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CMIP5西北太平洋气候变率的模拟评估   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
利用观测海温资料和CMIP5模式模拟结果分析西北太平洋(120°E~120°W,20~60°N)海表温度的气候态和年代际变化特征。结果表明,所选22个模式可以较好地模拟出西北太平洋海表温度的气候特征及其年际、年代际变化特征;模式模拟的海表温度总体标准偏差在黑潮延伸体区域最大;绝大多数模式能模拟出海表温度的第一EOF模态;西北太平洋海表温度具有较明显的年代际振荡现象,13/22的模式模拟的海表温度存在明显的年代际振荡,同时海表温度气候态的模拟偏差对其周期振荡模拟的影响较大,尤其在黑潮延伸体区域。  相似文献   

利用20世纪大气再分析资料和欧洲中心海温资料研究了春季西北太平洋风暴轴的年(代)际变化特征以及在不同年代际背景下风暴轴与太平洋海温关系的转变。结果表明,春季西北太平洋风暴轴主要存在两种空间变化模态,即反映其强度变化的第1模态和反映其南北位置变化的第2模态。年代际及以上时间尺度上,风暴轴强度、位置与太平洋海温的关系主要表现为大气对海洋的强迫作用。在不同年代际背景下,风暴轴与太平洋海温的关系则存在明显的年代际转变:1977年以后,风暴轴强度与太平洋海温的关系主要表现为大气对海洋的强迫作用,而在1977年之前则主要表现为海洋对大气的强迫作用,特别是同期冬季日本以东黑潮和黑潮延伸区海温异常的强迫作用;风暴轴南北位置与太平洋海温异常的关系,在1977年以后表现为大气对海洋的强迫作用,主要表现为对北太平洋中部海温的影响,但在1977年以前表现为海洋和大气的共同作用,风暴轴南北位置的变化还与同期的赤道中东太平洋海温异常有关,表明ENSO可能对风暴轴的位置变化存在影响。  相似文献   

The variability of the Indian Ocean on interannual and decadal timescales is investigated in observations, coupled model simulation and model experiment. The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) mode was specifically analyzed using a data-adaptive method. This study reveals one decadal mode and two interannual modes in the sea surface temperature (SST) of the IOD. The decadal mode in the IOD is associated with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) of the North Pacific SST. The two interannual modes are related to the biennial and canonical components of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), consistent with previous studies. This study hypothesizes that the relation between the Indian Ocean and the North Pacific on decadal scale may be through the northerly winds from the western North Pacific. The long simulation of Community Climate System Model version 4 also indicates the presence of IOD modes associated with the decadal PDO and canonical ENSO modes. However, the model fails to simulate the biennial ENSO mode in the Indian Ocean. The relation between the Indian Ocean and North Pacific Ocean is further supported by the regionally de-coupled model experiment.  相似文献   

This work documents the diversity in Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) models in simulating different aspects of sea surface temperature (SST) variability, particularly those associated with the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), as well as the impact of low-frequency variations on the ENSO variability and its global teleconnection. The historical simulations (1870–2005) include 10 models with ensemble member ranging from 3 to 10 that are forced with observed atmospheric composition changes reflecting both natural and anthropogenic forcings. It is shown that the majority of the CMIP5 models capture the relative large SST anomaly variance in the tropical central and eastern Pacific, as well as in North Pacific and North Atlantic. The frequency of ENSO is not well captured by almost all models, particularly for the period of 5–6 years. The low-frequency variations in SST caused by external forcings affect the SST variability and also modify the global teleconnection of ENSO. The models reproduce the global averaged SST low-frequency variations, particularly since 1970s. However, majority of the models are unable to correctly simulate the spatial pattern of the observed SST trends. These results suggest that it is still a challenge to reproduce the features of global historical SST variations with the state-of-the-art coupled general circulation model.  相似文献   

Based on the historical and RCP8.5 runs of the multi-model ensemble of 32 models participating in CMIP5, the present study evaluates the formation mechanisms for the patterns of changes in equatorial Pacific SST under global warming.Two features with complex formation processes, the zonal El Ni ?no-like pattern and the meridional equatorial peak warming(EPW), are investigated. The climatological evaporation is the main contributor to the El Ni ?no-like pattern, while the ocean dynamical thermostat effect plays a comparable negative role. The cloud–shortwave-radiation–SST feedback and the weakened Walker circulation play a small positive role in the El Ni ?no-like pattern. The processes associated with ocean dynamics are confined to the equator. The climatological evaporation is also the dominant contributor to the EPW pattern, as suggested in previous studies. However, the effects of some processes are inconsistent with previous studies. For example,changes in the zonal heat advection due to the weakened Walker circulation have a remarkable positive contribution to the EPW pattern, and changes in the shortwave radiation play a negative role in the EPW pattern.  相似文献   

The natural sea surface temperature (SST) variability in the global oceans is evaluated in simulations of the Climate Model Intercomparison Project Phase 3 (CMIP3) and CMIP5 models. In this evaluation, we examine how well the spatial structure of the SST variability matches between the observations and simulations on the basis of their leading empirical orthogonal functions-modes. Here we focus on the high-pass filter monthly mean time scales and the longer 5 years running mean time scales. We will compare the models and observations against simple null hypotheses, such as isotropic diffusion (red noise) or a slab ocean model, to illustrate the models skill in simulating realistic patterns of variability. Some models show good skill in simulating the observed spatial structure of the SST variability in the tropical domains and less so in the extra-tropical domains. However, most models show substantial deviations from the observations and from each other in most domains and particularly in the North Atlantic and Southern Ocean on the longer (5 years running mean) time scale. In many cases the simple spatial red noise null hypothesis is closer to the observed structure than most models, despite the fact that the observed SST variability shows significant deviations from this simple spatial red noise null hypothesis. The CMIP models tend to largely overestimate the effective spatial number degrees of freedom and simulate too strongly localized patterns of SST variability at the wrong locations with structures that are different from the observed. However, the CMIP5 ensemble shows some improvement over the CMIP3 ensemble, mostly in the tropical domains. Further, the spatial structure of the SST modes of the CMIP3 and CMIP5 super ensemble is more realistic than any single model, if the relative explained variances of these modes are scaled by the observed eigenvalues.  相似文献   

对CMIP5全球气候模式中年代际回报试验的气温资料及其简单集合平均(Multi-model ensemble mean,EMN)和贝叶斯模式平均的结果(Bayesian Model Averaging,BMA)进行经验正交函数(Empirical Orthogonal Function,EOF)分解和Morlet小波分析,检验评估各个模式及其EMN和BMA对东亚地面气温的方差、气温时空分布特征及周期变化的回报能力。结果表明,10个模式、EMN、BMA都能很好地回报出1981—2010年东亚地面气温的方差分布,其中BMA回报效果最好。EOF分析表明,BMA能较好地回报出东亚地面气温第一模态的时空分布。MIROC5能较好地回报出第二模态的趋势变化,但却不能回报出气温的年际变率。绝大多数模式和EMN、BMA虽然能回报出东亚地面气温的变化趋势,但是对气温年际变率的回报仍然是比较困难的。CMCC-CM对气温变化主模态的3~5 a的周期变化特征回报效果最好,和NCEP资料的结果最为接近。  相似文献   

This paper assesses the interannual variabilities of simulated sea surface salinity (SSS) and freshwater flux (FWF) in the tropical Pacific from phases 5 and 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5 and CMIP6). The authors focus on comparing the simulated SSS and FWF responses to El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) from two generations of models developed by the same group. The results show that CMIP5 and CMIP6 models can perform well in simulating the spatial distributions of the SSS and FWF responses associated with ENSO, as well as their relationship. It is found that most CMIP6 models have improved in simulating the geographical distribution of the SSS and FWF interannual variability in the tropical Pacific compared to CMIP5 models. In particular, CMIP6 models have corrected the underestimation of the spatial relationship of the FWF and SSS variability with ENSO in the central-western Pacific. In addition, CMIP6 models outperform CMIP5 models in simulating the FWF interannual variability (spatial distribution and intensity) in the tropical Pacific. However, as a whole, CMIP6 models do not show improved skill scores for SSS interannual variability, which is due to their overestimation of the intensity in some models. Large uncertainties exist in simulating the interannual variability of SSS among CMIP5 and CMIP6 models and some improvements with respect to physical processes are needed.摘要通过比较CMIP5和CMIP6来自同一个单位两代模式模拟, 表明CMIP5和CMIP6均能较好地模拟出热带太平洋的海表盐度 (SSS) 和淡水通量 (FWF) 对ENSO响应的分布及其响应间的关系. 与CMIP5模式相比, 大部份CMIP6模式模拟的SSS和FWF年际变化分布均呈现改进, 特别是纠正了较低的中西太平洋SSS和FWF变化的空间关系. 但是, 整体上, CMIP6模式模拟的SSS年际变化技巧没有提高, 与SSS年际变率的强度被高估有关. CMIP5和CMIP6模式模拟SSS的年际变化还存在较大的不确定性, 在物理方面需要改进.  相似文献   

利用24个第五次耦合模式比较计划(Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5,CMIP5)历史试验资料,本文评估了在太阳年代际尺度准11 a周期变化下能否激发出热带太平洋显著的类拉尼娜型海表温度异常的模拟能力。再分析资料分析结果表明,“自下而上”机制解释了在太阳强迫偏强的年份,热带太平洋更容易呈现出显著的类拉尼娜型海温异常。CMIP5模式的评估结果显示,有2/5的模式可以基本再现再分析资料中太阳强迫影响下的热带东太平洋海温负异常,这些模式分为类拉尼娜组;而另有3/5的模式模拟出了相反的信号,分为类厄尔尼诺组。为了进一步探讨CMIP5模式模拟能力不同的原因,本文分析了“自下而上”机制在模式中的表现。“自下而上”机制可分为蒸发过程和海洋恒温(thermostat)过程。结果表明,模式能否模拟出类拉尼娜型海温响应取决于thermostat过程的强弱,其中类拉尼娜组的thermostat过程更强;而蒸发过程没有起到关键作用。  相似文献   

利用1954—2005年中国740站逐日降水资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析了江淮梅雨准双周振荡的年际变化,并讨论了异常年的海气背景特征。将滤波后的每个降水周期划分为8个位相,其中第3位相对应准双周降水正距平最大,而第7位相对应准双周降水负距平最大,在此基础上的诊断结果表明:1)振荡强弱偏差场,在梅雨降水偏多的第3位相,低层大气中类似Rossby波列从南海经日本海、鄂霍次克海和阿留申群岛延伸至阿拉斯加地区,其中南海上空的反气旋和日本上空的气旋相互配合,造成冷暖空气在江淮地区交汇,有利于准双周降水正距平的产生。在降水偏少的第7位相,波列位相基本反向,传播路径偏南。2)第3位相时高层环流显示,鄂霍次克海地区高度场正异常明显,和我国东北地区的负距平共同作用为梅雨降水提供了足够的干冷空气。第7位相分布相反。3)前期3月至同期的黑潮及其延伸区海表温度和梅雨的准双周振荡强强度之间呈很好的正相关关系。黑潮及其延伸区持续的正海温异常,通过影响西太平洋副热带高压的位置和强度的变化,进而增强梅雨降水的准双周振荡  相似文献   

The equatorial edge of the Western Pacific Warm Pool is operationally identified by one isotherm ranging between 28° and 29 °C, chosen to align with the interannual variability of strong zonal salinity gradients and the convergence of zonal ocean currents. The simulation of this edge is examined in 19 models from the World Climate Research Program Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5), over the historical period from 1950 to 2000. The dynamic warm pool edge (DWPE), where the zonal currents converge, is difficult to determine from limited observations and biased models. A new analysis technique is introduced where a proxy for DWPE is determined by the isotherm that most closely correlates with the movements of the strong salinity gradient. It can therefore be a different isotherm in each model. The DWPE is simulated much closer to observations than if a direct temperature-only comparison is made. Aspects of the DWPE remain difficult for coupled models to simulate including the mean longitude, the interannual excursions, and the zonal convergence of ocean currents. Some models have only very weak salinity gradients trapped to the western side of the basin making it difficult to even identify a DWPE. The model’s DWPE are generally 1–2 °C cooler than observed. In line with theory, the magnitude of the zonal migrations of the DWPE are strongly related to the amplitudes of the Nino3.4 SST index. Nevertheless, a better simulation of the mean location of the DWPE does not necessarily improve the amplitude of a model’s ENSO. It is also found that in a few models (CSIROMk3.6, inmcm and inmcm4-esm) the warm pool displacements result from a net heating or cooling rather than a zonal advection of warm water. The simulation of the DWPE has implications for ENSO dynamics when considering ENSO paradigms such as the delayed action oscillator mechanism, the Advective-Reflective oscillator, and the zonal-advective feedback. These are also discussed in the context of the CMIP5 simulations.  相似文献   

利用NOAA逐日海表面温度(sea surface temperature,SST)资料、NCEP/NCAR逐日风场和比湿资料以及中国国家气象信息中心提供的逐日降水资料,研究了西北太平洋气候SST的低频周期,进一步分析了夏季西北太平洋SST季节内振荡与中国东部同期降水异常的关系。结果表明:夏季西北太平洋季节内SST异常影响中国东部同期季节内降水最显著的三个区域为:长江中游及华南沿海;江淮流域;华北大部。其影响途径主要是通过西北太平洋季节内海温与850 h Pa环流场之间相互作用,在东亚沿岸自南向北逐渐形成气旋—反气旋—气旋(反气旋—气旋—反气旋)的波列结构,引起东亚沿海局地水汽的辐合辐散,使得中国东部夏季季节内雨带从江淮流域向华北推进(从华北南撤到长江中游及华南沿海地区)。  相似文献   

1.IntroductionThelargestinterannualvariabilityassociatedwiththeENSOcycleexistsinmonsoonregionsliketheAfricanmonsoon,Australianmonsoon,Pan--AmericanmonsoonandAsianmonsoon(RopelewskiandHalpert,1987;WebsterandYang,1992;JuandSlingo,1995).OnebasicquestionishowtorepresenttheAsianmonsoonanditsvariability.WebsterandYang(1992)foundareasonableindexbyaveragingthezonalwindshearbetween850hpaand200hpaovertheSouthAsianregion(40--110E,0--20N)todescribetheSouthAsianmonsooncirculationanditsvariability.…  相似文献   

This study focuses on the climatic impacts of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) as a mode of internal variability. Given the difficulties involved in excluding the effects of external forcing from internal variation, i.e., owing to the short record length of instrumental observations and historical simulations, we assess and compare the AMO and its related climatic impacts both in observations and in the “Pre-industrial” experiments of models participating in CMIP5. First, we evaluate the skill of the 25 CMIP5 models’ “Historical” simulations in simulating the observational AMO, and find there is generally a considerable range of skill among them in this regard. Six of the models with higher skill relative to the other models are selected to investigate the AMO-related climate impacts, and it is found that their “Pre-industrial” simulations capture the essential features of the AMO. A positive AMO favors warmer surface temperature around the North Atlantic, and the Atlantic ITCZ shifts northward leading to more rainfall in the Sahel and less rainfall in Brazil. Furthermore, the results confirm the existence of a teleconnection between the AMO and East Asian surface temperature, as well as the late withdrawal of the Indian summer monsoon, during positive AMO phases. These connections could be mainly caused by internal climate variability. Opposite patterns are true for the negative phase of the AMO.  相似文献   

本研究表明,二十世纪南海夏季风的年际变率强度在一定程度上受到太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)的调控,PDO处于暖(冷)位相时南海夏季风的年际变率强度偏强(弱)。热带太平洋海温的年际变率强度及南海夏季风与ENSO的关系在上述调控中起到重要作用。PDO处于暖位相时,热带太平洋海温变率偏大,ENSO事件偏强,因而沃克环流及西北太平洋反气旋异常的位置和强度均发生改变,最终导致南海夏季风与热带太平洋海温的相互作用更强,南海夏季风年际变率强度增大,反之亦然。  相似文献   

The impact of internal atmospheric variability on North Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) variability is examined based on three coupled general circulation model simulations. The three simulations differ only in the level of atmospheric noise occuring over the ocean at the air-sea interface. The amplitude of atmospheric noise is controlled by use of the interactive ensemble technique. This technique simultaneously couples multiple realizations of a single atmospheric model to a single realization of an ocean model. The atmospheric component models all experience the same SST, but the ocean component is forced by the ensemble averaged fluxes thereby reducing the impact of internal atmospheric dynamics at the air-sea interface. The ensemble averaging is only applied at the air-sea interface so that the internal atmospheric dynamics (i.e., transients) of each atmospheric ensemble member is unaffected. This interactive ensemble technique significantly reduces the SST variance throughout the North Pacific. The reduction in SST variance is proportional to the number of ensemble members indicating that most of the variability can simply be explained as the response to atmospheric stochastic forcing. In addition, the impact of the internal atmospheric dynamics at the air-sea interface masks out much of the tropical-midlatitude SST teleconnections on interannual time scales. Once this interference is reduced (i.e., applying the interactive ensemble technique), tropical-midlatitude SST teleconnections are easily detected.  相似文献   

Summary ?The interannual variability of broad-scale Asian summer monsoon was studied using a general circulation model (GCM) and NCEP (National Center for Environmental Prediction) data set during 1979–95. In the GCM experiment, the main emphasis was given to isolate the individual role of surface boundary conditions on the existence of winter-spring time circulation anomalies associated with the interannual variability of Asian summer monsoon. In order to understand the role of sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) alone on the existence of precursory signals, we have conducted 17 years numerical integration with a GCM forced with the real-time monthly averaged SSTs of 1979 to 1995. In this experiment, among the many surface boundary conditions only SSTs are varying interannually. The composite circulation anomalies simulated by the GCM have good resemblance with the NCEP circulation anomalies over subtropical Asia. This suggests that the root cause of the existence of winter-spring time circulation anomalies associated with the interannual variability of Asian summer monsoon is the interannual variability of SST. Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs) of 200-mb winds and OLR were constructed to study the dynamic coupling between SST anomalies and winter-spring time circulation anomalies. It is found that the convective heating anomalies associated with SST anomalies and stationary eddies undergo systematic and coherent interannual variations prior to summer season. We have identified Matsuno-Gill type mode in the velocity potential and stream function fields. This suggests the existence of dynamic links between the SST anomalies and the precursory signals of Asian summer monsoon. Received June 9, 1999/Revised April 7, 2000  相似文献   

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