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1INTRODUCTIONManywesternscholarssuchasChangSendou(1963),ChengTiejunetal.(1994),andSkinnerG.W.etal(1977)puttheirresearchintere...  相似文献   


In the era of the Internet and globalisation, more and more international academics focus their attention on how city governments compete for talent, capital, and technology through website marketing to promote their economy and global status. However, 1) present research generally overlooks the importance of different types of elements in different marketing themes, 2) the combinations of marketing themes are still unknown, and 3) the presumption that the emphasised elements and specific combination of marketing themes on official websites differentiates cities requires more cases to be understood. In light of this background, this study collects homepage elements of 49 Alpha world cities' official websites and quantitatively analyses the frequency of different types of elements, the marketing content themes, and the dissimilarity of content of Chinese Alpha world cities. The results indicate that comprehensiveness and locality appear in the process of city marketing throughout official city websites. Overall, we make the following conclusions. 1) The importance of different kinds of elements significantly differs between 49 Alpha world cities. 2) Based on various combinations of elements, the marketing contents of Alpha world cities through official websites can be categorised into six themes of history and culture, government and information, construction and environment, government and living, construction and living, and general compound. 3) The marketing elements of five Chinese Alpha world cities, including Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Taipei and Guangzhou, are different than the other 44 Alpha world cities, and Chinese cities prefer to advertise their history and culture but rarely market citizens' activities. Moreover, Chinese cities' marketing mostly targets natives while the other 44 Alpha cities target external groups, and the locality of world cities' website marketing is reinforced especially on a native language edition website. This study ultimately finds that the Chinese edition websites of five Chinese cities place more focus on introducing local historical buildings, administrative services, and internal business information than the English edition websites do.  相似文献   

The increasing globalization of the Chinese economy has been enabled by both Chinese financial institutions operating globally as well as international firms operating within China. In geographical terms, this has been organized through a number of strategic cities serving as gateways for the exchange of financial functions, products and practices between China and the global economy. Drawing on location data of financial service firms in China listed on stock exchanges in Shenzhen, Shanghai and Hong Kong, this paper shows that Chinese financial firms are expanding globally and how Chinese financial centers are positioned and connected in the urban networks shaped by these financial service firms. It is found that Hong Kong, China, holds strategic positions in the integration of Chinese cities into global financial center networks, and that establishing a foothold in global financial centers such as New York and London has been a priority for Chinese financial institutions. The increasing capital flows directed by Chinese financial institutions suggests a shifting global financial geography, with numerous Chinese cities playing increasingly important roles within global financial center networks.  相似文献   

This is an empirical paper that measures and interprets the position of Chinese cities in the world city network in 2010. Building on a specification of the world city network as a′interlocking network′in which business services firms play the crucial role in city network formation, information is gathered about the presence of global service firms in cities. This information is converted into data to provide the′service value′of a city for a firm′s provision of corporate services in a 526(cities)×175(firms) matrix. These data are then used as the input to the interlocking network model in order to measure cities′connectivity and its predominant geographical orientation. Here we focus on the position of some key Chinese cities in this regard, and discuss and interpret results in the context of the urban dimensions of the′opening up′of the Chinese economy.  相似文献   

21世纪以来的国际关系错综复杂、瞬息万变,给世界的经济、政治、安全、外交等带来了深刻影响.及时掌握国际关系的变化对中国外交政策制定、整体发展规划有着极为重要的意义.随着大数据时代的来临,应用大数据方法结合国际关系定量分析的工具对国际关系变化模式进行及时、有效地挖掘成为了一个重要的议题.强时效性、高信息量的新闻事件大数据...  相似文献   

随着移动互联网、云计算、大数据等新一轮信息通信技术的发展,智慧城市逐渐成为城市建设的重要发展趋势。“十三五”期间,全国各城市纷纷制定智慧城市建设或发展规划,并将其定位为城市中长期发展战略的重要组成部分。由于智慧城市涉及范围广泛、内容体系庞杂,目前还在不断发展完善之中,尚未形成统一的评价标准。基于此,本文对比了国内外智慧城市评价重点与趋势,以提高城市可持续发展能力、实现高效、公平的城市管理、保障民生福祉为目标,构建了包括智慧经济、智慧交通、智慧医疗、智慧教育、智慧管理等多子系统的智慧城市评价指标体系;运用文本、网页、统计等多源数据,本文开展了全面的、统一的、多层次、模块化的全国智慧城市发展状态评估,并从子系统协调程度对智慧城市发展提出了建设性意见。研究发现:① 从整体评价结果分析,除北京、上海、广州、武汉、成都、杭州、天津和南京8个城市综合得分及各子系统得分都较高外,绝大部分城市的智慧建设水平不高;② 在空间分布上,沿海地区的智慧城市建设水平普遍高于内陆地区,直辖市和省会城市高于其他城市;③ 从协调关系分析,70%以上城市的5个子系统为中度甚至低度协调,80%以上城市以智慧教育或智慧医疗成为发展短板,这也是未来政府应关注的重点。本文通过构建指标体系,探讨了中国智慧城市的发展状态,为城市未来的发展和管理提供了借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

Against the backdrop of the sizable economic growth of China in recent years, this paper uses the most recent data gathering of the Globalization and World Cities(Ga WC) research network to update and supplement earlier research on the shifting global connectivity of Chinese cities. The update consists of an evaluation of the connectivity of Chinese cities in 2016, the supplement of an analysis of the changing position of Chinese cities in the world city network between 2010 and 2016. To this end, we build on a specification of the world city network as an ‘interlocking network' in which producer services firms play the crucial role in city network formation. Information about the presence of leading producer services firms in cities in 2010 and 2016 is used as the input to a bipartite network projection algorithm in order to measure cities' network connectivity. The first set of results discusses the geographies of urban connectivity in the world city network in 2016. The second set of results discusses standardized measures of change to reveal the major dimensions of the transformations between 2010 and 2016. We find that, with the exception of Hong Kong, Macau and Kaohsiung of Taiwan, all Chinese cities record connectivity gains. This wholesale rise in connectivity is nonetheless geographically uneven, with above all Beijing, Chengdu/Chongqing and Changsha/Wuhan becoming more connected. We conclude that the wholesale rise of Chinese cities in the world city network and their changing trajectories in the post-crisis era are embedded in shifting external and internal political economies.  相似文献   

China is experiencing rapid urbanization and motorization. Urban transport congestion poses a challenge to the cities of China. Policies have been made trying to control the car use and the land use in Chinese cities without sound modelling researches. The existing literature on monocentric city modelling has shown that the parameters are critical for the outcome of the modelling. Following the Alonso-type monocentric model, this paper introduces a bi-modal model to simulate the city size, the distribution of land rent and the modal substitution in Chinese cities. We set the key parameters according to the recent available data of China′s cities, and re-explain the hypothesis of the model. Then we make a sensitivity analysis to reveal the impacts of key parameters on the Chinese cities. According to the results, we find that the wage, the price of car use and the agriculture rent have significant impacts on city size. The land supply for the private transport or the public transport has the strongest impacts on car use and the level of transport congestion. The total population of the city and the wage level have strong impacts on land rent. Some results are counter-intuitive, but explainable. We also discuss implication of these results for policy making.  相似文献   

城市化进程与城市可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球城市化在带动经济发展的同时也带来了一系列的问题,即所谓的“城市病”,实现城市可持续发展是解决这些问题的必由之路,在分析城市化现象带来的问题之后,讨论了实施城市可持续发展的可行性和必要性,并就如何实施我国城市可持续发展提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

A large number of studies have been conducted to find a better fit for city rank-size distributions in different countries. Many theoretical curves have been proposed, but no consensus has been reached. This study argues for the importance of examining city rank-size distribution across different city size scales. In addition to focusing on macro patterns, this study examines the micro patterns of city rank-size distributions in China. A moving window method is developed to detect rank-size distributions of cities in different sizes incrementally. The results show that micro patterns of the actual city rank-size distributions in China are much more complex than those suggested by the three theoretical distributions examined(Pareto, quadratic, and q-exponential distributions). City size distributions present persistent discontinuities. Large cities are more evenly distributed than small cities and than that predicted by Zipf′s law. In addition, the trend is becoming more pronounced over time. Medium-sized cities became evenly distributed first and then unevenly distributed thereafter. The rank-size distributions of small cities are relatively consistent. While the three theoretical distributions examined in this study all have the ability to detect the overall dynamics of city rank-size distributions, the actual macro distribution may be composed of a combination of the three theoretical distributions.  相似文献   

中国新诗创立具有一定的诗学因素,诗人们难以在传统诗歌领域推陈出新。在其理论并不成熟,而且没有生产出优秀作品的前提下,新诗主要是作为新文化运动和白话文运动的一分子被人们所接受,并且迅速确立其社会地位。新诗在几十年的发展过程中也一直具有强烈的社会与政治关怀。在20世纪90年代之后,新诗逐渐放弃社会责任,企图回归艺术。可是新诗的艺术成就本来不高,放弃社会责任对于新诗来说其实是放弃了存在的主要理由。摆在新诗面前的是一条漫长的艺术探索之路,成功与否直接关系到新诗最终的成败。  相似文献   

In this study, by carrying on the spot investigation to the seven coal cities in Northeast China and interviewing with the local authority and the residents, the authors definite the vulnerability that is closed to exposure, sensitivity and resilience, and set up vulnerability model of coal cities in Northeast China. At the same time, the authors broadly illustrate how the components of natural-social-economic system act in the coal area, so as to probe the ways to reduce vulnerability more effectively, such as preferential national policy and so on. Furthermore, the article studies the relationship between vulnerability and sustainable development. Vulnerability is a spatio-temporal function of sustainable development. The regional sustainable development refrains the spiral ascending of vulnerability. And the regional vulnerability and sustainable development appear in turn. Then the article analyzes the natural vulnerability, social vulnerability and economic vulnerability of coal cities in Northeast China. At last, combing vulnerability model and situation of coal cities in Northeast China, the authors put forward regional technology innovation mode, multi-dimension structure transformation mode, attracting investment mode and recycling economy mode to reduce vulnerability.  相似文献   

TheXijiangRiveristhemainwaterwayacrosseastandwestinSouthernChina.ItsmaincoursebacksontothewestofGuangdongandthesouthwestofChina,withitsexitthroughHongKong,MacaoandSoutheasternAsia.Ithasawidehinterlandandconvenientwatertransportation.AlongtheXijiangRiver,thecentralcitiesarethecities,whichspreadalongtheXijiangRiver'smaincourse,theZhujiangRiver'sdeltaandoutlet,andBosehasbeenselectedasarepresentativecityintheupperreachesoftheXijiangRiver.Theytotal12cities,includingGuangzhou,Shenzhen,Zhuh…  相似文献   

Excess commuting in transitional urban China: A case study of Guangzhou   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the reform era, Chinese cities witnessed dramatic institutional transformation and spatial restructuring in general and profound change of commuting patterns in particular. Using household surveys collected in Guangzhou, China, in 2001, 2005 and 2010, excess commuting measurements are estimated. Excess commuting shows an overall trend of increasing during 1990–1999, and then declining during 2000–2010. We argue that deepening marketization of the jobs and housing sectors has induced spatial separation of jobs and housing. In other words, institutional transition and urban spatial restructuring are underpinning the changes of commuting patterns in Chinese cities. Excess commuting has strong relationship with individual socio-demographic status, which is by and large due to the increasing flexibilities of jobs and housing location choices enjoyed by urban residents. The findings call for considerations on balancing jobs-housing in making public policies relevant to urban development in general, and land use and transportation in particular.  相似文献   

The global economic downturn caused primarily by the US sub-prime mortgage crisis in 2007 engendered revenue loss of the multinational corporations.Existing studies have yet to depict the detrimental impacts on city’s command and control functions induced by the sub-prime mortgage crisis together with its residual wave of global economic recession on the global spatial economy.Recent and previous studies have produced an ’instant history’ of the global spatial economy before the global economic downturn undermines the global economy in late 2008.However,the waxes and wanes of major cities’ command and control functions on the global economic arena before and after the outbreak of financial crisis and its associated geo-economic transitions are still poorly understood.This paper attempts to contribute a new set of customized data to update and fill in the gap in the literature with the investigation of the command and control functions of cities around the world from 2005 to 2009.Particular attentions are paid to the time-space relationship of the geo-economic transition that can capture the recent historical images of the command and control situation of different cities in the world.  相似文献   

深入研究高铁对珠江三角洲(简称珠三角)城市群区域经济空间格局的影响,对挖掘高铁与区域经济耦合关系具有一定的科学价值。本文基于2010、2014、2018年珠三角地区城市面板数据,从区域经济联系、区域优势潜力及区域经济空间平稳性3个维度,运用引力模型、区位优势潜力模型、Theil系数等技术模型和方法,综合测度高铁对珠三角城市群区域经济空间格局的影响。研究结果表明:① 珠三角城市间经济联系强度随年份的递增而呈现上升的趋势,南北向联系强于东西向联系,并逐渐出现1个经济联系核心区、3个经济联系副关联区和1个经济增长辐射区;② 珠三角市际间区位优势潜力差距逐渐拉大,其中东莞、中山等经济实力较强、城市地域规模、人口规模较小且地理位置优越的二三线城市在高铁运营过程中获得更大的利益;③ 从珠三角区域经济整体差异性来看,区域经济空间格局异质性呈先扩大后缩小趋势;从区内群体差异性来看,一二线城市之间经济发展水平差异呈先大幅上升后小幅下降趋势;二三线城市之间经济发展水平差异呈下降趋势。该研究将对未来交通规划提供参考。  相似文献   

在新冠疫情的冲击下,国际关系错综复杂、瞬息万变,不稳定性不确定性剧增。全面及时地分析“全球-中国”国际关系变化特征,对于中国的外交发展规划具有重要的参考价值。复杂的国际关系可以分解为一系列事件单元,新闻数据中蕴含了时间、地点、人物、事物等关键信息,是构建事件的最直接、最全面的信息来源。本文以GDELT(Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone)新闻事件数据库为数据源,基于“全球-中国”的视角,利用2020年1—5月全球疫情相关新闻数据,研究新冠疫情事件背景下的国际关系的变化。本文首先以事件数量、事件强度值和事件被提及数作为关键变量,提出了国际关系的分类表达和计算模型,解决了国际关系表达模糊和难以计算的问题。然后从时空可视化角度展示疫情下国际关系的变化特征,并结合疫情期间的国际重要事件,进一步分析引起国际关系变化的原因。研究表明,采用本文方法能精确掌握新冠疫情下“全球—中国”国际关系的发展程度,发现“全球-中国”国际关系的变化规律和变化原因,具有重要的应用价值。本文的研究可以为大数据时代的国际关系研究提供一个新的视角,同时也为新闻数据的分析提供参考。  相似文献   

Urban metabolism is a complex system of materials, energy, population and environment, which usually can be measured by the Emergy Synthesis(ES) and the Slacks-Based Measure(SBM) approach. In this paper, by employing the two approaches of ES and SBM, as well as metabolic evolution index, urban metabolic stocks, efficiencies and elasticity of 31 Chinese cities are evaluated in a systematic way. The results imply that over the last decade(2000–2010), most of the cities, such as Chongqing, Nanjing, Shijiazhuang, Hangzhou, were experiencing drastic urban metabolic efficiency decline accompanied with a moderate decrease of industrial outputs. By contrast, metropolises and specialized cities have improved their urban metabolic performances, with higher output-input ratio and fewer undesirable outputs. However, their exported emergy experienced a substantial increase as well. It is concluded that local urban management might develop policies to diversify urban renewable supplies and address the undesirable output problems. The urban emergy of renewable resources should be specified as a prime focus for future research. In addition, mechanisms of different urban metabolic models will also be necessary for researchers.  相似文献   

迁徙流作为互联网时代的新产物,信息流、资本流、交通流等流空间的基本载体,能客观地反映城市间地理行为关系,对于刻画城市网络结构具有重要意义。基于地级以上城市的百度迁徙大数据,本文尝试从全域和净迁徙的视角探索研究中国城市网络结构特征,对其网络的层级、关联关系和影响因素等进行挖掘提取。研究发现:① 全国城市网络呈现出稳定的、层级明确的三棱锥四顶点“钻石型”结构,与主要城市群的经济规模空间分布相吻合;② 区域网络表现出向高级别行政中心集聚的“核心—外围”放射状结构;③ 以省会城市为核心的典型小世界特征比较凸出,小世界网络的可达性和连通性较高;周口、阜阳、赣州、上饶、重庆等作为主要劳动力输出型城市,深圳、东莞、广州、北京、上海等城市成为了主要的外来人口聚集地,并形成了对应的人口就近输送网络关系;④ 城市的行政地位、经济规模、交通枢纽建设、劳动力资源等因素都对其网络控制力和影响力起到了决定性作用。最后,研究结合中国城市网络结构特征及其主要影响因素,提出相关政策建议,以期为中国城市网络结构均衡发展与建设提供借鉴依据。  相似文献   

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