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伸展正断层下盘的冷却历史记录了主要伸展变形的时间及幅度.太白山位于秦岭北缘,作为伸展正断层的下盘,其新生代伸展隆升冷却历史有助于我们更好地理解渭河盆地的伸展变形时间及其幅度.本文利用磷灰石裂变径迹分析方法对太白山的冷却历史进行了研究.来自太白山总计17个样品的磷灰石裂变径迹数据及热历史模拟揭示出山体经历了始于约48 Ma的小幅度快速抬升冷却阶段,和始于约9.6 Ma的大幅度快速抬升冷却阶段;分别对应平行于秦岭北缘山脉的两阶段伸展变形.始于约48 Ma的伸展变形可能是印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞作用在大陆内部的远场响应,而始于约9.6 Ma的快速伸展变形可能与青藏高原在该时期快速隆升和对外扩展有关.  相似文献   

五台山新生代隆升剥露的磷灰石裂变径迹研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
五台山是中国三级地貌重要分界线之一太行山脉海拔最高的山,其隆升历史的研究对中国三级地貌形成时代的确定具有重要意义.沿五台山最高峰北台顶向北自上而下至山根和阜平县境内长城岭地区海拔最高点向东自上而下至山根两条剖面,分别采集一系列岩石样品,最后挑选16个样品进行磷灰石裂变径迹研究.通过对封闭径迹长度分布直方图的分析,表明五台山样品自晚白垩纪末以来一直在单调冷却,即五台山在持续地隆升;通过对样品径迹年龄-高程图的分析,同时结合热史模拟及Excel数据拟合,表明晚白垩纪末以来五台山的隆升为分阶段幕式过程,共经历了三期快速隆升:74~58 Ma、46~31 Ma及15 Ma左右.五台山晚白垩纪末以来的隆升与太行山其他地区及周边张宣隆起、泰山等其他山系的隆升在时间上存在对应关系,所以,五台山新生代隆升为区域性构造演化的一部分.  相似文献   

贺兰山晚新生代隆升的剥露特征及其隆升模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
位于中国南北构造带北端, 鄂尔多斯地块西北缘的贺兰山是华北克拉通内部的板内构造变形带. 新生代表现为受正断层控制的伸展构造变形, 形成隆起的贺兰山和断陷的银川盆地. 磷灰石裂变径迹热年代学分析揭示了贺兰山始于晚新生代(约10~12 Ma)的快速隆升剥露作用; 这种快速剥露作用与贺兰山东麓断层具有很好的相关性, 靠近断层剥露作用加强, 远离断层剥露作用减弱, 贺兰山东部剥露作用强, 西部弱, 指示了贺兰山东麓断层下盘贺兰山快速上升遭受剥露并向西掀斜的隆升模式. 同时, 贺兰山东部靠近东麓断层的晚新生代快速剥露作用具有北部强、向南逐渐减弱的空间分布特征; 结合贺兰山样品磷灰石裂变径迹长度与年龄相关图显示出独特的“U”型“boomerang”模式, 指示了贺兰山起始于约10~12 Ma的与贺兰山东麓断层伸展作用有关的向西向南快速掀斜隆升样式. 贺兰山这种与平行于山脉的正断层有关的掀斜隆升作用, 主要是银川-吉兰泰-河套断陷系与渭河-山西断陷系沿鄂尔多斯地块周缘北西-南东向的伸展拉张作用的结果; 鄂尔多斯地块西北角强烈的晚新生代拉张作用是贺兰山向西向南快速掀斜隆升的主要原因.  相似文献   

磷灰石裂变径迹及(U-Th)/He定年体系是近年来用于基础地质研究的一项新技术.该定年体系能有效恢复沉积盆地热历史,计算地层剥蚀量,推测盆地内热液活动的时间、温度以及时间与温度间的关系等信息,为油气勘探工作提供重要的科学依据.  相似文献   

报道了米仓山-汉南穹窿一带磷灰石裂变径迹分析结果,以制约该区白垩纪以来的剥蚀-演化历史.露头样品磷灰石裂变径迹年龄分布显示从汉南穹窿南部的核部地区向南至四川盆地北部裂变径迹的年龄逐渐变新,这与米仓山地区逆冲断裂以背驮式扩展的构造样式从汉南穹窿向南经米仓山褶皱-逆冲带发育到四川盆地北缘的构造模式相吻合.热模拟的结果显示米仓山-汉南穹窿经历了两期快速的剥蚀,其分别发生在白垩纪(约90 Ma之前)和15 Ma以来.研究区白垩纪的快速剥蚀反映了秦岭-大别造山带白垩纪的区域性剥蚀事件,这可能是对临区诸多构造事件(如西伯利亚-蒙古-中朝板块的碰撞,拉萨-羌塘-思茅-印支块体的碰撞,太平洋板块向欧亚板块的俯冲及其相关的岩浆活动)远场效应的响应;约15 Ma以来的快速剥蚀是对青藏高原隆升向东北方向传递的响应.  相似文献   

龙门山山脉,即2008年5月12日汶川(M=7.9)毁灭性地震的发生地,界定了喜马拉雅造山带的东缘,并显现出比青藏高原任何地方都大的地形起伏。然而,在这次地震之前,大地测量与地质调查工作都没有测到横跨该山系前缘有明显的缩短变形(Shenetal,2005;Meade,2007;Chenetal,2000),从而引起了关于该山岳带地形的形成与发展过程的激烈争论。现已提出两个端元模型:(1)脆性地壳增厚,即具有大量滑动的逆冲断层切穿岩石层并引起隆起(Ta—pponnieretal,2001);(2)地壳流动,即青藏高原下地壳的低粘度物质向外挤出,抬升了喜马拉雅山东北部的地壳(Roydenetal,1997;Burehfiel,2004;Bird,1991)。在此,我们使用平衡地质剖面来说明该山系前缘的地壳缩短、构造起伏与地形地貌是密切相关的。这表明,地壳缩短是位于青藏高原东缘的龙门山的隆起及其地形形成的主要驱动力。致使沿该山系前缘大型逆冲断层发生破裂,并造成数万人死亡和大范围破坏的2008年汶川地震(M=7.9)就是这种地壳缩短过程的作用表现。  相似文献   

通过对色尔腾山山前断裂乌句蒙口 -东风村段的遥感资料解释、野外地质地貌考察 ,并通过对重点地段的古地震探槽开挖 ,获得了该断裂段晚更新世晚期以来的垂直位移速率是 0 88~ 1 83mm a ,全新世中期以来的垂直位移速率是 0 89mm a。通过 2个大型探槽的开挖、古地震事件分析和相关堆积物的断代研究 ,以及用逐次限定方法分析整个断层段上的古地震事件 ,认定该断裂段上全新世以来发生了 5次古地震事件 :事件 1发生在距今 90 0 0± 130 0年 ,事件2发生在距今 6 5 0 0± 5 0 0年 ,事件 3发生在距今 5 5 70年左右 ,事件 4发生在距今 4 2 0 0± 30 0年 ,事件 5发生在距今 32 5 0± 2 5 0年。晚更新世晚期到距今 1万年之间 ,古地震事件很不完整。全新世以来的 5次古地震事件表现出一定的丛集特征。最早的一丛事件发生在距今 890 0年左右 ,第2丛发生在距今 6 5 0 0~ 5 70 0年之间 ,第 3丛事件发生在距今 32 5 0~ 4 2 0 0年之间。第 1丛与第 2丛古地震事件之间间隔为 2 4 0 0年左右 ,而第 2丛与第 3丛古地震事件之间仅间隔 15 70年左右。距今 32 5 0年以来 ,该断裂段上还没有发生过错断地表的地震事件 ,已经超出了古地震丛之间的重复间隔。因此 ,它是色尔腾山前活动断裂带上具备潜在危险的一个活动断裂段。  相似文献   

We investigated deep-seated gravitational slope deformation (DSGSD) and slow mass movements in the southern Tien Shan Mountains front using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) time-series data obtained by the ALOS/PALSAR satellite. DSGSD evolves with a variety of geomorphological changes (e.g. valley erosion, incision of slope drainage networks) over time that affect earth surfaces and, therefore, often remain unexplored. We analysed 118 interferograms generated from 20 SAR images that covered about 900 km2. To understand the spatial pattern of the slope movements and to identify triggering parameters, we correlated surface dynamics with the tectono-geomorphic processes and lithologic conditions of the active front of the Alai Range. We observed spatially continuous, constant hillslope movements with a downslope speed of approximately 71 mm year−1 velocity. Our findings suggest that the lithological and structural framework defined by protracted deformation was the main controlling factor for sustained relief and, consequently, downslope mass movements. The analysed structures revealed integration of a geological/structural setting with the superposition of Cretaceous–Paleogene alternating carbonatic and clastic sedimentary structures as the substratum for younger, less consolidated sediments. This type of structural setting causes the development of large-scale, gravity-driven DSGSD and slow mass movement. Surface deformations with clear scarps and multiple crest lines triggered planes for large-scale deep mass creeps, and these were related directly to active faults and folds in the geologic structures. Our study offers a new combination of InSAR techniques and structural field observations, along with morphometric and seismologic correlations, to identify and quantify slope instability phenomena along a tectonically active mountain front. These results contribute to an improved natural risk assessment in these structures. © 2019 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   

The Sary-Bulun archeological sites located along the Great Silk Route of medieval times are studied. The study revealed a number of the deformations of seismogenic origin: tilts, shifts, and collapse and lateral bends of walls as well as long fissures in corner parts of the rooms. Judging by archeological artifacts, the seismic event occurred at the end of the 12th–beginning of the 13th century AD. Judging by degree of damage, the intensity of this ancient earthquake was I ≥ VIII on the MSK-64. The source of the seismic oscillations was apparently located in the faults cutting the active Boz-Barmak anticline. The studied archeological sites are located on the western limb of this anticline structure. In the medieval period, the Sary-Bulun settlements were the largest metallurgic centers of the Issyk-Kul depression and, thus, they are of a great significance for studying industrial processes of that time.  相似文献   

The presently active sinistral Xianshui He strike-slip fault (XSH) is a lithospheric scale strike-slip fault in the eastern Himalaya. In the study area this fault affects the eastern edge of the Konga Shan granitic massif, where it has caused both brittle and ductile deformation. A RbSr isochron and Nd and Pb isotope study of three samples, and a UPb zircon study of a single sample, were completed on the granite.

UPb data indicate a granite emplacement age of 12.8 ± 1.4 Ma. The RbSr isochrons show that the granite emplacement and the deformational event were synchronous, at around 12-10 Ma (minimum age for deformation). The Nd and Pb isotope compositions of whole rocks and K-feldspars indicate the involvement of Proterozoic continental crust, which is confirmed by UPb systematics indicating inherited zircons.

Sinistral faulting along the XSH began at the latest at 12 Ma and marks the extrusion toward the east of the West Sichuan and South China blocks, following their extrusion along the Red River fault zone between 50 and 21 Ma.  相似文献   

The rocks outcropping along the Kombolcha-Eloa traverse (western Afar, Ethiopia) can be attributed chiefly to the so-called Oligocenic « Alaji Rhyolitic Series » (32–28 m.y. B.P.) and to the overlying « Termaber Basalts » (28–18 m.y. B.P.), these latter being emitted from a central volcano — Mt. Garfa — rising on the Afar margin and tilted during Miocene. The age and the genesis of the dikes crossing the investigated volcanic succession are discussed in the light of the radiometric ages quoted inMegrue et al. (1972), distinguishing the pre-, the syn- and the post-tilt dikes. The dikes connected with a central volcanism are fed by shallow basins, whereas the others, connected with a fissural volcanism, are to be related to strong tensional movements.  相似文献   

The natural radioactivity levels in sediment samples of the northern coast of Oman Sea, covering the coastal strip from Hormoz canyon to Goatr seaport, as the first time has been determined. The results of measurements will serve as background reference level for Oman Sea coastlines. Sediments from 36 coastal and near shore locations were collected for analysis. Analysis on the collected samples were carried out to determine (235)U, (238)U, (232)Th, (40)K and (137)Cs using two high purity germanium detectors with 38.5% and 55% relative efficiencies. The concentration of (235)U, (238)U, (232)Th, (40)K and (137)Cs in sediment samples ranged between 1.01 and 2.87Bq/kg, 11.83 and 22.68Bq/kg, 10.7 and 25.02Bq/kg, 222.89 and 535.07Bq/kg and 0.14 and 2.8Bq/kg, respectively. The radium equivalent activity was well below the defined limit of 370Bq/kg. The external hazard indices were found to be less than 1, indicating a low dose.  相似文献   

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