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Emplacement and arrest of sheets and dykes in central volcanoes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sheet intrusions are of two main types: local inclined (cone) sheets and regional dykes. In Iceland, the inclined sheets form dense swarms of (mostly) basaltic, 0.5–1 m thick sheets, dipping either at 20–50° or at 75–90° towards the central volcano to which they belong. The regional dykes are (mostly) basaltic, 4–6 m thick, subvertical, subparallel and form swarms, less dense than those of the sheets but tens of kilometres long, in the parts of the volcanic systems that are outside the central volcanoes. In both types of swarms, the intrusion intensity decreases with altitude in the lava pile. Theoretical models generally indicate very high crack-tip stresses for propagating dykes and sheets. Nevertheless, most of these intrusions become arrested at various crustal depths and never reach the surface to supply magma to volcanic eruptions. Two principal mechanisms are proposed to explain arrest of dykes and sheets. One is the generation of stress barriers, that is, layers with local stresses unfavourable for the intrusion propagation. The other is mechanical anisotropy whereby sheet intrusions become arrested at discontinuities. Stress barriers may develop in several ways. First, analytical solutions for a homogeneous and isotropic crust show that the intensity of the tensile stress associated with a pressured magma chamber falls off rapidly with distance from the chamber. Thus, while dyke and sheet injection in the vicinity of a chamber may be favoured, dyke and sheet arrest is encouraged in layers (stress barriers) at a certain distance from the chamber. Second, boundary-element models for magma chambers in a mechanically layered crust indicate abrupt changes in tensile stresses between layers of contrasting Young’s moduli (stiffnesses). Thus, where soft pyroclastic layers alternate with stiff lava flows, as in many volcanoes, sheet and dyke arrest is encouraged. Abrupt changes in stiffness between layers are commonly associated with weak and partly open contacts and other discontinuities. It follows that stress barriers and discontinuities commonly operate together as mechanisms of dyke and sheet arrest in central volcanoes.  相似文献   

Dykes are the principal channels through which magma reaches the surface in volcanic eruptions. For this reason dykes observed in the field are commonly assumed to be feeders to lava flows. The actual proportion of dykes reaching the surface is, however, poorly known. In order to develop models for the purpose of estimating volcanic hazard, this proportion must be known. This follows because such models should not only consider the probability of dykes being injected from magma chambers during periods of unrest in the associated volcanoes, but also the probability of the injected dykes being arrested. This paper presents field data on several thousand dykes from Iceland and Tenerife (Canary Islands) indicating that many, and probably most, dykes become arrested at various crustal levels and never reach the surface to feed eruptions. Using the results of analytical and numerical models, it is shown that, for common loading conditions, the stress field in the vicinity of a magma chamber may favour the injection and propagation of dykes while the stress field at a certain distance from the chamber favours dyke arrest. This means that many dykes that are injected from the chamber propagate only for a very limited distance from the chamber to the point where they become arrested. The implication is that during periods of unrest in volcanoes, the probability of volcanic eruption is only a small fraction of the probability of dyke injection from the source magma chamber.  相似文献   

Observations of eroded volcanic rift zones indicate that dikes in Iceland are typically several times thicker than those in Hawaii. Geodetic and seismic observations of active rifts, however, suggest that dike heights in the two regions are similar. Provided the elastic properties of the rift zones are the same, this implies that dikes are intruded with higher driving pressures (magma pressure minus compressive stress perpendicular to the dike plane) in Iceland than Hawaii. A second major difference between the two regions is the greater prevalence of large normal fault scarps in rift zones in Iceland. From this it can be infered that a lower percentage of dikes breach the surface in Iceland than in Hawaii. Thus, although dikes in Iceland are intruded with higher driving pressures, they possess lower absolute magma pressures than in Hawaii. These differences can be interpreted in terms of the tectonic settings in the two regions. In Iceland, a steady remote extension reduces the horizontal stress perpendicular to the rift zone, allowing dikes to be intruded with low absolute pressures but high driving pressures when magma becomes available. In Hawaii, a more continuous magma supply on the timescale over which the dike-induced stresses are relaxed, and perhaps a greater role for intrusions in driving long-term rift extension, ensure that the rift-compressive stress is not relaxed significantly before the next dike is intruded. Thus the magma pressure must be nearly sufficient for eruption in order for intrusion to occur. If the mechanism for relaxing the rift-compressive stress were less efficient still, then an even higher percentage of dikes would erupt, and at times the rift zone trend could become an unfavorable orientation for dike intrusion. Such might be the case at Mauna Loa, which lacks large rift-zone faults and fissures and possesses numerous radial vents outside its two main rift zones.  相似文献   

The coastal dyke swarm and associated flexure, plutonic intrusions and volcanics are the products of a short episode of rifting between normal and thinned continental crust during initial opening of the Atlantic Ocean between Greenland and the Rockall Plateau 56–52 m.y. ago. They constitute a continental rift zone which provides deeply eroded onshore examples of phenomena which probably lie buried beneath the sea along major rifted continental margins.The dyke swarm occurs in a series of zones arranged en echelon, similar to dyke and fissure swarms in Iceland. Most dykes were intruded vertically before flexuring rather than as a fan during flexuring as postulated by Wager and Deer [1]. Layered gabbro plutons and basic cone sheets were emplaced during early stages of flexuring. Magma was tapped westwards along the upper limb of the developing flexure to form the Skaergaard and Kap Edvard Holm intrusions, but intrusions such as Imilik and Kap Gustav Holm in the steep limb show more complex histories of synplutonic tilting, slumping and deformation. Most flexuring occurred after consolidation of the gabbros and was followed by the intrusion of linear and radial swarms of intermediate dykes and ring dykes associated with the emplacement of syenite and granite plutons by cauldron subsidence.  相似文献   

The stress field in the vicinity of a body of fluid of simple geometry contained within a non-homogeneously stressed solid has been calculated and the result applied to the case of a magma body within a region of the crust subject to triaxial stresses. The types of faulting and minor intrusion which result are described. The theory indicates that the regional stresses in the crust together with the magma pressure control the type of faulting, the form of the minor intrusions and the occurrence of eruptions from the magma body. The stress conditions favouring caldera formation, the intrusion of radial dykes, dyke swarms and cone sheets are described.  相似文献   

The depth to the top of magnetic dykes can be estimated from total field aeromagnetic data using the relation between the depth to magnetic sources and the autocorrelation function of magnetic data. By using synthetic anomalies we show that in the ideal case, depth can be determined to an accuracy of 10% or better, when the anomaly sources are two-dimensional dykes. However, the estimated depths depend on the width of the dykes. The estimated depth is about 0.6 times the actual depth to the top of thin dykes, and around the true depth for thick dykes having width-to-depth ratio around 3. The depth is considerably overestimated for very thick dykes (e.g., contacts, which is a special case of the thick dyke). Thus, the autocorrelation method requires that the width-to-depth ratio of the dyke is estimated independently to correctly estimate the depths. Alternatively, it must be assumed that the width-to-depth ratio for the two-dimensional source body is between 1.5 and 4.  相似文献   

Many oceanic island rift zones are associated with lateral sector collapses, and several models have been proposed to explain this link. The North–East Rift Zone (NERZ) of Tenerife Island, Spain offers an opportunity to explore this relationship, as three successive collapses are located on both sides of the rift. We have carried out a systematic and detailed mapping campaign on the rift zone, including analysis of about 400 dykes. We recorded dyke morphology, thickness, composition, internal textural features and orientation to provide a catalogue of the characteristics of rift zone dykes. Dykes were intruded along the rift, but also radiate from several nodes along the rift and form en échelon sets along the walls of collapse scars. A striking characteristic of the dykes along the collapse scars is that they dip away from rift or embayment axes and are oblique to the collapse walls. This dyke pattern is consistent with the lateral spreading of the sectors long before the collapse events. The slump sides would create the necessary strike-slip movement to promote en échelon dyke patterns. The spreading flank would probably involve a basal decollement. Lateral flank spreading could have been generated by the intense intrusive activity along the rift but sectorial spreading in turn focused intrusive activity and allowed the development of deep intra-volcanic intrusive complexes. With continued magma supply, spreading caused temporary stabilisation of the rift by reducing slopes and relaxing stress. However, as magmatic intrusion persisted, a critical point was reached, beyond which further intrusion led to large-scale flank failure and sector collapse. During the early stages of growth, the rift could have been influenced by regional stress/strain fields and by pre-existing oceanic structures, but its later and mature development probably depended largely on the local volcanic and magmatic stress/strain fields that are effectively controlled by the rift zone growth, the intrusive complex development, the flank creep, the speed of flank deformation and the associated changes in topography. Using different approaches, a similar rift evolution has been proposed in volcanic oceanic islands elsewhere, showing that this model likely reflects a general and widespread process. This study, however, shows that the idea that dykes orient simply parallel to the rift or to the collapse scar walls is too simple; instead, a dynamic interplay between external factors (e.g. collapse, erosion) and internal forces (e.g. intrusions) is envisaged. This model thus provides a geological framework to understand the evolution of the NERZ and may help to predict developments in similar oceanic volcanoes elsewhere.  相似文献   

Asymmetric rifting of the northern Mariana Trough   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The evolution of rifting in the northern Mariana Trough was studied, based on single-channel seismic reflection profiles and heat flow. The rift showed structural asymmetry. The northernmost part of the Mariana Trough at 24°N, just south of Minami-Iwojima Island, is now in an incipient rifting stage and shows a half-graben structure. The arc crust just behind the volcanic front is cut by a few major east-dipping normal faults. The major faults extend southward behind the Hiyoshi seamounts around 23°30'N. The rift develops to a full-graben stage at ∼ 23°N, where the width of the trough increases to 80 km. The trough is comprised of several faulted and tilted blocks of island-arc crust. Maximum subsidence occurs along a row of small grabens on the eastern margin of the trough. These grabens are separated by arc volcanoes, and their depths increase southward from 2500 m at 23°20'N to 4500 m at 22°N. The strike of each graben is north-northwest–south-southeast, which is close to the trend of the remnant West Mariana Ridge, but oblique to the active Mariana arc. Crustal extension becomes concentrated along the eastern margin of the trough as rifting progresses. The transition from rifting to sea floor spreading may occur at ∼ 22°N, where the width of the trough is ∼ 120 km. The possible spreading center lies along the southern extension of the grabens on the eastern margin. The period of back-arc rifting before spreading begins is estimated to be less than 3 million years. Heat flow is asymmetric in the rift. High heat flow was observed only in or close to the row of grabens along the eastern margin of the trough. The asymmetric pure shear extension model fits the observed heat flow distribution better than the simple shear extension model.  相似文献   

In volcanic areas occurring in zones of extension, basaltic magma rises up to the surface, through fissures, to form dykes which in depth are connected with one or several magmatic chambers located in the crust or the upper mantle. Starting form this geological situation, we propose models of increasing complexity to study cooling by heat conduction of a system composed of parallel dykes and underlying magmatic chamber. This work has been carried out 1) by numerical methods which take into account the variation with temperature of the thermic parameters and 2) by using an analytical solution of the Fourier equation (an initial fictive temperature is then calculated). The thermic individuality of the dykes disappears quickly and the dyke system may be replaced by a single « intrusion » which cools slowly from a temperature = =2/β θ0 much lower than θ00=initial temperature; 1/β=injection density). The temperature gradient due to the dyke system has been estimated for different time intervals after the intrusion. For the calculation of the thermal effect of a magmatic chamber, we have taken into account its size, depth and age. Numerical application for appropriate geological cases have been carried out and allow one to estimate the respective effects of dykes and magma chamber.  相似文献   

Groundwater constitutes the main source of freshwater in Shalatein, on the western coast of the Red Sea, in Egypt. The fresh aquifer of Shalatein is intensively dissected by shallow and deep faults associated with the occurrence of dykes and/or dyke swarms. In this context, synthesis of electrical resistivity, ground magnetics, and borehole data was implemented to investigate the freshwater aquifer condition, locate the intrusive dykes and/or dyke swarms, and demarcate the potential freshwater zones. Nine Schlumberger VES’s with maximum current electrode half-spacing (AB/2) of 682 m were conducted. The subsurface was successfully delineated by general four layers. The fresh aquifer of the Quaternary and Pre-Quaternary alluvium sediments was effectively demarcated with true resistivities ranged from 30 to 105 Ωm and thickness ranged between 20 and 60 m. A ground magnetic survey comprised 35 magnetic profiles, each 7 km in length. Magnetic data interpretation of the vertical derivatives (first and second order), downward continuation (100 m), apparent susceptibility (depth of 100 m), and wavelength filters (Butterworth high-pass of wavelengths <100 m and Band-Pass of wavelengths 30–100 m) successfully distinguished the near surface structure with five major clusters of dyke swarms, whereas filters of the upward continuation (300 m) and Butterworth low-pass (wavelengths >300 m) clearly reflected the deep-seated structure. The computed depth by the 3D Euler deconvolution for geological contacts and faults (SI = 0) ranged from 14 to 545 m, whereas for dyke and sill (SI = 1), it ranged from 10 to 1,095 m. The western part of the study area is recommended as a potential freshwater zone as it is characterized by depths >100 m to the top of the dykes, higher thickness of the fresh aquifer (45–60 m), depths to the top of the fresh aquifer ranging from 25 to 40 m, and higher resistivities reflecting better freshwater quality (70–105 Ωm).  相似文献   

Large-scale intrusive contacts with associated marginal series have been encountered within Norwegian ophiolite complexes at Karmøy, Solund and Leka. The contacts limit individual magma chambers and are found at different structural levels of the plutonic suites. Examples of magma chamber margins adjacent to interlayered ultramafic and gabbroic rocks, modally-layered gabbros, high-level gabbros and sheeted dykes, are described. The nature of the intrusive boundaries and the presence of partially resorbed xenoliths in the vicinity of the intrusive margins suggest that stoping and assimilation have been important mechanisms during the development of the magma chambers.Characteristic marginal series are developed along the intrusive boundaries. The thicknesses and appearance of these series vary with depth in the complexes. Whereas the marginal series are well developed within the uppermost levels of the plutonic complexes (exhibiting rock types such as microgabbro, massive gabbro and magnetite gabbro), the marginal series observed at lower levels are thinner and also devoid of chilled facies rocks and magnetite gabbros.The marginal series may be subdivided into border and roof series. The latter are characterized by an intimate relationship with sheeted dykes, which comprise dyke swarms formed both prior to, during, and subsequent to crystallization of the roof series. Based on these relationships the dykes can be subdivided into rooted and rootless dykes.A multiple magma chamber model, with magma chambers migrating from a low to a high level within the oceanic crust, is proposed on the basis of the observed features.  相似文献   

Mechanically, many volcanoes may be regarded as elastic inclusions, either softer (with a lower Young's modulus) or stiffer (with a higher Young's modulus) than the host-rock matrix. For example, many central volcanoes (stratovolcanoes, composite volcanoes) are composed of rocks that are softer than the crustal segments that host them. This is particularly clear in Iceland where central volcanoes are mostly made of soft rocks such as rhyolite, pyroclastics, hyaloclastites, and sediments whereas the host rock is primarily stiff basaltic lava flows. Most active central volcanoes also contain fluid magma chambers, and many have collapse calderas. Fluid magma chambers are best modelled as cavities (in three dimensions) or holes (in two dimensions), entire calderas as holes, and the ring faults themselves, which commonly include soft materials such as breccias, as soft inclusions. Many hyaloclastite (basaltic breccias) mountains partly buried in the basaltic lava pile also function as soft inclusions. Modelling volcanoes as soft inclusions or holes, we present three main numerical results. The first, using the hole model, shows the mechanical interaction between all the active central volcanoes in Iceland and, in particular, those forming the two main clusters at the north and south end of the East Volcanic Zone (EVZ). The strong indication of mechanical interaction through shared dykes and faults in the northern cluster of the EVZ is supported by observations. The second model, using a soft inclusion, shows that the Torfajökull central volcano, which contains the largest active caldera in Iceland, suppresses the spreading-generated tensile stress in its surroundings. We propose that this partly explains why the proper rift zone northeast of Torfajökull has not managed to propagate through the volcano. Apparently, Torfajökull tends to slow down the rate of southwest propagation of the rift-zone part of the EVZ. The third model, again using a soft inclusion, indicates how the lateral propagation of a segment of the 1783 Laki fissure became arrested in the slopes of the hyaloclastite mountain Laki.  相似文献   

The relationship between structure and volcanism in the Tongariro Volcanic Centre, New Zealand, is largely masked by a mantle of young volcanic deposits. Here we report the results of an integrated geophysical investigation (using gravity, multi-level aeromagnetic and magnetotelluric methods) of subsurface deposits and structures in the upper 1–2 km across the axis of the Tongariro Volcanic Centre. Modelling of these data across the Tama Lakes saddle shows that the outcropping volcanic deposits are up to 800 m thick, underlain by Tertiary sediments (of a few 10's to a few 100 m in thickness) and in turn lying above a basement of probable Mesozoic greywacke. Basement faulting is shown to be concentrated in the centre of the rift, which is 18 km wide at this location, but no vertical offset is resolved at the rift axis. Vertical displacements on basement faults of 250–300 m are modelled giving a minimum total basement subsidence of 650 m. A 5 km-wide, deep low resistivity zone occurs at the axis of the rift which is interpreted as either resulting from extensive fracturing and/or hydrothermal alteration within the basement. Steep-sided volcanic bodies with a high proportion of lavas/dykes coincide with the Waihi fault and the rift axis. Coincidence with the Waihi Fault suggests that this fault system may have provided magma pathways to the surface and a focus for dyke emplacement, which could have contributed to rift extension. The lack of offset at the rift axis may reflect the juvenile nature of faulting at this location, which is consistent with the notion of a migration of faulting towards the centre of the graben, alternatively, rifting may have been entirely accommodated by dyke emplacement.  相似文献   

The Kerguelen Archipelago is part of an oceanic plateau with a complex history. Little work has been done on the tectonics of the onshore areas, even though the extensive outcrop renders the islands especially good for structural work. We present the results of three field campaigns and remote sensing analysis carried out in the main Kerguelen Island, around Val Travers valley and Mt Ross volcano (Central Plateau) and in the Rallier du Baty peninsula (SW part of the archipelago). We have mapped faults, fracture sets, and the location and geometry of intrusive bodies. We found that the plateau basalt lavas that make up most of the area are densely fractured, crossed by many veins, dykes and some small faults. This work provides a general framework for the structure of Kerguelen Archipelago that is dominated by 110°-striking faults and veins, dyke swarms and an alignment of recent central volcanoes, which have formed in N-S to NNW-SSE directed extensional stress field. The other structures are fractures, veins and dykes which strike 130–150°, 000° and 030–050°. They are likely related to transform faults of the Indian oceanic crust and to faults of the north Kerguelen Plateau (offshore basement of the archipelago). These buried structures were likely re-activated by a low magnitude stress field.  相似文献   

张之立  方兴  阎虹 《地震学报》1987,9(1):28-36
山西地堑系又名汾渭地堑系,是新生代发育的小型大陆裂谷带,它有着大陆裂谷带的主要特征.本文根据裂谷和地堑是断裂带发展和控制结果的观测事实,应用断裂力学方法研究了山西地堑形成的力学机制.本文提出一个三维力学模式,分析了由断裂带扩展形成地堑的力学过程,并计算了山西地堑的 Z 形图案中的剪切段与拉伸段之间的夹角,该角度的大小与区域应力场方向、原始断裂带深度和长度的比值,以及断裂带周围介质的力学性质等因素有关,同时还发现,拉张区的总体方向总是指向区域主压应力作用方向.因此,可以根据拉张区的总体方向来确定区域主压应力方向;反之,也可以根据区域主压应力方向来判断拉张段的取向.本文同时分析了由地震资料得到的结果并进行了比较.此外,我们还应用本文提出的方法研究了国际上一些有名的地堑,如莱茵地堑、贝加尔湖地堑和北美洲西部的利奥格兰特裂谷等,这些地堑系的拉张区和剪切区的空间分布特征,也能得到较好地解释.   相似文献   

The seismotectonic characteristics of 1983–1984, 1993 and 2005 swarms in Andaman Sea are analysed. These swarms are characterised by their typical pulsating nature, oval shaped geometry and higher b values. The migration path of the swarms from north to south along the Andaman Spreading Ridge is documented. While the first two swarms are located along existing mapped rift segments, the 2005 swarm appears to have generated a new rift basin along 8°N. The analysis and supporting evidences suggest that these swarms were generated by intruding magmatic dyke along the weak zones in the crust, followed by rifting, spreading and collapse of rift walls. CMT solutions for 2005 swarm activity indicate that intrusion of magmatic dyke in the crustal weak zone is documented by earthquakes showing strike slip solution. Subsequent events with normal fault mechanism corroborate the rift formation, collapse and its spreading.  相似文献   

The lower crust of magmatically active rifts is usually too hot and ductile to allow seismicity. The Icelandic mid-Atlantic rift is characterized by high heat flow, abundant magmatism generating up to 25–30 km thick crust, and seismicity within the upper 8 km of the crust. In a 20-seismometer survey in July-August 2006 within the northern rift zone around the Askja volcano we recorded ~1700 upper-crustal earthquakes cutting off at 7–8 km depth, marking the brittle-ductile boundary. Unexpectedly, we discovered 100 small-magnitude (ML <1.5) earthquakes, occurring in swarms mostly at 14–26 km depth within the otherwise aseismic lower crust, and beneath the completely aseismic middle crust. A repeat survey during July-August 2007 yielded more than twice as many lower-crustal events. Geodetic and gravimetric data indicate melt drainage from crustal magma chambers beneath Askja. We interpret the microearthquakes to be caused by melt moving through the crust from the magma source feeding Askja. They represent bursts of magma motion opening dykes over distances of a few meters, facilitated by the extensional setting of the active rift zone.  相似文献   

Soichi  Osozawa 《Island Arc》1993,2(3):142-151
Abstract Normal faults parallel to the trend of an active ridge are formed in the accretionary prism at trench-trench-ridge triple junction, due to continuous spreading of the subducted ridge. Normal faults are observed in the Nabae and Mugi sub-belts, accretionary zones formed by ridge subduction in the Shimanto Belt. Igneous and sedimentary dykes intrude through the previous normal faults. Using these fault and dyke data, intermediate principal axis of stress relating to the normal faulting is determined, and is fitted to the trend of the subducted ridge. Normal faults formed by ridge subduction are useful for plate reconstruction.  相似文献   

青藏高原内部除大规模的东西向走滑断裂以外,另一个显著的地质特征就是在藏南及高原腹地广泛发育东西向的伸展构造,形成走向近南北的断裂构造,如亚东一谷露裂谷带及双湖断裂.伸展构造已经成为青藏高原地质研究的一个焦点问题.在羌塘地块89°E附近存在明显的低重力、负磁、深度达300 km的低速异常及连通壳幔的高导异常,且地表伴生大规模的新生代火山岩,这些特殊的地质及地球物理场特征的发生位置与地表双湖断裂的位置基本对应.本文通过卫星重力数据的多尺度小波分析结果发现,双湖断裂之下,存在一明显由上地壳一直向下延伸至地幔深部的低重力异常,说明双湖断裂向下延伸深度大,且上下连通性好.结合已有的地质和地球物理资料,认为由于双湖断裂的存在,使得深部幔源岩浆沿断裂构造薄弱带上涌,从而导致羌塘地块之下壳幔温度的升高及大规模部分熔融的发生.  相似文献   

Many volcanic rift zones show dikes that are oriented oblique rather than parallel to the morphological ridge axis. We have evidence that gravitational spreading of volcanoes may adjust the orientation of ascending dikes within the crust and segment them into en-echelon arrays. This is exemplified by the Desertas Islands which are the surface expression of a 60 km long submarine ridge in southeastern Madeira Archipelago. The azimuth of the main dike swarm (average = 145°) deviates significantly from that of the morphological ridge (163°) defining an en-echelon type arrangement. We propose that this deviation results from the gravitational stress field of the overlapping volcanic edifices, reinforced by volcano spreading on weak substratum. We tested our thesis experimentally by mounting analogue sand piles onto a sand and viscous PDMS substratum. Gravitational spreading of this setup produced en-echelon fractures that clearly mimic the dike orientations observed, with a deviation of 10°–32° between the model’s ridge axis and that of the main fracture swarm. Using simple numerical models of segmented dike intrusion we found systematic changes of displacement vectors with depth and also with distance to the rift zone resulting in a complex displacement field. We propose that at depth beneath the Desertas Islands, magmas ascended along the ridge to produce the overall present-day morphology. Above the oceanic basement, gravitational stress and volcano spreading adjusted the principal stress axes’ orientations causing counterclockwise dike rotation of up to 40°. This effect limits the possible extent of lateral dike propagation at shallow levels and may have strong control on rift evolution and flank stability. The results highlight the importance of gravitational stress as a major, if not dominant factor in the evolution of volcanic rift zones.Editorial responsibility: M Carroll  相似文献   

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