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利用天气图、地面风场和雷达回波资料,对2003-07-07关中地区强对流天气过程分析,发现500hPa槽后冷平流南下是这次过程的直接影响系统;飑线出现在地面流场辐合线上,移动过程中受秦岭山脉影响明显;西安地区强风暴天气是强对流回波合并造成的;富平冰雹回波呈典型的“V”型回波。  相似文献   

利用实况观测资料、多普勒雷达资料、TBB资料及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料等对2011年4月15日发生在贵州西南部的强对流天气过程进行了诊断分析。结果表明:此次强对流天气过程是在高空槽、低层切变线和地面中尺度辐合线的配合下产生的,上层干冷、下层暖湿的对流不稳定层结有利于强对流天气的产生;强对流天气的发生发展伴随地面辐合线上多个中尺度对流云团的东移南压;雷达回波上回波中心强度较大,强回波伸展高度也有利于强对流天气的发生;对流有效位能和抬升指数对于此次过程有较好的指示意义,强对流天气发生前,CAPE值跃增,LI值由正转为负值,并且CAPE高值中心区和LI的负值中心区与这次过程的强对流天气发生区域吻合;强对流天气发生在能量锋区和湿度锋区的高能高湿区,当日14 h的θse廓线呈"弓"状,结合温度平流、水汽条件和垂直速度的分析得知中高层有干冷空气向下入侵,强对流天气发生时垂直速度伸展很高,促进深对流系统的发展;对湿位涡分析发现强对流天气发生在700 hPa MPV1负值中心与MPV2正值中心之间的区域。  相似文献   

利用常规气象观测资料和NCEP(1°×1°)再分析资料对2018年4月14日下午—15日凌晨左右发生在桂西南的一次强对流天气过程进行分析,结果表明:此次强对流天气过程具有持续时间长、影响范围广、小时雨强较大、前期以降雹为主、后期以短历时强降水为主的特点;近地层锋面和辐合线是此次强对流天气发生的重要触发机制;200 hPa高空辐散流场有利于底层辐合上升运动的加强,可以弥补500 hPa弱槽槽前动力抬升机制的不足;对流层中层具有干冷空气的侵入是预报强对流天气的关键因子,而地面强对流天气容易发生在干空气侵入700 hPa层之后数小时内;强对流天气容易发生在θse大值区或者舌区;对流层正涡度从中层下传到底层对于预报强对流天气的出现具有一定的指示意义;雷达产品分析表明回波具有明显的悬垂回波、弱回波区、辐合区、中气旋、三体散射长钉和旁瓣回波特征。  相似文献   

河南省一次致灾强对流天气的中尺度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用常规观测资料、中尺度分析产品和雷达资料对2013年8月1日凌晨发生在河南省西部、北部的一次致灾强对流天气过程进行分析.结果表明:这次强对流是在上干冷下暖湿的不稳定大气层结条件下产生的,较大的垂直风切变出现在强对流发生后,可能与强对流天气产生时间较晚有关;地面辐合线是这次强对流产生的触发机制,强对流发生在地面等温线和等露点线的密集区内.云图亮温的低值中心对应地面的强雨区.1日凌晨,对流回波东移加强,先后形成的两条弓形回波,均存在明显的低层弱回波区和中高层的悬垂回波结构,大风发生在弓形带状回波后侧;对流回波带低层有很强的西南风急流,使得强对流回波形成弓形带状回波;强回波带的前沿速度场上,有中尺度辐合线、辐合区、逆风区存在,它们的出现和维持是产生局地强降水的一个有用指标,中尺度系统的存在是强对流风暴产生、维持、发展的必要条件;较大垂直液态含水量的维持为产生强降水提供了有利条件,垂直液态含水量的增减,预示着地面强对流天气的开始和减弱.  相似文献   

陕西一次持续性强对流天气过程的成因分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
利用常规资料、地面加密资料、TBB和NCEP再分析等资料,对2006年6月23—25日陕西一次持续性的强对流天气过程进行了天气动力学诊断和中尺度特征分析。结果表明:(1)这次持续性的强对流天气发生在蒙古冷涡的大尺度环流背景下,从冷涡底部分裂的下滑冷槽是强对流天气的影响系统;中高层冷槽和低层暖温度脊、湿舌的上下叠置,有利于对流不稳定的建立和发展。(2)对流层低层850 hPa附近的逆温层所形成的干暖盖,更有利于深厚对流活动的发生;大气温度直减率越大越有利于雷暴大风的发生,对流有效位能(CAPE)和垂直风切变的大小与对流性天气的强弱有很好的对应关系。(3)23和24日的强对流天气是由生命史达6小时左右的β中尺度雹暴云团造成,而25日的剧烈天气是由生命史达10小时左右的α中尺度飑线云团造成。(4)地面辐合线或干线是触发强对流天气的因子之一,对流单体一般生成于地面辐合线附近,在地面辐合线与干线结合处易于对流单体或云团的新生和发展。  相似文献   

浙江盛夏一次强对流天气的特征及其成因分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
沈杭锋  张红蕾  高天赤  勾亚彬  陈勇明 《气象》2016,42(9):1105-1113
利用常规气象观测资料、区域自动站加密观测资料、GFS 0.5°×0.5°逐6 h分析场数据,以及多普勒雷达、风廓线、微波辐射计探测资料,对2014年7月26日浙江盛夏一次强对流天气过程的特征及其成因进行了诊断分析,结果表明:此次过程发生在副热带高压边缘,由于高空槽东移过程中带来了弱冷空气的渗透,并有大量不稳定能量积聚,形成了午后"上干冷、下暖湿"这样有利于强对流发生的不稳定层结条件和环境背景场。当低层925 hPa的中尺度辐合线和对流层中层700 hPa的垂直上升运动区相重合时,中尺度辐合线附近在未来6 h内产生了强对流,这对强对流的发生发展具有一定的预报指示意义。宁波中尺度辐合线是由偏南风和东北风辐合而成,同时受沿海和喇叭口地形影响,该辐合线早已存在,之后触发了宁波地区的强对流天气。杭州中尺度辐合线是由于宁波雷暴的地面出流增强了偏东风气流,从而加强了偏东风与环境东北风的辐合,导致了杭州中尺度辐合线的形成,随后在辐合线附近出现了剧烈的对流天气。  相似文献   

闵晓桐  李梦园  郝笑  杜天宇 《广东气象》2021,43(1):33-36,41
利用常规观测资料、地面区域站加密观测资料以及多普勒雷达资料,对2017年8月9日河南东部地区一次典型超级单体风暴过程的环流形势、强对流天气与地面中尺度露点锋的关系进行了综合分析.结果 表明:在贝湖低涡南部小槽东移发展与700 hPa前倾槽的形势下,地面中尺度辐合线尤其是中尺度露点锋为该次强对流天气的发生提供了有利的触发...  相似文献   

河北平原一次春季强对流天气分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李江波  闫巨盛  马凤莲 《气象》2007,33(9):74-82
利用NCEP6小时一次1°×1°再分析资料、常规高空地面资料和自动站、FY-2C卫星云图及石家庄CINRAD/SA型多普勒雷达等资料,从天气形势、物理机制、雷达回波和云图演变特征、地形作用等方面入手,分析了河北平原一次春季强对流天气的演变和成因。结果表明:这次强对流天气过程发生在高空槽由垂直结构向前倾结构转变的过程中,中高层干冷平流、低层暖湿平流的大气层结增强了对流不稳定的发展,飑线是此次强对流天气的直接影响系统;太行山地形和平原南部的中尺度辐合线,对飑线系统的触发、组织、移动具有重要作用,强对流区发生在地面中尺度辐合线南侧的偏南气流里。分析还发现,低层θse高能区、水汽通量大值区、强的辐合上升区和CAPE的高值区等物理量场都与强对流天气区有较好的对应关系。  相似文献   

浙江北部一次短时大暴雨的中尺度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用常规气象观测资料、区域自动站加密观测资料和GFS 0.5°×0.5°逐6h的分析场数据以及多普勒雷达、风云卫星资料,对2013年6月24日浙江北部一次短时大暴雨天气过程的特征及其成因进行了中尺度分析,结果表明:受西太平洋副热带高压西北部边缘的暖湿西南气流和850hPa暖切的共同影响,引发了浙江北部的短时大暴雨天气。在有利的大尺度环境场和物理量场配合下,当低层925hPa的中尺度辐合线和对流层中层700hPa的垂直上升运动区相重合时,中尺度辐合线附近会产生强对流,这对强对流的发生发展具有一定的预报指示意义。此次暴雨过程与中尺度辐合线密切相关,中尺度辐合线是由偏东风和东北风辐合而成,该辐合线先于降水存在,而且从地面一直伸展到对流层中层,之后触发了浙北地区的短时大暴雨天气,强降水区域和强回波带落在中尺度辐合线附近区域。  相似文献   

郑州地区3次冷涡型强对流天气对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对2004年6月中下旬郑州地区3次比较典型的强对流天气的高低空形势、物理量场及雷达资料的对比分析结果表明:1)500 hPa冷涡的位置在42°N以南,郑州上游有较强冷平流侵入,并且700 hPa和850 hPa也有对应低值系统存在,是郑州地区强对流天气发生发展的大尺度环流背景.2)地面中尺度辐合线的存在是强对流天气的主要触发机制.3)动力因子的差异造成了不同类型的强对流天气.4)雷暴云中强下沉冷空气在近地层强烈辐散能够引起地面大风.5)水汽因子的差异决定了雷雨能否发生.上下层均为干冷空气时一般仅伴有大风天气;低层暖湿、中高层干冷时能增加大气的对流性不稳定,有利于强降水和局地冰雹的产生.  相似文献   

The few systematic international comparisons of climate policy strength made so far have serious weaknesses, particularly those that assign arbitrary weightings to different policy instrument types in order to calculate an aggregate score for policy strength. This article avoids these problems by ranking the six biggest emitters by far – China, the US, the EU, India, Russia, and Japan – on a set of six key policy instruments that are individually potent and together representative of climate policy as a whole: carbon taxes, emissions trading, feed-in tariffs, renewable energy quotas, fossil fuel power plant bans, and vehicle emissions standards. The results cast strong doubt on any idea that there is a clear hierarchy on climate policy with Europe at the top: the EU does lead on a number of policies but so does Japan. China, the US, and India each lead on one area. Russia is inactive on all fronts. At the same time climate policy everywhere remains weak compared to what it could be.

Policy relevance

This study enables climate policy strength, defined as the extent to which the statutory provisions of climate policies are likely to restrict GHG emissions if implemented as intended, to be assessed and compared more realistically across space and time. As such its availability for the six biggest emitters, which together account for over 70% of global CO2 emissions, should facilitate international negotiations (1) by giving participants a better idea of where major emitters stand relative to each other as far as climate policy stringency is concerned, and (2) by identifying areas of weakness that need action.  相似文献   

A coupled lattice Boltzmann (LB) model with second-order accuracy is applied to the reduced-gravity, shallow water, 2.5-layer model for wind-driven double-gyre ocean circulation. By introducing the secondorder integral approximation for the collision operator, the model becomes fully explicit. The Coriolis force and other external forces are included in the model with second-order accuracy, which is consistent with the discretization accuracy of the LB equation. The feature of the multiple equilibria solutions is found in the numerical experiments under different Reynolds numbers based on this LB scheme. With the Reynolds number increasing from 3000 to 4000, the solution of this model is destabilized from the anti-symmetric double-gyre solution to the subtropic gyre solution and then to the subpolar gyre solution. The transitions between these equilibria states are also found in some parameter ranges. The time-dependent variability of the circulation based on this LB simulation is also discussed for varying viscosity regimes. The flow of this model exhibits oscillations with different timescales varying from subannual to interannual. The corresponding statistical oscillation modes are obtained by spectral analysis. By analyzing the spatiotemporal structures of these modes, it is found that the subannual oscillation with a 9-month period originates from the barotropic Rossby basin mode, and the interarmual oscillations with periods ranging from 1.5 years to 4.6 years originate from the recirculation gyre modes, which include the barotropic and the baroclinic recirculation gyre modes.  相似文献   

The infrared absorption cross-sections for eight commonly used halogenated methanes and ethanes have been measured as a function of temperature from 203 to 293 K. High resolution spectra (0.03 cm-1) have been used to derive integrated band strengths and peak cross-sections associated with the spectral features in the infrared region from 600 to 1500 cm-2. The values obtained in this study are compared to those from previous reports, and recommendations are made for uses in atmospheric sensing and radiative energy transfer models. The observed temperature dependence in the spectral features is also discussed.  相似文献   

利用常规观测资料和NCEP/NCAR(1°×1°)逐6 h再分析资料,对承德市2017年5月5—6日大风天气的环流形势和物理量进行分析,结果表明气旋的快速发展(气旋加深率0.84 B)导致锋生加强,引发气压和变压梯度加大是导致大风的直接原因。500 hPa高压脊东移迫使冷空气向南堆积,高空槽不断发展成为冷涡,温度平流为地面气旋的发展提供热力条件,高低层涡度平流的差异,也是地面气旋快速发展的重要原因;当1.5 PVU位涡面伸展至对流层低层时,局地位涡异常在气旋的发展过程中不可忽视;高空急流出口区发生质量调整,出口区左侧的辐散强度达10×10~(-5) s~(-1),使低层大气减压,有利于气旋发展。  相似文献   

利用气象业务中使用的L波段探空数据和毫米波云雷达观测资料,分析探空相对湿度在入云和出云时的变化规律,提出一种基于探空相对湿度阈值与梯度相结合的云区边界识别改进算法,并利用云雷达观测数据对算法识别结果进行验证.利用北京市南郊观象台2019年1—6月层状云样本验证分析,结果表明:改进算法相比相对湿度阈值法,对云区边界识别更...  相似文献   

Vulnerability, adaptation and resilience are concepts that are finding increasing currency in several fields of research as well as in various policy and practitioner communities engaged in global environmental change science, climate change, sustainability science, disaster risk-reduction and famine interventions. As scientists and practitioners increasingly work together in this arena a number of questions are emerging: What is credible, salient and legitimate knowledge, how is this knowledge generated and how is it used in decision making? Drawing on important science in this field, and including a case study from southern Africa, we suggest an alternative mode of interaction to the usual one-way interaction between science and practice often used. In this alternative approach, different experts, risk-bearers, and local communities are involved and knowledge and practice is contested, co-produced and reflected upon. Despite some successes in the use and negotiation of such knowledge for ‘real’ world issues, a number of problems persist that require further investigation including the difficulties of developing consensus on the methodologies used by a range of stakeholders usually across a wide region (as the case study of southern Africa shows, particularly in determining and identifying vulnerable groups, sectors, and systems); slow delivery of products that could enhance resilience to change that reflects not only a lack of data, and need for scientific credibility, but also the time-consuming process of coming to a negotiated understanding in science–practice interactions and, finally, the need to clarify the role of ‘external’ agencies, stakeholders, and scientists at the outset of the dialogue process and subsequent interactions. Such factors, we argue, all hinder the use of vulnerability and resilience ‘knowledge’ that is being generated and will require much more detailed investigation by both producers and users of such knowledge.  相似文献   

利用常规观测资料和NCEP 1°×1°再分析资料,通过对发生在江苏的三次不同量级的区域性暴雪、大雪和中雪过程典型个例进行对比分析,发现降雪时,700hPa低空急流的位置和强度是影响降雪量级的主要因素之一;降雪区上空涡度的垂直分布遵循低层负涡度、中层正涡度和高层负涡度的配置,暴雪时正涡度强且正涡度区最为深厚,动力抬升作用强,中雪发生时正涡度区相对最为浅薄,不利于形成强辐合抬升,动力抬升作用弱。且暴雪和大雪发生时基本上整层都为垂直螺旋度正值区,中雪时没有出现明显的正值区;暴雪和大雪过程时中低层都具有明显的逆温层,中高层西南急流造成的对流层中层的爆发性增温是逆温层形成的关键,中雪发生时不一定有逆温层结;降雪强度与湿位涡分量绝对值存在一定的正相关关系。  相似文献   

This paper provides both a detailed history of environmental change in the Sierra Nevada over the past 1,800 years and evidence for climate teleconnections between the Sierra Nevada and Greenland during the late Holocene. A review of Greenland ice core data suggests that the magnitudes of abrupt changes in temperature and precipitation increased beginning c. 3,700 and 3,000 years ago, respectively. Precipitation increased abruptly 1,300 years ago. Comparing paleotemperature data from Cirque Peak, CA with paleoprecipitation data from Pyramid Lake, NV suggests that hot temperatures occurred at the beginnings of most severe droughts in the Sierra Nevada over the past 1,800 years. Severe fires and erosion also occurred at Coburn Lake, CA at the beginning of all severe droughts in the Sierra Nevada over the past 1,800 years. This suggests that abrupt climate change during the late Holocene caused vegetation and mountain slopes in some areas to be out of equilibrium with abruptly changed climates. Finally, the ending of drought conditions in Greenland coincided with the beginning of drought conditions in the Sierra Nevada over the past 1,800 years, perhaps as a result of the rapidly changed locations of the Earth??s major precipitation belts during abrupt climate change events.  相似文献   

Physical experiments designed to explore the potential of rain augmentation through airborne glaciogenic seeding on small, isolated non-precipitating cumuliform clouds near Red Deer, Alberta were carried out during the period 1982–1985. The microstructure of 90 cumulus congestus clouds have been documented through repeated in-situ sampling using a cloud physics instrumented aircraft platform. Observations from the inspection passes of 57 clouds seeded with either dry ice pellets or silver iodide pyrotechnics, and all the passes of 33 natural clouds are presented.Measurements of the cloud droplet concentration indicate that Alberta cumulus clouds are typically continental in nature, with an average droplet concentration of 535 cm−3 and an average droplet diameter of 10.6 μm. Alberta clouds have average liquid water contents of 0.57 g m−3, with a peak 1-sec value of 3.17 g m−3. The 1-km average liquid water contents are 0.83 g m−3, with a peak value of 2.81 g m−3. Cloud lifetimes vary between 11 and 20 minutes. Concentrations of naturally occurring ice crystals are found to be low. The average maximum 1-km ice concentration was 31−1, and the peak 1-km concentration was 73.11−1 in the natural cloud dataset. Evidence of precipitation-sized particles was detected in 21% (7 of 33) of the clouds, and precipitation below cloud base was detected in 6% (2 of 33) of the clouds.A comparison of the Alberta cloud characteristics to the cumulus clouds from different locations showed that there are some distinct differences between Alberta clouds and the clouds from the other regions.  相似文献   

Governance,complexity, and resilience   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This special issue brings together prominent scholars to explore novel multilevel governance challenges posed by the behavior of dynamic and complex social-ecological systems. Here we expand and investigate the emerging notion of “resilience” as a perspective for understanding how societies can cope with, and develop from, disturbances and change. As the contributions to the special issue illustrate, resilience thinking in its current form contains substantial normative and conceptual difficulties for the analysis of social systems. However, a resilience approach to governance issues also shows a great deal of promise as it enables a more refined understanding of the dynamics of rapid, interlinked and multiscale change. This potential should not be underestimated as institutions and decision-makers try to deal with converging trends of global interconnectedness and increasing pressure on social-ecological systems.  相似文献   

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