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Nucleation scavenging and the formation of a cloud interstitial aerosol (CIA) were theoretically studied in terms of the chemical composition of atmospheric aerosol particles. For this study, we used our air-parcel cloud model, which includes the entrainment of air and detailed microphysics, for determining the growth and interaction of aerosol particles and drops. Maritime and remote continental aerosol particle spectrums were used whose size distributions were superpositions of three log-normal distributions, each of a prescribed chemical composition. Our results show (1) that the CIA exhibits a size distribution with a distinctive cut-off at a specific radius of the dry as well as of the wet particle size distribution. All particles above this limiting size become activated to cloud drops and, thus, are not present in the CIA spectrum. This limiting size was found to be independent of the chemical composition of the particles and only dependent on the prevailing supersaturation. Below this specific size, the CIA spectrum becomes depleted of dry aerosol particles in a manner which does depend on their chemical composition and on the supersaturation in the air. (2) The number of aerosol particles nucleated to cloud drops depends critically on the chemical composition of the particles and on the prevailing supersaturation.  相似文献   

A new two-moment warm bulk scheme has been developed including explicitly nucleation and impaction scavenging of aerosol particles as well as all other microphysical processes. The scheme is built upon a quasispectral representation of the aerosol particle, cloud droplet and raindrop distributions. It predicts mixing ratios and number concentrations for each category. Each process is treated explicitly and independently to establish an analytic expression for each contribution for the time-dependant microphysical equations. The scheme has been tested in the dynamical framework of a two-dimensional kinematic model, developed for the Hawaiian Rainband Project (HaRP, 1990). In this frame, the scheme has performed reasonably well compared to the observations as well as to other similar parameterization schemes, and to the spectral model DESCAM.Sensitivity tests demonstrate the great sensitivity of the scheme to the initial aerosol spectrum characteristics. Moreover, they have also shown its capability to calculate nucleation and impaction scavenging and to follow the taken up particle mass in the cloud and raindrop spectra until the deposition on the ground by the rain.Therefore, the parameterization offers a possibility of treating the evolution of the liquid phase of the cloud together with the aerosol particle scavenging. However, due to the severe limitations of a two-dimensional kinematic model, the scheme needs to be further validated in a three-dimensional dynamical model.  相似文献   

The hygroscopic growth of individual aerosol particles has been measured with a Tandem Differential Mobility Analyser. The hygroscopic growth spectra were analysed in terms of diameter change with increasing RH from 20% to 85%. The measurements were carried out during the GCE cloud experiment at Kleiner Feldberg, Taunus, Germany in October and November 1990.Two groups of particles with different hygroscopic growth were observed. The less-hygroscopic group had average growth factors of 1.11, 1.04 and 1.02 for particle diameters of 50, 150 and 300 nm, respectively. The more-hygroscopic group had average growth factors of 1.34, 1.34, and 1.37 for the same particle diameters. The average fraction of less-hygroscopic particles was about 50%. Estimates of the soluble fractions of the particles belonging to the two groups are reported.Hygroscopic growth spectra for total aerosol, interstitial aerosol and cloud drop residuals were measured. A comparison of these hygroscopic growths of individual aerosol particles provides clear evidence for the importance of hygroscopic growth in nucleation scavenging. The measured scavenged fraction of particles as a function of diameter can be explained by the hygroscopic growth spectra.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper describes the effect of the presence of water-soluble organic compounds (WSOC) in aerosol particles on the aerosol critical supersaturation as defined by the Köhler theory and on cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) number concentration. Taking into account both the soluble mass increase and the surface tension depression due to WSOC, we calculated a substantial decrease of the aerosol critical supersaturation, which results in a large increase in CCN number concentration. CCN supersaturation spectra were computed for three different aerosol types: marine, rural and urban. The increase of CCN number concentration in the presence of WSOC (with respect to the case when only the inorganic aerosol compounds are considered) varies with aerosol type, with an increase up to 13% in the marine case, up to 97% in the rural case, and up to 110% in the urban case, for the supersaturation range typical of atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   

A precipitating convective cloud is simulated successfully using the Lagrangian cloud model, in which the flow field is simulated by large eddy simulation and the droplets are treated as Lagrangian particles, and the results are analyzed to investigate precipitation initiation and to examine the parameterization of cloud microphysics. It is found that raindrops appear initially near the cloud top, in which strong turbulence and broadened droplet spectrum are induced by the entrainment of dry air, but high liquid–water mixing ratio is maintained within cloud parts because of insufficient mixing. Statistical analysis of the downward vertical velocity of a droplet W reveals that the transition from cloud droplets to raindrops occurs in the range 20 μm < r < 100 μm, while the variation of W depends on turbulence as well as the droplet radius r. The general pattern of the raindrop size distribution is found to be consistent with the Marshall–Palmer distribution. The precipitation flux can be underestimated substantially, if the terminal velocity $w_{\text{s}}$ is used instead of W, but it is not sensitive to the choice of the critical droplet radius dividing cloud drops and raindrops. It is also found that precipitation starts earlier and becomes stronger if the effect of turbulence is included in the collection kernel.  相似文献   

Wang  Lin  Ren  Hong-Li  Zhu  Jieshun  Huang  Bohua 《Climate Dynamics》2020,54(7):3229-3243
Climate Dynamics - This study focuses on improving prediction of the two types of ENSO by combining multi-model ensemble (MME) with a statistical error correction method that is based on a stepwise...  相似文献   

The interpretation of the physico-chemical processes in clouds is facilitated by segregating in situ cloud elements from their carrier gas and small particles (interstitial aerosol). Thus, the present study focuses on the quantitative phase segregation of interstitial air from cloud phase by two complementary samplers with microphysical on-line analysis of the separated phases. An improved counterflow virtual impactor (CVI) was developed for the collection and subsequent evaporation of the condensed phase, releasing dissolved gaseous material and residual particles. This sampler operates in the size range of few micrometers up to 50 μm in cloud element diameter and is matched by an interstitial Round Jet Impactor sampling the gas phase with interstitial particles. Calibrations of both samplers verified the calculated cut sizes D50 of 4, 5, and 6 μm and quantified the slope of the collection efficiency curves. Until this study no direct CVI measurements of the residual particle sizes far below the diameter of 0.1 μm were available. For the first time a CVI was connected to a Differential Mobility Particle Sizer (DMPS) scanning between 25 nm and 850 nm, thus, including the entire Aitken mode in the residual size analysis. Cloud studies on the Puy de Dôme, France, revealed residual particle sizes including Aitken mode (diameter D<100 nm) and accumulation mode (D>100 nm). A major feature of the CVI data is expressed by the fact that despite incomplete incorporation of accumulation mode particles in cloud elements there are contributions of particles with diameters smaller than 0.1 μm to the number of residual particles. Cloud entrainment from height levels above the maximum supersaturation as wells as the size-dependent chemical composition of the aerosol population most likely produced the S-shaped size-dependent partitioning of residual particles. Compared to earlier studies the 50% partitioning diameters dropped significantly below 100 nm to roughly 70 nm.  相似文献   

A difference in partitioning between cloud droplets and interstitial air for two chemical species (elemental carbon and sulphur) with different expected behaviour in nucleation scavenging was observed in clouds at Mt. Kleiner Feldberg (825 m asl), near Frankfurt, Germany. The fraction of sulphur incorporated in cloud droplets was always higher than the fraction of elemental carbon. This difference in partitioning has also been observed in fog but under different pollution conditions in the Po Valley, Italy. Both these studies were based on bulk samples. In the present study at Kleiner Feldberg, impactor samples of the particles in the interstitial air and the cloud droplet residuals were taken and a single particle analysis was done on the samples. It was found that, for a given particle size, the majority of particles forming cloud droplets were soluble and that insoluble particles preferentially remained in the interstitial air.  相似文献   

利用WRFV3. 6的8种微物理方案和6种积云参数化方案对湖北及其周边地区夏季12次暴雨过程进行回报,分析各种方案对暴雨预报的影响。结果显示,各种方案均能较好地预报出降水过程,但其降水强度和范围存在一定差异。当积云参数化方案为KF方案时,对Lin、WSM6、Thompson、Morrison 2-mom、CAM5. 1、WDM5、WDM6、NSSL 2-mom微物理方案做敏感性试验,发现CAM 5. 1方案优于其他7种微物理方案,M orrison 2-mom次之。当微物理方案为CAM 5. 1时,对KF、BM J、GD、SAS、G3D、Tiedtke积云参数化方案做敏感性试验,发现在不同量级降水预报中,6种积云参数化方案各有优劣。综合考虑,GD、SAS、Tiedtke积云参数化方案优于其他3种方案。在此基础上开展多方案集成试验,结果表明集合平均(ensemble mean,EMN)在一定程度上可以减少预报误差,降低单个成员预报的不确定性。  相似文献   

气溶胶对降水的影响具有很大的不确定性,正确理解和认识气溶胶对不同类型降水的影响对提高天气预报的准确度和全球气候变化具有重要意义。利用GPM-DPR观测资料和MERRA-2再分析资料分析了气溶胶污染与华北地区2014—2020年秋、冬季对流云降水和层状云降水的关系。结果表明:与清洁状况相比,气溶胶污染状况下对流云降水的降水强度有所增强,雨顶高度更高。在污染状态下对流云降水具有粒径小但数浓度高的降水粒子,潜热加热率更高。气溶胶污染与层状云降水的降水强度、雨顶高度等宏观特征不存在明显相关。层状云降水相比对流云降水更容易受到大气水汽条件和垂直上升运动的影响。因此,在气象条件主导降水的情况下,气溶胶污染对华北地区层状云降水的影响很难通过GPM-DPR和MERRA-2数据观测到。   相似文献   

As a component of the Canadian Arctic Haze Study, held coincident with the second Arctic Gas and Aerosol Sampling Program (AGASP II), vertical profiles of aerosol size distribution (0.17 m), light scattering parameters and cloud particle concentrations were obtained with an instrumented aircraft and ground-based lidar system during April 1986 at Alert. Northwest Territories. Average aerosol number concentrations range from about 200 cm–3 over the Arctic ice cap to about 100 cm–3 at 6 km. The aerosol size spectrum is virtually free of giant or coarse aerosol particles, and does not vary significantly with altitude. Most of the aerosol volume is concentrated in the 0.17–0.50 m size range, and the aerosol number concentration is found to be a good surrogate for the SO4 = concentration of the Arctic haze aerosol. Comparison of the aircraft and lidar data show that, when iced crystal scattering is excluded, the aerosol light scattering coefficient and the lidar backscattering coefficient are proportional to the Arctic haze aerosol concentration. Ratios of scattering to backscattering, scattering to aerosol number concentration, and backscattering to aerosol number concentration are 15.3 steradians, 1.1×10–13 m2, and 4.8×10–15 m2 sr–1, respectively. Aerosol scattering coefficients calculated from the measured size distributions using Mie scattering agree well with measured values. The calculations indicate the aerosol absorption optical depth over 6 km to range between 0.011 and 0.018. The presence of small numbers of ice crystals (10–20 crystals 1–1 measured) increased light scattering by over a factor of ten.  相似文献   

A model of the aqueous phase processing of an aerosol population undergoing multiple cycling through a stratocumulus (Sc) cloud layer is presented. Results indicate that a significant modification of the aerosol properties is achieved following the first cycle through cloud. In a polluted atmosphere, further modification in subsequent cycles is seen to be hydrogen peroxide limited unless there is a flux of ammonia entering the system through cloud base (CB). The modification of the aerosol population is seen to have little effect on the microphysics (specifically the cloud droplet concentration and effective radius) of the processing cloud. However, it enables processed aerosols to subsequently act as efficient cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) in less vigorous clouds (as a result of reducing the critical supersaturation required to activate them). The effects of variations in the internal mixture of soluble components of aerosols on the microphysics of clouds forming on them are also investigated using the cloud model. A (K2) parameterisation of the effects of variations in internally mixed nitrate loadings on the cloud droplet number concentration is presented. The effects of applying this K2 correction to the droplet number (derived from a parameterisation based on sulphate) for the presence of nitrate in aerosol have been investigated using the HadAM3 version of the Hadley Centre General Circulation Model (GCM). The effect on global annual mean simulations of the indirect forcing and effective radius is small, but more pronounced regionally. Suggestions (based on model results and observations) for parameterising the size distribution and in-cloud growth of aerosols for use in GCMs are presented.  相似文献   

利用CloudSat/CALIPSO卫星资料,本文揭示了东亚三个代表性区域的云微物理属性,为评估和改进模式云微物理过程提供重要的观测基础.研究的云微物理量包括云水/冰质量,数浓度和有效半径.研究表明:暖云中云水质量和数浓度随高度增加而减小,有效半径处于8-14μm范围.对于冰云,云冰质量和有效半径随高度增加而减小,而数浓度在垂直方向上变化不大.此外,云微物理属性在不同云型之间存在显著差异:积云的云水质量和数浓度最大,而卷云的云水质量和数浓度最小.从三个区域的对比结果来看,相比于华东和西北太平洋地区,青藏高原地区暖云的云水质量和数浓度较小,而冰云的则较大.  相似文献   

We used both a conventional transmission electron microscope and an environmental transmission electron microscope (ETEM) to determine morphology, composition, and water uptake of 80 individual aerosol particles collected from the young smoke of flaming and smoldering fires during SAFARI-2000, a comprehensive air quality campaign in southern Africa. Six representative carbonaceous particle types are described, including soot, tar balls, and heterogeneously internally mixed particles containing C with S-, K-, Mg- or Na-rich inorganic phases. The hygroscopic behavior of these particles over the range 0–100% relative humidity (RH) was studied in detail. Soot and tar balls did not take up water, whereas the mixed organic–inorganic particles took up water between 55 and 100% RH, the exact value depending on the composition of their water-soluble phases. The inorganic phase appeared to determine the hygroscopic properties of all mixed organic–inorganic particles. Thus, incorporation of inorganic plant material or reactions with inorganic atmospheric components can dramatically alter the hygroscopic properties of carbonaceous particles in smoke plumes. The fraction of these mixed organic–inorganic particles plausibly increases with time, which will modulate the effects of smoke on radiative budgets.  相似文献   

This study performed a three-dimensional regional-scale simulation of aerosol and cloud fields using a meso-scale non-hydrostatic model with a bin-based cloud microphysics. The representation of aerosols in the model has been improved to account for more realistic multi-modal size distribution and multiple chemical compositions. Two case studies for shallow stratocumulus over Northeast Asia in March 2005 were conducted with different aerosol conditions to evaluate model performance. Improved condensation nuclei (CN) and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) are attributable to the newly constructed aerosol size distribution. The simulated results of cloud microphysical properties (cloud droplet effective radius, liquid water path, and optical thickness) with improved CN/CCN number are close to the retrievals from satellite-based observation. The effects of aerosol on the microphysical properties of shallow stratocumulus are investigated by model simulation, in terms of columnar aerosol number concentration. Enhanced aerosol number concentration results in increased liquid water path in humid case, but invariant liquid water path in dry case primarily due to precipitation occurrence. The changes of cloud microphysical properties are more predominant for small aerosol burden than for large aerosol burden with the retarded changes in cloud mass and size due to inactive condensation and collision-coalescence processes. Quantitative evaluation of sensitivity factor between aerosol and cloud microphysical properties indicates a strong aerosol-cloud interaction in Northeast Asian region.  相似文献   

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