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Copper in estuaries has been an issue of concern for its toxicity to marine organisms. The ability to understand the processes that control copper speciation is a key factor towards achieving an improved assessment of the ecological risk it poses in the marine environment. Field measurements were made in August 2000, January 2001, May 2001, and September 2001 to provide a comprehensive view of circulation and water quality both spatially and temporally for the entire San Diego Bay. Rapid, underway, analysis of copper provided a unique, high-resolution view of total and labile copper species. The data show that total copper concentrations in San Diego Bay have been close to or above water quality criteria, increasing gradually from the lowest values in the mouth region (8 nM) to the innermost region (approximately 55 nM) with elevated concentrations existing in the Shelter Island and Commercial Basins. This work indicates that free copper activity lies between 10−11 and 10−13, and declines from the entrance to the head of San Diego Bay, even though the total copper concentration increases, a likely result of complexation with organic and particulate matter. Free copper measurements also show a seasonal dependence with the highest concentrations occurring 2 wk after a winter rain event in January 2001, reaching close to or above toxic levels in some locations.  相似文献   

Glen Sparrow 《GeoJournal》2001,54(1):73-83
The cities of San Diego and Tijuana have faced each other across the international boundary for over 100 years. The question raised by this article is whether they comprise a binational city or region. After a brief comparison of their histories, economies and political systems, a review of some indications of cross border attitudes and a discussion of binational regionalism as it is impacted by continentalism, it is concluded that the relationship between these cities is driven by factors of economics not friendship or trust. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

济南西郊水源地和市区泉群的水质变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章以济南西郊水源地(峨眉山水厂和大杨庄水厂)和济南中心城区的四大泉群作为研究对象,通过比较和分析20世纪80年代和2005年、2006年的水化学和稳定同位素数据,认为20多年以来,济南泉域补给区和排泄区的环境都发生了很大变化,导致非矿物溶解的SO42-输入增加,与Mg2+不成比例。目前西郊水源地开采的地下水为灰岩水顶托补给和当地大气降水的混合,而市区四大泉群相当于灰岩水顶托补给和当地浅层地下水之间的混合。  相似文献   

We assess tsunami hazards in San Diego Bay, California, using newly identified offshore tsunami sources and recently available high resolution bathymetric/topographic data. Using MOST (Titov and Synolakis, J Waterways Port Coastal Ocean Eng ASCE 124(4):57–171, 1998), we simulate locally, regionally and distant-generated tsunamis. Local tsunami source models use more realistic fault and landslide data than previous efforts. With the exception of the Alaska-Aleutian Trench, modeling results suggest that local sources are responsible for the largest waves within the San Diego Bay and Mission Bay. Because San Diego Bay is relatively well protected by North Island and the Silver Strand, the wave heights predicted are consistently smaller inside the harbor than outside. However, historical accounts, recent tsunamis and our predictions show that San Diego Bay is vulnerable to strong tsunami induced currents. More specifically, large currents are expected inside the harbor for various distant and local tsunami sources with estimated flow velocities exceeding 100 cm/s. Such currents have been damaging to harbor facilities, such as wharves and piers, and may cause boats to break from moorings and ram into adjacent harbor structures, as observed in recent historic tsunamis. More recently, following the M w 8.8 February 27, 2010 Chile earthquake, tsunami-currents damaged docks/piers in Shelter Island confirming our findings. We note that the first generation of inundation maps in use in San Diego County by emergency management was based on much larger “worst case but realistic scenarios” (Synolakis et al. 2002a), which reflected the understanding of offshore hazards pervasive ten years ago. Large inundation and overland flow depths were observed primarily in local tsunami source simulations. In particular, locally induced tsunamis appear capable to overtop the Silver Strand. The results suggest that further work needs to be carried out with respect to local tsunami sources as they seem to have worse impact in the San Diego region than previously thought but probably low probability of occurrence. We also predict that a coastal community can be devastated simultaneously by large waves inundating shores and large currents in locations with small flow depths.  相似文献   

Hydrogeology Journal - Climate change has a pronounced effect on water resources in many semiarid climates, causing populated areas such as San Diego County (USA), to become more vulnerable to...  相似文献   

Late Cretaceous, granitic pegmatite-aplite dikes in southern California have been known for gem-quality minerals and as a commercial source of lithium. Minerals, whole-rock samples, and inclusion fluids from nine of these dikes and from associated wall rocks have been analyzed for their oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon isotope compositions to ascertain the origins and thermal histories of the dikes. Oxygen isotope geothermometry used in combination with thermometric data from primary fluid inclusions enabled the determination of the pressure regime during crystallization.Two groups of dikes are evident from their oxygen isotope compositions (18Oqtz+10.5 in Group A, and +8.5 in Group B). Prior to the end of crystallization, Group A pegmatites had already extensively exchanged oxygen with their wall rocks, while Group B dikes may represent a closer approximation to the original isotopic composition of the pegmatite melts. Oxygen isotope fractionations between minerals are similar in all dikes and indicate that the pegmatites were emplaced at temperatures of about 730 ° to 700 ° C. Supersolidus crystallization began with the basal aplite zone and ended with formation of quench aplite in the pocket zone, nearly to 565 ° C. Subsolidus formation of gem-bearing pockets took place over a relatively narrow temperature range of about 40 ° C (approximately 565–525 ° C). Nearly closed-system crystallization is indicated.Hornblende in gabbroic and noritic wall rocks (Dw.r. = –90 to –130) in the Mesa Grande district crystallized in the presence of, or exchanged hydrogen with, meteoric water (D –90) prior to the emplacement of the pegmatite dikes. Magmatic water was subsequently added to the wall rocks adjacent to the pegmatites.Groups A and B pegmatites cannot be distinguished on the basis of their hydrogen isotope compositions. A decrease in D of muscovite inward from the walls of the dikes reflects a decrease in temperature. D values of H2O from fluid inclusions are: –50 to –73 (aplite and pegmatite zones); –62 to –75 (pocket quartz: Tourmaline Queen and Stewart dikes); and –50 ± 4 (pocket quartz from many dikes). The average 13C of juvenile CO2 in fluid inclusions in Group B pegmatites is –7.9. In Group A pegmatities, 13C of CO2 is more negative (–10 to –15.6), due to exchange of C with wall rocks and/or loss of 13C-enriched CO2 to an exsolving vapor phase.Pressures during crystallization of the pockets were on the order of 2,100 bars, and may have increased slightly during pocket growth. A depth of formation of at least 6.8 km (sp. gr. of over burden = 3.0, and P fiuid=P load) is indicated, and a rate of uplift of 0.07 cm/yr. follows from available geochronologic data.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the use by fish of restored tidal wetlands and identified links between fish species composition and habitat characteristics. We compared the attributes of natural and constructed channel habitats in Sweetwater Marsh National Wildlife Refuge, San Diego Bay, California, by using fish monitoring data to explore the relationships between channel environmental characteristics and fish species composition. Fishes were sampled annually for 8 yr (1989–1996) at eight sampling sites, four in constructed marshes and four in natural marshes, using beach seines and blocking nets. We also measured channel habitat characteristics, including channel hydrology (stream order), width and maximum depth, bank slope, water quality (DO, temperature, salinity), and sediment composition. Fish colonization was rapid in constructed channels, and there was no obvious relationship between channel age and species richness or density. Total richness and total density did not differ significantly between constructed and natural channels, although California killifish (Fundulus parvipinnis) were found in significantly higher densities in constructed channels. Multivariate analyses showed fish assemblage composition was related to channel habitat characteristics, suggesting a channel’s physical properties were more important in determining fish use than its restoration status. This relationship highlights the importance of designing restoration projects with natural hydrologic features and choosing proper assessment criteria in order to avoid misleading interpretations of constructed channel success. We recommend that future projects be designed to mimic natural marsh hydrogeomorphology and diversity more closely, the assessment process utilize better estimates of fish habitat function (e.g., individual and community-based species trends, residence time, feeding, growth) and reference site choice, and experimental research be further incorporated into the restoration process.  相似文献   

A recent analytical model developed to compute the residence time of fluid flowing in an unconfined aquifer towards a single pumping well is examined. The solution is scaled and presented practically as a nomograph showing the relationship between the residence time, flow length and draw-down. In addition, a similar scaling process is undertaken for the same problem occurring in a confined aquifer so that the error introduced by approximating an unconfined system as a confined system can be understood over a wide range of conditions.
Resumen Se examina un modelo analítico, recientemente desarrollado, para calcular el tiempo de residencia de un fluido, el cual está fluyendo dentro de un acuífero libre hacia un pozo de bombeo único. La solución después de ser ajustada, se presenta prácticamente como un nomograma, mostrando la relación entre el tiempo de residencia, la longitud del flujo y el abatimiento. Adicionalmente, un proceso similar de ajuste fue realizado para el mismo problema, pero bajo condiciones de acuífero confinado, por tanto el error causado por hacer la aproximación de un sistema libre como si fuera un sistema confinado, puede llegar a ser entendido para un rango amplio de condiciones.

Résumé On analyse un modèle analytique récent pour calculer le temps de résidence dun fluide pendant son écoulement vers un puits de pompage dans une nappe libre. La solution a été mise-à-léchelle et présenté dune manière pratique, comme une nomogramme qui exprime la relation entre le temps de résidence, la distance de l› écoulement et le rabattement. De plus, on a utilisé un procédé similaire de mise-à-léchelle pour le même problème dans une nappe captive affin que lerreur introduite par lapproximation dune nappe libre par une nappe captive peut être interprétée pour une grande classe de conditions.

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