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QIU Xinfa  ZENG Yan 《地理学报》2002,12(4):479-484
Based on energy balance equation and mass transfer equation, a general model to estimate actual evaporation from non-saturated surfaces was derived. Making use of two concepts, "relative evaporation" and "relative drying power", a relationship was established to account for the departure from saturated conditions. Using this model, the actual evaporation (evapotranspiration) can be calculated without the need of potential evaporation estimation. Furthermore, the model requires only a few meteorological parameters that are readily and routinely obtainable at standard weather stations. Based on nearly 30 years data of 432 meteorological stations and 512 hydrological stations in China, in combined with GIS, nine typical river basins were selected. Using the data of the selected river basins, the model was tested. The results show that the actual evaporation rate can be estimated with an error of less than 10% in most areas of China, except few years in the Yellow River Basin.  相似文献   

1960-2005年新疆地区蒸发皿蒸发与实际蒸发之间的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Pan evaporation,an indictor of potential evaporation,has decreased during the last several decades in many parts of the world;the trend is contrary to the expectation that the increase of actual evaporation will accompany global warming,known as the pan evaporation paradox.What is the essential relationship between pan evaporation and actual evaporation? This is still an uncertain problem.In this paper,the trends of pan evaporation and actual evaporation are investigated using observational data and observation-constrained simulation results using NCAR Community Land Model(CLM) in Xinjiang from 1960 to 2005.Our analysis suggests that the decreasing trend of annual pan evaporation accompanies the increasing trend of annual actual evaporation,the tendencies of them both have statistical significance(at 99% level and at 95% level,respectively).We also find that there is the same turning point in precipitation,pan evaporation and actual evaporation of 1986,and either before the point or after,pan evaporation has inverse trend comparing with actual evaporation and precipitation.The above analysis indicates that pan evaporation and actual evaporation have complementary relationship.These results support the issue of evaporation paradox described by Brutsaert and Parlange(1998) and suggest that decrease of pan evaporation indicates an increase of actual evaporation in Xinjiang in the past half century.The correlation analysis shows that diurnal temperature range(DTR),wind speed,low cloud cover and precipitation are the most likely driving forces for the reduced pan evaporation and the ascending actual evaporation.  相似文献   

Pan evaporation,an indictor of potential evaporation,has decreased during the last several decades in many parts of the world;the trend is contrary to the expectation that the increase of actual evaporation will accompany global warming,known as the pan evaporation paradox.What is the essential relationship between pan evaporation and actual evaporation? This is still an uncertain problem.In this paper,the trends of pan evaporation and actual evaporation are investigated using observational data and observation-constrained simulation results using NCAR Community Land Model(CLM) in Xinjiang from 1960 to 2005.Our analysis suggests that the decreasing trend of annual pan evaporation accompanies the increasing trend of annual actual evaporation,the tendencies of them both have statistical significance(at 99% level and at 95% level,respectively).We also find that there is the same turning point in precipitation,pan evaporation and actual evaporation of 1986,and either before the point or after,pan evaporation has inverse trend comparing with actual evaporation and precipitation.The above analysis indicates that pan evaporation and actual evaporation have complementary relationship.These results support the issue of evaporation paradox described by Brutsaert and Parlange(1998) and suggest that decrease of pan evaporation indicates an increase of actual evaporation in Xinjiang in the past half century.The correlation analysis shows that diurnal temperature range(DTR),wind speed,low cloud cover and precipitation are the most likely driving forces for the reduced pan evaporation and the ascending actual evaporation.  相似文献   

土体水分潜在蒸发确定方法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
夏琼  王旭  窦顺  付晓丹 《干旱区地理》2018,41(4):793-801
以相关领域关于土体蒸发模型研究成果为基础,结合岩土工程蒸发过程的特点,对确定土体潜在蒸发量方法的发展及现状进行介绍,并对每种理论模型的适用条件及参数的确定等进行分析。结果显示:(1)特定的地区、气候条件下,通过多种理论模型对比分析,确定相对合适的理论模型估算潜在蒸发量是必要的。(2)气象参数的区域性很明显,即使是具有相似气候特征的小区域,不同气象站提供的气象资料反演的气象参数也不相同,故根据气象资料反演得到的气象参数要进行修正。(3)现有蒸发测量技术应用于岩土工程的蒸发测量中有待进一步深入研究发展。提出该课题在岩土工程领域今后的研究方向,包括土体稳定蒸发阶段蒸发机制、蒸发的滞后效应、夜间土体水分变化对蒸发的影响、通用蒸发模型的建立及实测蒸发量的尺度效应等。  相似文献   

水文循环模拟中蒸散发估算方法综述   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
为选取基于水文循环估算蒸散发方法提供依据, 首先对常用水文模型中蒸散发估算方法进行回顾, 根据其物理机理的强弱性, 将水文模型中蒸散估算方法分为整体折算法和分类汇总法。当前水文模型中整体折算法占较大比重, 它们之间的差异有两点:一是潜在蒸散发估算方法不同;二是土壤干燥度折算函数不同;研究表明:由于水文模型存在不确定性及Penman-Monteith 方法具有较高资料要求, 致使模拟中使用该方法与使用其它简化经验公式相似或更差的水文循环模拟效果。所以对于不同水文模型, 如何选取与之复杂程度相兼容的潜在蒸散发估算方程和土壤干燥度折算函数来降低模型的不确定性需进一步讨论。在此基础上, 预估基于水文循环估算蒸散发方法朝着复杂机理化和简单实用化两个方向发展。  相似文献   

水文循环模拟中蒸散发估算方法综述(英文)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Actual evapotranspiration is a key process of hydrological cycle and a sole term that links land surface water balance and land surface energy balance.Evapotranspiration plays a key role in simulating hydrological effect of climate change,and a review of evapotranspiration estimation methods in hydrological models is of vital importance.This paper firstly summarizes the evapotranspiration estimation methods applied in hydrological models and then classifies them into the integrated converting methods and the classification gathering methods by their mechanism.Integrated converting methods are usually used in hydrological models and two differences exist among them:one is in the potential evaporation estimation methods,while the other in the function for defining relationship between potential evaporation and actual evapotranspiration.Due to the higher information requirements of the Penman-Monteith method and the existing data uncertainty,simplified empirical methods for calculating potential and actual evapotranspiration are widely used in hydrological models.Different evapotranspiration calculation methods are used depending on the complexity of the hydrological model,and importance and difficulty in the selection of the most suitable evapotranspiration methods is discussed.Finally,this paper points out the prospective development trends of the evapotranspiration estimating methods in hydrological modeling.  相似文献   

Soil salinization, caused by salt migration and accumulation underneath the soil surface, will corrode structures. To analyze the moisture-salt migration and salt precipitation in soil under evaporation conditions, a mathematical model consisting of a series of theoretical equations is briefly presented. The filling effect of precipitated salts on tortuosity factor and evaporation rate are taken into account in relevant equations. Besides, a transition equation to link the solute transport equation before and after salt precipitation is proposed. Meanwhile, a new relative humidity equation deduced from Pitzer ions model is used to modify the vapor transport flux equation. The results show that the calculated values are in good agreement with the published experimental data, especially for the simulation of volume water content and evaporation rate of Toyoura sand, which confirm the reliability and applicability of the proposed model.  相似文献   

蒸发是水文循环的重要组成部分,精细化蒸发变化与气象要素的响应关系,对中国重要生态过渡带水资源、生态恢复重建以及社会经济的可持续发展具有重要意义。基于1970—2017年70个气象站点观测数据,辅以趋势分析和小波相干方法,对秦岭南北气温和潜在蒸发(ET0)变化特征进行分析,探讨气象要素与ET0的响应关系。结果表明:以滑动相关方法为基础,无论是滑动窗口调整,还是去趋势序列,气温与ET0均呈现正相关关系,说明秦岭南北气温上升,ET0增加;但是,秦岭南北气温与ET0相关关系存在时空差异。以1993年为时间节点,前期气温和ET0相关性呈现增加趋势,后期则逐渐减弱;空间上西秦岭地区是气温和ET0的弱相关区。在主导因素上,ET0对太阳辐射变化更为敏感,风速并非区域ET0变化的主导因素,从而导致"蒸发悖论"现象并不突出。多因素主导ET0变化,是秦岭南北ET0与气温...  相似文献   

遥感反演土壤蒸发/植被蒸腾二层模型在华北地区的应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
田静  苏红波  孙晓敏  陈少辉 《地理研究》2009,28(5):1297-1306
利用一种可操作的地表蒸散遥感反演二层模型,以我国华北平原为研究区,选择2004年的3月至6月华北地区主要农作物冬小麦的生长季节作为研究时段,利用MODIS遥感卫星数据,结合地面130多个气象台站的空气温湿度实测数据,实现了土壤蒸发和植被蒸腾的反演。采用国家生态网络禹城综合试验站利用涡度相关系统观测的地表总蒸散半小时平均的数据进行了模型验证,结果表明模型估算的地表可利用能量与地面实测数据的相关系数可以达到0.92,均方差为30.4w.m-2;模型估算的地表总蒸散值与地面实测数据的相关系数为0.85,均方差为21.3 w.m-2,由此证明了模型的可用性。  相似文献   

传统估算蒸散发的方法大都基于局地尺度,而在生态水文发生剧烈变化的资料稀缺流域背景下,充分考虑流域下垫面的空间变异性的陆面过程模型为流域长时序、大尺度及连续模拟实际蒸散量提供了新途径.以艾比湖流域为研究区,应用可变下渗能力模型(VIC)模拟1960-2017年艾比湖流域的水文过程,探讨研究区值实际蒸散发量的年、月、日时空...  相似文献   

陆面实际蒸散研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
从能量平衡方程和热传导方程出发,引进"相对蒸散"和"相对干燥力",建立了用常规气象资料估算实际蒸散的理论模式。该模式避免了计算实际蒸散需首先计算可能蒸散这一过程,从而解决了由于采用不同的"可能蒸散"估算方法带来的误差。利用近30年的水文、气象等资料,在全国选择了九个有代表性的流域。对流域年实际蒸散量的模拟结果显示,除黄河流域部分年份外,可以将陆面年实际蒸散量的估算误差控制在10%以内。  相似文献   

半干旱沙地-草甸区水面蒸发模拟及其影响因子辨识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析半干旱沙地—草甸区的水面蒸发过程及其影响因子的基础上,采用多元逐步回归分析方法,对水面蒸发的众多影响因子进行逐步筛选,找出显著影响因子,建立水面蒸发与其显著影响因子间的多元非线性回归模型,并模拟计算了彭曼蒸发公式、道尔顿水汽运输理论蒸发公式中的风函数,比较分析了彭曼模型、变异道尔顿模型、多元非线性回归模型计算的水面蒸发量。结果表明:彭曼模型、变异道尔顿模型和最终建立的多元非线性逐步回归模型所得结果十分接近,与实测水面蒸发量的趋势也很一致;除变异道尔顿模型稳定性稍差外,其余两者都具有较好的稳定性;多元非线性逐步回归方法可以找到水面蒸发的显著影响因子,剔除掉不显著影响因子,避免因子相关造成的影响,使所建回归模型具有良好的拟合效果,其决定系数达到了0.773,预测结果令人满意。  相似文献   

基于析因数值实验方法的蒸发皿蒸发归因研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王婷婷  孙福宝  章杰  刘文彬  王红 《地理学报》2018,73(11):2064-2074
蒸发皿蒸发是唯一可长时间大范围观测的潜在蒸发,其准确估算和长时间序列趋势变化归因分析,对变化环境下干旱研究、水文过程理解分析与预估具有重要意义。本文筛选出416个具有连续观测的气象台站资料,率定了PenPan模型中适合模拟中国20 cm口径(D20)蒸发皿蒸发的风速函数,发展了基于去趋势法的析因数值实验归因法,对比了此方法与常用的偏导归因法在1960-2014年、1960-1993年(“蒸发悖论”时段)及1993-2014年(“蒸发悖论”消失)蒸发皿蒸发趋势变化的归因结果。结果表明,使用新率定的风速函数fq(u2)=3.977×10-8(1+0.505u2)能更准确模拟中国D20蒸发皿蒸发;相较于偏导归因法结果,析因数值实验法也能对蒸发皿蒸发趋势变化进行定量归因分析,且归因结果略优于偏导归因法结果;此外,可利用析因数值实验法的基准态信息来对偏导归因法结果进行校正,从而更准确地对蒸发皿蒸发趋势变化进行归因分析,加深对蒸发皿蒸发趋势变化的理解,为水文水循环研究准确分析提供保障。  相似文献   

Despite the observed increase in global temperature, observed pan evaporation in many regions has been decreasing over the past 50 years, which is known as the "pan evaporation paradox". The "pan evaporation paradox" also exists in the Tibetan Plateau, where pan evaporation has decreased by 3.06 mm a-2 (millimeter per annum). It is necessary to explain the mechanisms behind the observed decline in pan evaporation because the Tibetan Plateau strongly influences climatic and environmental changes in China, Asia and even in the Northern Hemisphere. In this paper, a derivation based approach has been used to quantitatively assess the contribution rate of climate factors to the observed pan evaporation trend across the Tibetan Plateau. The results showed that, provided the other factors remain constant, the increasing temperature should have led to a 2.73 mm a-2 increase in pan evaporation annually, while change in wind speed, vapor pressure and solar radiation should have led to a decrease in pan evaporation by 2.81 mm a-2, 1.96 mm a-2 and 1.11 mm a-2 respectively from 1970 to 2005. The combined effects of the four climate variables have resulted in a 3.15 mm a-2 decrease in pan evaporation, which is close to the observed pan evaporation trend with a relative error of 2.94%. A decrease in wind speed was the dominant factor for the decreasing pan evaporation, followed by an increasing vapor pressure and decreasing solar radiation, all of which offset the effect of increasing temperature across the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

中国天山山区潜在蒸发量的时空变化   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
利用24个气象站1960-2006年的逐日气象资料,应用FAO Penman-Montcith模型,分析了天山山区潜在蒸发量的变化趋势,并在ArcGIS环境下通过IDW插值法分析了潜在蒸发量变化的空间分异,此外运用多元回归分析法对影响潜在蒸发量变化的主导因素进行了探讨.结果表明:年潜在蒸发量自60年代以来呈波状减小趋势,1986年之后减小趋势更加明显,2000年以后呈增加趋势.年潜在蒸发量的年际变化倾向率为-2.48 mm/a,表明潜在蒸发量总体上呈减小趋势;从季节来看,秋季的潜在蒸发量呈增加趋势,其它季节呈减小趋势,其中春季的减小幅度最大;风速是影响潜在蒸发量变化的主导因素,影响秋季潜在蒸发量变化的主导因素是气温.  相似文献   

Boron resources are abundant in Da Qaidam salt lake of Qaidamu Basin. It has been given great attention for the polyborate species present in brine. In this study, the Raman spectroscopy was applied to investigate the existing-form of boron in brine during evaporation. The prepared solutions of MgO·2B2O3-H2O, MgO·2B2O3-MgCl2 -H2O, and MgO·2B2O3-MgSO4-H2O was also evaporated and recorded to study the influence of boron concentration, pH, and electrolytes on the borate speciation in brine. The mononborates of B(OH)3 and B(OH)4- were found to be the only forms present in the original salt lake brine. Brine evaporation promotes the formation of polyborate anions B3O3(OH)4-, B5O6(OH)4-, and B6O7(OH)62- and also disappearance of the B(OH)4- ion in brine with boron concentration of more than 11 g/L in B2O3. The pentaborate ion of B5O6(OH)4- was sensitive to the solution pH and found to be appeared under the pH value of 8.0. While the hexaborate ion of B6O7(OH)62- was observed more dependent on the electrolyte of magnesium chloride due to its special properties, such as promoting boron accumulation, lowering solution pH, and also the strong af?nity for water molecules, which is beneficial to the polymerization of borate ions in brine. The interaction mechanisms among polyborate anions during evaporation had also been proposed.  相似文献   

Summary. Expressions are derived for the zeroth and first moments of an isolated normal mode multiplet in the presence of rotational anisotropy, lateral heterogeneity and attenuation. It is demonstrated that, to first order, the zeroth moment is independent of the heterogeneity and the first moment is a linear functional of the heterogeneity. The location of the multiplet, defined in terms of the ratio of the first moment to the zeroth moment, is used to set up a linear inverse problem for lateral variations. The approximations employed in deriving the differential kernels are uniformly valid for all angular orders. In addition, formula for the differential kernels asymptotically valid in the limit of large angular order are developed, and the correspondence between these formulae and the geometrical optics approximation is established. It is shown that, in the limit of weak heterogeneity and large angular order, the location of the multiplet is the average of the local perturbation to the eigenfrequency over the great circular path containing the source and receiver.  相似文献   

The entire land of Southern Iran faces problems arising out of various types of land degradation of which vegetation degradation forms one of the major types. The Qareh Aghaj basin (1 265 000 ha), which covers the upper reaches of Mond River, has been chosen for a test risk assessment of this type. The different kinds of data for indicators of vegetation degradation were gathered from the records and published reports of the governmental offices of Iran. A new model has been developed for assessing the risk of vegetation degradation. Taking into consideration nine indicators of vegetation degradation the model identifies areas with “Potential Risk” (risky zones) and areas of “Actual Risk” as well as projects the probability of the worse degradation in future. The preparation of risk maps based on the GIS analysis of these indicators will be helpful for prioritizing the areas to initiate remedial measures. By fixing the thresholds of severity classes of the nine indicators a hazard map for each indicator was first prepared in GIS. The risk classes were defined on the basis of risk scores arrived at by assigning the appropriate attributes to the indicators and the risk map was prepared by overlaying nine hazard maps in the GIS. Areas under actual risk have been found to be widespread (78%) in the basin and when the risk map classified into subclasses of potential risk with different probability levels the model projects a statistical picture of the risk of vegetation degradation.  相似文献   

Qinghai Lake and Zhuye Lake, ~400 km apart, are located in the northwest margin of the Asian summer monsoon. Water of these two lakes mostly comes from the middle and eastern parts of the Qilian Mountains. Previous studies show that the Holocene climate changes of the two lakes implied from lake records are different. Whether lake evaporation plays a role in asynchronous Holocene climate changes is important to understand the lake records. In this paper, we used modern observations beside Qinghai Lake and Zhuye Lake to test the impact factors for lake evaporation. Pan evaporation near the two lakes is mainly related to relative humidity, temperature, vapor pressure and sunshine duration. But tem-perature has different impacts to lake evaporation of the two lakes, which can affect Holocene millennial-scale lake level changes. In addition, differences in relative humidity on the millen-nial-scale would be more significant, which also can contribute to asynchronous lake records.  相似文献   

生态系统服务供给和需求研究进展   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
马琳  刘浩  彭建  吴健生 《地理学报》2017,72(7):1277-1289
生态系统为人类供给产品与服务,人类对其产品与服务形成需求和消费,供需两者共同构成生态系统服务从自然生态系统流向人类社会系统的动态过程。对生态系统服务的供给和需求进行识别、度量、空间化及均衡分析是生态系统服务研究的重要组成部分,有助于生态系统有效管理以及自然资源合理配置,为生态系统服务付费和生态补偿提供理论支撑。本文基于国内外理论和案例研究成果,首先梳理生态系统服务供给和需求的含义,其次总结和对比从供需空间特征角度对生态系统服务的分类,并归纳生态系统供给和需求的空间化方法,最后从实际供给和潜在供给、实现需求和总量需求、供需数量和空间关系3个方面探讨生态系统服务供需均衡分析框架。  相似文献   

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