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The chemical analysis of 59 water wells in Meshkinshar area, Ardabil province NW of IRAN has been evaluated to determine the hydrogeochemical processes and ion concentration background in the region. The dominated hydrochemical types are Na–SO4, Ca–HCO3, Na–HCO3 and Na–Cl in the whole area. Based on the total hardness, the groundwater is soft. According to electrical conductivity and sodium adsorption ratio, the most dominant classes are C1–S1, C2–S1 and C3–S1. The major ion concentrations are below the acceptable level for drinking water. The groundwater salinity hazard is medium to high but the Na hazard is low to medium and in regard of irrigation water the quality is low to medium. So the drainage system is necessary to avoid the increase of toxic salt concentrations.  相似文献   

With the utilization of GIS software, research is conducted on (a) the characteristics of cells, fragmentation, and patch fractal of landscape based on homogenous carbonate rocks in Guizhou; (b) causes of the formation of these characteristics. It has been found that under the influence of lithology, the landscape of the study region as a whole shows consistency, yet embodies distinct diversity inside. The consistency is embodied in the following aspects: (a) the preponderant landscape consists of bushes and small woods; (b) secondary landscape is characteristic of forests and grounds covered with grass; (c) of all the patches making up the study area small patches are in the majority, with positive-skewed distribution of patches-as a result, steep peaks are characteristic of the charts showing the distribution of patches. The factor of scale is not taken into account in the study of patches. The shapes of patches tend to be regular with strong disturbances from human activities, and consequently, the values of fractal dimensions of landscape types tend to get smaller. The fragmentation of patches is more apparent in landscape under influence of human activities than the one without these disturbances. Compared with regions characteristic of homogenous dolomite, the characteristics of homogenous limestone areas are described as follows: (a) low utilization rate of water resource; (b) uneven distribution of diversified landscape; (c) weak resistance against disturbances from human activities; (d) the continuous degradation, ever-increasing fragmentation, intensification of spatial heterogeneity, and the deteriorating stability of landscape.  相似文献   

The geomechanical characterisation of rock masses in Alpine regions is one of the main challenges currently facing rock mechanics. These rock masses, made up of very different materials and frequently tectonically disturbed, are affected by engineering works, giving rise to potentially important problems. Thus, in the Basque Country, these materials are at the cause of important fatalities occurring in recent years. In this context, we aim at characterising these materials with the ultimate purpose of predicting their behaviour. The characterisation is initially approached based on the GSI, mi and σci parameters, following the Hoek-Brown failure criterion. This information is supplemented with field and laboratory measurements, and by obtaining the RQD and RMR indices. Using the information obtained from 99 metering stations, we develop a graphic classification procedure, which allows us to distinguish materials based on their characteristics, behaviour, type and degree of associated problems, and type and effectiveness of solutions provided. Eight classes of material are established.  相似文献   

I. Zak  J.R. Gat 《Chemical Geology》1975,16(3):179-188
Origin of saline waters in the Shiraz-Sarvistan area, Iran, is determined by a combined isotopic (18O and D) and chemical characterization. Four types are recognized: (a) fresh water of the anticlinal carbonatic aquifer; (b) fresh and brackish runoff in the synclinal basins; (c) salt springs originating through dissolution of rock salt by type (a) fresh water; and (d) residual brines formed in synclinal closed drainage basins, through evaporation of former water types and loss of the relatively less-soluble salts.  相似文献   

In arid to semi-arid climates, monitoring drought is very complicated because of different hydrometeorology variables effect on it. It is proposed in this paper to develop Fuzzy Integrated Drought Index (FIDI) which combines most important effective factors in developing drought. At first, Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model calibrated simulated runoff to outlet basin runoff data for years 1993–1995. Results represent high performance of model in simulating runoff of outlet basin. Then, Precipitation Anomaly Percentage Index (PAPI), actual Evapotranspiration Anomaly Percentage Index (EAPI), Runoff Anomaly Percentage Index (RAPI), and Soil Moisture Anomaly Percentage Index (SMAPI) were constructed. FIDI was compared with the PAPI, RAPI and SMAPI for the period of 1985 to 2014. The results indicate that (1) the FIDI has more ability in determining start and persistence of drought event compared with PAPI, RAPI, and SMAPI; (2) in the low time scales, PAPI and SMAPI have high correlation with FIDI, and in the higher time scales, RAPI has the high correlation with FIDI; (3) spatially, the middle, west, and portion of north have higher drought risk in the Neyshabour basin.  相似文献   

大溪河流域环境工程地质问题主要表现为地质灾害、岩溶、水土流失三方面,本文调查和分析了上述问题的基本特征、影响因素及对国土规划的影响;在此基础上,结合大溪河流域的特色,对流域进行了国土功能分区与适宜性评价,分为:林业经济区、农业经济区、河谷经济区三个大区,详细阐述各区环境地质问题及适宜性情况,为流域规划开发决策提供参考建议。  相似文献   

At present,due to shortage of water resources,especially in arid and semiarid areas of the world such as Iran,exploitation of groundwater resources with suitable quality for drinking is of high importance.In this regard,contamination of groundwater resources to heavy metals,especially arsenic,is one of the most important hazards that threaten human health.The present study aims to develop an approach for presenting the groundwater quality of Sirjan city in Kerman Province,based on modern tools of spatial zoning in the GIS environment and a fuzzy approach of evaluating drinking water in accordance with the standards of world health organization(WHO).For this purpose,qualitative data related to 22 exploitation wells recorded during 2002 to 2017 were used.In addition,fuzzy aggregate maps were prepared in two scenarios by neglecting and considering arsenic presence in groundwater resources.The results showed a decrease in groundwater quality over time.More specifically,neglecting the presence of arsenic,in 2002,all drinking wells in the area were located in an excellent zone,while in 2017 a number of operation wells were located in the good and medium zone.Also,the final map,considering the presence of arsenic as a limiting factor of drinking water,indicated that parts of the southern regions of the plain would be the best place to dig wells for drinking water.Therefore,the use of new methods can contribute significantly to the usage of groundwater aquifers and provide a good view of the aquifer water quality.  相似文献   

Groundwater is the most important source of water supply in Iran and understanding the geochemical evolution of groundwater is important for sustainable development of the water resources in Tabas area. A total of 29 samples of groundwater in Tabas area have been analyzed for ions and major elements. Groundwater of the study area is characterized by the dominance of Na–Cl water type. Groundwater was generally acidic to high alkaline with pH ranging from 5.42 to 10.75. The TDS as a function of mineralization characteristics of the groundwater ranged from 479 to 10,957 mg/l, with a mean value of 2,759 mg/l. The Ca2+, Mg2+, SO4 2? and HCO3 ? were mainly derived from the dissolution of calcite, dolomite and gypsum. The Cu, Pb and Zn ions are not mobile in recent pH–Eh, but these conditions controlled dissolved Se, V and Mo in groundwater. The As is released in groundwater as a result of the weathering of sulfide minerals like arsenopyrite.  相似文献   

Paleoseismological studies confirm that the Uimon basin is thrust by its northern mountain border along the active South Terekta fault. The latest motion along the fault in the 7-8th centuries AD induced an earthquake with a magnitude of Mw= 7.4-7.7 and a shaking intensity of I = 9-11 on the MSK-64 scale. The same fault generated another event (M > 7, I = 9-10), possibly, about 16 kyr ago, which triggered gravity sliding. The rockslide dammed the Uimon valley and produced a lake, where lacustrine deposition began about 14 ± 1 kyr ago, and a later M > 7 (I = 9-10) earthquake at ~ 6 ka caused the dam collapse and the lake drainage. Traces of much older earthquakes that occurred within the Uimon basin are detectable from secondary deformation structures (seismites) in soft sediments deposited during the drainage of a Late Pleistocene ice-dammed lake between 100 and 90 ka and in ~ 77 ka alluvium. The magnitude and intensity of these paleoearthquakes were at least M > 5.0-5.5 and I > 6-7.  相似文献   


Modeling of karstic basins can provide a better understanding of the interactions between surface water and groundwater, a more accurate estimation of infiltrated water amount, and a more reliable water balance calculation. In this study, the hydrological simulation of a karstic basin in a semiarid region in Iran was performed in three different stages. In the first stage, the original SWAT model was used to simulate surface-water flow. Then, the SWAT-MODFLOW conjunctive model was implemented according to the groundwater characteristics of the study area. Finally, due to the karstic characteristics of the region and using the CrackFlow (CF) package, the SWAT-MODFLOW-CF conjunctive model was developed to improve the simulation results. The coefficient of determination (R2) and the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient (NSE) as error evaluation criteria were calculated for the models, and their average values were 0.63 and 0.57 for SWAT, 0.68 and 0.61 for SWAT-MODFLOW, 0.73 and 0.7 for SWAT-MODFLOW-CF, respectively. Moreover, the mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean squared error (RMSE) of the calibration for groundwater simulation using the SWAT-MODFLOW model were 1.23 and 1.77 m, respectively. These values were 1.01 and 1.33 m after the calibration of the SWAT-MODFLOW-CF model. After modifying the CF code and keeping the seams and cracks open in both dry and wet conditions, the amount of infiltrated water increased and the aquifer water level rose. Therefore, the SWAT-MODFLOW-CF conjunctive model can be proposed for use in karstic areas containing a considerable amount of both surface water and groundwater resources.


Niksar (Tokat) is an urban area located in a seismically active zone of Turkey. The aim of this study is to prepare a GIS-based microzonation map of the Niksar settlement area for the purpose of urban planning. Liquefaction, activity, slope, aspect, fault proximity, ground amplification, and lithology are considered during the overlay analysis, using a multicriteria decision-making analysis of the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and simple additive weighing (SAW) methods. Based on the resulting evaluations, the study area is divided into four different zones, namely (1) areas suitable for settlement, (2) provisional settlement areas, (3) areas requiring detailed geotechnical investigation, and (4) unsuitable areas. Maps prepared by the SAW and AHP methods are found to be consistent with each other. However, the microzonation map prepared by the AHP method is recommended for the purpose of urban planning because it is able to check its own consistency.  相似文献   

The main target of the present study is an objective and automated regionalization of Rayleigh wave dispersion data for the Mediterranean basin, without a priori seismotectonic constraints, and to determine the corresponding regional shear-velocity structures. The database used is formed by almost 200 Rayleigh wavetrains corresponding to 42 regional events, with surface-wave magnitude greater than 4.5, recorded at the MedNet very-broad-band stations in the Mediterranean area. Path-averaged group velocities for the Rayleigh wave fundamental mode are derived for each available epicentre-station trajectory crossing the Mediterranean basin. After this, a principal component analysis and a clustering process are applied to local group velocities, obtained for 13 different periods from 10 to 70 s, in order to classify the Mediterranean basin into several homogeneous regions. The stochastic inversion of the averaged group velocity dispersion curve obtained for each region provides the respective shear-velocity structures, down to a depth of 150–160 km. The characteristics of these areas and their possible correlation with the main seismotectonic features of the Mediterranean region are discussed. The regional models reveal significant lateral changes in the elastic structure, with the main differences concerning particularly the upper 35–40 km. Within this depth range, low shear velocities, varying from 2.8 to 3.9 km s−1, characterize the Eastern Mediterranean, whereas higher velocities, ranging from 3.0 to 4.2 km s−1, are deduced for the Western Mediterranean. These results suggest a thicker crust in the eastern part, but with a greater thickness of sedimentary layers. However, for depths of between 80 and 110 km, lower shear velocities are obtained in the Western part, while higher shear velocities are derived for the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, in the Aegean Sea, Greece, the south of Italy, Sicily and Tunisia. This velocity pattern suggests an averaged thicker lithosphere under the latter areas, as the top of the asthenosphere is detected at a mean depth of 75 km for the remaining regions. This thicker lithosphere can be related to processes associated with the convergence of the Eurasian and African plates and subduction under the Calabrian and Hellenic Arcs.  相似文献   

In order to understand the post-depositional history of carbonate rocks of Guri Member (Lower to Middle Miocene), three stratigraphic sections were selected in north Bandar-Abbas in southeast of Iran. Sampling was carried out, analyzed for selective parameters such as oxygen and carbon isotopic compositions (δ18O and δ13C) and interpreted in the present study. We recognized several diagenetic processes including micritization, cementation, neomorphism, compaction, dissolution, silicification, dolomitization, fracturing and vein filling. Some of the diagenetic processes occurred at different conditions, so in order to achieve precise interpretation, samples from different carbonate components such as, micrite, fracture cement, solution pore cement, intergranular cement, and some biotic allochems were analyzed. In this study micrite samples were subdivided into two groups including micro-spary and micrite. They were recognized under Cathodoluminescence microscope. In addition, micrite samples were classified into five groups based on their depositional environments: supratidal, lagoon, coral bar, open sea, and open basin. There were minor changes in stable isotope ratios based on the sedimentary environments, stratigraphy successions, and micro-spary or micrite properties. In this study, similar calcite cements in petrography studies were differentiated by stable isotope data. Those calcite cements have formed in different diagenetic environments such as meteoric and burial cements. Paragenetic sequence of carbonate rocks were interpreted by integration of petrographic and isotopic studies. We have reconstructed diagenetic models of Guri Member into four stages including marine, meteoric, burial, and uplifting.  相似文献   

The Cenozoic record of the north-western domain of the Duero basin is articulated at the surface through a set of continental depositional sequences called, from base to top, the Vegaquemada sequence, the Candanedo sequence, and the Barrillos sequence. These depositional sequences were deposited in continental sedimentary environments. The deposition of the first sequence occurred through a fluvial system with floodplains cut by low-sinuosity channels. The Vegaquemada sequence was developed between the Middle Eocene and the Early Agenian. The second sequence was formed by a set of highly efficient transport alluvial fans that evolved laterally towards fluvial systems with low-sinuosity fluvial channels and an extensive floodplain, where several types of palaeosols were formed. This sequence developed between the Early Agenian and the Late Vallesian. The third unit–the Barrillos sequence (between the Late Vallesian and the Turolian/Ruscinian transition), was generated by a set of highly efficient transport alluvial fans dominated by low-sinuosity fluvial channels.In subsurface geology, seismic and well data are used to rebuild the stratigraphic architecture. The two basal depositional sequences can be identified with two seismic units: the Palaeogene Seismic Unit (PgSU) and the Neogene Seismic Unit (NgSU), respectively. In the present work, we obtained the isovelocity, isochron, and isobath maps for the top and base of the two Cenozoic units. The Palaeozoic (PzSU) and Mesozoic (MzSU) seismic units are found under these two units. Through study of the logs of the various boreholes, it was only possible to analyse the upper 700 m of the Candanedo Sequence (NgSU), without encompassing the total thickness of the unit. Several middle-order sequences were differentiated, in general showing a sequential fining-upwards evolutionary character. Additionally, for the boreholes analysed two main types of electrofacies were identified, both representing fluvial channels and floodplain deposits.The north-western domain of the Duero basin is interpreted to have been formed in response to the tectonic uplifting of the Cantabrian Mountains since Middle-Eocene times. Integration of the data concerning the surface and subsurface geology in this domain reveals that this basin edge behaved as a foreland basin during Cenozoic stages. The foredeep, with a depth of 2800 m, is oriented east–west and has a sediment thickness of up to 3500 m. The forebulge is located in the southwestern zone and represents an area of basement uplifting in which a minimum thickness of materials from the Cenozoic depositional sequences has accumulated.  相似文献   

This study describes the groundwater quantity and quality conditions in the Damghan aquifer in Iran. The quantitative analysis of data obtained from observation wells indicates overexploitation of groundwater during recent years, which has resulted in deterioration of water quality. The mean water level has declined about 7.4 m between years of 1966 and 2010. The hydrochemical facies of water collected from sampling wells were investigated though Piper and Chadha diagrams, and the general dominant type of water in the study area was determined as Na-Cl. The quality assessment examined the suitability of groundwater for drinking and irrigation purposes. Compared to the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for drinking water, all regions were found to have unpotable groundwater. Furthermore, unsuitability of groundwater for agricultural applications due to high salinity was observed through analysis of major quality indicators. The saltwater intrusion was investigated by ionic ratio analyses and was determined to be the main factor contributing to high salinity and deterioration of the groundwater quality in the Damghan basin.  相似文献   

基于NDVI变化的三江源生态环境演变分区研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对1 km分辨率的1993年NOAA/AVHRR、2000年和2006年MODIS NDVI数据进行归一化处理的基础上,通过变化强度参量分析三江源地区NDVI的空间变化规律,结合源区内温度、降水、湖泊和湿地变化等调查资料,利用GIS空间分析技术综合研究三江源地区生态环境变化.结果表明:在1993-12000年和2000-2006年,三江源地区NDVI下降区域面积分别占源区总面积的50.73%和23.85%.三江源地区在20世纪90年代环境恶化严重,NDVI下降强烈,随着2000年8月三江源自然保护区的建立,该区环境治理取得良好效果,源区NDVI呈现稳定、轻微增加趋势,但局部地区仍存在NDVI下降趋势.综合分析温度、降水、湖泊、湿地和NDVI的变化状况表明,三江源环境变化存在显著区域特征.  相似文献   

攀西裂谷内陆盆地自由热对流应力分析及盆地沉降   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
康滇地区裂谷作用已得到证实,但形成这种地堑地垒的格局有多种解释,以传统的地质力学分析为主。笔者借以热力学的自由热对流原理来加以论述:攀西巨厚的火山岩体在下覆异常地幔热作用下,发生自由热对流,引起热量散失,使地壳沉降与隆起不均衡,生成地堑地垒的格局。自由对流单元的侧向迁移,使盆地形成非对称性。  相似文献   

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