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《Astroparticle Physics》2012,35(7):435-448
MAGIC is a system of two Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes located in the Canary island of La Palma. Since autumn 2009 both telescopes have been working together in stereoscopic mode, providing a significant improvement with respect to the previous single-telescope observations. We use observations of the Crab Nebula taken at low zenith angles to assess the performance of the MAGIC stereo system. The trigger threshold of the MAGIC telescopes is 50 − 60 GeV. Advanced stereo analysis techniques allow MAGIC to achieve a sensitivity as good as (0.76 ± 0.03)% of the Crab Nebula flux in 50 h of observations above 290 GeV. The angular resolution at those energies is better than ∼0.07°. We also perform a detailed study of possible systematic effects which may influence the analysis of the data taken with the MAGIC telescopes.  相似文献   

In this article we discuss the possibility of using the observations by GLAST of standard gamma sources, as the Crab Nebula, to calibrate imaging air Cherenkov detectors, MAGIC in particular, and optimise their energy resolution. We show that at around 100 GeV the absolute energy calibration uncertainty of Cherenkov telescopes can be reduced to 10% by means of such cross-calibration procedure.  相似文献   

It has been argued by Jacobson, Liberati and Mattingly that synchrotron radiation from the Crab Nebula imposes a stringent constraint on any modification of the dispersion relations of the electron that might be induced by quantum gravity. We supplement their analysis by deriving the spectrum of synchrotron radiation from the coupling of an electrically charged particle to an external magnetic fields in the presence of quantum-gravity effects of the general form (E/MQG). We find that the synchrotron constraint from the Crab Nebula practically excludes 1.74 for MQGmP=1.2×1019 GeV. On the other hand, this analysis does not constrain any modification of the dispersion relation of the photon that might be induced by quantum gravity. We point out that such quantum-gravity effects need not obey the equivalence principle, a point exemplified by the Liouville-string D-particle model of space–time foam. This model suggests a linear modification of the dispersion relation for the photon, but not for the electron, and hence is compatible with known constraints from the Crab Nebula and elsewhere.  相似文献   

MAGIC is a system of two Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes located in the Canary island of La Palma, Spain. During summer 2011 and 2012 it underwent a series of upgrades, involving the exchange of the MAGIC-I camera and its trigger system, as well as the upgrade of the readout system of both telescopes. We use observations of the Crab Nebula taken at low and medium zenith angles to assess the key performance parameters of the MAGIC stereo system. For low zenith angle observations, the standard trigger threshold of the MAGIC telescopes is ∼ 50  GeV. The integral sensitivity for point-like sources with Crab Nebula-like spectrum above 220 GeV is (0.66 ± 0.03)% of Crab Nebula flux in 50 h of observations. The angular resolution, defined as the σ of a 2-dimensional Gaussian distribution, at those energies is ≲ 0.07°, while the energy resolution is 16%. We also re-evaluate the effect of the systematic uncertainty on the data taken with the MAGIC telescopes after the upgrade. We estimate that the systematic uncertainties can be divided in the following components: < 15% in energy scale, 11%–18% in flux normalization and ± 0.15 for the energy spectrum power-law slope.  相似文献   

Based on the half-century-long history of radio observations of the Crab Nebula, we investigate the evolution of its radio luminosity. We found a secular decrease in the radio luminosity; it has decreased by 9% since the discovery of the radio source in 1948. Apart from the secular decrease in the luminosity of the Crab Nebula, we identified two time intervals, 1981–1987 and 1992–1998, when radio bursts with energy release ~1041 erg took place. In these years, the spectral indices of the instantaneous spectra decreased significantly due to the increase in the flux densities at short (centimeter and millimeter) wavelengths. These events were preceded by sudden increases in the pulsar’s rotation rates, the largest of which, with an amplitude of ΔΩ/Ω = 3 × 10?8, occurred in 1975 and 1989. We show that the magnetospheric instability mechanism that accompanies strong glitches can provide the energetics of the excess luminosity of the Nebula through the ejection of relativistic electrons with a total energy higher than 6 × 1042 erg from the pulsar’s magnetosphere.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an expanding disc model to derive the polarization properties of the Crab nebula. The distribution function of the plasma and the energy density of the magnetic field are prescribed as functions of the distance from the pulsar using the model derived by Kennel and Coroniti with  σ= 0.003  , where σ is the ratio of the Poynting flux to the kinetic energy flux in the bulk motion just before the termination shock. Unlike the case for previous models, we introduce a disordered magnetic field, which is parametrized by the fractional energy density of the disordered component. The flow dynamics are not solved, and the mean field is toroidal.
The averaged degree of polarization over the disc is obtained as a function of the inclination angle and fractional energy density of the disordered magnetic field. It is found for the Crab Nebula that the disordered component contains about 60 per cent of the magnetic field energy. This value is supported by the facts that the disc appears not as 'lip-shaped' but as 'rings' in the observed intensity map, and that the highest degree of polarization of ∼40 per cent is reproduced for rings, which is consistent with the observations.
We suggest that, because the disordered field contributes to the pressure rather than to the tension, the pinch force may have been overestimated in previous relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations. The disruption of the oppositely directed magnetic fields, which is proposed by Lyuvarsky, may actually take place. The relativistic flow speed, which is indicated by the front–back contrast, can be detected in the asymmetry of distributions of the position angle and depolarization.  相似文献   

The active galactic nuclei BL Lac, 3C66A, and Mk501, as well as the Crab nebula and the Cyg γ-2 source were observed in 2006 at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory using the GT-48 gamma-ray telescope. Very high energy (VHE) gamma-ray fluxes at a high confidence level (Q > 4) were detected from the active galactic nuclei and the Crab nebula. VHE gamma-ray fluxes from the unidentified gamma-ray source Cyg γ-2 and the X-ray source Cyg X-3 were recorded during observations of Cyg γ-2.  相似文献   

We show that the relativistic wind of the Crab pulsar, which is commonly thought to be invisible in the region upstream of the termination shock at r r S∼0.1 pc, in fact could be directly observed through its inverse Compton (IC) γ -ray emission. This radiation is caused by illumination of the wind by low-frequency photons emitted by the pulsar, and consists of two, pulsed and unpulsed , components associated with the non-thermal (pulsed) and thermal (unpulsed) low-energy radiation of the pulsar, respectively. These two components of γ -radiation have distinct spectral characteristics, which depend essentially on the site of formation of the kinetic-energy-dominated wind, as well as on the Lorentz factor and the geometry of propagation of the wind. Thus, the search for such specific radiation components in the spectrum of the Crab Nebula can provide unique information about the unshocked pulsar wind that is not accessible at other wavelengths. In particular, we show that the comparison of the calculated flux of the unpulsed IC emission with the measured γ -ray flux of the Crab Nebula excludes the possibility of formation of a kinetic-energy-dominated wind within 5 light-cylinder radii of the pulsar, R w5 R L. The analysis of the pulsed IC emission, calculated under reasonable assumptions concerning the production site and angular distribution of the optical pulsed radiation, yields even tighter restrictions, namely R w30 R L.  相似文献   

The radio emission that was observed in earliest times could not be interpreted in terms of thermal emission process. The suggestion that synchrotron radiation was observed required the confirmation by the detection of linear polarization. We have made such a detection in 1957 which we describe in the present article. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Between 1997 August and October, the radio pulses from the Crab pulsar were followed by discrete moving echoes, which appear to be reflections from part of an ionized shell in the outer part of the Crab Nebula, crossing the line of sight to pulsar. Similar events have now been recognized in recordings from the past 30 yr, and it seems that the Nebula must contain a large number of ionized shell-like surfaces on a much finer scale than recognized hitherto.  相似文献   

We show that the proportionately spaced emission bands in the dynamic spectrum of the Crab pulsar fit the oscillations of the square of a Bessel function whose argument exceeds its order. This function has already been encountered in the analysis of the emission from a polarization current with a superluminal distribution pattern: a current whose distribution pattern rotates (with an angular frequency ω) and oscillates (with a frequency  Ω > ω  differing from an integral multiple of ω) at the same time. Using the results of our earlier analysis, we find that the dependence on frequency of the spacing and width of the observed emission bands can be quantitatively accounted for by an appropriate choice of the value of the single free parameter  Ω/ω  . In addition, the value of this parameter, thus implied by Hankins & Eilek's data, places the last peak in the amplitude of the oscillating Bessel function in question at a frequency  (∼Ω32)  that agrees with the position of the observed ultraviolet peak in the spectrum of the Crab pulsar. We also show how the suppression of the emission bands by the interference of the contributions from differing polarizations can account for the differences in the time and frequency signatures of the interpulse and the main pulse in the Crab pulsar. Finally, we put the emission bands in the context of the observed continuum spectrum of the Crab pulsar by fitting this broad-band spectrum (over 16 orders of magnitude of frequency) with that generated by an electric current with a superluminally rotating distribution pattern.  相似文献   

The 17 m Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cherenkov (MAGIC) telescope for gamma-ray astronomy between 30 and 300 GeV started operations in its final configuration in October 2003 and is currently well into its calibration phase. Here I report on its present status and its first gamma-ray source detections.  相似文献   

Origin of the jet-like feature in the inner Crab Nebula is discussed. Because self-collimation processes in ultrarelativistic pulsar winds are extremely ineffective, it is suggested that the collimation occurs beyond the termination shock where the flow is already mildly (or non-) relativistic. It is argued that the shock shape is highly non-spherical because the energy flux in the pulsar wind decreases towards the axis. The shock near the axis should be much closer to the pulsar than at the equator and therefore the jet looks as if it originates directly from the pulsar.  相似文献   

At the distancer?1015 cm from NP 0532 the plasma concentration decreases so that the intense low-frequency wave (ν=30 Hz) can propagate. The interaction of this wave with the electrons ejected from the pulsar should result in the IR radiation withF ν~102 fu at λ~10 μ. This flux is the order of the excess IR radiation from the Crab Nebula.  相似文献   

The induced Compton scattering of radio emission off the particles of the ultrarelativistic electron–positron plasma in the open field line tube of a pulsar is considered. We examine the scattering of a bright narrow radio beam into the background over a wide solid angle and specifically study the scattering in the transverse regime, which holds in a moderately strong magnetic field and gives rise to the scattered component nearly antiparallel to the streaming velocity of the scattering particles. Making use of the angular distribution of the scattered intensity and taking into account the effect of rotational aberration in the scattering region, we simulate the profiles of the backscattered components as applied to the Crab pulsar. It is suggested that the interpulse (IP), the high-frequency interpulse (IP') and the pair of so-called high-frequency components (HFC1 and HFC2) result from the backward scattering of the main pulse (MP), precursor (PR) and low-frequency component (LFC), respectively. The components of the high-frequency profiles, the IP' and HFCs, are interpreted for the first time. The HFC1 and HFC2 are argued to be a single component split by the rotational aberration close to the light cylinder. It is demonstrated that the observed spectral and polarization properties of the profile components of the Crab pulsar as well as the giant pulse phenomenon outside the MP can be explained in terms of our model.  相似文献   

Ultrarelativistic electrons must be being accelerated in the Crab Nebula to maintain the synchrotron spectrum. Sufficient power to maintain the synchrotron spectrum is supplied by an observed damping of compressional motions in the central region of the nebula (the wisps of Baade). An acceleration mechanism which involves compressional motions, the gyrorelaxation effect and the removal of pitch angle anisotropies by the generation of hydromagnetic waves is formulated and applied to a model of the Crab Nebula with acceleration confined to a central region. This can account for the power supplied to the electrons, the overall shape of the spectrum and allows acceleration up to energies corresponding to the synchrotron emission of hard X-rays. The acceleration process tends to flatten an initial energy spectrum.  相似文献   

脉冲星周期跃变是一种罕见的现象,是研究其内部结构的探针。针对2019年2月~12月国家授时中心昊平观测站40 m射电望远镜在脉冲星计时观测中监测Crab脉冲星的数据,采用脉冲星计时方法,用TEMPO2拟合程序进行分析。结果表明,Crab脉冲星在2019年7月23日(MJD 58687)附近发生了一次周期跃变现象,该跃变自转增量为Δvg=5.33(4)×10-7Hz,自转变化量为Δvg/v=17.9(1)×10-9,并伴随着恢复系数Q~0.88的指数恢复过程。此次Crab脉冲星周期跃变的监测及处理,证实了40 m射电望远镜对脉冲星的监测性能,同时为研究周期跃变的产生机理积累了样本。  相似文献   

We consider temporal, spectral, and polarization parameters of the hard X-ray and gamma-ray radiation observed during the solar flare of May 20, 2002, in the course of experiments with the SONG and SPR-N instruments onboard the Coronas-F spacecraft. This flare is one of the most intense gamma-ray events among all of the bursts of solar hard electromagnetic radiation detected since the beginning of the Coronas-F operation (since July 31, 2001) and one of the few gamma-ray events observed during solar cycle 23. A simultaneous analysis of the Coronas-F and GOES data on solar thermal X-ray radiation suggests that, apart from heating due to currents of matter in the the flare region, impulsive heating due to the injection of energetic electrons took place during the near-limb flare S21E65 of May 20, 2002. These electrons produced intense hard X-ray and gamma-ray radiation. The spectrum of this radiation extends up to energies ≥7 MeV. Intense gamma-ray lines are virtually unobservable against the background of the nonthermal continuum. The polarization of the hard X-ray (20–100 keV) radiation was estimated to be ≤15–20%. No significant increase in the flux of energetic protons from the flare under consideration was found. At the same time, according to ACE data, the fluxes of energetic electrons in interplanetary space increased shortly (~25 min) after the flare.  相似文献   

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