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The absorption of hydrodynamic pressure waves at the reservoir bottom has dominant effects on the structural response of the dam when subjected to ground motion. In the present study, a model is proposed for the absorption effects of the reservoir bottom in the earthquake analysis of dams. The model utilizes the wave reflection coefficient approach and is based on the solution of the wave equation in a sediment layer of viscoelastic material with a constant thickness overlying an elastic, semi-infinite foundation. Numerical studies were conducted to evaluate the effect of the sediment layer thickness and material properties as well as the effect of reflection of waves from the underlying rock. It is shown that the current approach of assuming the wave reflection coefficient at the reservoir bottom based on the characteristics of the sediment material and excluding the effect of the reflected waves from the underlying rock, may significantly underestimate the seismic response of the dam.  相似文献   

The linear response of an idealized concrete gravity dam monolith to harmonic horizontal or vertical ground motion is presented for a range of the important system parameters that characterize the properties of the dam, foundation rock, impounded water and reservoir bottom materials. Based on these frequency response functions, the effects of alluvium and sediments at the reservoir bottom on the response of the dam, including its interaction with the impounded water and foundation rock, are investigated. It is shown that the partial absorption of hydrodynamic pressure waves by the reservoir bottom materials has an important effect on the dynamic response of concrete gravity dams.  相似文献   

Tensile stresses exceeding the tensile strength of concrete can develop in concrete dams subjected to earthquake ground motion. This study examines the earthquake response of gravity dams including tensile cracking of the concrete. The interaction between the dam and compressible water is included in the analysis using a numerical procedure for computing the non-linear dynamic response of fluid-structure systems. The crack band theory is used to model tensile cracking with modifications to allow for the large finite elements necessary for dam analysis. The earthquake response of a typical gravity dam monolith shows that concrete cracking is an important non-linear phenomenon. Cracking is concentrated near the base of the dam and near the discontinuities in the face slope. The extensive cracking, which develops due to ground motion typical of maximum credible earthquakes, may affect the stability of dams during and after strong earthquakes.  相似文献   

The available substructure method for the earthquake analysis of concrete gravity dams, including the dynamic effects of the impounded water and the flexible foundation rock, is extended to include the effects of alluvium and sediments invariably present at the bottom of actual reservoirs. Modelled approximately by a reservoir bottom that partially absorbs incident hydrodynamic pressure waves, these effects are incorporated into the continuum solution for the hydrodynamic pressure. The dam-water-foundation rock system is idealized as a two-dimensional system and analysed under the assumption of linear behaviour. An example earthquake analysis is presented to demonstrate the results obtained from the analytical procedure. Computation times for several cases illustrate the efficiency of the analytical procedure. In particular, the additional computation time required to include reservoir bottom absorption is shown to be very small.  相似文献   

A finite element procedure to model the non-linear earthquake response of concrete gravity dam systems is presented. A two-dimensional idealization is adopted for the dam and water in order to simplify the analysis and reduce the computational effort. The foundation of the dam is modelled as a rigid rectangular massless plate attached to a three-dimensional viscoelastic half-space. The non-linear behaviour is represented by smearing techniques and includes tensile cracking with subsequent opening, closing and sliding, as well as water cavitation in the reservoir. Special treatments are applied to suppress spurious oscillations in the water response associated with cavitation and to prevent cracks in the dam from spreading into wide zones. Experience from non-linear analyses is cited as it affects the design of the algorithm.  相似文献   

The earthquake response of the idealized Pine Flat Dam—water—foundation system of Part 1 is investigated with emphasis on the non-linear behaviour associated with concrete cracking and water cavitation. It is shown that water cavitation has little effect on the dam response. On the other hand, concrete cracking plays a significant role, as demonstrated by several analyses on dams with initial cracks or weak lift joints and by a final analysis on a homogeneous dam. The analyses encountered a number of numerical difficulties requiring further mesh refinement, and these are described. A possible failure mode associated with inclined cracks is revealed.  相似文献   

The transient response of a concrete gravity dam to a selected earthquake record is determined in order to evaluate the significance of the sedimentary material accumulating on the bottom of the reservoir. The sediment is modelled as a two-phase medium (fluid-filled, poroelastic solid), and the analysis is carried out accounting for all interactions between system components (dam, water, sediment, foundation).  相似文献   

The present study deals with dynamic analysis of arch concrete dams, taking rotational components of earthquakes into account. A modified methodology was used to evaluate the rotational components of the earthquake. The translational components of the earthquake have been used in to obtain the rotational components of the earthquake, based on the intersecting isotropic elastic wave propagation. Two rotational components of Taft, Tabas and San-Fernando earthquakes are evaluated based on the translational components of the earthquakes and considering frequency dependencies of incident angle and wave velocity. Finally, dynamic analyses of Morrow Point Dam are presented to evaluate the effects of combined translational and rotational components on the seismic response of the dam. Various conditions of reservoirs, including full and empty state, are considered in the analyses. Fluid–structure interaction was completely taken into account. It was realized that incorporating rotational components increased the maximum compressive and tensile stresses in both empty and full reservoir analyses. Distribution of maximum tensile stresses is very sensitive to the rotational components of the earthquake. Also, it can be concluded that the segregated effect of the rocking component on the response of concrete dams is more effective than the sole effect of the torsional component.  相似文献   

Conventional seismic analysis of gravity dams assumes that the behaviour of the dam–water–soil system can be represented using a 2‐D model since dam vertical contraction joints between blocks allow them to vibrate independently from each other. The 2‐D model assumes the reservoir to be infinite and of constant width, which is not true for certain types of reservoirs. In this paper, a boundary element method (BEM) model in the frequency domain is used to investigate the influence of the reservoir geometry on the hydrodynamic dam response. Important conceptual conclusions about the dam–reservoir system behaviour are obtained using this model. The results show that the reservoir shape influences the seismic response of the dam, making it necessary to account for 3‐D effects in order to obtain accurate results. In particular, the 3‐D pressure and displacement responses can be substantially larger than those computed with the 2‐D model. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic pressures and structural response of concrete gravity dams, including dam-reservoir interaction, due to the vertical component of earthquake ground motions are investigated. The response of the dam is approximated by the deformations in the fundamental mode of vibration, and the effects of deformability of bed rock on hydrodynamic pressures are recognized in the analysis. Expressions for the complex frequency response functions for the dam displacement, dam acceleration and lateral hydrodynamic force are derived. These results along with the Fast Fourier Transform algorithm are utilized to compute the time-history of responses of dams of 100, 300 and 600 ft height, with full reservoir, for different values of elastic modulus of mass concrete: 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5 and 5.0 million psi, to the vertical component of El Centro, 1940, and Taft, 1952, ground motions. It is concluded that the hydrodynamic forces caused by vertical ground motion are affected substantially by damreservoir interaction and depend strongly on the modulus of elasticity of the dam. The dam response to the vertical component of ground motion is compared with that due to the horizontal component. It is concluded that because the vertical component of ground motion causes significant hydrodynamic forces in the horizontal direction on a vertical upstream face, responses to the vertical component of ground motion are of special importance in analysis of concrete gravity dams subjected to earthquakes.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic effects in the acceleration response of concrete gravity dams to harmonic ground motion are investigated. The effects include the presence of water, compressibility of water, interaction between the fluid and underlying foundation medium, shape of the fluid domain, and the extent of excitation applied to an infinite fluid domain under vertical ground motion.  相似文献   

A finite element method for the dynamic analysis of concrete gravity dams is presented. Displacement based formulation is used for both fluid and structural domains. During severe ground motion, the impounding fluid in the reservoir may separate from the dam and cause forming of micro bubbles. As a result, the compressibility of water is reduced. This nonlinear phenomenon of the reservoir is termed cavitation. When the direction of the ground motion is changed, the micro bubble's region of fluid collapses, and an impact will occur. By using different damping ratios in the fluid and solid domains the spurious oscillations which were caused by the impact are removed. The cavitation is confined to the upper part of the reservoir, where it has an effect of paramount importance on the tensile stresses. To illustrate the cavitation effect, the response of the non-overflow monolith of the Pine Flat dam subjected to the first 6.5 s of the May 1940 El-Centro, California earthquake, is considered. In order that the cavitation phenomenon take place more widely, maximum acceleration was scaled to give an amplitude of 1 g.  相似文献   

A number of questions concerning the response of concrete gravity dams to earthquakes, motivated by the structural damage caused to Koyna Dam, which has an unconventional cross section, by the December 1967 Koyna earthquake, are considered in this work. The study is not restricted to the earthquake experience at Koyna Dam, but includes consideration of a dam with a typical section and another earthquake motion having similar intensity but different peak acceleration and frequency characteristics compared to the Koyna ground motion. The earthquake response in a number of cases is analysed by the finite element method and results are presented. These results lead to a number of conclusions. Significant tensile stresses must have developed in Koyna Dam during the Koyna earthquake and similar stresses would have developed even in typical gravity dam sections. The Koyna ground motion is relatively more severe, compared to California earthquakes of similar intensity, on concrete gravity dams. The extra concrete mass near the crest of a gravity dam to support the roadway, etc. is responsible for causing a significant part of the critical tensile stresses; attention should therefore be given to developing lightweight supporting systems.  相似文献   

In this paper, a systematic investigation into the effect of both the type of impervious members and the reservoir bottom sediment on the dynamic response of embankment dams has been carried out using the finite and infinite element coupled method. It has been demonstrated from the numerical results that: (1) the resonant frequencies of an embankment dam—foundation system with an upstream inclined concrete apron are different from those with a central clay core; (2) the type of impervious members has a significant influence on the amplification factors of the system in the low frequency range of excitation, but has little effect in the high frequency range of excitation; (3) the foundation material of an embankment dam affects the dynamic response of the dam drastically; (4) the inclusion of the reservoir bottom sediment has a considerable effect on amplification factors of embankment dams in the case of P-wave incidences, but has little influence in the case of SV-wave vertical incidences; and (5) the reservoir bottom sediment also has a profound effect on the deformed shape of the embankment dam for both P-wave and SV-wave incidences.  相似文献   

Linear finite element analyses are commonly used to simulate the behaviour of gravity dam—foundation systems. However, the foundation is generally unable to develop any significant tensile stresses. Therefore any tension occurring in the vicinity of the dam—foundation interface is largely fictitious. Moreover, the traditional overturning and sliding stability criteria have little meaning in the context of the oscillatory response of dams during earthquakes. In this study, time domain analyses using non-linear contact elements located at the dam—foundation interface have been used to determine the dynamic sliding and uplifting response of gravity dam monoliths considering various elastic foundation properties. The magnitudes of the relative interface displacements, of the percentage of base not in contact (PBNC) and of the compressive stresses at the heel or toe of the dam have been used to monitor the seismic stability. The numerical results have shown that the non-linear behaviour of the dam—foundation interface reduces the seismic response of the system, indicating the possibility of more rational and economical designs. The PBNC was identified as the critical seismic stability response parameter for all analyses except for very flexible foundation conditions where the maximum values of relative interface displacements need to be considered.  相似文献   

As the forward directivity and fling effect characteristics of the near-fault ground motions, seismic response of structures in the near field of a rupturing fault can be significantly different from those observed in the far field. The unique characteristics of the near-fault ground motions can cause considerable damage during an earthquake. This paper presents results of a study aimed at evaluating the near-fault and far-fault ground motion effects on nonlinear dynamic response and seismic damage of concrete gravity dams including dam-reservoir-foundation interaction. For this purpose, 10 as-recorded earthquake records which display ground motions with an apparent velocity pulse are selected to represent the near-fault ground motion characteristics. The earthquake ground motions recorded at the same site from other events that the epicenter far away from the site are employed as the far-fault ground motions. The Koyna gravity dam, which is selected as a numerical application, is subjected to a set of as-recorded near-fault and far-fault strong ground motion records. The Concrete Damaged Plasticity (CDP) model including the strain hardening or softening behavior is employed in nonlinear analysis. Nonlinear dynamic response and seismic damage analyses of the selected concrete dam subjected to both near-fault and far-fault ground motions are performed. Both local and global damage indices are established as the response parameters. The results obtained from the analyses of the dam subjected to each fault effect are compared with each other. It is seen from the analysis results that the near-fault ground motions, which have significant influence on the dynamic response of dam–reservoir–foundation systems, have the potential to cause more severe damage to the dam body than far-fault ground motions.  相似文献   

This paper presents the application of the finite element method for analysing the two-dimensional response of reservoir-dam systems subjected to horizontal ground motion. The interaction between the dam and the reservoir as well as the compressibility of water has been taken into account. The complete system has been considered to be composed of two substructures, namely the reservoir and the dam. To take into account the large extent of the reservoir, it has been idealized using specially developed infinite elements coupled with standard finite elements while the dam is represented using finite elements alone. Structural damping of the dam and radiation damping in the fluid phase have been accounted for in the analysis. It is concluded that the effect of radiation damping is considerable at high frequencies of excitation. The coupled response of the system is significantly large at and near the fundamental natural frequency of the system in comparison to the uncoupled responses. The method is computationally quite economical, capable of taking into account the arbitrary geometry of the system and is recommended for practical application. Further applications and extensions of the approach to three dimensional analyses are possible.  相似文献   

A numerical procedure for evaluation of the fracture process of gravity dams during strong earthquakes is presented. The BEM is used to discretize the dam reservoir system including the crack surfaces, and stress intensity factors at the crack tip are employed in a stage by stage procedure which simulates the crack extension. For each stage of constant crack length the mode superposition technique is applied; this is made possible by simulating the impact process of crack closing by a load pulse applied at the contact points which permits the structural stiffness to be assumed unchanged. To verify the proposed procedure, a cantilever beam model structure made of gypsum was tested on a shaking table. Good correlation with the numerical results was obtained, from which it is concluded that the procedure can be employed for evaluation of the crack propagation process in concrete structures subjected to dynamic loadings.  相似文献   

Many concrete gravity dams have been in service for over 50 years, and over this period important advances in the methodologies for evaluation of natural phenomena hazards have caused the design‐basis events for these dams to be revised upwards. Older existing dams may fail to meet revised safety criteria and structural rehabilitation to meet such criteria may be costly and difficult. Fragility assessment provides a tool for rational safety evaluation of existing facilities and decision‐making by using a probabilistic framework to model sources of uncertainty that may impact dam performance. This paper presents a methodology for developing fragilities of concrete gravity dams to assess their performance against seismic hazards. The methodology is illustrated using the Bluestone Dam on the New River in West Virginia, which was designed in the late 1930s. The seismic fragility assessment indicated that sliding along the dam–foundation interface is likely if the dam were to be subjected to an earthquake with a magnitude of the maximum credible earthquake (MCE) specified by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Moreover, there will likely be tensile cracking at the neck of the dam at this level of seismic excitation. However, loss of control of the reservoir is unlikely. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A finite element model of incremental displacement constraint equations (IDCE), based on an existing node‐to‐surface concept, is implemented to deal with dynamic contact surfaces in the seismic behaviour analysis of cracked concrete gravity dams. After verification for sliding, rocking and impact, the IDCE model is applied to study the seismic responses of concrete gravity dams with different profiles and crack locations for a variety of parameters, such as coefficient of friction, water level and type of earthquake, as well as impact damping based on the concept of coefficient of restitution. It is revealed that cracked concrete gravity dams can experience not only sliding and rocking modes, but also the drifting mode in some cases of crack either at the base or at a height. Downstream sliding is normally accompanied by rocking, especially for the cases of crack at a height. Due to rocking and drifting, a cracked dam may still acquire a certain amount of residual sliding even if the effective coefficient of friction is relatively high. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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