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On the basis of landscape ecology, combining the Spot 5 high resolution satellite imagery with GIS, a method evaluating the spatial heterogeneity of shelterbelts distribution at landscape scale is put forward in this paper. The distance coefficients of reasonable and existing landscape indexes of farmland shelterbelt networks were computed, and then through the classification of the distance coefficients, and the establishment of evaluation rules, the spatial heterogeneity of farmland shelterbelts was evaluated. The method can improve the evaluating system of previous studies on shelterbelts distribution, resolve the disadvantages of lacking spatiality of overall evaluation, and make the evaluation results have more directive significance for shelterbelt management. Based on this method, spatial heterogeneity of shelterbelt networks was evaluated in the midwest of Jilin Province, China. The results show that the regions with fewer shelterbelts and no closed network account for 34.7% of the total area, but only 4.9% of the area has relative reasonable pattern of shelterbelt networks. Many problems exist in the distribution pattern of shelterbelts, therefore, much attention should be paid to construct farmland shelterbelts in the study area.  相似文献   

To manage water resources effectively, a multiscale assessment of the vulnerability of water resources on the basis of political boundaries and watersheds is necessary. This study addressed issues on the vulnerability of water resources and provided a multiscale comparison of spatial heterogeneity under a climate change background. Using improved quantitative evaluation methods of vulnerabil- ity, the Theil index and the Shannon-Weaver index, we evaluated the vulnerability of water resources and its spatial heterogeneity in the Haihe River Basin in four scales, namely, second-class water resource regions (Class II WRRs), third-class water resource regions (Class III WRRs), Province-Class II WRRs, and Province-Class III WRRs. Results show that vulnerability enhances from the north to south in the different scales, and shows obvious spatial heterogeneity instead of moving toward convergence in multiscale assessment results. Among the Class II WRRs, the Tuhai-Majia River is the most vulnerable area, and the vulnerability of the Luanhe River is lower than that of the north of the Haihe River Basin, which in turn is lower than that of the south of the Haihe River Basin. In the scales of Class III WRRs and Province-Class III WRRs, the vulnerability shows obvious spatial heterogeneity and diversity measured by the Theil index and the Shannon-Weaver index. Multiscale vulnerability assessment results based on political boundaries and the watersheds of the Haihe River Basin innovatively provided in this paper are important and useful to characterize the real spatial pattern of the vulnerability of water resources and improve water resource management.  相似文献   

Xiamen is an economically competitive and highly urbanized city along the coastal area of Fujian Province, China. The research on spatio-temporal variation of landscape heterogeneity under the influence of human activities is of great importance to the further study on the relationship of landscape pattern and ecological process. It is also crucial to the discovery of spatial variation and intensity distribution of human activities. The research analyzed the intensity of human impacts and the spatial variation features and dynamics of landscape patterns by introducing statistical theories and approaches. We analyzed spatio-temporal variation of landscape heterogeneity using the geostatistical techniques, such as semivariogram and Kriging interpolation.Results show that there is a higher correlation between landscape heterogeneity indexes and human impact index. Both the indexes show a moderate spatial autocorrelation as well as an obvious characteristic of anisotropy. From 1998 to 2008, the spatial differentiation of the changes in the intensity of human activities and the changes in landscape heterogeneity shows that the landscape patterns in Xiamen are closely related with the urban land utilization methods, the condition of traffic and geographical location and the physical geographical condition such as the terrain and the ecological environment. The process of urbanization has a significant impact on the urban landscape pattern.  相似文献   

I.INTRODUCTIONAcommonviewpointinthespatialinteractionliteratureisthatitisnecesarytoacknowledgespatialstructureefectsand/orde...  相似文献   

随着多光谱传感器的广泛运用,利用地物光谱响应特征提取地表信息的技术日益成熟,但是由于地表状况的复杂性和光谱响应的局限性,光谱方法在指示平均大小、空间异向性、空间分布、空间异质性等格局信息方面存在不足,因此挖掘遥感影像的空间格局特征日益受到研究者的重视。已有研究发现,变异参数与地表场景参数存在一定的对应关系,通过变异参数可以实现地表场景参数的提取,因此变异函数分析方法被广泛应用于真实遥感影像格局分析中,具体包括平均尺度提取、周期性格局探测、空间异质性表征与空间异向性描述等地表格局参数量化方面、最佳尺度选择与影像纹理分析等遥感影像信息提取方面。尽管变异函数分析方法在上述应用领域中都发挥了重要作用,但是当前利用变异函数进行遥感影像空间格局分析大多局限于定性描述层面,缺乏精确化的量化描述与分析,限制了变异函数分析方法应用的进一步拓展,究其原因在于对遥感影像格局变异函数分析的内在机制缺乏深入了解。本文回顾了近20年来变异函数分析方法在遥感格局分析领域的主要应用,并对该方法本身的优势和存在的不足进行了总结,可为变异函数这一工具在遥感影像格局分析方面的有效应用提供参考。  相似文献   

城市地表温度空间异质性的研究对理解城市地表温度空间结构有重要意义。本文利用大气校正法反演地表温度,基于半变异函数构建城市地表温度空间异质性模型,并进一步分析不同空间尺度下地表温度空间异质性结构参数的变化规律。以2013年6月16日的Landsat 8为数据源,以重庆为研究区开展实验,研究结果表明:① 不同空间尺度下重庆地表温度空间异质性均呈现指数模型分布特征;② 在30 m空间尺度下,地表温度空间异质性主要是由空间结构引起,但随机因素引起的空间变异占比为0.45,呈现出明显的块金效应,表明该尺度下随机因素引起的空间变异不可忽略;③ 从空间尺度(30~1500 m)整体变化上看,地表温度空间异质性主要由空间结构引起,同时表现出明显的尺度效应;随着空间尺度增大,块金值(C0)、偏基台值(C)、基台值(C0+C)以及块基比(C0/(C0+C))逐渐减小,表明地表温度空间异质性逐渐减弱但空间自相关性逐渐增强。变程(A)逐渐增大,表示空间自相关性范围逐渐扩大;④ 随机因素引起的空间变异占比为0.23~0.46,呈现出波动变化,这是因为地表温度在像元内部也存在空间异质性。空间结构引起的空间变异相对平缓,这是因为空间尺度的变化不会改变地形结构;⑤ 从尺度域来看,基台值与块金值在尺度域(690 m,1500 m)内呈现出较大幅度波动变化状态,且变化趋势相似,表明地表温度空间异质性的变化与随机因素有较大关联。综上所述,分析地表温度空间结构需要选取合适的空间尺度,尺度较小时,容易受到随机因素干扰,从而影响地表温度在空间结构上的空间变异性;尺度较大时,地表温度空间异质性较弱且变化不稳定。  相似文献   

多尺度分割是面向对象遥感影像分析的关键性基础步骤,影像分割过程中尺度参数的选择直接关系到面向对象影像分析的质量和精度。本文首先从理论层面将遥感影像分割的尺度界定为基于统计的原始影像全局或局部特征的一种定量化估计,并在算法层面上将多尺度分割算法的尺度参数概括为空间尺度分割参数(类别或斑块间的空间距离)、属性尺度分割参数(类别或斑块间的属性距离)和合并阈值参数(斑块大小或斑块像元数目);接着,提出了基于谱空间统计的高分辨率影像分割尺度估计方法;最后,以均值漂移多尺度分割算法为例,采用高空间分辨率的Ikonos、Quickbird和航空影像数据,对本文提出的基于谱空间统计的高分辨率影像分割尺度估计方法进行了验证。结果表明,该方法在一定程度上不仅避免了高分辨率遥感影像分割尺度参数选择的主观性和盲目性,还提高了面向对象影像分析的自动化程度,具有可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

At the study area of Xigu District in Lanzhou City, using RS & GIS as tools we apply Diversity, Dominance, Fragmentation, Isolation and so on to study the quantitative, fractal and spatial characters of landscapes structures in the four sub-regions divided by the morphological features. Using the Fractal Theory to establish the fractal structure models, we analyze the complexity and stability of various landscapes distribution with fractal dimension value. The spatial distribution characteristics of landscape mosaic structure are also expounded. At the end of the paper we discuss the relevant problems on the main factors which control and effect on the spatial pattern of landscapes as well as on landscape optimization and management. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40171069). Biography: XU Jian-hua (1965 - ), male, a native of Gansu province, professor. His research interest includes Geo-computation and GIS.  相似文献   

1IN T R O D U C T IO NUrban green spaces can be consideredas the outdoorplacesintheurban covered with significanatmounts ofvegetation,naturalor manmade,as opposed to areasthatare paved or having buildingon them(JIM andC HEN,2003;SHIVANAND and SUZANA,2005)…  相似文献   

高精度曲面建模方法(High Accuracy Surface Modeling, HASM),从理论上解决了传统方法在插值过程中峰值削平和边界震荡等问题。其模拟精度相对于经典插值方法有很大提高,已成功应用于人口密度、土壤属性,以及气候要素等领域的空间制图。然而,由于地面气象站点数量和分布的限制,使得HASM仅依靠站点数据难以得到高精度的空间降水估计数据,因此,本文以地貌与气候类型复杂多样的我国中西部地区2010年年降水量空间分布模拟为例,采用混合插值法进行HASM区域降水模拟。结果表明,TRMM作为背景场的HASM模拟的年降水量精度,在全局和局部明显优于IDW、Spline和Kriging等经典插值方法的结果,作为背景场的HASM模拟精度,MAE和RMSE分别为125.15 mm和155.80 mm,其他方法最好的模拟结果比其误差值分别高出53.6%和54.5%;其模拟误差在不同子区域都较小;各种方法在平原的精度都高于山区的精度。  相似文献   

The study shows that the regional differentiation of Hong Kong direct investment (HKDI) in China was enlarged in the 1980s and has been reducing since 1991. The concentration of HKDI in the southern China and the coast has been replaced by the trend of moving northwards and inlandwards after 1989. But in terms of manufacturing sectors this trend has not clearly appeared until now. Those changing patterns are clearly related to the behaviour of Hong Kong industrial investors. The survey results suggest that “enjoying lower production cost” is the most important motive for their investment in China. In consequence, “close to Hong Kong”, “cheaper labour” and “favourable policy” are major factors for determining the investment locations. This behaviour, together with the lack of comparison study in location selection among most investors, explains that Guangdong absorbed most Hong Kong investment in the 1980s. As the production costs have been increasing in Guangdong, some companies have started to invest in non-Guangdong locations since the end of the 1980s. From the mental map of Hong Kong investors, however, only some of the non-Guangdong locations are practically attractive. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China and the University Graduates Association (Hong Kong). The author gratefully acknowledges the help from Professors Kam-hon Lee and Yue-man Yeung and Dr. David Chu at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Mr. Chai-ming Mak at Electricity Advisory Services Limited (HK) during the early stage of the study.  相似文献   

Resources potential assessment is one of the fields in geosciences,which is able to take great advantage of GIS technology as a substitution of traditional working methods.The gold resources potential in the eastern Kunlun Mountains,Qinghai Province,China was assessed by combining weights-of-evidence model with GIS spatial analysis technique.All the data sets used in this paper were derived from an established multi-source geological spatial database,which contains geological,geophysical,geochemical and rem...  相似文献   

有效分析城市不同经济水平人群的分布特征和活动模式对优化城市资源配置和揭示空间隔离现象有着极高的价值。但人群活动和社会经济等级数据较敏感,使得以往研究仅停留在宏观层面,难以合理划分人群经济等级并对其空间分布和活动模式进行定量分析。本研究以深圳为研究区,基于空间位置关联分析方法,耦合手机信令数据和细尺度房价数据实现了人群经济水平的准确划分,通过计算活动指标定量的分析了不同经济水平人群的空间分布和行为活动特征。研究表明:深圳市不同经济水平人群活动分布与各行政区经济发展相关,呈现“南高北低,西高东低”的格局;深圳市不同经济水平人群之间活动模式存在差异,活动范围、出行距离、出行速度与经济水平存在正向相关;高经济水平人群职住地点相距较远,存在跨行政区分布的现象。本研究分析了城市不同经济水平人群的空间分布特征和活动模式,对城市规划和解决社会不平等问题具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

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