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本文报道了藏北羌塘中部才多茶卡地区晚三叠世蓝闪石片岩及蓝闪石矿物的新发现及地质意义。通过对才多茶卡构造混杂岩地质剖面的实测,在剖面第6层灰绿色变基性火山岩(绿片岩)中新发现以产蓝闪石类矿物为特征的中—高压变质岩系——蓝闪石片岩。对蓝闪石片岩的岩石学和矿物学特征进行了详细室内研究。从蓝闪石片岩中挑选出蓝闪石单矿物进行了40Ar/39Ar同位素年龄测定,结果表明,蓝闪石单矿物的坪年龄值为209±4Ma,等时线年龄值为216±4Ma,坪年龄与等时线年龄基本一致,属于晚三叠世诺利期,这与区域上羌塘中部发育的红脊山—双湖蓝闪石片岩的中—高压变质事件相吻合。由于蓝闪石类矿物的产出具有特殊的构造机制和地质意义,因此双湖以东的才多茶卡地区蓝闪石片岩的新发现及蓝闪石矿物的40Ar/39Ar同位素年代学研究进一步补充和丰富了青藏高原腹地羌塘中部龙木错-双湖构造混杂岩带的物质组成和同位素年代学信息,同时也为解决羌塘地区"龙木错-双湖构造混杂岩带是否向东延伸"等重大基础性地质问题,提供了新的重要资料。研究资料表明,羌塘中部自西向东从冈玛错、红脊山、绒马,经嘎尔错到才多茶卡地区,沿构造线方向断续分布的长达600km的含蓝闪石片岩的中—高压变质岩系,都是龙木错-双湖构造混杂岩带印支期构造活动事件的产物。  相似文献   

Northwestern Anatolia is characterized by voluminous Paleozoic to Cenozoic granitoid bodies with varying compositions. Most of them are composite plutons emplaced into western Anatolia orogenic crust during the Eocene, Oligocene and Miocene along the İzmir-Ankara-Erzincan suture zone. This paper reports systematic good quality mineral and bulk-rock chemistry, Sr-Nd isotope data, honblend Ar-Ar, zircon U-Pb and first apatite (U-Th)/He (AHe) ages to reveal possible source compositions of the Evciler and Eybek granitoids and petrogenetic/geodynamic processes involved during their genesis, and thermochronology of Oligocene magmatism in the NW Anatolia. The Evciler and Eybek granitoids are mainly granodiorite and composed of K-feldspar (usually orthoclase and rarely microcline), plagioclase (albite, oligoclase), hornblende, biotite, quartz and accessory minerals (e.g., titanite, zircon, apatite, opaque), and secondary minerals such as chlorite, sericite and clay minerals. Estimated temperature-pressure conditions are 690–770 ° C at 1.6–2.7 kbar for the Evciler granitoid and 690–760 ° C at 3.2–4.01 kbar for the Eybek granitoid. These two granitoids enriched in LILEs (e.g., U, Th, Rb, and K), LREEs and Pb, and depleted in HREEs (e.g., Nb, Ti) and Sr, Ba and P relative to LILEs, and display small negative Eu anomalies. They belong to calc-alkaline, high-K calc-alkaline and minor shoshonite series, and display metaluminous and I-type character. Their REE patterns show a large fractionation between LREE and HREE ((La/Yb)N = 4.6–21.4) and a small negative Eu anomaly (Eu* = 0.2–0.3). The Evciler granitoid has homogeneous 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7060−0.7063 and 143Nd/144Nd = 0.51259−0.51262, and the Eybek granitoid has 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7060−0.7080 and 143Nd/144Nd = 0.51243−0.51263. New precise 40Ar/39Ar age data of hornblende and 206Pb–238U ages of zircons and (U-Th)/He ages of apatites from the plutons allow a more accurate temporal reconstruction of the Cenozoic magmatism of the western Anatolia. 40Ar/39Ar dating of hornblendes from the Evciler and Eybek granitoids gave plateau ages of between ca. 28 Ma and 25 Ma. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (LA-ICP-MS) 206Pb-238Pb ages of euhdral magmatic zircons from the samples of these granitoids yield between ca. 28 and 26 Ma. The new high-temperature age constraints indicate Oligocene emplacement ages for the two intrusive bodies. The closeness of the zircon U-Pb and the hornblende Ar-Ar ages show that they experienced quick post-crystallization cooling. However, the significant difference between the apatite (U-Th)/He ages of 19.8 Ma and 7.6 Ma obtained on the Evciler and Eybek granitoids warns that in the post-Oligocene times the two structural blocks had different exhumation histories.  相似文献   

A. I. Okay  O. Monod  P. Moni 《Lithos》2002,64(3-4):155-178
Triassic eclogite and blueschist facies rocks occur as a thrust sheet, 25-km long and over 2-km thick, in an Eocene fold-and-thrust belt in northwest Turkey along the zmir–Ankara suture. The thrust sheet consists mainly of metabasites with minor marble, phyllite and metachert, and rare lenses of serpentinite. The common blueschist facies mineral assemblage in the metabasites is sodic amphibole+epidote+albite+chlorite+phengite±garnet. Sodic amphibole commonly shows replacement by barroisite, and there is continuous petrographic transition from blueschist–metabasites to barroisite-bearing epidote–amphibolites. Eclogite with the mineral assemblage of garnet+sodic pyroxene+sodic–calcic amphibole+epidote is found only in one locality. PT conditions of the epidote–blueschist facies metamorphism are estimated as 450±50 °C and 11±2 kbar. The blueschist formation was followed by a decrease in pressure and increase in temperature, leading to the development of barroisite-bearing epidote–amphibolites. Phengite, sodic amphibole and barroisite Ar/Ar ages from three metabasic rocks range between 215 and 205 Ma, and indicate Late Triassic high-pressure metamorphism. The Triassic blueschists in northwest Turkey constitute part of a much larger allochthonous tectonic unit of Triassic mafic volcanic rocks. They probably represent the upper layers of a Triassic oceanic plateau, which was accreted to the Laurasian margin during the latest Triassic. The close spatial association of the Triassic and Cretaceous blueschists along the zmir–Ankara suture suggests that the suture represents a long-lived plate boundary of Late Palaeozoic to early Tertiary age.  相似文献   

The Sivrihisar Massif, Turkey, is comprised of blueschist and eclogite facies metasedimentary and metabasaltic rocks. Abundant metre‐ to centimetre‐scale eclogite pods occur in blueschist facies metabasalt, marble and quartz‐rich rocks. Sivrihisar eclogite contains omphacite + garnet + phengite + rutile ± glaucophane ± quartz + lawsonite and/or epidote. Blueschists contain sodic amphibole + garnet + phengite + lawsonite and/or epidote ± omphacite ± quartz. Sivrihisar eclogite and blueschist have similar bulk composition, equivalent to NMORB, but record different P–T conditions: ~26 kbar, 500 °C (lawsonite eclogite); 18 kbar, 600 °C (epidote eclogite); 12 kbar, 380 °C (lawsonite blueschist); and 15–16 kbar, 480–500 °C (lawsonite‐epidote blueschist). Pressures for the Sivrihisar lawsonite eclogite are among the highest reported for this rock type, which is rarely exposed at the Earth's surface. The distribution and textures of lawsonite ± epidote define P–T conditions and paths. For example, in some lawsonite‐bearing rocks, epidote inclusions in garnet and partial replacement of matrix epidote by lawsonite suggest an anticlockwise P–T path. Other rocks contain no epidote as inclusions or as a matrix phase, and were metamorphosed entirely within the lawsonite stability field. Results of the P–T study and mapping of the distribution of blueschists and eclogites in the massif suggest that rocks recording different maximum P–T conditions were tectonically juxtaposed as kilometre‐scale slices and associated high‐P pods, although all shared the same exhumation path from ~9–11 kbar, 300–400 °C. Within the tectonic slices, alternating millimetre–centimetre‐scale layers of eclogite and blueschist formed together at the same P–T conditions but represent different extents of prograde reaction controlled by strain partitioning or local variations in fO2 or other chemical factors.  相似文献   

Blueschist exposed in the northwestern Qiangtang terrane, northern Tibet, western China (~84°30′ E, 34°24′ N), provides new constraints on the tectonic evolution of Qiangtang as well as northern Tibet. The blueschist represented by lawsonite- and glaucophane-bearing assemblages equilibrated at 375–400 °C and ~11 kbar. 40Ar-39Ar analysis on mineral separate from one blueschist sample yielded a well-defined plateau age of ~242 Ma. Geochemical studies show the blueschist is metamorphosed within-plate basalts. The high pressure-low temperature blueschist indicates a Triassic event of lithosphere subduction, and clearly represents an extension of the central Qiangtang metamorphic belt, and defines an in?situ suture between eastern and western Qiangtang.  相似文献   

秦岭岩群中两类斜长角闪岩的性质和时代及其地质意义   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
在北秦岭造山带核部秦岭岩群内发育两类不同产状的斜长角闪岩.一类与秦岭岩群中的大理岩紧密共生,呈规模较大的似层状或较小块体产于大理岩内,另一类则呈密集岩墙群型式侵入于秦岭岩群南段二云母石英片岩中.不同的产出状态表明两类斜长角闪岩的成因和时代存在显著差异,也具有不同的地质构造意义.地球化学上,两类不同产状的斜长角闪岩的原岩皆为玄武岩质的.侵入秦岭岩群二云母石英片岩中的斜长角闪岩墙群形成于板内拉张环境,SHRIMP锆石U-Pb测年揭示该类斜长角闪岩形成于晚奥陶世(449±11Ma),Sr-Nd同位素特征显示其岩浆源区为亏损地幔源区,40Ar/39Ar热年代学研究显示该类斜长角闪岩的角闪岩相变质作用发生于石炭纪末期(301.3±6.4Ma).地球化学和Sr-Nd同位素特征显示与秦岭岩群大理岩共生的似层状或块状斜长角闪岩的形成环境与侵入云母石英片岩中的斜长角闪岩墙群的存在显著差异,其形成于洋岛(OIB)或海山环境.40Ar/39Ar热年代学研究显示该类斜长角闪岩于晚二叠世(258.1±5.7Ma)发生了角闪岩相变质作用.不同性质、形成和变质时代、相似的变质作用等特点表明,秦岭岩群中的两类角闪岩分属不同性质的构造块体,秦岭岩群高级变地质地体可能是一个构造拼合地体.斜长角闪岩岩墙为晚奥陶世(449±11Ma)侵入秦岭岩群云英片岩中的基性岩墙群,是北秦岭晚加里东期后造山期热收缩而致的地壳伸展或岩圈拆离减薄的产物.与秦岭岩群大理岩共生的斜长角闪岩则可能是洋隆体的基性喷出岩+碳酸盐岩帽组合,是中二叠世(312~260Ma)期间构造移置而来的外来块体.  相似文献   

Lawsonite eclogite pods ranging in size from 3 cm to 6 m occur in lawsonite blueschist and eclogite facies metasedimentary and metabasaltic rocks in the Sivrihisar Massif, Turkey. Some pods have a core of lawsonite eclogite surrounded by alternating, centimeter-scale layers of lawsonite blueschist, eclogite, and transitional eclogite–blueschist, all with similar basaltic bulk composition. These pods also contain texturally late lawsonite-rich veins and layers. Most eclogites and blueschists within the pods lack reaction textures, but some blueschists near pod margins contain texturally complex garnet as well as glaucophane rims on omphacite, suggesting retrogression of eclogite to blueschist. Phase diagrams (pseudosections) calculated for the lawsonite eclogite core of a meter-scale pod indicate that the eclogite equilibrated at ∼22–24 kbar, ∼520°C. Lawsonite eclogite and blueschist at the tectonized margin of the same pod equilibrated at similar temperatures and slightly lower pressures. The composite eclogite–blueschist pod is foliated, lineated, and folded. An earlier generation of lineated omphacite in the pod core has a different spatial orientation than the lineation at the pod margin, although electron backscattered diffraction data show that core and rim omphacite have similar lattice preferred orientation patterns. Petrologic and structural data are consistent with mechanical formation of pods by folding and dissection of eclogite layers at high-P, and localized retrogression at pod margins during initial stages of exhumation at PT conditions >425°C, 16 kbar.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the petrographical, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the intrusive rocks located along the Rio Narcea Gold Belt, and the timing of formation of the El Valle-Boinás deposit. Rocks in the belt range from quartz-monzodiorites through quartz-monzogranites to monzogranites. The former are made up of pyroxene (clino and ortho), amphibole (magnesiohornblende), biotite, zoned plagioclase (An35-70), and to a lesser degree quartz and K-feldspar. The monzogranites consist of biotite, zoned plagioclase (An30-60), quartz and K-feldspar. All igneous rocks are characterized by the presence of ilmenite and the lack or scarce presence of magnetite indicating their formation under reducing conditions. The granitoids are calc-alkaline I type, potassium-rich and highly reducent with more ferrous than ferric iron. Their characteristics are like the plutons associated with gold and copper (zinc) skarns, but their characteristics reflect more reducent formation conditions, increasing their capacity to form gold skarns.The Boinas granitoid emplacement occurred at about 303±6 Ma and generated calcic and magnesic skarns at the contact with limestone and dolostones of the Láncara Formation. Skarns and granitoids were first altered to amphibole and sericite, respectively, and mineralized at 302±9 Ma. The intrusion of subvolcanic porphyritic dikes produced a second period of alteration at 285±4 Ma, characterized by carbonatization and sericitization of the monzogranites and chloritization and serpentinization of the skarns. The later intrusion of diabasic dikes at 255±6 Ma produced limited carbonatization, silicification and sericitization and hypogene oxidation of the previous stages. Supergene oxidation then occurred at the top of the ore and along fractures and breccias.  相似文献   

A blueschist facies tectonic sliver, 9 km long and 1 km wide, crops out within the Miocene clastic rocks bounded by the strands of the North Anatolian Fault zone in southern Thrace, NW Turkey. Two types of blueschist facies rock assemblages occur in the sliver: (i) A serpentinite body with numerous dykes of incipient blueschist facies metadiabase (ii) a well‐foliated and thoroughly recrystallized rock assemblage consisting of blueschist, marble and metachert. Both are partially enveloped by an Upper Eocene wildflysch, which includes olistoliths of serpentinite–metadiabase, Upper Cretaceous and Palaeogene pelagic limestone, Upper Eocene reefal limestone, radiolarian chert, quartzite and minor greenschist. Field relations in combination with the bore core data suggest that the tectonic sliver forms a positive flower structure within the Miocene clastic rocks in a transpressional strike–slip setting, and represents an uplifted part of the pre‐Eocene basement. The blueschists are represented by lawsonite–glaucophane‐bearing assemblages equilibrated at 270–310 °C and ~0.8 GPa. The metadiabase dykes in the serpentinite, on the other hand, are represented by pumpellyite–glaucophane–lawsonite‐assemblages that most probably equilibrated below 290 °C and at 0.75 GPa. One metadiabase olistolith in the Upper Eocene flysch sequence contains the mineral assemblage epidote + pumpellyite + glaucophane, recording P–T conditions of 290–350 °C and 0.65–0.78 GPa, indicative of slightly lower depths and different thermal setting. Timing of the blueschist facies metamorphism is constrained to c. 86 Ma (Coniacian/Santonian) by Rb–Sr phengite–whole rock and incremental 40Ar–39Ar phengite dating on blueschists. The activity of the strike–slip fault post‐dates the blueschist facies metamorphism and exhumation, and is only responsible for the present outcrop pattern and post‐Miocene exhumation (~2 km). The high‐P/T metamorphic rocks of southern Thrace and the Biga Peninsula are located to the southeast of the Circum Rhodope Belt and indicate Late Cretaceous subduction and accretion under the northern continent, i.e. the Rhodope Massif, enveloped by the Circum Rhodope Belt. The Late Cretaceous is therefore a time of continued accretionary growth of this continental domain.  相似文献   

Based on the new data of isotopic ages and geochemical analyses, three types of Mesozoic granites have been identified for the Xiong'ershan-Waifangshan region in western Henan Province: high-Ba-SrⅠ-type granite emplaced in the early stage (~160 Ma),Ⅰ-type granite in the middle stage (~130 Ma) and anorogenic A-type granite in the late stage (~115 Ma). Geochemical characteristics of the high-Ba-SrⅠ-type granite suggest that it may have been generated from the thickened lower crust by partial melting with primary residues of amphibole and garnet. Gradual increase of negative Eu anomaly and Sr content variations reflect progressive shallowing of the source regions of these granites from the early to late stage. New 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of the early-stage Wuzhangshan granite (156.0±1.1 Ma, amphibole) and middle-stage Heyu granite (131.8±0.7 Ma, biotite) are indistinguishable from their SHRIMP U-Pb ages previous published, indicating a rapid uplift and erosion in this region. The representative anorogenic A-type granite, Taishanmiao pluton, was emplaced at~115 Ma. The evolution of the granites in this region reveals a tectonic regime change from post-collisional to anorogenic between~160 Ma and~115 Ma. The genesis of the early- and middle-stageⅠ-type granites could be linked to delamination of subducted lithosphere of the Qiniing orogenic belt, while the late-stage A-type granites represent the onset of extension and the end of orogenic process. In fact, along the Qiniing -Dabie-Sulu belt, the Mesozoic granitoids in western Henan, Dabieshan and Jiaodong regions are comparable on the basis of these temporal evolutionary stages and their initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios, which may suggest a similar geodynamic process related to the collision between the North China and Yangtze cratons.  相似文献   

北京云蒙山地区中生代岩浆活动及构造演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈印  朱光  刘文刚  陈路路  奥琮 《地质论评》2018,64(4):843-868
北京云蒙山地区位于华北克拉通北缘燕山褶断带中段。该地区发育大量中生代岩浆岩及近E—W向逆冲型四合堂剪切带和NE向伸展型大水峪剪切带。本次工作通过锆石年代学和单矿物(角闪石、黑云母)~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar年代学分析,进一步整理了云蒙山地区中生代岩浆活动及构造演化的时间,并分析了云蒙山岩基周边不同阶段的冷却速率。本次工作发现云蒙山地区经历了三期岩浆活动:晚三叠世、晚侏罗世和早白垩世。其中,206 Ma为捕获岩浆锆石年代学记录;在出露岩体中,沙陀子岩体为159~151 Ma,石城岩体为169~151 Ma,长园岩体为156~151 Ma,云蒙山岩基为146~141 Ma;冯家峪—西白莲峪花岗质岩体为130~124 Ma;冯家峪闪长质岩体为127 Ma;大东沟花岗质岩体为127 Ma。云蒙山地区经历了三次重要的构造事件。在早侏罗世,云蒙山地区表现为区域性角度不整合,并以挤压运动为主,缺乏岩浆活动。在早白垩世早期(143~135.5 Ma),云蒙山岩基北缘发育逆冲型四合堂剪切带。在早白垩世晚期(135~93.9 Ma),云蒙山地区发育以东南侧大水峪剪切带为主拆离剪切带的变质核杂岩。此外,云蒙山岩基的北侧和西侧,早期受四合堂剪切带影响,具有较高的冷却速率。云蒙山岩基的东侧,早期受四合堂剪切带影响较小,具有较小的冷却速率,以缓慢的均衡隆升为主,而晚期受大水峪剪切带强烈活动影响,为快速隆升阶段。总之,云蒙山地区在中生代经历了多期次的岩浆活动及构造运动,在不同地区呈现了阶段性不同程度的抬升剥蚀。  相似文献   

Based on the new data of isotopic ages and geochemical analyses, three types of Mesozoic granites have been identified for the Xiong'ershan-Waifangshan region in western Henan Province: high-Ba-SrⅠ-type granite emplaced in the early stage (~160 Ma),Ⅰ-type granite in the middle stage (~130 Ma) and anorogenic A-type granite in the late stage (~115 Ma). Geochemical characteristics of the high-Ba-SrⅠ-type granite suggest that it may have been generated from the thickened lower crust by partial melting with primary residues of amphibole and garnet. Gradual increase of negative Eu anomaly and Sr content variations reflect progressive shallowing of the source regions of these granites from the early to late stage. New 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of the early-stage Wuzhangshan granite (156.0±1.1 Ma, amphibole) and middle-stage Heyu granite (131.8±0.7 Ma, biotite) are indistinguishable from their SHRIMP U-Pb ages previous published, indicating a rapid uplift and erosion in this region. The representative anorogenic A-type granite, Taishanmiao pluton, was emplaced at~115 Ma. The evolution of the granites in this region reveals a tectonic regime change from post-collisional to anorogenic between~160 Ma and~115 Ma. The genesis of the early- and middle-stageⅠ-type granites could be linked to delamination of subducted lithosphere of the Qiniing orogenic belt, while the late-stage A-type granites represent the onset of extension and the end of orogenic process. In fact, along the Qiniing -Dabie-Sulu belt, the Mesozoic granitoids in western Henan, Dabieshan and Jiaodong regions are comparable on the basis of these temporal evolutionary stages and their initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios, which may suggest a similar geodynamic process related to the collision between the North China and Yangtze cratons.  相似文献   

Based on the new data of isotopic ages and geochemical analyses, three types of Mesozoic granites have been identified for the Xiong'ershan-Waifangshan region in western Henan Province: high-Ba-SrⅠ-type granite emplaced in the early stage (~160 Ma),Ⅰ-type granite in the middle stage (~130 Ma) and anorogenic A-type granite in the late stage (~115 Ma). Geochemical characteristics of the high-Ba-SrⅠ-type granite suggest that it may have been generated from the thickened lower crust by partial melting with primary residues of amphibole and garnet. Gradual increase of negative Eu anomaly and Sr content variations reflect progressive shallowing of the source regions of these granites from the early to late stage. New 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of the early-stage Wuzhangshan granite (156.0±1.1 Ma, amphibole) and middle-stage Heyu granite (131.8±0.7 Ma, biotite) are indistinguishable from their SHRIMP U-Pb ages previous published, indicating a rapid uplift and erosion in this region. The representative anorogenic A-type granite, Taishanmiao pluton, was emplaced at~115 Ma. The evolution of the granites in this region reveals a tectonic regime change from post-collisional to anorogenic between~160 Ma and~115 Ma. The genesis of the early- and middle-stageⅠ-type granites could be linked to delamination of subducted lithosphere of the Qiniing orogenic belt, while the late-stage A-type granites represent the onset of extension and the end of orogenic process. In fact, along the Qiniing -Dabie-Sulu belt, the Mesozoic granitoids in western Henan, Dabieshan and Jiaodong regions are comparable on the basis of these temporal evolutionary stages and their initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios, which may suggest a similar geodynamic process related to the collision between the North China and Yangtze cratons.  相似文献   

本文应用单颗粒锆石SHRIMP U—Pb法和角闪石^40Ar/^39Ar法,对出露在冈底斯构造带上的门巴花岗岩体进行了同位素测年,时代分别为207Ma和215Ma,表明它们形成于晚印支期。地质与地球化学研究显示该时期形成的岩体主要为黑云角闪花岗闪长岩和黑云母二长花岗岩,它们形成于岛弧环境,与其南侧墨竹工卡一带出露的晚三叠世钙碱性火山岩(叶巴组)共同构成与板块俯冲有关的特征性岩石组合,揭示新特提斯洋的俯冲时代应早于晚三叠世。  相似文献   

内蒙古达茂旗北部的早古生代闪长岩侵入体产于包尔汉图-白乃庙岛弧带的西部,采用SHRIMP锆石U-Pb定年及角闪石40Ar/39Ar测年对其进行了精确的年代学研究。两件闪长岩样品分别获得的SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄为453±3Ma和446.8±5.3Ma,角闪石40Ar/39Ar坪年龄为459.2±2.4Ma和442.9±4.2Ma。这为研究该时期弧岩浆作用提供了新的年代学证据,并表明该岩浆侵位后,经历了结晶并快速冷却的过程,可能揭示了本区岛弧带和华北板块碰撞的构造意义。  相似文献   

Based on the new data of isotopic ages and geochemical analyses, three types of Mesozoic granites have been identified for the Xiong'ershan-Waifangshan region in western Henan Province: high-Ba-Sr I-type granite emplaced in the early stage (~160 Ma), I-type granite in the middle stage (~130 Ma) and anorogenic A-type granite in the late stage (~115 Ma).Geochemical characteristics of the high-Ba-Sr I-type granite suggest that it may have been generated from the thickened lower crust by partial melting with primary residues of amphibole and garnet. Gradual increase of negative Eu anomaly and Sr content variations reflect progressive shallowing of the source regions of these granites from the early to late stage. New 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of the early-stage Wuzhangshan granite (156.0±1.1 Ma, amphibole) and middle-stage Heyu granite (131.8±0.7 Ma, biotite) are indistinguishable from their SHRIMP U-Pb ages previous published, indicating a rapid uplift and erosion in this region. The representative anorogenic A-type granite, Taishanmiao pluton, was emplaced at ~115 Ma. The evolution of the granites in this region reveals a tectonic regime change from post-collisional to anorogenic between ~160 Ma and ~115 Ma. The genesis of the early- and middle-stage I-type granites could be linked to delamination of subducted lithosphere of the Qinling orogenic belt, while the late-stage A-type granites represent the onset of extension and the end of orogenic process. In fact, along the Qinling -Dabie-Sulu belt, the Mesozoic granitoids in western Henan, Dabieshan and Jiaodong regions are comparable on the basis of these temporal evolutionary stages and their initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios,which may suggest a similar geodynamic process related to the collision between the North China and Yangtze cratons.  相似文献   

Metamorphic terranes comprised of blueschist facies and regional metamorphic (Barrovian) rocks in apparent structural continuity may represent subduction complexes that were partially overprinted during syn‐ to post‐subduction heating or may be comprised of unrelated tectonic slices. An excellent example of a composite blueschist‐to‐Barrovian terrane is the southern Sivrihisar Massif, Turkey. Late Cretaceous blueschist facies rocks are dominated by marble characterized by rod‐shaped calcite pseudomorphs after aragonite and interlayered with blueschist that contains eclogite and quartzite pods. Barrovian rocks, which have 40Ar/39Ar white mica ages that are >20 Myr younger than those of the blueschists, are also dominated by marble, but rod‐shaped calcite has been progressively recrystallized into massive marble within a ~200‐m transition zone. Barrovian marble is interlayered with quartzite and schist in which isograds are closely spaced and metamorphic conditions range from chlorite to sillimanite zone over ~1 km present‐day structural thickness. Andalusite, kyanite and prismatic sillimanite are present in muscovite‐rich quartzite; in one location, all three are in the same rock. Andalusite pre‐dates Barrovian metamorphism, kyanite is both pre‐ and syn‐Barrovian and sillimanite is entirely Barrovian. Muscovite with phengitic cores and relict kyanite in quartzite below the staurolite‐in isograd are evidence for pre‐Barrovian subduction metamorphism preserved at the low‐T end of the Barrovian domain; above the staurolite isograd, all evidence for subduction metamorphism has been erased. Some regional metamorphism may have occurred during exhumation, as indicated by syn‐kinematic high‐T minerals defining the fabric of L‐tectonite. Quartz microstructures in lineated quartzite reveal a strong constrictional fabric that may have formed in a transtensional bend in the plate boundary. Transtension accounts for the closely spaced isograds and development of a strong constrictional fabric during exhumation.  相似文献   

In northwest Turkey, high-pressure metamorphic rocks occur as exotic blocks within the Çetmi mélange located on the south of the Biga Peninsula. Rutile chemistry and rutile thermometry obtained from the eclogite and associated garnet-mica schist in the Çetmi mélange indicate significant trace element behaviour of subducted oceanic crust and source-rock lithology of detrital rutiles. Cr and Nb contents in detrital rutile from garnet-mica schist vary from 355 to 1026 μg/g and 323 and 3319 μg/g, respectively. According to the Cr-Nb discrimination diagram, the results show that 85% of the detrital rutiles derived from metapelitic and 15% from metamafic rocks. Temperatures calculated for detrital rutiles and rutiles in eclogite range from 540 °C to 624 °C with an average of 586 °C and 611 °C to 659 °C with an average of 630 °C at P = 2.3 GPa, respectively. The calculated formation temperatures suggest that detrital rutiles are derived from amphibolite- and eclogite-facies metamorphic rocks. Amphibolite-facies rocks of the Kazdağ Massif could be the primary source rocks for the rutiles in the garnet-mica schist from the Çetmi mélange. Nb/Ta ratios of metapelitic and metamafic rutiles fall between 7–24 and 11–25, respectively. Nb/Ta characteristics in detrital rutiles may reflect a change in source-rock lithology. However, Nb/Ta ratios of rutiles in eclogite vary from 9 to 22. The rutile grains from eclogites are dominated by subchondritic Nb/Ta ratios. It can be noted that subchondritic Nb/Ta may record rutile growth from local sinks of aqueous fluids from metamorphic dehydration.  相似文献   

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