porphyry) intrusions. Although these gold systems involved low-salinity, lowdensity, reduced, near-neutral H2O---CO2 fluids carrying gold as reduced sulphur complexes, the origin of the fluids is equivocal. Most timing evidence and stable isotope data cannot distinguish metamorphic from magmatic (granitoid or felsic porphyry) orggins, but the lack of consistent spatial relationships between specific, volumetrically significant intrusive phases and large gold deposits in a number of cratons strongly favours metamorphic derivation of fluids.The metamorphic-replacement model for gold mineralization involves devolatilization of the lower portions of the greenstone pile, with high geothermal gradients inhibiting significant melting. CO2 possibly formed by the decarbonation of early alteration, related to mantle degassing along crustal-scale, synbasinal fault zones. Auriferous fluids were channelled along greenstone-scale faults, in part developed during reactivation of crustal-scale faults in a strike-slip regime. Gold deposition occurred largely under greenschist facies conditions (about 300–400°C, 1–2 kb) in response to decreasing gold solubility with declining temperature. However, a major control on gold deposition was fluid/wallrock interaction. Many large deposits formed by sulphidation of Fe-rich host rocks, with synchronous deposition of Fe-sulphides and gold. However, the variable nature of gold-depositing reactions, including lowering of fO2 and pH, allowed a multitude of small, and some large, deposits to form wherever that fluid circulation occurred. In consequence, several of the relatively small deposits currently worked from open pit are hosted by ultramafic and felsic rocks. There are few constraints on the source of components (Au, S, K, CO2) added to gold deposits, but even giant deposits such as the Golden Mile, Kalgoorlie could have formed from a realistic greenstone source volume (ca. 8×8×5 km). Convective circulation of fluids could have contributed to the generation of high fluid-rock ratios.On the regional scale, the markedly heterogeneous distribution of large gold deposits, gold productivity and host rocks to deposits can be accommodated by the metamorphic-replacement model. The most favourable conditions for development of auriferous hydrothermal systems operated in younger (ca. 2.7±0.1 Ga) rift-phase greenstones where greatest extension and crustal thinning produced high geothermal gradients, crustal-scale synbasinal faults, and rapid extrusion and burial of volcanics, including abundant komatiites. Iron-rich tholeiitic basalts and dolerites were preferred host rocks for large gold deposits. The least favourable conditions existed in older (ca. 3.5-3.4 Ga) platformphase greenstones, where gentle sagging on submerged continental crust produced eruption of mainly mafic volcanics with few komatiites, commonly in very shallow-water environments. This allowed intense synvolcanic alteration of both gold source rocks and potential host rocks. The generally smaller gold deposits formed mainly in ultramafic or greywacke hosts. Younger (ca. 3.0 Ga) platform-phase greenstones appear intermediate in nature but, unlike other greenstones, have significant epigenetic gold deposits in originally oxide-facies BIF, which were deposited on relatively deep-water platforms. Similar controls appear to exist on a world scale, with gold mineralization peaking at ca. 2.7±0.1 Ga in response to development of major rift zones in thickened, relatively mature continental crust. Interestingly, the giant Witwatersrand goldfield formed at about the same time.  相似文献   

New geochemical data on volcanic rocks and the first U-Pb zircon ages for the Kalikorva structure made it possible to determine the time and conditions of their formation and constrain geodynamic models. The lower sequences of the Kalikorva structure is dominated by metatholeiites with high MgO, Cr, and Ni contents, high Mg#, and REE distribution patterns close to the mantle level. They contain rare komatiite interlayers and lenses of pyroxenites and peridotites and can be considered as products of the deep melting of mantle material. At the same time, the tholeiitic metabasalts bear island-arc signatures and are intercalated with metagraywackes and metadacites (adakites). This rock association could be formed under spreading conditions at the beginning of an island-arc regime. The upper sequence is dominated by metagraywackes and contains diverse rocks with both MORB (tholeiitic and komatiitic basalts) and island-arc (calc-alkaline andesite and dacites, subalkaline basalts, and picritic basalts) affinity, which is typical of back-arc basins. The U-Pb dating of zircons from the metadacites and detrital zircons from the metagraywackes of the Kalikorva structure yielded similar ages of 2785 ± 13 and 2766 ± 21 Ma, respectively. They coincide with the age of the late volcanic complex of the Hisovaara Group of the Hisovaara structure (2780 Ma). Both complexes include island-arc associations with subduction signatures and contain adakites, Nb-Ti basalts, and basaltic andesites. The metagraywackes and metadacites of the Chupa sequence of the Belomorian mobile belt are older than the similar rocks of the Kalikorva complex and have an age of 2870 ± 30 Ma. Ages of 2735 ± 20 Ma and 2720 ± 4 Ma were previously obtained for the metaandesites of the Kichany volcanogenic complex, which could be an even younger volcanic arc.  相似文献   

The Archaean complex of Greenland consists of a layered sequence of gneisses whose history can be traced back from 2,600 m.y. to before 3,750 m.y. ago. Quartzo-feldspathic gneisses that are considered to be derived from intrusive granitic rocks make up more than 80% of the complex. They were emplaced during at least two separate periods of plutonism. The remainder of the complex consists of supracrustal rocks, mainly amphibolites and semipelitic gneisses with smaller amounts of quartzite and calcarous rocks, and metamorphosed basic igneous rocks dominated by leucogabbros and anorthosites. Lithologic units of different ages and provenances were intercalated by nappe-like folding and thrusting and were intruded by syntectonic sheets of calc-alkaline granitic rocks. The resulting sequence was repeatedly folded and deformed under high grade metamorphic conditions and the layering was further emphasised. This combination nappe-like folding, thrusting and granite injection is considered to have resulted in a considerable amount of crustal thickening. Granulite facies metamorphism ensued at depth as the base of the thickened sialic mass dried out. In this way a stable continental mass was formed with a refractory base of high grade rocks depleted in radioactive elements. It is suggested that the driving force responsible for the folding, thrusting and generation and intrusion of calc-alkaline magmas was some form of sub-horizontal movement within the mantle and between the mantle and thin crust. This dominantly horizontal tectonic regime is contrasted with the dominantly vertical tectonic regime described from the greenstone belt—granite terrain of southern Africa.  相似文献   

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