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污水处理厂污泥处理处置方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
牛波  吕鸿雁 《地下水》2005,27(3):202-203
污泥是污水处理的伴生物,若不加以妥善处置,容易产生二次污染.污泥处理处置的目的是实现稳定化、无害化、减量化、资源化以及最终处置.本文主要介绍了污水处理厂污泥稳定化、无害化、减量化、资源化和最终处置的方法及利用途径.  相似文献   

关键词 水专项课题申报指南 近日,住房和城乡建设部建筑节能与科技司发布了2013年度第一批水专项“城市污水厂污泥处理处置技术装备产业化”等13个课题申报指南。  相似文献   

城市污水处理厂污泥处理处置刍议   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
孙小平  张丙珍  韩明 《地下水》2008,30(4):117-118
污水厂污泥是城市综合污水中污染物的成分浓缩,污泥的处理处置是污水处理的一个重要环节,就污泥的处理处置现状、方式及其发展方向作一综述。  相似文献   

关于印发《城镇污水处理厂污泥处理处置及污染防治技术政策(试行)》的通知建城[2009]23号 各省、自治区、直辖市建设厅(建委,市政管委、水务局)、环保局、科技厅(委),计划单列市建委(建设局)、环保局、科技局。新疆生产建设兵团建设局、环保局、科技局:为推动城镇污水处理厂污泥处理处置技术进步,明确城镇污水处理厂污泥处理处置技术发展方向和技术原则,指导各地开展城镇污水处理厂污泥处理处置技术研发和推广应用,促进工程建设和运行管理,避免二次污染,保护和改善生态环境,促进节能减排和污泥资源化利用,住房和城乡建设部、环境保护部和、、科学技术部联合制定了《城镇污水处理厂污泥处理处置及污染防治技术政策(试行)》。现印发给你们,请结合本地区实际认真执行。  相似文献   

《城镇污水处理厂污泥处理处置技术规范》[1]执行前,市政污泥往往直接倾倒于填埋场形成污泥库,导致垃圾设计库容显著降低。为恢复填埋场库容,许多填埋场面临污泥库的原位加固处理。通过2组模型试验,探讨真空预压处理污泥的可行性。试验结果表明,真空预压后污泥含水率显著降低,强度提高至2~4 kPa;污泥排水固结系数随预压过程发展表现出非线性;排水板周围污泥含水率和渗透系数降低明显,阻碍离排水板较远处污泥排水固结,因此减少排水板间距可显著提高污泥处理效果;真空预压过程中污泥中孔压变化规律与常规淤泥质土有明显区别,特别是远离排水板的位置孔压消散幅度小,表明污泥中孔压消散规律不符合传统的太沙基固结理论;污泥真空预压过程中,间歇式通正气压会在处理初期阶段加快排水速率,但整体改善作用不明显;真空预压可作为污泥减量化的一种途径,如要满足后续堆载垃圾的要求,还需配合其他原位处理方法进一步提高强度。  相似文献   

污泥的处置及利用技术探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
查甫生  崔可锐  席培胜 《岩土力学》2008,29(Z1):555-558
污泥是污水处理厂污水处理的2次产物,如处理不当将会造成2次污染。随着人们环保意识的不断增强与环保力度的加大,如何有效地进行污泥的处治与处置已成为国内外环境岩土工程界函待解决的主要热点问题之一。在总结国内外相关文献资料的基础上,对国内外常用的污泥处置及利用技术进行总结与归纳,包括污泥的填埋、焚烧、农业利用、固化以及生物修复技术等,并对各种处置方法的适用性与优、缺点作出科学的分析与评价,可为污泥及污染土的处置及利用提供一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

固化/稳定化(S/S)是目前比较有效的一种污泥处置技术,是通过向污泥中添加固化剂材料,与污泥发生一系列的物理化学反应,提高污泥的力学强度和稳定污泥中的重金属污染物,从而达到污泥安全处置和资源化利用的目的,因此,探索高效、低廉和低碳的S/S技术一直是该领域的重点。根据近些年来国内外学者对该领域研究所取得的成果,着重从污泥的种类、固化剂种类、主要技术指标、关键影响因素及固化/稳定化机理等几个方面总结了该课题的研究现状及进展。得到以下主要认识:污泥按来源可分为河湖污泥、市政污泥和工业污泥3大类,由于不同来源污泥成分差别很大,处置方式也不尽相同;对于污泥的S/S处理,常用的固化剂可分为无机和有机两大类,且无机固化剂占主导,目前最流行的是水泥和石灰,还包括一些工业矿渣、黏土等作为辅助材料;S/S的优劣主要通过两个关键技术指标进行评价:固化体的无侧限抗压强度及浸出毒性;污泥的固化/稳定化效果主要受初始含水率、养护时间、固化剂种类、掺入量、pH值和Eh值等因素的影响;固化剂及其产物在污泥中形成骨架,并通过物理化学作用与污泥颗粒胶结和填充大的孔隙,从而起到固化增强作用;固化剂及其产物主要通过物理包裹、沉淀和吸附作用,将污泥中的有害物质封闭在固化体内,从而达到无害化、稳定化目的。最后,针对目前污泥S/S技术研究的不足,提出了今后该课题的研究重点及方向,主要包括:改善污泥的前期脱水效率、进一步掌握固化体的变形特性、开发针对多种重金属离子的综合S/S技术、建立重金属离子固定/溶出模型和迁移模型、研发新型固化剂等。  相似文献   

城市内河环境整治及清淤过程中往往产生大量污泥, 安全高效处理和处置这类市政污泥并实现资源化利用对改善城市生态环境和经济可持续发展具有重要意义。污泥具有高含水率、高孔隙比和高压缩性等特点, 由于其含有较多有机质和细颗粒, 一般难以通过机械脱水达到减容的目的。因此, 提高污泥的脱水速率和改善其固结特性是实现污泥安全处置及资源化利用的首要任务, 也是目前该课题的研究难点。本文提出了一种离散短丝纤维加筋技术, 为了研究该技术对污泥固结特性的影响, 对不同纤维掺量(0, 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.4%和0.8%)的污泥进行了一系列固结压缩试验, 分析了固结过程中纤维掺量对固结系数和渗透系数的影响。结果表明:在相同的荷载条件下, 随着纤维掺量的增加, 试样的压缩量、孔隙比变化显著增加, 固结时间和压缩系数相对减小, 且当纤维掺入量为0.1%时变化最显著, 为最优掺量。此外, 研究结果表明, 纤维的掺入增大了污泥的固结系数和渗透系数, 固结效率和固结效果得到明显改善。  相似文献   

我国高放废物深地质处置战略规划探讨   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
王驹 《铀矿地质》2004,20(4):196-204,212
本文探讨我国高放废物地质处置的战略规划,提出我国高放废物处置库的开发可参考采用“三步曲”式的技术路线,即处置库选址和场址评价一特定场址地下实验室研究一处置库建设。处置库的选址和场址评价工作可与地下实验室研究的相关工作结合。以2040年前后建成处置库为目标,把工作划分为4个阶段,即选址和场址评价阶段、场址确认和地下实验室建设阶段、现场实验和示范处置阶段及处置库建设阶段,规划出各阶段的工作目标和工作内容。论证各项工作内容之间的逻辑关系,指出选址和场址评价是基础、基础研究和地下实验室研究是支撑、性能评价是“指挥棒”、设计并建造出符合标准的处置库是目标。将选址工作划分为预选地段对比、预选场址对比和场址确认3个阶段。按此规划设想,我国将在2015年以前确定处置库和地下实验室的场址,并开始建造地下实验室。2025年左右建成地下实验室,2040年建成处置库。  相似文献   

疏浚污泥的处理与处置是世界性的环保难题,资源化处理技术的研究有重要的工程应用价值。通过化学处理技术,在疏浚污泥中加入磷酸,将其中的重金属转变成难溶的金属磷酸盐固化在处理产物中,加入FeCl3试剂与水作用,改善处理后污泥的物理力学性质;通过热处理技术大大降低有机物的含量,使固体残留物无害化。研究了不同磷酸含量和不同FeCl3含量对其物理力学和热学性质的影响。试验结果表明,处理后的疏浚污泥污染物活动性降低,并有可能用作建筑材料。  相似文献   

施建勇  王娟 《岩土力学》2012,33(11):3208-3212
填埋是污泥消化处置的方法之一,由于污泥的工程特性较特殊,填埋会引发很多环境岩土工程问题。考虑到填埋工程会进行分层碾压铺填,在标准击实试验的击实功下制备试样,通过污泥与垃圾土混合后的直接剪切试验、渗透特性试验,考虑淋滤液和降解产气压力共同影响,进行边坡稳定分析。结果表明:污泥和垃圾混合后的强度比垃圾土的强度低,比污泥的强度高,改善了污泥的强度特性;污泥掺入垃圾后的渗透系数与垃圾土的渗透系数相当,没有劣化垃圾土的渗透特性,但比污泥的渗透系数有显著提高;随着污泥掺量的增加,边坡安全系数会先提高后降低,因此,应结合试验和稳定计算结果,确定实际工程的污泥掺入比;考虑降解产气对边坡稳定的影响,安全系数会降低约15%~20%。  相似文献   

为了解某化工厂附近土壤铬污染状况及其生物有效性,研究了该化工厂周边的土壤、粉尘、排污底泥、工业废渣和水等不同介质中重金属含量及Cr的化学形态特征。结果显示,该区域土壤出现以化工厂为中心的大面积Cr异常;废渣和部分底泥中Cr的含量是土壤背景值的近100倍乃至上万倍;表层土壤和粉尘中Cr元素含量与化工厂距离变化曲线的一致性,表明化工厂粉尘是引起大面积Cr异常的主要污染源;不同介质中Cr元素主要以残渣态(生物不可利用态)存在,但底泥中Cr的潜在可利用态、废渣中Cr的可利用态存在一定的比例,会对当地的动植物和人体产生负面的生态效应,应重视其可能引起的生态后果。  相似文献   

The rational utilisation of sludge as organic matter application into the soil permits enrichment in nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. As dairy sewage sludge contains large amounts of organic matter and minerals, utilisation of such sludge in agriculture appears to be a noteworthy proposal. However, such waste can also be a source of toxic substances, heavy metals, inhibitors, xenobiotics and potentially pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, it is so important to monitor its microbiological and biochemical properties in aspect of the safety for human health, natural environment preservation and a suitable level of agricultural production maintenance. The objective of study was the estimation of selected microbiological, biochemical and chemical properties of activated sludge (AS) and waste activated sludge (WAS) originating from the dairy sewage treatment plant. Nitrification and ammonification rates, respiratory, dehydrogenases, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, protease and urease activities were at significantly higher levels in the WAS than in the AS. The pH value of the AS and WAS oscillated within the range of neutral reaction.  相似文献   

Following the Aznalcóllar pyrite mine disaster (Seville, Spain) which caused the spilling of some 4.5?hm3 of acid water, the floodplains of the rivers Agrio and Guadiamar were rapidly cleaned of waste sludge. However, despite the efficiency of cleaning activities, there is still evidence of a fine superficial layer of sludge and some soil contamination, with the consequent risk of remobilisation of the pollutants by water erosion. There is much concern that these contaminated sediments may affect the precious ecosystems of the Doñana National Park and the Guadalquivir marshlands. This report describes the evaluation of the risk of mobilisation of the waste sludge through (1) detailed geomorphological analysis, indicating potential areas of erosion-sedimentation on the floodplains of the rivers Agrio and Guadiamar, and predicted dynamics of the waste sludge, and (2) evaluation of the potential dispersion of the waste sludge provoked by future flood events, including hydraulic calculations to model channel flow and the analysis of the texture of the sludge to obtain critical transport and sedimentation values. Findings suggest that the waste sludge is likely to be transported and deposited within the Doñana National Park during future flood events.  相似文献   

为揭示初始含水率、固化剂掺量和龄期3种因素对固化废弃淤泥力学性质影响的本质,以硫氧镁水泥固化废弃淤泥为研究对象,开展了不同含水率(w)、固化剂掺量(Wg)和龄期(T)条件下固化淤泥的电镜扫描试验,利用图像处理软件研究了固化淤泥的微观接触面积率(RCA)、平均丰度(Cm)和分形维数(D)受含水率、固化剂掺量和龄期的影响规...  相似文献   

Industrial waste generation has reached up to millions of tons yearly. One way to solve the problems of the large accumulating amount of waste could be to incorporate it into the soil; thus, finding a way for the use of industrial waste could be a quest for soil improvement studies. Industrial sludge in certain pozzolanic form reacts with soil and possesses cementitious properties. This paper illustrates the utilization of lime, steel and copper sludge in improvement of high plasticity clayey soil. The influence of stabilizer type, different curing times and various ratios of lime to sludge are evaluated by Atterberg limits, standard proctor compaction, unconfined compressive strength and unconsolidated undrained strength in triaxial test. The  test results show that adding lime and sludge results in an increase in maximum strength. Moreover, the strength of soil increases with the increase of curing time. Utilizing stabilizers also influences plasticity index and compaction parameters. Finally, the results demonstrate that steel sludge has better performance than that of copper sludge in term of strength development.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to assess the efficiency of Fenton’s oxidation for degradation of endocrine disruptor bisphenol A (BPA) with emphasis on extent of accompanying adsorption. Adsorption on the waste sludge resulting from the Fenton’s oxidation could represent a significant impact on the final removal efficiency of BPA. Fenton’s oxidation was accomplished at two concentrations of BPA (0.228 and 22.8 mg L?1); both at the selected molar ratio of reagents Fe2+:H2O2 (1:10), as a function of reaction time. The kinetics of adsorption of BPA on waste sludge was determined for the same two concentrations of BPA at two concentrations of waste sludge (0.1 and 6.0 g L?1). In addition to changing concentrations of BPA and sludge, the adsorption process was also influenced by parameters such as temperature, pH and contact time. Adsorption isotherms were determined. Oxidation and adsorption were monitored by gas chromatography combined with mass spectrum. It has been confirmed that BPA is not completely oxidized in Fenton’s oxidation, because it is adsorbed to formed waste ferric sludge and thus necessary precautions for sludge deposition must be observed.  相似文献   

At Llwyneinion, a clay pit excavated in Carboniferous Bettisfield Formation was utilised for hazardous waste disposal prior to 1972. Approximately 94,000 t of acidic asphaltic sludges and pitches was poured directly into the pit together with 7500 t of spent bentonite containing absorbed oil. Numerous chemical drums were also dumped in the sludge. The unlined acidic asphaltic sludge and pitch lagoon occupies 1.3 ha, ranges up to 10 m deep and is underlain by fissured strata and extensive mineworkings including three shafts. The heterogeneous asphalt waste has developed a semi-solid asphalt layer at the base but mostly remains in a viscous and mobile condition. A surface layer of rainwater less than 0.4 m deep covers the waste. Surprisingly, detailed hydrogeological studies of the area surrounding the acidic asphaltic sludge and pitch lagoon failed to disclose any significant contamination of aquifers, however regular monitoring of water conditions is performed as a safeguarding measure. Various remediation strategies have been assessed and rejected. They fall into two main categories; those involving on site treatment of the acidic asphaltic sludges and pitches and encapsulation and those aimed at removal of the material to facilities elsewhere in the country. Investigations and deliberations continue in order to determine the optimum way forward.  相似文献   

耗牛坪稀土矿床之氧化带,广泛分布泥化率为14.33%─24.60%的.黑色土状风化物,其次生REO含量在2.06%─6.67%;Eu_2O_3和Y_2O_3的配分为0.43%─0.63%和1.12%─5.18%,是矿石、工业矿物氟碳铈矿的数倍到数十倍。次生稀土是在弱碱性介质条件下发生分馏而富集中重稀土的,黑色土状风化物中的Mn-Fe非晶质体是富Eu、Y等次生稀土富集体,是选矿矿泥的主要部分,如能综合开发利用将产生巨大的经济和社会效益。  相似文献   

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