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基于Agent建模在旅游模拟研究中的回顾与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旅游模拟是认识旅游复杂系统内部要素相互作用及其演化发展的重要方法.国际上对旅游模拟的研究始于1970s的荒野使用模型(WUSM),经缓慢发展在1990s分化出现了Extend和RBSim两个代表性旅游模拟模型,其历史轨迹表明,基于Agent建模(ABM)将成为一种重要的旅游模拟工具.目前,旅游模拟可用的ABM平台(软件)日趋成熟,一个完整的ABM系统包括模型输入、规则及模型输出3个基本部分,其中"规则"的制定是ABM的核心,也是ABM实现对复杂系统"局部简单行为导致宏观复杂现象"进行模拟的关键.今后ABM将通过与3S技术的进一步结合和对CA模拟的深度融合而呈现更强大的旅游模拟能力,并在应用领域突破荒野旅游地游憩使用模拟的单一格局,开辟旅游者行为、旅游地演化和旅游应急管理等旅游模拟新领域.  相似文献   


Mineral resource evaluation requires defining grade domains of an ore deposit. Common practice in mineral resource estimation consists of partitioning the ore body into several grade domains before the geostatistical modeling and estimation at unsampled locations. Many ore deposits are made up of different mineralogical ensembles such as oxide and sulfide zone: being able to model the spatial layout of the different grades is vital to good mine planning and management. This study addresses the application of the plurigaussian simulation to Sivas (Turkey) gold deposits for constructing grade domain models that reproduce the contacts between different grade domains in accordance with geologist’s interpretation. The method is based on the relationship between indicator variables from grade distributions on the Gaussian random functions chosen to represent them. Geological knowledge is incorporated into the model by the definition of the indicator variables, their truncation strategy, and the grade domain proportions. The advantages of the plurigaussian simulation are exhibited through the case study. The results indicated that the processes are seen to respect reproducing complex geometrical grades of an ore deposit by means of simulating several grade domains with different spatial structure and taking into account their global proportions. The proposed proportion model proves as simple to use in resource estimation, to account for spatial variations of the grade characteristics and their distribution across the studied area, and for the uncertainty in the grade domain proportions. The simulated models can also be incorporated into mine planning and scheduling.  相似文献   

Conditioning stochastic simulations are very important in many geostatistical applications that call for the introduction of nonlinear and multiple-point data in reservoir modeling. Here, a new methodology is proposed for the incorporation of different data types into multiple-point statistics (MPS) simulation frameworks. Unlike the previous techniques that call for an approximate forward model (filter) for integration of secondary data into geologically constructed models, the proposed approach develops an intermediate space where all the primary and secondary data are easily mapped onto. Definition of the intermediate space, as may be achieved via application of artificial intelligence tools like neural networks and fuzzy inference systems, eliminates the need for using filters as in previous techniques. The applicability of the proposed approach in conditioning MPS simulations to static and geologic data is verified by modeling a real example of discrete fracture networks using conventional well-log data. The training patterns are well reproduced in the realizations, while the model is also consistent with the map of secondary data.  相似文献   

城市扩展模拟可为城市可持续发展与国土空间规划提供参考。智能体模型(ABM)与元胞自动机(CA)结合可兼顾城市空间增长的自组织性和不同决策主体的决策过程,人工神经网络(ANN)可描述智能体与城市扩展之间复杂的非线性关系。该文基于ANN-ABM-CA耦合模型,在构建CA转换规则时基于ABM刻画人类决策行为的影响,并采用ANN挖掘不同类型的智能体在城市扩展过程中的偏好差异,同时考虑宏观和微观层面的智能体决策行为,结合城市扩展的10个驱动因素,模拟武汉市主城区2005-2015年的扩展情况,结果表明:1)相比传统的ANN-CA模型,ANN-ABM-CA模型模拟性能更优,从宏观与微观相结合的角度更好地解释了城市扩展的驱动机制,OA值为97.46%,Kappa系数为0.9176,FoM值为0.4375,结果可靠且合理;2)不同收入层级的居民智能体对城市扩展的决策偏好不同;3)武汉主城区城市扩展模式主要为边缘型扩展,洪山区西南部有少部分填充型扩展、东南部出现飞地型扩展,与实际扩展情况相符。  相似文献   

Conference Paper     

Conference announcement  相似文献   

《Geographical review》1999,89(1):160-160

中国三种太阳辐射起始数据分布式模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
施国萍  邱新法  曾燕 《地理科学》2013,33(4):385-392
天文辐射、干洁大气总辐射和湿洁大气总辐射是太阳辐射模拟的3种重要起始数据。依托Iqbal Model C和起伏地形下干/湿洁大气总辐射模型,实现了水平面和起伏地形下干/湿洁大气总辐射分布式模拟。以DEM数据作为地形的综合反映,结合常规气象资料,计算了水平面和起伏地形下中国1 km×1 km分辨率日天文辐射量、干洁大气总辐射量、湿洁大气总辐射量的空间分布,并对3种太阳辐射起始数据的时空分布特征做了对比分析。结果表明:3种辐射量均遵循随纬向变化的宏观分布规律;水平面干/湿洁大气总辐射量的分布体现了海拔的影响,水平面湿洁大气总辐射量的分布还体现了水汽分布的影响;起伏地形下的3种辐射量能很好的体现坡度、坡向和地形之间相互遮蔽等局部地形特征对辐射量的影响;以干/湿洁大气总辐射作为起始数据,将有助于提高太阳总辐射的模拟精度。  相似文献   

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