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非饱和渗透系数为非饱和黄土分析中的关键参数,是基质吸力或体积含水率的函数,具体为何种函数关系尚难有定论,且非饱和渗透系数测定较为困难,运用土-水特征曲线间接推导具有较大随机性,稳态法及室内瞬态剖面法需考虑土体扰动影响。为此用原位瞬态剖面法处理黄土地区降雨入渗监测数据,得到黄土的非饱和渗透系数与体积含水率之间的关系,同时引入了田间测定非饱和渗透系数的θ法,二者计算结果具有较高的吻合度,证明了θ法的适用性。此外,基于不同时间体积含水率对深度的变化,提出用对数曲线拟合体积含水率与深度的关系,并应用到瞬态剖面法数据处理中,用此关系对θ法的一个基本假定进行了修正,得到了更接近实际的结果。  相似文献   

为了研究压实黄土中的水分垂直入渗规律和非饱和渗透系数函数,在实验室内利用一维土柱垂直入渗模型试验装置,对两组压实黄土土柱试样分别进行了常水头入渗和降雨入渗试验。得到主要结论如下:(1)常水头入渗试验中,累积入渗量和湿润锋前进距离都随入渗时间呈幂函数形式增长,累积入渗量和湿润锋前进距离之间存在线性关系。入渗率在入渗初期最大,之后随入渗时间而快速降低,并在土柱试样底部出水以后达到稳定,且与湿润锋前进距离呈反比关系。(2)降雨入渗试验中,得到两组试样入渗过程中土-水特征曲线数据,分别用van Genuchten模型和Fredlund-Xing模型对两组试样进行了特征曲线拟合。并利用瞬时剖面法处理了入渗过程中水分和水势传感器的监测数据,得到两组试样的非饱和渗透系数,并拟合得到非饱和渗透系数与体积含水率之间的指数函数关系式。同时,采用van Genuchten和Fredlund等渗透系数模型分别对两组试样的非饱和渗透系数进行预测,通过对比模型预测结果和瞬时剖面法实测值,发现van Genuchten渗透系数模型预测结果更接近实测值。  相似文献   

黄土微结构的试验研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
本文通过电镜扫描分析手段,对Q3黄土试验场地土样微结构特征的各项指标进行了比较和分析,旨在找出其规律性。同时,本文还介绍了黄土微结构的研究方法和要求。结合室内实验,对所获得的一系列黄土特性量化指标进行了分析对比,揭示了微结构与黄土液化之间的内在联系。研究结果表明,由统计值变异系数,能达到对黄土场地液化势起到相当程度确定性的目的,验证了利用微结构研究黄土结构变化的可行性。  相似文献   

温度和模拟渗滤液作用下黏土的渗透性能   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
采用改造的GDS全自动环境岩土渗透仪,分别以自来水和模拟渗滤液为试验用水,开展不同温度和围压下黏土渗透性能试验。研究表明,当温度从20℃升高至50℃时,渗透系数增大,最大增幅为3.5倍;当围压从50kPa增大至200kPa时,渗透系数从10-6cm/s数量级减小至10-8cm/s数量级。在温度和围压一定时,模拟渗滤液作用下黏土的渗透系数略大于自来水试验结果,二者最大比值为2.8。随着温度的升高,土中吸附结合水膜变薄,且土样体积减小,在两种效应的共同作用下,固有渗透率不是定值,相应条件下50℃与20℃固有渗透率的比值在0.72~2.99之间变化。在本试验条件下,渗透系数随温度的变化主要是由水动力黏滞系数的变化引起,但是在低围压、自来水试验时理论推算渗透系数小于实测值,高围压下理论推算值大于实测值。  相似文献   

Li  Ping  Pan  Zhenhui  Xiao  Tao  Wang  Jiading 《Acta Geotechnica》2023,18(2):921-936
Acta Geotechnica - Molding water content and compaction degree are the major factors driving differences in the microstructure, which has a control on the permeability of compacted loess. Although...  相似文献   

渗透系数空间变异性研究   总被引:20,自引:6,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
水文地质参数的空间变异性是随机理论研究的基础,而渗透系数是最为重要的水文地质参数。国外有关渗透参数空间变异性的研究工作已开展很多,但渗透系数究竟服从什么分布目前尚无确切答案。利用Borden含水层试验数据,对渗透系数的空间变异性进行探讨,结果表明若处理方法得当,渗透系数应服从对数正态分布。同时,还对今后野外开展含水层渗透系数空间变异性试验研究提出几点建议。  相似文献   

Estimation of hydraulic conductivity from surface resistivity measurements is one of the most difficult and challenging hydrogeophysical targets. The promising side of this relation is the analogy between electric current flow and water flow, whereas the grand ambiguity is the non-dimensionality between both two quantities. Imaginary surface conductivity component is used recently to deduce the hydraulic conductivity via complex resistivity measurements. Since there are similar properties between imaginary (out-of-phase) and real (in-phase) surface conductivity components, the latter is used in this paper to predict the hydraulic conductivity. Two mathematical parameters were determined to express the electrical equivalent of hydraulic conductivity in sand and clay systems based on the mode of electrical double-layer formation in both systems. The reliability of the proposed method is tested through applying on two datasets representing sand and clay systems. The first dataset is a clean sand and gravel aquifer in the Keritis basin in Chania, Crete, Greece. The second is mostly clayey sand aquifer in Wadi El-Assuity, Egypt. Application of the present approach in these two cases resulted in promising nearly identical values with the measured hydraulic conductivity via pumping test or geometric hydraulic conductivity via grain size analysis.  相似文献   

改性黄土渗透性与孔隙结构的依存关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用扫描电子显微镜和ImageJ图像处理软件对不同膨润土掺量黄土试样的微结构和孔隙特征进行了统计分析,并与柔性壁渗透仪渗透试验结果进行了对比。电镜观察及孔隙统计结果表明,随着膨润土掺量不断增加,附着在黄土骨架颗粒上的蒙脱石等粘土矿物持续增多,黄土的孔隙数量急剧增多,相反,孔隙平均面积和平均直径呈下降趋势。将膨润土改性黄土的渗透系数与不同大小孔隙的面积比进行统计回归,发现大中孔隙对渗透系数有决定意义。以此为依据,建立渗透系数与有效孔隙隙比之间的关系,提高了传统回归关系的可靠程度。  相似文献   

Vicksburg loess is characterized by preferred orientation of constituent grains, which on the average dip 4° toward the west (N 80–85°W). This investigation was undertaken to study, quantitatively, the relationship between natural fabric anisotropies of Vicksburg loess and the orientation of applied stress distribution Results of the study indicate the fabric anisotropies in Vicksburg loess are reflected by definite variation in triaxial shear strength of dry and moist specimens.

In two series of triaxial tests, ultimate strength of the loess is maximum where σ1 is perpendicular to grain orientation, and it is reduced where the principal stresses are 45° to the fabric plane. In this respect, Vicksburg loess may serve as a structural model for granular earth materials in illustrating the influence of fabric on ultimate strength. Moreover, the Mohr-Coulomb fracture line consists of two line segments, with an increase in slope at higher confining pressure. This characteristic suggests that poorly-cemented sands, or sandstones, and silts, or siltstones, may undergo two failures: one at small strains where cement bonds are disrupted and the other at larger strains where internal shearing resistance of granular components is exceeded.  相似文献   

加气硅化黄土的微结构研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用扫描电镜、数字图像方法和表面积孔隙分析仪研究了天然黄土和固化龄期13,19,24 a加气硅化黄土的微结构和孔隙特征。结果表明:天然黄土和加气硅化黄土的微结构均以粒状架空结构为主;加气硅化黄土架空孔隙内充填有少量凝胶;这些凝胶附着在骨架颗粒表面,增大了颗粒间的接触面积。与天然黄土相比,硅化黄土孔径分布基本无变化,平均孔径、面积比和孔隙体积没有降低,但孔隙表面积从17.810 4 m2/g 增加到27.473 5 m2/g。加气硅化黄土的机制是保持黄土架空孔隙基本不变,通过凝胶薄膜强化了黄土微结构中胶结物的强度,将骨架颗粒黏结成为一个空间网状整体,消除了黄土的湿陷性,并提高了其工程力学性能。  相似文献   

We have made a detailed study of the effect of cross-sectional shape on the hydraulic conductance of rock pores. We consider laminar flow through a single tube with an irregular cross-section; constriction effects, and interconnectedness of pores, will be studied in a future work. We employ three approximate methods: the hydraulic radius approximation, which attempts to correlate the conductivity with the perimeter/area ratio, the Aissen approximation, which utilises a mean value of the conductance of the largest (smallest) circles that can be inscribed (circumscribed) inside (outside) the pore, and the Saint-Venant approximation, which is based on the polar moment of inertia of the shape. The Boundary Element Method is used to provide nominally “exact” estimates of the conductivity, but at the expense of large amounts of computational time. All four methods have been tested on pore shapes from SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) images of thin-sections of Berea and Massilon sandstone. Surprisingly, the hydraulic radius approximation is the most accurate of the three approximate methods, giving, on average, less than 1% error. Finally, we combine these methods with previous results on the effect of stress on pore deformation, to study the stress-dependence of pore conductivity.  相似文献   

Q2黄土浸水前后微观结构变化研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对陕西蒲城电厂Q2黄土浸水前后的试样进行微观结构对比测试,得到了大量珍贵的微观结构图片。浸水前后Q2黄土的微观结构定性、定量分析表明:架空孔隙受力作用影响较大,对水的作用敏感;粒间孔隙对压力和水的作用相对较迟钝;Q2黄土的湿陷峰值压力大于200 kPa。随着压力的增大,Q2黄土的灰度熵、欧拉数和孔隙的面积比例、圆形度、定向度、分布分维减小;而颗粒的面积比例、圆形度、定向度、分布分维将增大;随着水的浸入,各量将继续减小或增大;浸水后孔径大于20 ?m的孔隙含量减少,孔径小于20 ?m的孔隙含量增加,湿陷的过程中大部分孔隙都在发生变化,大孔隙变成中、小孔隙,中、小孔隙则变为更小的孔隙。浸水前后微观结构的变化能较好地解释Q2黄土特殊的湿陷性。  相似文献   

含水层皆具有异质性,因而垂向上不同深度的渗透系数会有差异,为了准确的获得含水层不同深度的渗透系数,采用多深度微水试验实现按需分层推估渗透系数的目的。利用前人建立的微水试验分析模型,对实际测得的一组多深度微水试验数据进行分析,推估出试验区内井N01周边不同深度的渗透系数值,确定了渗透系数的垂向变化,并验证了其与地质钻探岩性资料基本一致。  相似文献   

A geometrical model, including different geometrical shapes influencing thermal conductivity of snow is proposed. The geometrical model has been assumed to comprise of unit cells having solid (ice) inclusion as an aggregation of spherical, cylindrical or cubical shapes with vertical connection, arranged in a cubic packing. From the geometrical model and one-dimensional heat transfer theory, the effective thermal conductivity has been computed. For this purpose, coupled one-dimensional heat transfer equations have been solved for steady-state condition to account for conduction in ice, conduction in air and latent heat transfer due to water vapour sublimation through air. The model demonstrates the dependency of thermal conductivity on density, grain-spacing, grain contact ratio and temperature. Spherical inclusions give highest conductivity while cubical inclusion estimates lowest value for the same density. Thermal conductivity has been found increasing sharply near to the packing density for all three shapes. Empirical model results and results obtained from existing microstructure based models have also been compared with the present model.  相似文献   

王慧妮  倪万魁 《岩土力学》2012,33(1):243-247
以湿陷性黄土的电镜扫描(SEM)和三轴CT扫描试验为基础,针对CT图像分辨率较低、难以实现土微结构精确量化的缺陷,通过对不同放大倍数的SEM图像进行图像分析,并从其中选择标准训练样本,利用训练样本对CT图像进行监督分类,从而达到定量化分析土的微结构的目的。通过比较CT图像基于自身灰度分级和基于SEM训练样本两种不同方法进行监督分类,结果表明基于SEM训练样本的CT图像监督分类,可以更好地量化监测黄土大孔隙、团粒、黏土集粒和矿物颗粒在固结剪切过程中的变化规律,从而为土的微结构研究提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

在季节性冻土区,冻融作用诱发黄土滑坡的本质是冻融循环作用下黄土物理力学性质的劣化,探明冻融作用下温度以及水分迁移对黄土强度的影响及其机制是必要的.以山西省柳林县某黄土边坡为例,采用一种新的冻融循环方式即按照土体每年历经的温度路径进行冻融循环,研究在温度动态变化的冻融循环作用下土体的抗剪强度变化规律以及反复冻融循环作用对...  相似文献   

This paper presents a numerical procedure to explore how hydraulic conductivity anisotropy and strength anisotropy affect the stability of stratified, poorly cemented rock slopes. The results provide information about the anisotropic characteristics of the medium, including the orientation of bedding planes, the anisotropic ratios of the hydraulic conductivity and the geological significance of the hydraulic conductivity anisotropy on the pore water pressure (PWP) estimation of finite slopes. Neglecting the hydraulic conductivity anisotropy of a slope with horizontal layers leads to a 40% overestimation of the safety factor. For a dip slope with inclined layers with θ = 30°, including the strength anisotropy caused a 25% reduction of the safety factor compared to the cases which isotropic strength is assumed. This paper highlights the importance of the hydraulic-conductivity anisotropy and the strength anisotropy on the stability of stratified, poorly cemented rock slopes.  相似文献   

高速铁路地基黄土微结构的分形研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
基于分形理论,结合Photoshop等图像分析处理软件,在图像处理过程中选择适当的阈值,本文对郑州-西安客运专线地基黄土在动荷载作用下变形前后的孔隙微观结构进行分形研究.研究表明,黄土孔隙微观结构具有分形特征,揭示了黄土孔隙分形分维同孔隙比之间有近似直线的关系,且孔隙微结构分形分维越大,土体强度越大,反之越小.  相似文献   

裂隙岩体渗透系数确定方法综述   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
总结了近年来裂隙岩体渗透系数的确定方法,主要有现场水力试验法、裂隙测量法和离散裂隙网络渗流数值试验法.每种方法都有自己的适用性和测量尺度.裂隙岩体渗透系数存在尺度效应,针对不同尺度的研究对象,应尽量选取与渗流模型网格剖分尺度匹配的测量方法.裂隙的延伸具有方向性,测试点的布设应合理科学,不同测量方法需要结合起来才能得到裂隙岩体真实的渗透系数.  相似文献   

土-膨润土系竖向隔离墙广泛应用于工业污染场地和地下水修复工程。通过坍落度和一维压缩固结试验研究添加沸石对黏性土-膨润土竖向隔离墙材料的工作性,以及压缩和渗透特性。黏性土选用高岭土,沸石-高岭土-膨润土试样中沸石掺量为2%~40%。试验结果与以往沸石-砂-膨润土竖向隔离墙材料以及击实沸石-膨润土混合土研究结果进行对比,明确沸石掺量和粒径对压缩和渗透特性的作用规律。试验结果显示,满足隔离墙材料施工要求的含水率范围随沸石掺量增加而增大,并处于液限的0.96~1.18倍。添加细颗粒沸石对试样的压缩指数和渗透系数影响较小,渗透系数小于10-9 m/s。相反,添加粗颗粒沸石将导致微孔隙尺寸增大,并形成水能够通过的沸石网架结构,将显著增大渗透系数。试样渗透系数能够通过考虑孔隙比和液限的经验公式进行良好的预测。  相似文献   

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